In the United States, over 11,000 babies are born every day…


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In the United States, over 11,000 babies are

born every day…

And every day,

Nearly 4,000 are aborted.

A baby can leap, somersault, wiggle , and “dance” while in the womb!

A baby’s heart begins to beat

within 3 weeks of conception.

By 9 weeks - eyelids, ears, and nose are forming.

Tiny fingers and toes

are developed complete

with fingerprints


Over 60% of abortions are

performed by the 9th

week of pregna


Nearly half of all pregnancies in

America ...

are unplanned.

50% of the abortions in the

U.S. are given to young women between the

ages of13-24

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Need Hope

The top 5 reasons given for having an abortion are:

1. Scared to tell my family

2. Cannot afford to have a baby

3. Do not know how I would go to work or school

4. Scared to be a single parent

5. Relationship troubles



By 16 weeks babies can blink, yawn, stretch…

and suck their thumbs!

By 20 weeks, mom can feel

her baby move !

By 24 weeks babies develop taste buds and begin to practice breathing.

They are also now viable outside of the womb.

Before I formed you

I knew you




For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.

Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.

Plans to give you



Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
