Interchange Intro Listening U 9-10



English Grammar

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PAGE: 592.- CONVERSATION: How about some sandwiches?AD = Adam Amanda = AMAD: ____ do you want for the picnic?AM: Hmm. How about _____ sandwiches?AD: Ok. We have _____ chicken in the refrigerator, but we dont have _____ bread.AM: And we dont have _____ cheese.AD: Do we have _____ drinks?AM: No, we need _____.AD: All right. Lets get ______ lemonade.AM: And lets buy ______ potato salad.AD: Sure. Everyone _____ potato salad.PAGE: 59UNIT 9: BROCCOLI IS GOOD FOR YOU.

2.- CONVERSATION: How about some sandwiches?AD = Adam Amanda = AMEscucha el resto de la conversacin y marca con los postres que Adam y Amanda quieren. UNIT 9: BROCCOLI IS GOOD FOR YOU. PAGE: 61

6.- CONVERSATION: Fish for breakfast?Sarah = S Kumiko = KS: Lets have ________ together on Sunday.K: Ok. Come to my house. My family ______ has a Japanese-style breakfast on Sundays.S: Really? ______ do you have?K: We ______ have fish, rice, and soup.S: Fish for _______ ? Thats interesting.K: _______ we have a salad, too. And we _______ have green tea.S: Well. I ______ eat fish for breakfast, but I like to try new things.ADVERBS OF FREQUENCYUNIT 9: BROCCOLI IS GOOD FOR YOU. PAGE: 62

8.- CONVERSATION: REALLY? NEVER?Paul y Megan estn hablando de comida. Con qu frecuencia Megan come los siguientes alimentos?Escucha y marca con una si los come: often, sometimes or never.UNIT 10: I CANT ICE-SKATE VERY WELL.

PAGE: 642.- CONVERSATION: I love sportsLauren = L Justin = JL: So, Justin, what do you do in your ____ time?J: Well, I ______ sports.L: Really? ______ sports do you like?J: Hmm. Hockey, _______, and soccer are my favorite.L: Wow, _____ a really good athlete! When do you _____ all these sports?J: Oh, I dont _____ these sports. I just _____ them on television!

UNIT 10: I CANT ICE-SKATE VERY WELL. PAGE: 665.- CONVERSTION: I cant sing.Kayla = K Philip = PK: Oh, look. Theres a talent contest on Saturday. Lets enter.P: I _____ enter a talent contest. What ____ I do?K: You _____ sing really well.P: Oh, thanks . . . Well, you _____, too.K: Oh, no. I _____ sing at all but I ____ play the piano.P: So maybe we ______ enter the contest. K: Sure. Why not?P: Ok. Lets practice tomorrow.CAN OR CANTUNIT 10: I CANT ICE-SKATE VERY WELL. PAGE: 68CAN OR CANT

8.- LISTENING: I can do that!Escucha a tres personas hablando acerca de sus habilidades. Marca con una las cosas que ellos pueden hacer.PROGRESS CHECK UNITS 9 - 10:PAGE: 71

Escucha a Jenny hacer preguntas a Ben acerca de deportes. Marca con una las respuestas de Ben.