Inside The Computer, Video Game Addiction And Viruses The Basics



Inside The Computer, Video Game Addiction And Viruses The Basics. By : A’Dream Dewitt-Townes, Fatima Johnson and Shelvy Dyson Pd:8/9. Component Inside The Computer. Motherboard Memory Video Card Hard Drive Optical Drive Computer Case Power Supply Cooling Fan CPU. Functions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inside The Computer, Video Game Addiction And VirusesThe Basics

By: A’Dream Dewitt-Townes, Fatima Johnson and Shelvy Dyson


Component Inside The Computer

Motherboard Memory Video Card Hard Drive Optical Drive Computer Case Power Supply Cooling Fan CPU

Functions CPU - responsible for interpreting and executing most of the

commands from the computer's hardware and software.(brains)

Computer Case - enclosure that contains the main components of a computer

Cooling Fan - the dedicated fan that helps keep the processor cool

Hard Drive - Is where all of you programs and files are stored and is the largest, data storage device in a computer

Memory - computer chips that temporarily store dynamic data to enhance computer performance.(RAM)

Function (continuation) Motherboard - A motherboard is the underlying circuit board of a computer.

Everything is connected into the motherboard

Optical Drive - Is a piece of equipment that uses a laser to read or write information on a disc

Power Supply – the component that supplies power to a computer

Video Card - is an expansion card whose function is to generate and output images to a display

Video Game Addiction Addiction is being abnormal tolerant to

and dependent on something that is psychologically or physical habit-forming.

Video Game Addiction is a mental illness; it can be compulsive or excessive.

The area of interaction that my topic addresses is Human Ingenuity.

Studies show that the excitement of video games makes playing them addictive.

Symptoms for teens Symptoms in teens that may occur are1. worsening grades2. lying about computer or game use3. dropping out their social groups4. falling asleep in school.

Symptoms for adultsSymptoms in adults that may occur are1. withdrawing from friends and family2. interrupting social life3. playing computer or video games

results in intense feelings of pleasure or guilt that seem uncontrollable.

VirusesComputer viruses are a software program capable of reproducing

itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs

on the same computer. The term "virus" is also commonly but

erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, adware, and

spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability.

Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images,

greeting cards, or audio and video files . Computer viruses are often spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant messaging

messages. That is why it is essential that you never open e-mail

attachments unless you know who it's from and you are expecting it.

Inside The Computer

Video Game Addiction Viruses

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What the most important thing inside the computer?

A. Cooling fan B. Video game card

C. Everything inside D. Viruses

What is the CPU known as? A. The computer part

B. The eyes C. The speaker

D. The brain

Inside the computerWhat does CPU stand for?

A. Computer programming utilities B . Central Processing Unit C . Computer powering user D . None of the above

Which of the following is located inside the computer?

A. Windows Vista B . Power Supply

C . Mouse D . All the above

What are the things inside the computer called?

A. Hard drive B. Components

C. Peripherals D. None of the above

What do you call the object that holds the stuff inside the computer?

A . The Case B . The Computer

C . The Motherboard D . The Container

Not Quite !



You’ve got it correct

Back To Game


YAY, Awesome Job =)You Did It

Go to game board

Sorry =( Try Again !Good Luck

Go back to question.

What are some symptoms for teens ?

Playing with your siblings Weight gain Lack of sleep Getting good grades

Which one do you think has the worse symptoms?

Adults Teens

What Area of Interaction is Video Game Addiction ?

Environments Human Ingenuity Health and Social education Community and Service Approaches to Learning

Who Invented Games? James Naismith Lizzie J. Magie Technically there is no one a single inve

ntor of video games. Ralph Baer

Define Video Game Addiction?

A diagnosis Some one who likes to play games. A compulsive or excessive of a

computer or video games that infer with everyday life.

Some one who thinks video games helps out with reality of life.

Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images,

greeting cards, or audio and video files . Computer viruses are often spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant messaging

messages. That is why it is essential that you never open e-mail

attachments unless you know who it's from and you are expecting it.

What is a computer virus ?

•software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer

•Something that makes your internet move quicker

•An infection that harms the body and sometime maybe deadly

•A snack after school

In what ways can you prevent a virus?

•Keep downloading illegal sites•Open up many programs

•Keep a regular backup of your important files on floppy, zip disk, writeable CD, tape, another hard disk•Open up unknown attachment


What is the main goal of a virus?

•Make your internet move quicker

•Share internet advertisements•Free giveaways

•Replicate other types of malware, adware, and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability

What is the main difference between a virus and spyware?

•They are both computer infectors

•They harm your computer•Spyware want your identity

•Viruses sell you advertisements

How are viruses spread? •Through web pages•Over the phone

•In person•Through computers

Correct : ) Go back to game board --->

Sorry , that’s the WRONG answer =/


How are viruses spread? •Over the phone

•In person•Through computers•Through web pages


