Initial Ideas


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Initial Ideas.

When we was set our brief’s my initial thought was to create a magazine devoted to rock music, and involve the up and coming bands that are local. Instead of making it all about a really famous band everyone would have known about. Which I feel is a more conformist way to produce a magazine. Therefore I started to base it on an up and coming band in Bradford named, sleep thieves. There type of music was actually more indie than rock, but I decided that if I had decided to base It on rock. There appearance had to change slightly to conform to the idea rock music had. Doing this, I based my photo on just one of the band members, and he was to be involved in my double page spread also. Choosing the picture was difficult, I feel the one I choose for my front cover of my original magazine, fitted the ideology, and the look I was going for, the picture created prospect and set up the structure for the front cover. I named my magazine, COVERED. Relating back to the fact it was about up and coming bands I wanted it to portray that everything and every aspect of the music business e.g. starting up a band etc…was “covered”. So I had my name, and picture and look I first thought about. Colours I used I felt conformed to the usual “rock band” magazines. Harsh lines, quite

masculine and strong looking. It ended up half finished looking like this,

Obviously this is half finished because half way through I changed my mind about what I wanted to base it on. And new ideas struck about changing the bands appearance and there genre just threw a photo. I felt the magazine looked amateur. So from the many picture’s I took of the main character I looked through and decided that instead of thinking of a harsh colourful background for this “rock” magazine, the picture would ideally already have one that portrayed a less formal yet more effective look. So I choose this one from my many photos.

Also for the first

magazine I was only basing it on one band. When I realised that I would, along the lines of the contents page, needed ironically, more contents. Therefore I created, Jade. An individual artist. Which also I felt related even more to the title’s connotations. Taking a photo for Jade, made me realise a whole new element I could fit in to the magazine.

Making the setting for this picture I involved the British flags. This gave me a whole new idea, to base my magazine on the up and coming top British bands. In this it created a whole new line to go through. Colour schemes and a new look I preferred.
