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ISO 9001




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SERTEC Electromagnetic field protector

The SERTEC PCDE protector has the purpose of guarding people, animals, and structures in facilities on ground, air or water from any electric phenomena transported by air.


Pag. 1

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

SERTEC PDCEEvolution and CMCE (multiple electric field compensator, in Spanish)

The SERTEC PDCE is designed to protect by using countermeasures that control and compensate the electro-atmospheric effects p r o d u c e d b y c l i m a t e c h a n g e o r electromagnetic pollution at an industrial, meteorological or solar level, manifested as thunder storms or electromagnetic pulses. The SERTEC PDCE is constantly protecting its coverage area in order to counter the effects of electromagnetic disturbances according to their origin, frequency, tension, and intensity. It compensates and stabilizes the power of the electric fields in its surrounding by draining them to earth in harmless mili-amperes thus cancelling the formation of the lightning in its area of protection.

The SERTEC PDCE, Evolution and CMCE models, are the result of the discovery of the behavior of electro-atmospheric phenomena interacting in our planet's atmosphere. The novelty of this technologic development is

supported by the well-known laws of OHM and the Maxwell equations, on which this new technology is based.

Essentially, it is based on having the electric field stabilized in the atmosphere in reference to the ground in the area of protection, at all times. The system behaves as a passive system at the prevention level according to the atmospheric electric activity. The system acts with the purpose of keeping a clean and controlled surrounding, free from electric and magnetic contamination.

The minimum action range of the SERTEC electromagnetic field protector, Evolution model, is of a 100 meter radius, and of the CMCE model is of 120 meters; it may cover large areas, protecting any type of structures at sea, air or earth.






Pag. 2

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

DEFINITIONS AND BASIC CONCEPTSEarth System: Electric equipment, electronic machines, generators, transformers, silos, towers, lightning rods, containers, metallic structures in general, should be connected to an earth system previously prepared with the purpose of protecting them, improving production, and protecting people from over-tension, induced currents, passage tension, etc. When these or any type of electric danger materializes, these should be derived to earth, therefore the earth system should be as good as possible, that is to say, it should have the least electric resistance possible so that when these events occur, it is easier to derive them to earth than to the equipment.

The earth system is composed by electrodes interconnected by conductors under the ground level or buried in the soil, therefore the reading of electric resistance should be as low as possible, depending of what is sought.

Earth Electrode. This is a conductor (wire, bar, tube, plaque, etc), buried in direct contact with the earth or submerged in water in contact with earth.

Earthen Mesh . It is a group of electrodes electrically joined through a conductor.

Earth connection. It is the electric connection between a mesh or electrode on the ground and an outer part. The parts of earth connection that are not isolated and buried, are considered as part of the electrode mesh.

Drop to Earth. This refers to an equipment or installation being electrically connected to a mesh or electrode to earth.

Soil Resistivity. It is the relation between the tension of the mesh in connection with the earth of reference, and the current dropping to earth through the mesh (V/R).Where V is measured in Volts (V)Where R is measured in ohms (Ω)

Superficial Gradient. It is the difference of potential existing between two points of the surface of the land or water, with 1 meter distance between them.

Differences between ground and neutral connections A common mistake when connecting an equipment or transmitting the tension in a conduit is the confusion between ground (GND) and neutral (N). Even though ideally these two end up connected in some point to the ground, the work of each one is very different. The neutral wire is in charge of transmitting current and the earth conductor is a primary security measure of equipment against electric shock. Identifying them as if they had the same role would be to nullify the security of the ground against electric shock. In the hypothetical case that both are taken as being the same, when the ground wire is cut or interrupted, the housing of the equipment that is connected to this ground-neutral will have the line potential, therefore, any person or being that has a contact with this will be exposed to an electric discharge..

T Y P E S O F E A R T H C O N N E C T I O N SYSTEMS According to their application, the earth connection systems are:Ÿ Earth connection for electric systems. Ÿ Earth connection of electric equipment. Ÿ Earth connection in electronic signals.Ÿ Earth connection of electronic protection. Ÿ Earth connection of atmospheric protection.

NOTE: All earth connection systems should be at the same potential, all interconnected to the same earthen mesh.



Pag. 3

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Earthing systems should be designed to ensure that, in the event of failure of one of their components, the potentials on the soil as well as in the conductors connected to the ground electrode or in the conductors exposed in the vicinity are under the appropriate limits.

The earthing systems are done through earthen meshes. Such meshes are made of a system of naked electrodes interconnected, buried, set horizontally (naked copper conductors) as well as vertically (javelins), thus providing an equipotential surface for the electric devices and metallic structures arranged in an installation.

Step 1: Measure previously the electric resistance of the soil, before preparing the earthen mesh

Step 2: Determine the area of silting and molding of the soil. This involves knowing where the installation will be made, what area is available, what the distribution network and transmission in the location is like, and what the characteristics are of the soil where the mesh will be executed.

Step 3: Choose the conductor of the mesh. This involves determining the material to be used, not only for the mesh, but also in all the ancillary elements, such as elements of union among conductors, the different derivations and connections for the silting of the diverse metallic parts of the installation. After gaining some experience in designing earthen meshes, and understanding the limitations at the building level, this step is generally omitted.

Step 4: Determine the acceptable passage and contact tensions. Knowing the local electrical network and its different possible configurations, as well as the characteristics of the soil, one may determine what the maximum contact and passage tensions are that may be tolerated by the human body, without suffering irreversible damage.

Step 5: Physical design and calculation of the earthen mesh. This involves determining the short-circuit phase-earth according to the specific installation, proposing a preliminary silting mesh, and evaluating its performance in the event of a failure. If this does not meet the security requirements, the mesh should be redesigned until it does, and every step should be repeated, until all security conditions are verified.

Step 6: Define the building details. Once the geometry of the mesh has been determined, the pertinent details of the silting of the different components of the installation should be defined.


R≤10ΩThe minimum amount of javelins recommended is 6 to 8 units with a minimum length of 2.10 mt x 5/8'' for the section, with a separation equal to the javelin's length, even though the initial resistance measured before the earthing is less than10Ω (ohms) distributed in a goose leg or mesh configuration, guaranteeing the connection to earth even upon failure of some javelins.

As a general rule of thumb, the lower the resistance of the earthing, the better and more effective operation of the SERTEC PDCE will be.

This is to guarantee the good drainage and dispersion of the charges absorbed by the PDCE SERTEC device.

i R>10Ω

When the resistance of the soil is bigger than 10Ω (ohms) we resort to techniques that involve additives such as: salt, conductive cement, humic acids, etc. Please ask the manufacturer.These calculations depend on the granulometry, humidity, and material of the electrode.

NOTE:The instructions and recommendations of this handbook are basic for the installation of the SERTEC. In case of any doubts or need for clarification please Consult with the Manufacturer



Pag. 4

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Different topologies of installations



0 m

ts. lo


x 5/8

" se



The distance of separation among electrodes should be equal to the length of the electrode. For example: If the electrode is 2.40 mt long, the distance between electrodes should be 2.40 mt

The minimum length of the electrode should be 2.10mts and 5/8" section.






0 m

t. lo


x 5






All earthing systems should have the possibility of being inspected. The point of union of the earthing with the linking line is known as earthing point, and it should be an easy-to-inspect element, accessible for periodical checking of the earthing resistance and the electric continuity of the linking line, as well as for any o the r r equ i red ma in tenance activities.

Registry box

Conductor for earthing

Electrode for earthing


Access to the silting system for inspection, maintenance, or measurement of earthing




Pag. 5

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Silting on rock: When we need to silt a tower or structure on rocky places such as mountains, quarries, etc., it is necessary to extend radials toward less rocky areas.Extended radials should be stapled to the rock for the whole distance until a less rocky area is found where an earthen mesh may be made

Ÿ Section 50 mm2 copper or hot galvanized steel

Ÿ Stapled to the rock at earth level

Ÿ Each radial conductor has a 20 m to 70 m long radial

Ÿ A minimum of 3 to 7 radials

Javelins(Electrodes)Where they may be placed (gaps, clefts, etc)




Pag. 6

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

EQUIPOTENTIALITY OF THE EQUIPMENTElements to be siltedThere are two categories of earth circuits in the installations, each one of each includes a series of devices with common characteristics:

Protection earthing:This classification covers the earthing of all metallic elements that may be left accidentally in tension, such as: frames, isolators of circuit breakers made with ironwork, enclosures for BT boards and MT cells, doors, gates, windows, and guard rails in buildings.

Service earthing:This classification covers the devices intentionally set to earth: over-tension dischargers, earthing isolators, converter neutral wires of every type. Norm IEEE-80 advices to have a common earthen mesh to inter-connect both earthing systems.

All equipment, structures, and elements such as converters, generators, containers, silos, metallic structures, towers, tanks with any content, water pumps, etc.; should be independently connected to the earthen mesh through a naked wire whose section needs to determined according to the element's distance to the earthing mesh.

The neutral wire of any equipment should be silted to the earthen mesh independently with an insulated wire that should run on an independent earth bar; also, naked wires belonging to equipment's chassis should go to another independent earth bar, and be supported with insulators.

In short, every element capable of conducting electricity should be interconnected to the earthen mesh independently.

Metallic masses

PAT Electrodes

Electrical network

FINAL RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT:After earthing with the necessary number of javelins for the installation and interconnection, the earthen mesh's resistance should be measured with an Earth Meter, in order to check that the resistance originally measured could be reduced to a value less than 10 Ω.



10m 10m5~ 5~


The union (bridge) between the neutral wire and the chassis that converters and generators normally have should be disconnected, and each one should be independently connected to the earthen mesh, in order to guarantee protection and even to diminish energy consumption.


Pag. 7

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC


It is very important to protect the electric community when we install a SERTEC PDCE, since not always discharges or impacts are direct.

There are indirect discharges as well, outside the coverage area, such as an impact received through the medium voltage line. This implies an over-tension on the installation's converter.

This discharge may be fatal for the converter if it is not properly silted; in order to prevent damage the converter should be made independent as follows:

1) The converter's medium voltage discharge wire should go 2 directly to the earthen mesh with a 35 mm wire.

2) The converter's chassis should be silted with an 2independent 25mm wire, directly to the earthen mesh.

3) The neutral wire should be silted independently with an 2insulated 25mm wire at least, directly to the earthen mesh

02T16 02T17 02T18

N1 R1 S1 T1


PEN R2 S2 T2

The following graph illustratesthe above mentioned.





Independent distribution

Connection of a converter with independent Neutral wire, Chassis, and Dischargers

Overvoltage protections should be installed on the electric board for the 20kA, 40kA, 80kA, and 100kA electric lines; according to the need at the installation place

Protections for wire telephone lines

should be installed





Pag. 8

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC


The height that the SERTEC PDCE should surpass regarding the tal lest structure in the coverage area, should be at least 3 meters above it, within the 100 mt coverage radius, in order to avoid the point effect, which could attract lightning -as mentioned in other sections of the handbook- and to guarantee an effective operation.




The SERTEC PDCE drop cable should be as vertical as possible; if there is a horizontal trajectory there should not be a sudden climb followed by a drop because of some obstacle along the trajectory. If there is an imminent obstacle in the drop, a maximum detour of 45° from the horizontal or vertical is allowed. Except in extreme cases, the drop cable should always have total verticality. See image

DROP CABLE SECTIONThe naked copper wire section pertaining to the PDCE drop cable should be 50 mm2 long in order to guarantee an optimum conduction of the atmospheric charges to drain, for their later dispersion .



Superior plane of the structure to be protected


Pag. 9

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Private HousingFirst we need to take into account the resistance to earth. Identify the element with the highest point, which should be surpassed. According to that, we will choose on what element the SERTEC PDCE will be mounted with its pole (tower, structure itself, column, chimney, etc).Protective elements against electric lines should be installed.If there is a generator or a converter, we recommend silting the neutral and chassis with a multi-silting earthen mesh system.

Earthing point

Derivations of the main earth line

Protection conductors


Main earth line


Industrial Plant: We should first take into account the resistance to earth. Identify the element with the highest point, which should be surpassed. According to that, we will choose on what element the SERTEC PDCE will be mounted with its pole (silo, tower, structure, etc).An earthen mesh should be made for the equipotentiality of the equipment and structures, silting each one independently. If there are generators and converters, the respective neutrals and chassis should also be connected to independent bars supported by insulators.

The feeding lines should have overvoltage protection according to the electric installation.In the case of industrial-type scales, there should be an independent earthen meshing and the neutral should be silted

Line of linking with earth

Electrode / Javelin

Pag. 10

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Building: We should first take into account the resistance to earth. The SERTEC PDCE with its respective pole should be mounted on the tallest part of the building, surpassing any element located on the highest part.

An earthen mesh should be made for the equipotentiality of the equipment and structures in case it is necessary, silting each one independently to the earthen mesh. If there are generators and converters, the respective neutrals and chassis should also be connected to independent bars made for neutrals and chassis; these bars should be supported by insulators at the moment of fixing.

The lines should have overvoltage protection depending on the electric installation. If there is a data center, there should be a silted bar, to which the neutral will be connected, and a differentiated bar to connect the chassis


All earths joined to the same potential

Cabinets AC

Main earth Borne

Earth takes


Electronic systems

Conduction for wires




Protective conductors

Electrical outletsAC


Metallic structure

Pag. 11

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Towers with strutsFirst we need to take into account the soil's resistance regarding the tower, so as to determine according to the result obtained from the measuring, the number of javelins or electrodes to use.

The SERTEC PDCE should be installed on the highest point of the tower by means of a 1 ½ inch galvanized pole surpassing the tower by 3 meters. All struts should be silted and interconnected with the earthen mesh


1 1/2" Galvanized pole

2Naked copper conductor 50mm


Pag. 12

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Maritime vessels:Ÿ Prepare the pole to adapt it to the PDCE and install it at the highest point of the structure. In the

example below it will be installed on the aft mast. Ÿ Any element located at the pole where the PDCE is should respect the PDCE’s height. The PDCE

should exceed at least 1 meter above any existing equipment or antenna. Ÿ The installations of the antennae and light sticks should go on the fore mast. They should be below

the PDCE at least 1.5 mt. Ÿ The PDCE’s support should be fixated to the structure of the pole bearing in mind its 7.22 kg weight,

as well as the fact that it should be able to endure strong winds over 250 Km/h, including wobbles, heels, and water hammers.

Ÿ A copper downpipe will be installed for the PDCE, of 50 or 90 mm2 section up to the earthing.Ÿ This should go as vertically as possible without ski lifts. Ÿ In order to guarantee that the electrical connections will not rust, these should be covered with

dielectric grease or special petroleum jelly for electric use Ÿ The earthing of the PDCE will have a sacrificial anode installed at the ship’s hull, at the closest part to

the downpipe wire of the PDCE. This should be joint in equipotential to the other existing anodes and to the internal earthing of the electric installation, as well as to all the metallic parts of the ship deck, structures, cabinets, etc., as much as possible.


Sacrificial electrode

Pag. 13

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC

Wind Turbines: Wind turbines are charged by friction with the wind as the blades rotate. When there is a storm, it imposes a strong electric field in the turbine and blades. This electric field is concentrated near the tips of the blades, causing the air in the tip to ionize and form ascending leaders, which connect with descending leaders, forming lightning that impacts on the blades, thus damaging them badly.

Therefore, in order to minimize this effect, the following procedure is observed when installing the PDCE in this type of structure:

In order to enhance protection, two SERTEC PDCE should be mounted on the shelves if possible, one on each side of the shelf and at different heights, taking into account the direction of the rotation –if looking in front of it, it is clockwise. On the left side of the shelf a SERTEC PDCE should be installed 2 meters over the upper part of the shelf. The second SERTEC PDCE should be installed on the right side, higher. The purpose of these two SERTEC PDCE is to absorb the concentrated electric charges so as to inhibit the process of lightning formation and to drain the static energy generated by the blades.

These two SERTEC PDCE should be interconnected with the PDCE placed in the inner lower part of the shelf and referenced to earth with an independent conductor.

If there are wind turbines with blades of 45 meters or longer and which produce significant energy, 3 units of SERTEC PDCE should be installed in order to guarantee an optimum balance of the electric field.

Besides protecting them against atmospheric discharges, this procedure absorbs the charges in the axes and blades thus allowing for a lower resistance to the rotation, which translates into an increase of efficiency.








Equipotential connection conductor

Metallic buttons receptors of currents from lightning or electric fields

Electro-atmospheric protection

Earthing downpipe conductor

Earthing ring



Pag. 14

SERTEC S.R.L.Av. Gral. Santos Nº 2555 c/ 18 de JulioAsunción - ParaguayTeléfonos: (595) 21 302023 Asunción -

Dispositivo Protector de campo electromagnético Sertec. PDCE PDCE SERTEC


If the resistance is lower than 10Ω, 6 to 8

javelins are used

PDCE HEAD 3mts above any structural element

Drill the pole with a 8mm diameter through-hole 35 mm from the upper end of the pole

Place the borne on the copper wire and fasten it with a mechanic clamp

Pass the copper wire from the lower part of the pole and make it surpass 1 mt

over the upper part

1. Loosen the screws2. Introduce the wire through the

PDCE's borne up to the end3. Fasten the screws 4. Put a retractable jacket on the

screws to cover them5. Heat until sealed.

Insert the PDCE on the pole, place and fasten the


The downpipe joining the PDCE to the

earthing should be as direct as possible

Secure the wire's

trajectory with flanges

Pole anchoring

Naked copper wire witha 5 mm2 section

Avoid making curves with a radius smaller

than 20 cm

Ensure that the wire's tracing is

always descending We recommend creating an

internal protection with different

technologies of electronic protection

This is installed to prevent possible sparks and to avoid the destruction of electric equipment within the protected area when lightning strikes near the PDCE

– protected installation

Testing bridge -Earthing

Earthing connection casket Ground plane

Connected by an earth wire, with a jacket, to a common earthing from

the rest of the earth systems or equipotential. This will only serve to discharge residual overvoltage of

the lightning from the net

Place an electronic barrier of overvoltage

protection- <50kA in the general tension


It should be as close as

possible to the lightning rode's

vertical and have a resistance of <10Ω

The electrodes to

build the earthing can be in the form of

javelins or metal plaques

Made of Copper, aluminum or zinc (boats). Never stainless steel


Do not connect serial

filters or inductances that may

stop the flow of currents or create a


Make an Official Record of start up

Av. Gral Santos 2555

Asunción - Paraguay

+ 595 21 302023

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+ 595 21 302024


