Impurity Deposition on a First Mirror Surface during Hydrogen Discharges in LHD · 2013-06-06 ·...


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Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles Volume 8, 1402092 (2013)

Impurity Deposition on a First Mirror Surface during HydrogenDischarges in LHD

Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Naoaki YOSHIDA1), Masayuki TOKITANI, Suguru MASUZAKI,Kazuo KAWAHATA, Shigeki OKAJIMA2) and Kazuya NAKAYAMA2)

National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan1)Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga-kouen, Kasuga, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan

2)Chubu University, Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi 487-8501, Japan

(Received 28 December 2012 / Accepted 26 April 2013)

First mirrors in fusion devices have to retain the reflectivity and the degradation mechanism and dominantplasma operations that affect the reflectivity have to be understood. The reflectivity of visible laser light (635 nm)of a corner cube mirror is almost entirely determined by the initial hydrogen glow discharges for wall conditioningbefore conducting a main plasma experiment in the Large Helical Devices (LHD). The hydrogen glow dischargeforms a carbon deposition layer on the mirror surface, which degrades its reflectivity. A neon glow discharge andsubsequent main discharges had less effect.

c© 2013 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research

Keywords: first mirror, impurity deposition, SEM, GD-OES

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.1402092

1. IntroductionSome diagnostics on fusion devices such as interfer-

ometry and spectroscopy require the installation of in-vessel mirrors to transmit laser light and radiation fromplasmas. To retain the performance and resolution of thediagnostics, the reflectivity of first mirrors, which face theplasmas, has to be maintained. However, the reflectivityoften degrades owing to plasma–surface interaction, evenin the present devices. Although first mirrors can be re-placed frequently at present, they should have a long life-time in future fusion reactors to realize reliable diagnosticsand high reactor operation rate.

To suppress the reflectivity degradation, the physicalmechanism and its relation to the surrounding environmentshould be understood. In addition, we have to determinethe plasma and device operations that affect the reflectiv-ity. Various plasma–surface interactions contribute to thedegradation of the reflectivity: deposition of impurities(metal, carbon) on the surface [1], sputtering by ions andcharge exchange particles [2], and the formation of bub-bles and blisters on the surface layer [3]. These interactionsdepend on the plasma conditions (main discharge, glowdischarge cleaning and working gas), in-vessel conditions(wall and divertor materials and the wall temperature), andmirror location. To date, vigorous studies on how to main-tain the reflectivity have been performed. Mirror materialswith a low sputtering yield, such as monocrystal molyb-denum and rhodium, are being developed to reduce thesurface roughness by sputtering [4]. Protective measuresto mitigate impurity deposition are also proposed [5]. In

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situ cleaning methods have been examined in fusion de-vices [6] or in laboratories [7]. We have to select the op-timum method for maintaining the reflectivity, dependingon which factors affect the mirror reflectivity most underindividual installation conditions.

We have investigated operations that degrade the re-flectivity of in-vessel mirrors in the Large Helical Device(LHD) by monitoring the reflectivity. This paper describessignificant degradation of the reflectivity of a corner cubemirror by hydrogen discharge cleaning and impurity depo-sition on the surface. Section 2 describes the specificationsof the corner cube mirror installed in LHD. The changesin the reflectivity during discharge cleaning and analyses ofthe impurity deposition are presented in Sec. 3. Section 4summarizes this paper.

2. Change in Reflectivity2.1 Corner cube mirror in LHD

A corner cube mirror is often used in a laser inter-ferometer and polarimeter. It is very useful for making adouble path in a plasma because the incident and reflectedlaser beams are parallel. A corner cube mirror having di-ameter of 50 mm was installed in LHD for a CO2 laser dis-persion interferometer [8] in 2011. The installation posi-tion is near the inner side divertor region, which consistsof carbon divertor plates, as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The mir-ror consists of three flat mirror parts made of 316 stainlesssteel. As shown in Fig. 1 (b), the base is welded to the in-ner wall of the LHD, and the mirror is fastened by a screwto the base (electrically connected to the wall). Althoughthe distance to the plasma depends on the magnetic config-

c© 2013 The Japan Society of PlasmaScience and Nuclear Fusion Research


Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles Volume 8, 1402092 (2013)

Fig. 1 (a) Position of a corner cube mirror and Poincaré plotof magnetic field lines. (b) Photograph of a corner cubemirror installed in LHD.

uration, it is roughly around 10 cm. The mirror is usuallyroom temperature except during baking for wall condition-ing (up to around 100◦C). Although the mirror tempera-ture itself was not monitored, variations in the wall tem-perature measured with a thermocouple close to the mirrorwas ±2◦C from the room temperature at most during theplasma experiments. The reflectivity before plasma expo-sure was 70% at 10.6 µm (CO2 laser light) for triple re-flection in the reflector. Hence, the single reflection by amirror piece was 90%. The reflectivity of semiconductorlaser light with a wavelength of 635 nm and incident powerof 3 mW before plasma exposure was not measured. How-ever, the reflectivity of optically polished stainless steel isusually around 60%. Considering the transmissivity of theZnSe window (around 60%), the ratio of the returned beampower to the incident one should be (0.6)3 × (0.6)2 = 0.08(triple reflections and double transmission for a doublepath in the window). This is consistent with the ratio0.22 mW / 3 mW = 0.07 before the glow discharges begin.

Fig. 2 (a) Temporal evolution of the power of the returned beamduring Ne and H glow discharge cleanings. (b) Threemirrors making up the corner cube mirror after the 15thexperimental campaign.

2.2 Discharge conditionsThe mirror was exposed to all glow and main dis-

charges during the 15th experiment campaign (51 exper-iment days) in 2011. The working gases were mainly hy-drogen and helium for typical plasma discharges and dis-charge cleanings. Neon was also used for discharge clean-ings before the campaign. The applied voltage was 200-300 V and the operational pressure was about 1 Pa.

2.3 Reflectivity during discharge cleaningPlasma–surface interactions during glow discharge

cleanings and main plasma discharges are different. Forexample, whereas the charged particles accelerated by thesheath potential sputter the grounded material surface ina glow discharge, charge exchang neutral particles con-tribute to sputtering in the main discharges. Such differ-ences cause differences in the degradation mechanism anddegree of influence on the reflectivity.

Before the main plasma experiments of the 15th ex-periment campaign began, glow discharge cleanings withneon and hydrogen were performed for 6 and 260 h, re-spectively. The power of the reflected visible laser lightwas monitored during the two discharges to determinehow much the discharge cleanings affected the reflectiv-ity. Since even a carbon deposition layer with a thicknessof several tens of nanometers changes the color (and thereflectivity) of the mirror, the visible wavelength is prefer-able to monitor the surface modification. The windowshutter was opened only for several tens of seconds dur-ing measurements of the power to minimize the impuritydeposition on a ZnSe vacuum window. Figure 2 (a) showsthe temporal variation in the returned beam power dur-


Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles Volume 8, 1402092 (2013)

ing the glow discharges. During the discharge with neon,the reflectivity degraded by only 3% during 6 h (roughly,0.5%/h) despite the large energy of neon ions (strong sput-tering due to the large mass). On the other hand, the reflec-tivity decreased by 80% over 20 h (4%/h) during the hy-drogen glow discharge. Although the reflectivity decreasedoverall, it slightly increased and then decreased during thedischarge. After 140 h (not shown), the returned powerdecreased to 40 µW. Although similar slight variations inthe reflectivity were observed during the subsequence mainand cleaning discharges in the experiment campaign, the fi-nal returned power was around 40 µW, which correspondsto a reflectivity of around 0.04 mW / 3 mW/(0.6)2 = 4%.

The reflectivity of the corner cube mirror was almostentirely determined by the above initial hydrogen glow dis-charge cleaning for around 20 h.

3. Surface Conditions and AnalysisFigure 2 (b) shows the mirror parts after plasma expo-

sure. An interference pattern caused by impurity deposi-tion appears on their surfaces. The interference is signifi-cant on the surface of C15-RM1, which faces the plasma;the other two mirror parts face more toward the wall. Thereflectivity varies depending on the interference pattern.On a black stripe with a width of around 1 mm, the re-flectivity for visible light decreased to around 10%. Thereflectivity in the yellow area between the black stripes isslightly higher, around 20%. For CO2 laser light, the re-flectivity is almost the same as that before plasma expo-sure, 90%. From the number of interference stripes, thethickness of the deposition can be deduced roughly. Sup-posing that the refractive index n of carbon is 2, the thick-ness of the deposition layer should differ between neigh-boring stripes of the same color, λ/(2n) = 160 nm. Be-cause there are four black stripes, the thickness of the de-position would be deduced around 600 nm if the depositionmonotonically increases from the edge to the central regionof the mirror. This is only 6% of the CO2 laser light and istoo thin to change the reflectivity of this light.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and ele-mentary analyses with energy dispersive X-ray spectrome-try (EDS) at each mirror position are shown in Fig. 3. Twocircular scars are due to the glow discharge optical emis-sion spectroscopy (GD-OES) described below. At position1, where the surface is specular, it appears very smooth.Only the elements (Fe, Cr, and Ni) that compose the stain-less steel are observed, and the impurity (carbon) deposi-tion is less. In the area of the interference pattern (posi-tion 2), fine surface roughness with a scale of several hun-dreds of nano-meters is observed. The deposition of car-bon, which is expected to originate in the divertor plates,is detected on the surface in addition to the elements ofthe stainless steel. At position 3, the central region of thecorner cube mirror, the surface appears very smooth. Astronger carbon signal is detected at this point. However,

Fig. 3 SEM images and EDS spectra of the mirror surface ofC15-RM1 in Fig. 1.

Fig. 4 Results of GD-OES analysis at position 4 of C15-RM1 inFig. 3.

because the acceleration voltage of the electron beam ishalf that used in other analyses, it is difficult to compare theamount of carbon present among the analyzed positions.

The composition of the deposition layer at position4 and the depth profiles of deposited elements were mea-sured by GD-OES. Because GD-OES sputters the surfaceof a specimen by a glow discharge and determines the el-


Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles Volume 8, 1402092 (2013)

ement spectroscopically, the horizontal axis of Fig. 4 cor-responds to the depth from the mirror surface. Similar tothe EDS results, the GD-OES results indicate that carbonwas deposited. The surface of the reflector appears aftert = 10.5 s. This might deposit during the first neon glowdischarge, whose sputtering (particle energy) is strong.Boron is detected just at the surface of the deposition layer.As shown by the temporal evolution of Ar, which was theworking gas of the glow discharge, the plasma became sta-ble after t = 0.1 s. The width of the boron peak is so muchwider than the unstable period that it indicates the exis-tence of boron, not a false signal due to an unstable plasmacondition. Because boronization was performed just be-fore the start of the main plasma discharge, this indicatesthat a thick carbon deposition layer was formed during thehydrogen glow discharge cleaning before the main plasmaexperiments. Although the deposition of Fe and Cr wouldoccur after the start of the main plasma experiment, thecontributions of the main discharges to deposition layerformation are smaller than that of the hydrogen glow dis-charges.

4. Discussions and ConclusionIn LHD, which has carbon divertor plates, the reflec-

tivity of the corner cube mirror is determined by the initialhydrogen glow discharge. The neon glow discharge andmain plasma discharges do not seriously affect it. The rea-son for the significant degradation of the reflectivity duringthe hydrogen glow discharge was the deposition of car-bon, which was released from the carbon divertor plateas hydrocarbon by chemical sputtering. Most of the de-position layer is formed during the initial hydrogen glowdischarges. The reflectivity is decreased by the surfaceroughness, absorption by carbon, and interference betweenthe multiple reflections in the deposition layer. The in-crease and decrease in the reflectivity could be attributed tothe change in the thickness of the deposition layer, whichchanged the interference. The subsequent main and clean-ing discharges have less effect on the deposition layer for-mation and reflectivity. It is not clear from this observa-tion when the final interference pattern is formed. This isbecause the deposition particles tend to accumulate in thecentral region, as shown in Ref. [5]. It is possible that a uni-form deposition layer (almost uniform color) on the mirrorsurface during the glow discharges might be sputtered tothe central region from the peripheral region during themain discharges. Then, the slope of the deposition layercauses the interference pattern (gradual change in color).Closing the shutter during the hydrogen glow discharge, if

possible, would be effective for maintaining the reflectiv-ity, although the reliability of the mechanical componentsnear the plasma should be confirmed.

On the other hand, the direct incoming of carbonfrom the divertor plates during the main discharges haveto be noted. As reported in Ref. [9], the carbon seems tocome from the specific direction, directly from the divertorplates, during the main discharges if the mirror faces thedivertor. Because the mirror surface of the analysed cornercube mirror did not look to the nearest divertor plates asshown in Fig. 1, the deposition during the glow dischargewould be dominant. It would be very rare that a cornercube mirror for laser diagnostics is installed near a divertor,and the mirror surface faces it. In this specific case, how-ever, the carbon deposition during main discharges mightincrease, and additional measures, such as a cylinder withfins or a protective window [5], heating of the mirror, or insitu mirror cleanings, would be necessary. We speculatedthat the non-uniformity of the deposition on the three mir-ror surfaces might be explained as follows. Although themirror surface of RM1 mainly faces the plasmas, the othertwo mirrors face the vacuum wall. There should be dif-ferences in the incoming impurities and charge exchangeparticles from plasmas among the three mirror parts. Thedifference in the mirror directions might cause the non-uniform deposition.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Prof. Y. Hatano of Toyama Univer-

sity for surface analyses by GD-OES and fruitful discus-sion of the interpretation of the data. This study was sup-ported by NIFS11KLEH009 and NIFS11ULHH027.

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