Indie Quiz



quiz for students about indie music

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  • Indie Quiz

    Have YOU got the Indie factor /38?

    1. What decade was indie established? (1) 2. And in which area of England? (1) 3. Name two Factory artists (2) 4. Name three MADCHESTER bands (3) 5. Give three features of this music/style: (3) 6. Which record label were THE SMITHS signed to? (1) 7. Name three songs by The Smiths (3) 8. Blur are from Essex, what makes their early records sound indie: (2) 9. What makes BRITPOP from the mid 1990s different to the indie music from before?

    (2) 10. Complete the following: (19)

    Indie rock is characterised by the use of g________ as the main harmony instrument, with a classic rock-band line-up of d______, b______ and sometimes k_____________. There are many different influences, including:

    uk pop rock of the Beatles, the Who and the Kinks. This can be heard in music by B____ .

    other 60s artists including The Byrds and the Velvet underground and psychedelia. The guitars of The S_______ R______ and The H_________ M_______ really show this influence.

    Punk rock, funk and house (particularly the Madchester bands). The beat is often called the f_________ d___________ beat.

    Vocals are often fairly understated, with a m______________ or introspective feel. B________ vocals are not usually a big feature, so the music can sometimes be quite sparse. In some of the more psychedelic influenced I______ bands, textures are filled out with retro sounding o______ or perhaps string lines played on sy______ . G_______ sounds commonly associated with indie are often referred to as jangly a fairly light one, often using picked, sustained arpeggios/broken chords with effects such as w________, ch_______ or p_________. Now make sure you know at least FIVE facts about 3 different INDIE artists. I suggest any/all of the following: The Smiths, New Order, The Stone Roses, The Happy Mondays, Blur