Individual Fieldwork Report -


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Page 1 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Individual Fieldwork Report

“How has the development of Sceale Bay affected the Marine and coastal environment?”

Illustrative example of application of the SACE Board’s word count policy

Title page Not included in the word count

Page 2 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Contents page Not included in the word count

Page 3 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Page 4 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

“Student provided an image of the township of Sceale Bay.

Image removed due to copyright.”

Not included in word count The information in the titles of the maps has already been introduced in the text.

Not included in word count Footnotes are not included in the word count. ‘The word-count does not include . . . the reference list or bibliography (including footnotes or in-text references used to list author, date, and page numbers) . . . ‘ (policy)

Page 5 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count The key illustrates the locations shown on the aerial photograph.

Page 6 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Included in word count The table contains new information and evaluation not previously presented in the body of the text.

Page 7 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count The title and table provide illustration in support of the text.

Not included in word count The title and table provide illustration in support of the text.

Not included in word count Illustration only

Page 8 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count Title and table provide illustration to support the text.

Page 9 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count Illustrates the analysis in the text.

Page 10 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count [Figure] titles of the photographs provide illustration to support the text.

Page 11 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count [Figure] titles of the photographs provide illustration only

Not included in word count [Figure] titles of the photographs provide illustration only

Page 12 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Page 13 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count Illustration only

Page 14 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count Illustrations only

Page 15 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count Illustration only

Page 16 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Included in word count New information introduced in the table and not referred to elsewhere.

Page 17 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Not included in word count [Figure] titles illustrate information provided in table 6.

Page 18 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Included in word count Annotations introduce new information and analysis.

Page 19 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Page 20 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Page 21 of 21 Stage 2 Geography Student Response – illustrative example of application of word count policy Ref: A456538 (June 2015) © SACE Board of South Australia 2015

Reference List Not included in the word count
