Institutional Excellence Awards


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  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    Institutional Excellence Awards

    The Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), is a constituent laboratory of the Council of

    Scientific and Industrial Research. IGIB is an Institution ith international recognition in area

    of Scientific Research and !evelo"ment having tremendous groth ca"abilities.

    To "romote the change initiatives for the overall Scientific e#cellence an $I%STIT&TI'%

    *+C**%C* R!- for the outstanding "erformances of IGIB are being instituted. It aims to

    recognie and honor e#ce"tional "erformers involved in the im"lementation of innovative "ractices at

    or/"lace that "ositively im"act Scientific Innovations and *#cellence.

    IGIB invites the C'R0'RT*1'T2*R I%STIT&TI'%S to s"onsor the aard and be a "art of the

    Institution building "rocess of IGIB and future of India.


    3To translate conce"ts develo"ed in basic biological research to commercially viable technologies for

    health care3.

    Genomics and Molecular Medicine

    Genomics and Molecular Medicine is the major research focus of IGIB. From large

    collaborative projects like the Indian Genome Variation Consortium to exploring

    genetics of complex disorders several groups at IGIB are involved in studing the

    molecular basis of human diseases.

    ! Indian genome variation: discovery, functional relevance and application

    IGIB scientists have been the core of a consortium of Indian scientists "ho mapped

    genetic variation amongst the ethnicall and linguisticall diverse populations of

    India. Insights gained from this data has no" prompted man projects "hich aim to

    test the functional importance of these variations in establishing phenotpic diversit#

    for instance# in susceptibilit to diseases and efficac of drugs. $harmacogenomics of

    drugs for asthma and epileps is a prime example "here efforts are on to correlate

    genetic variation to drug efficac. %he spectrum of polmorphisms in genes linked to

    complex disorders like diabetes# cardiovascular and neuropschiatric disorders in the

    Indian population are also being explored.

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    o 5ycobacterial /inases and "hos"hatases are im"ortant counteracting enymes that or/ in concert in

    intracellular signalling and im"act diverse biological functions and are also "rime drug targets.

    Systematic e#"erimental characteriation of /inases and "hos"hatases and their interactions in

    5ycobacterium has been carried out by IGIB scientists leading to the characteriation of "athays

    im"ortant in the "athogenesis of 5ycobacterium tuberculosis.

    o IGIB scientists ith "artici"ation from the medical and research community in India, have been

    consistently involved in the dissection of genetic com"onents of asthma "athogenesis and screening

    and identification of anti4inflammatory1anti4asthmatic com"ounds from natural sources. This grou" has

    identified a number of novel "olymor"hic loci associated ith asthma li/e ha"loty"es in Transforming

    Groth 7actor beta8 (TG74beta8) gene associated ith asthma and serum TG74beta levels, novel

    ha"loty"es in 7C*RIB associated ith histamine release from baso"hils of asthmatic individuals and

    novel "olymor"hisms and ha"loty"es in STT9 gene associated ith asthma. similar a""roach as

    also used to study genetic "olymor"hisms associated ith Chronic 'bstructive 0ulmonary !isorder

    (C'0!). Ta/ing advantage of the rich traditional medical system and bio4resource diversity of India,

    researchers at IGIB have identified novel leads. &sing cell adhesion molecules as targets, a number of

    anti4inflammatory1anti4asthmatic com"ounds have been identified. mouse model of asthma is being

    used to study the role of diferuloylmethane, luteolin and 0B0B in alleviating asthma conditions. In

    addition to the efforts, "urification and "re"aration of allergens has hel"ed in develo"ment of diagnostic

    tools for detection of allergies "revalent in India. centre of e#cellence for translational research in

    asthma and lung disease (TRi) has been initiated at IGIB.

    Genome Informatics and Structural Biology

    IGIB has over the years built u" e#"ertise in high4through"ut data analysis and genome annotation. It is

    "artici"ating in international efforts li/e the Gen:0hen Consortium for unifying genetic variation

    databases. Genome Informatics at IGIB also forms an integral "art of most other research areas at IGIB

    and contributes to develo"ment of tools and hy"otheses. Some of the areas here informatics has

    contributed to genome analysis includes;

    < Indian Genome =ariation; analysis of genome variation data

    < %e#t4gen se>uencing, assembly and annotation

    < &nfolded "roteins and adhesins

    < 0rediction of microR%4target interaction

    < Structural regulatory motifs in the genome


    at IGIB using %e#t4Gen se>uencing. The data has been assembled and released for the "ublic.

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    community effort to annotate the ebrafish genome using i/i tools has been s"earheaded by IGIB


    uence of "roteins to "redict

    functions of "roteins ith unusual amino acid com"osition as ell as "roteins ith unfolded domains,

    im"lying their involvement in microbial "athogenesis and transcri"tional regulation res"ectively.

    #nergy and #nvironmental $iotechnology

    &cientists at IGIB are exploring the rich microbial diversit of India and developing

    biotechnological applications using this resource to address issues pertaining to the

    environment and energ crisis. 1ifferent areas that are being pursued are0

    ! Microbial diversit and its exploration

    ! drogen and bio'plastic from "aste

    ! 2aste "ater treatment using microbes

    ! Metagenomics

    Microbes "hich survive in extreme environments make en-mes tolerant to phsical

    stress. Man of these are difficult to isolate and culture in the laborator. *t IGIB#

    metagenomic libraries made from samples collected from various ecological niches in

    different geographical regions of India are being screened for functional clones

    expressing novel biocatalsts# bioactive compounds and path"as.

    !$io!waste to hydrogen and "ioplastics

    drogen has emerged as a clean fuel for the future. IGIB scientists have anal-ed

    metabolic and genomic databases of microbes have been anal-ed in order to identif

    microbes "hich can collectivel provide the biochemical route to production of

    hdrogen and environment friendl plastics.

    !#nvironmental "iotechnology for handling pollution

    IGIB has been involved in screening of pollutants against biodegradative en-mes#

    development of biosensors for monitoring pollutants and using microbial consortia fortreatment of alkaline "aste "ater generated from industries.

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    %#emical & Systems Biology

    Chemical a""roaches are essential in the understanding of many biological "henomena. Several

    research grou"s at IGIB have come together to utilie their varied e#"ertise in different disci"lines of

    chemistry and biology to address contem"orary research "roblems that re>uire interdisci"linary cross4

    tal/. Research carried out at IGIB in this area involves;

    < Chemical biology and systems biology of 5. tuberculosis and s/in "igmentation

    < Chemically modified oligonucleotides for biological a""lications

    < %ano4biotechnology

    < %ovel immunoassay "rocedures

    < %e molecules; in/ers for biochi" develo"ment? 0e"tide scaffolds and "e"tidomimetics? @uadru"le#

    Astabiliing ligands

    %#emical and Systems Biology of M' tu"erculosis and s(in pigmentation

    &nderstanding the mechanism by hich the "athogenic microorganism 5. tuberculosis modulates the

    e#"ression of the "roteins and li"ids "resent on its cell all is one of the focus areas of research at

    IGIB. In "articular, the role of "oly/etide synthases in li"id biosynthesis is being dissected using a

    combination of biochemical, genetic and systems a""roaches.

    Research is also being carried out to understand the molecular events that lead to "igmentation in

    human s/in. 'f "articular interest is develo"ing a com"rehensive understanding of the biochemical

    mechanisms underlying the melanin and melanocyte disa""earance in vitiligo.

    %#emical modulators of "io-acti)ity

    Chemically modified oligonucleotides li/e the oc/ed %ucleic cid (%) ith enhanced s"ecificity and

    stability are better suited for thera"eutic a""lications. Research at IGIB is directed toards investigating

    hybridiation thermodynamics of modified oligonucleotides in order to understand their stability and

    formulate guidelines for the o"timum design of % based oligonucleotides. These are s"ecifically being

    used to stabilie or "erturb >uadru"le# and i4motif forming !% se>uences. igand4induced stabiliation

    of unusual !% structures to aid develo"ment of anticancer agents is also being e#"lored.

    !esigning and synthesis of biologically active, antihy"ertensive "e"tidomimics (C* inhibitors) and

    novel chimeric o"ioid "e"tides ith im"roved bioavailability and "harmaco/inetic "rofiles is an im"ortant

    area in drug develo"ment research at IGIB.

    Nanoparticle-mediated DNA deli)ery & nano-toxicity

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    Several research grou"s in IGIB are involved in synthesis as ell as in vitro and in vivo activity studies

    of novel, efficient and non4to#ic nano4delivery systems based on cationic "olymers and "e"tides. The

    structure of the cationic surfactants in controlling !% condensation is also being studied using a ide

    range of bio"hysical techni>ues. In addition, mechanistic study on "ac/aging "rocesses of different !%

    nanocarriers based on "olymers and "e"tides using tomic 7orce 5icrosco"y and correlating their

    intracellular delivery efficiency ith "ac/aging is also being carried out. These a""roaches are li/ely to

    lead to design of ne materials for targeted delivery. to#icogenomic a""roach is being a""lied to

    observe and rationalie the to#icity effects of gold, silica and other nano"articles in both cultured cells as

    ell as in a ebrafish model system.

    Detection *ec#nology

    IGIB has been involved in develo"ing different modifed *IS "rocedures using heat, sunlight, "ressureetc. to ada"t *IS for clinical a""lications by cutting don on the turn around time. Some of these

    methods have been used for ra"id and sensitive detection of autoantibody in rheumatoid arthritis

    "atients and cell adhesion molecules in 2&=*C cells. !evelo"ment of bio4sensors for detection of

    microbial "athogens and metabolites is another area of interest at IGIB.

    *fficient "rotocols for covalent immobiliation of biomolecules on inorganic and organic surfaces have

    been develo"ed at IGIB toards develo"ent of bio4chi"s. This has involved im"rovisations in the

    attachment chemistry of oligonucleotides on different surfaces (modified glass, "oly"ro"ylene,

    "olystyrene etc.) and develo"ment of novel heterobifunctional reagents for surface immobiliation of

    biomolecules on solid surface. !esigning modified oligonucleotides ith suitable functionality for

    immobiliation on bio4chi"s is also being carried out.

    Scientists and Researc# Areas

    A-B %-+ ,-M N-R S- Scientist .ellows

    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    A"#ay S#arma ?%eurological disorders

    A'B' Sing# ? eroallergens

    Anurag Agrawal?Translational Research in sthma

    Ari/it Mu(#opad#yay?2uman Genomics

    Ar/un Ram?sthma

    As#o( ,umar?Biosensors

    As#wani ,umar S#arma?%ucleic cid Chemistry

    Balaram G#os#?5olecular Immunology of sthma
  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    Beena 0illai?Small R% Biology

    B'0' Sing#? (8F84:H88)

    B#upes# *ane/a? Structural Biology

    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    %'0' Raut? *nvironmental Biotechnology

    %#etan Gadgil? 5athematical modeling and analysis

    %#etana Sac#idanandan?ebrafish Chemical Genetics

    De"asis Das#? Genome Informatics

    Dwaipayan B#aradwa/? !iabetes Genetics

    G'1' S#arma? !iagnostic Biochemistry

    G'2' Rem"#ot(ar? Instrumentation

    Giri/a N Nair? Student ffairs

    3asi Rani Das? Glycobiology and ectins

    3emant ,' Gautam ? 5icrobial Biotechnology

    +yoti 4ada)?0lanning, 5onitoring and *valuation

    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    ,ausi( %#a(ra"orty? 0rotein 7olding and Stress Res"onse

    ,',' *ane/a?i"id Biochemistry

    ,'%' Gupta 5Director!II*R6

    1alita %#ug#?Immunology

    1'S' Meena? 5icrobial 0athogenesis

    Mala"i(a Datta? 5olecular s"ects of !iabetes

    M'A'7' 0as#a?Genetics of 2igh ltitude !isorders

    Mitali Mu(er/i? Genome =ariation and 2uman !isease Susce"tibility

    Mo#ammed .aru?7unctional Genomics of ta#ia

    Munia Ganguli? %anobiotechnology

    Rag#u Nandanan? Information Technology

    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    Na)een Arora?llergen Biology

    Neeru Saini?"o"tosis and R%i

    0radeep ,umar?%ucleic cid Chemistry

    0radip Na#ar? Innovative !iagnostics

    Ra/es# S' Go(#ale 5Director6?Chemical Biology

    Ra(es# S#arma?5etagenomics

    Rita ,umar? *nvironmental BiotechnologyRitus#ree ,u(reti? 0harmacogenomics,IITR),IITR)
  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    Samir , Bra#mac#ari 5DG! %SIR6

    S' Ramac#andran? Genome nalysis

    Sagari(a Biswas? ectin Biochemistry

    Santos# 0as#a?0e"tide Chemistry

    S'%' 1ali?Immunology

    S#antanu %#owd#ury? 7unctional Genomics

    S#antanu Sengupta?Thiols; Biology and im"lications for human disease

    S#eetal Gandotra?2ost40athogen interaction

    Soumya Sin#a Roy?5olecular s"ects of Cell !eath

    Sou)i( Maiti?%ucleic cid Bio"hysics

    Srid#ar Si)asu""u?ebrafish 7unctional Genomics

    Sus#eela Srid#ara ,asa?llergen Biology

    8'%' ,alia?*nvironmental Biotechnology

    8inod Scaria?Genome nalysis

    8i)e( Rao? 5ycobacterial Biology

    8i)e( *' Natara/an?S/in Biology

    4ogendra Sing#?5icrobial 0athogenesis

    33 a33 style3te#t4decoration; noneD font4eight; boldD3E

    Scientist .ellows9

    8' Sa"arees#?5ass S"ectrometry for Chemical Biology

    :' Ma"alira/an? 5olecular "athobiology of res"iratory diseases

    Arc#ana Sing#?S/in Biology


    Systematic Analysis and .unctional Annotation of 8ariations in t#e

    Genome of an Indian Indi)idual' 0atowary et' al' 3um Mutat' ;' doi9 =

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    Nonprocessi)e ; C ;e- off-loading reductase domains from

    myco"acterial nonri"osomal peptide synt#etases' %##a"ra A et' al' 0roc

    Natl Acad Sci : S A' ; microRNA-mediated regulation of I1-=H and allergic airway

    inflammation' ,umar et' al' + Allergy %lin Immunol ;-

    I48N is a cyto/ine secreted by T(2): lym"hocytes that modulates allergic inflammation and tissue

    remodeling. This or/ from Balaram G#os#Js laboratory shos that the microR% letO can target I48N.

    Intranasal delivery of let4O decreased I48N levels, airay inflammation and other signs of asthma in


  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    EG1N= in)ol)ement in #ig#-altitude adaptation re)ealed t#roug# genetic

    analysis of extreme constitution types defined in Ayur)eda' Aggarwal et'

    al' 0roc Natl Acad Sci : S A' ;

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    :H8H, 5itali 5u/er6i

    :HH9, Ra6esh Go/hale

    8FFH, Samir P. Brahmachari

    National *ec#nology Award 5;

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    :H88, Shantanu Sengu"ta

    :H8H, Shantanu Chodhury

    :HHF, Ra6esh Go/hale

    :HHO, S. Ramachandran

    Inno)ators %ompetition! DS* 1oc(#eed Martin India Inno)ation Growt# 0rogram

    :H8H, Rita Pumar

    4oung National 2oman Bioscientist Award

    :HHO, 5itali 5u/er6i

    Ramalingaswamy .ellows#ip

    :H88, Soumya Sinha Roy

    :H8H, Chetana Sachidanandan

    2ellcome *rust International Senior Researc# .ellows#ip

    :HH84:HH9, Ra6esh Go/hale

    2ellcome *rust-DB* Intermediate .ellows#ip

    :HHF, Pausi/ Cha/raborty

    S%K0:S 4oung Scientist Award

    :H8H, Souvi/ 5aiti

    :HH9, Ra6esh Go/hale

    %SIR 4oung Scientist Award

    :HHQ, Beena 0illai

    :HHO, Souvi/ 5aiti

    :HH, !ebasis !ash

    :HH:, 5itali 5u/er6i

    INSA 4oung Scientist Award

    :HHF, Beena 0illai

    :HHH, 5alabi/a !atta

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    I4BA .ellows#ip

    :H8H, Poyeli 5a"a

    :HHF, 0riti Sa#ena

    :HHQ, =ibha Tane6a

    %SIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrati)e Biology

    Sout# %ampus! Mat#ura Road!

    Kpp9 Su(#de) 8i#ar Bus Depot

    New Del#i ==>

    IGIB offers students and young researchers several avenues to /ic/4start their research career;

    Researc# Associate9Research ssociates, after com"leting their 0h.!, can either 6oin CSIR "ro6ects

    ("lease refer to "ro6ect assistant selection "rocess for the same) or bring in their on 7elloshi" li/e the

    CSIR Research ssociateshi" or !BT 0ost4!octoral 7elloshi" 0rogramme.

    0#'D programme9IGIB conducts an annual selection "rocess consisting of a ritten a"titude test

    folloed by an intervie, for 0h.! candidates. The selected students are assigned to laboratories of

    mutual choice. The com"ulsory course4or/ is designed to "rovide an orientation toards research,

    imbibe "rinci"les and methodology of doing research and familiarie the 0h.! students ith the

    activities of the Institute. 0lease refer to the advertisement in national dailies and this site for u"4to4date

    information on the eligibility criteria and selection "rocess.

    0ro/ect Assistants9IGIB conducts monthly intervies to select tem"orary "ro6ect staff ith

    >ualifications ranging from Bachelors, 5asters and 0h.! in different branches of science and medicine.

    Pindly consult thead)ertisementfor detailed information on the "ro6ects ith "ositions o"en, eligibility

    criteria and e#"ected remuneration.


    IGIB "rovides training to students ith good academic record as ell as interest and a"titude to or/ at

    IGIB for "artial fulfillment of their degree "rogramme i.e 5.Sc.1B.Tech15.Tech and other "rofessional


    To4months training for the students "referably ith training felloshi"s from national

    academies such as U%CSR, I%S, ISc etc. This "rogramme is available only during the
  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    summer months (5ay4Uune or Uune 4Uuly) The a""lications for summer training ill be

    entertained beteen

    8st 7ebruary and :Qth 7ebruary.

    IGIB acce"ts limited number of trainees for 8 year or 9 months "ro6ect training. The

    a""lications for 9 months training ill be entertained beteen

    .or =st +an to Huest, scientists ill res"ond to you. n acce"tance e4mail ill then

    follo regarding the formalities to be com"leted. Selection of trainee de"ends u"on the

    suitability of the candidate and re>uirement1lab s"ace in the institute. s of no, IGIB neither

    charges a fee for the training nor offers any sti"end or felloshi" for the same. Students have

    to ma/e their on arrangement for travel and accommodation.

    5ore s"ecific >ueriesV 4 0lease send an e4mail to giri6a(at)

    Information for 0otential .acultyIGIB is engaged in research in the areas of

    Genomics and Molecular Medicine

    Respiratory Disease Biology

    Genome Informatics and Structural Biology

    Energy and En)ironmental Biotec#nology

    %#emical and Systems Biology

  • 8/10/2019 Institutional Excellence Awards


    IGIB aims to nurture young investigators in these areas by building and sustaining orld class resources

    and netor/ing ith medical institutes, universities and the industry. IGIB is committed to a "ath of high

    scientific im"act leading to technological develo"ment and services relevant to the society.

    Indian citiens ho dream of highest scientific accom"lishments and have a strong research a"titude

    and a "roven record of scientific achievements may rite torecruitLigi"'res'in.

    CSIR4Institute of Genomics W Integrative Biology (IGIB) is a "remier Institute of Council of Scientific andIndustrial Research (CSIR), engaged in research of national im"ortance in the areas of genomics,molecular medicine, bioinformatics, "roteomics and environmental biotechnology.
