Index []978-1-4612-2556-0/1.pdf · Eptesicus serotinus, echo detection threshold, 94...


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Indexing is by scientific name of the various species. When the generic name is used alone this usually is because the reference is to several different species of the same genus. Most vertebrate species are referenced under the scientific names. The only exceptions are very common species such as mouse, rat, cat, chicken, dog, and human. A glossary of scientific and common names of most bat species used in this volume can be found in the appendix to chapter 2.

Sound localization is referred to in the index as sound source localization.

Acoustic fovea, 5, 20, 24, 427 ontogeny, 44

Acoustic image, 7 Active processes, cochlea, 223-224 Afferent innervation, ear, 20,

219-221 Airborne attack, target, 55-56 Amplitude modulation (AM),

frequency selectivity, 320ff Amplitude tuning, 426 Angular resolution, 14ff Animal eating bats, hunting strategies,

53ff Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus, see

also Cochlear Nucleus Anteroventral cochlear nucleus

(A VCN), cell types, 236ff insectivorous bats, 236 projections to superior olive, 256

Antrozous pallidus (pallid bat), medial geniculate connections, 378

Arctiid moth, detection, 18-19 Attack signals, Lasiurus cinereus, 49

Attack signals, Myotis daubentoni, 49-50

Audiogram, see Auditory Thresholds Auditory cortex, 27, 416ff

binaural properties, 429-430 cellular response, 431-432, 434-436,

437-438 CF/CF area, 449ff CF/FM bats, 27ff CF neurons, 431 combination-sensitive neurons,

488-489 cortical fields, 428 cytoarchitecture, 418-419 definition, 417-418 Doppler shift, 27, 45lff echolocation behavior, 453 Eptesicus juscus, 27, 29, 437ff,

460ff,487-489 facilitation, 441, 446, 453 frequency representation, 419ff, 431,

434, 438-439 frequency tuning, 425-426, 431-437


500 Index

functional organization, 486ff inhibition, 426ff Myotis /ueifugus, 27, 434ff , 456ff,

487,489 nontonotopic organization, 440ff organization differences in CF IFM

and FM bats, 467-470 Pteronotus parnelli, 27, 416, 417,

418-419, 420ff, 441ff receptive fields, 439-440 Rhin%phus jerrumequinum, 27, 28,

430ff, 454ff see also FM-FM species-specificity, 486ff target pursuit, 443

Auditory feedback, biosonar signals, 44

Auditory filters, 91 Auditory nerve, evoked potentials,

193 HRP labeling, 203-204 physiology, 21 Pteronotus, 21

Auditory pathways, comparative functional organization, 492-493

Auditory space representation, 439-440

Auditory system, bat, 19 Auditory system model, bats, 481ff Auditory system, physiology, 21ff Auditory threshold, 192ff

Carollia perspicillata, 193, 194 cat, 194 Eptesicus juseus, 89-90 Megaderma lyra, 89-90, 193, 194 Myotis /ueifugus, 89-90 Noetilio /eporinus, 89-90 nonecholocating mammals, 193 Pteronotus parnellii, 194, 195 rat, 194 Rhin%phus jerrumequinum,

89-90, 194 Rhin%phus rouxi, 195 Rousettus aegyptiaea, 89-90

Auditory-vocal interactions, 271-272 Automatic gain control, 17-18 Azimuth coding, inferior colliculus,


Backward masking, clutter interference, 97ff

Ba/antiopteryx plieata (least sac-winged bat), 69, 82

Basilar membrane, 19ff, 209ff CFIFM bats, 209 comparative dimensions, 210 Hipposideros, 210, 212, 213 Hipposideros bie%r, 207 Microchiroptera vs nonecholocating

mammals, 209 Pteronotus parnellii, 210, 212, 213 Rhin%phus jerrumequinum, 210,

211,212,213 Rhin%phus rouxi, 207 stiffness, 213 Traehops cirrhosus, 210, 211, 212 tuning, 213

Bat, cervical vertebrae, 40 classification, 37ff diversity, 42-44 evolution, 40ff flight, 41 ontogeny, 44 origin, 40 phylogeny, 40ff size, 3 social behavior, 43-44 vision, 3, 40

Bat-bat interactions, 64-65 Bat-insect interactions, 65-67 Bat-moth interactions, 56 Bicolored Roundleaf Bat, see

Hipposideros bie%r Bicuculline, GABA, 317-318 Bicuculline, inferior colliculus, 342ff,

351ff Big brown bat, see Eptesicus juscus Binaural processing, 15, 266

auditory cortex, 429-430 FM-FM neurons, 447 inferior collicuius, 262-263, 305ff medial geniculate, 387-388 superior olivary complex, 258ff

Biogeography, bats, 37, 42-44 Biosonar, airborne targets, 54ff

and hearing, 61 Biosonar behavior, 54, 453

costs, 67-68 directional echo reception, 184

Biosonar directionality, Carollia perspicillata, 92

Myotis grisescens, 92 Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 92

Biosonar, early experiments, 1 echo delay acuity, 175ff echo detection thresholds, 88 echo segregation, 156, 173ff echo sound level, 87ff effects of environment, 88 Eptesicus juscus, 88 evolution, 40, 192 field of view, 174 frequency and pinna size, 68 gain control, 99ff hunting, 57 mealworm echoes, 163-164 medial superior olive, 262-264 Megachiroptera, 71-72 Myotis lucijugus, 88 Myotis oxygnathus, 88 nonairborne targets, 58-59 obstacle avoidance, 88 ontogeny, 44 range, 9, 10, 12-14 range thresholds, 103ff receiver models, 125ff receiver models, 125ff Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 88 Rousettus aegyptiaca, 71 target decomposition, 174ff target detection, 87ff target discrimination, FM bats, 169ff target distance, 88 target echoes, 150ff target identification, 17lff target localization, 178ff target size, 87-88 temporal resolution, lOff, 56 theory of, 125ff

Biosonar signals, 4ff, 44ff, 50 bandwidth, 56-57 colony-specific, 51-52 communication,6lff comparison among species, 48 definitions, 44ff

directionality, 18lff duration, 49-50, 136 duty cycle, 49-50

Index 501

Eptesicus juscus, 16lff, 148ff, 437 FM,148ff frequency shift, 50 geographic variation, 51 Hipposideros sp. 195 intensity, 49 interpulse interval, 67 intraspecific variation, 52 Myotis lucijugus, 46, 434 Noctilio albiventris, 54 ontogeny, 44 Pteronotus pamellii, 46-46, 72, 423 range, 52-53 repetition rates, 49-50, 136 Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 430 search signals, 52-53 species comparisons, 51, 53 variation, 51-52

Biosonar sounds, see Biosonar Signals Bird-insect interactions, 64-65 Blood, as food, 58-59 Bos bovis(cattle), basilar membrane, 210 Brain stem organization, 22ff,

313-314, 235ff conservation among mammals, 482ff

Butterfly bat, see Chalinolobus variegatus

Calbindin, cochlear nucleus, 246 Calcium-binding proteins, medial

geniculate, 376ff, 483 California leaf-nosed bat, see Macrotus

calijomicus Cardiderma cor (Heart-nosed bat), 83 Carollia perspicillata (Short-tailed fruit

bat),83 auditory threshold, 193, 194 cochlea mechanics, 225 distortion products, 202-203 emission directionality, 92 olfactory and visual cues, 59

Cat, auditory threshold, 194 basilar membrane, 210, 212 lateral lemniscus, 268, 273

502 Index

Cattle, see Bos bovis Cave birds, 2-3 Central acoustic tract, 389 Cervical vertebrae, 40 CF biosonar signals, geographic

variation, 51 CF biosonar signals, obstacle

avoidance, 166 CF/CF area, auditory cortex, 449ff

organization, 451-453 Pteronotus parnelli, 449ff

CFIFM bats, 4ff basilar membrane, 207, 209 cochlea, 193 cochlear nucleus tuning, 242 differences from FM bats, 467-470 Doppler-shift compensation, 314ff fluttering insect targets, 134ff insect discrimination, 264 lateral lemniscus, 268 medial superior olive, 260-261, 264 olivocochlear system, 222, 269, 270,

271 overrepresentation of 60 kHz, 316ff sound source localization, 15 tuning curves, 195ff, 244

CF IFM signal, defined, 45 CF neurons, auditory cortex, 431 CF signal, defined, 45 Chalinolobus variegatus (Butterfly

bat), 69,83 Chilonycteris parnellii, see Pteronotus

parnellii Chrotopterus auritus (Wooly false

vampire bat), 73, 83 Classification, bats, 37ff Cloeotis percivali (Short-eared trident

bat), 66,83 Clutter, bat flight path, 164-165 Clutter, flutter, 134, 137 Clutter interference, 16ff, 95, 97ff,

176ff Clutter, range discrimination, 123-124 Clutter, target streams, 155ff CM, see Cochlear microphonics Cochlea, active and passive processes,

223-224 Cochlea, afferent innervatlon, 219-221

anatomy, 19-21, 191, 205ff

anatomy, Rhinolophus rouxi, 206, 208

anatomy, Trachops cirrhosus, 208-209

auditory threshold, 192ff CF IFM bats, 193 distortions, 201-203 efferent innervation, 221-223 emissions (see also Otoacoustic

emissions), 197-199 innervation, 219ff Macrochiroptera, 192 mammal,191 Microchiroptera, 192 Microchiroptera vs nonecholocating

mammals, 209 micromechanics, 224ff physiology, 192ff Pteronotus sp. 192, 193 sizes in bats, 193 tuning, 241-242

Cochlear frequency map, 203-205 cat, 204, Cryptomys hottentoltus, 204

Cochlear, frequency map, rat, 204 Rhinolophus !errumequinum,

204-205 Rhinolophus rouxi, 204

Cochlear innervation, 20, 208, 219ff Myotis,20 Pteronotus parnellii, 208 Pteronotus parnellii, 219-221 Rhinolophus !errumequinum, 219,

220 Taphozous kachenis, 219-220 Trachops cirrhosus, 220-221

Cochlear mechanics, 223-224 Carollia perspicillata, 225 Pteronotus parnellii, 225-226

Cochlear microphonics, 193 Myotis lucifugus, 21 otoacoustic emissions, 201 Pteronotus, 20

Cochlear nucleus, 22-23, 235ff best frequencies, 241ff, 243 central projections, 248ff cytoarchitecture, 237 efferent from superior olivary

nucleus, 271

frequency tuning, 196-198,241-242, 244,279

inputs, 239-241 lemniscal system, 266ff on/off responses, 246 physiology, 24lff, 245ff projections to inferior colliculus, 250 projections to lateral lemniscus, 249,

250 projections to superior olivary

complex, 248ff, 255ff Pteronotus parnelli, 200, 236ff temporal analysis, 246ff tonotopy, 239, 241ff

Cochlear resonance, Pteronotus parnellii, 200-201

Cognitive abilities, 137 Coherent receiver, echolocation, 125 Combination-sensitive neurons,

auditory cortex, 488-489 circuitry, 400, 402-403 delay tuning, 404-405 inferior colliculus, 385 mammals in general, 49lff medial geniculate, 354ff, 368ff,

394ff,484 natural selection, 489ff pharmacology, 403-404 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, 454

Common vampire Bat, see Desmodus rotundus

Communication, biosonar signals, 6lff Communication, interspecific, 64ff Communication, intraspecific, 61-64 Cricket, and bats, 65 Critical band, 91 Critical masking ratio, 91

Megaderma lyra, 91 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, 91 Rousettus aegyptiaca, 91

Cryptomys hottentottus (mole rat), basilar membrane, 204, 210, 210

Daubenton's bat, see Myotis daubentoni

Delay dependency, 454-455 Delay tuning, 355ff

amplitude, 463

Index 503

auditory cortex, 441, 489 circuit models, 464-467 combination-sensitive neurons,

404-405 Eptesicus fuscus, 460-462 frequency, 459-460 medial geniculate, 393, 397, 398 Myotis luci/ugus, 456-458, 464 repetition rate, 458-459

Desmodus rotundus (Common vampire Bat),83

inferior colliculus, 59 roosts, 43-44

Dijkgraaf, 1 Directionality, biosonar signals, 92,

18lff Distortion product otoacoustic

emissions, 201 Carollia perspicil/ata, 202-203 Pteronotus parnellii, 201-203

Diversity, bats, 42-44 Dolphins, trapezoid body, 275 Doppler shift, 5-6, 17-18

auditory cortex, 27 CF-CF area, 451, 452-453

Doppler shift compensation, 445 Doppler shift compensation, inferior

colliculus, 302, 314ff Doppler shift compensation, medial

geniculate, 385, 398, 484 frequency selectivity, 315-316 insect wing flutter, 134, 319ff Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, 455

Dorsal cochlear nucleus (DeN), laminar structure, 236-237

Dorsal cochlear nucleus, 236ff see also Cochlear Nucleus

Dorsal medial geniculate, architecture, 391

inputs and outputs, 392 Dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus, see

Lateral Lemniscus Duty cycle, biosonar signals, 49

Ear, insect, 65 see also pinna and cochlea

Eastern pipistrelle, see Pipistrel/us subflavus

504 Index

Echo delay discrimination, FM bats, 146ff

Echo delay, target distance, 93ff Echo detection, masking, 92 Echo detection threshold, 92ff,

126-127 masking, 127 methods and data, 93ff

Echolocation ability, 6ff Echolocation, against hard

background, 58-59 see also Biosonar

Ecological niche, combination-sensitive neurons, 489-490

EE (excitatory-excitatory) cells, inferior colliculus, 305ff

Efferent innervation, cochlea, 20, 221-223

Efferent system, 265, 269ff Egyptian fruit bat, see Rousettus

aegyptiaca Egyptian slit-faced Bat, see Nycteris

grandis Egyptian tomb bat, see Rousettus

aegyptiaca EI (excitatory-inhibitory) neurons,

inferior colliculus, 305ff, 327ff, 330ff

medial geniculate, 388 Pteronotus, 24 receptive field, 330ff

Elephant, see Elephas max Elephas max (elephant), basilar

membrane, 210 Elevation, 262-263 Elevation coding, inferior colliculus,

338-339 EO (monaural) cells, inferior

colliculus, 305ff, 331 Eptesicus, auditory system, 19 Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat), 83

auditory cortex, 27, 29, 437ff, 460ff auditory thresholds, 89-90 avoidance flight path, 167-168 biosonar operating range, 150 biosonar signals, 51, 148ff, 161ff,

181ff,437 clutter interference, 981 123-124 cortical organization, 487, 489

directionality of echolocation, 184ff echo delay jitter, 130 echo detection threshold, 93ff,

126-127 echolocation behavior, 88, 147ff echolocation sounds, 4 external ear, 132-133 fluttering insect targets, 133, 138,

152ff frequency resolution, 279 gain control, 100ff inferior colliculus, 301 interaural time differences, 179 jitter resolution, 10-11 lateral lemniscus, 275, 281-282 medial geniculate connections, 378,

383 minimum audible angle, 132 nanosecond jitter, 116 obstacle avoidance, 148ff, 165ff prey pursuit, 161ff range discrimination, 104ff, 110,

127-128 range jitter discrimination, 111 ff range resolution, 116ff sound source localization, 14 spatial imaging, 182 superior olivary complex, 254 target interception, 169ff target shape discrimination, 121ff,

169ff temporal integration, 99 temporal resolution, 178 vertical sound source localization,

133 Eptesicus serotinus, echo detection

threshold, 94 Eptesicus serotinus (Serotine Bat),

clutter interference, 98 masking, 98-99

Euderma maculatum (Spotted bat), 83 intraspecific communication, 63 moths, 66

Evening bat, see Nycticeius humeralis Evoked otoacoustic emissions (see also

Otoacoustic Emissions), 197-198 Evoked potentials, 23, 193 Evolution, bat, 40ff

bat cochlea, 192

echolocation, 40, 192 see also natural selection

Experience, moth catching, 67 External ear, vertical sound source

localization, 132-133 Extralemniscal pathway, 265, 271-272

Face, bat, 68ff Face, leaflike structures, 68ff

facial features, 68ff Facial features, various bats, 69-72 Facilitation, auditory cortex, 441, 446,

453,460 Feeding behavior, Myotis emarginatus,

58 Fish-catching bat, see Noctilio

/eporinus Fishing bats, 43, 58 Flight, bats, 41 Flight path, target interception,

161-162 Flower feeding, 59 Flutter, clutter, 134, 137 Flutter detection, 45

Pipistrel/us stenopterus, 45 Pteronotus parnellii, 45

Flutter, Doppler shift, 49 Fluttering insect targets, clutter, 134,

137 detection, 133ff medial geniculate, 484

Fluttering target detection, 58 Fluttering target discrimination, FM

bats, 138 FM bats, 3

cochlear nucleus tuning, 242 cortical organization, 28-29 differences from CFI 467-470 echo delay discrimination, 146ff flutter target discrimination, 138 lateral lemniscus, 268-269 obstacle avoidance, 148ff olivocochlear system, 222, 270, 271 tuning curves, 196, 244

FM signal, defined, 45 FM sweep, function, 54 FM-FM neurons, amplitude properties,


Index 505

binaural responses, 447 directional sensitivity, 447 frequency properties, 445-446 functional organization, 442, 444,

446 Pteronotus parnelli, 44Iff

Food, insects, 60 Food, plant, 58-59 Food, preference, 59-60 Foraging, 58-60

ecology, 60-61 experience, 67 insects, 60 Lasiurus sp., 66

Forward masking, clutter interference, 97ff

Fovea, cochlea, 224-225 Frequency discrimination, 18 Frequency maps, see also Cochlea,

frequency map using HRP, 203-204

Frequency modulation, detection, 136 selectivity, 320ff

Frequency representation, auditory cortex, 438-439

Frequency resolution, bats, 195-197 cochlear nucleus, 24Iff

Frequency selectivity, 60 kHz overrepresentation, 316ff 90-91

combination-sensitive neurons of medial geniculate, 396ff

Doppler-shift compensation, 315ff GABA, 317-318 inferior colliculus, 302-303 medial geniculate, 384ff, 483-484

Fringe-lipped bat, see Trachops cirrhosus

Frogs, hunting of, 58-59 Fruit-eating bats, 43

GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid), 24

frequency selectivity, 317-318 inferior colliculus, 339ff, 351ff lateral lemniscus, 268, 299 medial geniculate, 374ff, 385, 483 response latency, 352ff

GAD, medial geniculate, 375-376

506 Index

Gain control, echolocation, 99ff Galambos, 1 Gamma-amino-butyric acid, see GABA Gerbil, lateral lemniscus, 273 Ghost bat, see Maeroderma gigas Gleaners, 50 Glint, 18, 264

biosonar targets, 134ff, 150ff cognitive reconstruction, 155ff echolocation, 123 temporal resolution, 153ff, 157ff

Glycine, 264 inferior colliculus, 339ff lateral lemniscus, 298-299

Greater bull-dog bat, see Noetilio leporinus

Greater horseshoe bat, see Rhinolophus jerrumequinum

Griffin, early experiments, 1, 7 basilar membrane, 210 frequency resolution, 196 hair cell dimensions, 217, 218 olivocochlear system, 270-271

Hair cell dimensions, Hipposideros bieolor, 217,218

Hair cell dimensions, Rhinolophus rouxi, 217, 218, 219

Hair cells, 205, 215ff also see Inner Hair Cells and Outer

Hair Cells density, 219 dimensions, 217-219 frequency tuning, 195 innervation, 219ff, 221-223 tectorial membrane, 215 ultrastructure, 216-217

Hawaiian hoary bat, see Lasiurus cinereus

Hearing, correlation with echolocation, 61

Hearing directionality, Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 92

Hearing sensitivity, see Auditory Threshold

Heart-nosed bat, see Cardiderma cor Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat, see

Rhinolophus hildeb11lndti

Hipposideros bieolor (Bicolored Roundleaf Bat), basilar membrane, 207

fluttering insect targets, 134ff hair cell dimensions, 217, 218 tectorial membrane, 214

Hipposideros eajjer, (Sundevall's leaf-nosed bat), 83

facial features, 70 FM sweep, 54

Hipposideros lankadiva (Kelaart's leaf-nosed bat), 83

FM detection, 136-137 olivocochlear system, 269 wingbeat rate discrimination,

137-138 Hipposideros ruber (Noack's

Leafnosed Bat), fluttering insect targets, 134ff

prey selection, 137 Hipposideros sp., basilar membrane,

210, 212, 213 Hipposideros sp., biosonar signals, 195 Hipposideros speoris (Schneider's

round-leaf bat), 83 fluttering insect targets, 134ff FM detection, 136-137

Hoary bat, see Lasiurus einereus Horseshoe bat, see Rhinolophus

jerrumequinum HRP frequency mapping, 203-204 Human, basilar membrane, 210

otoacoustic emissions, 198 sensory hair cell dimensions, 217,

218 Hunting, airborne targets, 56

biosonar signals, 57 cues, 58 from flight, 58 Lasionyeteris noetivagans, 57 Lasiurus, 56, 57 Lasiurus borealis, 63 Lasiurus einereus, 61, 62 Nyeteris grandis, 61, 62

Hunting strategies, 53ff

Ideal receiver, echolocation, 125, 127-128

110, see interaural intensity differences

Imaging, echolocation, 136ff Immelman turn, 56 Indian false vampire bat, see

Megaderma lyra Inferior colliculus, 22ff, 249-250, 266,

296ff 60 kHz overrepresentation, 302ff auditory space representation, 336ff binaural interactions, 305ff binaural responses, 262-263 central nucleus, 296ff columnar organization, 313-314 connections to medial geniculate, 26,

379 Desmodus rotundus, 59 divisions of, 306 Doppler-shift compensation, 302 Doppler-shift compensation, 314ff EE inputs, 307-308 EI cells, 330ff EI inputs, 307-308 EO inputs, 307-308 excitation and inhibition, 298ff frequency selectivity, 59, 243,

244-245, 302-303 GABA, 339ff, 35lff glycine, 339ff inhibition, 309ff insect target signature, 326 interaural cues, 326ff, 344, 349-350 projections from lower centers, 250,

298ff, 303ff Pteronotus parnelli, 424 rate-level functions, 308-309 response latency, 350ff subdivisions, 303 temporal response patterns, 308-309 tonotopic organization, 30lff topologic representation of lID,

333ff Inhibition, auditory cortex, 426ff

frequency selectivity, 316ff inferior colliculus, 309ff, 339ff neuron tuning, 244

Inhibitory threshold, tonotopic organization, 309ff

Inner hair cells, 19, 205, 215ff Insect, bat detection, 65-66

capture, 11

Index 507

discrimination, 264 discrimination against background,

18 ears, 65

Insect flutter, Doppler shift, 319ff foraging for, 60

Insect target, fluttering, 133ff, 152 shape, 152 signature coding, 326

Insect wing flutter, Doppler shift, 315 Insect wingbeat rate, discrimination,

137 Insect-bat interactions, 65-67 Insectivorous bats, auditory cortex,

419 AVeN,236

Integration time, 99 Interaural intensity difference,

131-132, 305ff frequency-dependence, 328-329 inferior colliculus, 326ff, 344,

349-350 topology, 333-334

Interaural spectral difference, 131-132 Interaural time difference, 131-132

FM bats, 179ff Interfemoral membrane, 56 Interpulse interval, biosonar signals, 67 Intraspecific communication, 61-64,

64ff Euderma maculatum, 63

Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 63

Jitter, echo detection, 127 neural response, 176 resolution, 10-11

Jurine, 1

Kelaart's leaf nosed bat, see Hipposideros lankadiva

Lacewigs, and bats, 65 Lander's horseshoe bat, see

Rhinolophus landeri Larger slit-faced bat, see Nycteris


508 Index

Lasionycteris noctivagans (Silver-haired bat), 57, 84

Lasiurus borealis (Red bat), 63, 84 Lasiurus cinereus (Hawaiian hoary

bat), sound production, 47, 84 airborne attack, 49, 55, 56, 61-62 biosonar frequency shift, 50

Lasiurus sp, foraging on moths, 56-57, 66

lateral lemniscus, 296-297, 308 lateral superior olive (LSO), 297ff,

305, 307-308, 340ff, 345ff, Lateral geniculate, 368ff Lateral lemniscus, 22-23, 24, 250,

265ff and superior colliculus, 268 bilateral input, 268 cat, 268, 273 contralateral stimulation, 268 efferent system, 269-271 Eptesicusjuscus, 275, 281-282 frequency selectivity, 278-280 GABA,268 gerbil,273 glycine, 298 input, 275-277 monaural nuclei, 273ff nuclei, 297ff, 305, 307-308, 340-341,

343-344, 348ff physiology, 268, 277ff, 280-282 projections from cochlear nucleus,

249,250 Pteronotus parnelli, 275, 277 Rhinolophus rouxi, 268 sound source localization, 327 timing, 280-282 tonotopy, 8-280

Lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO), 22,298,308

sound source localization, 327 Least Sac-Winged Bat, see

Balantiopteryx plicata Lemniscal system 265ff Lesser bulldog bat, see Noctilio

albiventris Lesser false vampire bat, see

Megaderma spasma Lesser fishing bat, see Noctilio

albiventris .

Linnaeus' false vampire bat, see Vampyrum spectrum

Little brown bat, see Myotis lucifugus Long CFIFM bats, auditory cortex, 27 Long-eared bat, see Myotis evotis Long-legged myotis, see Myotis volans

Macrochiroptera, cochlea, 192 Macroderma gigas (Ghost bat), 84 Macromechanics, Pteronotus parnellii,

225-226 Macrotus californicus (California

leaf-nosed bat), 84 Mammals, tuning curves, 197 Mantids, and bats, 65 Masking, effects on target detection,

98-99, 127 Matched filter, echolocation, 125ff Maternal behavior, Myotis lucifugus,

63 Tadarida brasiliensis, 63

Mealworm, biosonar echoes, 150ff, 163-164

Medial geniculate (MGB), 25ff, 296-297, 368ff

amplitude coding, 398 architectonic organization, 369ff,

380,391 calcium-binding proteins, 376ff CFICF neurons, 395ff, 485-486 combination-sensitive neurons,

354ff, 394ff communication sound coding, 394 connections, 378, 383ff, 388, 392 connections to inferior colliculus, 26 Doppler shift, 385, 484 dorsal and rostral areas, 39lff EI neurons, 388 Eptesicus juscus, 383, 384 fluttering insect wings, 484 FM/FM neurons, 397ff, 485-486 GABA,374ff Golgi,373 lamination, 372, 378ff modulation sensitivity, 387 Myotislucifugus, 379 Myotis oxygnathus, 384 neurochemistry, 374ff

physiological properties, 384ff Pteronotus, 26 Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 384 species-specific features, 483ff subdivisions, 369ff, 377 tonotopic organization, 369-370,

378ff,387 ventral division, 378ff

Medial olivocochlear system, See Olivocochlear system

Medial superior olive, (MSO), 22, 24, 251, 297ff, 307-308, 340,

comparison with other mammals, 262

echolocation, 262-264 presence in bats?, 264-265 projections from AVCN, 257 Pteronotus parnelli, 263 see also Superior Olivary Complex vertical sound source localization,

262-263 Megachiroptera, biogeography, 42-43

classification, 37ff differences from Microchiroptera,

42-44 echolocation, 71-72 relationship to primates, 40

Megaderma lyra (Indian false vampire bat),84

auditory threshold, 89-90, 193, 194 basilar membrane, 210, 212 critical masking ratios, 91 facial features, 72 frog hunting, 59 range resolution, 119 target shape discrimination, 130-131

Megaderma spasma (Lesser false vampire bat), 84

Mexican free-tailed bat, see Tadarida brasiliensis

Mexican long-eared myotis, see Myotis auriculus

Microchiroptera, biogeography, 43 classification, 37ff cochlea, 192 differences from Megachiroptera,

42-44 echolocation, 71-73

Micromechanics, cochlea, 224ff

Index 509

Middle ear, mammal, 191 Middle ear muscles, clutter, 17

echo detection, 92 gain control, 99-100

Minimum audible angle, Eptesicus juscus, 132

FM bats, 179 Modulation, rate selectivity, 323ff Modulation sensitivity, medial

geniculate, 387 Mole rat, see Cryptomys hottentottus

or Spalax ehrenbergi Molossus ater, basilar membrane, 210

superior olivary complex responses, 258, 260, 261

Moth, bat interactions, 18, 56, 65ff, 164-165

Mother-infant interactions, 63 Mouse, basilar membrane, 210 Multidimension targets, 11-12 Mustached bat, see Pteronotus parnelli Myotis auriculus, (Mexican long-eared

myotis),84 Myotis daubentoni (Daubenton's bat),

84 attack signals, 49-50 biosonar frequency shift, 50

Myotis emarginatus, (Notch-eared Bat),84

biosonar intensity, 49 feeding behavior, 58 prey search, 51

Myotis evotis (Long-eared bat), 84 Myotis grisescens (Gray Bat), emission

directionality, 92 Myotis lucijugus (Little brown bat), 85

airborne attack, 55, 56 auditory cortex, 27, 417, 434ff,

456ff, 487, 489 auditory thresholds, 89-90 basilar membrane, 210, 211 bisonar signal, 9, 434, 157 cochlear microphonic, 21 delay tuning models, 464 dorsal medial geniculate, 393 echolocation, 6, 88 flight path, 164-165 fluttering insect targets, 133 maternal behavior, 63

510 Index

medial geniculate and inferior colIiculus connections, 379ff

obstacle avoidance, 165ff QIO dB' 196, 197 target interception, 169ff target shape discrimination, 169ff tuning in cochlear nucleus, 197

Myotis myotis, range resolution, 119 Myotis oxygnathus, echolocation, 88

range discrimination, 107 tuning in Medial geniculate, 384ff

Myotis septentrionalis (Northern long-eared bat), 85

Myotis sp., auditory system, 19 biosonar signals 51 cochlear innervation, 20 search signals, 52-53 sounds, 46

Myotis volans (Long-legged myotis), 85 Myotis yumanensis (yuma myotis), 85

Naked-backed bat, see Pteronotus suapurensus

Nanosecond jitter, range discrimination, 116, 130

Narrow-winged pipistrelle, see Pipistrellus stenopterus

Natural selection, combination-sensitive neurons, 489ff

Nectar feeding, 60 Neocortex, primitive mammals, 419 Neuroethology, 2 Noack's Leafnosed Bat,

seeHipposideros ruber Noctilio albiventris (lesser fishing bat

or lesser bulldog bat), range determination, 13-14, 85

biosonar signals, 54 noise effects, 98 ranging discrimination, 105-106,

109-110 Noctilio leporinus (Greater bulldog

bat),85 auditory thresholds, 89-90 backward masking, 101-102 clutter interference, 98 echo detection threshold, 94 fishing, 58, 136

Noctuid moths, fossils, 2 Noise, effects on target detection,

98-99 Northern long-eared bat, see Myotis

septentrionalis Noseleaf, 68, 70-71 Notch-eared Bat, see Myotis

emarginatus Nycteris grandis (Large slit-faced bat),

61-62,71, 85 Nycteris thebaica (Egyptian slit-faced

Bat),85 Nycticeius humeralis (Evening bat),


Obstacle avoidance, Eptesicus juscus, 165

FM bats, 165ff, 177ff Myotis lucijugus, 165 wires, 165ff

Olfaction, orientation, 59 Olivocochlear system,. Pteronotus

parnel/ii, 222, 223 221-223, 269, 271

comparative, 269 guinea pig, 270-271 Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 20,

222 On-off responses, 424

cochlear nucleus, 246 On-responses, 431

inferior coIIiculus, 308-309 Ontogeny, acoustic fovea, 44

bats, 44 echolocation, 44

Organ of Corti, 205ff efferent innervation, 221-223 innervation, 219ff Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 216 supporting cells, 205-207

Otoacoustic emissions, 197,224,225, 226

cochlear microphonics, 201 distortion products, 201 human, 198 Pteronotus parnel/ii, 21, 198, 199,

200, 224-225 Rhinolophus rouxi, 198

Outer hair cells, 191,205, 215ff cochlear amplifier, 201 frequency tuning, 195 innervation, 20 movement, 21 otoacoustic emissions, 21 size changes, 217

Pallid bat, see Antrozous pallidus Paradoxical latency shift, 458 Paralemniscal tegmentum, 271-272 Parnell's mustached bat, see

Pteronotus parneilii Passive listening, and auditory

threshold, 193 Passive processes, cochlea, 223-224 Pectoral girdle, bats, 43 Perilymphatic spaces, comparative, 208 Phantom targets, 8, 97ff, 164, 177, 179 Phase effects, biosonar receiver, 125 Phyllostomidae, 43 Phyllostomus hastus, range

discrimination, 105ff, 127-128 Phylogeny, bats, 40ff Pinna, correlation with biosonar call

frequency, 68 directionality, 329 vertical sound source localization,

132 size, 68ff sound shadowing, 327

Pinna movements, Rhinoiophus jerrumequinum, 132-133

Pipistrel/us pipistrel/us (Pipistrelle), 85 echo detection threshold, 94 masked echo detection, 127 range discrimination, 107, 11 0

Pipistrel/us stenopterus (Narrow-winged pipistrelle), 85

flutter detection, 45, 138 Pipistrel/us sUbflavus (Eastern

pipistrelle), 85 Plants, bat foraging, 59-60 Pollen feeding, 59 Posteroventral cochlear nucleus, 236ff Posteroventral cochlear nucleus, see

also Cochlear Nucleus Preolivary nuclei, 253

Index 511

Primates, relationship to Megachiroptera, 40

Psychophysical methods, range discrimination, 108-109

Pteronotus parnellii (parnell's mustached bat), 85-86

auditory cortex, 416, 417, 418-419, 420ff, 44Iff

auditory system, 19 auditory threshold, 194, 195 basilar membrane, 210, 212, 213 biosonar signals, 5, 9, 423 biosonar signals, 72 CF-CF area, 449ff cochlea, 20 cochlear innervation, 208, 219-221 cochlear mechanics, 200-201, 225-226 cochlear nucleus, 200, 236ff cochlear resonance, 200-201 cortex 424, 428, 441 cortical organization, 487 distortion products, 201-203 echolocation behavior, 453 extralemniscal pathway, 271, 272 flutter detection 45 fluttering insect targets, 133ff, 136 FM sweep, 54 FM-FM area, 44Iff inferior colliculus, 302, 424 lateral lemniscus, 275, 277 medial geniculate, 369 medial superior olive, 263 olivocochlear system, 222-223, 269,

270 otacoustic emissions, 198, 199, 200,

224-225 phylogeny, 42 projections to SOC, 258 QIO dB in cochlear nucleus, 200 sounds, 46-47 species-specific combination-sensitive

neurons, 484ff superior olivary complex, 254,

255-256, 258, 266 tectorial membrane, 214 tonotopy, 260 tuning curves, 195-196, 198 wingbeat rate discrimination,


512 Index

Pteronotus sp, auditory cortex, 27 auditory nerve response, 21 cochlea, 192, 193 cochlear microphonic, 20 EI neurons, 24 medial geniculate, 26 otoacoustic emissions, 21

Pteronotus suapurensis, range discrimination, l04ff, 128

PVCN, see Posteroventral Cochlear Nucleus

Pygmy round-eared bat, see Tonatia brasiliensis

QIO dB' 21 cochlear nucleus, 243, 244 FM bats, 196 guinea pig, 196 inferior colliculus, 303-304 Pteronotus parnellii, 200, 201

Range discrimination, 103ff, 456ff autocorrelation function, 128 clutter, 123-124 Eptesicus /uscus, 95ff ideal receiver, 127-128 interference, 109ff psychophysical methods, 108-109 two-wavefront targets, 116ff

Range, echolocation, 9, 103ff Range estimation, echolocation, 116ff Range interference, CF signals, 109

FM signals, 109 Range jitter discrimination, 103ff,

I11ff, 128ff Range resolution, 103ff, 116ff, 119ff,

130-131 Rat, auditory threshold, 194

basilar membrane, 210 tectorial membrane, 215

Rate-level functions, inferior colliculus, 308-309

Rayleigh limit, biosonar sounds, 160 Receiver models, echolocation, 125ff Receptive field, auditory cortex,


binaural cells, 330ff, 336ff inhibition, 34lff

Red bat, see Lasiurus borealis Rhinolophus /errumequinum (Greater

horseshoe bat), 86 auditory cortex, 27, 28, 430ff, 454ff auditory threshold, 89-90, 194 basilar membrane, 210, 211, 212 best frequency, 195-196 biosonar signals, 430 biosonar sounds, 4, 9 cochlear frequency map, 204-205 cochlear innervation, 219-221 cortical organization, 487 critical masking ratios, 91 Doppler shift, 455 echolocation, 88 emission directionality, 92 flutter Doppler-shifts, 134ff FM detection, 136-137 hearing directionality, 92 inferior colliculus, 302 intraspeCific communication, 63 medial geniculate connections, 378 olivocochlear system, 222 organ of Corti, 216 pinna movements, 132-133 prey selection, 137-138 range discrimination, 105ff, 128 superior olivary complex, 254, 258,

261,262 target catching, 56 tuning curves, 195-196 tuning in cochlear nucleus, 197 tuning in medial geniculate, 384ff vertical sound source localization,

132-133 wingbeat rate discrimination, 137

Rhinolophus hildebrandti (Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat), 86

facial features, 70 Rhinolophus landeri (Lander's

horseshoe bat), 86 Rhinolophus rouxi (Rufous horseshoe

bat),86 basilar membrane, 207 cochlea anatomy, 206, 208 cochlear frequency map, 204

distortion products, 202-203 fluttering insect targets, 134ff GABA in medial geniculate, 374ff inferior colliculus, 302 lateral lemniscus, 268 neuronal auditory thresholds, 195 olivocochlear system, 269

otoacoustic emissions, 198 ranging interference, 109-110 sensory hair cell dimensions, 217,

218,219 Rhinopoma hardwickii, basilar

membrane, 2lO Rhinolophus sp, auditory system, 19

efferent innervation, 20 inner ear, 20 olivocochlear system, 20

Roeder, 65-67 Roosts, 59 Roufous horseshoe bat, see

Rhinolophus rouxi Rousettus aegyptiaca (Egyptian fruit

bat),86 auditory thresholds, 89-90 biosonar signal, 50 critical masking ratios, 91 echolocation, 71 roosts, 59 signal production, 40 tongue click, 46

Rousettus sp., echolocation, 2

Schneider's round-leaf bat, see Hipposideros speoris

Search signals, 52-53 Semicoherent receiver, echolocation,

125 Serotine bat, see Eptesicus serotinus Short CFIFM bats, 6 Short-eared trident bat, see Cloeotis

percivalli Short-tailed fruit bat, see Carollia

perspicillata Silver-haired bat, see Lasionycteris

noctivagans Social behavior, 43-44 Sound, cues for hunting, 58

Index 513

Sound emission, control of level, 16-18 Sound production, 44ff

Lasiurus cinereus, 47 Rousettus aegyptiaca, 40

Sound shadow, pinna, 327 Sound source localization, 14ff, l3lff

central projections, 248 FM bats, 179ff inferior colliculus, 326ff superior olivary complex, 255 vertical, 15, l32-133, 336

Sound, temporal features, 283-285 Spalax ehrenbergi (mole rat), efferent

innervation of ear, 223 Spallanzani, bat studies, 1 Spatial imaging, biosonar, 136ff Spear-nosed bat, see Phyllostomus

hostus Spectral coloration, range jitter

discrimination, 223 Spectral notches, range resolution,

116ff target identification, 175 vertical sound source localization,

133 Spectrogram, biosonar echoes, 153ff Spiral ganglion cells, 219ff Spiral lamina, 208 Spiral ligament, 207-208 Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, see

otoacoustic emissions Spotted bat, see Euderma maculatum Strychnine, inferior colliculus, 342ff Sundevall's leaf-nosed bat, see

Hipposideros caffer Superior colliculus, 268, 296, 389 Superior olivary complex (SOC), 25lff

binaural properties, 259-261 differences from other mammals,

255 echolocation, 262-264 Eptesicus fuscus, 254 inhibitory input, 258-259 inputs, 255ff Molossus ater, 258, 260, 261 nuclei,251-253 organizational variability, 253-255 outputs, 265ff

514 Index

physiology 258ff projections from AVCN, 248-250,

257 projections from cochlear nucleus,

248-250, 251 Pteronotus parnelli, 254, 255-256,

258,266 Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 254,

258, 261, 262 sound source localization, 255 timing characteristics, 261-262 tuning, 260

Superior olivary complex, vertical sound source localization, 262-263

Superior olivary nucleus, projections to, 239

to cochlear nucleus, 271 Supporting cells, organ of Corti,

205-207 Suprageniculate nucleus of thalamus,


Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican free-tailed bat), 17, 86

maternal behavior, 63 Taphozous kachenis, basilar

membrane, 210 cochlear innervation, 219-220

Target catching, Rhinolophus jerrumequinum, 56

Target classification, fluttering insects, 133ff

Target detection, 8, 54ff, 98-99 Target discrimination, 18-19 Target, distance, 57-58 Target interception, Eptesicus juscus,

169 Myotis lucijugus, 169 natural setting, 16Iff

Target localization, 14ff Target pursuit, auditory cortex, 443 Target scenes, echo streams, 155ff Target shape discrimination,

echolocation, 12Iff Tectorial membrane, 205, 214-215,

225 Temporal acuity, 160

Temporal analysis, cochlear nucleus, 246

Temporal integration, 99, 156ff Temporal integration and resolution,

Eptesicus juscus, 179ff Temporal resolution, echolocation,

IOff glints, 157ff neural, 177-178

Temporal signals, echolocation, 56 Territorial behavior, 63 Thalamic reticular nucleus, 405ff

anatomy, 406-407 physiology, 407

Thalamocortical connections, 419 Thalamus, 271, 368ff Thalamus, cortical connections, 419

see also Medial geniculate and Suprageniculate nucleus

Tiger moth, response to bat sound, 65 Timing, cochlear nucleus, 247-248

Molossus ater, 262 superior olivary complex, 261-262

Tonatia brasiliensis (Pygmy round-eared bat), 73, 86

Tongue click, Rousettus aegyptiaca, 46

Tonotopy, auditory cortex, 419ff Eptesicus juscus, 438 inferior colliculus, 30Iff lateral lemniscus, 278-280 medial geniculate, 369-370, 378ff,

387 Pteronotus parnelli, 260 superior olivary complex, 255, 260

Trachops cirrhosus (Fringe-lipped bat), 86

basilar membrane, 20, 210, 211, 212 cochlear anatomy, 208-209 cochlear innervation, 220-221 noseleaf,70 tectorial membrane, 214

Tracking neurons, 443 Trapezoid body, 249, 251, 256, 266,

297, 307, 341, 343 dolphins, 275

Traveling wave propagation, Pteronotus parnellii, 213

Tuning, auditory cortex, 425-426, 431, 437

auditory system, 17 basilar membrane, 213 CF/FM bats, 244 cochlea, 223-224 cochlear nucleus, 196, 242, 244

Tuning curve, brainstem, 24 Tuning curve, CF/FM bats, 195-196 Tuning curve, mammals, 197

Eptesicus juscus, 279 FM bats, 244 inferior colliculus, 243, 244, 245 lateral lemniscus, 278-280 superior olivary complex, 260

Two-wavefront targets, range discrimination, 116ff

Two-tone distortion, 201-203

Index 515

Vampire bat, see Desmodus rotundus Vampyrum spectrum (Linnaeus' false

vampire bat), 86 Vertical sound source localization,

medial superior olive, 262-263 Virtual targets, clutter interference,

97ff Vision, 3 Visual pathways, bats, 40 Vocalizations, 271-272

Wingbeats, insect targets, 133ff Wooly false vampire bat, see

Chrotopterus auritus

Yuma myotis, see Myotis yumanensis
