Index [] · of Newswire: Lessons Learned from the Docu-ment Understanding Con-ference, 1436...


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Aberdeen, Douglas, 1181 Acciarri, Andrea, 1670 Achilles’ Heel of QBF, The, 275 activity and plan recognition,

1–33 activity recognition, 9, 15, 21,

28, 89, 944, 981 Activity Recognition from Ac-

celerometer Data, 1541 Activity Recognition through

Goal-based Segmentation,28

Adams, William, 1720, 1739 Adaptive Modeling and Plan-

ning for Reactive Agents,1648

Agarwal, Vikas, 1672 Agent-Organized Networks for

Multi-Agent Productionand Exchange, 77

agents and multiagent systems,34–200

Aggour, Kareem S., 1451 Agmon, Noa, 35 Aha, David W., 1535, 1690 Ahriz, Hatem, 47 AI architectures, 121, 1145,

1242, 1576AI Technologies of the

Philadelphia Area UrbanWireless Network Testbed,The, 1674

Aksak, Burak, 1730 Alexander, Scott, 1584 Algorithm Better than AO*?,

An, 1343 Ali, Syed Muhammad, 1529 Aliferis, Constantin F., 739,

1710 Alrawahi, Nader, 1732 Amgoud, Leila, 608 Amir, Eyal, 340

analogical and case-based rea-soning, 201–239

Analogical Learning of Visu-al/Conceptual Relation-ships in Sketches, 202

Analysis of Knowledge Collect-ed from Volunteer Con-tributors, An, 564

Analysis of Procedure Learningby Instruction, An, 558

Analysis of Strategic Knowledgein Back of the EnvelopeReasoning, 651

Anbulagan, A., 354 Anderson, D., 1737 Anderson, Derek, 1739 Anderson, Gustave, 1674 Andrews, Peter B., 1676 Angelini, Giovanni, 1412 Ansotegui, Carlos, 275 Anstey, Josephine, 1704 Anthony, Caroline, 1696 Antoniou, Grigoris, 1594 Anyone but Him: The Com-

plexity of Precluding anAlternative, 95

Anytime, Complete Algorithmfor Finding UtilitarianOptimal Solutions toSTPPs, 443

Apostolova, Denitsa, 1678 Approximate Inference of

Bayesian Networksthrough Edge Deletion,1630

Approximate Strategic Reason-ing through HierarchicalReduction of Large Sym-metric Games, 502

Approximating Revenue-Maxi-mizing CombinatorialAuctions, 267

Arana, Ines, 47

Armon-Kest, Gilad, 83 Armstrong-Crews, Nicholas,

1586 art and music, 1018, 1696, 1704 Asadi, Mehran, 1588 auctions and market-based sys-

tems, 164, 170, 240–273,241, 248, 255, 261, 267,502, 509, 1632

Augmenting Disjunctive Tem-poral Problems with Fi-nite-Domain Constraints,1187

Automated Distributed Meet-ing Scheduler for FCVWPlug-in, An, 1610

automated reasoning, 275–353,354, 416, 467, 535, 608,639, 1099, 1205, 1676

Automatic Text Summarizationof Newswire: LessonsLearned from the Docu-ment Understanding Con-ference, 1436

Automatically Acquiring Do-main Knowledge forAdaptive Game AI UsingEvolutionary Learning,1535

Automating the Underwritingof Insurance Applications,1451

Autonomous Color Learningon a Mobile Robot, 1318

Autonomous Learning of ToolAffordances by a Robot,1626

Autonomous Subgoal Discov-ery and Hierarchical Ab-straction for Reinforce-ment Learning UsingMonte Carlo Method,1588

Avanzato, Robert, 1716 Avesani, Paolo, 121



Axiom Schemata as MetalevelAxioms: Model Theory,294

Axiomatic Account of FormalArgumentation, An, 608

Ayers, Cindy, 1678

Baader, Franz, 572 Babaioff, Moshe, 241 Bacchus, Fahiem, 390 Backbones and Backdoors in

Satisfiability, 1368 Bagnell, J. Andrew, 714 Baker, Michael, 1743 Balch, Tucker, 944 Baluja, Shumeet, 1508 Banerjee, Bikramjit, 41 Banerjee, Satanjeev, 1692 Bao, Xinlong, 1712 Baral, Chitta, 578, 676, 689 Barbulescu, Marcel, 1678 Basak, Susnata, 170 Basharu, Muhammed, 47 Bayesian networks, 9, 346, 475,

739, 770, 801, 825, 919,938, 1112, 1261, 1630

Beal, Jacob, 1636 Beame, Paul, 475 Beaudry, Éric, 1242, 1733 behavior-based control, 108,

1626 belief maintenance, 313, 645,

777 Belov, Nadya, 1590, 1592 Benferhat, Salem, 584 Benzmüller, Christoph, 516 Besnard, Philippe, 590 Beygelzimer, Alina, 720 Bikakis, Antonis, 1594 Binder, Walter, 1406 biological inspiration of AI,

184, 932, 938, 1620Birmingham, William, 1018 Biswas, Rahul, 1248 Bitbots: Simple Robots Solving

Complex Tasks, 1336 Blackmore, Lars, 282

Blank, Douglas, 1718 Blisard, Samuel, 1739 Blythe, Jim, 558 Boese, Elizabeth Sugar, 1596 Boicu, Cristina, 1598, 1678 Boicu, Mihai, 1598, 1678 Boley, Daniel, 789 Bölöni, Ladislau, 1491 Bonet, Blai, 1163, 1343 Boosting Semantic Web Data

Access Using Swoogle,1604

Boosting Semantic Web DataAccess, On, 1644

Boosting Sex IdentificationPerformance, 1508

Booth, Richard, 645 Booth, Shane, 1700 Boots, Byron, 416 Bordeaux, Lucas, 360 Boutilier, Craig, 140 Bowling, Michael, 53 Brafman, Ronen I., 726 Brewka, Gerhard, 596 Bridewell, Will, 892 Bridges, Susan, 758 Briggs, Thomas, 732 Brochette of Socially Interac-

tive Robots, A, 1733Brooks, Martin, 1145 Brosseau, Yannick, 1242, 1733 Brown, Laura E., 739 Browning, Brett, 1312 Broxvall, Mathias, 1254 Bryce, Daniel, 1131 Bugajska, Magdalena, 1720 Bui, P., 1737 Building Applications Using

End to End Compositionof Web Services, 1672

Bulitko, Vadim, 1349 Bulitko, Valeriy, 783 Burgard, Wolfram, 1306, 1324,

1330 Burhans, Debra, 1722 Burnheimer, Andrew, 1674 Buro, Michael, 1392

Cabral, John, 1430 Cadoli, Marco, 360 Cai, Jingfeng, 1600 Calvanese, Diego, 602, 1670 Caminada, Martin, 608 Campana, Ellen, 1638 Campbell, Jason, 1730 Candale, Teddy, 170 Capturing Expression Using

Linguistic Information,1124

Caragea, Cornelia, 1602 Caragea, Doina, 1602 Carman, Mark James, 1640 Caron, S., 1733case-based reasoning, 202, 216,

222, 228, 234, 535Casey, Robert, 1743 Catoms: Moving Robots with-

out Moving Parts, 1730 Cecere, Carl, 1499 Cerkez, Paul S., 1459 Chafle, Girish, 1672 Chai, Xiaoyong, 3 Chan, Helena, 1467 Chan, Yee Seng, 1037 Chanler, Andrew, 1743 Cheetham, William, 1451 Cheng, Gordon, 1267 Cheng, Jimming, 59 Cheng, Kenil C., 366 Cheng, Shih-Fen, 502 Cheng, Winston, 59 Childs, Kevin, 1483 Chimani, Markus, 1700 Chklovski, Timothy, 564 Choudhury, Tanzeem, 21 Choueiry, Berthe Y., 397 Chun, Andy Hon Wai, 1467 Cicirello, Vincent A., 1355,

1674 Ciubotariu, Adrian, 1678Clay, Chris, 222 Clement, Bradley J., 1514 Clustering and Classifying Per-

son Names by Origins,1056


Coalitional Games in OpenAnonymous Environ-ments, 509

Coddington, A., 1680 Coen, Michael H., 932 cognitive modeling, 202, 529,

950, 1112, 1298 Combinatorial Auctions with k-

wise Dependent Valua-tions, 248

Combining Stochastic andGreedy Search in HybridEstimation, 282

common-sense reasoning, 21,209, 608, 627, 639, 651,1430

Compact Propositional Encod-ings of First Order Theo-ries, 340

Comparison of Novel andState-of-the-Art Polynomi-al Bayesian NetworkLearning Algorithms, A,739

Competence Driven Case-BaseMining, 228

Compiling System Models forFaster and More ScalableDiagnosis, On, 300

Complexity-Guided Case Dis-covery for Case BasedReasoning, 216

Computational Aspects ofMechanism Design, 1642

computational complexity, 35,41, 95, 255, 372, 384, 430,483, 489, 572, 695, 1012

Computational Model of theCerebral Cortex, A, 938

computer-aided education,1521

computer-human interaction,1688, 1712

computer vision, 89, 950, 956,1318

Concurrent Hierarchical Rein-forcement Learning, 1652

Conformant Planning for Do-mains with Con-straints—A New Ap-proach, 1211

Conitzer, Vincent, 248, 255,483, 495, 509, 1642

Consciousness: Drinking fromthe Firehose of Experi-ence, 1298

Constantinescu, Ion, 1406 Constrained Decision Dia-

grams, 366 Constraint-Based Entity Match-

ing, 862 Constraint-based Preferential

Optimization, 461 constraint satisfaction, 47, 275,

354, 360, 366, 372, 378,384, 390, 397, 405, 411,416, 423, 436, 443, 449,455, 461, 467, 475, 1187,1193, 1199, 1223, 1368,1412

constraint satisfaction and satis-fiability, 353–481

Constraint Satisfaction Ap-proach to Geospatial Rea-soning, A, 423

Continuous Speech Recogni-tion Using Modified StackDecoding Algorithm,1614

control, 1145, 1267, 1624Controlling Tiny Multi-Scale

Robots for Nerve Repair,1286

Controversial Users DemandLocal Trust Metrics: AnExperimental Study Communi-ty, 121

Cook, Diane J., 1576 Cooperative Exploration in the

Electronic Marketplace,158

Coordinating Agile Systemsthrough the Model-basedExecution of TemporalPlans, 114

Coordination and Adaptationin Impromptu Teams, 53

Cordeschi, Silvia, 1254 CORMS AI: Decision Support

System for Monitoring USMaritime Environment,1499

Cost-Algebraic HeuristicSearch, 1362

Coste-Marquis, Sylvie, 288, 614 Côté, Carle, 1242, 1733 Crabbe, David, 1563 Craw, Susan, 216 Crawford, Beau, 523 Cross-Lingual Bootstrapping of

Semantic Lexicons: TheCase of FrameNet, 1087

Cross-Modal Clustering, 932 CSP Properties for Quantified

Constraints: Definitionsand Complexity, 360

Culotta, Aron, 746 Cumulative Effects of Concur-

rent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents, 627

Cushing, William, 1131

Dagan, Ido, 1050 Dandekar, Nikhil, 1541 Dang, Jiangbo, 65 Darwiche, Adnan, 300 Das, Rajarshi, 140 Dasgupta, Koustuv, 1672 Data-Driven MCMC for Learn-

ing and Inference inSwitching Linear DynamicSystems, 944

data mining, 549, 801, 831,837, 845, 851, 856

databases, 695, 831, 862 Davidson, Alan, 1724 Davis, Steven R., 1491 DC-SSAT: A Divide-and-Con-

quer Approach to SolvingStochastic SatisfiabilityProblems Efficiently, 416

DD-PREF: A Language for Ex-pressing Preferences overSets, 620

Dean, Thomas, 938 Decision Theoretic Model for

Stress Recognition andUser Assistance, A, 529

decision theory, 133, 140, 541,925, 993


decision trees, 549, 874, 898,1600

Deep Space Network Schedul-ing Problem, The, 1514

DEFACTO System: TrainingTool for Incident Com-manders, The, 1555

De Giacomo, Giuseppe, 602,1670

Dellaert, Frank, 944, 1261 Deng, Yu, 1442 Dependency-Directed Recon-

sideration Belief Base Op-timization for Truth Main-tenance Systems, 313

Dependency Parsing with Dy-namic Bayesian Network,1112

deployed applications,1450–1506

De Raedt, Luc, 752, 795 Desai, Munjal, 1743 de Salvo Braz, Rodrigo, 1043 Description Logic-Ground

Knowledge Integrationand Management, 1612

description logics, 572, 602,645, 657, 670, 1612

desJardins, Marie, 77, 620 Development of a Hybrid

Knowledge-Based Systemfor Multiobjective Opti-mization of Power Distri-bution System Opera-tions, 1547

Devred, Caroline, 614 Diagnosing Terminologies, 670 diagnosis, 102, 282, 300, 321,

327, 670, 1499 Diagnosis as Approximate Be-

lief State Enumeration forProbabilistic ConcurrentConstraint Automata, 321

DiamondHelp: A CollaborativeTask Guidance Frame-work for Complex De-vices, 1700

Dietterich, Thomas G., 1712 Ding, Li, 1604, 1644, 1682 DiSalvo, Carl, 1726

discourse, 307 Discourse Factors in Multi-Doc-

ument Summarization,1654

Discourse Planning Approachto Cinematic CameraControl for Narratives inVirtual Environments, A,307

Discovering Domain SpecificComposite Kernels, 732

Discriminative Model Selectionfor Belief Net Structures,770

Discriminative Training ofMarkov Logic Networks,868

Dissertation in Progress: AnEmpirical Analysis of theCosts and Benefits of Nat-uralness in Spoken DialogSystems, 1638

distributed AI, 47, 121, 133,170, 196, 261, 449, 1248,1261, 1622, 1628, 1636

Distributed Approach to Pas-sive Localization for Sen-sor Networks, A, 1248

Distributing Coalitional ValueCalculations among Coop-erative Agents, 152

Distribution-Free Learning ofBayesian Network Struc-ture in Continuous Do-mains, 825

DL-Lite: Tractable DescriptionLogics for Ontologies, 602

Doan, AnHai, 862 doctoral consortium,

1635–1668 Dodds, Zachary, 1724 Dolgov, Dmitri, 1606 Domain-Dependent Parameter

Selection of Search-basedAlgorithms Compatiblewith User PerformanceCriteria, 1386

Domain-Independent Systemfor Case-Based Task De-composition without Do-main Theories, A, 234

Domingos, Pedro, 868

Dorsey, David, 1674 Doshi, Prashant, 969 DR-Prolog:A System for Rea-

soning with Rules and On-tologies on the SemanticWeb, 1594

Dragunov, Anton, 1712 Dugan, Chris, 1674 Duquette, A., 1733 Durfee, Edmund, 1606 Durkin, John, 1600 Dynamic Regime Identification

and Prediction Based onObserved Behavior inElectronic Marketplaces,1646

Ecological Approach to AgentPopulation Management,An, 146

Edelkamp, Stefan, 1362 Effective Short-Term Opponent

Exploitation in SimplifiedPoker, 783

Efficient Maximization in Solv-ing POMDPs, 975

Efficient No-Regret MultiagentLearning, 41

Eisner, Roman, 1698 Eiter, Thomas, 578, 695 emerging applications,

1507–1582 Endo, Gen, 1267 Enhanced Direct Linear Dis-

criminant Analysis for Fea-ture Extraction on HighDimensional Data, 851

Erdem, Esra, 627, 1139 Ernandes, Marco, 1412 Error Bounds for Approximate

Value Iteration, 1006 Evaluation of Dynamic Cri-

tiquing: A Large-Scale Us-er Study, On the, 535

Evolution of an EmpatheticDigital Entity: Phase One,1686


evolutionary computation,1451, 1483, 1586, 1620

Evolving AI Opponents in aFirst-Person-ShooterVideo Game, 1620

expert systems, 1451, 1459,1467, 1475, 1491, 1541,1547, 1598, 1600, 1710

Exploiting Subjectivity Classifi-cation to Improve Infor-mation Extraction, 1106

Exploiting Temporal Flexibili-ty to Obtain High QualitySchedules, 1199

Exploiting the Structure of Hi-erarchical Plans in Tem-poral Constraint Propa-gation, 1223

Expressive Negotiation in Set-tings with Externalities,255

Extended Protocol for Multi-ple-Issue Concurrent Ne-gotiation, An, 65

Extending Continuous TimeBayesian Networks, 981

External-Memory PatternDatabases using Struc-tured Duplicate Detec-tion, 1398

Fagg, Andrew H., 1702 Faltings, Boi, 449, 1406 Fan, Xiaocong, 71 Fast and Compact: A Simple

Class of CongestionGames, 489

Fast Arc Consistency Algo-rithm for n-ary Con-straints, A, 405

Fast Planning in Domains withDerived Predicates: AnApproach Based on Rule-Action Graphs and LocalSearch, 1157

Felfernig, Alexander, 1475 Feng, Zhengzhu, 975 Fern, Alan, 1217 Fernandez, Raul, 1728

Finding Diverse and SimilarSolutions in ConstraintProgramming, 372

Finin, Tim, 1604, 1682 Finite Sample Error Bound

for Parzen Windows, 925 Fink, Brian, 1732 Fink, Michael, 695 Fitzgerald, Will, 1145 Flexible Teamwork in Behav-

ior-Based Robots, 108 Florez-Larrahondo, German,

758 Font, Didac, 1726 Foo, Norman, 707 Forbus, Kenneth D., 202, 209,

651, 777 Fox, Dieter, 15 Fox, Maria, 1151, 1680 Framework for Bayesian Net-

work Mapping, A, 1622Framework for Representing

and Solving NP SearchProblems, A, 430

Fraser, C. Bruce, 1563 Frenkel, Inna, 108 Freuder, Eugene C., 397 Fujino, Akinori, 764 Function-Based Classification

from 3D Data via Gener-ic and Symbolic Models,950

Functional Specification ofProbabilistic ProcessModels, 663

Funiak, Stanislav, 282 Furtado, Vasco, 1521 Fyshe, Alona, 1698

Gabaldon, Alfredo, 627 Gagnon, F., 1733 game playing, 783, 1374, 1392,

1620, 1684 game theory, 41, 241, 267,

483, 489, 495, 502, 509,726, 1632

game theory and economicmodels, 482–514

Garland, Andrew, 1700 Gaston, Matthew E., 77 Geffner, Héctor, 1163, 1343 Gelfond, Michael, 689, 1211 Generalised Link Properties

for Expressive ε-Connec-tions of Description Log-ics, 657

Generalized NoGoods inCSPs, 390

Generalized Strategy Elim-inability Criterion andComputational Methodsfor Applying It, A, 483

Generating Hard SatisfiableFormulas by Hiding Solu-tions Deceptively, 384

Generation of Hard Non-Clausal Random Satisfia-bility Problems, 436

Genesereth, Michael R., 294 Genome Rearrangement and

Planning, 1139 Genre Classification of Web

Documents, 1596 geometric or spatial reason-

ing, 423, 1608Geometric Variance Reduc-

tion in Markov Chains.Application to ValueFunction and GradientEstimation, 1012

Gerevini, Alfonso, 1157 Ghosh, Joydeep, 856 Ghrist, Robert, 1336 Giguère, P., 1733 Gil, Yolanda, 564 Gilpin, Andrew, 495, 1684 Gini, Maria, 789 Girju, Roxana, 1043 Givan, Robert, 1217, 1235 Giving Advice about Preferred

Actions to Reinforce-ment Learners ViaKnowledge-Based KernelRegression, 819

Glickman, Oren, 1050


Gmytrasiewicz, Piotr J., 969 Goal-Directed Site-Indepen-

dent Recommendationsfrom Passive Observa-tions, 549

Goldstein, Seth Copen, 1730 Gomes, Carla, 275 Gopal, Kreshna, 1483 Gopalratnam, Karthik, 981 Gori, Marco, 1412 Gough, J., 1680 Governatori, Guido, 190 Graph Theoretical Founda-

tion for Integrating RDFOntologies, A, 1442

Grau, Bernardo Cuenca, 657 Green, William E., 1735 Greiner, Russ, 549, 770, 1698 Grobelnik, Marko, 1069 Grupen, Roderic A., 1280,

1702 Gu, Yang, 1274 Güngördü, Zelal, 1563 Guo, Yuhong, 770

Hadad, Meirav, 83 Hahn, Udo, 1075 Hakeem, Asaad, 89 Halstead, Daniel T., 777 Hammons, Derek, 1728 Hansen, Eric A., 758, 1398 Hanson, David, 1728 Hart, Stephen, 1280 Haslum, Patrik, 1163 Häubl, Gerald, 549 Hayashi, Steve, 1706 Hebrard, Emmanuel, 372 Heilman, M., 1737 Helicopter Routing for Main-

taining Remote Sites inAlaska using a GeneticAlgorithm, 1586

Hemaspaandra, Edith, 95 Hemaspaandra, Lane A., 95 Herlocker, Jon, 1712

Hestand, Dan, 1743 Heterogeneous Multirobot

Coordination with Spa-tial and Temporal Con-straints, 1292

Heuristics for Agent Routingand Itinerary Optimiza-tion on Dynamic Net-works, 1628

Hiatt, Laura, 1726 Hidden Naive Bayes, 919 Hinrichs, Timothy L., 294 Hnich, Brahim, 372 Hoburg, James, 1730 Hoehn, Bret, 783 Hogg, Tad, 1286 Holder, Lawrence B., 1576 Holland, Alan, 378 Holte, Robert C., 783, 898,

1708 Honavar, Vasant, 1602 Hong, WeiChang, 1616 Howe, Adele, 1596 Howey, Richard, 1151 Howley, Iris, 1674 Huang, Fei, 1056 Huang, Jinbo, 300 Huber, Manfred, 1588 Hughes, Todd, 1563Huhns, Michael N., 65 human computer interaction,

515–556, 516, 523, 529,535, 558, 620, 932, 1062,1590, 1592

human robot interaction, 523,962

Hunter, Anthony, 590 Hurley, Neil J., 334 Hybrid Generative / Discrimi-

native Approach to Semi-Supervised Classifier De-sign, A, 764

Hybrid Possibilistic Networks,584

Identifying Direct Causal Ef-fects in Linear Models,346

Identifying Similar Words andContexts in Natural Lan-guage with SenseClus-ters, 1694

Ieong, Samuel, 489 Impact of Linguistic Analysis

on the Semantic GraphCoverage and Learningof Document Extracts,1069

Improving Action Selection inMDP’s via KnowledgeTransfer, 1024

Improving Human-Robot In-teraction for RemoteRobot Operation, 1743

Improving ReinforcementLearning Function Ap-proximators via Neu-roevolution, 1666

Improving Simultaneous Map-ping and Localization in3D Using Global Con-straints, 1330

Incremental Estimation of Dis-crete Hidden MarkovModels Based on a NewBackward Procedure, 758

Indoor Aerial Robot Competi-tion: Challenges inSearch and Rescue Appli-cations, 1735

Inducing Hierarchical ProcessModels in Dynamic Do-mains, 892

Inference Model for SemanticEntailment in NaturalLanguage, An, 1043

information integration, 423,856, 862, 1229, 1622

information retrieval, 334,549, 1069, 1406, 1418,1424, 1436, 1596, 1604,1644, 1696

Ingham, Michel D., 321 innovative applications,



Integrating Description Logicsand Action Formalisms:First Results, 572

intelligent systems demonstra-tions, 1669–1714

Interactive Knowledge Valida-tion and Query Refine-ment in CBR, 222

Ioerger, Thomas, 1483Ip, Cheuk Yiu, 1608 Ishida, Toru, 127 Ishtaiwi, Abdelraouf, 455 Issues in Reasoning about In-

teraction Networks inCells: Necessity of EventOrdering Knowledge, 676

Ito, Takayuki, 261, 1618 Iwasaki, Atsushi, 261, 509

Jabbar, Shahid, 1362 Jacobstein, Neil, xlviiJames, Michael R., 987 Jantos, John, 1563 Java, Akshay, 1682 Jennings, Nicholas R., 152 Jensen, David, 1280 Jensen, Steven, 789 Jewell, Kevin, 549 Jhala, Arnav, 307 Ji, Qiang, 529, 1229 Jia, Haixia, 384 Jiang, Liangxiao, 919 Jiang, Tao, 807 Jin, Rong, 1424 Johns, Jeffrey, 9 Johnson, Frances L., 313 Johnsrude, Kevin, 1712 Johnston, Mark D., 1514 Joshi, Anupam, 1682 Jusak, Debra, 1624

Kabanza, Froduald, 1242, 1733Kaelbling, Leslie Pack, 911, 956 Kahlert, Robert C., 1430

Kalech, Meir, 102 Kam, Moshe, 146, 1674 Kambhampati, Subbarao, xlvKaminka, Gal A., 35, 83, 102,

108 Kanbi, Lalji, 1483 Kandefer, Michael, 1704 Karim, Murtaza M., 1732 Karlsson, Lars, 1254 Karnik, Neeran, 1672 Kate, Rohit J., 1062 Katsirelos, George, 390 Katz, Boris, 1124 Kautz, Henry, 475, 981 Kazakevich, Maryia, 1349 Keefe, Richard, 1467 Kephart, Jeffrey O., 140 Kersting, Kristian, 752, 795 Ketter, Wolfgang, 1646 Keyes, Brenden, 1743 Kiener, Alfred, 1475 Kilby, Philip, 1368 Kim, Hyeonkyeong, 209 Kipp, Alexander, 1261 Kirby, Brian, 1730 Kirsch, Ned, 1706 Kishimoto, Akihiro, 1374 Klenk, Matthew, 209 Knoblock, Craig, 423 knowledge acquisition, 21, 216,

222, 228, 558, 564, 1087,1430, 1475, 1535, 1598,1616

knowledge acquisition and en-gineering, 557–570

Knowledge-Based Approach toNetwork Security: Apply-ing Cyc in the Domain ofNetwork Risk Assessment,A, 1563

Knowledge-Based InteractiveSelling of Financial Ser-vices with FSAdvisor, 1475

knowledge engineering, 222,1594

Knowledge Integration for De-scription Logics, 645

knowledge representation, 300,313, 340, 360, 430, 578,590, 596, 602, 614, 620,627, 633, 639, 645, 657,670, 676, 682, 689, 701,707, 1043, 1139, 1211,1217, 1280

knowledge representation andreasoning, 571–687

Kochenderfer, Mykel J., 1648 Koehler, Jana, 1569 Koenig, Sven, 993 Koes, Mary, 1292 Kolari, Pranam, 1682 Konieczny, Sébastien, 614 Koo, Hsiang-Hwa, 1610 Kopena, Joseph B., 1612, 1674 Koppel, Moshe, 1050 Korf, Richard E., 1380 Kozak, Margaret Manella, 1686 Kramer, J., 1737 Kraus, Sarit, 35, 83, 158, 164 Krauthausen, Peter, 1261 Kuipers, Benjamin, 1298 Kulkarni, Anagha, 1694 Kumar, Arun, 1672 Kumar, Deepak, 1718 Kundu, Ashish, 1672 Kuter, Ugur, 1169 Kyckelhahn, Brian, 209

Lafuente, Alberto Lluch, 1362 Lagasquie-Schiex, Marie-Chris-

tine, 614 Lai, Daniel, 1467 Lakemeyer, Gerhard, 633 Lal, Anagh, 397 Lam, Garbbie Pui Shan, 1467 Lam, Jerome, 1467 LaMarca, Anthony, 15 Landwehr, Niels, 795 Langford, John, 720 Langley, Pat, 892 Language Independent Extrac-

tive Summarization, 1688


Lapata, Mirella, 1087 Laplante, J.-F. 1733Large-Scale Localization from

Wireless Signal Strength,15

Large-Scale Parallel Breadth-First Search, 1380

Larson, Erik, 1563Lass, Robert N., 146, 1674 Lauria, M., 1733LaValle, Steven M., 1336 Lavi, Ron, 241 Lazarescu, Mihai, 222 Lazy Approximation for Solv-

ing Continuous Finite-Horizon MDPs, 1175

Le, Vu, 1678 Learning and Reasoning Sys-

tem for Intelligence Anal-ysis, A, 1678

Learning Architecture for Au-tomating the IntelligentEnvironment, A, 1576

Learning-Based Term-Weight-ing Approach for Infor-mation Retrieval, A, 1418

Learning CPG Sensory Feed-back with Policy Gradientfor Biped Locomotion fora Full-Body Humanoid,1267

Learning Measures of Progressfor Planning Domains,1217

Learning Planning Rules inNoisy Stochastic Worlds,911

Learning Source Descriptionsfor Web Services, 1640

Learning Static Object Seg-mentation from MotionSegmentation, 956

Learning Support Method inQualitative Simulation-Based Economic Educa-tion, A, 1618

Learning Support Vector Ma-chines from DistributedData Sources, 1602

Learning to Prevent FailureStates for a DynamicallyBalancing Robot, 1312

Learning to Transform Naturalto Formal Languages,1062

Léauté, Thomas, 114 Le Berre, Daniel, 288 Lee, David C., 1614 Lee, Kevin, 645 Lee, Thomas J., 831 Lee, Wee Sun, 1093 Lefkowitz, Larry, 1563Legault, M.-A. 1733Lembo, Domenico, 602, 1670 Lemire, Daniel, 1145 Lenat, Doug, 1430, 1563 Lenzerini, Maurizio, 602, 1670 Lepage, P., 1733 Lesh, Neal, 1700 Leskovec, Jure, 1069 Lesser, Victor, 176 Letchner, Julia, 15 Letombe, Florian, 288 Létourneau, Dominic, 1242,

1733 Leucht, Kurt W., 1491 Leveraging Language into

Learning, 1636 Levesque, Hector J., 633, 639 Levy, Simon D., 1620 Lewis, J. P., 1555 Lhomme, Olivier, 405, 411 Li, Fan, 801 Li, Haifeng, 807 Li, Lei, 228 Li, Lida, 1712 Li, Lihong, 1175 Li, Wei, 813 Li, Xiang-Yang, 1632 Li, Xin, 862, 1650 Li, Ze-Nian, 28 Liao, Wenhui, 529 Liberato, Juan Carlos, 1732 Likhodedov, Anton, 267 Lita, Lucian Vlad, 1616

Little, Iain, 1181 Littman, Michael L., 1175,

1541 Liu, GuangCan, 1418 Liu, Lengning, 701 Liu, Yaxin, 880, 993 Liu, Yi, 1424 Liu, Yongmei, 639 Liu, Zhen, 1205 Loads-n-Limits and Release-n-

Sequence: The “Brains”behind WEPS, 1459

Lochner, Kevin M., 502 logic programming, 578, 596,

682, 688–712, 689, 695,701, 707

Long, Derek, 1151, 1680 Loog, Marco, 851 LoPresti, Edmund, 1706 Low-Cost Outdoor Robot Plat-

form for the Penn StateAbington Mini GrandChallenge, 1716

Lu, Paul, 1698 Luo, Xiangyu, 190 Lutz, Carsten, 572

machine learning, 9, 202, 523,713-930, 714, 720, 726,732, 739, 746, 752, 758,764, 770, 777, 783, 789,795, 801, 807, 813, 819,825, 831, 837, 845, 851,856, 862, 868, 874, 880,886, 892, 898, 904, 911,919, 925, 956, 1024, 1056,1062, 1069, 1099, 1217,1267, 1318, 1349, 1355,1386, 1412, 1418, 1424,1430, 1535, 1584, 1592,1598, 1602, 1608, 1640,1650, 1652, 1656, 1708

Machine Learning and Its Ap-plication at NooksackFalls Hydroelectric Sta-tion, 1584

machine perception, 15,931–967, 932, 938, 944,950, 956, 962, 1018, 1280,1298


machine translation, 1056 Maclin, Richard, 819 MADbot: A Motivated and Goal

Directed Robot, 1680 Mahadevan, Sridhar, 9, 1000 Majercik, Stephen M., 416 Malfettone, Kris, 1674 Managing the Life Cycle of

Plans, 1569 Mancini, Toni, 360 Manning, Christopher D., 1099 Manufacturing Processes

Recognition of MachinedMechanical Parts usingSVMs, 1608

Marcu, Dorin, 1678 Marecki, Janusz, 1555 Margaritis, Dimitris, 825 Marge, Matthew, 1732 Markó, Kornel, 1075 Markov decision processes,

789, 975, 987, 993, 1000,1006, 1012, 1018, 1024,1030, 1169, 1175, 1588,1606

Markov decision processes anduncertainty, 968-1035

Markov Decision Processes forControl of a Sensor Net-work-based Health Moni-toring System, 1529

Marquis, Pierre, 288, 614 Marthi, Bhaskara, 1652 Martin, Oliver B., 321 Mason, Mac, 1724 Massa, Paolo, 121 Massie, Stewart, 216 Masson, P., 1733Mathematical Domain Reason-

ing Tasks in Natural Lan-guage Tutorial Dialog onProofs, 516

mathematical foundations, 71,294, 430, 925, 1006, 1362

Mathews, Eric, 1728 Matsubara, Shigeo, 261 Matsubara, Takamitsu, 1267 Matsuo, Tokuro, 1618

Matuszek, Cynthia, 1430, 1563 Max K-Armed Bandit: A New

Model of Exploration Ap-plied to Search HeuristicSelection, The, 1355

Maximum Likelihood Frame-work for Integrating Tax-onomies, A, 856

McCallum, Andrew, 746, 813 McCarthy, Kevin, 535 McCracken, Peter, 53 McGinty, Lorraine, 535 McGrew, Robert, 489 McKee, Erik, 1483 Mechanism Design for Single-

Value Domains, 241 Mediratta, Anupam, 1386, 1672 Meeden, Lisa, 1718 Meila, Marina, 845 Melchior, Nik, 1726 Merging Argumentation Sys-

tems, 614 Messinger, Paul R., 541 Meyer, Thomas, 645 MGLAIR Agents in Virtual and

Other Graphical Environ-ments, 1704

Michalowski, Marek, 1726 Michalowski, Martin, 423 Michaud, François, 1242, 1733 Middendorff, C., 1737 Mihalcea, Rada, 1688 Mikaelian, Tsoline, 327 Milic-Frayling, Natasa, 1069 Milicic, Maja, 572 Miller, Kai, 523 Minimizing Environmental

Swings with a RecurrentNeural Network ControlSystem, 1624

Mitchell, David G., 430 Mittal, Sumit, 1672 Mixed-Initiative Approach to

Collaboration in theMathematical Domain,1590

Mixed-Integer ProgrammingMethods for Finding NashEquilibria, 495

Mobile Robot Mapping and Lo-calization in Non-StaticEnvironments, 1324

Mock, Kenrick, 1586 Model-based Monitoring and

Diagnosis of Systems withSoftware-Extended Behav-ior, 327

Modeling Form for On-lineFollowing of Musical Per-formances, 1018

Modeling Human Behavior forVirtual Training Systems,127

Moffit, Michael D., 1187 Moisan, P., 1733Molineaux, Matthew, 1690 Mooney, Raymond J., 1062 Moore, Cristopher, 384 Morales, A. Ricardo, 1211 Morimoto, Jun, 1267 Morin, Y., 1733 Morris, Paul, 1193 Mowry, Todd, 1730 Mozos, Óscar Martínez, 1306 Mroczkowski, Andy, 1674Müller, Martin, 1374 multiagent learning, 41, 77, 89,

726, 880, 969 Multi-Agent Simulator for

Teaching Police Alloca-tion, A, 1521

multiagent systems, 35, 47, 59,65, 71, 77, 83, 95, 121,127, 133, 140, 146, 158,164, 176, 190, 196, 241,248, 267, 483, 489, 495,502, 509, 614, 726, 886,969, 1521, 1555, 1286,1628, 1632, 1642, 1646,1652, 1684

Multifrontal QR FactorizationApproach to DistributedInference Applied to Mul-tirobot Localization andMapping, A, 1261


Multiple Agent Event Detec-tion and Representationin Videos, 89

Multiple-Goal Recognitionfrom Low-level Signals, 3

multirobot systems, 53, 59, 108,1286, 1292

Munos, Rémi, 1006, 1012 Muñoz-Avila, Héctor, 234, 1535 Murakami, Yohei, 127 Muscettola, Nicola, 1193 Muslea, Ion, 831 Muttreja, Manish, 1732 Mysore, Preetham, 1541

Nagpal, Radhika, 59 Naik, Gaurav, 1674Nair, Ranjit, 133 Nakanishi, Jun, 1267 Natural Language Generation

for Text-to-Text Applica-tions Using an Informa-tion-Slim Representation,1662

natural language processing,516, 746, 813, 1412, 1436,1616, 1638, 1654, 1662,1688, 1692, 1694

natural language processingand speech recognition,1036–1129

Nau, Dana, 1169 Navarro, Juan A., 436 NavBot: The Navigational

Search-and-Rescue Robot,1732

Nayak, Trupti Devdas, 1704 negotiation, 65, 176, 255, 261Neighborhood Interchange-

ability and DynamicBundling for Non-BinaryFinite CSPs, 397

Nelson, Andre, 1722 Nenkova, Ani, 1436, 1654 NESTA: NASA Engineering

Shuttle Telemetry Agent,1491

Networked DistributedPOMDPs: A Synthesis ofDistributed ConstraintOptimization andPOMDPs, 133

neural networks, 962, 1584,1624

Neville, Jennifer, 1656 New Admissible Heuristics for

Domain-IndependentPlanning, 1163

New Approaches to Optimiza-tion and Utility Elicitationin Autonomic Computing,140

New Strategy-Proof Greedy-Al-location CombinatorialAuction Protocol and ItsExtension to Open As-cending Auction Protocol,A, 261

nFOIL: Integrating Naïve Bayesand FOIL, 795

Ng, Andrew Y., 1099 Ng, Hwee Tou, 1037, 1093 Ng, Vincent, 1081 Niemela, Ilkka, 596 nonmonotonic reasoning, 313,

590, 608, 614, 633, 682,701, 707, 1594

Non-Stationary Policy Learningin 2-Player Zero SumGames, 789

Nourbakhsh, Illah, 1292 Nudelman, Eugene, 489 Nyberg, Eric, 1616

OAR: A Formal Framework forMulti-Agent Negotiation,176

Oates, Tim, 732 Observation-based Model for

BDI-Agents, 190 Oddi, Angelo, 1199 Oh, Paul Y., 1735 Oh, Sang Min, 944 Ohta, Naoki, 509 Old Resolution Meets Modern

SLS, 354

Olney, Andrew, 1728 O’Mahony, Michael P., 334 Online Query Relaxation via

Bayesian Causal Struc-tures Discovery, 831

Online Resource Allocation Us-ing Decompositional Re-inforcement Learning,886

Only-Knowing: Taking It Be-yond Autoepistemic Rea-soning, 633

ontologies, 602, 651, 1087,1442, 1563, 1604, 1612,1644

Optimal Efficient LearningEquilibrium: ImperfectMonitoring in SymmetricGames, 726

Optimal RecommendationSets: Covering Uncertain-ty over User Preference,541

Optimal Rhode IslandHold’em Poker, 1684

O’Sullivan, Barry, 372, 378 Ou, Monica H., 222 Overholtzer, C. Adam, 1620

Padmanabhan, Vineet, 190Padó, Sebastian, 1087 Pai, Reetal, 1483 Palmieri, Mattia, 1670 Pan, Jeffrey Junfeng, 228 Pan, Rong, 228, 1622, 1682 Panangadan, Anand, 1529 Pape, David E., 1704 Pardo, Bryan, 1018 Parida, Laxmi, 837 Paritosh, Praveen K., 651 Parsia, Bijan, 657 Partial Pathfinding Using Map

Abstraction and Refine-ment, 1392

Particle Filtering Based Ap-proach to ApproximatingInteractive POMDPs, A,969


Pasula, Hanna M., 911 Patrascu, Relu, 140 Patwardhan, Siddharth, 1692 Pavlov, Elan, 241 Pearcy, Brandon, 1698 Pechuk, Michael, 950 Pedersen, Ted, 1692, 1694 Peintner, Bart, 443, 1187 Peng, Jing, 41, 925 Peng, Yun, 1622, 1682 Pentney, William, 845 Performing Bayesian Inference

by Weighted ModelCounting, 475

Perzanowski, Dennis, 1739 Peshkin, Leonid, 1112 Petcu, Adrian, 449 Peters, Geoffrey, 1696 Peysakhov, Maxim D., 146,

1674 Pfeffer, Avi, 663 Pham, Duc Nghia, 354, 455 Pham, Thanh Phong, 1093 Philipose, Matthai, 21 Phillips, William, 1106 Pillai, Padmanabhan, 1730 Pireddu, Luca, 1698 plan execution and monitor-

ing, 114, 1145, 1254 plan recognition, 3, 28, 53, 475 plan/workflow analysis, 558,

1406 planning, 307, 467, 578, 911,

969, 975, 987, 993, 1030,1131, 1139, 1151, 1157,1163, 1169, 1175, 1181,1193, 1205, 1211, 1217,1223, 1235, 1242, 1336,1343, 1386, 1406, 1459,1563, 1569, 1664, 1680,1706

Planning and Execution withPhase Transitions, 1030

planning and scheduling, 1130-1240

Planning for Geospatial DataIntegration, 1664

Planning for Stream ProcessingSystems, 1205

Planning in Models that Com-bine Memory with Predic-tive Representations ofState, 987

Platt, Robert Jr., 1702 Policella, Nicola, 1199 Pollack, Martha E., 443, 1187 Ponchon, A., 1733Ponsen, Marc J. V., 1535 Porter, Bruce, xlviiPoulin, Brett, 1698 Practical First-Order Argumen-

tation, 590 Predicting User Intent, On,

1592 Preface, xlv, xlviipreferences, 95, 248, 461, 541,

596, 620 Prestwich, Steve, 461 Price, Robert, 541, 549 Prilliman, Steve, 1728 Prioritized Component Sys-

tems, 596 Probabilistic Classification Ap-

proach for Lexical TextualEntailment, A, 1050

Profit Sharing Auction, 170 Properties of Programs with

Monotone and ConvexConstraints, 701

Propositional Fragments forKnowledge Compilationand Quantified BooleanFormulae, 288

Proteome Analyst Suite of Au-tomated Function Predic-tion Tools, The, 1698

Prottle: A Probabilistic Tempo-ral Planner, 1181

Proving Theorems of TypeTheory Automatically withTPS, 1676

Punera, Kunal, 856 Punyakanok, Vasin, 1043 Pyles, Brian, 1674

Pyro: An Integrated Environ-ment for Robotics Educa-tion, 1718

Qin, A. K., 851 Qualitative Dimensions in

Question Answering: Ex-tending the DefinitionalQA Task, 1616

qualitative reasoning, 209, 651,1618

Quasi-Monotonic Segmenta-tion of State Variable Be-havior for Reactive Con-trol, 1145

Query Translation Disambigua-tion as Graph Partition-ing, 1424

Quick Shaving, 411 QuOnto: Querying Ontologies,


Rahwan, Talal, 152 Raievsky, Clément, 1242, 1733 Raina, Rajat, 1099 Rajan, Suju, 856 Ramachandran, Deepak, 340 Ramakrishnan, Naren, 837 Rao, Rajesh, 523 Ravi, Nishkam, 1541 reactive control, 1648 Reactive Planning in a Motivat-

ed Behavioral Architec-ture, 1242

Ready or Not, Here I Come ...,1720

Real-Time Classification ofElectromyographic Sig-nals for Robotic Control,523

real-time systems, 529, 886,1274, 1499

Reasoning about Intended Ac-tions, 689

Recommender Systems: AttackTypes and Strategies, 334


Recovery Planning for Ambigu-ous Cases in PerceptualAnchoring, 1254

Redescription Mining: Struc-ture, Theory, and Algo-rithms, 837

Reducing Labeling Effort forStructured PredictionTasks, 746

Reeves, Daniel M., 502 Régin, Jean-Charles, 405 Regli, William C., 146, 196,

1608, 1674Regularized EM Algorithm,

The, 807 Rehg, James M., 944 Reilly, James, 535 reinforcement learning, 789,

819, 880, 886, 987, 1000,1006, 1012, 1024, 1529,1584, 1588, 1648, 1666

Relational Representation forProcedural Task Knowl-edge, A, 1280

Remote Supervisory Control ofa Humanoid Robot, 1702

Representing Conditional In-dependence Using Deci-sion Trees, 874

Riabov, Anton, 1205 Ricco, Susanna, 1724 Rich, Charles, 1700 Riedel, Norbert, 925 Riloff, Ellen, 1106 Risk-Sensitive Planning with

One-Switch Utility Func-tions: Value Iteration, 993

Rivlin, Ehud, 950 robotics, 1241-1341, 1254,

1261, 1267, 1274, 1280,1286, 1292, 1298, 1306,1312, 1318, 1324, 1330,1336, 1660, 1680, 1702,1715–1744, 1716, 1718,1720, 1722, 1724, 1726,1728, 1730, 1732, 1733,1735, 1737, 1739, 1741,1743

Robots in an Intelligent Sys-tems Course, 1722

Robust and Self-Repairing For-mation Control forSwarms of Mobile Agents,59

Robust Supervised Learning,714

Robust Textual Inference viaLearning and AbductiveReasoning, 1099

Romo, Tod, 1483 Rosati, Riccardo, 602, 1670Rosenstein, Michael T., 1702 Ross, Michael G., 956 Rossi, Francesca, 461 Roth, Dan, 1043 Rothe, Jörg, 95 Rottmann, Axel, 1306 Roux, M.-A., 1733Rover Science Autonomy:

Probabilistic Planning forScience-Aware Explo-ration, 1660

Rowe, Dan A., 1491 Rowley, Henry, 1508 Ruckhaus, Edna, 1442 Rule Refinement by Domain

Experts in ComplexKnowledge Bases, 1598

Sabharwal, Ashish, 467 Sacchettini, James, 1483Sachenbacher, Martin, 327 Saetti, Alessandro, 1157 Saffiotti, Alessandro, 1254 SAGA-ML: An Active Learning

System for Semi-Automat-ed Gameplay Analysis,1708

Saito, Kazumi, 764 Salter, T., 1733Sammons, Mark, 1043 Samuel Meets Amarel: Au-

tomating Value FunctionApproximation usingGlobal State Space Analy-sis, 1000

Sandholm, Tuomas, 248, 255,267, 483, 495, 509, 1684

Sang, Tian, 475 Santi, Paolo, 248 Sárfi, Robert J., 1547 Sarne, David, 158, 164 SAT-Based versus CSP-Based

Constraint Weighting forSatisfiability, 455

Sattar, Abdul, 190, 354, 455,682

Sattler, Ulrike, 572 Savova, Virginia, 1112 Sawas, Ayman, 1732 Scaling Up Word Sense Disam-

biguation via ParallelTexts, 1037

Scavenging with a LaptopRobot, 1724

Scerri, Paul, 1555 scheduling, 1199, 1229, 1355,

1467, 1514, 1626 Scheduling Engineering Works

for the MTR Corporationin Hong Kong, 1467

Schermerhorn, P., 1737 Scheutz, M., 1737 Schlaikjer, Andrew Hazen,

1616 Schlobach, Stefan, 670 Schneider, David, 1430 Schrater, Paul, 789 Schreckenghost, Debra, 1706 Schultz, Alan C., 1720, 1739 Schultze, Peter, 1380 Schulz, Stefan, 1075 Schurr, Nathan, 1555 Schuurmans, Dale, 904 Schwartz, Michael, 1696 scientific discovery, 892, 1612search, 275, 334, 354, 384, 455,

495, 1235, 1342–1404,1343, 1349, 1355, 1362,1368, 1374, 1380, 1386,1392, 1398

Search versus Knowledge forSolving Life and DeathProblems in Go, 1374


Searching for Common Sense:Populating Cyc™ fromthe Web, 1430

Searock, Jeremy, 1312 Selection and Ranking of

Propositional Formulasfor Large-Scale Service Di-rectories, 1406

Self-Emergence of Structuresin Gene Expression Pro-gramming, 1650

Selman, Bart, 275 Semantic Place Classification of

Indoor Environments withMobile Robots usingBoosting, 1306

Semantic Scene ConceptLearning by an Au-tonomous Agent, 962

semantic web, 657, 1205, 1442,1594, 1604, 1682

semantic web, information re-trieval, and extraction,1405–1448

Semantics of Potential Inten-tions, The, 71

Semi-Supervised SequenceModeling with SyntacticTopic Models, 813

Semmel, Glenn S., 1491 Sen, Sandip, 170 SenseRelate::TargetWord—A

Generalized Frameworkfor Word Sense Disam-biguation, 1692

Sensor Selection for Active In-formation Fusion, 1229

Serina, Ivan, 1157, 1680 Sevcik, Keith W., 1735 Shaffer, Joshua, 1590 Shah, Mubarak, 89 Shah, Purvesh, 1430 Shakshuki, Elhadi, 1610 Shankland, Carron, 676Shapiro, Stuart C., 313, 1704 Shavlik, Jude, 819 Shen, Dou, 28 Shen, JianQiang, 1712 Shen, Jiaying, 176

Shen, Warren, 862 Shenoy, Pradeep, 523 Shepard, Blake, 1563 Sherstov, Alexander A., 1024 Shi, S. Y. M., 851 Shintani, Toramatsu, 1618 Shiran, Oren, 892 Shoham, Yoav, 489 Sidner, Candy, 1700 Silaghi, Marius Calin, 1118 Silvestre, Guénolé C., 334 Simmons, Reid, 1726 Simpson, Richard, 1706 Simsek, Özgür, 1658 simulation, 1555Simultaneous Heuristic Search

for Conjunctive Subgoals,1235

Singh, Satinder, 987 Singla, Parag, 868 situated reasoning, 1298, 1349Skrivan, Sam, 1624 Skubic, Marjorie, 1739 Slaney, John, 354, 1368 Smaoui, Salma, 584 Smith, Jacob, 1483 Smith, Kevin E., 1491 Smith, Stephen F., 1199, 1355 Smith, Trey, 1660 Smyth, Barry, 535 Social Tag: Finding the Person

with the Pink Hat, 1726 software agents, 127, 146, 152,

1491, 1590, 1592, 1610,1628, 1646, 1678

Software Testing by ActiveLearning for CommercialGames, 898

Soldea, Octavian, 950 Solo, A. M. G., 1547 SOLO: A Cognitive Orthosis,

1706 Solving DisCSPs with Penalty

Driven Search, 47 Solving Everyday Physical Rea-

soning Problems by Anal-ogy Using Sketches, 209

Solving the Auction-Based TaskAllocation Problem in anOpen Environment, 164

Son, Tran Cao, 1211 Song Search and Retrieval by

Tapping, 1696 Soricut, Radu, 1662 Southey, Finnegan, 783, 898,

1708 Spectral Clustering of Biologi-

cal Sequence Data, 845 speech recognition, 1118, 1614 Speeding Up Learning in Real-

time Search via AutomaticState Abstraction, 1349

Spotting Subsequences Match-ing an HMM Using theAverage ObservationProbability Criteria withApplication to KeywordSpotting, 1118

Spronck, Pieter, 1535 Sretavan, David W., 1286 Sridharan, Mohan, 1318 Srivastava, Biplav, 1386, 1569,

1672 Stable Service Placement on

Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Net-works: A Heuristic for theDistributed k-Center Prob-lem, 196

Stachniss, Cyrill, 1306, 1324 St. Amant, Robert , 184 Stanescu, Bogdan, 1678 State Agnostic Planning Graphs

and the Application to Be-lief-Space Planning, 1131

statistical learning, 720, 758,777, 845, 851, 868, 944,1418

Statnikov, Alexander, 1710 Steck, Victoria, 1722 Stephanou, Harry, 1728 Stone, Peter, 880, 1024, 1318 Stoytchev, Alexander, 1626 Strain, Doug, 384


Strong and Uniform Equiva-lence in Answer-Set Pro-gramming: Characteriza-tions and ComplexityNon-Ground Case, 695

Structure Learning for Statisti-cal Relational Models,1656

student abstracts, 1583–1634 Stumpf, Simone, 1712 Sturtevant, Nathan, 1349, 1392 Su, Jiang, 874, 919 Su, Kaile, 190, 682 Subrahmanian, V.S., 1442 Suganthan, P. N., 851 Sugimoto, Yuki, 127 Sultanik, Evan A., 196, 1628,

1674Sun, Qixiang, 489 Superstabilizing, Fault-Contain-

ing Distributed Combina-torial Optimization, 449

Supervised Ranking for Pro-noun Resolution: SomeRecent Improvements,1081

Supporting Collaborative Activ-ity, 83

Suri, Rahul, 502 swarm intelligence, 59, 146,

1286Sweeney, John D., 1702 Swoogle: Searching for Knowl-

edge on the SemanticWeb, 1682

Sycara, Katia, 1292 SymChaff: A Structure-Aware

Satisfiability Solver, 467 Szafron, Duane, 1698

Tactic-Based Motion Modelingand Multi-Sensor Track-ing, 1274

Talukder, Ashit, 1529 Tambe, Milind, 133, 1555 TaskTracker System, The, 1712 Taylor, Matthew E., 880

Team Member Reallocation viaTree Pruning, 35

Tecuci, Gheorghe, 1598, 1678 Tekkotsu: A Framework for

AIBO Cognitive Robotics/ 1741

Telhan, Orkan, 1704 Temporal Dynamic Controlla-

bility Revisited, 1193 temporal reasoning, 443, 663,

726 981, 1030, 1151,1187, 1193, 1223

Tennenholtz, Moshe, 726Ternovska, Eugenia, 430 Tesauro, Gerald, 140, 886 TEXTAL™: Automated Crystal-

lographic Protein Struc-ture Determination, 1483

Thakkar, Snehal, 1664 theorem proving, 275, 294,

436, 516, 1676Theory of Forgetting in Logic

Programming, A, 682Thiébaux, Sylvie, 1181, 1368 Thiel, James, 1674Thomas, Scott, 1720 Thoren, Philip, 1743 Thornton, John, 455 Thornton, Julie, 1630 Thrun, Sebastian, 1248 Tian, Jin, 346 TIELT: A Testbed for Gaming

Environments, 1690 Tillier, Elisabeth, 1139 Tira-Thompson, Ethan J., 1741 Todorovski, Ljupco, 892 Tomai, Emmett, 202, 209 Tompits, Hans, 695 Toninelli, Paolo, 1157 Tool Use for Autonomous

Agents, 184 Torge, Sunna, 752 Torrey, Lisa, 819 Touretzky, David S., 1741 Tovar, Benjamín, 1336

Toward Affective CognitiveRobots for Human-RobotInteraction, 1737

Towards Competence in Au-tonomous Agents, 1658

Towards Exploiting Duality inApproximate Linear Pro-gramming for MDPs, 1606

Towards Learning StochasticLogic Programs fromProof-Banks, 752

Towards Model-Based Diagno-sis of Coordination Fail-ures, 102

Towards Truthful Mechanismsfor Binary DemandGames: A General Frame-work, 1632

Tractable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Baseswith Disjunctive Informa-tion, 639

Trafton, J. Gregory, 1720, 1739 Tran, Nam, 676 Transforming between Proposi-

tions and Features: Bridg-ing the Gap, 777

Tribelhorn, Ben, 1724 Triebel, Rudolph, 1330 Truszczynski, Miroslaw, 596,

701 Tsamardinos, Ioannis, 739,

1710 Tu, Phan Huy, 1211

Udrea, Octavian, 1442 Ueda, Naonori, 764 Unified Framework for Repre-

senting Logic ProgramUpdates, A, 707

Unsupervised Activity Recogni-tion Using AutomaticallyMined Common Sense, 21

Unsupervised and Semi-super-vised Multi-Class SupportVector Machines, 904

Unsupervised MultilingualWord Sense Disambigua-tion via an Interlingua,1075


Upending the Uncanny Valley,1728

Usbeck, Kyle, 1674Use of Expert Knowledge for

Decision Tree Pruning,1600

Usher, Jeffrey, 202 Using a Sketch Pad Interface

for Interacting with aRobot Team, 1739

Using Domain-ConfigurableSearch Control for Proba-bilistic Planning, 1169

Using Modified Lasso Regres-sion to Learn Large Undi-rected Graphs in a Proba-bilistic Framework, 801

Using SAT and Logic Program-ming to Design Polynomi-al-Time Algorithms forPlanning in Non-deter-ministic Domains, 578

Using the GEMS System forCancer Diagnosis andBiomarker Discovery fromMicroarray Gene Expres-sion Data,1710

uncertainty, 15, 346, 378, 416,584, 663, 777, 783, 975,981, 1175, 1229, 1248,1274, 1336, 1622

Uzuner, Özlem, 1124

Vafaie, Haleh, 1499 Validating Plans in the Context

of Processes and Exoge-nous Events, 1151

Valin, J.-M., 1733Value Functions for RL-Based

Behavior Transfer: A Com-parative Study, 880

Vanhatalo, Jussi, 1569 Varakantham, Pradeep, 133 Variational Learning Algorithm

for the Abstract HiddenMarkov Model, A, 9

Vasconcelos, Eurico, 1521 Veloso, Manuela, xlvVenable, Kristen Brent, 461

Venutolo, Dan, 1674virtual reality, 127, 307, 1590,

1704vision, 950, 1508 vision/challenge, 184, 938,

962, 1000 Vo, Quoc Bao, 516 Vogel, Stephan, 1056 Voronkov, Andrei, 436

Wagner, William, 1678 Wagstaff, Kiri L., 620 Waibel, Alex, 1056 Walker, Trevor, 819 Walsh, Toby, 372, 461, 1368 Walsh, William E., 140 Wang, Kewen, 190, 682 Wang, Weizhao, 1632 Wang, Xiaofang, 1199 WebCrow: A WEB-based System

for CROssWord Solving,1412

Weber, Ingo, 176 Wechtenhiser, William, 1563 Weighted One-Against-All, 720 Weighted Super Solutions for

Constraint Programs, 378 Weld, Daniel S., 981 Wellman, Michael P., 502 West, Geoff A., 222 Whiteson, Shimon, 1666 Wiebe, Janyce, 1106 Wild, Edward, 819 Wilkinson, Dana, 898 Williams, Brian C., 114, 282,

321, 327 Winners, Marc, 1674Wiratunga, Nirmalie, 216 Wishart, David S., 1698 Witbrock, Michael, 1430, 1563 Wolter, Frank, 572 Woltran, Stefan, 695 Wong, Yuk Wah, 1062 Wood, Alexander B., 184

Word Sense Disambiguationwith Semi-SupervisedLearning, 1093

Wyatt, Danny, 21

Xiao, Gang, 898 Xu, Ke, 234 Xu, Linli, 904

Yanco, Holly A., 1718, 1743 Yang, Qiang, 3, 28, 228 Yang, Yiming, 801 Yap, Roland H., 366 Yen, John, 71 Yershova, Anna, 1336 Yeung, Dennis Wai Ming, 1467 Yin, Jie, 28 Yokoo, Makoto, 133, 261, 509 Yoon, SungWook, 1217 Yorke-Smith, Neil, 1223 Younes, Håkan L. S., 1030 Young, R. Michael, 307 Youngblood, G. Michael, 1576 Yu, Yong, 1418

Zadrozny, Bianca, 720 Zettlemoyer, Luke S., 911 Zhang, Harry, 874, 919 Zhang, Jianna, 1584, 1624 Zhang, Keshu, 807 Zhang, Peng, 925 Zhang, Weihong, 529 Zhang, Yan, 707 Zhang, Yongmian, 1229 Zhao, Jicheng, 578 Zhou, Rong, 1398 Zhu, Lin, 1235 Zhu, Tingshao, 549 Zhu, Weiyu, 962 Zhu, Xing, 1418 Zhu, Zhiwei, 529 Zielke, Marge, 1728 Zilberstein, Shlomo, 975