Inspiring South Pacific Region Member Care Marion Knell


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InspiringSouth Pacific Region Member Care

Marion Knell

Investing in Care

“Convincing senior management that investing in staff care initiatives is a cost-effective business practice continues to be a challenge for most organisations”

Sharon Forrence of Monday Development in “Staff Care” produced by Interhealth and People in Aid 2009

September 2015

What member care is not

Wrapping people in cotton wool

Removing responsibility from personnel

Picking up the pieces after a failure

September 2015

What member care is

Preventative Increasing effectiveness and longevity Realistic Strategic Supportive

September 2015

Definition of Member care

“Member Care is the ongoing preparation, equipping and empowering of missionaries for effective and sustainable life, ministry and work”

September 2015

Challenges of communication

The term does not translate Use of the word ‘missionary’ – security Isn’t everyone a missionary? Care is seen as a reactive not proactive

September 2015

Alternative definitions

“Staff care refers to self-care and institutional responses to stress among workers in particularly stressful and difficult environments”

September 2015

Alternative definitions

“Staff care includes broad issues ranging from personal emergency preparedness and response, to staff wellness on a day-to-day basis, including physical and psychological well-being in the workplace”

September 2015

Alternative definitions

We have a duty of care to ensure the physical and emotional and spiritual well-being of our staff before, during and on completion of their period of work with us”

“Prepare, support and debrief: a simple proven model”

September 2015


What words come to your mind when you hear the word ‘Member Care’?

Jot them down on the post-it notes

September 2015


“Member Care is the ongoing preparation, equipping and empowering of missionaries for effective and sustainable life, ministry and work”

September 2015 Australia 11









Personnel Development

Routine Debriefing


To R



t an

d B






Missionary Life Cycle

September 2015 Australia 12


Does everyone know where they fit? Have roles, responsibilities and

expectations been properly communicated?

What lines of communication and accountability have been opened?

“Ongoing Investment”

September 2015 Australia 13

Worth Keeping Mission Agencies with little investment in

member care suffer a very high attrition rate

High retention agencies invest 25% more time and 7% more finances on MC than low retention agencies

Only 28% of that budget is spent on prevention

Agencies with very intensive personal care may have an increased return-home rate

September 2015

Investing in Staff Care

The calculus on investment is simple. Any money saved by ignoring stress in the workplace is lost ten-fold in employee-efficiency, ineffectiveness and turnover”

Joshua Levin of Mercy Corps in Staff Care report, ibid. p45)

September 2015

Investing in Staff Care

The Interhealth/PIA report concludes that despite progress having been made in the area of staff care practices are often inconsistent and guidelines not adhered to. There is little evaluation of the provision for Staff Care and the post-assignment/re-entry phase is particularly lacking in support.

September 2015

A little bit of history!

1904 – Doctors committee in London met regularly to discuss missionary health

1936 Missionary Health Institute founded in Canada

1965 Linkcare founded in USA 1965-69 Marjory Foyle worked as a

psychiatrist at Lucknow Nur Mansil Psychiatric centre

1988 WEA published ‘Missionary Care’

September 2015

Chris and Sue with 3 children aged 8-14 in South Asia. The children are sent to a boarding school one and a half days away because there was no better alternative. Within three years they are seeing an educational psychologist. It is hot, there are few leisure facilities, few families have survived in the situation – this is known by the agency but not by Chris and Sue. All three fellow missionary wives are taking anti-depressants.

September 2015

A few months later there is a security scare. There has been no briefing on security measures. They are feeling burnt out. During the school break the three children are bored. They wonder why they find it boring? Why are they scrapping all the time? The wife exhibits cynicism and despair on furlough. Chris complained because she didn’t appear at meetings. They eventually came home after an unfavourable incident.

September 2015

The Cost

1 year’s missionary training Airfares and upkeep for 5 people for three

years Boarding costs Educational psychologist Bishops refuses to move ex-pats into that

diocese Total cost: £150,000 Cost to the kingdom - immeasurable

September 2015


What aspects of God’s character and dealings with people demonstrate member care?

September 2015

The Biblical Imperative

“Agape love is the final apologetic”

The Great Example (John 13)


The Great Commission (Matthew 28)

September 2015

Biblical Basis The Trinity – God the source of care

2 Corinthians 1:3 Mutual care –we are created for

interdependence Colossians 3:10-17• Fellowship• One anothers• Comfort• Strengthening• Confrontation• Compassion

September 2015

The local church in the NT

• Selection and sending Acts 13:1-3• Prayer 2 Cor.: 1:11• Finance 2 Cor. 8:3• Personal Involvement 2 Cor. 8:5• Encouragement 1 Thess. 3:2• News 1 Thess. 3: 6-7• Practical & emotional support Phil. 2:30• Quality care 3 John 6• Furlough provision 3 John 5-8 • Accountability Acts 20:17

September 2015

Biblical Basis

The local church• Missionary work is a partnership between the

missionary and the local church – 3 John:8 . ‘Sunergoi” – fellow-worker

Jesus models it• Sending the 72: Luke 10• John 14-16 – investing in the disciples• Commissions us to do likewise

September 2015

The Good SamaritanLuke 10:25-37

September 2015

Who is the identifiable character in the story?

September 2015

Jesus identifies himself with the Samaritan

Jesus says, I am the Good Samaritan

I have come to –

• save the dying

• bring new-life to people

• spread spiritual health and well-being

The journey

People need help at the start of the journey

People pass by on their journey to and from home

People need places to rest on the journey People need help at the end of the


September 2015

September 2015

What are the implications for us?

1 Jesus will not do the work of the kingdom by himself

Innkeepers – Are essential Provide a variety of help Are needed everywhere

September 2015

What are the implications for us?

1 Jesus will not do the work of the kingdom by himself

Innkeepers – Are essential Provide a variety of help Are needed everywhere

September 2015

What are the implications for us?

2 Jesus will provide all the resources we need

What resources do you need? Financial support? Personal Skills? Training? Resources? New Opportunities?

September 2015

What are the implications for us?

3 Jesus will return to check on our accountability

You have been sub-contracted as an innkeeper Are you in the right location? Have you worked out who is being sent to

your inn? Are you giving enough time to the contract? Are you making good use of the resources

you have? How is the contract going?

The Good Samaritan


1. What has ispired you to get involved in Member Care? (short answers!)

2. What are the iggest challenges to creating a culture of Member Care?

3. What, as far as you see it, skill and resources are lacking for the task?

4. What do you hope to gain from this conference?

September 2015
