Inspiring Maths Chris Budd 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 …. What are we really trying to achieve in a maths...


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Inspiring Maths

Chris Budd €

e iπ = −1

1,1,2,3,5,8,13 …

What are we really trying to achieve in a maths lesson

• To communicate some real mathematics and developing an argument

• To get the message across that maths is important, fun, beautiful, powerful, challenging, all around us and central to civilisation

• To entertain and inspire our students

• To leave them wanting to learn more about maths and not less

• Why is it so hard to do this?

• What maths can we tell everyone about?

• What is being done?

• What works .. And what doesn’t?

But let’s face it, we have a problem

• The challenge is to convey the excitement and importance of maths in a way which does not trivialise the subject or switch off the audience

• Maths genuinely is hard, can be scary, and requires thought to do well

• And it suffers from an image problem with teenagers

Let−Df=f ( f ) . Aweak solution of this PDEsatisfies the identity

∫ÑfÑy dx=∫ f ( f ) y dx } } yÎH rSub { size 8{0} rSup { size 8{1} } } \( %OMEGA \) . } {} # Assume that f \( f \) grows ital - critically is clear ¿ Sobolev embedding that $fÎH rSub { size 8{0} rSup { size 8{1} } } {} } } {¿ ¿¿


Things that have found to have worked with students

•Hooking them with an application relevant to their lives and then showing the maths involved eg. Mazes, ipods, Google, Facebook

• Being proud of our subject!

• Surprising them …. Maths is magic!

• Linking maths to real people … all maths was invented by someone!

• Not being afraid to present them with a real formula or real mathematics!!!















e iπ = −1

• Maths and magic

• Mathematical surprises

• Maths in the Battle of Britain

• Maths will save your life

• Maths and art.

Some possibilities

10 1 9

11 2 9

12 3 9

13 4 9

14 5 9

15 6 9

16 7 9

17 8 9

18 9 9

19 10 9

Magical Maths: Where’s the Joker?

Surprising Mathematics

What is the chance of winning the lottery?

6/49*5/48*4/47*3/46*2/45*1/44=1/13 983 816

How likely are you to live to see the result?

Chance of dying in one week in a car crash

(3000/52)/60 000 000 = 1/1 040 000

How predictable is maths?

Chaos, climate change

Useful Maths: The Battle of Britain

July-Sept 1940.

Germans dismissed Radar thinking that a ground station could only control one aircraft at a time!!

H. Dowding

600 RAF vs. 2000 Luftwaffe

Maths was used to find and track the enemy aircraft!

Aircraft detected using a mixture of statistics and trigonometry

Last known position of German aircraft

Projected position using trigonometry

Estimates of position from Radar stations

Position combining the two

Maths can save the world!






ρ : Distance from the object centre

θ : Angle of the X-Ray

Measure attenuation of X-Ray R(ρ, θ)




If we can measure R(ρ, θ ) accurately we can calculate the X-ray attenuation factor f(x,y) of the object at any point

Knowing f tells us the structure of the object

• Mathematical formula discovered by Radon (1917)

• Took 60 years before computers and machines were developed by Cormack to use his formula

Artistic Maths Robert Lang

Deer Beetle

Crease patterns are worked out using mathematics

• Maths is used to create origami patterns

• We can use origami to teach maths eg. Trisecting the angle

Twitter: @RobEastaway

Chris Budd
