Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Porto · The Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Porto...


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Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Porto (Institute for Systems and Robotics - Porto)


Synopsis - ISR-P from 1992 to 2006 and beyond

Identification Unit Description and Organisation On-Going Activity: projects, Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses Publications and other research products: Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses published Books Papers in International Journals Book Chapters Patents Prototypes Papers in National Journals

Conference papers and other publications

December 31, 2006

and Statistics

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Table of Contents

1. R&D UNIT IDENTIFICATION.................................................................................................................. 3

2. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIT ................................................................................................... 5

3. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY STAFF ON DECEMBER 31, 2006 PER GROUP....................... 7 3.1. PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING .................................................................................. 7

3.2. CONTROL SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY......................................................................... 8

3.3. DECISION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING ........................................................................ 9

3.4. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION .......................................................................................... 11

4. MAIN RESEARCH PRODUCTS 1992-2006 ........................................................................................... 13 4.1. PH.D. THESES (IN PORTUGUESE, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED)........................ 13

4.2. M.SC. THESES (IN PORTUGUESE, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED)........................... 18

4.3. BOOKS (AS AUTHORS).................................................................................................... 26

4.4. BOOKS (AS EDITORS)...................................................................................................... 26

4.5 PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS.................................................................. 27

4.6 BOOK CHAPTERS.............................................................................................................. 34

4.7 PATENTS .......................................................................................................................... 37

4.8. PROTOTYPES AND INDUSTRIAL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATIONS............................................. 38

4.9. PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL JOURNALS ......................................................................... 42

4.10. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PAPERS (2006-1992) ..................................................... 45

5. STATISTICS (1994-2006) .......................................................................................................................... 91 5.1. SYNOPSIS TABLE FOR RESEARCH PRODUCTS (1992-2006) ............................................... 92

5.2. PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS................................................................. 93

5.3. NUMBER OF RESEARCH PRODUCTS OF PERMANENT PH.D. STAFF (1994-2006)................ 96


5.5. NUMBER OF PH.D. THESES ORGANISED BY GROUP, PER YEAR......................................... 98

5.6. NUMBER OF M.SC. THESES ORGANISED BY GROUP, PER YEAR ........................................ 99


5.8. NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PAPERS ..................................................... 101

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


1. R&D Unit Identification

R&D Unit nº 147/94 - Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Porto Address : Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal Telephone: 351- 22.508.1694 Fax: 351- 22.508.1632 E-mail: URL:

Scientific Domains (following JNICT classification, November 1991) Main : (003) - Engineering Science and Technology Other: (042) - Electronic Engineering and Technology (040) - Electrical Engineering (034) - Chemical Engineering and Technology


Scientific Council Scientific Co-ordinator The Scientific Council works in two sub-group corresponding to two levels of decision i) The Plenary of the Scientific Council, of which all permanent researchers holding a Ph.D. are members; ii) The Steering Committee, composed by the Scientific Co-ordinator, the Deputy Scientific Co-ordinator and the Co-ordinators of the four Research Groups of the Unit. The Plenary defines the internal rules. In particular, it elects the Scientific Coordinator. It also votes the annual activity reports and the budget allocation when proposing the work plan to the the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (the National Foundation for Science and Technology). The Steering Committee defines the main lines of research activity and management of the Unit. The Scientific Coordinator is a member of the Scientific Council, elected by the Council, who is responsible for all management activity and for the scientific co-ordination of the Unit.

Scientific Co-ordinator Name: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Position: Professor, FEUP Telephone: 351-22.508.1694 Fax: 351-22.508.1632 E-mail: URL:

The Scientific Coordinator

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


2. Short Description of the Unit Mission and dominant research areas The Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Porto (ISR-Porto) is a R&D Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, co-ordinated at National level and financed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). It is a horizontal structure housing the activities of researchers from the Departments of Electrical and Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and also of researchers from other Organic Units of the University of Porto and other Institutions of Higher Education. The mission and objectives of ISR-Porto can be summarised and characterised as follows: • Complementary research activities of both a fundamental and an applied nature; • Postgraduate teaching and advanced technical training; • International and industrial cooperation; • Technology development and transfer. In terms of dominant research areas, the following domains are covered: • Process systems and control engineering; • Optimisation and control theory; • Manufacturing and robotics technologies; • Industrial automation.

Human resources and internal organization Human resources represent the Unit's real asset. Currently 35 Permanent Researchers, 28 of them holding a Ph.D. degree, and, at present, 42 other non-permanent researchers (of which 2 post-doctoral) develop their work and concerted research efforts within ISR-Porto. As for internal organisation of research, the Unit is structured in four main groups, each one with an internally chosen co-ordinator and corresponding to dominant research interests and dominant sharing of laboratory facilities and equipments among their researchers. These are: • The Process Systems Engineering Group (Professor Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo) • The Control Systems and Technology Group (Professor Jorge Martins de Carvalho) • The Decision and Control Engineering Group (Professor Dr. Fernando Lobo Pereira) • The Industrial Automation Group (Professor Adriano Carvalho) This internal organisation by no means precludes cooperation between groups. The interests and activities of each of such groups unfold through more than one of the research areas presented above. In fact, a major strength of the Unit's research programme is the cross coupling observed between the research areas. Practice shows significant interaction between researchers of different groups within the Unit, which take different forms, such as cooperation in research projects or joint organisation of conferences and advanced courses.

The Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee is composed by the following Scientists: Professor Michael Grimble, from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland; Professor Jean Faucher, from the Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Industrielle, INP, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France; and Professor Adolfo Steiger Garção, from the Department of Electrical Engineering, New University of Lisbon, Portugal. The well-known wide range of activity and interests of these distinguished scientists, cover the areas of work of the Unit's researchers.

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Activity overview As activity overview: in the recent past the activity of the Unit has been highly rated (with the Evaluation of Very Good) by the Evaluation Panel appointed by the FCT in 1996, in 2000 and in 2004

During the past 5 years (2002-2006) 19 Ph.D. and 20 M.Sc. theses, 74 papers in international journals and books, over 400 other publications and/or communications of scientific work, 4 patents and 19 prototypes were produced. During 2006, work has been carried out concerning 13 main projects, 46 Ph.D. and 31 M.Sc. theses. A wide number of actions, such as the main responsibility of organisation of workshops and meetings, and the signing of contract work with major national industrial companies, confer to the Unit a dimension which goes well beyond its natural national and university borders.

Research Projects in 2004-2006 • Within the Process Systems Engineering Group

o PSE_01_KEM - Knowledge engineering methods for process modelling and control Research Co-ordinator: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo

o PSE_03_IA – Development of image analysis tools Research Co-ordinator: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo

o PSE_11 – Large Scale Optimization and Optimum Equipment Design Research Co-ordinator: Romualdo Salcedo

• Within the Control Systems and Technology Group o CST_04_SubSyd – Subspace System Identification

Research Co-ordinator: Paulo Lopes dos Santos o CST_02_5DPO – 5DPO RoboSoccer – Cooperative Robotics in a Dynamical

Environment Research Co-ordinator: António Paulo Gomes Mendes Moreira

o CST_06_OCO – Optimal Control and Optimisation Research Co-ordinator: Maria Rosário Marques Fernandes Teixeira Pinho

• Within the Decision and Control Engineering Group o DCE_01_HybSyCo – Nonsmooth Control and Hybrid Systems

Research Co-ordinator: Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira o DCE_02_UnderwaterSysTech – Underwater Systems and Technologies Research Co-ordinator: Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira o DCE_03_NET-VEHICLE – Networked Vehicles and Sensor Systems

Research Co-ordinator: Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira o DCE_04_EnterpriseEng - Enterprise Engineering

Research Co-ordinator: Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira • Within the Industrial Automation Group

o IA_02_DiCA – Real Time Distributed Control Applications, Research Co-ordinator: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

o IA_11_PoCRES – A Framework for Development of Power Controllers within Renewal Energy Systems

Research Co-ordinator: Adriano da Silva Carvalho o IA_10_MeMeC – New Methods and Technologies in Measurement Chains

Research Co-ordinator: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


3. Permanent and temporary staff on December 31, 2006 per group

3.1. Process Systems Engineering Permanent Ph.D. staff

Name Institution E-mail Position % timeAna Margarida Fonseca UFP Lecturer 30 Fernando Alberto Nogueira Rocha FEUP Lecturer 70

Maria Joana Peres FEUP Lecturer 70 Maria João Gonçalves Meireles ISEP mjm@deq.isep.ipp

.pt Professor 30

Peter Ho IPVC Lecturer 30 Romualdo Luis Ribera Salcedo FEUP Professor 70

Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo FEUP Professor

group co-ordinator 70

Permanent Graduate Researchers

Name Institution E-mail Position % time

Temporary Post-doctoral Researchers

Name Institution Position % timeLuís Rocha San Miguel Bento n. a. Researcher 20

Temporary Graduate Researchers

Name Institution Position António Manuel Azevedo Ferreira FEUP Ph.D. Student Cristina Pereira Cunha Rodrigues FEUP Ph.D. Student Helder Gomes da Silva FEUP Ph.D. Student

Luís Alberto Paz Suarez Pinar del Rio - Cuba Ph.D. Student

Moritz von Stosch RWTH Research student

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Alemanha Vânia Chibante FEUP Ph.D. Student

Technical and Administrative Staff

Name Institution Position Joana Isabel Sottomayor e Azeredo FEUP Administrative Staff

3.2. Control Systems and Technology Permanent Ph.D. staff

Name Institution E-mail Position % timeAntónio Paulo Gomes M. Moreira FEUP Lecturer 70

Catarina Judite Morais Delgado FEUP cdelgado@fep.up.

pt Lecturer 50

Jorge L. Martins de Carvalho FEUP jmartins@fe.up.ptProfessor

group co-ordinator 20

Maria do Rosário Fernandes Pinho FEUP Lecturer 70

Maria Margarida Amorim Ferreira FEUP Lecturer 70

Paulo Jorge A. Lopes dos Santos FEUP Lecturer 70

Paulo José C. Gomes da Costa FEUP Lecturer 70

Permanent Graduate Researchers

Name Institution E-mail Position % time

Temporary Post-doctoral Researchers

Name Institution Position % time

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Temporary Graduate Researchers

Name Institution Position André Gustavo Scholari Conceição FEUP Ph.D. Student

José Alexandre Carvalho Gonçalves IPB Ph.D. Student

José Luís Sousa Magalhães Lima IPB Ph.D. Student Pedro Luís C. Gomes da Costa FLUP Ph.D. Student Pedro Manuel Oliveira Fernandes Moreira FEUP M.Sc. Student

Paulo Sérgio Lima Malheiros FEUP Ph.D. Student Helder Filipe Pinto de Oliveira FEUP M.Sc. Student Sofia Oliveira Lopes U. Minho Ph.D. Student

Technical and Administrative Staff

Name Institution Position

3.3. Decision and Control Engineering Permanent Ph.D. staff

Name Institution E-mail Position % timeAníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos FEUP aní Lecturer 75

Eduardo Alexandre Pereira da Silva ISEP eaps@lsa.isep.ipp.

pt Lecturer 70

Fernando Manuel F. Lobo Pereira FEUP

Professor group co-ordinator


Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos ISCAP Lecturer 50

Permanent Graduate Researchers

Name Institution E-mail Position % timeAlfredo Manuel de Oliveira Martins ISEP amartins@lsa.isep. Assistant Lecturer

/ Ph.D. Student 60

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Gil Manuel Magalhães de Andrade Gonçalves FEUP Assistant Lecturer

/ Ph.D. Student 70

João Tasso de Figueiredo Borges de Sousa FEUP Assistant Lecturer 70

Jorge Manuel Estrela da Silva ISEP Assistant Lecturer 70 José Miguel Soares de Almeida ISEP jma@lsa.isep.ipp.

pt Assistant Lecturer

/ Ph.D. Student 60

Nuno Alexandre Cruz FEUP Assistant Lecturer / Ph.D. Student 75

Temporary Post-doctoral Researchers

Name Institution Position % time

Temporary Graduate Researchers

Name Institution Position Alexandre Jorge Arada de Sousa FEUP M.Sc. Student

Ana Cristina Pinto FEUP Researcher

Project Manager António Manuel N. dos Santos FEUP M.Sc. Student Bruno Miguel Marques Terra FEUP Researcher Eduardo Resende Brandão Marques FEUP Ph.D. Student

Hugo Alexandre de Almeida Ferreira ISEP M. Sc Student

José Carlos Queirós Pinto FEUP M.Sc. Student Júlio Miguel da Costa Ferreira FEUP Researcher Luís António Dias Madureira FEUP Engineer Nuno Filipe Leite dos Santos FEUP Researcher Paulo Alexandre Sousa Dias FEUP Ph.D. Student Paulo Jorge Ferreira Lebres FEUP M.Sc. Student Pedro Miguel Duarte Pinto Almeida FEUP Researcher

Ricardo André da Silva Martins FEUP Researcher Ricardo Ayres Gomes Bencatel FEUP Researcher Rui Jorge Pereira Gonçalves FEUP M.Sc. Student Rui Manuel Ferreira Gomes FEUP Ph.D. Student Sérgio Loureiro Fraga FEUP Ph.D. Student

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Technical and Administrative Staff

Name Institution Position Paulo Manuel de Jesus Madaleno Lopes FEUP Technical Staff

Bruno Silva Pereira FEUP Technical Staff Daniel Augusto Gouveia de Jesus Madaleno Lopes FEUP Administrative Staff

3.4. Industrial Automation Permanent Ph.D. staff

Name Institution E-mail Position % time

Adriano da Silva Carvalho FEUP Associate Professor

group co-ordinator 70

António José de Pina Martins FEUP Lecturer 70 Armando Luís de Sousa Araújo FEUP Lecturer 50

Artur Agostinho Capelo Cardoso FEUP Lecturer 40

Pedro Alexandre G. L. Ferreira Souto FEUP Lecturer 70

Armando Jorge Miranda Sousa FEUP Lecturer 70

Mário Jorge Rodrigues Sousa FEUP Lecturer 70

Paulo José Machado Portugal FEUP Lecturer 70

Paulo Jorge Campos Costa IPVC Lecturer 50 Rui Filipe Marques Chibante ISEP Lecturer 50

Permanent Graduate Researchers

Name Institution E-mail Position % timeCarlos João Rodrigues Costa Ramos FEUP Assistant Lecturer

/ Ph.D. Student 100

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Temporary Post-doctoral Researchers

Name Institution Position % timeAbílio Joaquim G. Oliveira Azenha FEUP Researcher 100

Temporary Graduate Researchers

Name Institution Position Henrique Baptista Gonçalves IPB Ph.D Student Joaquim Fernando Almeida Alves ISEP Ph.D Student José Augusto Almeida P. Carvalho IPB Ph.D Student

Orlando Manuel Castro Ferreira Soares IPB Ph.D Student

Isabel M G F Vaz Pinheiro ISEP M.Sc. Student José Filipe Dourado Santos Veiga FEUP Ph.D Student Maria Teresa Outeiro ISEC Ph.D Student José Miguel Cardoso Ferreira FEUP M.Sc. Student

Technical and Administrative Staff

Name Institution Position

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4. Main Research Products 1992-2006

4.1. Ph.D. Theses (in Portuguese except where otherwise stated)

2006 Author: Pedro Miguel da Silva Martins Title: Modelling crystal growth from pure and impure solutions – a case study on sucrose Institution/Date: FEUP/2006 Supervisor: Fernando Alberto Nogueira da Rocha Author: Pedro Miguel Pacheco Neves Carteado Mena Title: Mass transfer and hydrodynamics in multiphase systems Institution/Date: FEUP/2006 Supervisor: Fernando Alberto Nogueira da Rocha Co-supervisor: José António Couto Teixeira (Universidade do Minho) Author: Ricardo Manuel Pinto de Lima Title: An Integrated Strategy for Simulation and Optimision of Chemical Processes Institution/Date FEUP/ 2006 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo Co-supervisor: Domingos Barbosa Author: Rui Paulo Pinto da Rocha Title: Building Volumetric Maps with Cooperative Mobile Robots and Useful Information

Sharing - A Distributed Control Approach based on Entropy’ Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho/Jorge Dias Cooperation: FEUP-ISRPorto/University of Coimbra-ISRCoimbra Author: Paulo Jorge Campos Costa Title: Optimization of Energy Generation in Wind Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/2006 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Co-supervisor: António P Martins Author: Joaquim Fernando Almeida Alves Title: Monitoring of Mechanical Structures with Bragg’s Networks in Optical Fiber Institution/Date: FEUP / 2006 Supervisor: Armindo Soares Lage Co-supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Author: Rogério Gaspar de Almeida Title: Identification and Assessment of System Service Supply of Small Distributed

Generation Unities in Electrical Networks Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2006 Supervisor: João Peças Lopes Co-supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho


Author: Maria Joana Monteiro de Carvalho Peres Title: Knowledge Based Hybrid Modelling of Bioprocesses Institution/Date: FEUP , 13 June 2005 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Co-supervisor Rui Manuel Freitas Oliveira

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Author: Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos Title: Advanced Mathematical Modeling for Outfall Tracking and Management using

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles based Systems Institution/date FEUP/2005 Supervisor: Fernando M. F. Lobo Pereira Author: Mário Jorge Rodrigues de Sousa Title: Research on a Real-Time Platform Supporting to Develop Industrial Control

Applications Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Co-supervisor: Pedro Ferreira do Souto Author: Paulo José Lopes Machado Portugal Title: Dependability Evaluation of FieldBus Networks Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Author: Rui Filipe Marques Chibante Title: Desenvolvimento de um Modelo para IGBTs Optimizado por um Método de Base

Experimental Institution/Date: FEUP / 2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho/ Armando Sousa Aráujo

2004 Author: Catarina Judite Morais Delgado Title: Recursive Subspace Identification Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2004 Supervision: Paulo Lopes dos Santos/Jorge L. Martins de Carvalho Author: Armando Jorge Miranda de Sousa Title: Architectures for Robotic Systems and Real-Time Localization based on Vision Institution/Date: FEUP/July 2004 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho/Paulo Gomes da Costa


Author: Fernando Baltazar Moreira Duarte Title: Dynamic Analysis of Redundant Robots Institution/Date: FEUP/ Feb 2003 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Eduardo Alexandre Pereira da Silva Title: Structures for the coordination in Autonomous Systems Institution/Date: FEUP Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Telmo Reis Cunha Title: High Precision Navigation Integrating Satellite Information – GPS – and Inertial

System Data Institution/Date: FEUP/2003 Supervision: J. Martins de Carvalho/ Luísa Bastos

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Author: Filipe Miguel Teixeira Pereira da Silva Title: Dynamic Analysis and Control of Robotic Locomotion Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ Feb 2002 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Nuno Costa Martins Faria Title: Study of Crystallisation phenomena through image analysis Institution/Date: FEUP/ April 2002 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Co-supervisor: Fernando Rocha Cooperation: Marie-Noelle Pons (ENSIC-Nancy)


Author: Aníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos Title: Dynamic Optimization in Hybrid Systems Control Institution/Date: FEUP/September 2001 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Sérgio Reis Cunha Title: Stochastic Optimal Control: Applications to Hybrid Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/December 2001 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira


Author: Paulo José Cerqueira Gomes da Costa Title: Localização em Tempo Real de Múltiplos Robots num ambiente Dinâmico Institution/Date: FEUP/ March 2000 Supervisor: J. L. Martins de Carvalho

Author: Carlos de Almeida Martins Title: Contrôle Direct du Couple d’une Machine Asynchrone Alimentée par Convertisseur

Multiniveaux à Fréquence Imposée Institution/Date: ENSEEIHT/FEUP/ 2000 Supervisor: Doutoramento europeu com supervisão conjunto de Xavier Roboam, Thierry Ménard

e Adriano Carvalho Cooperation: LEEI-ENSEEIHT/FEUP-ISR

Author: Manuel Bernardo Barbosa Title: Conformance Testing of CANopen Institution/Date: University of Newcastle/FEUP/ 2000 Supervisors: Mohamed Farsi - Adriano Carvalho Cooperation: University of Newcastle - Dept of Electronics/FEUP-ISR


Author: Abílio Joaquim Gomes de Oliveira Azenha Title: Dynamic Analysis and Force Control in Robotic Manipulators Institution/Date: FEUP/ February 1999 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Ana Margarida Barros Fonseca Title: Dry Scrubbing of Gaseous Emissions containing HCl in a Cyclone Reactor Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1999 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Author: Pedro Alexandre L. F. do Souto Title: Integrating Transactions in Distributed Shared Memories for Distributed

Programming (in English) Institution/Date: State University of New York at Stony Brook/1999 Supervisor: Gene Stark

1998 Author: António José Pina Martins Title: Multivariable Control based on Fuzzy Logic for Supervision of Power Static

Converters Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1998 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Armando Luís de Sousa Araújo Title: Modeling Bipolar Semiconductors. Formulation of a New Method for Simulation of

Power Electronic Circuits Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1998 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Co-supervisor: J. L. Martins de Carvalho

Author: Rui Manuel Oliveira Title: Supervision, Control and Optimization of Biotechnological Processes, based on

hybrid models (in English) Institutions/Date: Martin-Luther Universitaet , Halle-Wittenberg and FEUP/ August 1998 Supervisors: A. Lubbert and Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: Maria Margarida da Fonseca e Castro Cardoso Title: Searching for the Global Optimum - a strategy for mixed-integer non-linear global

optimisation Institution/Date: FEUP/ October 1998 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo Co-supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: António Paulo Gomes Mendes Moreira Title: Predictive control of wine fermentation Institution/Date: FEUP/1998 Supervisor: J.L. Martins de Carvalho


Author: Pedro Correia Cravo Pimenta Title: Development and Test of Computer-aided Strategies for the Operation of Multiple-

effect Evaporators Institution/Date: FEUP/ January 1997 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo

Author: Filomena Maria Rocha Menezes de Oliveira Title: Monitoring and Control of Fermentation Processes - Application to Baker's Yeast

Production Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1997 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Co-supervisor: José Teixeira (U. Minho)


Author: José Monteiro Cardoso de Menezes Title: Analysis and Modelling of Penicillin G Production at Industrial Pilot Scale

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Institution/Date: Instituto Superior Técnico/ March 1996 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Co-supervisor: Sebastião Alves (IST)

Author: Maria João da Câmara Gonçalves Meireles Title: Modelling and Simulation of an Industrial Unit for Sugar Crystallizattion Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1996 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo


Author: José Manuel Martins Nobre Chorão Title: Computer-aided Operation of an Industrial Batch Ebvaporative Crystallizer for Sugar

Production Institution/Date: FEUP/ June 1995 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: Eugénio Monteiro Cardoso de Menezes Title: Identification and adaptative control of biotecnological processes Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1995 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: M. Margarida Amorim Ferreira Title: New Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Restrictions) Institution/Date: FEUP/1995 Supervisor: F. Lobo Pereira, R. Vinter


Author: Paulo Lopes dos Santos Title: System Identification through Bode Diagrams Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1994 Supervisor: J. Martins de Carvalho


Author: Alexandra Maria Soares Ferreira Galhano Title: A Statistical Approach to the Modelling of Robotics Manipulators Institution/Date: FEUP/ November 1992 Supervisor: J. L. Martins de Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.2. M.Sc. Theses (in Portuguese, except where otherwise stated)


Author: Nuno André Vaz Moreira da Silva Title: Control of Active and Reactive Power Flow to Grid with Voltage CC/AC Power

Converters Institution/date FEUP/2006 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Co-supervisor: António Pina Martins Author: Manuel António Ferreira Pereira Title: Development of a Distributed Architecture for Power Control Institution/date FEUP/2006 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Author: João Miguel Mendes Oliveira Title: Design and Implementation of a Digital Regulator for a Inner Tripet Systems of the

LHC Institution/Date: FEUP//2006 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: Vítor Jesus Freitas Oliveira Title: High Accuracy MicroActuation for Interrogation Systems Based on Bragg’s Networks Institution/Date: FEUP//2006 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho


Author: Cláudia Marisa Martins Moreira Title: Automation and Control Optimization of Water Treatment Stations Institution/Date: FEUP/Mar. 2005 Supervisor: António Paulo Moreira Author: José Alexandre de Carvalho Gonçalves Title: Omnidirectional Robot Control Institution/Date: FEUP/May 2005 Supervisor: Paulo Gomes da Costa and António Paulo Moreira

Author: Luís António Dias Madureira Title: Accoustic Navigation System for multiple underwater vehicles Institution/Date: FEUP/2005 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Co-Supervisor: João Borges de Sousa Author: Hugo Miguel Pereira Simões Carneiro Title: Access Control Systems Institution/Date: FEUP//2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Author: Rogério Dias Paulo Title: Development of a Design Tool for Event Driven Systems Institution/Date: FEUP//2005 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Author: José Luís Sousa de Magalhães Lima Title: Ethernet Based Image Acquisition System with Real Time Processing Institution/Date: FEUP/Jan. 2004 Supervisor: Paulo Gomes da Costa Author: Gustavo Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Title: Analysis and Development of Mobile Communication and Computation in

Automation Systems Institution/Date: FEUP//2004 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho


Author: Gustavo Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Title: Analysis and Design of mobile Communication and Computation for Automation

Systems Institution/Date: FEUP//2003 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Cooperation: MICROPROCESSADOR, SA Author: Manuel Pedro Soares Marques Title: Optimization of Production Lines in Flexible Manufacturing Industry Institution/Date: FEUP//2003 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Cooperation: Continental-Mabor, SA


Author: Isabel Maria de Sousa de Jesus Title: Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte Institution/Date: FEUP/Feb 2002 Supervisor: José António Tenreiro Machado Author: Jorge Manuel Estrela da Silva Title: Control and Computational Architectures for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Institution/Date: FEUP/April 2002 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Co-supervisor João Tasso Borges de Sousa Author: Rui Manuel Ferreira Gomes Title: Modelling and Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Institution/Date: FEUP/December 2002 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Co-supervisor: João Tasso Borges de Sousa Author: Sérgio Loureiro Fraga Title: Generation of Trajectories - Application to Underwater Vehicles Institution/Date: FEUP/December 2002 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Co-supervisor João Tasso Borges de Sousa Author: Augusto António Moreira da Costa Franco Title: SDAI-MFEV Sistema de Diagnóstico de Avarias Inteligente para Manutenção

Ferroviária Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2002 Supervisor: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Author: Joana Isabel Cardoso Title: Air Quality in the Porto Metropolitan Area (1994-1999) Institution/Date FEUP/2002 Supervisor: C. Alvim/ Romualdo Salcedo Author: Sónia Camisa Title: Optimising the design of electrostatic precipitator Institution/date FEUP/2002 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo


Author: Maria José Saraiva Title: Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Data Institution/Date: UMinho, February 2001 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo Author: Paulo Alexandre de Sousa Dias Title: A Multi-agent Architecture for Management Games – An Application of Game and

Coordination Theories. Institution/Date: FEUP/February, 2001 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Isabel Maria de Sousa de Jesus Título: Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte Institution/Date FEUP/Nov 2001 Orientador: José António Tenreiro Machado Author: Augusto Costa Franco Title: Fuzzy Logic Based Tool for RCM Maintenance Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2001 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: Henrique Nuno Baptista Gonçalves Title: Optimisation of design of medium/high power three-phase induction motors Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2001 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: José Manuel Ramos Pinto de Sousa Title: Application of CAN protocol into an industrial communications network Institution/Date: FEUP/ 2001 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho


Author: Maria da Graça Lima Chaves Cândido Title: Design and Optimisation of Recirculating Cyclones Institution/Date: FEUP/ March 2000 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo Author: António Francisco Silva Ladeira Title: Ethernet Use in Real-Time Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 2000 Supervisor: Artur Capelo Cardoso Author: Luiz Albert Paz Suarez Title: Computer-Aided Studies of Advanced Control Strategies for Non-linear Processes (in


ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 2000 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: António Fernando da Silva Ferreira Title: Generic Configurable Process Controller Institution/Date: FEUP/ October 2000 Supervision: António Paulo Gomes Mendes Moreira Author: Henrique Gonçalves Title: Thermally Optimised Design of High Power Three-phase Asynchronous Motors Institution/Date: FEUP/2000 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: José Manuel Ramos Pinto de Sousa Title: Integrating Multiple I/O in Large Automation Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/2000 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: Ramiro de Sousa Barbosa Title: Non Integer Order Control Algorithms Institution/Date: FEUP/2000 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado

1999 Author: Eduardo José Solteiro Pires Title: Genetic Algorithms: Application to Robotics Institution/Date: FEUP/ January 1999 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author : Pedro Luís Cerqueira Gomes da Costa Title: Control of a Mobile Robots Team Institution/Date: FEUP/ February 1999 Supervision: J. L Martins de Carvalho Author: Carlos Manuel Barbosa Rodrigues Title: Locomotion Systems with Four or More Legs Institution/Date: FEUP/ March 1999 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Rui Pedro Fernandes Title: Failure Analysis, Error Detection and Fault Diagnosis for an Autonomous Underwater

Vehicle: a Discrete Event Systems Approach Institution/Date: FEUP/ March 1999 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Sérgio Dinis Sousa Title: Locomotion in Autonomous Robotics – Obstacle Avoidance Integration. Institution/Date: FEUP/ March 1999 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira

Author: André Fidalgo Title: Simulation of Wheeled Mobile Robotics in Industrial Environments Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1999 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Daniela Maria Oliveira Santos Title: Development of a Gateway for Remote Access to Communications Bus like CORBA

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Institution/Date FEUP/ July 1999 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: Eduardo Alexandre Pereira da Silva Title: Control Architecture Model for Autonomous Robotic Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ July 1999 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: João Carlos Espinheira Ferreira da Silva Title: CASE Tool for Event-Driven Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1999 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: João Carlos Silva Title: Optimising Flexible Transportation Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1999 Supervisor: Adriano Carvalho Author: Nuno Miguel Fonseca Ferreira Title: Dynamic Simulation and Control of Industrial Robots Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1999 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado

1998 Author: José Alexandre Campos Title: Optimisied Design of Reverse Flow Cyclones – a new approach Institution/Date: FEUP/1998 Supervisor: Romualdo Salcedo Author: Cristina Paula Pereira da Cunha Rodrigues Title: Recovery of aluminium sulphate from waste water treatment. Aluminium sulphate

precipitation in aqueous solutions Institution/Date: FEUP/1998 Supervisor: Fernando Alberto Nogueira da Rocha Author: Carla Sofia Moreira Cordeiro Title: RobLib: A Library Industrial Robots Models Institution/Date: FEUP/ January 1998 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Rui Jorge Fontinha Tunes Title: Controladores de Ordem Fracccionária Institution/Date: FEUP/ January, 1998 Supervisor: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Rui Filipe Sá Vasconcelos Title: Reliable Data Distribution using Multicast Groups in Industrial Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/1998 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Rui Paulo Pinto da Rocha Title: Development of a Management System of AGVs Institution/Date: FEUP/1998 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Author: Pedro Manuel Oliveira dos Reis Soares Title: Discretization of Continuous Controllers Institution/Date: FEUP/ February 1997 Supervisor: P. Lopes dos Santos Author: Carlos João Ramos

Title: Control System of Tree-phase Asynchronous Generator in Energy Systems based on Ocean Waves

Institution/Date: FEUP/1997 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Filipe de Faria Pacheco Title: Remote Graphic Configuration in Java Environment Institution/Date: FEUP/1997 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Joaquim Ferreira Alves Title: Real Time Control System for Static Energy Multi-sources in Parallel Operation Institution/Date: FEUP/1997 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Luís Miguel Moreira Lino Ferreira Title: Implementation of an Application Layer over a CAN Network Institution/Date: FEUP/1997 Supervisor: Artur Capelo Cardoso Author: Paulo Joaquim Campos Costa Title: Direct Torque Control of Tree-phase Asynchronous Machines Institution/Date: FEUP/1997 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho


Author: Gil Manuel Gonçalves Title: Decision Support System for Planning and Control of a Spinning Unit: A Systems

Engineering Approach Institution/Date: FEUP/ February 1996 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos Title: Mobile Robotics Navigation based on Natural Landmarks Institution/Date: FEUP/ February 1996 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Alfredo Manuel Martins Title: Modelling and Control of an Autonomous Wheeled Vehicle Institution/Date: FEUP/ October 1996 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: José Miguel Soares de Almeida Title: Hybrid Control of a Non-Holonomic Vehicle Institution/Date: FEUP/ October 1996 Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Rui Manuel Furtado Title: Integrated Modelling and Reformulation of the Organization and Information System

Application to a Portuguese Metalworks Company Institution/Date: FEUP/ October 1996

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Supervisor: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: António Manuel Barros Ferreira Title: Adaptive-preditive Control of Industrial Evaporators Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1996 Supervisor: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo Author: Isabel Maria da Silva Praça Title: Balancing and Simulation of Manual Manufacturing Line Institution/Date: FEUP/1996 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Joaquim Jorge Assunção Vieira Title: Integrated Modeling of Industrial Maintenance Institution/Date: FEUP/1996 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Luís Miguel Rosário da Silva Pinho Title: Architectures for Real Time Control Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/1996 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho Author: Sérgio Miguel Escarduça Loureiro Title: Ethernet as Integrator Element for Manufacturing Systems Institution/Date: FEUP/1996 Supervisor: Adriano S. Carvalho


Author: Eduardo Médicis Tovar Title: Redes de comunicação industriais do tipo Field Bus, integração em ambiente CIM Institution/Date: FEUP/ November 1994 Supervision: Artur C. Cardoso Author: Sérgio Reis Cunha Title: Planeamento automático de movimentos e veículos submarinos autónomos Institution/Date: FEUP/ December 1994 Supervision: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: Abílio Joaquim Gomes de Oliveira Azenha Title: Controlo de força de manipuladores robóticos Institution/Date: FEUP/1994 Supervision: J. A. Tenreiro Machado

Author: Aníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos Title: Optimização dinâmica e desvio de obstáculos Institution/Date: FEUP/1994 Supervision: Fernando Lobo Pereira Author: António Mendes Lopes Title: Sistema de controlo de robot industrial Institution/Date: FEUP/1994 Supervision: J. A. Tenreiro Machado Author: Gabriela Cruz Gonçalves Title: Estabilidade robusta estruturada Institution/Date: ISEP/1994 Supervision: J. L. Martins de Carvalho Author: Joaquim José de Almeida Soares Gonçalves

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Title: Aspectos computacionais das formulações inversa e directa da dinâmica de Manipuladores robóticos

Institution/Date: Universidade Lusíada/1994 Supervision: J. A. Tenreiro Machado

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.3. Books (as Authors)


de Pinho, M.d.R. and M. M. A. Ferreira, Optimal Control Problems with Constraints, Seria Matematica Aplicata si Industriala [Applied and Industrial Mathematics], Editura Electus, Bucharest, 138 pages, 2002, ISBN: 973-85545-2-7


Salcedo, R. L. R., Non-linear optimisation problems: for computer applications (in Portuguese), FEUP edições, 2001, ISBN 972-752-049-9


Martins de Carvalho, J. L., Automatic Control Systems (in Portuguese), LTC - Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora, Rio de Janeiro, ISBN 85-216-1210-9


Martins de Carvalho, J. L., Dynamical Systems and Automatic Control, Prentice-Hall International Series in Systems and Control Engineering, Londres, 1993, Reprinted 1995, ISBN 0-13-221755-4

4.4. Books (as Editors)


Reis, Luís P., A.P. Moreira, P. Costa, E. Silva and J.M. Almeida, Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open, FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, ISBN 972-752-066-9, 23-24 de Abril de 2004


Martins de Carvalho, J., M.R. de Pinho and J. S. Costa, Proc. Of ECC’01-European Control Conference 2001, FEUP Edições, 4-7 September, 2001


Feyo de Azevedo S., E.C. Ferreira, K, Luyben and P. Osseweijer, Proc. of ESBES-2, 2nd European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences, 16-19 September 1998, ISBN 972-752-028-6, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1998


Santos, P. Lopes; Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 96, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1996

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.5 Publications in international journals (organised by year, by research group and in alphabetical order within the group)


Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Application of Feed forward neural networks in modeling and control of a fed-batch crystallization process, Trans. on Engineering, Computing and Technology, 12, 65-69, 2006

Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Neural Networks-Based Control Strategies Applied to a Fed-Batch Crystallization Process, Int. Journal of Computational Intelligence, 3 (3), 224-233, 2006

Lima, R., R.L. Salcedo and D. Barbosa, SIMOP-Efficient reactive distillation optimization using stochastic optimizers, Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 1718-1739, 2006

Martins, P.M. and F.A. Rocha, A new theoretical approach to model crystal growth from solution, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (17), pp. 5696-5703, 2006

Martins, P.M. and F.A. Rocha, The role of diffusional resistance on crystal growth: Interpretation of dissolution and growth rate data, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (17), pp. 5686-5695, 2006

Martins, P.M., F.A. Rocha and P. Rein, The Influence of Impurities on the Crystal Growth Kinetics According to a Competitive Adsorption Model, Crystal Growth & Design, Vol.6 nº 12, pp. 2814-2821, 2006

Delgado, Catarina J. M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J. L. Martins de Carvalho, A New Insight to the Matrices Extraction in a MOESP Type Subspace Identification Algorithm, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 37, Nr 8, pp 565 - 574, 20 June 2006

Ferreira, M.M.A., On the regularity of optimal controls for a class of problems with state constraints, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 37, N. 8, pp 495-502, 2006

Pinho M.d.R. de and Javier F. Rosenblueth, Mixed constraints in optimal control: an implicit function theorem approach, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, advance acccess published on August 2, 2006

Arutyunov A. and F. Lobo Pereira, Second-order necessary optimality conditions for problemswithout a priori normality assumptions, Mathematics of Operations Research, INFORMS, vol. 31, nº 1, February 2006, pp 1-12

Baturin, V., E. Goncharova, F. Lobo Pereira and J. Sousa, Measure-controlled dynamic systems: Polyhedral approximation of their reachable set boundary, Autom. & Remote Control, 69 (3), 2006, pp. 350-360 (translated from Russian in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 2006, No. 3, pp. 8–19)

Borges de Sousa, J. and F. Lobo Pereira, A set-valued framework for coordinated motion control of networked vehicles, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, MAIK Nauka/ Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science, vol. 45, nº 5, 2006, pp. 824-830

Borges de Sousa, J., K.H. Johansson, Jorge Silva and A. Speranzon, A Verified Hierarchical Control Architecture fro Coordinated Multi-Vehicle Operations, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2006, Special issue on autonomous adaptive control of vehicles

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Silva, Optimality Conditions for Asymptotically Stable Control Processes, Int. J. of Tomography & Statistics, 6 (2), 2006, pp. 127-132

Campilho, A. and A. Cardoso, An electronic instrumentation course for non-electronic engineering students, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, ISSN: 0020-7209, Volume 41 Issue 1, January 2006, pp 43-55

Moraes, R., F. Vasques, P. Portugal and J. A. Fonseca, A Traffic Separation Mechanism (TSm) allowing the coexistence of CSMA and real-time traffic in Wireless 802.11e Networks, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 890-897, April 2006

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Baruch I., P. Georgieva, J. Barrera-Cortes and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Adaptive Recurrent Neural Network Control of Biological Wastewater Treatment, Int. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 20 (2) 173-193, 2005

Ferreira, A., N. Faria, F. Rocha, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Lopes, Using Image Analysis to look into the effect of impurity concentration in NaCl crystallization, Tran. IChemE, Part A, 83 (A4), 331-338, 2005

Martins, P.M., F.A. Rocha and P. Rein, Modeling Sucrose Evaporative Crystallization. Part 1. Vacuum Pan Monitoring by Mass Balance and Image Analysis Methods, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (23), pp. 8858-8864, 2005

Martins, P.M., F.A. Rocha and P. Rein, Sucrose Evaporative Crystallization. Part 2. Investigation into Crystal Growth Kinetics and Solubility, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (23), pp. 8865-8872, 2005

Mena, P.C., M.C. Ruzicka, F.A. Rocha, J.A. Teixeira and J. Drahos, Effect of solids on homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime transition in bubble columns, Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22), pp. 6013-6026, 2005

Mena, P.C., M.N. Pons, J.A. Teixeira and F.A. Rocha, Using image analysis in the study of multiphase gas absorption, Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (18), pp. 5144 – 5150, 2005

Simoglou, A., P. Georgieva, E.B. Martin, J. Morris, S. Feyo de Azevedo, On-line Monitoring of a Sugar Crystallization Process, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 29 (6), 1411-1422, 2005

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M.M.A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Unmaximized Inclusion Necessary Conditions for Nonconvex Constrained Optimal Control Problems, ESAIM- COCV, Vol. 11, N. 4, pp. 614-632, 2005

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M.M.A. Ferreira, Urszula Ledzewicz and Heinz Schaettler, A model for cancer chemotherapy with state-space constraints, Nonlinear Analysis 63, e2591-e2602, 2005

Arutyunov, A. and F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary Extremum Conditions without Making a priori Normality Assumptions, Russian Doklady Mathematics, V. 402, N 6, pp. 727-731, 2005 (In Russian), e V. 71, N 3, pp. 442-446, 2005 (In English)

Arutyunov, A., D. Karamzin and F. Lobo Pereira, A Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for the Impulsive Control Problem with State Constraints, SIAM J. of Control and Optimization, vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1812–1843, 2005

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta and F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary conditions for impulsive nonlinear optimalcontrol problems without a priori normality assumptions, J. of Optim. Theory & Appl., Vol. 124, Nº 1, pp 55 – 77, January, 2005

Costa, P., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Optimizing wind energy capture. Expanding the speed range with the doubly fed induction generator, WindTech International, vol. 2, nº 3, pp. 28-31, April/May 2005


Andrasik, A., A. Meszaros and S. Feyo de Azevedo, On-line Tuning of a Neural PID Controller Based on Plant Hybrid Modelling, Computers Chem. Engng., 28 1499-1509, 2004

Ferreira, E.C., R.L. Salcedo and R. Lima, Spreadsheets in Chemical Engineering Education – a tool in process design and process integration, Int. J. Eng. Education, 20 (6), 928-938, 2004

Lima, R.M., G. François, B. Srinivasan and R.L. Salcedo, Dynamic optimization of batch emulsion polymerization using MSIMPSA – a simulated annealing-based algorithm, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43 (24), 7796-7806, 2004

Oliveira, R., R. Simutis and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Design of a stable adaptive controller for driving aerobic fermentation processes near maximum oxygen transfer capacity, J. Process Control, 14 617-626, 2004

Salcedo, R.L.R., V. G. Chibante and I. Sôro, Laboratory, pilot and industrial-scale validation of numerically optimized reverse-flow gas cyclones, Trans. of the Filt. Soc., 4 (3), 220-225, 2004

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Girard, A.R., J. Borges de Sousa and J. Karl Hedrick, A Selection of Recent Advances in Networked Vehicle Systems, IMECHE Journal of Systems and Control Engineering – Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Vol. 218, 2004

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Nunes da Silva, Lyapounov Stability of Measure Driven Differential Inclusions, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 40, Number 8, August 2004, pp. 1122 – 1130. Translated from Differentsialenia Uravnenia, vol. 40, nº 8, 2004, pp. 1059-1067 (In Russian)

Lobo Pereira, F. and J. Borges de Sousa, Coordinated Control of Networked Systems, Automation and Remote Control, Volume 65, Number 7, July 2004, pp. 1037 – 1045. Translated from Automatika i Telemekhanika nº 7, 2004, pp. 3-11 (In Russian)


Faria, N., M.N. Pons, S. Feyo de Azevedo, F.A. Rocha and H. Vivier, Quantification of the Morphology of Sucrose Crystals by Image Analysis, Powder Technology J., 133, 54-67, 2003

Ferreira, A., C. Oliveira, F. Rocha, The different phases in the precipitation of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, Journal of Crystal Growth, 252, 599-611, 2003

Feyo de Azevedo, S., P. Georgieva and M.J. Gonçalves, Knowledge-based Hybrid Modelling of a Batch Crystallisation when Accounting for Nucleation, Growth and Agglomeration Phenomena, Chem. Eng. Sci., 58 (16), 3699-3713, 2003

Fonseca, A.M., J.M. Órfão and R.L. Salcedo, A new approach to kinetic modeling of the reaction of HCl with solid lime at low temperatures, Chem. Eng. Sci. 58 (15), 3499-3506, 2003

Georgieva, P., S. Feyo de Azevedo, M.J. Gonçalves, P. Ho, Modeling of Sugar Crystallization through Knowledge Integration, Eng. Life Sci., 3 (3), 146-153, 2003

Ruzicka, M. C., J. Drahos, P. C. Mena and J. A. Teixeira, Effect of viscosity on homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regima transition on bublle columns, Chemical Engineering Journal, 96 (1-3), 15-22, 2003

Salcedo, R.L. and M.J. Pinho, Pilot and Industrial-Scale Experimental Investigation of Numerically Optimized Cyclones, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42 (1), 145-154, 2003

Salcedo, R.L., R. Lima and M.F. Cardoso, Simulated annealing for the global optimization of chemical processes, Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad., 69 (A) (3-4), 359-401, 2003

de Pinho, M.d R., Mixed Constrained Control Problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 278, 293-307, 2003

Solteiro Pires, E. J., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, P. B. de Moura Oliveira, Fractional Order Dynamics in a GA Planner, Journal of Signal Processing, Elsevier, Special Issue on Fractional Signal Processing and Applications, 83 (11), 2377-2386, Nov. 2003

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., A Probabilistic Interpretation of the Fractional-Order Differentiation, FCAA - Journal of Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis, 6 (1), 73-80, 2003

Arutyunov, A., V. Jacimovic, F. Lobo Pereira, Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems, International Journal of Dynamic Control Systems, 1, (9), p. 131-153, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, P. F. Souto, L. Madureira and E. Pereira da Silva, Distributed sensor and vehicle networked systems for environmental applications, in Biologi Italiani, 8, p. 57-60, September, 2003


Cardoso, M.F., R.L. Salcedo, S. Feyo de Azevedo e D. Barbosa, Letter to the editor, Comp. Chem. Eng., 26 (1), 141, 2002

Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Neural Network Based Approach for Measurement Dunamics Compensation, Applied Artificial Intelligence J., 16, 423-442, 2002

Oliveira, R., E.C. Ferreira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Stability, Dynamics of Convergence and Tuning of Observer-based Kinetics Estimators, J. Process Control, 12, 311-323, 2002

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Galhano, A. M. S. F., J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Kinematic Robustness of Manipulating Systems, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, Fuji Technology Press, 6, 2002

Duarte, F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Chaotic Phenomena and Fractional-Order Dynamics in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems, ND - Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, Kluwer, USA, 29, (1-4), 315-342, July 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R. and A. Ilchmann, Weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with mixed constraints, Nonlinear Analysis, 48, 1179-1196, 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R., M. M. A. Ferreira and F. A. C. C. Fontes, An Euler-Lagrange Inclusion for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints, J. Dynamical and Control Systems, 8, 23-45, 2002

Barbosa, R. S., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Describing Function Analysis of Systems with Impacts and Backlash, Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, , 29, (1-4), 235-250, July, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Silva, Stability for impulsive control systems, Dynamical Systems - an Int. Journal, 17 (4), pp. 421-434, 2002


Ferreira, E.C. and R.L. Salcedo, A tool to optimize VOC removal during absorption and stripping, Chemical Engineering, 108, (1), 94-98, January 2001

Ferreira, E.C. and R.L. Salcedo, Can spreadsheets solve demanding optimization problems?, Comp. Appl. in Eng. Education, 9, (1), 49-56, 2001

Fonseca, A.M., J.M. Órfão and R. Salcedo, Dry Scrubbing of Gaseous HCl with solid lime in a cyclone reactor at low temperatures, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40, (1), 304-313, 2001

Peres, J., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Efficient Knowledge Integration methods for Improved Bioreactor Operation, Computers Chem. Engng, 25, 783-791, 2001

Salcedo, R.L.R. and Cândido, M.G., Global optimization of reverse-flow gas-cyclones: application to small-scale cyclone design, Separation Sci. and Technology, 36 (12), 2707-2731, 2001

de Pinho, M.d.R., R. Vinter and H. Zheng, A Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 18, 189-205, 2001

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., Discrete-Time Fractional-Order Controllers, FCAA - Journal of Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis, 4 (1), 47-66, 2001

Lobo Pereira, F., Control Design for Autonomous Vehicles: A Dynamic Optimization Perspective, European Journal of Control, 7, 178-202, 2001

Martins, A.P., X. Roboam, T.A. Meynard and A.S. Carvalho, Direct Torque Control for Medium-Voltage Drives using Multi-level Converters, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Newsletter, March 2001

Martins, A. P. and A. S. Carvalho, Fuzzy Controllers with Reduced Rulebases and Real-Time Capability for Power Systems Supervision, Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 29, nº12, 2001, pp.1145-1159.

Sousa, M.J and P. Wurmsdobler, Linux-Based PLC for Industrial Control, Embedded Linux Journal, 32-38, May/June 2001


L. Lefreve, D. Dochain, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Magnus, Optimal selection of orthogonal polynomials applied to the integration of chemical reactor equations by collocation methods,, Computers Chem Engng, 24, 2571-2588, 2000

Cardoso, M., R.L. Salcedo, S. Feyo de Azevedo and D. Barbosa, Optimization of Reactive Distillation Processes with Simulated Annealing, Chem. Eng. Science, 55(21), 5059-5078, 2000

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Maria, G., C. Maria, R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Databank transfer-of-information, shortcut and exact estimators used in the wastewater biological treatment process identification, Computers Chem. Engng., 24, 1713-1718, 2000

Perrier, M., S. Feyo de Azevedo, E.C. Ferreira and D. Dochain, Tuning of Observer-based Estimators: theory and application to the on-line estimation of kinetic parameters, Control Engineering Practice, 8 (4), 377-388, 2000

Galhano, Alexandra M. S. F. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A Biomechanical Perspective to the Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulators, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, vol. 36, pp. 471-484, 2000

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Vector-Valued Impulsive Control Problems, Systems and Control Letters, Elsevier, 40, pp. 205-215, 2000

Lobo Pereira, F., A Maximum Principle for Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints, Int. J. of Comp. & Appl. Maths, 19 (2), pp. 1-19, 2000


Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Robust Control Design of an Activated Sludge Process, Int. Journal of Robust and Non-linear Control, 9 (13), 949-967, 1999

Salcedo, R.L.R. and M. Coelho, Turbulent Dispersion Coefficients in Cyclone Flow: an empirical approach, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 77 (4), 609-617, August 1999

Salcedo, R.L.R. and R. Lima, On the Optimum Choice of Decision Variables for Equation-Oriented Global Optimization, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 38 (12), 4742-4758, 1999

Salcedo, R.L.R., M.C.A. Ferraz, C.A. Alves and F.G. Martins, Time-Series Analysis of Air Pollution Data, Atmospheric Environment, 33 (15), 2361-2372, 1999

Ferreira, M.M.A., F.A. Fontes and R.B. Vinter, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions for Nonconvex Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 233, 116-129, 1999

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Analysis and Modelling of Biped Locomotion Systems, RBCM-Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 21 (3), 402-413, 1999

Martins, C.A., T.A. Meynard, X. Roboam and A.S. Carvalho, A Predictive Sampling Scale Model for Direct Torque Control of the Induction Machine Fed by Multilevel Voltage-Source Inverters, The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics, 5 (1), 1-12, 1999


Fonseca, A.M., J.M. Órfão and R.L.R. Salcedo, Kinetic modeling of the reaction of HCl with solid lime at low temperatures, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 37 (12), 4570-4576, 1998

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, On the Describing Function Method and the Prediction of Limit Cycles in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 33, 307-320, 1998

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, A Statistical Perspective to the Fourier Analysis of Mechanical Manipulators, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 33, 373-384, 1998

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, On the Statistical/Harmonic Modelling of Mechanical Manipulators, RBCM-Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 20 (3), 437-444, 1998

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Cardoso, M.F., R.L.R. Salcedo, S. Feyo de Azevedo and D. Barbosa, A Simulated Annealing Approach to the Solution of MINLP Problems, Computers Chem. Engng., 21 (12), 1349-1364, 1997

Feyo de Azevedo S., B. Dham and F. Oliveira, Hybrid Modelling of Biochemical Processes: a comparison with the conventional approach, Computers Chem. Engng, 21 Suppl., S751-S756, 1997

Simutis, R., R. Oliveira, M. Manikowski, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Lübbert, How to Increase the Performance of Models for Process Optimization and Control, J. Biotechnology, 59, 73-89, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A.M.Galhano, WinRob: An Educational Program for Robotic, IJEEE-International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 34 (1), 37-47, 1997

Machado, J.T., Analysis and Design of Fractional-Order Digital Control Systems, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 27, 107-122, 1997

de Pinho, M.d.R. and R.B. Vinter, Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems Involving Differential Algebraic Equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 212, 493-516, 1997

de Pinho, M.d.R., On the Weak Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Dependent Control Constraints, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 30 (4), 2481-2488, 1997

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, On the receding horizon hierarchical optimal control of manufacturing systems, J. of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 8, 425-433,1997


Cardoso, M.F., R.L.R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, The Simplex-Simulated Annealing Approach to Continuous Non-linear Optimization, Computers Chem. Engng., 20 (9), 1065-1080, 1996

Najim, K., V. Ruiz, S. Feyo de Azevedo and M.J. Gonçalves, Modelling and Adaptive Control of a Batch Evaporative Crystalliser, J. Sys. Eng., 6, 233-241, 1996

Oliveira, R., E. Ferreira, F. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetics Estimators in Stirred Tank Bioreactors, Journal of Process Control, 6 (6), 367-371, 1996

Machado, J.T., Variable Structure Control of Manipulators with Joints having Flexibility and Backlash, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 23, 93-101, 1996


Guimarães, L., S. Sá, L. Bento and F. Rocha, Investigation of crystal growth in a laboratory fluidized bed, Int. Sugar Jnl., 97 (11), 199-204, 1995

de Pinho, M.d.R. and R.B. Vinter, Euler Lagrange Inclusion for Optimal Control Problems, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 40 (7), 1191-1198, 1995


Cardoso, M.F., R.L.R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Nonequilibrium Simulated Annealing: A Faster Approach to Combinatorial Minimization, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 33 (8), 1908-1918, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J. Chorão, M.J. Gonçalves and L. Bento, On-line Monitoring of White Sugar Crystallization through Software Sensors, Part II - Int. Sugar JNL., 96, 18-26, 1994

Menezes, J.C., S.S. Alves, J.M. Lemos and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Mathematical Modelling of Industrial Pilot-Plant Penicillin-G Fed-Batch Fermentations, J. Chem Tech. Biotechnology, 61, 123-138, 1994

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Ferreira, M.M.A. and R.B. Vinter, When is the Maximum Principle for State Constrained Problems Nondegenerate, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Aplications, 187 (2), 438-467, 1994


Feyo de Azevedo, S., F. Oliveira and A.C. Cardoso, TEACON - A Simulator for Computer Aided Teaching of Process Control, J. Computer Appl. Engineering Educ. - CAE, 1 (4), 307-319, 1993

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J. Chorão, M.J. Gonçalves and L. Bento, On Line Mintoring of White Sugar Crystallization - Part I, Int. Sugar Journal, 95, 483-488, 1993

Pimenta, P.C. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Real-time Dynamic Simulation of Non-linear MIMO Systems, Computers Chem. Engng., 17S, 343-348, 1993

Pimenta, P.C. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Simulation of Multiple Effect Evaporators, Computers Chem. Engng. 17S, 153-158, 1993

Salcedo, R.L.R., Collection Efficiencies and Particle Size Distributions from Sampling Cyclones - Comparison of Recent Theories with Experimental Data, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 1, 20-27, 1993

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Statistical Modelling of Robotic Manipulators, SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 12, 101-123, 1993

Machado, J.T., J.L. Martins de Carvalho and A.M. Galhano, Analysis of Robot Dynamics and Compensation Using Classical and Computed Torque Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Education, 36 (4), 372-379, 1993


Menezes, J.C., S.S. Alves, J.M. Lemos and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Sugar Analysis of Industrial Penicillin Fermentation Broths Containing Complex Nutrient Sources, Biotechnology Techniques, 6 (1), 1-4, 1992

Salcedo, R.L.R., Solving Non-Convex NLP and MINLP Problems with Adaptive Random-Search, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 31 (1), 262-273, 1992

Salcedo, R.L.R., Comments on a MINLP Process Synthetizer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 31, 2804-2805, 1992

Teixeira, J.A., M.L. Sousa, S. Feyo de Azevedo and M. Mota, Monitoring and Control of a Fed-Batch Fermentation, Chemical Engineering Education, 26 (2), 94-97, 1992

Costa, A.F. and M. Vaz Guedes, Prevision of the Thermal Behaviour of Dry-Type Cast Resin Transformers, Electric Machines & Power Systems, 20, 261-272, 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.6 Book Chapters


Ferreira, E. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Biological Reactors (In Portuguese), in Biological Reactors (all Chapters in Portuguese), Eds, M. Manuela Fonseca and J.A Teixeira, Chap. 8, p. 193-230, Lidel, Lisboa, 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and J. Borges de Sousa, Motion Control of Coordinated Systems, Proc. of International Seminar "Control Theory and Theory of Generalized Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations" (CGS’2005), vol 1, Ural University Publisher, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2006, pp. 303-308


Oliveira, R. and R. Salcedo, Benchmark testing of simulated annealing, adaptive random search and genetic algorithms for the global optimization of bioprocesses, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Springer Computer Science, Springer Wien New York, ISBN 3-211-24934-6, 292-295, 2005

Reis, L.P., N. Lau, C. Carreto and E. Silva, Intelligent Robotics, IROBOT 2005, in Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artifictial Inteligence, no 3808, Carlos Bento, Amilcar Cardoso, Gael Dias editors, Springer Verlag, December 2005

Reis, L.P., N. Lau, C. Carreto and E. Silva, Intelligent Robotics, IROBOT 2005, 2005 Portuguese Conference on Artificial Inteligence Proceedings, Carlos Bento, Amilcar Cardoso, Gael Dias editors, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, December 2005

Sousa, M. de, A. de Carvalho, Programming with the IEC 61131-3 Languages and the MatPLC, The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, CRC Press, FL., 2005, ISBN 0-8493-1985-4


Delgado, C.J.M. and P. Lopes dos Santos, New approach to the estimation of matrices A and C in CVA subspace identification algorithms, Advances in the Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, ed Chun-Yi Su, Subhash Rakheja (Concordia University, Canada), Enrong Wang (Nanjing Normal University, China) & Rama B Bhat (Concordia University, Canada), World Scientific Press, ISBN9812560866, China, October 28, 2004, 512 pages

Almeida, J., A. Martins, E. Silva et al. , ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team for Robocup 2003, Brett Browning, Daniel Polani, Andrei Bonarini, and Kazuo Yoshida (editors): RoboCup-2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, ISBN: 3-540-22443-2, Springer, 2004

Sousa, M.J.R. de and A. Carvalho, Programming with the IEC 61131-3 Languages and the MatPLC, The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, pp. 65-1-65-21, CRC Press, FL., ISBN 0-8493-1985-4, 2004

Portugal, P.J. and A. Carvalho, The GRAFCET Programming Language, The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, pp. 64-1 - 64-21, CRC Press, FL., ISBN 0-8493-1985-4, 2004


Feyo de Azevedo, S., A Respeito da Reforma do Ensino Superior (About the Restructuring of Higher Education), in Avaliação, Revisão e Consolidação da Legislação do Ensino Superior (Inquérito Público: Análise e Resposta), A. Amaral (Ed.), p. 315-329, CIPES, Pub. Fundação das Universidades Portuguesas, 2003

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Cascade Control of an Hexapod Robot, CLAWAR’2003 – 6th International Symposium on Climbing and Walking Robots, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. (Ed. G. Muscato and D. Longo), ISBN 1-86058-409-8, p. 163-170, Catania, Italy, 17-19 September, 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Georgieva, P., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Instrumentation and Process Control – Process Control, in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, P.F. Fox (Eds.), p. 1401-1410, Academic Press UK, 2002

Georgieva, P., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Instrumentation and Process Control – Instrumentation, in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, P.F. Fox (Eds.), p. 1392-1401, Academic Press UK, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, On the Optimal Control of Vector Valued Impulsive Control, in Nonlinear Dynamics Chaos, Control and Their Applications to Engineering Sciences, vol. 4 – Recent Developments in Nonlinear Phenomena, J. Balthazar, P. Gonçalves, R. Brasil, I. Caldas, F. Rizatto (Eds.), p. 218-227, 2002


Feyo de Azevedo, S., S. Oliveira and B. Sonnleitner, New Methodologies for Multiphase Bioreactors 3: Data Acquisition, Modelling and Control, in Multiphase Bioreactor Design, J.M. Cabral, M. Mota and J. Tramper (Eds.), chap. 3, p. 53-83, Taylor&Francis Pub, N.Y., 2001


Silva, E.P., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, On the Design of a Control Architecture For an Autonomous Mobile Robot, in Advances In Intelligent Autonomous Systems, S.G. Tzafestas (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, chap. 15, p. 309-336, 1999

Azevedo, A.L. and R.T. Oliveira, A Scalable Approach for Order Negotiation and Planning Logistics, in The

Information Age, M. Muffatto and K.S. Pawar (Eds.), SGEditorial, ISBN 88-86281-37-4, 1999


Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa and M.M.A. Ferreira, Mathematical Modelling for Cell Proliferation Kinectics, in The Oporto Workshop on Flow and Image Cytometry, IPATIMUP editions, Arquivos de Medicina, 11 p., 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Study of Biped Locomotion Systems, ISIP’97-OE/IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production, Lisbon, Portugal, in Re-engineering for Sustainable Industrial Production, L.M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.), Chapman & Hall, ISBN 0-412-79950-2, p. 163-176, 14-16 May, 1997


Feyo de Azevedo, S., P.C. Pimenta and F.R. Oliveira, Computer Based Studies on Bioprocess Engineering, I - Tools for Process Analysis, in Computer and Information Science Applications in Bioprocess Engineering, A.R. Moreira, K. Wallace (Eds.), NATO-ASI Series E, Applied Sciences, Vol. 305, chap. 1, p. 3-26, Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 1996

Feyo de Azevedo, S., P.C. Pimenta, F.R. Oliveira and E.C. Ferreira, Computer Based Studies on Bioprocess Engineering, II - Tools for Process Operation, Ibid. in Computer and Information Science Applications in Bioprocess Engineering, A.R. Moreira and K. Wallace (Eds.), NATO-ASI Series E, Applied Sciences, Vol. 305, chap. 2, p. 27-50, Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 1996

Salcedo, R.L.R. and A.M. Fonseca, Grade-Efficiencies from Sampling Cyclones, in Mixed-Flow Hydrodynamics-Advances in Engineering Fluid Mechanics Series, N.P. Cheremisinoff (Ed.), Chap. 23, p. 539-561, Gulf Publishing Co., 1996

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Pereira da Silva, E., J. Borges de Sousa and F.L. Pereira, A Blackboard Approach to the Mission Management of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol. 2 Appl. and Tech., Elsevier Applied Science, 1993


Salcedo, R.L.R. and D.C. Dias, A Sequential Approach to Time Series Analysis, in Computer Techniques in Environmental Studies IV, P. Zannetti (Ed.), CMP/Elsevier Applied Science, p. 295-312, 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.7 Patents


EURO PTC WO0141934 and EP1272278 – Recirculation cyclones for dedusting and dry gas cleaning (World Intelectual Property Organization), granted 08.03.2006, R. Salcedo


EP0972572 – High Efficiency Cyclones (European Patent Bulletin 2000/03), granted 19.06.2005, R. Salcedo


US2002178793 - Recirculation cyclones for dedusting and dry gas cleaning, United States Patent Application Publication (05.12.2002), granted 11.05.2004, under nº 6733554, R. Salcedo


US2002178793 - Recirculating cyclones for dedusting and gas cleaning (US Patent Office 05.12.2002), R. Salcedo


WO0141934 - Recirculating cyclones for dedusting and gas cleaning (World Intellectual Property Organization 14.06.2001), R. Salcedo


EP0972572 - High-Efficiency Cyclones (European Patent Pending, bulletin 2000/03), R. Salcedo


PT 102166 – RS-VHE High-Efficiency Cyclones (in Portuguese), Boletim de Propriedade Industrial no.12, pg. 5000, R. Salcedo

PT 102392 – Recirculating cyclones for dedusting and gas cleaning (in Portuguese), 13.12.1999, R. Salcedo


MANIA - Managing Awareness in Networks though Intelligent Agents, patent number 98-01725, 1998/01/28, French Patent (INPI - Institut Nationale de Proprieté Industriel), Raul Oliveira

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.8. Prototypes and Industrial-Scale Implementations

2006 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 8 RS_VHE for flue gas cleaning from an

industrial fuel waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 4000 m3/h furnace have been reduced to 10 mg/Nm3 from a previous compliant value of 80 mg/Nm3

Demonstrable at: RAR SA, Porto, Portugal Accrediting entity: RAR SA, Porto, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2006 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 24 RS_VHE cyclones and 4 recirculators

for flue gas cleaning from an industrial corch waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 50000 m3/h furnace have not yet been measured

Demonstrable at: MJO SA, Vendas Novas, Portugal Accrediting entity: MJO SA, Vendas Novas, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2006 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 24 RS_VHE cyclones and 24 electrostatic

recirculators for flue gas cleaning from an industrial wood waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 57000 m3/h furnace have not yet been measured.

Demonstrable at: Plysorol SA, Fontenay-le-Comte, France Accrediting entity: Plysorol SA, Fontenay-le-Comte, France Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2006

Title: RobPaint® Demonstrable at: Fluidinova, S.A Accrediting entity: Responsible: António Paulo Moreira, Paulo Gomes da Costa, José Carlos Brito Lopes Development date: 2006 Title: OS8 – 4DOF Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Demonstrable at: FEUP Accrediting entity: FEUP Responsible: Nuno Cruz, Aníbal Matos Development date: 2006 Title: SeaScout system – Prototype of a Low-cost system for oceanograhic missions. The system is composed by one (or more) light autonomous underwater vehicles,

Acoustic Positioning System and Comand and Control framework “Neptus”. Demonstrable at: APDL S.A., Leça da Palmeira, Portugal Accrediting entity: Responsible: João Borges de Sousa Development dates: 2006 Title: System for the environmental Data Collection The system is composed of an autonomous underwater vehicle and an autonomous

surface vehicle (Catamaran) Demonstrable at: APDL S.A., Leça da Palmeira, Portugal Accrediting entity: Responsible: João Borges de Sousa Development dates: 2006

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Title: Virtual reality environment for the demonstration and evaluation of concepts of

operation for multi-vehicle systems. Demonstrable at: APDL S.A., Leça da Palmeira, Portugal Accrediting entity: Responsible: João Borges de Sousa Development dates: 2006 Title: Wireless sensor network for environmental applications. Demonstrable at: APDL S.A., Leça da Palmeira, Portugal Accrediting entity: Responsible: João Borges de Sousa Development dates: 2006 Title: ZARCO – Autonomous Surface Vessel Demonstrable at: FEUP Accrediting entity: FEUP Responsible: Nuno Cruz, Aníbal Matos Development date: 2006

Title: High Voltage (1 kV) High Frequency (1 Mhz) Generator for cork heating and drying

Demonstrable at: FEUP, DEEC Accrediting entity: Corticeira Amorim Responsible: Armando Araújo e Adriano Carvalho Development dates: 2006


Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 8 RS_VHE cyclones and one recirculator for flue gas cleaning from an industrial corch waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 15000 m3/h furnace have not yet been measured.

Demonstrable at: Corkart Lda, Vendas Novas, Portugal Accrediting entity: Corkart Lda, Vendas Novas, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2005 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 18 RS_VHE cyclones and 12

recirculators for flue gas cleaning from an industrial wood waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 27000 m3/h furnace have been reduced to 220 mg/Nm3 from a previous uncompliant value over 800 mg/Nm3

Demonstrable at: Laminar SA, Pedroso, Portugal Accrediting entity: Laminar SA, Pedroso, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2005

Title: ROAZ- Autonomous surface vehicle for coastal and estuarine operations Demonstrable at: APDL S.A., Leça da Palmeira, Portugal Accrediting entity: Responsible: Eduardo Pereira da Silva Development dates: 2005

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 6 RS_VHE cyclones and one recirculator for flue gas cleaning from an industrial corch waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 8000 m3/h furnace have been reduced to 30-90 mg/Nm3 from a previous uncompliant value over 500 mg/Nm3

Demonstrable at: Amorim & Irmãos, Stª Maria de Lamas, Portugal Accrediting entity: Amorim & Irmãos, Stª Maria de Lamas, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2004 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 1 RS_VHE 1200 mm cyclone for flue gas

cleaning from an industrial furnace. Targeted emisions from this 5500 m3/h furnace have been reduced to 80 mg/Nm3 from a previous uncompliant value of 300 mg/Nm3 (using an industrial high efficiency cyclone)

Demonstrable at: Cimpor SA, Cabo Mondego, Portugal Accrediting entity: Cimpor SA, Cabo Mondego, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2004 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 18 RS_VHE 550 mm cyclones and

12x600 mm recirculators for flue gas cleaning from an industrial boiler. Targeted emisions from this 27000 m3/h wood waste boiler have been reduced to 140 mg/Nm3 from a previous uncompliant value of over 500 mg/Nm3 (using industrial high efficiency multicyclones).

Demonstrable at: Laminar SA, Pedroso, Portugal Accrediting entity: Laminar SA, Pedroso, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2004 Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 8 RS_VHE 650 mm cyclones and 2x1200

mm recirculators for flue gas cleaning from an industrial boiler. Targeted emisions from this 15000 m3/h wood waste boiler have not yet been measured.

Demonstrable at: Corkart Lda, Vendas Novas, Portugal Accrediting entity: Corkart Lda, Vendas Novas, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2004


Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 4 RS_VHE 700 mm cyclones and one 1300 mm recirculator for flue gas cleaning from an industrial corch waste boiler. Targeted emisions from this 9500 m3/h furnace have been reduced to 12-69 mg/Nm3 from a previous uncompliant value of 470 mg/Nm3 (using industrial multicyclones)

Demonstrable at: Granorte, Lda, Rio Meão, Portugal Accrediting entity: Granorte, Lda, Rio Meão, Portugal Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2003


Title: Industrial-scale implementation of set of 12 RS_VHE 500 mm cyclones and two 1300 mm recirculators for recovery of sulphanilic acid from a fluidized bed dryer. Targeted emisions from this 14000 m3/h system have been reduced to 50 mg/Nm3 from a previous value of 207 mg/Nm3 (using off-line pulse jet bag filter)

Demonstrable at: Quimigal, SA, Estarreja, Portugal Accrediting entity: Quimigal, SA, Estarreja, Portugal

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Responsible: Romualdo Salcedo Development dates: 2001


Title: Control System of the Turbine Speed and Electrical Power Demonstrable at: EDA-Electricidade dos Açores, Azores, Pico Island Accrediting entity: EDA-Electricidade dos Açores Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Development dates: January 1996 to June 1998 Title: Control System for Power Generator out of Ocean Waves Accreditation Entity: EDA-Electricidade dos Açores Demo availability in: Pico Island (from June 1998) Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

1997 Title: Control System for Power Generator out of Ocean Waves Accreditation Entity: EFACEC – SISTEMAS DE ELECTRÓNICA Demo availability in: Laboratório de Automação Industrial – FEUP/ISR_Porto Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Title: Control Systems for Wine Fermentation Accreditation Entity - Demo availability in - ISR - Porto/ Adega da Tapada do Chaves - Portalegre Responsible: J.L. Martins de Carvalho

Title: System for Automatic Calibration of Differential Breakovers Accreditation Entit: EC - Material Eléctrico, SA, Grupo GE - Power Control Demo availability in: Laboratório de Controlo de Qualidade – GE Power Controls, SA Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Development dates: January 1996 to June 1998 Title: Supervision and Control System for Parallel Operating UPS Demonstrable at: Industrial Automation Laboratory – FEUP/ISR_Porto Accrediting entity: EFACEC – Electronic Systems Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Development dates: 1996, 1997 Title: CoPSE- Control System for Drying and Oil Filling Demonstrable at: Heddrich Gmbh, Thayland (currently being duplicated at the ISR Porto) Accrediting entity: EFACEC – Electronic Systems Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Development dates: 1993 to 1997


Title: Automatic Calibration System for Differential Voltage Breakers Demonstrable at: Differential Voltage Breakers Production Line – GE Power Controls, SA Accrediting entity: EC - Material Eléctrico, SA, GE - Power Controls Group Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho Development dates: January 1995 to September 1996

Title: Automatic Controller of Quality of Produced Differential Breakovers Accreditation Entity : EC - Material Eléctrico, SA, Grupo GE - Power Control Responsible: Adriano da Silva Carvalho

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.9. Publications in national journals


Georgieva, P and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Application of artificial neural networks in modelling and optimization of batch crystallization processes, Jornal Electrónica e Telecomunicações, 4(6), 697-706, 2006


Fraga, S. L., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Dynamic Optimization for Motion Planning and Control of Autonomous Vehicles, Publicado na Revista Nacional “Robótica” nº 60, pp. 10-14, 3º Trimestre de 2005


Sampaio, J.C., F. Azevedo, A.J. Sousa, J. Ferreira, J. Aguiar and J. Teixeira Silva, Sistema Automático de Controlo Dimensional de Cantoneiras Baseado em Visão Artificial, ROBÓTICA, nº 54, pp.4-9, 2004


Feyo de Azevedo, S., Bolonha – Caminho Irreversível, Oportunidade Imperdivel (Bologna – Irreversible Way, Unloasable Opportunity), JUP - Jornal da Academia do Porto, Ano XVI Julho-Setembro’03, p. 3, 2003

Feyo de Azevedo, S. and D. Almeida Santos, As Palavras Chave são Confiança e Qualidade – Notícia sobre reunião do Grupo de Trabalho em Educação da Federação Europeia de Engenharia Química (Keywords are Trust and Quality – Notes about the meeting of the WP on Education of the European federation of Chemical Engineering),Guilford, 12 de Abril de 2003, Ingenium 2ª série, 75, p. 59, Maio 2003

Salcedo, R.L. and M. de Sousa Mendes, Captura de poeiras finas com ciclones optimizados: estudo de dois casos industriais, Industria e Ambiente, 30, 2º trimestre, 18-22, 2003

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Geração de Trajectórias para Sistemas Diferencialmente Planos, ROBÓTICA, 2003


Salcedo, R.L. and M.J. Pinho, Ciclones de muito elevada eficiência: da concepção à implementação industrial, Ingenium, 2ª série, nº 69, Setembro, p. 79-82, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., J. Borges de Sousa, Sistemas de Controlo para Veículos Submarinos Autónomos, p. 30-37, nº 47 in Revista Robótica – Automação, Controlo e Instrumentação, 2º trimestre, 2002

Figueiredo, L., I. Jesus, J. A. Tenreiro Machado, J. R. Ferreira, Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, Ingenium, Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros, II Série, nº 71, p. 84-92, Novembro/Dezembro 2002

Henriquez, R. R., A. P. G. M. Moreira, P. J. C. G. da Costa, Acoustic Localization for Mobile Robots, Revista de Electrónica e Telecomunicações da Universidade de Aveiro – p. 540-542, Abril 2002


Feyo de Azevedo, S., A Engenharia Química para Além da Ciência – perspectivas de futuro (Chemical Engineering beyond Science – perspectives of future), Ingenium 2ª série, nº 57, 79-82, Abril 2001

Fonseca Ferreira, N. M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Roblib: Um Programa Educacional Para Robótica, Revista Robótica e Automatização, nº 44, 22-27, 3º Trimestre, 2001

Silva, M. S. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Sistemas Robóticos de Locomoção – Estado da Arte, Ingenium, Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros, II Série, nº 62, 74-83, Outubro 2001

Teixeira, R., R. Gomes, S. Fraga, N. Moreira da Cruz, P. Ramos, A. C. de Matos, J. Estrela da Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, Missões de Monitorização Ambiental Utilizando o Veículo Submarino Autónomo Isurus, Revista Robótica – Automação, Controlo e Instrumentação, nº44, 78-82, Outubro 2001

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Cordeiro, C.S. and J.T. Machado, RobLib: A Library of Models for Industrial Robots (in Portuguese), Robótica e Automatização, nº 34, 26-28, 1999

Pires, E.J.S. and J.T. Machado, Trajectory Generation for Redundant Manipulators, using Genetic Algorithms (in Portuguese), Robótica e Automatização, nº 35, 12-16, 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, Control of Redundant Robot Trajectories through Pseudo-inverse Matrices (in Portuguese), Robótica e Automatização, nº 36, 12-15, 1999


Machado, J.T., F.M. Silva and C. Rodrigues, Sistemas Robóticos de Locomoção Quadrúpede e Hexápode: Perspectiva Histórica e Aspectos Gerais de Funcionamento, Robótica e Automatização, nº 30, 20-23, 1998

Rodrigues, C., J.T. Machado and F.M. Silva, Sistemas Robóticos de Locomoção Quadrúpede e Hexápode: Coordenação de Movimentos e Síntese de Sistemas, Robótica e Automatização, nº 31, 27-33, 1998

Machado, J.T., Problemas Computacionais no Controlo de Robots-Parte I, Revista Robótica e Automatização, nº 32, 23-25, 1998

Machado, J.T., Problemas Computacionais no Controlo de Robots-Parte II, Robótica e Automatização, nº 33, 22-25, 1998


Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Fermentation Control in Enology (in Portuguese), Robótica e Automatização, nº 27, 18-20, 1997


Lopes, A.M. and J.T. Machado, Controlo de Trajectórias para Manipulador Robótico, Ingenium, Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros, II Série, nº 12, 64-68, 1996

Lopes, A.M. and J.T. Machado, Modelização Cinemática de um Robot Industrial, Robótica e Automatização, nº 24/25, 37-44, 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Controlo Híbrido Força-Posição de Robôts, Electricidade, nº 329, 11-14, 1996

Martins, J.F. and J.T. Machado, Dinâmica de Manipuladores Flexíveis, Parte 2, Robótica e Automatização, nº 22, 14-19, Janeiro 1996

Moreira, A.P., J.L. Martins de Carvalho, T. Hogg and I. Vasconcelos - Medição da Densidade na Fermentação de Vinhos Através da Dinâmica Térmica do Processo - Engenharia Industrial, nº 2, 18-21, 1996


Machado, J.T. , Motores Passo a Passo: Aspectos Construtivos e Modos de Funcionamento, Robótica e Automatização, nº 17/18, 17-20, 1994

Costa, A.F., A. Morim Silva and C.A. Sá, Laboratórios de Máquinas Eléctricas na FEUP, Robótica e Automatização, nº 17/18, 25-28, 1994

Galhano, A.M. and J.T. Machado, Modelização Estatística da Dinâmica de Manipuladores Robóticos, Revista Robótica e Automatização, nº 14/15, p. 42-57, Outubro 1993 - Janeiro 1994

Martins, J.L.F. and J.T. Machado, Dinâmica Directa de Manipuladores Flexíveis, Revista da Universidade da Beira Interior, nº 1, 15-19, 1994

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Manipuladores robóticos: aspectos biomecânicos, modelos e actuadores, Ingenium, Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Ano VIII, nº 72, 23-31, 1993

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Robótica: Evolução e Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento, Robótica e Automatização, nº 11, p. 6-12, 1993

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Controlo Automático de Processos - dos sistemas realimentados até ao controlador adaptativo preditivo, Robótica e Automatização, nº 12, 1993


Galhano, A.M., J.T. Machado and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Modelização de Manipuladores Robóticos, Engenharia, IV Série, nº 7, p. 2-16, Janeiro - Março 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.10. International conference papers (2006-1992) (with publication of full papers in English; organised by year, by group and by chronological order within the group)


Sánchez Dediós, L., P. Georgieva and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Linear model predictive control strategies applied to a batch sugar crystallizer, 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control - CONTROLO'2006, CD-ROM, September 11-13, 2006 , Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006

Galvanauskas, V., P. Georgieva and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Dynamic Optimisation of Industrial Sugar Crystallization Process based on a Hybrid (mechanistic+ANN) Model, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 16-21 July, p. 5035-5041, Vancouver, Canada, 2006

Paz, L.A., P. Georgieva and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelación de Cristalizadores Industriales de Azúcar Refino; Validación para datos de la Empresa Azucarera ’30 de Noviembre’, Conf. Int. FIE06, CD-ROM Ref. Aut51 (8 p.), Universidad de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, 12-14 July, 2006

Salcedo, R.L.R., V.G. Chibante and A.M. Fonseca, Dry scrubbing of acid gases in recirculating cyclones, EMChIE 2006, 5th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, May 3-5, Vienna/Austria, 590-597, 2006

Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Application of feed forward neural networks in modeling and control of a fed-batch crystallization process, International Conference on Computer Science, March, 29-31, 2006, Vienna, Austria, Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology V12 March 2006 ISSN 1305-5313, pp. 65 -70, 2006

Ferreira, A., F. Rocha and N. Faria, Effect of CaCl2 in sucrose crystallization, CHISA 2006, Praga, 2006

Peres, J., F. Freitas, M. Reis, S. Feyo de Azevedo and R. Oliveira, Hybrid modular mechanistic/ann modelling of a wastewater phosphorus removal process, in ‘ESCAPE-16: European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering’, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2006

Rocha, F., J. Prior, L. Matos and M. Pinho, Spray evaporation of brine solutions, International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-13, Sydney, 2006

Silva, H. G. and R.L. Salcedo, Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Processes: Ascend IV and Stochastic Optimizers, MS2006 17th International IASTED Modeling and Simulation Conference, Montreal, 2006

Ramos, J.A., P. Lopes dos Santos, E.I. Verriest, A Vectorized Principal Component Approach for Solving the Data Registration Problem, Proceedings of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp 1297-1302 San Diego, CA, USA, 13-15 December, 2006

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira, P.J. Costa and L.P. Reis, Architecture of Cooperation for Multi-Robot Systems, First IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems (MVS'06), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, 3 - 6 October, 2006

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Identificação do Modelo Dinâmico e Cinemático de um Robô Móvel Omni-Direccional com quatro rodas, XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática - CBA06, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, 3 - 6 October, 2006

Pinho, M.d.R. de and J. F. Rosenblueth, Comparision Between Regularity Assumptions for Mixed Constrained Control Problems, Proceedings of Controlo 2006, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006

Lopes dos Santos, P., J.A. Ramos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Subspace Identification of Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Innovation-Type Noise Models, Proceedings of CONTROLO 2006, Seventh Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 11-13, 2006

Lima, J., J. Gonçalves, P. Costa and A.P. Moreira, Inverted pendulum Virtual Control Laboratory, CONTROLO’2006 - The 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 11-13 September 2006, Lisbon-Portugal

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Model identification of a four wheeled omni-directional Mobile Robot, CONTROLO’2006 - The 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 11-13 September 2006, Lisbon-Portugal

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Controller Optimization and Modelling of an omni-directional mobile robot, CONTROLO’2006 - The 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 11-13 September 2006, Lisbon-Portugal

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Trajectory tracking for Omni-directional Mobile Robots based on Restrictions of the Motor's Velocities, 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control - Syroco 06, Santa Cristina Convent, University of Bologna (Italy), September 6 - 8, 2006

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Model's Parameters Experimental Identification of a four Wheeled Omni-Directional Mobile Robot, 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control - Syroco 06, Santa Cristina Convent, University of Bologna (Italy), September 6 - 8, 2006

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa , Trajectory control and modelling of an omni-directional mobile robot, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics- ICINCO2006, pp. 412-417, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2006

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Dynamic parameters identification of an omni-directional mobile robot, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics- ICINCO2006, pp. 565-570, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2006

Pinho, M.d.R. de and J. F. Rosenblueth, A Derivation of Second Order Conditions for Mixed Constrained Optimal Control Problems, Proceedings of MTNS, pp. 485-489, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006

Almeida, P., G. Gonçalves and J. Borges Sousa, Multi-UAV Platform for Integration in Mixed iniatiative Coordinated Missions, 1st IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems (MVS'06), October 2006

Marques, E., G. Gonçalves and J. Borges Sousa, Seaware: The Use o Real-time Publish-Subscribe Middleware in Networked Vehicle Systems, 1st IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems (MVS'06), October 2006

Silva, H., J. Almeida, L. Lima, A. Martins, E. Silva, A. Patacho, LSAVision Real Time Framework Architecture for mobile robotics, Computational Modelling of objects represented in images Fundamentals, Methods and Applications CompIMAGE2006, October 2006

Sousa, M., S. Cardoso and G. Gonçalves, The Star-Net project: supporting organisations to benefit from European initiatives, eChallenges 2006 Conference & Exhibition (e-2006), Spain, October 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Nunes Silva, Invariance Properties of Measure Driven Differential Inclusions, Controlo 2006, 11 - 13 September 2006, Lisboa, Portugal

Almeida, J., A. Martins, E. Silva, F.L. Pereira, On Design of Simultaneous Control, Navigation for Robotic Formations, MFI 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2006

Estrela da Silva, J. and J. Borges de Sousa, Motion planning for the rendezvous of multiple nonholonomic vehicles under constant disturbances, Proc. of 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisboa, September 2006

Martins, A., J. Almeida, E. Silva, F.L. Pereira, Vision-based Autonomous Surface Vehicle Docking Manoeuvre, MCMC2006 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006

Matos, A., N. Cruz, Simultaneous Acoustic Navigation of Multiple AUVs, Proc. of MCMC’2006, Lisboa, September, 2006

Marques, E., G. Gonçalves and J. Borges Sousa, SEAWARE: A PUBLISH-SUBSCRIBE BASED MIDDLEWARE FOR NETWORKED VEHICLE SYSTEMS, 7th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC’2006), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006

Pinto, J., P. Dias, R. Gonçalves, E. Marques, G. Gonçalves, J. Borges Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, NEPTUS – A Framework to support the Mission Life, 7th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC’2006), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006

Santos, A. and A. Matos, WAVESIM – Water Vehicle Simulator, Proc. of MCMC’2006, Lisboa, September, 2006

Sousa Dias, P., J. Pinto, G. Gonçalves and J. Borges de Sousa, Neptus – A Framework to Support a Mission Life Cycle, Proc. of 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisboa, September 2006

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Sousa Dias, P., J. Pinto, G. Goncalves, R. Gonçalves, J. Borges Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Mission Review and Analysis, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2006), Florence (Italy), 10-13 July 2006

Arutyunov, A., F. Lobo Pereira, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Problems Without Normality Assumptions, GSCP’06, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Russia, July 4-8, 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Silva, Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems, GSCP’06 International Symposium on Generalized Solutions in Control, Ulan-Ude (Baikal), Russia, July 4-7, 2006

Estrela da Silva, J., J. Borges de Sousa, OPTIMAL motion planning for the rendezvous of nonholonomic vehicles under disturbances, Proc. of the 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’06), Ancona, Itália, 28-30 June, 2006

Auat, F., R. Carelli, F. Lobo Pereira, T. Filho and W. C. Celeste, Algoritmo de SLAM en un Robot Móvil Gobernado por una Interface Cerebro-Computadora, SELASI 2006, II European-Latin-American Workshop on Engineering Systems, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2006

Seromenho, R., J. Correia, G. Gonçalves, Intelligent Mechanisms for Early Detection of Cervix Cancer, 1ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (CISTI 2006), Portugal, June 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Nunes Silva, Optimal Control with Asymptotic Stability Constraints, DINCON 2006 - Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Their Applications, May 22–26, 2006, Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil

Gonçalves, G., R. Seromenho and J. Correia, An ICT-based diagnosis procedure and tool set for early detection of cervix cancer, IST-Africa 2006 Conference, South Africa, May 2006

Sousa Dias, P., R M. Gomes, J. Pinto, S.L. Fraga, G. M. Gonçalves, J. B. Sousa and F. L. Pereira, Mission Planning and Specification in the Neptus Framework, Proc. of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA, USA, May 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Nunes Silva, Optimality Conditions for Asymptotically Stable Control Processes, CAO 2006 - 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation, 26 - 28 April 2006, Paris - Cachan, France

Borges de Sousa, J. and J. Estrela da Silva, Cooperative multi-vehicle missions: a case study in configuration control for systems with evolving structure, Proc. of the IEEE Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP’06), Marrakech, Marrocos, 13-15 March 2006 (invited paper)

Gonçalves, G., A. Sousa, J. Pinto, P. Lebres and J. Borges de Sousa, Pilot Experiment of an Early Warning Fire Detection System, 3rd European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, Switzerland, February 2006

Mota Santos, P. and J. Borges de Sousa, Visibility and invisibility of communities in urban systems, Proc. of Understanding diversity: Mapping and measuring organised by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy. Supported by Marie Curie Series of Conference “EURODIV - Cultural Diversity in Europe: a Series of Conferences”, 2006

Moraes, R., F. Vasques, P. Portugal and J. A. Fonseca, Real-Time Communication in 802.11 Networks: The Virtual Token Passing VTP-CSMA Approach, Proc. of the 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Tampa, Florida, USA, pp. 389-396, November 14-17, 2006

Rosset, V., P.F. Souto and F. Vasques, Model-Checking a Group Membership Protocol for TDMA-based Networks with both Static and Dynamic Scheduling, 6th Eurpopean Dependable Computing Conference (EDDC-06) (Fast Abstract), Coimbra, Portugal, October 18-20, 2006

Moraes, R., P. Portugal and F. Vasques, Simulation Analysis of the IEEE 802.11e EDCA Protocol for an Industrially-Relevant Real-Time Communication Scenario, Proc. of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 202-209, September 20-22, 2006

Moraes, R., P. Portugal and F. Vasques, A Stochastic Petri Net Model for the Simulation Analysis of the IEEE 802.11e EDCA Communication Protocol, Proc. of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 38-45, September 20-22, 2006

Sena Lopes, F., A. Ferreira and A. Sousa, New Fuzzy Logic Library – Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller on a PC under Soft Real Time Constraints, Proc. of the 3rd Hands on Science Conference, pp.83-89, Braga, Portugal, 4-9 September 2006

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Rosset, V., P.F. Souto and F. Vasques, A Group Membership Protocol for Communication Systems with both Static and Dynamic Scheduling, Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS-06), Torino, Italy, pp. 23-32, June 28-30, 2006

Moraes, R., F. Vasques, P. Portugal and J. A. Fonseca, An Enhanced Traffic Separation Mechanism to Support Real-Time Communication in IEEE 802.11e Networks, Proc. of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC). Curitiba, Brazil, pp. 1075-1078, May 29 – June 2, 2006

Silva, N., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Design and Evaluation of a PWM Rectifier Control System for Testing Renewable DC Sources Connected to the Grid, Proc. of the International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM’06, Taormina, Italy, 23-26 May, 2006

Moraes, R., F. Vasques, P. Portugal and J. A. Fonseca, A new Traffic Separation Mechanism (TSm) in Wireless 802.11e Networks: A simulation study, Proc. of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology (ROCOM '06), Hangzhou, China, pp. 107-112, April 16-18, 2006

Ferreira, J. and A. Martins, An Improved Technique for the Estimation of Local Frequency, Fundamental Component Phasor and Instantaneous Symmetrical Components, Proc. of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ’06, Palma de Maiorca, Spain, 5-7 April, 2006

Martins, A. and J. Ferreira, Robust Converter Synchronization to a Weak Grid Through a DFT-based Method, Proc. of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ’06, Palma de Maiorca, Spain, 5-7 April, 2006

Ramos, C., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, DSP plus FPGA based Control Platform for High Performance Power Electronics Converters and Systems, Proc. of the European DSP Education and Research Symposium, EDERS’06, Munich, Germany, 4 April, 2006

Costa, P., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Wind Energy Extraction and Conversion: Optimization through Variable Speed Generators and Non Linear Fuzzy Control, In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference, EWEC’06, 27 Feb-2 March 2006, Athens, Greece

Martins. A., P. Costa and A. Carvalho, Coherence and Wakes in Wind Models for Electromechanical and Power Systems Standard Simulations, Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference, EWEC’06, Athens, Greece, 27 February-2 March, 2006

Sousa, M. de, A. de Carvalho, The Real-Time MatPLC, International Conference on Real-Time and Networked Systems, RTNS'06, Poitier, France, 2006


Peres, J., Oliveira, R. and Feyo de Azevedo, S., Bioprocess hybrid parametric / nonparametric modelling based on the concept of mixture of experts, in Chempor2005, 9th International Chemical Engineering Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 21-23 September, 2005

Oliveira C., P. Georgieva, F. Rocha, A. Ferreira and S. Feyo de Azevedo (2005): First principles model of the transformation of hydroxyapatite into brushite and growth of brushite, in Chempor2005, 9th International Chemical Engineering Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 21-23 September, 2005

Oliveira, C., P. Georgieva, F. Rocha, A. Ferreira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelling of Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate Precipatation from Solutions, VDI Berichte nº 1901, 16th Int. Symp. On Industrial Crystallisation, p.151-156, 11-14 September, 2005

Simoglou, A., P. Georgieva, E.B. Martin, J. Morris and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A time varying state space approach for sugar crystallization process modelling and monitoring, 16th IFAC World Congress, Praha Czech Republic (invited session), 4-8 July 2005

Mena, P.C., F.A. Rocha, J.A. Teixeira, J. Drahos and M.C. Ruzicka, Effect of solids on homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime transition in bubble columns, 7th Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering, Estrasburgo, 2005

Mena, P.C., M.N. Pons, J.A. Teixeira and F.A. Rocha, Effect of Solids on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer and Bubble Characteristics in Three-Phase Systems, 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow, 2005

Martins, P.M., F. Rocha and P. Rein, New methods for characterization and control of industrial crystallization, ISIC 16 - 16th International Symposium of Industrial Crystallization, Dresden, pp. 1051-1056, 2005

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Martins, P.M., F. Rocha and P. Rein, Vacuum Pan Monitoring by Mass Balance and Image Analysis Methods, Sugar Industry Technologists, SIT, Dubai, #888, 2005

Salcedo, R.L.R., A.M. Fonseca, V.G. Chibante and G. Cândido, Fine Particle Capture in Biomass Boilers with recirculating Gas Cyclones: theory and practice, Advanced Gas Cleaning Technology, C. Kanaoka, H. Makimo and H. Kamiya (Eds), J. Shobo (Pubs), 2005

Ramos, J.A. and P. Lopes dos Santos, A Subspace Approach for Identifying Bilinear Systems with Deterministic Inputs, Proc. of 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, pp. 7114-7119, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December, 2005

Pinho, M.d.R. de, Necessary Conditions under Mangasarian-Fromowitz Type assumptions for mixed constrained control problems, Proc. of CDC-ECC’05, pp. 266-271, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December, 2005

Lopes dos Santos, P., José A. Ramos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Identification of Bilinear Systems Using an Iterative Deterministic-Stochastic Subspace Approach, Proceedings of 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005 pp. 7120-7126, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December, 2005

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Architecture Control and Model Identification of a Omni-Directional Mobile Robo,t EPIA2005 – Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5-8 December 2005, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal

Sousa, A.J., P.J. Costa, A.P. Moreira and A. Carvalho, Self Localization of an Autonomous Robot: Using an EKF to merge Odometry and Vision based Landmarks, pp. 227-234, ETFA'05 - 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Catania, Italy, 19-22 September, 2005

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Control and Model Identification of a Mobile Robot’s Motor based in Least Squares and Instrumental Variable methods, MMAR 2005 – Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Pag. 479-484, 29 August - 1 September 2005, Miedzyzdroje, Poland

Pinho, M.d.R. de, On Necessary Conditions for Mixed Constrained Problems, IADAR-aci2005, Proceedings of International Conference on Automation, Control and Instrumentation, pp. 66-70, Bilbao, Spain, 2-4 February, 2005

Delgado, C.J.M. and P. Lopes dos Santos, Analysis and efficiency improvement of the estimation of matrices A and C in some Subspace Identification Methods, Proceedings of SICPRO’05 – 4th International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems, pp. 757-766, Moscow, Russia, January 25-28, 2005

Zheng, Z., J. Borges de Sousa and A.R. Girard, Differential Game based Safe Controller Design for Intelligent Cruise Control, Proc. of the Decision and Control Conference, Sevilha, December 2005

Borges de Sousa, J. and A. Girard, Dynamic teams of networked vehicle systems, Proc. of the EPIA 2005 IROBOT Workshop, Coimbra, December 2005

Borges de Sousa, J. and F. Lobo Pereira, Motion Planning and Control of Coordinated Systems, CDC-ECC’05 - 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Sevilha, Espanha, December 12-15, 2005.

Arutyunov, A., F. Lobo Pereira, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Problems without Normality Assumptions, CDC-ECC’05 - 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Sevilha, Espanha, December 12-15, 2005

Ruths, J., A. Girard, and J. Borges de Sousa, Controlled Vehicle Exchange and Allocation in Dynamic Teams, Proc. of 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, EUA, November 2005

Borges de Sousa, J., K. Johansson, A. Sperazon, and J. Silva, A hybrid control model for coordinated search missions, Proc. of the IWUR workshop, Genova, November 2005

Borges de Sousa, J. and A.J. Healey, A case study in mixed initiative coordination and control of AUVs, Proc. of the IWUR workshop, Genova, November 2005

Lebres, P., G.M. Gonçalves and J. Wörner, Dynamic Data Driven Re-engineering of Digital Models Evaluated with a Agent-based Architecture, Proc. of the 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Portugal, October 2005

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Lobo Pereira, F. and G. Nunes Silva, Optimal Stabilization and Dynamic Programming, XXVIII CNMAC – 28º Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, September 12-15, 2005

Silva, J., A. Speranzon, J. Borges de Sousa and K. Henrik Johansson, A Hybrid Control Strategy for Coordinating Teams of Autonomous Vehicles, Proc. of the 17th IMACS World Congress: Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, França, 11-15 July, 2005

Gonçalves, G.M., P.S. Dias, A. Santos, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, An Implementation of a Framework for Cooperative Engineering, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, República Checa, July 4-8, 2005

Borges de Sousa, J., K.H Johansson, A. Speranzon and J. Silva, A Control Architecture for Multiple Submarines in Coordinated Search Missions, 16th IFAC conference, Praga, República Checa, 4-8 July, 2005

Borges de Sousa, J., Motion Planning for Systems Under Coordinated Constraints, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, República Checa, July 4-8, 2005

Arutyunov, A. and F. Lobo Pereira, Second-Order Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, República Checa, July 4-8, 2005

Sousa Dias, P., R. Gomes, J. Pinto, S. Fraga, G.M. Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Neptus – A Framework to Support Multiple Vehicle Operation, Proc. of “IEEE Oceans 2005 Europe”, Brest, France, June 2005

Matos, A. and N. Cruz, AUV navigation and guidance in a moving acoustic network, Proceedings of the IEEE OCEANS’2005 Europe, Brest, France, June 2005

Gomes, R.M.F., A. Sousa, S. Loureiro Fraga, A. Martins, J. Borges Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, A New ROV Design: Issues on Low Drag and Mechanical Symmetry, Proc. of “IEEE Oceans 2005 Europe”, Brest, France, June 2005

Lobo Pereira, F., J. Borges de Sousa, Motion Control of Coordinated Systems, Proc. of International Seminar "Control Theory and Theory of Generalized Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations" (CGS’2005), Yekaterinburg (Ekaterinburg), Russia, June 22-26, 2005

Portugal, P., A. Carvalho and F. Vasques, A Model Based on a Stochastic Petri Net Approach for Dependability Evaluation of Controller Area Networks (CAN), Proc. of 5th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications – FeT’05, Puebla, Mexico, 14-15 November, 2005

Carvalho, J., A. Carvalho and P. Portugal, Experimental Analysis of Outage Times for PROFIBUS Networks, Proc. of 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’05, North Carolina, USA, 6-10 November, 2005

Carvalho, J., P. Portugal and A. Carvalho, Assessment of PROFIBUS Networks Using a Fault Injection Framework, Proc. of 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation – ETFA’2005, Catania, Italy 19-22 September, 2005, James c. Hung Best Paper Award in Factory Automation

Portugal, P. and A. Carvalho, A Simulation Model based on a Stochastic Petri Net Approach for Dependability Evaluation of PROFIBUS-DP Networks, Proc. of 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation – ETFA’2005, Catania, Italy 19-22 September, 2005

Sousa, M. de, A. Carvalho and R. Ferreira, Embedding the MatPLC, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'05, 19-22 September 2005, Catania, Italy

Ramos, C., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Issues on Synchronizing Power Converters Connected to a Weak Grid, Proc. of the Congresso Brasileiro de Electrónica de Potência, COBEP’05, 14-17 June 2005, Recife, Brasil

Ramos, C., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Synchronizing Renewable Energy Sources in Distributed Generation Systems, Proc. of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ’05, 16-18 March, 2005, Zaragoza, Spain

Chibante, R., A. Araújo and A. Carvalho, NPT-IGBT modeling using a FEM formulation and optimization-based parameter extraction procedure, Proc. of the 1st Euro-Latin American Workshop on Engineering Systems, Trujillo, Peru, 2005

Chibante, R., A. Araújo and A. Carvalho, A FEM Punch-Through IGBT Model Using an Efficient Parameter Extraction Method, Proc. of 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Chibante, R., A. Araújo and A. Carvalho, Modeling Buffer Layer IGBTs with an Efficient Parameter Extraction Method, in 36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2005

Gonçalves, H.B., O.F. Soares, A.S. Araújo and A.S. Carvalho, Integrated Inverter/Induction Machine Design Based on Operating Conditions for Electrical Generation, 11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications - EPE2005, Dresden, Germany, 2005

Oliveira, V., J. Alves, A. Carvalho and A. Lage, Design of a PZT based tunable filter for an interrogation system of fiber Bragg sensors, Proc. of EuroSensors XIX The 19th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Barcelona, Spain, 2005

Oliveira, V., J. Alves, A. Carvalho and A. Lage, Evaluation of an Interrogation System of Fiber Bragg Sensors conditioned with a PZT based tunable filter, Proc. of IEEE Sensors 2005 The 4th IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Irvine, California, USA, 2005

Paulo, R. and A. Carvalho, Towards Model-Driven Design of Substation Automation Systems, Proc. of CIRED 2005, 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Turin, Italy, 2005

Rocha, R., J. Dias and A. Carvalho, Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems: a Study of Vision-based 3-D Mapping using Information Theory, Proc. of the ICRA2005 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 386-391, Barcelona, Spain, 2005

Rocha, R., J. Dias and A. Carvalho, Entropy Gradient-based Exploration with Cooperative Robots in 3-D Mapping Missions, Proc. of the ICRA2005 Workshop on Cooperative Robotics, Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2005

Rocha, R., J. Dias and A. Carvalho, Exploring Information Theory for Vision-Based Volumetric Mapping, Proc. of the IROS2005 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2005, Edmonton, Canada, 2005


Mena, P.C., F.A. Rocha, J.A. Teixeira and M.N. Pons, Effect of solids on mass transfer in multiphase systems, XV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, COBEQ 2004, 26 - 29 September 2004, Curitiba

Martins, P.M. and F. Rocha, Effect of impurities on the crystal growth from solutions – A new kinetic model, XV COBEQ, Curitiba, 26-29 September, 2004

Ferreira, A., N. Faria, F. Rocha, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Lopes, Aplicação da análise de imagem no estudo da influência do MgCl2 na morfologia dos cristais de NaCl, XV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, COBEQ 2004, 26 - 29 September 2004, Curitiba

Ho, P., P. Georgieva and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Identification of Location Effects in unreplicated Factorial Simulation Experiments of a Batch Crystallization Process, Proc. of Symp. on Knowledge Driven Batch Processes, Ed. C. Kyparissides, Poros, Greece, pp. 281-288, June 6-9, 2004

Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Knowledge-based Process Control of a BatchPro Sugar Crystallization Case Study, Proc. of Symp. on Knowledge Driven Batch Processes, Ed. C. Kyparissides, Poros, pp. 315-322, Greece, June 6-9, 2004

Galvanauskas, V., P. Georgieva and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Model–based Optimization of Industrial Fed-Batch Sugar Crystallisation Process, Proc. of Symp. on Knowledge Driven Batch Processes, Ed. C. Kyparissides, Poros, Greece, pp. 119-129, June 6-9, 2004

Bonné, D., S.B. Jorgensen and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Data Driven Modelling of Sugar Crystallization for Control, Proc. of Symp. on Knowledge Driven Batch Processes, Ed. C. Kyparissides, Poros, Greece, pp. 139-144, June 6-9, 2004

Simoglou, A¸ P. Georgieva, E.B. Martin, A.J. Morris and S. Feyo de Azevedo, On-line Multivariate Statistical Monitoring of a Fed-batch Sugar Crystallisation Process, Proc. of ESCAPE-14 - European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Eds. A.P. Barbosa-Povoas and H. Matos, p. 817-822, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 May, 2004

Peres, J., R. Oliveira, L. S. Serafim, P. Lemos, M. A. Reis and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Hybrid modelling of a PHA production process using modular neural networks, Proc. of ESCAPE-14 - European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Eds. A.P. Barbosa-Povoas and H. Matos, p. 733-738, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 May, 2004

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Rocha, F., S. Feyo de Azevedo, N. Faria and M.N. Pons, Modelling sugar crystallization including morphology quantification, Sugar Industry Technologists, SIT, Vancouver, #867, 15-19 May 2004

Peres, J., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Hybrid modelling of fermentation processes: A study on the use of modular neural networks for modelling cells reaction kinetics, Proc. of CAB9: 9th Symposium on Computer Application in Biotechnology, Eds. M.N. Pons and J. Van Impe, CD-ROM paper 86 (6 pgs.) Nancy, France, 28-31 March, 2004

Oliveira, R., J. Peres and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Hybrid modelling of fermentation processes using artificial neural networks: A study on identification and stability, Proc. of CAB9: 9th Symposium on Computer Application in Biotechnology, Eds. M.N. Pons and J. Van Impe, CD-ROM paper 94 (6 pgs.) Nancy, France, (oral presentation) 28-31 March, 2004

Mena, P.C., F.A. Rocha, J.A. Teixeira, J. Drahos and M.C. Ruzicka, Effect of solids on flow regime transition in three-phase bubble columns, CHISA 2004, Praga, P5.211, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos, P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A New Approach to the Estimation of the Input Matrices Subspace Identification Algorithms, Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control pp. 2207-2212 , Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, December 14-17, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M.M.A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Unmaximized Necessary Conditions for Constrained Optimal Control Problems, Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC04, Paradise Island, The Bahamas, pp. 917-922, 14-17 December, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M.M.A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Nondegeneracy and Normality in Necessary Conditions Involving Hamiltonian Inclusions for State-Constrained Optimal Control Problems, Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC04, Paradise Island, The Bahamas, pp. 911-916, 14-17 December, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Exploring the Linear Relations in the Estimation of Matrices B and D in Subspace Identification Methods, Proceedings of the ICINCO 2004, 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Setúbal, Portugal, 25-28 Agust 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Recursive MOESP Type Subspace Identification Algorithm, Proceedings of the ICINCO 2004, 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 25-28 Agust 2004, Setúbal, Portugal

Delgado, C.J.M. and P. Lopes dos Santos, A New Approach to The Estimation of Matrices A and C in CVA-type Subspace Identification Algorithm”, Proceedings of CDIC’04, The 2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, Nanjing, China, August 18-20, 2004-07-06

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Recursive Canonical Variate Subspace Algorithm, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2004, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Sapporo, Japan, Agust 4-6, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Robust Moesp Type Algorithm with Improved Efficiency on the Estimation of Input Matrices, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2004, Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Sapporo, Japan, Agust 4-6, 2004

Costa, P., A.P. Moreira, P. Marques, A. Sousa, P. Costa and S. Gaio, 5dpo Robotic Soccer Team for Year 2004, Team Description Papers, RoboCup 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27 to July 5, 2004

Moreira, A.P., P. Costa, A. Sousa and L.P. Reis, 5dpo-2000 Team Description for Year 2004, Team Description Papers, RoboCup 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27 to July 5, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, On Subspace System Identification Algorithms Implemented Through Sequences of Modified Householder Algorithms, Proceedings of the AMCS'04, The 2004 International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics & Computer Science, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 21-24, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Non-Biased Recursive Subspace Identification Algorithms, Proceedings of CONTROLO 2004, Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pp. 557-562, Faro, Portugal, June 7-9, 2004

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Simplified Estimation of Matrices B and D in Subspace Identification Algorithms, Proceedings of CONTROLO 2004, Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pp. 563-568, Faro, Portugal, June 7-9, 2004

Lopes dos Santos, P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A New Insight to the A and C Matrices Extraction in a MOESP type Subspace Identification Algorithm, Proceedings of CONTROLO 2004, Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pp. 569-574, Faro, Portugal, June 7-9, 2004

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Two Moesp Type Recursive Subspace Identification Algorithms, Proceedings of the MED’04, 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Kusada si, Izmir, June 6-9, 2004

Ferreira, M.M.A., On The Regularity of the Optimal Control for a Class of Problems with State Constraints, Proceedings of 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo 2004, p. 642-647, Faro, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2004

Ferreira, M.M.A. and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Nondegeneracy and Normality in Necessary Conditions: An Overview, Proceedings of 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo 2004, pp. 261-266, Faro, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de., A Survey on Hamiltonian Inclusion type Cnditions for Optimal Control Problems, 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo 2004, pp. 653-658, Faro, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M.M.A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Nondegenerate Eular-Lagrange Inclusion form of the Maximum Principle for State-Constrained Problems, Proceedings of 6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo 2004, pp. 273-278, Faro, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., A.R. Girard and K.J. Hedrick, Elemental Maneuvers and Coordination Structures for Unmanned Air Vehicles, Proc. of the Decision and Control Conference, Bahamas, December, 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., T. Simsek and P. Varaiya, Task Planning and Execution for UAV Teams, Proc. of the Decision and Control Conference, Bahamas, December 2004

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta, D. Karamzin and F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems GSCP-2004 and satellite events, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, September 22-26, 2004 - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2004 - pp. 2 – 12

Arutyunov, A., D. Karamzin and F. Lobo Pereira, A Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for the Impulse Control Problem with State Constraints, Proc. of ORM2004 - the 4th Moscow International Conference On Operations Research - Moscow, September 21-24, 2004, Moscow: MAIK Press, 2004, pp. 14-18

Ramos, P., S.R. Cunha, F. L. Pereira and I. Quintaneiro, Mapping and Initial Dilution Estimation of a Sewage Outfall Plume Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Book of Abstracts In Depth of the 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Lisbon, September 19-24, 2004

Ramos, P., S.R. Cunha, M.V. Neves, F.L. Pereira and I. Quintaneiro, Sewage Outfall Plume Dispersion Observations with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Proc. of the 4th IWA World Water Congress and Exibition, Marrakech, September 19-24, 2004

Lobo Pereira, F., An overview on necessary conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control, IFAC Generalized Solutions for Control Problems, Pereslavl Zalesski, Rússia, September 21-26, 2004

Lobo Pereira, F., Optimality Conditions for Impulsive Control, XXVII CNMAC – 27º Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, September 13-16, 2004

Cruz, N., A. Matos and J. Sousa, Small size AUVs: Operation Results and New Mission Concepts, Proc. of IAV’04, Lisbon, July 2004

Matos, A. and N. Cruz, Algorithms for External Tracking of an AUV, Proc. of IAV’04, Lisbon, July 2004

Silva, J., J. Borges de Sousa, A. Sperazon and K. Johnansson, Hierarchical Search Method for a Team of Autonomous Vehicles, Proc. of the Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Conference, Lisbon, July 2004

Martins, A., J. Almeida, E. Silva and F.L. Pereira, Hybrid Maneuver for Gradient Search with Multiple Coordinated AUVs, The 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, July 5-7, 2004, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta and F. Pereira, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, Controlo 04, Faro, Portugal, June 7-9, 2004

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta and F. Pereira, Second-Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Measure Driven Control Systems, MTNS 04, Leuven, Belgium, June 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., A.R. Girard and K.J. Hedrick, Safe Controller Design for Intelligent Cruise Control using Differential Games, Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2004, Louvaine, Bélgica, June 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., T. Simsek and P. Varaiya, Distributed Control of Teams of Unmanned Air Vehicles, Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2004, Louvaine, Bélgica, June 2004

Portugal, P. and A. Carvalho, Dependability Evaluation of Profibus-DP Networks by Using a Stochastic Petri Net Framework, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Tunis, Tunisia, 8-10 December, 2005

Costa, P., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Optimization of energy generation in wind farm through fuzzy control, Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, EWEC’04, London, UK, pp.1-6, 22/25 November 2004

Portugal, P. and A. Carvalho, An Approach Based on Stochastic Petri Nets for Dependability Evaluation of Profibus-DP Networks, Proc. of 30st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’04, Busan, Korea, 2-6 November, 2004

Costa, P., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Expanding Range of Rotational Speed of Induction Generator in Wind Energy, Proceedings of the 7th German Wind Energy Conference, DEWEK’04, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, pp.1-4, 20/21 October 2004

Portugal, P. and A. Carvalho, A Framework for Dependability Evaluation of Fieldbus Networks, Proc. of 5th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems – WFCS’04, Vienna, Austria, 22-24 September, 2004

Portugal, P. and A. Carvalho, A Stochastic Petri Net Framework for Dependability Evaluation of Fieldbus Networks - A Controller Area Network (CAN) Example, Proc. of International IEEE Conference in Mechatronics and Robotics - MECROB 2004, Aachen, Germany, 13-15 September, 2004

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho, A variational ADE (ambipolar diffusion equation) formulation and its finite element solution with applications to power semiconductors teaching and simulation, in SPEEDAM 2004, Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Capri, Italy, June 2004.

Sousa, M. de and A. de Carvalho, On Adding Support for Real-Time and Distributed Applications to the MatPLC, Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM'04, April 2004, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

Chibante, R., A. Araújo and A. Carvalho, A Simple and Efficient Parameter Extraction Procedure for Physics Based IGBT Models, Proc. of 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC'04), Riga, Latvia, 2004

Paulo, R. and A. Carvalho, An Approach towards System-Oriented Utility Automation Systems Integration, in International IEEE Conference in Mechatronics and Robotics - MECROB 2004, pp.-, 2004

Paulo, R. and A. Carvalho, Design Oriented Architecture for Integration Tools Case Study of Substation Automation Systems, in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp.-, 2004


Peres, J., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelling Cells Reaction Kinetics with Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparison of Three Network Architectures, Proc. of 13th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE13), A. Kraslawski and I. Turunen (Editors), p. 839 – 844, Lappeenranta, Finland, 1-4 June, 2003

Andrásik, A., A. Mészáros and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Hybrid Modeling Based Adaptive Neural Controller, Proc. of 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Rodos, Rhodes, Greece CD-ROM paper T3-030 (6 p.), 17-20 June, 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Ruzicka, M. C., J. Drahos, P. C. Mena, J. A. Teixeira, N. H. Thomas, Can viscosity stabilize uniform bubble bed?, The 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Toulouse, France, 24-28 Aug, 2003

Martins, P., E. Zettergren, F. Rocha, Crystal Growth of Sucrose – Influence of Hydrodynamics, 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, P-8.5-017, Granada, Espanha, 21-25 Sept, 2003

Mena, P., F. Rocha., J. Teixeira, Effect of solids on gas-liquid mass transfer in three phase systems, 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, P-5.2-007, Granada, Espanha , 21-25 Sept, 2003

Salcedo, R.L.R., V. G. Chibante and I. Sôro, Laboratory, pilot and industrial-scale validation of numerically optimized reverse-flow gas cyclones, Proceedings Filtech Europa 2003, Vol. II: 226-II: 233, 2003

Barbosa, R. S., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Isabel M. Ferreira, Describing Function Analysis of Mechanical Systems With Nonlinear Friction and Backlash Phenomena, LHMNLC03-2nd IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, p. 299-304, Sevilla, Spain, 3-5 April, 2003

de Pinho, M.d.R., On The Full Rankness Condition for Mixed Constrained Optimal Control Problems, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, p. 213-218 , Seville, Spain 3-5 April, 2003

de Pinho, M.d.R., M.M.A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, On Optimality Conditions for Control Problems with Constraints, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, p. 201-206, Seville, Spain, 3-5 April, 2003

Pires, E., J. Tenreiro Machado, P. B. de Moura Oliveira, Fractional Order Dynamics in a Genetic Algorithm, ICAR’03 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 264-269, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 June - 3 July, 2003

Fonseca Ferreira, N. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional-Order Hybrid Control of Robotic Manipulators, ICAR’03 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 393-398, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 June - 3 July, 2003

Silva, M. F., J. Tenreiro Machado, Position and Force Control of a Walking Hexapod, ICAR’03 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 1743-1748, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 June - 3 July, 2003

Reis, C., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Synthesis of Combinational Logic Circuits using Genetic Algorithms, 8CLEEE - 8º Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Engenharia Electrotécnica, p. 1.191-1.196, Vilamoura, Portugal, 3-5 July, 2003

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., R. S. Barbosa, I. Jesus, F. Duarte, N. Ferreira, A. Galhano, Sistemas Fraccionários, 8CLEEE - 8º Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Engenharia Electrotécnica, p. 3.7-3.12, Vilamoura, Portugal., 3-5 July, 2003

Figueiredo, L., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, José Rui Ferreira, Simulation and Modelling of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 8CLEEE - 8º Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Engenharia Electrotécnica, p. 3.91-3.96, Vilamoura, Portugal, 3-5 July, 2003

Pires, E., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, P. B. de Moura Oliveira, Fractional Order Dynamical Phenomena in a GA, GECCO’03 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 12-16 July, 2003

Reis, C., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, An Evolutionary Approach to the Synthesis of Combinational Circuits, ICCC 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, Gold Cost, Lake Balaton, Siófok, Hungary, 29-31 August, 2003

Fonseca Ferreira, N. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional-Order Position/Force Control of Two Cooperating Manipulators, ICCC 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, Gold Cost, Lake Balaton, Siófok, Hungary, 29-31 August, 2003

Duarte, F. B. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional Order Dynamics in the Trajectory Planning of Redundant and Hyper-Redundant Manipulators, 1st FDTA-First Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications, VIB’03-ASME Int. 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2-6 September, 2003

Barbosa, R., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A Fractional Calculus Perspective of PID Tuning, 1st FDTA-First Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications, VIB’03-ASME Int. 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2-6 September, 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Silva, M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Comparison of Fractional and Integer Order Control of a Hexapod Robot, 1st FDTA-First Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications, VIB’03-ASME Int. 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2-6 September, 2003

Figueiredo, L., J. T. Machado, J. Ferreira, Simulation and Dynamical Analysis of Freeway Traffic, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, USA, 5-8 October, 2003

Figueiredo, L., J. T. Machado, J. Ferreira, On the Dynamics Analysis of Freeway Traffic, 6th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Shanghai, China, 12-15 October, 2003

Lopes dos Santos, P., J. L. Martins de Carvalho, Improving the Numerical Efficiency of the B and D estimates Produced by the Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Subspace Identification Algorithms, 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3473-3478, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 9-12 December, 2003

Arutyunov, A., F. Lobo Pereira, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, MCT'03 - Louisiana Conference on Mathematical Control Theory, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 10-13 April, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, P. F. Souto, L. Madureira, E. Silva, Distributed Sensor and Vehicle Networked Systems for Environmental Applications, Proceedings of the Environment 2010: Situation and Perspectives for the European Union Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-10 May, 2003

Cruz, N., A. Matos, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Silva, J. Coimbra, E. B. Dias, PISCIS: Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operations, Proceedings of the Environment 2010: Situation and Perspectives for the European Union Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-10 May, 2003

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control with no A Priori Normality Assumptions, MATHTOOLS'2003 - Fourth International Conference "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Coordinated Control of Networked Vehicle Systems: Specification and Control Synthesis, MATHTOOLS'2003 - Fourth International Conference "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June, 2003

Goncharova, E., V. Baturin, J. Sousa, F. Pereira, A Reachable Set Estimation Algorithm for Impulsive Control Systems, MATHTOOLS'2003 - Fourth International Conference "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June, 2003

Lobo Pereira, F., T. F. Filippova, On a Solution Concept to Impulsive Differential Systems, MATHTOOLS'2003 - Fourth International Conference "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 23-28, June 2003

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle, Proceedings of the ICAR 2003 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 June - 3 July, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Specification and control synthesis for networked vehicle systems, Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems, Palo Alto, USA, June, 2003

Cruz, N., A. Matos, J. Borges de. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Silva, J. Coimbra, E. B. Dias, Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operations: The PISCIS project, Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems, Palo Alto, USA, June, 2003

Almeida, J., A. Martins and E. Silva, ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team for Robocup 2003 in RoboCup 2003 International Symposium, Padua, Italy, 10-11 July, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Coordinated control of networked vehicles: an autonomous underwater system, Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop Modelling and Analysis of Logic Controlled Dynamic Systems, Irkutsk, Baikal, Russia, 30 July - 1 August, 2003

Matos, A., N. Cruz, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, AUV and ROV Developments at Porto University, Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop Modelling and Analysis of Logic Controlled Dynamic Systems, Irkutsk, Baikal, Russia, 30 July - 1 August, 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Almeida, J., A. Martins and E. Silva, Control and Localisation for the ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team, International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal, July, 2003

Gomes, R., J. Borges Sousa, Lobo Pereira, Modelling and control of the IES project ROV, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Cambrige, UK, 1-4 September, 2003

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges Sousa, Lobo Pereira, Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC2003), Cambrige, UK, 1-4 September, 2003

Lobo Pereira, F., Nondegenerate Impulsive Control Problems, XXVI Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, IBILCE/UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil, 8-11 September, 2003

Gomes, R., J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Integrated maneuver and control design for ROV operations, Proceedings of the OCEANS03 Conference, San Diego, EUA, 22-26 September, 2003

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, User-Assisted trajectory generation for autonomous underwater vehicles, Proceedings of the OCEANS03 Conference, San Diego, EUA, 22-26 September, 2003

Martins, A., J. Almeida and E. Silva, Coordinated Maneuver for Gradient Search Using Multiple AUV's, MTS/IEEE Oceans '03, San Diego, USA, September, 2003

Matos, A., N. Cruz, F. L. Pereira, Post Mission Trajectory Smoothing for the Isurus AUV, Proceedings of OCEANS’2003, San Diego, USA, September, 2003

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, First and second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems, Proceedings of the Decision and Control Conference, Hawaii, US, 9-12, December, 2003

Arutyunov, A., V. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, Nondegenerate necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems with state constraints, Proceedings of the Decision and Control Conference, Hawaii, US, 9-12 December, 2003

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, A framework for networked motion control design, Proceedings of the Decision and Control Conference, Hawaii, US, 9-12 December, 2003

Oliveira, V., F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems, Proc. of the Decision and Control Conference, Hawaii, US, 9-12 December, 2003

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa, D. Empey, S. Spry, W. Webster and K. Hedrick, An overview of the Berkeley Mobile Offshore Dynamic Positioning project, Proc. of the Dynamic Positioning Conference, Santo António, Texas, USA, 2003

Gonçalves, H., C. Barbosa, O. Soares and A. da Silva Carvalho, Simulation of Induction Motors Heating in Steady State, 14th IASTED International Conference Modelling and Simulation – MS 2003, Palm Springs, EUA, 24-26 Feb., 2003

Rocha, R., J. Dias and A. Carvalho, Assessing Information Utility in Cooperation-based Robotic Systems, Proc. of ICAR’03 – The 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 840-845, 30 Jun. – 3 Jul. 2003

Rocha, R., J. Dias, and A. Carvalho, Assessing Information Utility in Cooperation-based Robotic Systems, Proc. of ECMR’03 – First European Conference on Mobile Robots, Radziejowice, Poland, pp. 135-140, 4-6 Set. 2003

Alves, J., C. Félix, J. L. Santos, A. Carvalho and A. Lage, Development and application of a fiber Bragg sensor interrogation system using a commercial CCD spectrometer, EuroSensors XVII - 17th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Guimarães, Setembro de 2003

Azenha, A., A. Carvalho, Instrumentation and Localisation in Quasi-Structured Environments for AGV Positioning, 5th IFAC International Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, pp.73-80, 2003

Portugal, P. J., A. Carvalho, J. A. Carvalho, A Framework for Dependability Evaluation of PROFIBUS Networks, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'03), 2003

Esteves, J. S., A. Carvalho, C. Couto, Geometric Triangulation Algorithm for Mobile Robot Absolute Self-Localization, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'03), 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Sousa, M. J. R., A.Carvalho, An IEC 61131-3 Compiler for the MatPLC, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'03), 2003

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho, R. Chibante, A New Physics Based SPICE Subcircuit Model for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs), Proceedings of the EPE 2003 – Tenth EPE Conference, Toulouse (France), 2003

Carvalho, A., A. Araújo, SPICE Implementation of a FEM Based Model forBipolar Power Semiconductors, Proceedings of the EPE 2003 – Tenth EPE Conference, Toulouse (France), 2003

Costa, P., A. Carvalho and A. Martins, Rotor Position Determination Model For Real-Time Control Doubly-Fed of a Induction Machine, Proceedings of IECON03, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, 2003

Alves, J. F. A., A. S. Carvalho, A. L.V.S. Lage, Desenvolvimento E Aplicação De Um Sistema De Interrogação De Redes De Bragg, VII Congresso de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional, Évora, 2003

Sousa, M., J. Baum, A. Romanenko, MatPLC: towards Real-Time Performance, Proceedings of the 5th Real-Time Linux Workshop, The Real-Time Linux Foundation, Valencia, Spain, 2003


Georgieva P., S. Feyo de Azevedo, ‘White box, black box and grey box’ modelling strategies – application to sugar crystallisation, 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control CONTROLO’2002, p. 295-300, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2002

Perez Martin, A., S. Feyo de Azevedo (2002): Model-based control system for flow control, 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control CONTROLO’2002, p.13-18, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2002

Feyo de Azevedo, S., F. Rocha, N. Faria and M.N. Pons, Using Image Analysis to Look into the Effect of Operating Conditions in Sugar Crystallisation, 15th Int. Symp. On Industrial Crystallisation, Ed. A. Chianese, Chemical Engineering Transactions, p.1377-1382, Sorrento, Italy, 15-18 September, 2002

Georgieva P., S. Feyo de Azevedo, M. J. Goncalves, Knowledge-based hybrid model of a batch evaporative crystallization process, 15th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Ed. A. Chianese, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol.1, p. 1161-1166, Sorrento, Italy, 15-18 September, 2002

Georgieva P., S. Feyo de Azevedo, Robustness analysis- computation of structured singular value upper bound for mixed perturbations, International Conference Automatics&Informatics, p. 113-116, Sofia, Bulgaria, 5-7 November, 2002

Baruch I., P. Georgieva, M. Jenaro Pérez and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Adaptive neural control of activated sludge processes, X Latin-American Congress of Automatic Control, Guadalajara, Mexico, CD – article 20, AMCA/IFAC, 3-6 December, 2002

Lima, R. and R.L. Salcedo, An optimized strategy for equation-oriented global optimization, European Symp. on Comp. Aided Chem. Eng, vol.10, J. Grievink e J.V. Schijndel (eds), Elsevier Science B.V., 913-918, ISBN 0-444-51109-1, 2002

Costa, P., A. P. G. M. Moreira, P. Marques, P. Costa, A. Sousa, S. Gaio, 5dpo Team Description, RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, Edit.: Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg New York, ISBN: 3-540-43912-9, 2002

Duarte, F. B. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Pseudoinverse Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators: A Fractional Calculus Perspective, ICRA’02 - 2002 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington, USA, 10-17 May, 2002

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Performance Analysis of Multi-Legged Systems, ICRA’02 - 2002 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington, USA, 10-17 May, 2002

Barbosa, R. S., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional-Order Describing Functions of Dynamical Systems with Backlash, INES’2002- 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2002, p. 521-526, Opatija, Croatia, 26-29 May, 2002

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Gait Efficiency of Walking Robots, INES’2002- 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2002, p. 45-50, Opatija, Croatia., 26-29 May, 2002

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Solteiro Pires, E. J., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, P. B. de Moura Oliveira, An Evolutionary Optimization for Robot Manipulators, INES’2002- 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2002, p. 131-136, Opatija, Croatia, 26-29 May, 2002

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., R. S. Barbosa, F. B. Duarte, N. M. F. Ferreira, Application of Fractional Calculus in the Control of Mechanical Systems, INES’2002- 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2002, p. 3-8, Opatija, Croatia, 26-29 May, 2002

Figueiredo, L., I. Jesus, J. A. Tenreiro Machado, J. R. Ferreira, Intelligent Transportation Systems, ASM 2002 - IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, p. 467-472, Crete, Greece, 25-28 June, 2002

Barbosa, R. S., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional-Order Describing Function of Systems with Backlash, Mech2K2-International Conference on Mechatronics, Linz, Austria, 3-6 July, 2002

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., R. S. Barbosa, N. M. Fonseca Ferreira, Fractional-Order Position/Force Control of Mechanical Manipulators, CIFA’2002 - Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Nantes, France, 8-10 July, 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R., M. M. A. Ferreira, F.A.C.C. Fontes, Necessary Conditions in Euler-Lagrange Inclusion for Constrained Nonconvex Optimal Control Problems, Proceedings of the 10th Mediteranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2002), Lisboa, 9-12 Julho, 2002

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Power Analysis of Multi-Legged Systems, B'02-15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 21-26 July, 2002

Duarte, F. B. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Chaos Dynamics in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, ICONNE’2000-International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, 31/July-4/Aug/2000, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil, Eds. J. M. Balthazar, J. B. Gonçalves, R. M. Brasil, I. Caldas, F. Rizatto), vol. 6: Applications of Nonlinear Phenomena, p. 128-137, 2002

Ferreira, N. M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Kinematic Manipulability of Robotic Systems, ICONNE’2000-International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, 31 July-4 August, 2000, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil, Eds.: J. M. Balthazar, J. B. Gonçalves, R. M. Brasil), vol. 3: New trends in Dynamics and Control, p. 129-136, 2002

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., System Modeling and Control Through Fractional-Order Algorithms, ICONNE’2000-International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, 31/July-4/Aug/2000, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil, Eds. J. M. Balthazar, J. B. Gonçalves, R. M. Brasil, I. Caldas, F. Rizatto, vol. 4: Recent Developments in Nonlinear Phenomena, p. 99-116, 2002

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., A. M. S. F. Galhano, Dynamical Analysis of Non-Repetitive Trajectories in Robotic Manipulation, ICONNE’2000-International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, 31/July-4/Aug/2000, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil, Eds. J. M. Balthazar, J. B. Gonçalves, R. M. Brasil, I. Caldas, F. Rizatto), vol. 6: Applications of Nonlinear Phenomena, p. 175-182, 2002

Barbosa, R. S., F. B. M. Duarte, J. A. T. Machado, A Fractional Calculus Perspective of Mechanical Systems Modeling, Controlo'2002-5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 394-399, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2002

Solteiro Pires, E. J., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, P. B. de Moura Oliveira, A Real Time Trajectory Planner For 2-R Robotic Manipulators, Controlo'2002-5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 471-476, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2002

Sousa, A., P. Costa and A. Moreira, Variable Resolution System in Mobile Robotics, Controlo'2002-5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 489-494, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2002

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Quasi-Periodic Gaits in Multi-Legged Robots, CLAWAR’2002 - 5th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Paris, France, 25–27 September, 2002

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Quasi-periodic Gaits in Multi-Legged Systems, CLAWAR’2002 – 5th International Symposium on Climbing and Walking Robots, p. 733-740, Paris, France, 25-27 September, 2002, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. (Ed. P. Bidaud and F. B. Amar), 2002

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


de Pinho, M.d.R., M. M. A. Ferreira, F.A.C.C. Fontes, ELI type conditions for Optimal Control Problems with pure state and mixed state-control, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM2002), Pitesti, Roménia, 11-13 Outubro, 2002

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies, Nonlinear Control Systems (3 volume set) ed. A.B.Kurzhanski & A.L.Fradkov, p. 887-892, February, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., A. Coimbra de Matos and G. Nunes Silva, Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for an Impulsive Control Problem, Nonlinear Control Systems (3 volume set) ed. A.B.Kurzhanski & A.L.Fradkov, p. 1297-1302, February, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., Optimal Impulsive Control, COPO 2002 - Matemáticos Portugueses em Controlo, Universidade de Coimbra, 3-4 May, 2002

Arutyunov, A., F. L. Pereira, A Maximum Principle for a Free Time Impulsive Control Problem, 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisboa, Portugal, 13-17 July, 2002, CDROM. (Invited publication)

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, Lyapunov Stability for Impulsive Dynamical Systems, 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisboa, Portugal, 13-17 July, 2002, CDROM. (Invited publication)

Lobo Pereira, F. and J. Borges de Sousa, A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Dynamic Switching Strategies, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Control Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 2002 (Invited publication)

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, A Framework for the Automation of a Remotely Operated Vehicle, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Control Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, July, 2002

Matos, A. C., F. L. Pereira, Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for a Class of Impulsive Control Problems, 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisboa, Portugal, CDROM. (Invited publication), 13-17 July, 2002

Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, An architecture for E-cooperating business agents, International Conference in Advances in Infra-Structure for e-business, e-education and e-medicine on the Internet, L’Aquila, Italy, July, 2002

Borges de Sousa, J. and F. L Pereira, Coordinated control strategies for networked vehicles and systems, Proceedings of International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia , July, 2002

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Coordinated Control Strategies for Networked Vehicles: An Application to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, MTNS 2002, 5th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA, 12-16 August, 2002, CDROM. (Invited publication)

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Coordinated Control of Networked Systems, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 27-31 August, 2002

Goncharova, E., V. Baturin, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Polyhedral approximations to the reachable set of impulsive dynamic control systems, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 27-31 August, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Nunes da Silva, Lyapounov Stability of Measure Driven Differential Inclusions, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 27-31 August, 2002

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Nunes da Silva, Lyapunov Stability for Impulsive Control Problems, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 27-31 August, 2002

Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, P. Dias, A. Santos, A framework for e-cooperating business agents: an application to the (re)engineering of production facilities, APMS 2002 - International Conference on Advanced Production Management Systems, p. 493-504, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 8-13 September, 2002

Ramos, P., M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, I. Quintaneiro, Mapping the Aveiro Sea Outfall Plume: Sampling Strategy for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Actas of 2nd International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges, Outfalls and Sealines Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 - 20 September, 2002, CDROM

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Cruz, N., F. Lobo Pereira, Adaptive Sampling of Oceanographic Processes with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Oceans 2002, Biloxi, Mississipi, 29-31 October, 2002, CDROM

Ramos, P., M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, Using Near Field Model Predictions to Detect and Map an Outfall Sewage Plume with an AUV, Oceans 2002, Biloxi, Mississipi, 29-31 October, 2002, CDROM

Arutyunov, A., V. Jacimovic, F. Lobo Pereira, Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control systems, IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1576-1581, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CDROM, 10-13 December, 2002

Borges de Sousa, J., A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, Dynamic optimization in the coordination and control of autonomous underwater vehicles, IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2087-2092, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-13 December, 2002, CDROM. (invited publication)

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, Specification and design of coordinated motions for autonomous vehicles, IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, p. 101-106, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-13 December, 2002, CDROM. (Invited publication)

Goncharova, E., V. Baturin, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Reachable Set Approximation for Measure Driven Dynamic Control Systems, IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2403-2408, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-13 December, 2002, CDROM

Silva, G., F. Lobo Pereira, Lyapounov Stability for Impulsive Dynamical Systems, IEEE 2002 Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2304-2309, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10-13 December, 2002, CDROM

Borges de Sousa, J., J. Misener and R. Sengupta, An Integrated Development Process for Automated or Driver-Assisted Vehicles, Proceedings of the 2001 AeroSense SPIE Control, USA, 2002

Carvalho, A. S., A. P. Martins, Fuzzy Control for Parallel Operation of Power Multi-Sources, Proceedings of the Sixth European Space Power Conference, ESA’2002, p.209-216, Porto, 2002

Carvalho, J. A., P. J. Portugal, A. Carvalho, Dependability Validation Techniques for Electronic Systems in Proccedings of the Sixth European Space Power Conference, Porto, 2002

Portugal, P. J., A. Carvalho, Fieldbus Networks: a Dependability Evaluation in ISA-Instrumentation Society of America Industrial In-Plant, Communications Conference, 2002

Ramos, C. J., A. P. Martins, A. S. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, Current Control in the Grid Connection of the Double-Output Induction Generator Linked to a Variable Speed Wind Turbine, Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’02, p.1-6, Sevilha, 2002

Silva, N. M., A. P. Martins, A. S. Carvalho, Torque and Speed Modes Simulation of a DTC-Controlled Induction Motor, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’2002, p.1-6, Lisboa, 2002

Sousa, M., P. F. Souto, A. Carvalho, MatPLC - the Truly Open Automation Controller, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON'02, p. 2278-2283, Sevilla, Spain, November, 2002


Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Neural Network for Output Recovering in a closed Loop System, Proc. of Int. Conference Automatics and Informatics, p. A-25 – A-28, Sofia, Bulgaria, 31 May-2 June, 2001

Oliveira, R., J. Peres, S. Feyo de Azevedo, Methods of Knowledge Engineering for Batch Process Operation, Proc. of ECCE’3 – Third European Conference of Chemical Engineering, CD-ROM paper 539 (6 p.), Nuremberg, 23-26 June, 2001

Maria, G., C. Maria, R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Optimal Monitoring and Risk Limits for a Wastewater Biological Treatment Serial Plant, Proc. of ECC’01-European Control Conference 2001, CD-ROM, paper FR-A07_6 (6 pages), Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Lima, R. and R. Salcedo, A paradigm for equation-oriented global optimisation, – 8th Int. Chem. Engng. Conference (Eds. J.J. Cruz-Pinto et al.), p. 849-856, Aveiro, Portugal, 12-14 September, 2001

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Pons, M. N., E. Camarasa, H. Vivier, N. Faria, F. Rocha, S. Feyo de Azevedo, Using Image Analysis in the Study of Sugar Crystallization, Proc. of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Sugar Industry Technologists Inc., p. 143-158, Taipei, Taiwan, Vol. LX, SIT Inc. Publ. New York, 2001

Rodrigues, C. M. B. and J.A. Tenreiro Machado, A Fourier Perspective in Multi-Legged Systems, ICRA’2001 - 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 3624-3629, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 May, 2001

Silva, F. M. and J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Goal-Oriented Biped Walking Based on Force Interaction Control, ICRA’2001 - 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 4122-4127, Seoul, Korea, 21-26 May, 2001

Moreira, A. P., A. Sousa, P. G. C. Costa, Vision Based Real-Time Localization of multiple Mobile Robots - FSR 2001 – International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, p. 103-106, Ulm, Finlandia, 11-13 Junho, 2001

de Pinho, M.d.R., Optimality Conditions for Control Problems Involving State Dependent Control Constraints, Proceedings 5th Symposium Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS2001, São Petersburgo, Russia, 4-6 Julho, 2001

Ferreira, N. M. Fonseca and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Manipulation Analysis of Two Cooperating Arms, ICAR’01-10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 125-130, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 August, 2001

Pires, E. J. S., J. A. Tenreiro Machado and P. B. M. Oliveira, An Evolutionary Approach to Robot Structure and Trajectory Optimization, ICAR’01-10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 333-338, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 August, 2001

Silva, F. M. and J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Control of Biped Walking Based on Force Interaction, ICAR’01-10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 479-484, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 August, 2001

Silva, M. F., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A. M. Lopes, Performance Analysis of Periodic Gaits in Multi-Legged Locomotion, ICAR’01-10th International Conference on Advanced Robotic, p. 491-496, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 August, 2001

Figueiredo, L., I. Jesus and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Towards the Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE 4th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, p. 1207-1212, Oakland, California, USA, 25-29 August, 2001

de Pinho, M.d.R. and A. Ilchmann, On Optimality Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints, Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC2001), Porto, 4-7 Setembro, 2001

de Pinho, M. d. R., M. M. A. Ferreira, F. A. C. C. Fontes, A Weak Maximum principle for Control Problems with State constraints, Proceeding of European Control Conference (ECC2001), Porto, 4-7 Setembro, 2001

Delgado, C. J. M., P. Lopes dos Santos, J. L. Martins de Carvalho, On-Line Subspace Identification, Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001, p. 3605-3610, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Figueiredo, L., I. Jesus, J. A. Tenreiro Machado, J. R. Ferreira and J. L. Martins de Carvalho, Research Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems, ECC 2001-European Control Conference, p. 301-306, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Rodrigues, C. M. B. and J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Fourier Analysis of Multi-Legged Periodic Gaits, ECC 2001-European Control Conference, p. 1816-1821, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Duarte, Fernando B. M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Fractional-Order Dynamics in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, INES’2001- 5th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2001, p. 327-333, Helsinki-Stockholm, Finland- Sweden, 16-18 September, 2001

Figueiredo, L., I. Jesus, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and J. R. Ferreira, Towards Emerging Intelligent Transportation Systems Technologies, INES’2001- 5th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2001, p. 241-246, Helsinki-Stockholm, Finland- Sweden, 16-18 September, 2001

Silva, M. F. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Performance Analysis of Multi-Legged Systems, RoMoCo’01-Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, p. 45-50, Bukowy Dworek, Poland, 18-20 October, 2001

de Pinho, M.d.R., Maximum Principle for Mixed Constrained Control Problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Proceeding of the Third Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, vol. 47, p. 387-398, 2001

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Lobo Pereira, F., Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Systems with State Constraints, Control Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Kansas City, KS, USA, March-April, 2001

Borges de Sousa, J., A. Girard, K. Hedrick and W. Webster, A ship maneuvering control framework, Proceedings of the OMAE’01 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, June, 2001

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa, K. Hedrick and W. Webster, Simulation Environment Design and Implementation: An Application to the Mobile Offshore Base, Proceedings of the OMAE’01 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, June, 2001

Simsek, T., J. Borges de Sousa and P. Varaiya, Communication and control in hybrid systems, Tutorial session, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Washington, USA, June, 2001

de Matos, A. C. and F. Lobo Pereira, Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for a Measure Differential Inclusion Control Problem, Optimization Methods and Their Applications, p. 237-245, Irkutsk, Russia, 24 June-1 July, 2001

Borges de Sousa, J. and Lobo Pereira, F., A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies, NOLCOS’01, Nonlinear Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-7 July, 2001

Lobo Pereira, F., A. C. de Matos and G. Nunes Silva, Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for an Impulsive Control Problem, NOLCOS’01, Nonlinear Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-7 July, 2001

Lobo Pereira, F., A. Arutyunov, V. Jacimovic, Second Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, Optimization 2001, p. 47, Aveiro, 23-25 July, 2001

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa and K. Hedrick, Dynamic Positioning Concepts and Strategies for the Mobile Offshore Base, Proceedings of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Oakland, USA, August 2001

Arutyunov, A., V. Jacimovic, F. Lobo Pereira, Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems, ECC’01, European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Borges de Sousa, J. and F. Lobo Pereira, Some Questions about Hybrid Systems, ECC’01, European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Nunes Silva and R. B. Vinter, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Vector-valued Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints, ECC’01, European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, 4-7 September, 2001

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa and K. Hedrick, Coordinated Control of Agent Formations in Uncertain, Dynamic Environments, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, September, 2001

Ramos, P., N. Moreira da Cruz, A. C. de Matos, M. V. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, Prediction Studies for an AUV Monitoring Mission Plan, MEDCOAST 01, The 5th Int. Conf. On the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Hamammet, Tunisia, 23-27 October, 2001

Loureiro Fraga, S., G. Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, An Intelligent Agent for E-Learning Applications, Proceedings of the WBLE 2001 Conference, Suécia, Outubro, 2001

Sousa Dias, P, G. Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, TeleXis - An E-Learning Tool for Management Topics, Proceedings of the WBLE 2001 Conference, Suécia, Outubro, 2001

Moreira da Cruz, N., L. Madureira, A. C. de Matos and F. Lobo Pereira, A Versatile Acoustic Beacon for Navigation and Remote Tracking of Multiple Underwater Vehicles, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE International Conference Oceans 2001, Vol. III, p. 1829-1834, Honolulu, HI, USA, November 5-8, 2001

Ramos, P., N. Moreira da Cruz, A. C. de Matos, M. V. Neves and F. Lobo Pereira, Monitoring an Ocean Outfall Using an AUV, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE International Conference Oceans 2001, Vol. III, p. 2009-2014, Honolulu, HI, USA, 5-8 November, 2001

Girard, A., D. Empey, J. Borges de Sousa, S. Spry and K. Hedrick, An experimental testbed for mobile offshore base concepts, Proceedings of the US Japan Natural Resources Symposium, Marine Facilities Panel, Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 2001

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges de Sousa, A. Girard and A. Martins, An automated maneuver control framework for a Remotely Operated Vehicle, Proceedings of the OCEANS 2001, Hawaii, USA, November, 2001

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Borges de Sousa, J., S. Fraga, A. Martins and F. Lobo Pereira, A control framework for a remotely operated vehicle", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering for Ocean and Offshore Structures, Singapore, December, 2001

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa, J. Misener and K. Hedrick, A Control Architecture for Integrated Cooperative Cruise Control and Collision Warning Systems, Proceedings of the Decision and Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2001

Girard, A., J. Borges de Sousa and K. Hedrick, An Overview of Emerging Results in Networked Multi-Vehicle Systems, Proc. of the Decision and Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2001

Portugal, P. and A. S. Carvalho, On Dependability Evaluation of Fieldbus Networks: a Transient Fault Analysis, IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications - 4th FET’2001, p. 45-52, October, 2001

Portugal, P. and A. S. Carvalho, On Dependability Evaluation of Fieldbus Networks: a Permanent Fault Analysis, Proceedings of IECON’2001 - 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, p.299-306, November, 2001

Sousa, M. J. and A. S. Carvalho, Open Control Systems, Proceedings of the Embedded Linux Conference, Milan, November, 2001

Martins, A. P., A. S. Carvalho, Fuzzy Adaptive Control Methods for Power Electronics Applications, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’01, p. 1-10, Graz, 2001


Georgieva, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Measurement Dynamics Compensation Using Neural Network Inverse Modelling, Proc. of Controlo'2000, paper L03-CDROM, p.318-323, Guimarães, Portugal, October 4-6, 2000

Oliveira, R., J. Peres, S. Feyo de Azevedo, Efficient Knowledge Integration methods for Improved Bioreactor Operation, Proc. of Controlo'2000, paper H02-CDROM, p.214-219, Guimarães, Portugal, October 4-6, 2000

Sbarbaro, D., P. Ascensio and S. Feyo de Azevedo, An Enhanced Model for Parameter Estimation in Bioprocesses, Proc. of the UKACC International Conference on Control 2000 (CD-ROM), Cambridge, UK, 4-7 September, 2000.

Peres, J., R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Knowledge Based Modular Networks for Process Modelling and Control, Proc. of European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, p. 247-252, , Florence, Italy, 7-10 May, 2000

Bento, L., F. Rocha, M. Mota, A. Ferraz, F. Bártolo, J. Barreto and J. Rodrigues, Treatment of Sugar Refinery Carbonatation Sludge for Reutilization in the Process and Boiler Flue Gas Desulphurization, , Proceedings of Recovery, Recycling, Reintegration, 5th World Congress, R’2000, p. 295-298, Toronto, Canada, 2000.

Costa, P.J., A. P. .Moreira, A Sousa, The Design of a Small-Size (F-180) RoboCup Team4rd Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control - CONTROLO' 2000, pp. 598-603, Outubro 2000, Guimarães, Portugal.

da Silva, M., M. d. R. de Pinho, A. Sampaio and V. Vieira, Sub-optimal control for linear quadratic problems, Proceedings of the 4th Portuguese Meeting on Automatic Control, Controlo 2000, pp. 85-90, Outubro 2000, Guimarães, Portugal.

Silva, Filipe M. and J. A.Tenreiro Machado, Position/Force Control of Biped Locomotion Systems, Controlo’2000-4th Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control, pg. 534-539, 4-6/Oct./2000, Guimarães, Portugal.

Fonseca Ferreira, N. M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Teaching Robot Modelling and Control with RobLib, Controlo’2000-4th Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control, pg. 406-411, 4-6/Oct./2000, Guimarães, Portugal.

Silva, Filipe M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Position/Force Control of Biped Walking Robots, SMC’00-2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pg. 3288-3293, 8-11/Out/2000, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Fonseca Ferreira, N. M.and J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Manipulability Analysis of Two-Arm Robotic Systems, INES’2000-4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pg. 113-116, 17-19/Set/2000, Portoroz, Eslovénia.

Duarte, Fernando B. M. and J. A.Tenreiro Machado, Chaotic behavior in the pseudoinverse control of redundant and hyper-redundant robots, SYROCO’00- IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, vol. 2, pg. 493-498, 21-23/Set/2000, Viena, Áustria.

Fonseca Ferreira, N. M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, RobLib: An Educational Program for Robotics, SYROCO’00- IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, vol. 1, pg. 163-168, 21-23/Set/2000, Viena, Áustria.

Silva, Filipe M and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Hybrid Position/Force Algorithms for Biped Locomotion, SYROCO’00- IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, vol. 1, pg. 127-132, 21-23/Set/2000, Viena, Áustria.

Tenreiro Machado, J. A., Discrete-Time Fractional-Order Controllers, INES’2000-4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pg. 181-184, 17-19/Set/2000, Portoroz, Eslovénia.

Solteiro Pires, E. J..and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, A GA Perspective of the Energy Requirements for Manipulators Maneuvering in a Workspace with Obstacles, CEC’2000-Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pg. 1110-1116, 16-19/Jul/2000. San Diego, CA, USA

Solteiro Pires, E. J..and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Trajectory Optimization for Redundant Robots Using Genetic Algorithms, GECCO’2000-Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 9th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2000) and 5th Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2000), pg. 967, 8-12/Julho/2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Solteiro Pires, E. J..and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Trajectory Optimization for Redundant Robots Using Genetic Algorithms with Heuristic Operators, GECCO’2000-Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 9th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2000) and 5th Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2000), pg. 290-296, 8-12/Julho/2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

de Pinho, M. d. R. and D. Fontes, An accessory problem for optimal control problems, Proceedings of IASTED Conference, Control and Applications, Cancun, Mexico , pp.24-30, May 2000.

Ferreira, M. M. A., R. B. Vinter, Lipschitz continuity of the optimal control, IASTED Conference on Control and Applications, 19-23, Cancun, México, Maio 2000.

Duarte, Fernando B. M.and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, “Chaos Dynamics in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, ICRA’2000-2000 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, 24-28/Abril/2000, San Francisco, USA.

Duarte, Fernando B. M.and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Motion Chaos in the Pseudoinverse Control of Redundant Robots, AMC’2000-IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pg. 624-629, March 30-April 1, 2000, Nagoya, Japan.

Silva, Filipe M. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Controllability Analysis of Biped Walking Robots, AMC’2000-IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pg. 595-600, March 30-April 1, 2000, Nagoya, Japan.

Tenreiro Machado, J. A. and Alexandra M. S. F Galhano, On the Statistical and Fourier Modelling of Robot Motion, AMC’2000-IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, pg. 407-412, March 30-April 1, 2000, Nagoya, Japan.

Costa, P.J., P. Marques, A. P. Moreira, A. Sousa, and Costa, Tracking and Identifying in Real Time the Robots of a F-180 Team, in Manuela Veloso, Enrico Pagello and Hiroaki Kitano, editors. RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III. Springer, LNAI, 2000, pp. 286-291

de Pinho, M. d. R. , Maximum principle for mixed constrained control problem, Proceedings of the IIIrd World Congress of Nonlinear, accepted for publication in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Series A Theory and Methods.

de Pinho, M. d. R. and H. Zheng, Conjugate points for optimal control problems with state-dependent control constraints, Systems Modelling and Optimisation, London: Chapman & Hall/LCR, Ed. M. P. Polis et all, pp. 162-170, 2000.

Ferreira, M. M. A., Nontrivial maximum principle for optimal control problems with state constraints, Systems Modelling and Optimisation, London: Chapman & Hall/LCR, Ed. M. P. Polis et all, 100-107, 2000.

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies, CDC2000, Sydney, Australia, December, 14-16, 2000

Neves, P., M., F. Lobo Pereira, Sea outfalls monitoring using autonomous underwater vehicles, International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges, Génova, Italia,December, 3-7.

Lobo Pereira, F., On the Optimal Control of Impulsive Differential Inclusion, Plenary lecture in the conference General Problems of Optimal Control and their Applications to Mathematical Economics, Tambov, Russia, October, 8-12, 2000.

Gonçalves, G., J. B. Sousa, J. Silva Martins, F. Lobo Pereira., L. Vieira, A. Marques, J. B. Fonseca, P. C. Oliveira, P. Martins, P.M. Pinto, J.B. Cruz, Ambiente de Aprendizagem na Web: monitorização da adaptação dos utilizadores, Controlo 2000, Guimarães, Portugal, October, 4-6, 2000.

Lobo Pereira, F., J. Borges de Sousa, On the Approximation of the Reachable Set Boundary, Controlo 2000, Guimarães, Portugal, October, 4-6, 2000.

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Vector Valued Impulsive Control, Controlo 2000, Guimarães, Portugal, October, 4-6, 2000.

Matos, A., N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, An Integrated System for Underwater Navigation and Tracking, Proceedings of the Controlo 2000 conference, Guimarães, Portugal, Outubro de 2000.

Matos, A., N. Cruz, ª Martins, P. Ramos, F. Lobo Pereira, An Advanced Low Cost Navigation System for the Isurus AUV, Proceedings of Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE conference, Providence, RI, EUA, Setembro de 2000.

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, On the Optimal Control of Vector Valued Impulsive Control, ICONNE 2000, Campos de Jordão, SP, Brasil, July 31-August 4, 2000.

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies, 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Rio, Greece, July, 17-19, 2000.

Dias, P. S., J. M. Martins, G. Gonçalves, J. B. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira,On the Design of a Web-Based Business Game, Proceedings of the WBLE 2000, Portugal, Junho 2000.

Girard, A., K. Hedrick, J. Borges de Sousa, Hierarchical Control of the Mobile Offshore Base, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2000, France, June 2000.

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva, On the Optimal Control of Vector-Valued Impulsive Dynamic Systems, International Symposium MTNS 2000, Perpignan, France, June 19-23, 2000.

Borges de Sousa, J., A. Girard, K. Hedrick, Real-Time Hybrid Control of Mobile Offshore Base Scaled Models, Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2000, Chicago, USA.

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira, A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies, Mediterranean Control Conference 2000

Matos, A., N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, An Integrated System for Underwater Navigation and Tracking, Oceans 2000, Halifax, Canada

Martins, C. A., A. S. Carvalho, T. A. Meynard and X. Roboam, Direct Control of Power Electronics Converters with Imposed Switching Frequency and Very High Dynamics, 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO’00, Guimarães, Portugal, 4-6 Oct. 2000

Sousa, M. R. and A. S. Carvalho, Mapping protocols onto RT CORBA, Proc. DOA’00, International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications, Antwerp, Belgica, pag 89-96, Set 2000

Martins, C. A., X. Roboam, T. A. Meynard, A. S. Carvalho, Multi-Level Direct Torque Control with Imposed Switching Frequency and Reduced Ripple, IEEE PESC’00 Conference, 18-23 June 2000, Galway, Ireland


Feyo de Azevedo, S., Issues in Computer-aided Process Operation: Application to Chemical and Biochemical Processes, Opening Plenary Lecture, Jornadas de Automática, p. 9-16, Salamanca, Spain, 27-29 September, 1999

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Pons, M.N., H. Vivier, N. Faria, F. Rocha and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Effect of Operation Conditions on Shape in Sugar Crystallisation, Proc. of 14th Int. Symp. on Industrial Crystallisation (CD-ROM), p. 1-9, Cambridge, U.K., 12-16 September, 1999

Rodrigues, C.P. and F. Rocha, Batch Precipitation of Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate, Proc. of 14th International Symp. on Industrial Crystallization, paper 236, p. 236.1-236.9, Cambridge, U.K., 12-16 September, 1999

Bento, L., A. Ferraz, F. Bártolo, J. Barreto and F. Rocha, Utilization of Cane Sugar Refinery Carbonatation Sludge for Recycling and Fluegas Desulphurization – Preliminary Studies, Sugar Industry Technology, SIT, p. 143-158, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12 May, 1999

Salcedo, R.L.R. and J.A. Campos, Optimization for Pollution Reduction: a Numerical Approach to Cyclone Design, 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 571-576, Veazprém, Hungary, 1999

Martins, J.F. and J.T.Machado, Signal Analysis in Manipulators with Flexible Links, COBEM’99-XV Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil, 22-26 November, 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, A Chaos Perspective in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, INES’99-3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 63-68, Poprad, Slovakia, 1-3 November, 1999

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Kinematic Robustness of Manipulating Systems, INES’99-3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 509-514, Poprad, Slovakia, 1-3 November, 1999

Tar, J.K., J.T. Machado, I. Rudas and L. Horvath, Advanced Control of Robot in Technological Operations, INES’99-3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 139-144, Poprad, Slovakia, 1-3 November, 1999

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Driving Mechanical Robots Through Linear Actuators, 6th International Conference ELECTRIMACS’99, Modelling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, p. II-145-II-150, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-16 September, 1999

Machado, J.T., On the Implementation of Fractional-Order Control Systems Through Discrete-Time Algorithms, Bánki Donát Polytechnic-Jubilee International Conference, p. 39-44, Budapest, Hungary, 1-2 September, 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, Chaotic Phenomena in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, CARS & FOF’99 - 15th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future, p. RW1-12-RW1-17, Campinas, Brazil, 18-20 August, 1999

Costa, P.J.G., A.P. Moreira, P. Costa Marques and A.C. Matos, 5dpo Team Description, Robocup 1999, Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conference, p. 85-89, Stockolm, Sweeden, 31 July - 6 August 1999

Costa, P.J.G., A.P. Moreira, P. Costa Marques and A.C. Matos, 5dpo-2000 Team Description, Robocup 1999, Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conference, p. 217-220, Stockolm, Sweeden, 31 July - 6 August 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, A Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Redundant Manipulators, ISATP’99-IEEE International Symp. on Assembly and Task Planning, p. 175-180, Porto, Portugal, 21-24 July, 1999

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Fourier Analysis of Robot Trajectories in Random Tasks, ISATP’99-IEEE International Symp. on Assembly and Task Planning, p. 192-197, Porto, Portugal, 21-24 July, 1999

Pires, E.J.S. and J.T. Machado, A Trajectory Planner for Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithms, ISATP’99-IEEE International Symp. on Assembly and Task Planning, p. 163-168, Porto, Portugal, 21-24 July, 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, A Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Redundant Manipulators, ISIE’99-IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 1002-1007, Bled, Slovenia, 12-16 July, 1999

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Signal Analysis in Robotic Systems, ISIE’99-IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 951-956, Bled, Slovenia, 12-16 July, 1999

Cordeiro, C.S.M and J.T. Machado, RobLib: A Library of Models for Industrial Robots, 6as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, vol. 4, p. 497-504, Lisbon, Portugal., 7-9 July, 1999

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Tar, J.K., J.T. Machado, I.J. Rudas and J. Bitó, An Adaptive Robot Control for Technological Operations Based on Uniform Structures and Reduced Number of Free Parameters, RAAD’99-8th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, Munich, Germany, 17-19 June, 1999

Duarte, F.B. and J.T. Machado, Chaotic Phenomena and Performance Optimization in the Trajectory Control of Redundant Manipulators, IEEE/ASME/UNESCO//JSME 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, published in Recent Advances in Mechatronics, (Ed. O. Kaynak), Springer-Verlag, p. 548-559, Istambul, Turkey, 24-26 May, 1999

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Performance Issues in Biped Walking Robots, ICRAM’99- IEEE/ASME/UNESCO//JSME 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, published in Recent Advances in Mechatronics, (Ed. O. Kaynak), Springer-Verlag, p. 270-281, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-26 May, 1999

de Pinho, M.d.R., Higher Order Optimality Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with State-Dependent Control Constraints, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Proc. of the MTNS-98 Symp., Eds. A. Beghi, L. Finesco, G. Picci, Il Poligrafo, ISBN 88-7115-117-8, p.121-124, Padova, Itália, 1999

Borges de Sousa, J., A. Girard and N. Kourjanskaya, The MOB SHIFT Simulation Framework, Proc. of Third International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures, p. 725-730, Hawaii, U.S.A., September 1999

Girard, A., K. Hedrick, J. Borges de Sousa, Design of a Hierarchical Control Architecture for DP Control of the Mobile Offshore Base, Proc. of Third International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures, p. 1022-1027, Hawaii, U.S.A., September 1999

Cruz, N.A.L. Moreira, A.C.C. Matos, F.L. Pereira, A.M. de Oliveira Martins, D.S. Gonçalves dos Santos, J.M. Estrela da Silva, B. Boutov and D. Ferreira, Estuarine Environment Studies with Isurus, a Remus class AUV, Proc. of the MTS/IEEE Oceans'99 Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., September 1999

Martins, A.M. de Oliveira, N.A.L. Moreira da Cruz, A.C.C. Matos and F.L. Pereira, IES - An Open System for Underwater Inspection, Proc. of the MTS/IEEE Oceans'99 Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., September 1999

Matos, A.C.C., N.A.L. Moreira da Cruz, A.M. de Oliveira Martins and F.L. Pereira, Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost LBL Navigation System for an AUV, Proc. of the MTS/IEEE Oceans'99 Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., September 1999

Silva, J.M., A.M. de Oliveira Martins, F.L. Pereira, A Reconfigurable Mission Control System For Underwater Vehicles, Proc. of the MTS/IEEE Oceans'99 Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., September 1999

Webster, W., J. Borges de Sousa, Optimum Allocation for Multiple Thrusters, Proc. of the ISOPE'99, Brest, France, p. 672-680, June 1999

Misener, J., A. Girard, J. Borges de Sousa and K. Hedrick, Control and Evaluation of Mobile Offshore Base Operations, Proc. of the SPIE, Vol. 3693, Conference Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology, p. 1221-1225, U.S.A., April 1999

Borges de Sousa, J., G.M. Gonçalves, F.L. Pereira, A General Control Framework for Manufacturing Systems, Theory and Practice of Control and Systems: Proc. of the 6th Mediterranean Conference, Edited by A.Tornambé, G. Conte and A.M. Perdon, Scientific World Publishing, p. 741-746, January 1999

Azevedo, A.L., J.P. Sousa and R.T. Oliveira, A Multi-Agent Framework for Order Negotiation in Distributed Enterprises, Proc. of Multi-Agent Systems in Production - IFAC Workshop MAS'99, Wienn, 2-4 December, 1999

Martins, A.P. and A.S. Carvalho, Fuzzy Logic Based Control for Power Electronics. A Case Study, 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'99, Electronic Edition, Lausanne, 1999

Martins, A.P. and A.S. Carvalho, The Static PWM Voltage Source Inverteri n the Optimisation of the AC/DC Conversion, 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS'99, Vol 3, p. 203-208, Lisbon, 1999

Martins, A.P. and A.S. Carvalho, Hierarchy and Decoupling in Multivariable Fuzzy Controllers for a Class of Power Electronics Systems, European Control Conference, ECC'99, Electronic Edition, Karlsruhe, ID797, 1999

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Martins, C.A., X. Roboam, T.A. Meynard and A.S. Carvalho, DiCoIF: a DTC Strategy with Imposed Switching Frequency for Multi-Cell VSI fed Induction Motor Control, 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'99, Electronic Edition, Lausanne, 1999

Ramos, C.J., P. Moreira da Silva and A.C. Carvalho, Current Source Inverter For A 400 Kw Ocean Waves Induction Generator, 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'99, Electronic Edition, Lausanne, 1999

Sousa, M.J. and A.S. Carvalho, Synchronisation Issues of RT CORBA Threads, Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques - PDPTA'99 - Volume II, 1999


Feyo de Azevedo, S., Issues on Computer-aided Process Operation: Application to Chemical and Biochemical Processes, Invited communication, in Proc. of CHEMPOR'98 - 7th Int. Chem. Engng. Conf. (Eds. F. Ramoa Ribeiro and S. Alves), p. 51-58, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 September, 1998

Meireles, M.J.G. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelling the Operation of a Sugar Industrial Evaporative Crystalliser, in Proc. of CHEMPOR'98 - 7th Int. Chem. Engng. Conf. (Eds. F. Ramoa Ribeiro and S. Alves), p. 807-814, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 September, 1998

Rodrigues, C.P. and F. Rocha, Influence of fluoride ions on the size and morphology of the calcium hydrogen phosphate crystals, CHEMPOR’98, p.1381-1388, Lisboa, 26-28 September, 1998

Pimenta, P. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Case-study on the Control of Multiple-effect Evaporators, in Proc. of CONTROLO'98 - 3rd Portuguese Conf. On Automatic Control (Eds. A. Dourado et al.), p. 565-570, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-11 September, 1998

Pons, M.N., E. Camarasa, H. Vivier, N. Faria, F. Rocha and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Shape Characterization of Sugar Crystals, Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology, paper 33, p. 33.1-33.8, Brighton, U.K., 6-9 July, 1998

Oliveira, R., R. Simutis, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Lubbert, Hybnet, an Advanced Tool for Process Optimization and Control, Proc. of CAB7 - Computer Applications in Biotechnology (Eds. T. Yoshida and S. Shioya), p. 315-320, Osaka, Japan, May 31 - 4 June, 1998

Bento, L., F. Rocha, M. Mota, A. Ferraz, F. Bártolo and J. Barreto, Recovery of sugar carbonatation sludge for utilization in the refining process and for boiler flue gases cleaning, Proc. of the International Symp. Materials and Energy from Refuse, p. 295-298, Oostende, 1998

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Numerical Algorithm for Recursive Subspace Identification, CDC 98 - 37th Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1848-1849, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., 16-18 December, 1998

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Analysis of Biped Locomotion Systems, CLAWAR’98 - International Symp. on Climbing and Walking Robots, p. 311-316, Brussels, Belgium, 26-28 November, 1998

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos, J.L. Martins de Carvalho, On-Line Subspace Identification Algorithm, VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático, p. 673-678, Marbella Resort, Chile, 9-13 November, 1998

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Towards Efficient Biped Robots, IROS’98 - 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, Innovations in Theory, Practice and Applications, p. 394-399, Victoria, Canada, 13-17 October, 1998. This article was awarded by Masaya Nakamura, Namco Corporation, New Technology Foundation, Tokyo, Japão

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Performance of Hybrid Robot Controllers Near Singularities SMC’98-1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, p. 3572-3577, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 11-14 October, 1998

Machado, J.T. and A. Azenha,, Fractional-Order Hybrid Control of Robot Manipulators, SMC’98-1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, p. 788-793, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 11-14 October, 1998

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Efficiency During Bipedal Walking, MC’98 - IFAC Workshop on Motion Control, p. 215-220, Grenoble, France, 21-23 September, 1998

Duarte, F. and J.T. Machado, On the Optimal Configuration of Redundant Manipulators, INES’98 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 325-330, Vienna, Austria, 17-19 September, 1998

Machado, J.T., C.S. Cordeiro and I.J. Rudas, On the Multifrequency Calculation of Robot Trajectories, INES’98 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 331-336, Vienna, Austria, 17-19 September, 1998

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Phenomena During Biped Walking, INES’98 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 31-36, Vienna, Austria, 17-19 September, 1998

Delgado, C.J.M., P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A Recursive Subspace Identification Algorithm, Proc. of CONTROLO 98 – 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 465-470, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-11 September, 1998

Moreira, A.P.and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - Relative Density Predictive Control in Winemaking, 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Controlo’ 98, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-11 September, 1998

de Pinho, M.d.R., Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with Constraints, Proc. of 3th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-11 September 1998

Duarte, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Optimazition of Redundant and Hyper-Redundant Robot Trajectories, ICECS’98 - 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, p. 2.467-2.470, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 September, 1998

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A method for bipolar semiconductor device modeling implementable in circuit simulators, Proc. of the 5th IEEE Internacional Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 98, Vol. 1, p. 499-503, Lisbon, September, 1998

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A modular approach for modelling and simulation of semiconductor power devices, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 98, Vol. 1, p. 331-335, Aachen, September, 1998

Duarte, F. and J.T. Machado, Redundancy Optimization for Mechanical Manipulators, AMC’98 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, p. 405-410, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 June - 1 July, 1998

Horváth, L., I.J. Rudas and J.T. Machado, Man-Machine Processes in Modelling Based Engineering Activities, AMC’98 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, p. 548-553, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 June - 1 July, 1998

Machado, J.T. and A. Azenha, Position/Force Fractional Control of Mechanical Manipulators, AMC’98 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, p. 216-221, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 June – 1 July, 1998

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Performance of Biped Locomotion Systems, AMC’98 - 5th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, p. 451-456, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 June – 1 July, 1998

Pereira, F.L., On the impulsive control of dynamic optimization problem, International Conference on Mathematics and Applications (dedicated to Pontryaguin), Moscow, Russia, September 1998

Pereira, F.L., On the Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, International Workshop on Differential Inclusions and Control, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, September 1998

Pereira, F.L. and R. Vinter, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Imulsional Control Problems with State Constraints, Proc. of the 3rd Portuguese on Automatic Control, Controlo’98, p. 453-458, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998

Sousa, J., G. Gonçalves and F.L. Pereira, A General Control Framework for Manufacturing Systems, 6th IEEE Mediterranian Conference on Control and Systems, Alghero, Italy, June 1998

Barbosa, M., A. Carvalho and M. Farsi, A CANopen I/O Module: Simple and Efficient System Integration, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 98, Vol. 1, p. 155-159, Aachen, September, 1998

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Martins, A.P.and A. Carvalho, High Dimensional Fuzzy Controller for an UPS Parallel System, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 98, Vol. 1, p. 12-16, Aachen, September, 1998

Vasconcelos, R., A. Carvalho, A. Carrapatoso, One-to-Many Reliable Data Distribution Using Multiple Multicast Groups, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 98, Vol. 1, p.173-175, Aachen, September, 1998

Oliveira, Raul, F. Berger and J. Labetoulle, Managing snmp environments using mobile SnmpSql, Proc. of IEEE Third Internacional Workshop on Systems Management, p. 78-85, Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A., April 1998

Alves, J., A. Carvalho and A. Magalhães, Power Quality Control, Controlo’98, Vol.2, p. 559-563, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Power Bipolar Junction Transistor Modeling using SPICE, Controlo’98, Vol.1, p. 129-134, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998

Martins, C.A., A. Carvalho, X. Roboam and T.A. Meynard, Evolution of Induction Motor Control Methods and Related Voltage-Source Inverter Topologies, Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC’98, p. 15-20, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998

Martins, C.A., T.A. Meynard, X. Roboam and A. Carvalho, An Improved DTC Strategy for Induction Motor Control Fed by a Multi-Cell Voltage Source Inverter for High Power Applications, Record of the 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’98, Vol. 2, p. 1004-1010, Fukuoka, Japan, 1998


Fonseca, A.M., J.M. Órfão and R.L.R. Salcedo, Dry-scrubbing of HCl in a cyclone reactor: kinetic parameters, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Technologies for a Clean Environment, Vol.I, 7.2-7/7.2-12, Lisboa, 1997

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Performance of Variable Structure Hybrid Control of Manipulators, 14th COBEM - XIV Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, 8-12 December, 1997

Machado, J.T. and F. Duarte, Controlo de Trajectórias de Manipuladores Redundantes, 14th COBEM - XIV Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 – 12 December, 1997

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A New Approach For Analogue Simulation Of Bipolar Semiconductors, COBEP’97, 761-765, Brasil, 1-5 December, 1997

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Analysis in Variable Structure Position/Force Hybrid Control of Manipulators, SMC’97-1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, p. 4309-4314, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., 12-15 October, 1997

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Stability Analysis in Variable Structure Position/Force Hybrid Control of Manipulators, INES’97 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 327-332, Budapest, Hungary, 15–17 September, 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Analysis of Artificial Biped Locomotion Systems, INES’97 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 345-350, Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 September, 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Aspects of Robotic Biped Locomotion Systems, IROS’97 - 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, Innovative Robotics for Real-World Applications, p. 266-271, Grenoble, France, 8-12 September, 1997

Delgado, C.J.M., T. Reis Cunha, P. Lopes dos Santos and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, ISYSF – Frequency Domain Systems Identification Tool, The 4th IFAC Symp. on Advances in Control Education ACE' 97, p. 407-411, Istanbul, Turkey, 14 -16 July, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, A Novel Method for the Modelling of Mechanical Manipulators, ISIE’97-1997 IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 860-865, Guimarães, Portugal, 7-11 July, 1997

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Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - Relative Density Control in Winemaking - Proc. of the IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. III, p. 921-924, Guimarães, Portugal, 7-11 July, 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Biped Locomotion Systems: A Kinematic Point of View, ISIE’97-1997 IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 819-824, Guimarães, Portugal, 7-11 July, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Embedding Statistics and Fourier Transform Towards the Harmonic Modelling of Robot Manipulators, ICAR’97 - 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 479-484, Monterey, California, U.S.A., 7-9 July, 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Evaluation of Robotic Biped Locomotion Systems, ICAR’97 - 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p. 95-100, Monterey, California, U.S.A., 7-9 July, 1997

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - Intelligent and Low Cost Continuous Relative Density Measurement in Batch Fermenters - Proc. of the 3nd Ifac Symp. on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications - SICICA’97, p. 187-192, Annecy, France, 9-11 June, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, A Statistical and Harmonic Model for Robot Manipulators, ICRA’97 - 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 1365-1370, Albuquerque, Novo Mexico, U.S.A., 20-25 April, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A. Azenha, Variable Structure Position/Force Hybrid Control of Manipulators, AARTC’97 - 4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control, p. 347-352, Vilamoura, Portugal, 9-11 April, 1997

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - A Dynamical Model for Alcoholic Fermentation in Winemaking with Temperature Control - Proc. of the 2nd Mathmod, p. 955-960, Technical University Vienna, Austria, 5-7 February, 1997

Machado, J.T., Fractional-Order Digital Control of Non-Linear Systems, ICONE’96 - Second International Conference on Non-Linear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, 4-9 August, 1996. Published by AAC-American Academy of Mechanics and ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Ciências Mecânicas (Eds. J.M. Balthazar, D.T. Mook, J.M. Rosário), ISBN 85-900351-1-5, p. 253-258, 1997

Machado, J.T., Variable Structure Control of Manipulators with Joints having Flexibility and Backlash, ICONE’96 - Second International Conference on Non-Linear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, 4-9 August, 1996. Published by AAC - American Academy of Mechanics and ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Ciências Mecânicas (Eds. J.M. Balthazar, D.T. Mook, J.M. Rosário), ISBN 85-900351-1-5, p. 289-294, 1997

Martins, J.L.F. and J.T. Machado, Dynamic Simulation of Ninrigid Link Manipulators, ICONE’96-Second International Conference on Non-Linear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, 4-9 August, 1996. Published by AAC - American Academy of Mechanics and ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Ciências Mecânicas (Eds. J.M. Balthazar, D.T. Mook, J.M. Rosário), ISBN 85-900351-1-5, p. 331-336, 1997

Borges de Sousa, J. and A. Gollu, A SHIFT Simulation Environment of the Co-ordinated Operation of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Proc. of the Winter Simulation Conference, 6p., Atlanta, U.S.A., December 1997

Deshpande, A. and J. Borges de Sousa, Real-time Multi-agent Co-ordination Using DIADEM: Applications to Automobile and Submarine Control, Proc. of the Systems, Man and Cybernetics 97 Conference, 7p., Orlando, U.S.A., October 1997

Almeida, J., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, On the Design of a Hybrid Feedback Control System for a Nonholonomic Car-like Vehicle, Proc. of the European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 1997

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A Hybrid Systems Theory Framework for the Design of a Control Architecture for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Proc. of the IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'97, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997

Cunha, S. Reis and F.L. Pereira, Impulsive Observation and Control Strategies in Minimax Problems, Proc. of the European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 1997

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Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa and F.L. Pereira, The Development of an Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company: a Systems Engineering Approach, Proc. of the European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 1997

Ramos, P. and F. Lobo Pereira, Localisation System for an Autonomous Mobile Platform, Proc. of the IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'97, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997

Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa and F.L. Pereira, A Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of a Decision Support System to the Planning and Control of a Spinning Unit, INFORMS'97 (Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences), San Diego, CA, U.S.A., May 1997

Almeida, J., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, A Hybrid Feedback Control System for a Nonholonomic Car-like Vehicle, Proc. of the International Conference of Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A., April 1997

Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, A Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of an Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company, Proc. of the International Conference of Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A., April 1997

Carvalho, A. and I. Praça, Balance of Manual Flow Lines Based on a Simulation Tool, 5ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Electrica, p. 1799-1803, Salamanca, Espanha, 1997

Carvalho, A. and A.M. Sousa, Fuzzy Control of Industrial Process Based on Power Electronic System, 737-741, COBEP’97, Brasil, 1-5 December, 1997

Carvalho, A. and M.J. Sousa, Development Of An Orb For Distributed Manufacturing Applications, WFCS’97, 255-260, Barcelona, 1-3 October, 1997

Martins, A.P. and A. Carvalho, Fuzzy Logic As Control Method For Power Electronics Converters, EPE’97, 2.454-2.458, Trondheim, 8-10 September, 1997

Martins, A.P. and A. Carvalho, Multivariable Fuzzy Controller For Supervision Of Electronic Equipment, IFSA’97, 388-392, Praga, 25-29 June, 1997

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Power P-I-N Diode Modelling using SPICE, International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 211-216, ISIE’97, Guimarães, Portugal, 1997

Carvalho, A. and A. Sousa, Embedded Fuzzy Logic Controller for Drying Oil Filled Transformers, International Symp. on Industrial Electronics, p. 1147-1150, ISIE’97, Guimarães, Portugal, 1997

Carvalho, A. and L.M. Pinho, Architectures for Real-Time Control Systems, 5ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Electrica, p. 663-670, Salamanca, Espanha, 1997

Loureiro, S.E. and A.S. Carvalho, Contributions for Ethernet Based Networking in Manufacturing Systems, 6th International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production, ISIP’97, p. 363-367, Lisboa, Portugal, 1997

Martins, A.P. and A. Carvalho, Contribution of Fuzzy Logic to Control an Industrial Process, 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE’97, 105-110, Barcelona, Espanha, 1997

Praça, I.C. and A.S. Carvalho, SimBa: A Simulation and Balancing System for Manual Production Lines, 6th International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production, p. 225-235, ISIP’97, Lisboa, Portugal, 1997


Chorão, J. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Discretized Population Balance Approach for the Modelling of Industrial Sucrose Crystallisation, Proc. of 13th Symp. on Industrial Crystallisation, p. 719-725, Toulouse, France, 16-19 September, 1996

Ferreira, E.C. and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Adaptive Linearising Control of Bioreactors, Proc. of CONTROL’96 - UKACC Int. Conf. on Control, Pub. no. 427 IEE, p. 1184-1189, Exeter, U.K., 2-5 September, 1996

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Methods for State and Parameter Estimation with Application to Chemical and Biochemical Processes, Invited Plenary Lecture to CHISA’96 - 12th Int. Cong. of Chemical and Process Engineering, Ref. 1150, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-30 August, 1996

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Sá, S., L. Guimarães, F. Rocha and L. Bento, Growth and dissolution kinetics of sucrose crystals, Proc. of the 13th Symp. on Industrial Crystallization, p. 385-390, Toulouse, 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Limit Cycle Prediction of Robot Systems with Nonlinear Phenomena in the Joints, 27th ISIR - 27th International Symp. on Industrial Robots, p. 1003-1008, Milan, Italy, 6-8 October 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Control of Robots with Nonlinear Friction and Backlash in the Joints, 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 237-242, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September, 1996

Costa, P.J. and E. Lopes Caridade, Modelling and Controlling an Wheeled Mobile Robot, Proc. of CONTROLO 96 - 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 289-294, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September, 1996

Machado, J.T., Design of Fractional-Order Digital Controllers, Controlo’96 - 2º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático, p. 511-516, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September, 1996

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, A Statistical Approach to the Harmonic Modelling of Mechanical Manipulators, 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 619-624, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September, 1996

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - A Dynamical Model for Alcoholic Fermentation in Winemaking, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Vol. II, p. 507-510, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 1996

de Pinho, M.d.R., R.B. Vinter and H. Zheng, Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State-Dependent Control Constraints, Proc. of Controlo 96, Second Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 449-453, Porto, Portugal, September 1996

de Pinho, M.d.R., On Optimal Control Problems Involving Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equations, Proc. of CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference, Symp. on Control, Optimization and Supervision, Volume 1, p. 389-393, Lille, França, July 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Variable Structure Control of Systems with Nonlinear Friction and Dynamic Backlash, 13th IFAC World Congress, vol. E, p. 515-520, San Francisco, U.S.A., 30 June - 5 July, 1996

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Continuous density measurement in fermenters: a model based approach, 13th World Congress International Federation of Automatic Control, Vol. M., p. 313-318, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 30 June - 5 de July, 1996

Martins, J.L. Ferreira and J.T. Machado, Simulação Dinâmica de Manipuladores Flexíveis, IV CEM-NNE/96, IV Congresso de Engenharia Mecânica Norte-Nordeste, p. 577-582, Recife, Brazil, 16-20 June, 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Control of Robots with Nonlinear Phenomena in the Joints, MELECON’96 - 8th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Industrial Applications in Power Systems, Computer Science and Telecommunications, p. 1123-1126, Bari, Italy, 13-16 May, 1996

Azenha, A. and J.T. Machado, Variable Structure Control of Robots with Nonlinear Friction and Backlash at the Joints, ICRA’96-1996 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 366-371, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., 22-28 April, 1996

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, S. Cunha and E. Pereira da Silva, On the Control of Autonomous Mobile Robots, Proc. of the International Conference Mechatronics'96 M2VIP, p. 101-106, Guimarães, Portugal, September 1996

Cunha, S. Reis and F.L. Pereira, Impulsive Observation and Control for Minimax Problems, Controlo 96, p. 133-138, Porto, Portugal, September 1996

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A General Control Architecture for Multiple AUVs, Proc. of the IEEE AUV'96, p. 223-230, San Diego, CA, E.U.A., June 1996

Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa, C. Gil Martins and E. Pereira da Silva, AUV System Requirements for Coastal Oceanography, Proc. of the IEEE AUV'96, p. 399-406, San Diego, CA, E.U.A., June 1996

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A General Control Architecture for Multiple Vehicles, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 1351-1356, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., April 1996

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Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, E. Pereira da Silva, A. Martins, A.C. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes and S. Cunha, On the Design and Implementation of a Control Architecture for a Mobile Robotic System, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 835-840, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., April 1996

Oliveira, Raul and J. Labetoulle, From intelligent agents towards management by request, Proc. of the International Conference in Intelligence on Networks-ICIN'96, 162-167, Bordeaux, France, November 1996

Tovar, E., J. Oliveira, M. Alves, R. Azevedo, A. Carvalho, M. Sousa, P. Portugal and J. Carvalho, Factory Automation Using OSI Technologies: Processes Automation in a Transformers Manufacturing Plan, 6th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, 246-253, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., May 1996

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A General Control Architecture for Multiple Vehicles, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 1351-1356, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., April 1996

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, E. Pereira da Silva, A. Martins, A.C. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes and S. Cunha, On the Design and Implementation of a Control Architecture for a Mobile Robotic System, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p. 835-840, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., April 1996

Cardoso, A. and E. Tovar, Event driven field bus networks: on the integration into CIM environment, Proc. of the WODES’96, International Workshop on discrete event systems, Edinburgh, 103-107, Pub. IEE ISBN 0 85296664 4, 19-21 August, 1996

Cardoso, A. and E. Tovar, Industrial Communication Networks: issues on heterogeneity and internetworking, Proc. of the Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, 139-148, Atlanta, 12-15 May, 1996

Araújo, A., A. Carvalho and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Using Finite Element Methods for Modelling of Semiconductor Power Bipolar Devices, Seminário de Automática y Electronica Industrial, SAEI’96, 762-766, Zaragoza, Espanha, 1996

Carvalho, A., E. Tovar, J. Oliveira, M. Alves, M. Sousa and P. Portugal, Integration of Manufacturing Applications: Overcoming Heterogeneity to Preserve Investment, 2nd IEEE/ECLA/IFIP International Conference on Architectures and Design Methods for Balanced Automation Systems, 191-200, Portugal, 1996

Carvalho, A. and J.A. Carvalho, A Modular Cell Controller Architecture for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’96, 727-731, Porto, Portugal, 1996

Carvalho, A. and M. Sousa, Distributed Architectures for Integration of Manufacturing Control Applications, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’96, 347-354, Porto, Portugal, 1996

Carvalho, A, M. Sousa, P. Portugal, E. Tovar, J. Oliveira and M. Alves, Towards CIM by Integrating Manufacturing Applications and Legacy Subsystems in a Heterogeneous Environment, 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’96, 1508-1513, Taipe, Taiwan, 1996

Carvalho, A. and P. Portugal, An Integration Tool for Instrumentation and Control Applications, Based on TCP/IP Protocol, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’96, 721-726, Porto, Portugal, 1996

Costa, P., A. Carvalho, M.F. Chouzal and C. Martins, Evaluation of the Performances of Different Control Strategies for Induction Machines, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’96, Vol. 1, p. 251-254, Porto, Portugal, 1996


Oliveira, R. , E.C. Ferreira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Model-based estimation of reaction rates in stirred tank bioreactor, 6th Int. Conference in Computer Application in Biotecnology - CAB 6, p. 272-277, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 1995

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de Pinho, M.d.R. and M.M.A. Ferreira, Necessary Conditions for Some Optimal Control Problems with State-Dependent Control Constraints, Proc. of 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., December 1995

Ferreira, M.M.A., Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for State Constrained Problems, Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Industrial Problems, Bucharest, Romania, 14-16 September, 1995

Lopes dos Santos, P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Transfer function parameter estimation from BODE plots, proc. ESC'95, Roma, Itália, September 1995

de Pinho, M.d.R., Maximum Principle for Some Optimal Control Problems with State-Dependent Control Constraints, 3rd SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., April 1995

Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa and A.C. Matos, A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems, Proc. of the CDC'95 Conference, New Orleans, December 1995

Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa and E. Pereira da Silva, A Dynamically Reconfigurable Control Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles, Proc. of the CDC'95 Conference, New Orleans, December 1995

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, E. Pereira da Silva, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes and S. Cunha, On the Design and Implementation of a Mobile Robotic System, Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Symp. on Intelligent Control, Monterey, California, U.S.A., August 1995

Healey, A., A. Pascoal and F.L. Pereira, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: An Application of Control Technology, Proc. of the American Control Conference, Seattle, Wash., E.U.A., June 1995

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira and E. Pereira da Silva, A Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Proc. of Joint US/Portugal Workshop in: Undersea Robotics and Intelligent Control, Lisboa, March 1995

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira and E. Pereira da Silva, A Dynamically Configurable Control Architecture for AUVS, Proc. of the IAS - 4 Conference, Karlshrue, Alemanha, March 1995


Feyo de Azevedo, S., J.C. Menezes, S. Alves, Computer-Based Studies on the Modelling of Filamentous Fungi Fermentations - Tools for Process Analysis and Operation, Int. Conf. on Modelling of Filamentous Fungi, EFB - Working Party on Bioreactor Performance, Otocec, Slovenia, 15-16 September, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Operação Assistida por Computador de Processos Industriais, QUIMITEC'94 - 1a. Feira de Química Aplicada, do Plástico e da Borracha, Exponor, Matosinhos, 22-25 de Junho 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J. Chorão, Process Monitoring and Learning Through Software Sensors, PSE’94, 5th Symp. on Process Systems Engineering, p. 593-597, Ed. En Sup Yoon, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kyongju, Korea, 30 May - 3 June, 1994

Menezes, J.C., S. Alves, J.M. Lemos and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Computer-Aided Fermentation Modelling and Data Analysis. PROMETEUS an ExcelTM Application, PSE’94, 5th Symp. on Process Systems Engineering, Ed. En Sup Yoon, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kyongju, Korea, p. 649-653, 30 May - 3 June, 1994

Oliveira, R., E. Ferreira, F. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetics Estimators in Stirred Tank Bioreactors, PSE’94, 5th Symp. on Process Systems Engineering, Ed. En Sup Yoon, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kyongju, Korea, p. 683-687, 30 May - 3 June, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Computer-Aided Process Operation - The Technology, the Theory and the Human Factor, Symp. on Automated Process Monitoring and Centralized Control, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Sugar Industry Technologists, Inc., p. 119-131, Honululu, Hawaii, 8-11 May, 1994

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Customized Direct Dynamics of Mechanical Manipulators, IEEE/ASME 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, p. 3-12, Berkeley, California, U.S.A., 20-23 March, 1994

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Menezes, J.C., S.S. Alves, J.M. Lemos and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Modelling Industrial Pilot Plant Penicillin G Fermentations, In V. Bales (Ed.) Modelling for Improved Bioreactor Performance, p. 25-30, Malé Centrum Publ., Papier nicka, Bratislava, Slovakia, 27-28 September, 1993

Cardoso, M., R.L.R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Fast Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Combinatorial Minimization, Proc. of CHEMPOR‘93 - International Chemical Engineering Conference, p. 373-380, Porto, 4-6 April, 1993

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J.M. Chorão and M.J. Gonçalves, Experimental Analysis of the Operation of an Industrial Batch Evaporative Crystallizer, Proc. of CHEMPOR ‘93 - International Chemical Engineering Conference, p. 365-372, Porto, Portugal, 4-6 April, 1993

Feyo de Azevedo, S. et al, Computer-Aided Teaching of Process Engineering, Proc. of CHEMPOR ‘93 - International Chemical Engineering Conference, p. 697-716, Porto, 4-6 April, 1993

Salcedo, R.L.R., M. Cardoso and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Fast Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Combinatorial Minimization, Proc. of ESCAPE-3, Supl. Vol., F. Moser, H. Schnitzer and H.J. Bart, Eds., p. 12-17, 1993

de Pinho, M.d.R., R.W. Sargent and R.B. Vinter, Optimal Control of Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equation Systems, Proc. of the 32sd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Santo Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., December 1993

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Customized Direct Dynamics of Robot Manipulators, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE/SMC’93, p. 566-571, Le Touquet, França, 17-20 October, 1993

Machado, J.T., Variable Structure Control of Manipulators with Compliant Joints, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE’93 - Budapest, p. 554-559, Budapeste, Hungria, 1-3 June, 1993

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, Manipuladores robóticos: aspectos biomecânicos, modelos e actuadores, 4as Jornadas Nacionais de Projecto, Planeamento e Produção Assistidos por Computador PPP/AC, promovida pela Ordem dos Engenheiros na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, p.337-344, Lisboa, Portugal, 17-19 Maio, 1993

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Noise Filtering and Compensation of Sensor Dynamics, Proc. of European Control Conference - ECC' 93, Vol.2, p. 679-682, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1993

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Compensation of sensor dynamics in the presence of noise, 9th Intemational Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS 9, Polytechnical Institute of Bucharest - Roménia, 1993

Cunha, S., A. Matos and F.L. Pereira, An Automatic Path Planning System for Autonomous Vehicles, Proc. of the IECON93, Hawaii, U.S.A., November 1993

Matos, A., S. Cunha and F.L. Pereira, A Methodology for Replanning Collision Free Trajectories for Mobile Robot, Proc. of the IECON93, Hawaii, U.S.A., November 1993

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira and E. Pereira da Silva, Software Architecture for Autonomous Mobile Vehicles: A Survey, Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Porto, September 1993

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, F. Mascarenhas, R. Furtado and J. Pinto, A Simulation Environment for Hierarchic Planning and Control of Manufacturing Systems, Proc. of the IASTED Intemational Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, Oxford, UK, September 1993

Pereira, F.L., E. Pereira da Silva and J. Borges de Sousa, On the Design of the Mission Management System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Porto, September 1993

Pereira da Silva, E., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, System Analysis and Specification for a Mission Management System of the Marius Vehicle, Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Porto, September 1993

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, Optimal Flow Control of Manufacturing Systems, Proc. of the 12th International Conference of the Intemational Federation of Automatic Control, Sydney, Australia, July 1993

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira, F. Mascarenhas, R. Furtado and J. Pinto, Simcoh - Um Ambiente de Simulação de Sistemas de Manufactura, Actas das 3as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Barcelona, Julho 1993

Cunha, S., A. Matos and F.L. Pereira, Um sistema automático para gerar trajéctorias óptimas para Veículos Submarinos Autonomos, Actas das 3as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Barcelona, Julho 1993

Matos, A., S. Cunha and F.L. Pereira, Replaneamento para Gerar Trajectórias de Robots Móveis de Modo a Evitar Colisões com Obstáculos, Actas das 3as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Barcelona, Julho 1993

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems, 12th International Conference of the Intemational Federation of Automatic Control, Sydney, Australia, July 1993

Pereira da Silva, E., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, A Vehicle Management System for a Mobile Robot, Actas das 3as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Barcelona, July 1993

Costa, A.F., Transient thermal analysis of electric machines, EPST'93 - First European Conference on Power Systems Transients, Lisboa, Portugal, 1993

Vale, J.A., A. Morim Silva and A.F. Costa, Sistema de aquisição de dados DATAMAQ, ENDIEL/93, Porto, 1993


Feyo de Azevedo, S., P. Pimenta, E.C. Ferreira and F. Oliveira, Studies on On-line State and Parameter Estimation through a Real-time Process Simulator, IFAC Symp. Series, n.10, p. 453-458, Eds. G. Stephanopoulos, N. Karim, Pergamon Press, 1992

Costa, A.F., A Simple Approach for the Thermal Analysis of Foil Windings for Distribution Transformers, UPEC 92 - 27th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Vol.1, p. 286-289, Bath, 1992

Morim Silva, A. and A.F. Costa, An Analysis of Temperature Influence on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Performance, UPEC 92 - 27th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, p. 356-359, Bath, 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


4.11 Other publications (Abstracts, extended abstracts or papers in Portuguese; organised by year, by research group and by chronological order within the group)


Martins, P.M., F.A. Rocha and P. Rein, Effect of cane sugar impurities on sucrose growth kinetics, Sugar Industry Technologists, SIT, La Baule, França, #914, 2006

Costa, P., A.P. Moreira, A. Sousa, P. Costa, S. Gaio, P. Marques and P.L. Malheiros, 5dpo Team Description for RoboCup 2006, in RoboCup, 2006

Moreira, A.P., P. Gomes da Costa, A. Conceição, A.J. Sousa and P. Marques, 5dpo-2000 Team Description for RoboCup 2006, in RoboCup, 2006

Diógenes, L., P. Kurka and F. Lobo Pereira, Vision Controlled Strategy for the Motion of Roving Autonomous Robots, FEUP Technical Report, December 2006

Lobo Pereira, F., R. Gomes and, S. Fraga, An impulsive framework for the control of hybrid systems, FEUP Technical Report, December 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and J. Leite, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints, FEUP Technical Report, November 2006

Lobo Pereira, F., G. Silva and V. Oliveira, Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems, FEUP Technical Report, November 2006

Lobo Pereira, F. and A. Arutyunov, Non-degenerate Second-order Necessary Conditions Optimality for Nonlinear Optimization Problems, FEUP Technical Report, October 2006

Estrela da Silva, J. and J. Borges de Sousa, Motion Planning for the Rendezvous of multiple nonholonomic vehicles under disturbances, Proc. of the 7th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC’2006), Lisboa, Portugal, 20-22 September, 2006

Lobo Pereira, F., Some Recent Developments in Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems – Perspectives of Application to Aerospace Systems, FEUP Technical Report, September 2006

Lobo Pereira, F., A. Arutyunov and D. Karamzin, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Problems with Equality and Inequality Constraints: The Abnormal Case, FEUP Technical Report, August 2006

Lobo Pereira F., Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems, GSCP’06, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Russia, July 4-8, 2006 (Plenary Session)

Lobo Pereira F., Coordinated Control of Networked Systems – The Case of AUV Based Systems, GSCP’06, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Russia, July 4-8, 2006 (Plenary Session)

Lobo Pereira F., Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problem, DINCON 2006, May 22-26, 2006, Guaratinguetá, SP, Brasil (Plenary Session)

Ferreira, H., A. Martins, A. Dias, C. Almeida, J. M. Almeida and E. P. Silva, ROAZ Autonomous Surface Vehicle Design and Implementation, Encontro Científico - Robótica 2006, Pavilhão Multi-usos, Guimarães, Portugal, 28 April 2006

Silva, H. M., J. M. Almeida, L. Lima, A. Martins, E. P. Silva and A. Patacho, Real-Time Vision System for Mobile Robotics, Encontro Científico - Robótica 2006, Pavilhão Multi-usos, Guimarães, Portugal, 28 April 2006

Almeida, J. M, A. Martins, E. P. Silva and F. L. Pereira, Simultaneous Control, Navigation and Target Tracking for Robotic Formations, FEUP Technical Report, April 2006

Almeida, P., R. Bencatel, G. Gonçalves and J. Sousa, Multi-Auv Integration for Coordinated Missions, Encontro Nacional de Robótica 2006 (Robótica 2006), Portugal, April 2006

Cheeín, F. A. A., R. Carelli, F. Lobo Pereira, T. F. Bastos Filho and W. C. Celeste, Algoritmo de SLAM en un Robot Móvil Gobernado por una Interface Cerebro-Computadora, FEUP Technical Report, April 2006

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira and G. Gonçalves, Novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos para o estudo e exploração dos oceanos: perspectivas e contribuições para uma visão estratégica, Internal Report, 2006

Borges de Sousa, J., F. Lobo Pereira and G. Gonçalves, Unmanned vehicle systems for field studies in the continental shelf, Internal Report, 2006

Terra, B. M. M., Sistema de simulação de múltiplos veículos, Internal Report, 2006


Silva, Helder G. and Romualdo L. Salcedo, Stochastic Algorithms and Ascend IV: A coupled strategy for nonlinear optimization, Chempor’05, MSC05, 250 (CD-ROM), 2005

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P. J. Costa, Identificação do Modelo Dinâmico e Controlo da Motorização de um Robot Móvel, Robótica 2005 - 5º Festival Nacional de Robótica, Coimbra, 29 April - 1 May, 2005

Conceição, A.S., A.P. Moreira and P.J. Costa, Seguimento de Trajectórias em robots Omni-direccionais com restrições na velocidade dos motores, Robótica 2005 - 5º Festival Nacional de Robótica, Coimbra, 29 April - 1 May, 2005

Correia, M., P. Dias, S. Fraga, R. Gomes, R. Gonçalves, L. Madureira, F. Lobo Pereira, R. Picas, J. Pinto, A. Santos, A. Sousa and J. Borges de Sousa, Operation and Control of Unmaned Underwater Vehicles, Proc. of the national conference “Robótica 2005”, University of Coimbra, Portugal, May 2005 (in Portuguese)

Fraga, S. L., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Dynamic Optimization for motion Planning and Control of Autonomous Vehicles, Proc. of the national conference “Robótica 2005”, University of Coimbra, Portugal, May 2005 (In Portuguese)

Madureira, L. and M. Correia, Sistema Integrado de Navegação para um veículo Submarino, Proc. of the national conference “Robótica 2005”, University of Coimbra, Portugal, May 2005 (in Portuguese)

Lobo Pereira, F., Motion Control of Coordinated Systems, CGS’05 Ekaterinburg, Russia, June 23-27, 2005 (Plenary Session)

Gonçalves, Rui, NEPTUS 3D – Visualização 3D em missões de veículos subaquáticos, Internal Report, 2005

Lebres, P. J. F., Enhanced design-optimisation process, Internal Report, 2005

Lima, L., J. Almeida, A. Martins and E. Silva, BoaVista – Sensor Dedicado de Visão Artificial Baseado em Hardware (Re)configurável, Proc. Rec2005, Faro, Portugal, 2005


Chibante, V.G., A.M. Fonseca and R.L. Salcedo, Estudos preliminares da aplicação de ciclones de recirculação à lavagem de gases ácidos, 8ª Conferência Nacional de Ambiente, Lisboa, Outubro, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de, M. M. A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Unmaximized Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed state-Control and Pure State Constraints (abstract), Optimization 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 25-28 July, 2004

Ferreira, M.M.A., U. Ledzewicz, M.d.R. de Pinho and H. Schaettler, Optimal control with state space constraints for cancer chemotherapy (abstract), 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, WCNA04, Orlando, Florida, USA, 30 June-7 July, 2004

Pinho, M.d.R. de, Maximum principle and regularity conditions for mixed constrained problems (abstract), 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, WCNA04, Orlando, Florida, USA, 30 June-7 July, 2004

Augusto B., J. Coutinho, P. Machado, V. Silva, P. Costa, A.P. Moreira and L.P. Reis, BOTRACER: Um Robot para a classe de condução autónoma do Robotica 2004, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico ROBOTICA2004, pp. 123-126, 23-24 April, 2004

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Gonçalves, J., P. Costa and A.P. Moreira, Desenvolvimento de um Robot Omnidireccional para fins didácticos usando o Kit Lego MindStorm, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico ROBOTICA2004, pp. 25-30, 23-24 April, 2004

Lima, J.L., P. Costa and A.P. Moreira, Sistema de Navegação e Controlo de um AVG por Visão Artificial, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico ROBOTICA2004, pp. 115-118, 23-24 April, 2004

Oliveira, F., P. Rosendo, D. Rebelo, P. Costa, A.P. Moreira and L.P. Reis, FPD2K4: Robot para a classe de condução autónoma do Robotica 2004, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico ROBOTICA2004, pp. 119-122, 23-24 April, 2004

Sousa, A., P. Costa and A.P. Moreira, Sistema de Localização de Robôs Moveis baseado em Filtro de Kalman Extendido, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico ROBOTICA2004, pp. 83-88, 23-24 April, 2004

Gonçalves, G. M., P. Sousa Dias and A. Santos, Implementing an infrastructure for in Co-operative Engineering, Relatório Interno, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, October 2004

Lobo Pereira, F., An overview on Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control, IFAC Symposium on Generalized Solutions for Control Problems, Pereslavl Zalesski, Russia, Sept. 21-26, 2004 (Plenary Session)

Lobo Pereira, F., Coordinated Control of Networked Systems, XXVII CNMAC – 27º Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Sept. 13-16, 2004, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil (Plenary Session)

Santos, A., P. Sousa Dias, G. M. Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Co-operative Work Services for a Co-operative Engineering Infrastructure, Relatório Interno, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, September 2004

Lobo Pereira, F. and J. Borges de Sousa, On the coordinated control of networked systems, FIIP 04 - 4º Fórum Internacional dos Investigadores Portugueses, Coimbra, Portugal, July 12-14, 2004

Dias, P. S., A. Santos, G. M. Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Security Services for a Co-operative Engineering Infrastructure, Relatório Interno, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, June 2004

Lobo Pereira, F., P. R. Wolenski and S. Zabic, Proximal characterization of invariantly attainable sets, FEUP Internal Report, June 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., A. R. Girard and J. E. Silva, Elemental Maneuvers for Unmanned Air Vehicles, Proc. of Encontro Cientifico do 4º Festival Nacional de Robótica, Porto, 23-25 April 2004

Gomes, R. M. F., J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, Improving ROV Control Performance with Thrust Identification and Control for Impulsive Control, Robótica 2004, Porto, April 23-25, 2004

Bianchi Figueiredo, A., D. S. Bento, E. P. Silva, J. M. Almeida and A. O. Martins, Análise de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados e Aplicações, Proc. of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004, L. P. Reis et al. (Eds.), FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, pp.143-148, 23-24 April 2004

Cerqueira, A. D., N. Matos, J. M. Almeida, A. Martins and E. P. Silva, ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team: A New Player Generation, Proc. of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004, L. P. Reis et al. (Eds.), FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, pp.143-148, 23-24 April, 2004

Dias, N., A. Martins, E. Silva and J. Almeida, Ambientes de desenvolvimento e Implementação de Sistemas de Controlo Híbrido, Proc. of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004, L. P. Reis et al. (Eds.), FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, pp.143-148, 23-24 April 2004

Lima, L., J. M. Almeida, A. Martins, A. Patacho, R. Picas and E. Silva, BOAVISTA: Projecto de um Sistema de Visão de Baixo Custo em Hardware Dedicado e Reconfigurável Para Robótica Móvel, Proc. of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004, L. P. Reis et al. (Eds.), FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, pp.143-148, 23-24 April 2004

Santos, F. N., E. P. Silva, J. M. Almeida and A. O. Martins, Aplicação de Sistemas de Navegação Global por Satélite em Veículos Autónomos, Proc. of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004, L. P. Reis et al. (Eds.), FEUP Edições, Colecção Colectâneas, Vol. 14, pp.143-148, 23-24 April 2004

Ramos, P., F. Lobo Pereira and I. Quintaneiro, Detecção e Mapeamento da Descarga de Efluente Proveniente dum Emissário Submarino Utilizando um Veículo Submarino Autónomo, CD do 7º Congresso da Água, "Água – Qualidade de Toda a Vida", LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal , 8-12 March 2004

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Gonçalves, G. M., P. Sousa Dias, A. Santos, J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, On the Development of an infrastructure for Co-operative Engineering, Relatório Interno, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, March 2004

Borges de Sousa, J., Dynamic optimization for control and reach set computation, lecture notes, University of California, Berkeley, 2004

Pinto, J., MissionWeb Sistema baseado na Web para operação assistida de um veículo autónomo, Internal report, 2004


Feyo de Azevedo, S., Controlo Integrado da Poluição - caminho longo na direcção certa (Integrated Control of Pollution – A long walk in the right direction), Forum ‘Engenharia Química em Movimento’, Instituto Superioor Técnico, 9 April, 2003

Georgieva, P., J. Peres, R. Oliveira and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Process modelling through knowledge integration – competitive and complementary modular principles, Workshop on Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 June – 4 July, 2003

Martins da Silva L, M. F. Cardoso, Estudo dos Dentes do Siso numa População Hospitalar do Porto, XII Congresso Anual da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, 14 November, 2003

Almeida C, M. F. Cardoso, P. Viana, A. Sousa, J. Silva, M. Sousa, A. Barros, Estudo da Relação entre a Actividade da Caspase-3 e Diferentes Parâmetros Seminais, 7ª Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana, Lisboa, 26-28 November, 2003

Cardoso, M. F., F. D. Santos, J. M. Calheiros, E. Casimiro, Climate Change in the Sado River Estuary and Surrounding Regions: Potential Human Health Impacts, In SIAM-II: Scenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures, Instituto do Ambiente, 2003

Mena, P. C., M. Ruzicka, J. Drahos, M. Vecer, K. Wichterle, J. A. Teixeira, Dvojzanacny vliv viskozity na stabilitu homogenni vrstvy bublin, Rep. Checa, CHISA 2003

de Pinho, M. d. R., M. M. A. Ferreira and F.A.C.C. Fontes, Euler Lagrange Inclusions for Optimal Control Problems, MCT’03, Louisiana Conference on Mathematical Control Theory, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, 9-13 April, 2003

Ferreira, M.M.A., Properties of the optimal solution for a class of control problems with state constraints, The Fourth International Conference Tools for Mathematical Modelling, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June, 2003

de Pinho, M.d.R., On sufficient conditions for mixed constrained control problems, The Fourth International Conference Tools for Mathematical Modelling, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June, 2003

Loureiro Fraga, S., J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, Geração de Trajectórias para Sistemas Diferencialmente Planos, 3º Festival Nacional de Robótica ROBÓTICA 2003, Lisboa, Portugal, 8-11 Maio, 2003

Cruz, N., J. Sousa, F. Pereira, A. Matos, E. Silva, J. Coimbra, E. Dias, PISCIS: Multiple Autonomnous Underwater Vehicles for Envirionmental and Oceanographic Field Studies, Proceedings of Environment 2010: Situation and Perspectives for the European Union”, Porto, Portugal, May, 2003

Lobo Pereira, F., Second Order Optimality Conditions for Impulsive Control, COPO 2002 - Matemáticos Portugueses em Controlo, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, May 2003

Arutyunov, A., V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary conditions for impulsive nonlinear optimalcontrol problems without a priori normality assumptions, Internal Report Porto, Irkutsk and Moscow, 2003

Alves, J. F. A., A. S. Carvalho, A. L. V. S. Lage and J. L Santos, Fiber Bragg Sensor Interrogation System Based On A Ccd Spectrometer, Second IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Toronto, Canada, October 22-24, 2003

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Ho, P., P. Georgieva, S. Feyo de Azevedo, Fine tuning of a knowledge-based hybrid batch crystalization model through the application of experimental design principles, I. Analysis of variance models and graphical analysis using Trellis display, International Conference on Trends in Monitoring and Control of Life Science Applications, Lyngby, Denmark, 7-9 October, 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R. and M. M. A. Ferreira, Notes on Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimal Control, Summer School: Optimal Control and Optimization Theory, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 58 pages, Germany, 26 August - 6 September, 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R. and M. M. A. Ferreira, Problems on Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimal Control, Summer School: Optimal Control and Optimization Theory, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 24 pages, Germany, 26 August - 6 September, 2002

de Pinho, M.d.R. and M. M. A. Ferreira, Some Importan Results, ISR-FEUP Internal Report, 18 pages, 2002

Ramos, P., M. V. Neves, F. L. Pereira and I. Quintaneiro, Plano da Missão de monitorização ao exutor submarino de S. Jacinto utilizando o VSA Isurus, 6º Congresso Nacional da Água, Porto, Portugal, 18-23 March, 2002, CDROM

Lobo Pereira, F., J. Borges de Sousa, Coordinated Control of Networked Systems, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 27-31 August, 2002. Prepared with João Borges de Sousa.

Arutyunov, D. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, A Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraint", Internal report, 29 pages (submitted to an international periodical), Porto and Moscovo, August, 2002

Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, Necessary conditions for nonlinear impulsive optimal control problems without a priori normality assumptions, Internal report Porto, Irkutsk and Moscovo, 17 pages (submitted to an international periodical), October, 2002


de Pinho, M. d. R., M. M. A. Ferreira, F. A. C. C. Fontes, Strengthened Forms of Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Control Problems, (poster) III Encontro do Forum Internacional de Investigadores Portugueses, Faro, 6-11 Abril, 2001

Figueiredo L. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Concepção e Análise de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, 2as Jornadas Científicas do ISEP, Porto, 9-10 May, 2001

Jesus, I. M., J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Simulação de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, 2as Jornadas Científicas do ISEP, Porto, 9-10 May, 2001

Silva, M. F. S. and J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Sistemas Robóticos de Locomoção Multi-Pernas, 2as Jornadas Científicas do ISEP, Porto, 9-10 May, 2001

Tenreiro Machado, J. A. and A. M. S. F. Galhano, Analysis and Control of Advanced Dynamical Systems, 2as Jornadas Científicas do ISEP, Porto, 9-10 May, 2001

Martins de Carvalho, J. L., P. Lopes dos Santos, M. C. Pires, A. A. Oliveira, High Speed Laser Cutting and Welding of Thin Polymer Films, SfS NATO PO_Lasercutting Project Final Report, May, 2001

de Pinho, M. d. R., M. M. A. Ferreira, F. A. C. C. Fontes, An Euler Lagrange Inclusion for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints, (abstract) Optimization 2001, Aveiro, 22-25 Julho, 2001

Martins, A., A. Patacho, J. Estrela da Silva, L. Lima, J. Baptista, J. M. Almeida, Do Projecto à Implementação da Plataforma Móvel Utopia, 2001 Robotic Festival Conference, Guimarães, Portugal, April, 2001

Martins, A., A. Patacho, J. Estrela da Silva, L. Lima, J. Baptista, J. M. Almeida, Desenvolvimento do Sistema de Visão para a Plaforma Móvel Utopia, 2001 Robotic Festival Conference, Guimarães, Portugal, April, 2001

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Oliveira, R., J. Peres and S. Feyo de Azevedo, A Simple Structured Model for Recombinant Protein Production with Escherichia coli, 3rd European Symp. on Biochemical Engineering Science, Abs. Book, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-13 September, 2000 (poster presentation).

Araujo, Armando L. S., "Modeling Bipolar Power Semiconductors", Proceedings of the 1st Online Symposium for Electronics Engineeers, October 2000. (Electronic Edition)


Salcedo, R.L.R. and J.A.G. Campos, High Efficience Cyclones: Numerical Design (in Portuguese), 6ª Conferência Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente, Lisboa, 20-22 October, 1999

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Model Based Methodologies for the Analysis and Operation of Industrial Processes (in Portuguese), in Proc. of CLME’99 - 1st Portuguese-Mozambican Congress of Engineering, (Eds. J. Silva Gomes, A. Matos and C. Afonso), Vol II, p. D-1 a D-7, Maputo, Moçambique, 14-16 September, 1999

Salcedo, R.L.R. and J.A.G. Campos, Optimization for Pollution Reduction: a Numerical Approach to Cyclone (in Portuguese), Proc. of CLME’99 - 1st Portuguese-Mozambican Congress of Engineering, (Eds. J. Silva Gomes, A. Matos and C. Afonso), Vol II, p. D25-D34, Maputo, 14-16 September, 1999


Oliveira, R., S. Feyo de Azevedo, R. Simutis and A. Lübbert, Advantages of Hybrid Networks for Bioprocess Hybrid Modelling, 2nd European Symp. on Biochemical Engineering Science, Abs. Book, p. 273, Porto, Portugal, 16-19 September, 1998

Salcedo, R.L.R., Controlo das Emissões : tecnologias de fim de linha, em Cadernos de Ambiente (Ar), AIP, 24-26, 1998

Tar, J.K., I.J. Rudas, J.T. Machado and O.K. Kaynak, On the Tuning of the Lagrangian Parameters in an Uniform Structure in Adaptive Robot Control ICIPS’98 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, 4-7 August, 1998

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho - A Thermal Model for Batch Fermenters - Proc. of the 17th IASTED International Conference, Modelling, Identification and Control, p. 325-327, Grindelwald, Suiça, 18-20 February, 1998

Pereira, F.L., G. Silva and R. Vinter, Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Differential Inclusions, Proc. of the 37th IEEE Decision and Control Conference’98, Tampa, FL, U.S.A., December 1998

Cruz, N., A. Matos, A. Martins, J. Estrela and D. Santos, Oceanographic Data Collection with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Actas do II Simp. Ibérico sobre a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Minho, Melgaço, Portugal, November 1998

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, A hybrid systems framework for the control design of multiple autonomous underwater vehicle systems, International Symp. MTNS’98, Padova, Italy, July 1998

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, On The Design of a Control Architecture for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - A Hybrid Systems Framework, 17th Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Lisboa, Portugal, July 1998

Costa, P., A. Carvalho, M.F. Chouzal and C. Martins, Direct Torque Control – Frequency Analysis, Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC’98, p. 21-23, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



de Pinho, M.d.R., A Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with Inequality and Equality Constraints, Proc. of 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1403-1404, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., December 1997

Duarte, F. and J.T. Machado, Matrizes Pseudoinversas: Aspectos Matemáticos e Aplicação ao Controlo de Manipuladores Redundantes, 5ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Electrica, p. 1721-1728, Salamanca, Spain, 3-5 July, 1997

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, On the Statistical/Harmonic Modelling of Mechanical Manipulators, "Keynote Paper" apresentado no DINAME’97 - 7th International Conference on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics, p. 112-114, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 March, 1997

Silva, F.M. and J.T. Machado, Kinematic Analysis of Robotic Biped Locomotion Systems, "Invited Lecture" apresentada no DINAME’97 - 7th International Conference on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics, p. 6-8, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 March, 1997

Sousa, J., N. Cruz, A. Matos and F.L. Pereira, Multiple AUVs for Coastal Oceanography, Proc. of the Oceans'97, Halifax, Canada, October 1997

Almeida, J., F.L. Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, A Hybrid Systems Approach to Feedback Control of a Nonholonomic Vehicle, Proc. of the 5th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Paphos, Cyprus, July 1997

Gonçalves, G., J. Borges de Sousa and F.L. Pereira, A Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company, Proc. of the HIMAC'97 Workshop, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, May 1997

Loureiro, S.E. and A. Carvalho, A Rede Ethernet Como Suporte De Comunicação Em Sistemas De Fabrico, 3º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Porto, 91-96, 5-6 June, 1997

Martins, A.P. and A. Carvalho, Variáveis Linguísticas Em Controladores Difusos Do Tipo PI/PID, 3º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica, Porto, 153-158, 5-6 June, 1997

Pinho, L.M. and A. Carvalho, Arquitectura De Controlo Para Um Sistema De Recuperação De Energia De Deslizamento, 3º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica, 101-107, Porto, 5-6 June, 1997

Praça, I.C. and A. Carvalho, Sistema De Informação Para O Balanceamento E Simulação De Linhas De Fabrico Manuais, 3º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica, Porto, 69-76, 5-6 June, 1997

Sousa, A.J.M. and A. Carvalho, Sistema Embebido Baseado Em Fuzzy Logic Para Controlo Da Temperatura na Secagem de Transformadores a Óleo, 3º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica, p. 133-137, Porto, 5-6 June, 1997

Souto, P. and E. Starck, A Distributed Shared Memory Facility for FreeBSD, Proc. of the 1997 USENIX Technical Conference


Ferraz, M.C.M.A., R.L.R. Salcedo and C.A. Alves, Time series analysis of pollutant concentrations in Oporto area, , Proc. of the International Symp. and Workshop on Environment and Interaction, Ed. M. Neves and A. Neves, Porto, 1-11 November, 1996

Feyo de Azevedo, S., F.R. Oliveira and B. Dahm, Modelling of Baker´s Yeast Fermentation: Conventional modelling and artificial neural network approaches, 1st European Symp. on Biochemical Engineering Science, Abs. Book, p. 85, Dublin, 19-21 September, 1996

Oliveira R., R. Simutis, S. Feyo de Azevedo and A. Lübbert, Hybnet, A New Tool for Advanced Process Modelling, 1st European Symp. on Biochemical Engineering Science, Abs. Book p.182, Dublin, 19-21 September, 1996

Lefevre, L., D. Dochain and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Some Properties of the Orthogonal Collocation Method used for Approximating Distributed Parameter Process Models, 15th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Abs. Book p. 130, Mierlo, The Netherlands, 6-8 March, 1996

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Fonseca, A.M. and R.L.R. Salcedo, Cinética da conversão de HCl por Ca(OH)2: aplicação à lavagem de gases ácidos, 5º Congresso Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente, vol 1, 1069-1080, 1996

Salcedo, R.L.R., Simulação de ciclones: recentes avanços e comparação com resultados experimentais, 5º Congresso Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente, vol 1, 783-794, 1996

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, On the Optimal Control of Differential Inclusions with State Constraints, Proc. of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on New Control Trends, Chania, Grécia, June 1996

Cunha, S. Reis and F.L. Pereira, Impulsive Minimax Observation and Control Problems, 5th SIAM Conference on Optimization, p. 49, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 1996

Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa and A.C. Matos, On the Optimal Control of Differential Inclusions, 5th SIAM Conference on Optimization, p. 89-90, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 1996

Oliveira, Raul and J. Labetoulle, Intelligent agents a new management style, in Proc. of the Distributed Systems and Operations Management Workshop - DSOM'96, Opening Session, L'Aquila, Italy, October 1996

Oliveira, R., D. Sidou and J. Labetoulle, Customized network management based on applications requirement, in Proc. of the First IEEE International Workshop on Enterprise Networking - ENW '96, PM1.3, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 27 June, 1996

Ferreira, L., A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Sistema de Teste Automático para Dijuntores de Baixa Tensão, Actas do 2º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros, p. 91-96, Lisboa, June 1996

Carvalho, A., A. Araújo and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, A new Method for Solving the Ambipolar Diffusion Equation (ADE) Based on a Finite Element Formulation, Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 11-13, Porto, Portugal, 1996

Pinho, L., R. Augusto, A. Martins and A. Carvalho, Especificação de uma Arquitectura de Hardware e Software Baseada em PC Aplicada ao Controlo de Conversores DC/AC, 2º Encontro do Colégio de Engª Electrotécnica, p. 201-206, Lisboa, Portugal, 1996


Feyo de Azevedo, S. et al., Computer Simulation of Industrial Processes (in Portuguese), I - Baker's Yeast Production w/ P. Ferraz, A.B. Ferreira and F. Oliveira; II- Multiple-effect Evaporators w/ J.M. Machado e A.B. Ferreira; III-White Sugar Crystallisation, w/ N. Faria and J. Chorão, 5as jornadas nacionais de projecto, planeamento e produção assistidos por computador, Ordem dos Engenheiros e Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, 30 May - 1 June, 1995

Cardoso, M.F., R.L.R. Salcedo and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Solving Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MiNLP) Problems with the M-SIMPSA algorithm, Optimization 95, p. 35, Braga, 1995

Moreira, A.P., Estimação de parametros em sistemas controlados por relé, actas das 4as jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Porto, Julho, 1995

Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, On the estimation of heat generated in fermentors, Proc. IASTED International Conf. Applied Modelling Simulation and Optimization, Cancun, Mexico, June, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Improving IGBT behaviour on short circuit conditions, EPE'95, Sevilha, Espanha, September, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Parallel operation on standard UPSs by reactive power control, EPE'95, Sevilha, Espanha, September, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Modelling and simulation of a three phase voltage source active power filter, EUROSIM CONGRESS '95, Viena, Austria, September, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Optimization of IGBT switching by adaptive Gate control, 38th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1995

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Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Design and implementation of a current controller for parallel operation of standard UPSS, 21st Annual Intemational Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Optimization of overvoltage limiters for IGBT inverters, 21st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, Florida, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Desenvolvimento de um controlador de potencia reactiva para agrupamentos de fontes de alimentação não interruptíveis, 4as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas, Porto, Portugal, July, 1995

Carvalho, A., A. Pina Martins and A. Araújo, Uma ferramenta interactiva para projecto automático de inversores trifásicos transistorizados, 4as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas, Porto, Portugal, July, 1995

Costa, A.F., O Comportamento Térmico Interno em regime Transitório dos Enrolamentos de um Transformador e a Validade das Leis Exponenciais, 4as. Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, p. 45-52, Porto, Portugal, 1995


Feyo de Azevedo, S., J.C. Menezes and S. Alves, Computer-Based Studies on the Modelling of Filamentous Fungi Fermentations - Tools for Process Analysis and Operation, Int. Conf. on Modelling of Filamentous Fungi, EFB - Working Party on Bioreactor Performance, Otocec, Slovenia, 15-16 September, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J.C. Menezes, S. Alves, Computer-Based Studies on the Modelling of Filamentous Fungi Fermentations - Tools for Process Analysis and Operation, Int. Conf. on Modelling of Filamentous Fungi, EFB - Working Party on Bioreactor Performance, Otocec, Slovenia, 15-16 September, 1994

Oliveira, F., E. Ferreira, S. Feyo de Azevedo, Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelização e controlo em processos de fermentação, Controlo 94, 1º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 14-16 Setembro, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., A. Ferreira, P. Pimenta and R. Oliveira, Requirements and Realisation of a Computer-based Laboratory for Research, Development and Training in Industrial Control, NATO ASI on Methods of Model Based Process Control, Antalya, Turquia, 7-17 August, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Operação Assistida por Computador de Processos Industriais, QUIMITEC'94 - 1a. Feira de Química Aplicada, do Plástico e da Borracha, Exponor, Matosinhos, 22-25 de Junho 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., J. Chorão, Monitorização em linha da cristalização de açucar branco através do uso de sensores por programação, Congresso Nacional da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Vol.II, p.71-76, Lisboa, 20-24 de Junho, 1994

Feyo de Azevedo, S., Computer Aided Teaching of Process Engineering, Forum on Education in Process Systems Engineering, PSE’94, 5th Symp.on Process Systems Engineering, Kyongju, Korea, 30 May - 3 June, 1994

Salcedo, R.L.R. and A.M. Fonseca, Segregação Elementar em Cinzas de Centrais Térmicas, 4º Congresso Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente, vol.2, 1994

de Pinho, M.d.R. and M.M.A. Ferreira, Optimal Control Problems with State - Dependent Control Constraints, Proc. of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, Florida, E.U.A., December 1994

Machado, J.T. and A.M. Galhano, WinRob: A Program for Teaching the Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics and Control, IFAC Symp. on Robot Control'94, SYROCO'94, Capri, Itália, 19-21 September, 1994

Machado, J.T., A.M. Galhano and A.M.C. Costa, Avaliação de Sistemas Computacionais no Controlo de Manipuladores Robóticos, 1º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático, Controlo'94, Vol.I, p. 179-184, Lisboa, Portugal, 14-16 Setembro, 1994

Lopes dos Santos, P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Estimação de Parâmetros de Funções de Transferência Através de Diagramas de Bode, 1º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático CONTROLO'94, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Setembro 1994

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Moreira, A.P. and J.L. Martins de Carvalho, Identificação de Parâmetro sem Sistemas Controlados por Relé com Histerese, CONTROLO'94, Vol.I, p.123-130, Lisboa, Setembro 1994

de Pinho, M.d.R., Problemas de Controlo Optimo com Equações Diferenciais e Algébricas, Actas do 1º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático, Controlo 94, Lisboa, Setembro 1994

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A Receding Horizon Strategy for the Hierarchical Control of Manufacturing Systems, Proc. of the Rensselaer's Fourth International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation, Troy, New York, United States, October 1994

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira and E. Pereira da Silva, A Dynamically Configurable Control Architecture for an AUV, Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symp.'94, Paris, France, October 1994

Pereira da Silva, E., J. Borges de Sousa, F.L. Pereira, J. Sequeira and I. Ribeiro, On the Design of the PO-ROBOT System, Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symp.'94, Paris, France, October 1994

Borges de Sousa, J., F.L. Pereira and E. Pereira da Silva, A Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of an AUV' , Proc. of the OCEANS 94 Conference, Brest, France, September 1994

Pereira, F.L., Encontro Científico sobre Veículos Submarinos Autónomos, Boletim da Universidade do Porto, Setembro 1994

Pereira, F.L., J. Borges de Sousa, E. Pereira da Silva, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes and S. Cunha, Acerca da implementação da arquitectura de controlo de uma plataforma móvel industrial no âmbito do Projecto PO-ROBOT, Actas do 1º Encontro Português de Controlo Automático, Vol.2, p. 179-184, Lisboa, Portugal, Setembro 1994

Pereira da Silva, E., J. Borges de Sousa and F.L. Pereira, A Coordination Kernel for a Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of a WMR, Proc. of the EURISCON Conference, Malaga, Spain, August 1994

Bizingre, C., P. Oliveira, A. Pascoal, F.L. Pereira, J.P. Pignon, E. Pereira da Silva, C.Silvestre and J. Borges de Sousa, Design of a Mission Management System for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MARIUS, Proc. of the IEEE AUV94, July 1994

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems, Proc. of the 2nd Mediterranean Conference on New Control Trends, Chania, Greece, June 1994

Quintas, A.R., A.S. Carvalho, A. Araújo, A.P. Martins and J.C. Oliveira, CoPSE - A New High Performance Controller for Drying and Oil Filling of Distribution Power Transformers, PEVD, Londres, Reino Unido, October 1994

Quintas, A.R., A.S. Carvalho and A. Araújo, The IGBT Transistor Switching. A Case Study. SPEEDAM, Nápoles, Itália, June 1994

Carvalho, A.S. and C. Santos, Interfaces Gráficos em Ambiente de Produção, 1º Encontro do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, Maio 1994

Cardoso, A.S. and E. Tovar, Redes de Comunicação para os Níveis Inferiores da Hierarquia CIM, 1º Encontro do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, Maio 1994

Carvalho, A.S. and R. Oliveira, Arquitectura para Controladores de Célula de Fabrico, 1º Encontro do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, Maio 1994Quintas, A.R., A.S. Carvalho and A. Araújo, Optimum Switching in IGBT Transistor, MELECON 94, Antalya, Turquia, April 1994

Quintas, A.R., A.S. Carvalho, A. Araújo, A.P. Martins and J.C. Oliveira, A New High Performance Controller for Drying and Oil Filling of Distribution Power Transformers, MELECON 94, Antalya, Turquia, April 1994

Carvalho, A.S., A.R. Quintas and A. Araújo, IGBT Transistor Switching in an Unique Industrial Application, IEEE Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, PEVD 94, London, 1994

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond



Ferreira, E., F. Oliveira, P. Pimenta and S. Feyo de Azevedo, Model-Based Identification and Control on Baker’s Yeast Fed-batch Fermentation, 6th European Cong. on Biotechnology, Abs. Book II - TU022, Florença, 13-17 June, 1993

Feyo de Azevedo, S. and A.P. Wardle, A Model-based Approach to the Optimization of a Tubular Fixed-bed Catalytic Reactor (TFBCR), 11th IASTED Int. Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, p. 420-423, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-17 February, 1993

Romero Ogawa, M., A.P. Wardle and S. Feyo de Azevedo, On the Use of Finite Elements in Estimating Parameters for Fixed-bed Reactor Models, 11th IASTED Int. Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, p. 435-437, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-17 February, 1993

Quintas, A.R., A. Carvalho, A. Lucas Soares and R. Oliveira, Sistema de Supervisão e Comando para Sistemas de Alimentação, 8º Encontro Nacional para o Desenvolvimento das Indústrias Eléctricas e Electrónicas (ENDIEL/93), Porto, Abril 1993

Quintas, A.R., A. Carvalho and A.P. Martins, Optimização de Ensaios de Qualidade em Equipamento de Distribuição, 8º Encontro Nacional para o Desenvolvimento das Indústrias Eléctricas e Electrónicas (ENDIEL/93), Porto, Abril 1993

Quintas, A.R., F. Ferreira, A. Carvalho and R.E. Araújo, Controlo do Motor de Indução Trifásico Baseado no Princípio da Orientação do Campo, 8º Encontro Nacional para o Desenvolvimento das Indústrias Eléctricas e Electrónicas (ENDIEL/93), Porto, Abril 1993

Barbosa, A.C., Um estudo analítico e experimental da forma de onda da indução magnética no entreferro de motores de indução monofásicos, Actas das 3ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Tomo I, p.113-122, Barcelona, Espanha, 1993

Costa, A.F., Experimentação de métodos de integração no tempo para o estudo térmico em regime transitório de máquinas eléctricas, Actas das 3ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Tomo II, p. 523-531, Barcelona, Espanha, 1993

Costa, A.F., Contribuição para a melhoria do estudo térmico de enrolamentos em folha de transformadores, Actas das 3ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Tomo II, p. 351-359, Barcelona, Espanha, 1993

Morim Silva, A. and A.F. Costa, Novo modelo para análise em regime permanente de geradores síncronos de ímanes permanentes, Actas das 3ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Tomo I, p. 283-289, Barcelona, Espanha, 1993

Vale, J.A., A. Morim Silva and A.F. Costa, DATAMAQ - Um sistema de baixo custo para aquisição, registo e tratamento de dados, Actas das 3ªs Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Tomo IV, p. 1611-1617, Barcelona, Espanha, 1993


Vinter, R.B. and M.M.A. Ferreira, On the Nontriviality of the Maximum Principle for Control Problems with State Constraints, 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, U.S.A., December 1992

Pereira, F.L. and J. Borges de Sousa, A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control of Problems, 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, U.S.A., December 1992

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, Optimal Control for the Long-term Planning of Manufacturing Systems, International Conference on Economics / Management and Information Technology, Tokyo, September 1992

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, Optimal Control for Planning of Manufacturing Systems, SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, September 1992

Borges de Sousa, J. and F.L. Pereira, A Hierarchical Framework for the Optimal Flow Control of Manufacturing Systems, Rensselaer's Third Intemational Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Troy, New York, United States, May 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


Carvalho, A.S. and P.F. Souto, Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications. CNMA Demonstration at EFACEC. CIMPI 1 Workshop European Research in CIM - Impact on Portuguese Industry, Porto and Lisboa, 26 June, 1992

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5. Statistics (1994-2006)

Statistics are presented for the period of 13 years, between 1994 and 2006. It is however

interesting to look at partial periods related to the international evaluation promoted by FCT,

respectively 1994-1996, 1997-1999, 2000-2002 and 2003-2005.

It is worth referring that programmatic funding was only awarded after the first

international evaluation, which took place in 1996, this funding having direct effect on the

period 1997-1999 and thereafter.

In this section we present the following items:

5.1. Synopsis table for research products (1992-2006)

5.2. Publications in international journals

5.3. Number of research products of permanent Ph.D. staff

5.4. Number of years-equivalent of permanent Ph.D. Staff by group

5.5. Number of Ph.D. Theses organised by group, per year.

5.6. Number of M.Sc. Theses organised by group, per year.

5.7. Number of publications in international journals and book chapters organised by

group, per year.

5.8. Number of international conference papers organised by group, per year.

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.1. Synopsis table for research products (1992-2006)


2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1992 -

2006 Ph.D. Theses 7 5 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 2 3 1 0 1 41 M.Sc. Theses 4 5 2 2 7 6 7 11 6 6 10 0 7 0 0 73 Books (as Authors) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 Books (as Editors) 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 Papers in International journals 16 13 8 13 9 11 7 7 4 8 4 2 4 7 5 119 Book Chapters 2 4 4 2 3 1 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 1 1 25 Patents 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Prototypes 11 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 29 Papers in national journals 1 1 0 4 4 4 0 3 4 1 5 0 4 3 1 35 International conference papers 63 52 59 63 60 50 47 40 40 46 36 11 7 25 3 603 Other publications 22 10 27 14 8 9 2 3 9 13 14 13 30 11 6 191

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.2. Publications in international journals (organised by year, by research group and in alphabetical order within the group)

Synopsis Table for Publications in Journals, 1992-2006

Journal Imp.

Fact. 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992



Applied Artificial Intelligence J. 0.629 1 1

Atmospheric Environment 2.724 1 1

Autom. & Remote Control 0.286 1 1 2

Biologi Italiani 1 1

Biotechnology Techniques 0.613 1 1

Can. J. Chem. Eng. 0.574 1 1 2

Chemical Engineering 0.054 1 1

Chemical Engineering Education 1 1

Chemical Engineering Journal 2.034 1 1

Chem Eng Res Des 0.792 1 1

Chem. Eng. Science 1.735 3 2 2 1 8

Computational Intelligence 0.532 1 1 2

Comp. Appl. in Eng. Education 0.094 1 1

Computers Chem. Engng 1.501 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 11

Control Engineering Practice 0.762 1 1

Crystal Growth & Design 3.551 1 1

Dynam Syst 1.073 1 1

Electric Machines and Power Systems 0.179 1 1

Electric Power Components and Systems

0.079 1 1

Embedded Linux Journal 1 1

Eng. Life Sci. 1 1

ESAIM - COCV 0.901 1 1

European Journal of Control 0.841 1 1

FCAA - Journal of Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis

1 1 2

IJEEE-International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education

0.069 1 1

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Newsletter 1 1

IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 2.159 1 1

IEEE Transactions on Education 0.644 1 1

IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information

1 1 2

IMECHE Journal of Systems and Control Engineering

0.182 1 1

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res 1.504 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

0.698 1 1

Int. J. of Comp. & Appl. Maths 1 1

Int. Journal of Dynamic Control Systems 1 1

International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education

0.069 1 1

Int. J. Eng. Education 0.304 1 1

Int. Journal of Intelligent Systems 0.657 1 1

Int. Journal of Robust and Non-linear Control 1.048 1 1

International Journal of Systems Science 0.212 2 2

Int. J. of Tomography & Statistics 1 1

Int. Sugar Jnl 0.134 1 1 1 3

J. Biotechnology 2.687 1 1

J. Chem Tech. Biotechnology 0.981 1 1

J. Computer Appl. Engineering Educ.- CAE 0.138 1 1

J. Dynamical and Control Systems 0.360 1 1

J. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 0.208 1 1

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 0.579 1 1 1 1 4

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International

0.105 1 1

J. of Crystal Growth 1.681 1 1

Journal of Differential Equations 0.937 1 1

J. of Nonlinear Dynamics 0.647 2 2

J. of Optim. Theory & Appl. 0.612 1 1

J. of Signal Processing 0.694 1 1

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


J. Process Control 1.433 1 1 1 3

J. Sys. Engng. 1 1

Mathematics of Operations Research 0.906 1 1

Nonlinear Analysis 1 1

Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications 0.519 1 1 2

Powder Technology J. 1.219 1 1

Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad. 1 1

Progress in Artificial Intelligence 1 1

RBCM-Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences

0.436 1 1 2

Russian Doklady Mathematics 1 1

SAMS - Journal Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation

1 2 1 1 1 6

Separation Sci. and Technology 0.834 1 1

SIAM J. of Control and Optimization 1.154 1 1

Systems and Control Letters 1.239 1 1

The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics 0.546 1 1

Trans. of the Filt. Soc. 1 1

Trans. on Engineering, Computing and Technology 1 1

WSEAS Transactions on Communications 1.490 1 1

WindTech International 2 2

Totals 16 14 8 13 9 11 7 7 4 8 4 2 4 7 5 118

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.3. Number of research products of permanent Ph.D. staff (1994- 2006)


Papers in Int. Journals

and Book Chapters

Ph.D. Theses

M.Sc. Theses

Books (Author)

Books (Editor)

Conference papers Patents Prototypes

Ana Margarida Fonseca 4 3

Fernando A. N. Rocha 11 2 1 26

Maria Joana Peres 5

Maria João Meireles 4 2

Margarida Cardoso* 6 2

Peter Ho 1

Romualdo L. R. Salcedo 21 3 6 1 9 8 11

Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo 33 9 2 1 52

Alexandra Galhano* 5 12 António Mendes Moreira 3 1 27

Catarina J. M. Delgado 1 11 Jorge L. Martins de Carvalho 2 5 2 1 1 32 1

José A. T. Machado* 16 3 11 114

Maria do Rosário Pinho 10 1 1 26

Margarida Ferreira 7 1 13

Paulo Lopes dos Santos 1 1 1 1 23

Paulo J. Gomes da Costa 1 1 2 24

Aníbal Matos 17 2 Eduardo Pereira da Silva 4 1

Fernando Lobo Pereira 19 5 16 132

Patrícia Gregório Ramos 2

Adriano Silva Carvalho 3 12 28 89 9 António Pina Martins 2 1 1 26

Armando Miranda Sousa

Armando L. S. Araújo 1 15 1

Artur A. C. Cardoso 2 3 2

Mário Rodrigues Sousa 3

Paulo Machado Portugal 2 22

Paulo Campos Costa 4

Pedro Ferreira de Souto 2 1 4

Raúl F. T. Oliveira* 3 8 1

Rui Almeida Chibante 1

* Saíu do ISR-Porto em 2003.

ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.4. Number of years-equivalent of permanent Ph.D. Staff by group*

(1994-2006) year PSE CST DCE IA 2006 3,7 4,2 2,75 6,1 2005 3,7 4,2 2,75 5,8 2004 3,3 4,2 2,25 3,5 2003 2,5 4,7 1,5 3,7 2002 2,5 5,1 0,7 3,7 2001 2,5 5,1 0,7 3,7 2000 2,5 5,1 0,7 3,7 1999 2,3 4,4 0,7 3,7 1998 2,3 4,4 0,7 3 1997 2,3 3,7 0,7 1,1 1996 2,1 3,7 0,7 1,1 1995 2,1 3,7 0,7 1,1 1994 2,1 3,7 0,7 1,1

total N.E.Ph.D. 33,9 56,2 15,55 41,3

* Based on the % time for research oficially reported to FCT.










ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.5. Number of Ph.D. Theses organised by group, per year

year PSE CST DCE IA 2006 3 0 0 4 2005 1 0 1 3 2004 0 1 0 1 2003 0 2 1 0 2002 1 1 0 0 2001 0 0 2 0 2000 0 1 0 2 1999 1 1 0 1 1998 2 0 0 2 1997 2 0 0 0 1996 2 0 0 0 1995 2 0 1 0 1994 0 1 0 0 total 14 7 5 13

total/N.E.Ph.D 0,41 0,12 0,32 0,31

total/N.years 1,1 0,5 0,4 1

Ph.D. Theses by group (1994-2006)

















ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.6. Number of M.Sc. Theses organised by group, per year

year PSE CST DCE IA 2006 0 0 0 4 2005 0 2 1 2 2004 0 1 0 1 2003 0 0 0 2 2002 2 1 3 1 2001 1 1 1 3 2000 3 2 0 3 1999 0 4 4 3 1998 2 2 0 2 1997 0 1 0 5 1996 1 0 5 4 1995 0 0 0 0 1994 0 4 2 1 total 9 18 16 31

total/N.E.Ph.D 0,27 0,32 1,03 0,75

total/N.years 0,7 1,4 1,2 2,4

M.Sc. Theses by group (1994-2006)















ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.7. Number of Publications in International Journals and Book Chapters organised by group, per year

year PSE CST DCE IA 2006 7 3 6 2 2005 8 2 5 2 2004 5 1 4 2 2003 9 4 2 0

2002 5 5 2 0 2001 6 2 1 3 2000 4 1 2 0 1999 4 2 1 1 1998 1 3 0 0 1997 3 5 2 0 1996 6 1 0 0 1995 1 1 0 0 1994 3 1 0 0 total 62 31 25 10

total/N.E.Ph.D 1,83 0,55 1,61 0,24

total/N.years 4,8 2,4 1,9 0,8

Publications in International Journals and Book Chapters by group (1994-2006)










ISR-Porto. 1992-2006 and beyond


5.8. Number of International Conference Papers organised by group, per year

year PSE CST DCE IA 2006 9 13 26 15 2005 9 8 18 17 2004 13 19 16 11 2003 6 18 26 13 2002 7 22 25 6 2001 5 18 23 4 2000 5 23 16 3 1999 5 19 9 7 1998 7 20 4 8 1997 1 20 10 11 1996 4 19 4 9 1995 1 4 6 0 1994 6 1 0 0 total 78 204 183 104

total/N.E.Ph.D 2,30 3,63 11,77 2,52

total/N.years 6 15,7 14,1 8,0

International Conference papers by group (1994-2006)









