Instructions to Students for Using Online Exam in...


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Instructions to Students for Using Online Exam in Moodle

1. Login into the system using your respective Username and Password.

2. You will be able to view the courses for which you have registered/enrolled:

3. For example, Click on the course/subject for which you have the exam. Click on the “Supply Chain


4. Click on “Supply Chain Metrics (SCM)”. Then you will reach the screen for the online exam,

instructions page. Then click the “Start Attempt” button below to start answering the exam.

6. The link to the exam “SCM” is displayed as below:

7. Click the link “SCM”. Then click the button “Attempt quiz now”

8. Click OK below

9. Click “Preview quiz now” button

10. You will reach the exam announcement window, with the dialog box as shown below. Click “OK”

pressing down the control (Ctrl) key, to prevent popup from being blocked.

11. You are answering the exams in a secure window, where cut, copy, paste etc are disabled. Click

“OK” pressing down the control (Ctrl) key, to prevent popup from being blocked.

12. You will reach the Part A MCQs. Answer the questions by clicking the radio buttons. Then click

the button “Save without submitting.” This will save your attempt, without submitting the exam.

Care should be taken NOT to click the button “Submit all and finish.” You should click this button

only at the end of the exam.

13. Example of answering Part A

14. Answering Part B and Part C Essay questions: Below the questions type your answer in the text

box provided. In the actual exam, all the 6 questions will be given above the text box. In the text

box, put the correct question number and answer any 4 of the 6 questions

15. Finally click the Submit all and finish button to finish your exam.

16. Example of answering

