In the name of Jesus - Scriptures for America


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In the name of Jesus, this Preacher and his staff greet you, the faithful Chris-tian remnant. We praise Him that He has His rem-nant and that we have the victory in Jesus Christ. There is a war going on, Christian sol-diers, and He has given us the weapons we need in our fight (II Corinthians 10:4 and Jeremiah 50:25). This year at our annual Scriptures for America Memorial Day gathering in Branson, MO, we revealed the S.A.W., the Scriptural Squad Automatic Weapon. It’s a big gun, and not to be taken lightly. This newsletter is about that weapon, but the five messages this preacher preached in Branson need to be heard to fully under-stand and use the weapon effectively (sermon titles: The Ser-mon Preachers Refuse to Preach, Advanced Teaching for Ad-vanced Weaponry, Military Power Positioning, The Equipment that Works Like A Reverse Gas Mask, and The Key to the Scriptural Squad Automatic Weapon (S.A.W.)) These messages will be sent out on the Scripture’s for America CD and Tape ministry, and can also be ordered now (see center of this newsletter). The feature article of this newsletter is part of the manual handed out in Branson. The complete manual (with cord, chain, lock & key) can be ordered for a minimum of a $6.00 offering. The Branson gathering was a spiritual blessed event. The all-weekend long event was seen and heard live worldwide on the Internet, satellite and shortwave radio. Our Friday eve-ning mystery minstrels were Holy Spirit moving. The guest speakers and teachers did great work. The Saturday night children’s program was inspiring. Eleven were baptized for the remis-sion of sin in the name of Jesus Christ just as we are commanded in Acts 2:38. Praise God some were re-baptized for they


realized they had been baptized in the name of a false God. We praise God that our book No Other Name but Jesus is awakening the people to the yashua-Jewish Pharisee leaven that got into the camp of the saints, and that this is now being purged out. This Preacher, his staff and local church congregation are working on plans, events and the schedule for our week long Scriptures for America Rocky Mountain Family Bible Vacation (July 30 to August 6, 2006), in the beautiful Colorado Rockies! Plan to come, try to help others to come, and please pray for this gathering. Please continue to pray for us. Know we pray for the faithful Christian family our Lord has given this preacher the privilege to shepherd. “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2

Please continue to remember us in your prayers and please remember we need your financial support. We have big and many bills each month. Sincerely Still Stompin’ Snakes Pastor Peters

Radio Interviews Worth Hearing 6-7-06 “How the Cursed Canaanite Sons of Hell Do It” Expose` of how they can cleverly appear to be for Christianity and get you to support them, while all the while they are against it--and in reality, drive people from it. This program exposes Satan’s clever dialects and the use of a so-called anti-homosexual preacher in getting more en-slaving laws enacted and turning people away from Christianity and toward homo-sexuality. Is the preacher financed by the government? 6-8-06 “How Goes It for the Annointing-Oil Prisoner?” Readers of this Dragon Slayer Newsletter know of the Christian man that was put in jail with a $900,000.00 bond, for using annointing oil. If you want to know what has happened and is happening to him, listen this program (it is archived at our website).


DVD Church---The Scripture for America “DVD Church” continues to grow, Praise Jesus! Each Monday, we mail out via First Class, the previous Sunday’s 2 hour Church service from the LaPorte Church of Christ, in LaPorte, CO. This usually includes a Sunday School lesson from Pastor Applegate, Good Old-Time Hymns, congre-gational singing and Praise music from Cowboy singer Jim

Lynch, Communion, and a sermon by Pastor Peters. The “DVD Church” is a great outreach and evangelical tool to give to those that you are wanting to share the Christian Anglo-Israel Truth with. Many are telling us that they have used the “DVD Church” to introduce others to this most im-portant aspect of Christianity.

If you would like to be a part of the ongoing Scriptures for America DVD Church, contact us and let us know. This outreach service is supported by your tithes and offerings.

From the Webmaster On Sunday June 4, 2006, we switched over to Windows

Media Player for our live video broadcast of our Sunday morning Church Services from the LaPorte Church of Christ. We have also changed our live audio streams to Windows Media Player as well. This will allow a higher quality audio and video stream with less inter-

ruptions and problems. We hope all of you that join us on the Internet and satellite will enjoy this upgrade. Please e-mail us at or with your comments and suggestions. Thanks again for all of your help, support and prayers.


We are pleased and blessed to announce our return to Camp Wondervu, in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado, for the 2006 SFA Rocky Mountain Family Bible Camp, to be held July 30--August 6, 2006. -There is now new staff on hand as well as some new facilities at Camp Wondervu, including 2 new large dorms, 12 new hotel-type rooms and 4 new family rooms. There is also plenty of room for tents and campers. Recreational activities include rock-climbing, paintball, fishing in the recently stocked mountain-top pond, and good fellowship as well. -Our theme for this year’s camp is “Welcome Back to the Family of God for Some Spiritual R & R”. We have a more vacation-oriented schedule planned for this year, a ‘spiritual smorgasbord’ of activities including skits, a tattle-tale time of telling on God, family vacation activities (including paintball and fishing) and some free time for moms. Let us know if you have music to bring. Also know that we need volunteers for children’s classes and for camp help. There will be scholarships available to assist with camp expenses—contact our office for details. -ATTENTION--Space is limited to 300 attendees, so register early and reserve your vacation now! See pages 25-28 for more info and registration!

2006 Rocky Mountain Family Bible Vacation, Camp Wondervu, Colorado

“Welcome Back to the Family of God

for some Spiritual R & R”



GUERILLA The Mighty Men and Women of God

Kingdom Headquarters, Department of the

Gideon Guerilla Christian Army of God

May, 2006 Scriptures For America Ministry


INTRODUCTION This military manual is being issued to the Gideon Guerrillas gathered at the 2006 annual Scriptures for Amer-ica Branson Missouri Memorial Day gathering. Just as God gave Gideon the weapons of a trum-pet, an empty pitcher and a torch; so He has given Chris-tian soldiers of today mighty weapons. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 The weapons given to Gideon must have, at first, seemed foolish, and the three hundred that marched to meet the enemy must have appeared even more foolish to the natural man, but the natural man will never obtain to the supernatural miracle working power of God. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. 1 Corinthians 2:14 The weapons given to Gideon may have seemed foolish, but they worked when activated and used by faith. Hebrews 11:32-33 tells us Gideon conquered by faith. The weapons issued in 2006 in Branson (and the oil in 2005) may seem foolish, but they work. They work by faith. They are: (1) the Prayer Filter, (2) the Prayer Am-plifier, (3) the Cord, (4) the Chain and Lock. They were accompanied with sermons con-cerning them. This manual contains them and brief instructions about them. PUT ON THE ARMOR Before using any of the weapons, put on the armor of Ephesians 6:10-18. Instruction on how to do this was given in our feature article in the Volume 11, 2005 Scriptures for America Dragon Slayer Newsletter. (You can order it or read it at our website


The following is from that article: We fight against “spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12), and we lose the fight, as we have been doing the past forty years, when we do not put on the armor. We put on the armor through Bi-ble reading, preaching, believing, faithing and prayer. When we read or hear the truth and take it in, we gird our loins with truth (Ephesians 6:14). When we believe that truth, it is accounted to us as righteousness, just as the Scripture says in Romans 4:3 “Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”. This believing of truth is the putting on of the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). There is a difference in believing and faith. Faith entails walking in that truth in which one be-lieves. When we do that, we shod our feet in the prepara-tion of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15). Our peace is a measure of our faith. The enemy shoots fear and anxiety and doubt at us to nullify our peace and faith; but we hold onto and lift up our faith like a soldier holds on to and lifts up his shield. This is the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16), and those stones Satan lobs over the shield to hit us in the head (to mess up our thinking) bounce off the helmet of salvation we place upon our head (Ephesians 6:17). Then we take up the sword and use it offensively and defen-sively, just as Jesus used the Word in His fight of faith tell-ing Satan “it is written” (Matthew 4:4). And then, we pray and petition God to act (Ephesians 6:19). We must always remember that prayer is part of the armor and weaponry we have been given for the DESTRUCTION we were born again to do. After, and only after, we have put on our clothes of strength and righteousness and our battle dress of armor, are we ready for the next step in the destruction process we were born again to do. [Note: Isaiah 52:1 tells us to wake up and put on our clothes. This is done in bap-tism (see Acts 2:38 & Galatians 3:27). This manual is for the Gideon Soldiers who have already done that. The ar-mor is put on over the clothes.]


FAITH The weapons given to Gideon and his men would have been useless if they did not follow the instructions given with them and use them. Obviously they believed God. They believed God could deliver from the enemy and de-stroy the enemy with but a few men of faith. And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armor, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few. 1 Samuel 14:6 KJV Believing, however, was not enough. These few had to have faith. Most do not understand the difference be-tween faith and belief. Belief will never change things, never conquer. Faith and belief are two sides of the same coin. For a coin to have purchasing power it must have two sides. For example, by law a merchant must accept a quarter coin as legal tender, thus the coin has purchasing power. A coin has a head side and a tail side, but if the head side is ground off, the coin is defaced and the merchant need not accept it as legal tender, i.e. it lost its power to purchase. For overcoming, conquering victory there must be both faith and belief. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5 Faith is acting on what one believes! Gideon be-lieved the weapons given him would work mightily. When he took the weapons and used them as instructed he was ex-ercising and walking in faith. Thus, as the scripture says “… GIDEON… BY FAITH CONQUERED” (Hebrews 11:32-33). His faith activated what appeared to be foolish weapons. (Listen to Pastor Peters’ message preached from his church pulpit a week before the 2006 Branson gathering entitled “FAITH”.)


ANOINTING AND UNANOINTING OIL This weapon was revealed at the 2005 Branson gathering at the end of the ser-mon entitled “Secret Weapon Revealed”. The primary targets for this weapon are the court houses, secondary are the Masonic temples (usually right across from the court houses). For more information on uses, application and formulation order the message or read the featured article in the Volume 7, 2005 Scrip-tures for America Dragon Slayer Newsletter. (The following scriptures are to be believed when the oil is applied, that is acting on that belief, i.e. Faith.)

It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. ( Isaiah 10:27 New King James translation)

“The day of anointing a brick [wall] – that day will be for the unanointing of thee, that day will indeed destroy the ritual services.” (Micah 7:11, Septuagint as translated by Charles Thomson.) PRAYER FILTER (and PRAYER AMPLI-FIER) issued to the Gideon Guerillas.

A modern piece of technology called a gas mask is issued to modern day soldiers. It is a filter. It filters what comes into the mouth, nose and lungs.

The Prayer Filter filters what goes out of the mouth through prayer. This Prayer Filter was issued at the 2006 Scriptures for America Annual Memorial Day gathering, to the Gideon Christian soldiers in way of a Bible book marker with the prayer filter prayer on it. It was issued after Pastor Peters’ sermon entitled “Prayer Filter”. The flip side of the Bible book marker is a “Prayer Amplifier”.

The instructions on the use of this weapon are self explanatory in the prayer itself. (For further explanation and understanding order the sermon by Pastor Peters entitled, “Prayer Filter” – available on CD, DVD or cassette).


Prayer Filter to filter your prayers

through the perfect Will of God Heavenly Father, I acknowledge and fully be-lieve that, as a Son of God, I have great power and au-thority in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:19-21 & Luke 10:19), including the power to bless and to curse. Your Word teaches me I dare not bless those who hate You (2 Chronicles 19:2), and that those who hate You often disguise their hate (Proverbs 26:24-26). We know from Your Word that blessings can be ob-tained through disguise and deception (Genesis 27:12). So, through You and Your Holy Spirit, I filter my prayers, for I do not always know how to pray, and thus need Your help (Romans 8:26), for I don’t always discern the wolves in sheep’s clothing, or the false brethren, or the tares from the wheat (Matthew 7:15 & 13:38, Acts 5:4, & 2 Corinthians 11:26). Your Word teaches me You can change curses into blessings (Nehemiah 13:2) and reason tells me You can also then change blessings into curses. So this day I filter my prayers, calling for You to make any necessary changes in them, so that I might never give what is Holy to the dogs (Matthew 7:6) and might never curse the right-eous. In Jesus’ Holy name I pray and activate this prayer filter. Amen.


Prayer Amplifier As Sons of God (Romans 8:19),

Christians have the Godly power to pray blessings and/or curses (Genesis 12:3). Imprecatory Prayers of the type David prayed (Psalms 58:6-8) are curses upon God’s enemies. The enemies of God are the enemies of God’s people.

(Note—we are to bless our personal enemies, within the Kingdom—see Luke 6:28) To add punch to your prayers, read, memorize and meditate on the following Scriptures. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7 “And in that day you will ask Me no question. Truly, truly I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full.” John 16:23 & 24 “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you.” Mark 11:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Fa-ther.” John 14:12 & 13 This Prayer Filter/Amplifier & Bible book-marker is available from Scriptures for America Minis-try, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO, 80535. We will be glad to send you one, in return for your prayers of blessings in Jesus Christ.



(Note: This military field manual is issued to the Gideon Guerillas and gives basics. For a more and fuller understanding and use of this weapon, listen to Pastor Peters’ message: “The Key to the Scriptural Squad Advanced Weapon.”)

This weapon is only to be used by a squad of Gideon soldiers. The squad is three to four in number. The leader of this squad is Jesus Christ, then there are the two or three gathered in His Name to agree to bind or loose.

This weapon is one of the keys given to the Apostle Peter.

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19 NAS

The following shows this weapon is for a squad. "Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on

earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." Matthew 18:18-20 NAS

In the military, a squad has an S.A.W., which stands for “Squad Automatic Weapon.” That’s what this weapon is. It will automatically work if we work it right.

The words bind and loose are somewhat self ex-planatory and are explained more in Pastor Peters’ sermons. For this military field manual, we will center in on the word agreement and the phrase “in my name”. IN MY NAME

Note that the squad of believers that come together in agreement must come together in His name. His name is Jesus (Matthew 1:21). In that name, we conquer and that is one of the reasons why Satan is working hard to prevent prayer in that name and to deceive people to replace it with the demonic unholy name of yashua or yahowa or whatever.


And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. Joel 2:32 KJV

Through Thee we will push back our adversaries; Through Thy name we will trample down those who rise up against us. Psalms 44:5 NAS

Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. Psalms 124:8

The name of the Lord is Jesus. (For more under-standing on this, read our feature article, THE NAME OF GOD, in our Volume 10, 2005, Scriptures for America Dragon Slayer Newsletter.) AGREEMENT: GENERAL DEFINTION:

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary – a coming together of parties in opinion or determination; the union of two or more minds in a thing done or to be done; a mutual assent to do a thing. IT MUST BE VERBAL

This is a verbal action. The meaning of the Greek word agree in Matthew 18:19 according to The Englishman’s Greek Concordance and Lexicon, by Wigram-Green is “to sound together, thus to agree together.”

Holman’s Concordance defines it as “to call out with, to be in harmony, (generally) to agree”. The Strong’s Concordance defines it as “to be harmonious, to accord or stipulate (by compact) and states it comes from a word meaning “sounding together”.

This Greek meaning fits fully the legal meaning in Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, which teaches that “an agreement ceases to be such by being put in writing under seal, but not when put in writing for a memorandum.”

Since it must be verbal, we as Christian soldiers partnering up with others to use this two to three man weapon must make sure the partners are men of their word. In other words, their word is their bond.


THERE MUST BE CONSIDERATION Bouvier quotes a legal authority as saying, “It (the

agreement) ought to be so certain and complete that either party may have an action on it and there must be a quid pro quo.” Quid Pro Quo is a legal term meaning “consideration”. Consideration basically means, as it is used here, “a payment”. The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus defines consideration as “5. In Law (in a contractual agree-ment) anything given or promised or forborne by one party in exchange for the promise or understanding of another”. Blackstone defines consideration; “to be the reason which moves a contracting party to enter into a contract.”

The following is taken from Bouvier about agree-ment: “…it signifies a mutual contract upon a considera-tion, between two or more parties; 5 east 10; although fre-quently used in a loose, incorrect, sense as synonymous with promise or undertaking; id.; but, in its popular signification it means no more than concord, the union of two or more minds, concurrence of views and intention”. LET’S CONSIDER THE CONSIDERATION AND JESUS CHRIST IN THE AGREEMENT

When we take Jesus for His Word as given concern-ing agreement, binding and loosing, we are first agreeing with Him, thus He is always a third (or fourth – depending on the number of men agreeing) party to the agreement.

He has agreed to empower us (the earthly parties to the agreement) when we agree to do the binding and loosing AND HE HAS PAID DOWN THE CURRENCY FOR THE CONSIDERATION; the currency for the consideration is more precious than gold or silver. It is His blood. (1 Peter 1:18) (The enemy does not have access to this currency. That is why they hate His blood, and remove songs and preaching about His blood. Without access to His blood, they have no access to this powerful weaponry.)

Remember the words of Blackstone concerning con-sideration i.e., it is: “the reason which moves a contracting party to enter into contract.” We are moved because of the blood He shed for us to enter into the agreement and He has given His verbal Word (written down in the Bible as a me-morial for us to remember) that if we agree together to bind


and loose, He will keep His part of the agreement. He will see to it it is loosed or bound i.e., that we have the power.

To add to that power to loose and bind are the weapon accessories of a physical cord and a physical chain. These accessories add to the power. (The weapon will work without using or always using these accessories.)


CHAIN The cord and chain (attached to this man-

ual), issued at the 2006 Branson gather-

ing, may seem as fool-ish as the empty clay pitcher given to Gideon, but

they will work. Our Lord never commands us to do some-

thing we cannot do nor does He fail to give us the tools or weaponry we need to do the task given. He has commanded that we bind and loose. This is

one of the keys to the kingdom. “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon

this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:18-19 NAS

What are we to bind and loose? … Loose yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive daughter of Zion. Isaiah 52:2 NAS

How are we to do this? By using the chain provided in this manual. What are we to bind?

To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the judgment written; This is an honor for all His godly ones. Praise the LORD! Psalms 149:8-9 NAS

How are we to bind kings? By using the chain pro-vided in this manual. Remember our Lord never commands us to do something we cannot do nor does he fail to give us the tools, equipment or weaponry to do it.


In the binding and loosing process the Gideon sol-diers are to work together in squads in the binding and loos-ing.

"Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." Matthew 18:18-20 NAS

How are we as a team to bind and loose? By using the cord. The enemy has bound us with cords which the Lord will cut.

The LORD is righteous; He has cut in two the cords of the wicked. Psalms 129:4

Yes, it all may sound strange, even sorcery-like, but true Christian power is not unlike sorcery, and if the truth be known, sorcery is like Christianity in that it is a counterfeit (and lesser) power that is based on the principals of Bible teaching.

For example Moses, using the staff (which was pro-vided to him by God), did certain miraculous deeds, which Pharaoh’s sorcerers were able to also do, up to a point. It wasn’t that Moses’ power was like sorcery, it was that sor-cery was like the power of Moses (to a weaker degree).

Doing certain things in the physical world we can see activates the working power in the unseen world of heaven. It is as in the Lords Prayer, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

For example the will of God in heaven was for King Joash to have complete and total victory over Aram (II Kings 13:14-19). To bring this about on earth the prophet Elisha had the king take certain physical things, like a bow and ar-row (instead of a chain and rope), and do certain things with them. Had he refused to take what was given and do with them as instructed the king would not have obtained the vic-tory. That is he would not have seen the will of God per-formed on earth. Consider the following scripture before discarding the cord and chain.

When Elisha became sick with the illness of which


he was to die, Joash the king of Israel came down to him and wept over him and said, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" And Elisha said to him, "Take a bow and arrows." So he took a bow and arrows. Then he said to the king of Israel, "Put your hand on the bow." And he put his hand on it, then Elisha laid his hands on the king’s hands. And he said, "Open the window toward the east," and he opened it. Then Elisha said, "Shoot!" And he shot. And he said, "The LORD’S arrow of victory, even the arrow of vic-tory over Aram; for you shall defeat the Arameans at Aphek until you have destroyed them." Then he said, "Take the arrows," and he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, "Strike the ground," and he struck it three times and stopped. So the man of God was angry with him and said, "You should have struck five or six times, then you would have struck Aram until you would have destroyed it. But now you shall strike Aram only three times." 2 Kings 13:14-19 NAS

Instructions on the use of the cord and chain is given in the message given at the 2006 Branson gathering by Pastor Peters entitled “The Key to Scriptural Squad Ad-vanced Weapon”.

The weapon of Binding and Loosing is awesome and powerful to be used with caution. Following is a portion of a letter Pastor Peters’ received from one on the ministry he deems reliable, truthful and faithful, that illustrates the power of this weapon.

He pointed out that prayer is passive in that it is based on a passive request, but agreement is more contrac-tual than passive. It involves commitment, if you do this, I will do that, it involves terms and conditions, a promised response according to the terms of the request of the two or three. (The Greek word for agree-ment according to Wigram and Green “To sound together thus agree together”. Ac-cording to Strongs it means to be harmoni-ous, i.e. figuratively to accord to stipulate.) The man tells how he and a Christian study group would get together and use this weapon.

Following is part of that letter:


… I might add here that if you do not agree, then we are to terminate the meeting and go home.

“And some were being persuaded by the things spo-ken, but others would not believe.” “And when they did not agree with one another, they began leaving after Paul had spoken one parting word, "The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your fathers.” Acts 28:24-25

… I have often wondered during church services when there was a public prayer, how often there were those who did not agree to the prayer for whatever reason, anger towards someone, disbelief, whatever, and as such they can-celed the effectiveness of that prayer. It makes me believe that a few snakes in amongst the believers could easily nul-lify the power of prayer or agreement... (Editors Note—I think he is right. That is why Communion, if used properly, removes them and is why, in Services, suspected snakes need to be sealed off by prayer.)

… I should say at this point that we would recite the scriptures about putting on the whole armor of God before we would deal in the projects we used to refer to is as suiting up as a protection for ourselves and family.

… The other area we tested on was a local Baptist church. We met weekly on Saturday afternoons, and became involved in the church by agreement before the Sunday ser-vice. We were becoming aware of the heavy denominational influence which often took precedence over Scriptural truth, so we decided to affect their sermons.

… We had set some ground rules, to try to make sure that we did not harm anyone through ignorance, or to place us in judgment for acting in error, so at the time we never agreed to harm anyone, but that all agreements would be for the betterment of those we agreed for.

… In the case of the church, we would bind the preacher from getting involved in denominational doctrines and loosed instead that he would be compelled to go to the Word, and that its interpretation would be true, even if it were different than what he had been taught. We agreed for wisdom and other blessings be upon him. We learned a lot with the project, we would meet, agree, then the following morning go, to monitor the answers to our agreements. The


agreements were fulfilled, and our faith was strengthened as the result. …(Editors Note-use the prayer filter when praying blessings or curses.)

… the poor preacher was having a real problem, several times he went to the different members of our group and inquire about our meetings, what we did, and could he come. We all invited him to attend, but he never did.

… In one case, we were not aware that the minister was going to be out of town, so we agreed as usual the he would not be able to teach denominational doctrine but only the Word of God, and the next morning we all went to church, and sat in the back row to see what happened. Well, this day a missionary from the conservative Baptist Associa-tion an old mainliner, with a reputation for CBA doctrine was to speak. He moved right in on us, grabbing a music stand, wedged it between the pews in the back where we were sitting, and prepared to make his speech. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded sheet, his lesson for us slackers. But as he started the lesson, he couldn’t speak. He tried several times to start it, and it wouldn’t come out. Finally, shaking his head, he apologized with something to the effect that God must not want him to give that message today, and went into reading Scripture to us.

… Next, came the main sermon, and he pulled out another sheet of paper, and again he was unable to speak what was on the notes, he made comment that it was strange that he was not able to preach that day what he had planned, and again went to the Bible.

… I finally fled the area the result of my license battles, and the group came to an end. My conclusion to the many things we had tried, was I experienced the power, but I did not truly have the knowledge, of God’s will, so I backed away from the activities outside of the family until the last 10 or 12 years. Since that time, the biggest problem is finding the two or three that can agree. I know this sounds funny, or should I say tragic but to find believers who have their house in order and can agree.

… Agreements need time to develop, participants must learn carefully. First, we started with what I would consider simple agreements. We start with the family and


friends, we keep a journal at this phase so that we can moni-tor the results. This is a faith builder, most people are not prepared for the results that follow and recording them makes it clear that the agreement was answered just as we had requested it.

… A few years ago I thought I had found seasoned believers to develop an agreement team, a member of the group’s wife worked in an office where the supervisor was very bitter and she had a thing against the wife. We decided it would be a good test to resolve the problem and we agreed to bind this woman that when ever she was going to lose her temper, she would be bound from speaking. Well, the next morning, when the woman got ready to shoot off her mouth, nothing could come out. Needless to say that woman was very perplexed, and for the next week, it was a quiet office. I believe she quit her job.

… The wife of the fellow in our group was flabber-gasted. She was excited about the results, but then she was not in her proper roll as a submissive wife to her husband, and problems developed, later the whole group fell apart, the wife was a key player in the demise. She was a gossiper, and by carrying the tails about our group, she compromised us, and all our activities had to be terminated, and we dis-banded. [Note from Pastor Peters – this is why the Gideon teams should be two or three.]

… Key to this work, is the Spiri-tual relationship of the participants. In every group that I have worked with, the weak link has brought down the group. Not by intent, but by circumstances associated with them. The lives of the partici-pants must be proper. 1st, disbeliefs run them off or blocks further agreements. 2nd is the attacks that can come on the family or its members.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

… Our present group has gone through 3 dog bit-ings (two were children), and family problems. I might add,


we now are walking the perimeter of the property of the homes where we meet with the anointing of oil and agree-ment, before any meetings will take place. We further bind anyone, anything, animal, entity, principality or power from entering the property. When taking inventory of the partici-pants and their family, I am keenly aware of the problems this can bring.

… We have utilized agreement to bind demons, we have done this several times, to confirm demonic activity, either of oppression or possession. It can be used as a wit-ness to the victim, or those around them and even to free a victim to where they can make a decision…

… The point here has two parts, principalities and powers will affect objects and animals as well as people. You must be aware of what you are doing and who is involved. I cannot emphasize strongly enough, the importance of having your life and your home in order. If you don’t, don’t join in. The risks are too great. You must be in obedience to your Father, the head of your home, your wife must be subject to you as commanded in scripture, and your children must be in proper relationship, otherwise, you or they are in danger.

… The other concept we used if we were having a problem with someone, we would agree for betterment for them. Either they repent, or be moved. …

… Of course this was only a temporary cure, as we just moved problems around. It is like casting out demons, so that they can inhabit someone else, instead of casting them to the abyss.

… You can see agreements being applied in many ways, and yet we have only scratched the surface. I believe, what we learned was an early revealing of what is only now becoming evident.

… I did a search of the web, for every phrase I could think of associated with agreement and though I found agreements listed, they were always associated under the concept of prayer. I found sermons over a hundred years old, studied the writings of some of the early church writers, and none of them fully understood the concept, although some made reference to the potential of power from agreement but they classified it as another prayer style…


(Note from Pastor Peters – The discovering and accessing of this powerful weapon is no doubt part of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 12:4)

… Based on what I have seen myself, and the stud-ies I have done, I believe at this point, this is one of the most powerful tools we have in our arsenal of weapons. But I be-lieve it is not new. …

… I have to say regarding this concept, its use, and the responsibility for use, beware! If you pray, God may or may not answer your prayer as requested, it was just a re-quest. God rules the outcome, but with agreement, what you agree for can be held against you. The responsibility for your agreement, in law is a contract of which you are held liable. So also in agreement, and if you agree unjustly, you could have the blood of an innocent on your hands. You must be sure of your agreement, fully appraised of the FACTS, not agree on rumor, in the heat of emotion, or respond based on the witness of just one person. (Note from Pastor Peters – use the prayer filter to help offset this danger)

At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. Deuteronomy 17:6

One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth; at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. Deuteronomy 19:15

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. Matthew 18:16

… Just like the commercial “…looking for a few good men..” I believe our God is looking for a few good men. It only takes two or three (who can agree!).

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, To deliver such an one unto Satan for the de-struction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 5:4-5

… Please feel free to use this in anyway you see fit to advance the Gideon Army, permission is granted.


CONCLUSION & CAUTION …for the weapons of our warfare are not of the

flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Corinthians 10:4

Weapons can be dangerous, so use with caution. The S.A.W. is no BB gun. It is a big, big gun to be used only by mature, humble, caring, faithing, baptized Christians (Acts 2:38) with homes and their lives in proper order (I Pe-ter 4:19). It is never to be used without being properly clothed, without the full armor on, plus it would be wise to pray a hedge of thorns around you and your family and call for added protecting, guarding angels. Satan may attack, but remember that you have the greater power and protection, However, you must use it. (I Peter 4:17)

Choose your fighting partners wisely, and don’t use the weapon selfishly, but do so obediently, as the squad leader, thru his Holy Spirit, directs you. Be in accord. Vo-calize together in prayer and agreement (this can be done by phone if need be). Keep sin out of the squad (remember the story of sin in the ranks in Joshua 7).

Remember, the cord and the chain are just weapon accessories. The weapon will work well without them and ever better with them. Visualize and picture the one being bound in chains, then padlock the chain. Picture and visual-ize the one being loosed and then untie the knot in the cord or use the cord to bind the one to be bound, like binding a tare, and then tie a knot.

This may seen foolish, and it will to the natural man (But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him..., 1 Corinthians 2:14), but remember, there is a relationship between the physical and spiritual – between the seen and unseen. UNDERSTANDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL – between the seen and the unseen. It is a Biblical teaching that the powers in the unseen such as heaven can be tapped into and made manifest in the earthly realm, the seen world about us.


Example: We know prayer does that. Elijah prayed and the rain stopped, prayed again, rain came. Now God could have said to Gideon, “pray, and just be prayer warriors”, but He did not. He gave them some physical, tangible weapons – trumpet, empty clay jar, and a smoldering fire brand (read the story--Judges 7:16).

Then he gave instructions on how to use them, what to do with them. Miracles came, victory was obtained. Doing things in the physical activated things in the spiritual.

We see this throughout the Bible: Walls of Jericho (Joshua 6) Naman the Leper (II Kings 2:10) Elisha – (II Kings 13:14-19)

PS FROM PASTOR PETERS: Concerning binding and loosing, Isaiah 45:1 speaks of God using Cyrus “to loose the loins of Kings.” This is what happened to the king who saw the handwriting on the wall. It says “his hip joints went slack”. (Daniel 5:6) It doesn’t take much to figure out what this means. It means they were sending pants to the cleaners. So it will be when they see this big gun aimed at them. Advance, you Gideon Guerrillas with your Squad Advanced Weapon, in the name of Jesus Christ!

All of the sermons from the Branson, 2006 Memorial Day Weekend gathering are available on tape, CD or DVD from:

Scriptures for America PO Box 766

LaPorte, CO 80535

Suggested donation for

tape or CD--$5.00, $8.00 for DVD’s


Just some of the new facilities at Camp Wondervu!

Plenty of room for campers,

Plan now to pack up the family and spend this year’s vacation with us in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado!

When is the last time you had a Godly family vaca-tion that included paint-ball, rock-climbing, spiri-tual fellowship time and Biblical preaching and teaching, all in the scenic Rocky Mountains?

Men, have you ever been to an early morning mountain-top men’s prayer meeting and cookout, with farm-fresh eggs and wild antelope sausage over sour-dough biscuits? We have ‘em here! This is a great Son and Dad time, with cowboy campfire music included!


Pastor Peters remembers days gone by, with a young wife, an old car, little children, and not enough change in his pocket. Well, there are many in that category today who want and need to come to this year’s Scriptures for America Rocky Mountain Bible Vacation Camp, but cannot without some help. Then there is the young single man or young single lady that wants to come and whose coming could change their life, but cannot economically cover all the expenses. We know that there are brethren like this out there.

Some of you can help them and will be blessed for do-ing so. “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to re-ceive.” Acts 20:35 1. If you would like to help with this camp and/or spon-sor someone for camp, you can anonymously send in an added donation above & beyond your usual support for this ministry & mark it for camp expenses or camp scholarship, & it will be used accordingly. 2.You can sponsor a child, a young person or a whole family for a day, two days or for a week. If you want, we will tell the one sponsored who sponsored them so they can write you & thank you. This would be a great way to gain a Chris-tian pen pal. Perhaps you can sponsor one person for one day. That would be a $40 donation on your part. Perhaps you can sponsor (for the week) the four children of a family whose hus-band & wife can pay for their camp & for gas, but cannot pay for the children. That would cost $40/child x 4 children x 7 days = $1120.

There can be many combinations to this sponsor-ship/scholarship program, & we are hoping for many to help many others who want to come & can if they could just get some help.

Pastor Peters

2006 Rocky Mountain Family Bible Vacation, Camp Wondervu, Colorado-- Sponsorship and Scholarship Program


For Children 10 years & younger Our cost is still the $40/person/day, but we will only be

charging $20 per day for children 10 years and under. New Motel Units There are 16 new hotel-type rooms with a queen size bed,

bunk bed and full bathroom. We will have to charge $20 per day per room for these and priority will be given to SFA supporters on a first come basis.


For Registrations after that date, add $10/person/day (Sorry we have to do it this way, but we have got to know how many are attending for food ordering & camp scheduling.)

NOTICE: Because we are charging less than our expenses we will have a donation box available at camp.

The $199 Package The camp schedule on page 10 is somewhat self explana-

tory. If a camper comes for the five full-schedule days of camp (August 1-5) the cost will be $199 per person. With what the camp-ground and food vender are charging us, (and we are getting the lowest rate they offer) the bare minimum cost is $40/day/person (and that does not include our costs for speakers, transportation, hired help, tent & equipment rentals and the many, many incidental expenses that come with putting an event like this on, like the re-quired insurance coverage).

We Want Your Input: Prior to this vacation/camp, please let us know of:

• Skit ideas you may have • Offers to help at camp • Music to bring (bring your musical instruments!) • Questions you may have about the Kingdom message • Suggested speakers, and/or offers to speak or teach • Any topics of interest you would like to see addressed

at this camp gathering by Christian leaders and elders


REGISTRATION FORM: 2006 Rocky Mountain Family Bible Vacation Camp

Camp Wondervu, Colorado Starting the afternoon of July 30

through the morning of August 6, 2006 PLEASE REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BY


All attendees must pre-register prior to attending. PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING: There will be _____ attending who are 18 and older. There will be _____ attending who are under 18. (please note ages, for children’s class, etc…) Sunday and Monday, July 30 and 31, will be vacation-only days, for rest and relaxation, and the full camp will start on Tuesday, August 1, at noon. The cost for attending this week-long gathering, including all meals and accommodations, will be $40.00 per day or $280.00 for the entire week. We also have a $199.00 package, for August 1-5. There are scholarships available for those in need of finan-cial assistance to attend this gathering. Please contact our office for details. Please note on the registration if you are requesting a bed in the dorm (men’s or women’s), a camper site, tent site, (plenty of room!) or one of the 16 hotel-type rooms with a queen-size bed and bunk-bed (very limited quantity, first come basis). There are also ho-tels and motels about a half hour away, call for details. ********************************************************* NAMES & ADDRESSES OF ATTENDEES (Please include phone number and email, so we may verify your registration with you): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We look forward to once again seeing all of our Christian family, friends and supporters of this ministry for this fun-filled vaca-tion and fellowship in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado at the newly renovated Camp Wondervu. If you have any questions, please call our office at 307-742-7582, or e-mail us at PLEASE MAIL THIS REGISTRATION FORM TO:


Attn: 2006 Rocky Mtn Family Bible Vacation P.O. BOX 766, LaPorte, CO 80535
