Intellectual Property Rights- Rajuyyr




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Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights TrademarkWhat is trademark?A trademark is a sign which identifies certain goods or products or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise .Its origin dates back to ancient times , when craftsmen reproduced thei signatures or marks.In addition to trademarks identifying the commercialnsource of goods or services , several other categories of marks exists..Collective marks are owned by an association whose members use them to identify themselves with a level of quality and other requirements set by the association. Brand name Jazz and bass

The brand name is taken JAZZ AND BASS because they are the elements of music.The brand will be having the collections of the old songs of famous singers like Mohammad Rafi Lata MangeshkarJagjit SinghKishore KumarAsha Bhosle

The uniquess in my brand will be:

The remix of the songs will be sung by the common people of the place. So that they get their daily wages and a platform to showcase their talents.

Logo explorations

Logo and Tagline details

My logo is basically a guitar . And in it I have merged the initials of JAZZ and BASS. Which are the types of music.The tagline string up your life is taken because guitar has strings and so it tells that refresh your mood with the help of the variety of songs that it offers
