Industrial Revolution: The Transportation System and Mass Production


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Industrial Revolution: The Transportation System and Mass


What is Technology?• Technology is new ideas about how to do

something as well as the equipment as well as the machinery to do it.

• During the Civil War goods were grown and traded to each other.

• After the Civil War many goods were produced and manufactured.

How would these factories get supplies from the farms to their



• These railroads shipped different items like corn, wheat, and cattle to cities.

• In the cities, different manufacturing companies would change these materials in to products that people could use.

• After they made the products, they would put them on the trains to be shipped to people all over the country.

Mass Production

• Mass Production means making large amounts of products at one time.

What kinds of raw products get turned

in to useable products????

One meat packer proudly said, “We can use every part except for the



Bessemer Process

• Andrew Carnegie created the Bessemer process which changed iron in to steel.

• He made a company called Carnegie Steel that built huge steel factories and sold the steel to make buildings.

Iron Ore

Assembly Line

• Most production was done slowly and each person who worked had several jobs.

• The assembly line was introduced by Henry Ford.

• He used conveyer belts and moving lines to get products made faster.

• Each person only had one job.
