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My initial idea for ‘the dream machine’ will combine both an auditory and visual experience by using music and sound sensitive lights.

The basic idea would be a dark room with the lights attached to the walls, the lights will be connected to a DJ deck and synthesizer in the middle of the room, the different sounds emitted from the decks will affect and change the colours of the lights which are all around the room to create a feeling of immersion.

ConnectionToronto2010Connection is a responsive light installation connected to the Maple Leaf Square building in Toronto, Canada.The work consists of an array of vertical luminaires integrated into a pedestrian bridge. These create oscillations of colour and geometry based on human movement, transforming the rigid structure of the bridge into a fluid entity that transmits the rhythm of the crowd to its surroundings.

UVA and Massive Attack have an ongoing artistic relationship. Up to date UVA have created four world and festival tours for the band, the 100th Window Tour (2003) being the first. This tour explored digital representations of information, using real-time news to create a ‘picture of now’. The 2004 festival tour showed a more focused, distilled version of the 2003 visuals, silhouetting the band and using lighting technology to display more abstract video content, which was a fairlynew technique.
