In 1773 British introduced a TEA ACT that banned Americans from buying tea from any other source...


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1773 - 1783

BOSTON TEA PARTY - 1773• In 1773 British introduced a TEA ACT that banned Americans

from buying tea from any other source except the British East India Company.

• The Americans saw this as yet another means of taxing them without representation.

• Angry and frustrated at a new tax on tea, Americans, disguised as Mohawk Native Americans, boarded three British ships and dumped 342 whole crates of British tea into sea on December 16, 1773

• The 342 containers totaled 90,000 pounds of tea! In today's money that would be around a million dollars in tea.

• Similar incidents occurred in other states like New York in the next few months, and British tea was eventually boycotted by Americans

• The British responded with a series of new laws.

• These laws banned all town meetings.

• It closed the Boston port until the price of the dumped tea was recovered.

• It moved the capital of Massachusetts from Boston to Salem.

• This further angered the Americans who called these laws the ‘INTOLERABLE ACTS’.

• In September 56 delegates from 12 colonies met: FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS – they wanted war with the British


• In 1775 the British troops occupied Boston and began to march to Concord because it was an arms depot. This meant that the Americans had stockpiled weapons there.

• A patriot by the name PAUL REVERE rode to warn the Americans that British were coming!

• By the time the Redcoats got to Concord, the Americans were waiting for them in force. The weapons depot was saved, and the British were forced to retreat.

• This was the beginning of the American War of Independence.


• In 1776 the SECOND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS met and decided that they no longer want to be under the British rule.

• So Thomas Jefferson drafted a document to the British King George III declaring the 13 American Colonies independent from Great Britain.

• This was placed in effect on 4th July 1776.

• Important document because it stated the RIGHTS OF MAN:

That all men are created equal

That all men have some rights given to them by God

That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


• The British responded with heavy artillery attempting to capture New York.

• Americans suffered a drawback but France intervened giving them supplies and money.

• Americans defeated the British General in Saratoga and captured his army.

• Battles continued in South but with combine weight of French and American soldiers, British had no chance.

• On October 19, 1781, Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army to American General George Washington.


The Treaty of Paris and the Independence of America

• Following the defeat of Lord Cornwallis on October, 19, 1781 by American General George Washington, negotiations between America and Britain began.

• The negotiations resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which granted America self rule.

• America had won its war of independence.
