INFORMATION RESOURCES Dave Little, Manager Information Products Barman - bring me six more!


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Dave Little, Manager Information Products

“Barman - bring me six more!”

Introduction to DERA (As it existed 1995 - 2000)

DERA - Defence and Evaluation Research Agency, a part of the Ministry of Defence in the UK.

12,000 staff on a high number of sites across the UK.

Over 8,000 scientists, many of them world-leading experts in their field researching in all fields of science.

A large number of evaluation facilities for testing and measuring.

Also involved in non-defence research.

Introduction to DERA (The Future - as seen in 2000)

Reducing MOD demand for DERA’s services as more requirements are fulfilled with off-the-shelf products.

Hence a need to find a new model for DERA in the future.

Privatisation of 75% of current organisation so that commercial opportunities for growth can be explored - “P-DERA”.

Remaining 25% will stay with MOD with a close connection between the two organisations - “R-DERA”.

Majority of Information Resources will be in “P-DERA”.