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A batch so notorious yet so talented that nobody could help but be fond of them! It‘s the batch that witnessed many changes. From ―Oh! Run! It‘s going to be 1:00am‖ to

―oh! Chill! We got lots of time. It‘s only 1:00am‖ ; From capital punishment to ‗kar seva‘ ; from ―where do we go work/study‖ to ―we got the library‖; and more; all of which

was like a welcome change. A fad that had gripped TAPMI cannot go unmentioned is ‗Marena‘ !

Two years is a long time and to capture every ripple in the water is difficult. The batch witnessed two EPISODES, two Brandscans , two Atharvas , every second being more

successful than the first. It also witnessed the inauguration of the campus by our Honorable President Mrs.Pratbha Patil. They experienced the rigor and the grind;

So now here‘s to the Batch of 2009-11 for all the times, good and bad:

“And you turn back one more time,

As you walk out of our lives,

Imprinted with memories

That is worth all the while.

You walked through the year

Guiding us and cared

And now you leave us behind

As you continue with your lives

Leaving footprints in our hearts

But just once before you go

Let’s take it back to the start “

The Literary Committee presents to this ‗happening‘ batch INTERFACE 2009-11, a book for keeps; a store of memories to be cherished forever.

Literary Yours,

Arpit Khuraswar

Ashwin Muralidhar

Kopal Bajaj

Manjul Pandey

Rohit TS

Sahil Sethi

Swati Agarwal

Litcom, the most revered abbreviation for Literary Committee, was the first committee this year to invite junior ap-

plicants at the beginning of the year and flag off TAPMI‘s Intra College events with Episode‘10. This year the commit-

tee consisted of 6 members Rohit TS, Swati Agarwal, Ashwin Muralidhar from PGP-2 and Arpit Khuraswar, Kopal Bajaj

Manjul Pandey and Sahil Sethi from PGP-1.

Litcom team is a well co-ordinated and cohesive unit which started off with Episode this year. One of the first events

of the college, Episode, laid the cornerstone of the foundation that develops between the senior and the junior batch,

for life and for all the future events to come. Litcom also worked with the same enthusiasm for Ladiez special quiz,

Homecoming Alumni Quiz Dejavu, Atharva‘s Quiz in the dark, brandXConnect and informal events. Finally it is time

for our very own Interface 2011 which you will cherish forever.

Apart from core Litcom members, there were many others who helped us in creating this volume. We would like to

thank the batch of 2009-2010, batch of 2009-2011 and faculty members for extending their support. The student tes-

timonials were given by the batch themselves. We would also like to thank Sahil Sethi, Sailesh N, Subhayu Roy, Amit

Kumar Sindhupe, Sony Bajaj, Samiha Verma and Sashidhar M S for their significant contributions in compiling this.

magazine. We also thank Director Sir, Faculty and Batch for extending their support during compilation.


ABOUT JUNIE LITCOM Arpit: Mr Litcom. The one and only. The dude of junie litcom. He is one junie that no senie would be ever disappointed in. Very-very

reasonable, always in control, this guy is dependable. His photoshop skills are simply mind altering! A zippo fan, even though nicotine

does not tempt him.

Kopal: The acronym KB would bring a million dollar smile to her face. The bombshell of her batch(was this due to the highly spirited

incident?) and a very sensibly senseless person,this mayo girl is perfect in all the committees she is part of. Mostly level headed, mostly

idiotic, what would we have done without you!

Manjul: What do we say about this girl? The first time we met her, in the interview, we were all sure,that she was the one litcom was

always looking for! The jhapaak that she is, the amount of fun she brings into any party and the sentimental angle she gets into those

highly inspired moments is simply priceless. Hope she never changes!

Sahil: The new baby of litcom has proven himself through his work in other committes. This hidden poet has a lot to offer. It would be

fun working with you.

Rohit TS aka “howla” :

the most chilled out guy of the college, great sense of humour, who can make any moment ―light‖. He is the first person you would call if

you are in trouble (he has been there done that literally :P); always there to help as a friend and a mentor. This trance lover can be seen

trying to flaunt his 2cm long ponytail. Life of every party, loved by all junies and senies alike.

Ashwin aka “The Gentleman”:

Is a thorough gentleman who comes across as the most serious person of Litcom…The Mr. Dependable…The Rational thinker. In the

past 2 yrs Tapmi would‘ve changed our gentleman for better or best ;but what has not changed is his sleep timing. Even when the college

is abuzz with students screaming and yelling, Ashwin is in bed right on time.

Swati aka ”Nepali” :

Also known as the Nepali of the batch is a petite girl with a smile that makes her eyes disappear. She was the planning ‗head‘ of litcom.

She has awesome photoshop skills; a very creative and talented person. A little known fact is that she had a fan following in her senie




The opinions expressed in the individual write-ups are those of respective authors, LitCom assumes no responsibility for correctness of

facts or bias of opinions. We have tried to avoid making changes to the original write-ups, but haven't restrained us from doing it when-

ever required.

The phone numbers and email addresses in the student database may not be the latest in all cases.



As PGP2 bids adieu to TAPMI, and perhaps forever for classrooms, I think, it is

appropriate to have a recollection of all that has happened during the last two

years you spent in TAPMI. … and Literary forum has done a great job in collect-

ing all tidbits of your life@TAPMI which I am sure many of you will cherish for


Within next couple of months you will be entering corporate world. While for some of you, it is a return

after a short sojourn at the college, for many others, it may be the start of a new journey altogether. While

you embark on this new journey, where your skills and capabilities are put to test, it is not only the lessons

you learned in class rooms, but also the numerous practical challenges you had undertaken during the last

20+ months will come to your rescue. ….and this magazine, I am sure will help you to rewind the same.

It is said that Freedom means doing what you like and Happiness means liking what you do. As you step into

next phase of your life I wish that each of you will have the ability to be Happy Always !

Have a great career ahead!

Dr. Saji Gopinath



Dear Students,

It is time for another ―Interface‖ which means another batch of budding manag-

ers from TAPMI will be soon entering the portals of corporate India.

You all must be eagerly looking forward to an exciting career which I am sure

you will have. However, all that comes your way may not always be pleasant.

There will be times of cheer and there will be times of frustration and sorrow. What you have learnt inside

the classrooms will take you forward but that alone will not suffice. The need of the times is to have

‗balanced head‘ on your shoulders, and this can be achieved by going beyond the techniques of management.

Anticipating and accepting consequences, continuous learning, ability to take people along with you and de-

veloping relationships will go a long way in maintaining currency in the corporate world.

Life is not all work, it is also about appreciating other things that are good, refreshing, creative and construc-

tive. Find time to spend time with your family, read good books, watch good movies, do something for the

environment and yes… Keep coming back to TAPMI to share the stories of your success.

I wish the batch of 2009 – 2011 all the very best

Prof.Gururaj Kidiyoor



Dear Students,

It has been a distinct pleasure to interact with you all. As I joined TAPMI, I was

given the administrative responsibility of Chairman-- Students‘ Affairs. I thought

it would be difficult since I did not teach your batch, but as things turned out I

received all possible cooperation I could have asked for, not only from SEC but

from the entire batch. This is something that is priceless.

Having spent two precious years of your life at TAPMI, you have lot of memories with you. Treasure those

memories as you are embarking on your professional career. We would be always there for you and we

would feel rewarded if you sometimes revisit the Institution, if not physically, but in your thoughts.

You are all Brand Ambassadors of TAPMI and I am more than certain that you would continue to win fur-

ther laurels for yourself and the Institution. My best wishes are always there for you.

May God bless you all with good health and unending happiness in your life.

Kind regards,

Sankalpa Bhattacharjee

„Speed Star‟ Sudha:

The Goddess of Advanced Cor-

porate Finance. Also known as

lazy and most often found with

her good friend crazy. The two

together are a terror – Lazy and

Crazy. Although she is calm and

silent many times, she finds im-

mense pleasure in being violent

sometimes (ask her close friends they will say many times)

and hits others. There is a saying that ―The real indication of

friendship is the smile in the heart, not the smile in the face‖.

Don‘t go by her expressions!!! Her heart speaks a lot better

than what her face conveys. Speed captain!. Star player in

throw ball team! (in fact one of the finest throw ball players

the college has ever come across!) Fin Goddess! Could beat

any expert in ‗advanced‘ finance :P Favourite student of our

CRBR professor! Highly creative and excellent at art! Black

belt! BSG! Carrom Champion! Markstrat geek! The list is

endless! She is known for her incredible motivating skills.

She can motivate a completely depressed person with just a

single song. J She is also known for her dancing skills which

started off with a ribbon in her hand which reached extreme

heights as at one point in time she was famously called the

‗Trisha‘ in Southern Spice 2011 ;). Popularly referred to as

‗Cycle Chain‘, she is also known for the way she cares for

her friends. She was always there for those she valued and

never expected anything in return from them. Her generos-

ity and hospitality are awesome… Her room is popularly

referred to as the ‗common room‘ for most of the girls in

the hostel.

Su, would undoubtedly be the one, many of us would miss

the most in TAPMI! Wishing her the best of everything in

life! Heartfelt wishes for her to find a ‗TDH‘ guy from Ben-

galuru .

Mohan M N aka Mohan Holla :

Prof after Prof has hollered ―there is no such person as

Mohan Holla on the rolls!‖ through Mohan‘s two years at

TAPMI- the reason being his nom de guerre for official pur-

poses: ‗Mohan M N‘. Anyway, he is the Holla, as far as the

batch of 2009-11 is concerned. And you don‘t mess with the

Holla, or his friends. With a laconic, lean and mean demean-

our, he may come across as just another aloof individual. But

his close friends know him to be super-brainy with a wicked

sense of humor. Having been part of the Logistics Commit-

tee throughout his PGDM days, people in the college have

associated him with the ―Like we care‖ lifestyle that Loggies

have. But au contraire, he cares a lot for his close ones for

sure. Passionate about and committed to biking, he tends to

regularly put seasoned Volvo bus drivers on the Manipal to

Bangalore route to shame by out-speeding them on his sea-

soned and well-oiled Suzuki Fiero. He aspires to upgrade to

a superbike or a Harley soon. We wish him many more safe

miles under his belt on his Harley!

Mohan: It would not be hard to find a person walking like a

zombie in the TAPMI cafeteria.. Passionate Biker… Loggie…

Extremes… People call him by many names… He is a true

Loggie, with a ‗Like we care‘ attitude… but people who

know him well, will know that he cares a lot for his close


Saranya :

If you see a lone soul jogging

in the early hours of the day

on the long and winding roads

outside TAPMI, who greets

you with a ―Hi Da!

(pronounced duh)‖ you can be

sure it‘s SARANYA. The

only girl in TAPMI whose

stamina will give most guys a

complex. How she can be a ‗workout-aholic‘ and a foodie

simultaneously is beyond me. If Marena ever needs a brand

ambassador, they‘ll know whom to ask! The sheer number

of people whom she has promoted it to is huge: in Manipal,

Bangalore, even the US! And how can one miss the musical

gene in her DNA: the humming, the singing, the guitaring

that enthralled audience(s) especially her room-mate My3 J. I

haven‘t seen a more camera-friendly person who is always

ready for her close-up with her big bright smile. If you want

to know what sleeping like a log means, look no further! We

found out exactly what it means on the first night of college,

when she locked her roommate out for 2 hours! She has the

attention span of a gold fish but she believes in the power of

the subconscious and self-hypnosis (wtf?!).She loves her

‗Breezer‘ – her dog :P She‘s always in a hurry and is search-

ing for something, mostly stationery. So, the next time u‘re

missing a pen, u know whom to blame. She‘s a motormouth

who can talk her way into people‘s hearts. Her enthusiasm

and zest for life are infectious. She‘s very down to earth and

makes for great company. She values her friends so much

that she always puts their interests before her own which

results in her inability to say ‗No‘ to people. Few people

know her as an emotional and a caring person. I consider

myself fortunate for having had her as a friend these past

two years. I am sure I‘ll miss her a lot.

Sagar Doshi :

―Failing to plan is planning to fail.‖ When I had heard the

quotes from that calm, soft spoken guy the very first day in

TAPMI, I thought that this place is full of intellectual geniuses

and I was lucky to meet one that day. But as someone has

said – ‗Never judge a book by its cover‘, I also misjudged the

Penthouse to be some Harivansh Rai Bachhan‘s book. It did-

n‘t take much time for him to settle in this place, and my

my… he settled in the place big time. TAPMI was like a fam-

ily for him and every single girl his ‗to be‘. He redefined the

term ‗customer satisfaction‘ in Hostel II and helped many

kids in discovering the MAN inside them. I do not remem-

ber a single faculty who didn‘t know him even before start-

ing the very first lecture. He has been such a peaceful person

in the classroom that sometimes it was hard to realize if he

was sitting in the lecture or not. He is an extremely hard

worker even though no one has any idea what he does the

entire night because he always slept religiously in every sin-

gle class. TAPMI discovered a new talent in his voice when

he almost made every single alumni scream by his perform-

ance – ‗Bin Tere Sanam‘. If I say in hindi – ―Agar TAPMI me

chand hai to chandni iski hai.‖ In short, Sagar is person who

has always been the guy that he is and added that extra spice

to the otherwise a little tiring life of those around him.

Abhilash Sarda :

The great Marwari who only understands one language:

PROFITS. He is the youngest and the brightest member of

the FAS group G2. Although he is an extremely lazy ass but

is always more than eager to move his "LIGHT" body for

partying, drinking, and SIGHT SEEING! One of the most

straight forward guys and will always be remembered for his

way of arguing with a few "GASSY" men/women. He can

shoot down a person with his out of the box "ONE-

LINERS". Only he could have survived 6 months on PERVEZ

sandwich. We all have heard about his hukka-cum-coffee bar

stories and the ambition to mint money probably a zillion

times! Loves fame & public attention and made a killing out

of his amazing batting in the finals of Well Cricket, Speed


Pallavi Bokil :

A deadly combination of 17 years in Delhi and 7 years in

Pune. First look at her and you get an impression that she is

snobbish but she is not. She will walk into a room and say Hi

children!! but when people call her maate she gets upset.

She takes sarcasm to new heights. She will insult you and

you wont realize it till people around you start laughing. She

may skip a meal and not complaint but if you keep her away

from tea for more than 4 hours, you are in trouble. A

trained singer, blessed with a melodious voice. A big fan of

SRK, so big that she cried while watching My Name is Khan.

She is one girl you do not want to get into an argument

with, she doesn‘t loose any. Complete kid at heart, loves

buying balloons and jumping around like a small kid. You can

never get bored when she is around. When in problem, she

is one person you want to go to for consolation and advice.

Loves partying but will not do it unless she finishes her

work. She is one of the best presenters around and has im-

mense ―GAS‖ potential. Very serious about her studies and

someone you want to be around during exam times. Ex-

tremely focused and knows

exactly what she wants from

her life. She is joining a bank

but dont be surprised if u find

her name amongst the bigwigs

of the media industry in a few

years. Yup, she is one in a bil-


Krishnakant A N aka „KK‟ :

Not for KK is the typical toppers‘ lifestyle of sleeplessness

and high stress. He got his high CGPA easily, as far as ap-

pearances go. But his close friends know that he works hard

at enjoying life thoroughly. From hooking one of the hottest

senior girls for the freshers party, to indulging in motorcycle

touring with a gang of close friends and digging into vegetar-

ian food of all sorts, KK has done it all. Adding to this, his

extracurricular activities as head of the MIRC and his numer-

ous prizes in inter-college competitions, KK should have one

of the highest ROIs for the PGDM course! This lively person

comes across as a silent, brooding type, though his meas-

ured, booming voice has always been well-received in the

class. Throughout his entire tenure at TAPMI, no one has

seen KK get angry. This silent go-getter with a zest for life

aspires to buy a luxury sedan of his own, and to drive out of

Bangalore city limits with it. Why such a limited ambition in

such a fantastic go-getter? His mom practically owns him

when he‘s at home, and he‘s not allowed out of home much.

But then, contradictions abound in geniuses usually so that‘s

fine. Here‘s wishing KK complete ownership of his life (even

at home)! Go KK!!

Jagannathan G :

Jagan is a perfect blend of

Analytical mind, technical

creativity and artistic incli-

nations. This guy happened

to be one of the most cool,

calm and suave individuals

of TAPMI 2009-11 batch

(though was a dormant

volcano that busted occa-

sionally, reflecting his revo-

lutionary zeal against the so

called traditions). This multi talented personality had a

somehow sluggish 1st year, with most of the time being de-

voted in offering his responsibilities as a CR. But the 2nd

year was spent hard in pursuing academic, excellence and

contemplation along with participating and winning at vari-

ous top notches B-school events. Though having many re-

markable characteristics, one thing that sets him apart from

the mass is his choice of words and literary skills, which

though many times was tough to comprehend, by the lesser

mortals of TAPMI. The guy had great inclinations to carve

his niche in fields like leadership research and AD world, and

given the kind of knowledge and skills he holds, surely gonna

do great in them. One other side of this LAMBU (tallest one

in the whole batch) is that he is a great rapper and was an

active MUSIC COM member. The tall tam brahm, rapper,

philosopher, biker, thinker – all wrapped in one BIG human

being. He was infact the best contender for being the Presi-

dent at the college – but damn he refused that power! Also

it‘s tough to make him study or do anything academic

(unless its something related to HR). The friend who has

always been with me right thru my MBA. The bike rides are

the most unforgettable part of our lives!

S. Pavan Kumar :

He is like an open book…

quite honest (sometimes

too honest - 50/60!!) but

this guy is also lazy some-

times – believe me! He

appears as a very silent and

a seedha-saadha guy but he

is NOT!! Andhra mess in

manipal and Udupi temple

would miss both of us!

Pavan is a person with a split personality. He is one person

in front of the external world and metamorphosizes into a

completely different individual when he is in the confines of

the hostel. In front of the world, he has this image of a good

boy...very reserved and decent!!... Infact, when you first

meet him, you will be fooled by his innocent looks!!!....Hats

off to his masquerading ability!! In the hostel, he is a legend

known by names such as ―50 in 60‖ and ―Khatarnaak Saala‖.

He is the best party dancer I have ever seen....when he is

high!! Till recently, he had this unique distinction of not hav-

ing missed even a single class in his entire 2 years at

TAPMI!!!...but unfortunately, he missed a class on the 2nd

last day of college :-( Pavan is an unsung operations champ

in the midst of greats like Krishnakanth, Tejaswi and Ravish.

His contribution to operations forum is commendable. He,

along with Ravish is the mastermind behind ‗Sanchay‘, the

highly successful operations game. He is one of the only few

guys who managed to get a gr8 job in the operations field.

On the personal front, he is a sincere and fun loving guy, one

of the best guys to hang out with. He has a good sense of

humour and is excellent when it comes to taking some-

body‘s case!!! He is very modest.. All in all, he is a gem of a

guy….God Bless You dear…!!!!

Sujith S Nathan aka “Rockstar” :

Let us introduce to you the cultural head of our batch. From

the very first time when he was spotted, people knew that

culture and tradition was ingrained in him. One of the few

gaddi-walas of our batch and thanks to that he never let any

of the girls feel the lack of transportation for any reason

whatsoever, thus becoming the ladkiyon ka chahita. Do not

be fooled by his shy and quiet nature, he is one helluva

dancer, singer and a party animal (The number of parties he

attended with his ―close-knit‖ FAS beats any other in the

whole college).

Over the time he had developed a knack of cracking pjs

which people mistake for good sense of humor. One can

also look at the fact that nowadays Su-su-Sujith‘s (pardon me

for my stammer) favorite song is ―E-Ma tujhe salaam‖. How-

ever one must also know that out of all the people who visit

their hometown, he is the most awaited person (thanks to

the goodies he gets).

An ex-member of WelfareCom, he was always there for his

friends and colleagues whenever anyone needed him. Hum-

ble, polite and caring, one can take him as a prototype of a

life-long friend (Ok…a bit of exaggeration…but yahan pe

chalta hai)

Emalda aka “Emma” :

Let us introduce you to the

bouquet com convenor of

our batch, who has perfected

the art of presenting the bou-

quet to all the dignitaries

maintaining the same posture,

panache, angle and smile

throughout the two years

spent at TAPMI. It‘s very easy

to locate her within a crowd; all you need to do is to follow

the loudest laughter which will be audible over everything

else. This scooty-wali, errr…activa-wali is known for her

English speaking skills which she makes sure to use exces-

sively (only her speaking skills). Being a meticulous person,

she shouts for every small issue, gets angry very quickly but

loses her anger even faster. Her close friends know that she

has very sharp nails and teeth and her favourite dhamki is

―Main kaat khaoongi to pata chalega!‖

Being a HR specialist, she always showers love on her sub-

ordinates and LSGs. It must be noted that her favourite des-

sert is ―Suji” ka Halwa. However that doesn‘t stop her from

hitting on every guy she sees and is busy hunk-watching on

every outing. Over the time she has developed amazing

quantitative skills and can recite two‘s table even when she‘s

high (which she gets very quickly but never admits that she

actually is).

She is the best choreographer in TAPMI and a graceful

dancer on top of that. Singing (with improper lyrics) is also

her passion and can perform ―Sathiya tune kya kiya‖ even

when she is half-asleep. Carrying the élan of an aristocrat,

she is an empathetic, congenial, compassionate, buoyant and

effervescent person who is an epitome of friendship (Yeah,

yeah, I know I sound like Emmy herself!).

Sagar Saxena aka Sexy Sagar

Here are a few pointers to identify this gem of a person: He

will be the lean guy with the earphones plugged in, saunter-

ing around as if he has all the time in the world. If it is in the

class, then just locate the source of the snores! Without

doubt, he was the coolest guy on campus. It is impossible to

see him riled up, was the mediator in his ―peaceful‖ FAS,

which constantly came into limelight for the oh-so-

affectionate meetings! Never the one to harbor grudges was

always ready to forgive and forget.TSG was his domain. Any

problems regarding the systems, and trust me, there have

been a lot, Sagar was the man to go to. There is no denying

the fact that Sagar is a super geek whose better half would

probably have to compete with his laptop for attention!

Sagar was one of the best dancers and choreographer in the

batch and was the pillar of Choreocom for two years. There

are very few people who are so passionate about dance and

music. The first one on the dance floor and the last one to

leave, there is nothing that can come between him and a

party! A Table tennis and Chess addict who would spend

hours on the same. He doesn‘t look like it but he also has an

enormous appetite. There is never a fear of food getting

wasted with him around. The goofy smile, the sharp and

witty comments, the always-ready-for-fun attitude is some-

thing we will always miss. TAPMI life would have never been

the same without him.

Bharatesh Pai. :

By far the most popular guy in

Tapmi. One could spot him at a

distance walking with a laidback

gait and bald pate (rhyming). Con-

trary to his popular image, he‘s

known to actually make valuable

contributions to teams he belongs

to, be it assignments for FAS , Epi-

sode, Brandscan, summer intern-

ship or cricket. Known for his

number crunching skills, he could

give an account of your share of

petrol expense approximated to

the nearest rupee, even before you

decide to go together in his Car.

Bharatesh is the database of all the rumours in Tapmi. News

items that qualify under the heading ‗whos seeing whom‘,

‘who dumped whom‘, ‗the top she‘s wearing is not her‘s‘,

‗they were caught making out‘ reach him even before they

actually happen, if at all. He has this famous laughter that was

a rage in college. Cricket is his favorite sport. Somehow, if

not by his batting abilities, by socializing with the captian, he

manages to open the batting innings. In cricket, his lesser

known skill is wicket keeping- spotted, nurtured and devel-

oped by the former keeper Kiran More. He has been an

active member of welfare committee, but only to be seen

during the photo shoots. Not to forget his ability to make

friends with the right people at the right time (and for the

right span). Dinner with placecom members before place-

ments, with Brandscan PL even before the team was formed,

cricket captain for the opening spot and of course with the

FAS member just before the crucial assignment. However he

would dismiss the chronology of above incidents as pure

coincidence. Behind all this lies a friend with a heart and

smile of a child and intentions all pure (apparently). A genu-

ine guy who you can trust your life on.

Thrishul Ballal :

Let me take the pleasure of

introducing you to the one and

only ―Chicha‖ of the batch.

Thrishul ―Chicha‖ Ballal was

born when Anupam Kher had

hair and when India did not

have a single colour television.

A man of more than a few

words and a heart of pure

Gold. He can break into to

dance anywhere, whether it is

the canteen, classroom or the

railway station. As the head of

the Welfare committee he has taken about a hundred

bruised/ill/demented/fractured individuals to the famous

trauma ward at KMC. What is peculiar is that even at the

trauma ward Chicha has the unique ability to tell the bruised

person “last time meri grandmom aise hi hassi thi... uske baad

woh chal bassi”. This guy knows everyone in Manipal, from

the tyre puncture guy near Sigma to the waiter at New DT

to a random uncle walking on the street. Known for his spe-

cial quizzing abilities he has been a two time finalist at the

prestigious ‗Quiz on The Beach‘, with negative points the

first year around and getting into the positive the previous

year. Thrishul can often be seen hanging around a ‗tall ugly

guy‘ and slightly balding man in his mid thirties. Known for

their escapades to virgin beach on every alternate day and

their drunk plans to even build a house there. Oh and how

did I forget Thrishul has a friend everywhere and in any

situation he can be heard narrating an interesting story-

―woh apna friend hai na Pune mein...”. So that in a nutshell

tells you about Thrishul Ballal, a man you can bank upon,

someone who will turn up when you need him the most. A

true friend.

Berty Thomas :

Berty Thomas aka BerT (I

have no clue how this is

different but Berty prefers

to call himself BerT), has

this image of a very

friendly person who loves

going on all this wild ad-

venture trips with his

trusted SLR camera and he

lives up to his ‗image‘ to

the tee. I had the privilege

to accompany him on a 12 km trek (can‘t believe I walked

that much) to a beautiful waterfall and then returned by a

goods train to the nearest railway station! Now normal hu-

man beings would rent a jeep to go to that waterfall but not

BerT! This guy lives to experience cultures and is a born

traveler! In spite of his experience of travelling to exotic

locations, BerT‘s GK with respect to directions, ways to

escape wild animals and conserving water is almost non-


BerT however rose to stardom not because of his athletic

abilities (did I not mention that he is a pretty decent ath-

lete?) nor his adventurous trips but because of his propen-

sity to write batch mails! BerT‘s batch mail of March 2010,

just 2 weeks before our seniors left catapulted him to imme-

diate recognition! BerT is known in our senior batch as

‗batch mail BerT‘. After his batch mail, BerT went into hiding

for 2 months avoiding events like summer hues, farewell

party etc.

But at the end of two years, I must say that I have not met

anybody who is such a good sport, who is always so good

natured, helpful, and friendly. And as everybody in TAPMI

knows, if you want to plan a trip, dial – +91- B-e-r-T !

Priya Ramanathan :

Maniiiii….this fiercely in-

dependent little girl is not one

anyone dares mess with! She is a

strong, determined person who

will put her heart and soul into

all the tasks she takes up. She is

a happy-go-lucky person, bubbly

, cheerful, always game for try-

ing new things, an ‗experience‗ seeker, foodie, and loves

‗indulging‗ in luxuries.…. A budding business‖man‖ , she has

aspirations of being tomor-row‗s retail business magnet. She

is the cause for stock out of Johnson & Johnson band-aids

from Anna‗s shop. She made band-aid a beauty acces-

sory….hair clips, purple colour, & butterflies fascinate her...

she never bothered about the time, she is not one of those

who would compromise on her meals to get to class on

time... ―The Dubai returned kid‖ has a special liking to-

wards anything ‗Arabic‗:P….No need for GPS to locate her,

her strong perfume and the sound of her laughter will pin

point her location for you… Known for her skills in opera-

tions management she can give a tough competition to even

KK… Priya flying down the streets of Manipal in her

‗feather touch start‗ kinetic is a common sight… Her kind-

ness can be seen from the fact that she lends it out to all her

friends in need… A creative girl with a heart of gold…. She

is the ―Joy‖ of Joy Fest.. She is gifted with a creative

mind….which was reflected in the Art work for Naach and


We all wish that Priya achieves all of hers… We will remem-

ber you on 14th November of each year… It was indeed a

pleasure to be a close friend of this bundle of joy...Pri is

character-ized by her overwhelming concern for oth-

ers...always pleasant, cannot help admire her optimism...may

you stay the same forever!!!

Ravi S :

In history of TAPMI no one

would have worked as hard

to get the class participation

marks as this guy. The guy

has god gifted ability to ask

all kind of question on any

given subject in any class

without bothering about

what‘s going on in the lec-

ture. This guy might not be

the most sought after stock

in TAPMI‘s stock exchange, but his demand surely went up

during exam time. He is the ultimate fin champ of TAPMI.

The guy who did not knew how to speak in Hindi till 2 years

back (apart from some dirty words)is now able to converse

in hindi (off course with Tamil accent). The president of

Tamil community at TAPMI, the founder of ‗southern spices‘

tradition (in case it continues), the captain of winning gunj

team…. The list goes on and on.

He has only few good friends in the batch, but his friends

know that they can trust him during tough times. Ravi has

strong will and high level of intelligence. He is highly ambi-

tious and always likes set high targets for himself may it be

an ordinary class assignment or leading team in BrandScan.

Moreover over last 2 years I have seen him achieving most

of his targets apart from few like gaining weight, learn to

speak fluent hindi. This guys really has a bright future ahead

of him.. BEST OF LUCK, DA…!!!

THALA! Ravi would get most of things he wishes to in his

life because of his - focus and determination! A very ener-

getic and enthusiastic person! He has a lot of experience but

luckily not much of grey hair yet! One who is really fun to

hang out with and we are the FB best friends of the year


Ashwin „Endhiran‟ Muralidhar :

The most ethical person the col-

lege could have ever come

across! Introducing you to the

ENDIRAN of our batch. A die-

hard RAJNI fan who dared to

take grade cuts to watch tha-

laivar‘s ―1st day – 1st show‖! An

extremely creative idea genera-

tor he comes up with most inno-

vative ideas. A down to earth

person who values the ‗process‘

rather than the ‗result‘ and ‗thought‘ rather than the ‗worth‘

of things. He aspires to take the ‗path not taken‘ by many.

One of the most respected individuals of the batch. He tries

to be ‗chivalrous‘ to girls but I think he simply enjoys the

company of women. The heart of most south Indian parties,

his dance moves are worth watching. An integral part of the

TAM gang of TAPMI. Not to forget the ‗profound‘ language

he uses in his sleep. Always ready for adventure and parties.

Very soft spoken and polite but dare not be fooled, he is by

far the most wicked and mischievous persons in TAPMI.

An all rounder and topper who wanted to ―specialize‖ in

Marketing, Fin, HR, Ops but ended up ―generalizing‖ . Pas-

sionate about social work, he does everything ranging from

Brandscan, Naach, Goonj, Scheduling, Marathon, bike trips,

social work, Episode and what not! A person who weaves a

friendly atmosphere wherever he goes. He is always there

for his friends! It is hard to come across a person with so

much efficiency and who can be relied upon even at the

shortest notice. His efficiency peaks at 6am! Has one of the

most innovative GASSING skills irrespective of what the

context is. A very good biker he made me realize what one

can do with a Bajaj Boxer! He is really efficient in spreading

smiles around… and ya he paid me to write this J!

Yevvari Vamsi Krishna :

The attendance register had his

name as Yevvari Vamsi Krishna and

professors called him Yevvari and

he hated it. To talk about Vamsi…

ok I‘ll have to try hard to stick to

the word limit.

When he‘s at a table, everyone at

the table is laughing out loud. Hu-

mor is in his blood.

When he‘s in a fas group, the

group has fun working together.

When there‘s an argument…

DANGER…don‘t get into arguments with him... he will win

it. I have tried many times in these 2 years to win atleast one

argument. I won once. That was in a debate competition

when I was in his team at IIMB.

He has a whole kitty of theories…theories which contradict

every theory in the text books. Theories about people, soci-

ety, politics and anything you can name. One day I am going

to publish all these and I am going to make millions.

There are 3 things he hate – Quizzes, Tests and Assignments

because he sucks at all of them but when it comes to pro-

jects and presentations, no one can beat him.

When you are studying with him for an exam, you never

finish studying cause he comes up with all kinds of logic

against what is written in the books.

If you go out with him for dinner, you have to order and eat

as many dishes as possible, otherwise he‘ll get upset. Vamsi

likes to see people eat to their hearts full J.

When he‘s your team leader, that is the best time of your

life, cause he keeps his cool and takes the task making sure

no one is over burdened. Ask his brandscan team members.

They were all in admiration of him. For me these 2 years

have been fulltoo masti because of Vamsi.

Shanti Chunduri :

Shanthi aka ‗Peace‘, That‘s how we call her, and if people

believe that a name can describe a person, then Shanthi can

prove them all wrong.

This all time smiling girl has a passion in whatever she does.

Academics, she puts so much passion and hard work which

actually motivates the entire team. When given a work, no

one can be as reliable as her. And she is one person who

absolutely breathes numbers. Infact she can crunch numbers

even in subjects like MNCN and OTPR.

When it comes to sports too, her passion never dies out.

Her throwball serves are like missile launchers. One won-

ders as to how this delicate lady can have such a strong arm.

You have to see it to believe it. And can you believe that the

same delicate girl had represented her section in shot put?

Yes she did.

She absolutely loves travelling and can never spend a week-

end idle. She, with her enthusiasm ignites the spirit in every

one of her friends to go and visit all surrounding places.

She is up to date with fashion yet sticks to her values and

principles, she is calm and smiling yet can be very passionate

and aggressive, she is always willing to listen and yet ground

her point firm. Overall, she I one girl whose company never

leaves anyone bored. That‘s Shanthi for you.

Srividya Shankar :

Now everybody would remember Srividya as the studious

finance student of the batch. Well news flash, she isn‘t! Get a

load of this - she studies at the last minute and wastes time

watching roadies or some damned American soap and still

manages to ace in her academics! She is a still a school-going

kid at heart and that is a trait which is both endearing and

annoying at the same time. The best thing about her is that

you can hold her to her word – if she says something she

means it and is bold enough to stand by it. Watch out for a

stellar fresher entering the corporate world – she is Srividya

and she has arrived.

Anubhav Kedia:

Kedia, aka KD Seth, is one of the handsome guys in TAPMI

who was always suspected with girls. Always with designer

collection clothes, thanks to his family background in gar-

ments shops, his interest lays in the clothing industry and

this is where he wants to make his career as well. His

rule for life is to enjoy every moment and that was clearly

visible from his love to roam around and try out new things

(esp. dishes).

He is a confident person, doesn‘t hesitate to come out in

gatherings. He is humorous, gregarious, fun-loving, caring

and smart guy. Though he sometimes feels that he is not

witty, but let us tell you KD, this is wrong and you are good

at leg-pulling as well.

Though not good with his voice, he still tries to sing in public

and when he starts singing his famous song ‗Pee Loon…‘, we

all have to shut our doors. Kedia, please pay heed to this,

stop singing. There are other things in life as well to try.

Arvind N aka Anna:

‗Anna‘ happens to be the only married guy in our batch. He

is a teetotaler mallu. Yes, it sounds like an oxymoron but

that‘s a hard fact. Though he is one of the most sought after

guys for upgrading Windows version, his own laptop almost

never seems to be problem free. Think twice before you

invite this glutton for a treat .You may end up spending a lot

more than you would have imagined. He knows Hindi and

likes Hindi movies but only of Deepika Padukone .Arvind is

usually very calm but gets upset when his bike doesn‘t

work .He has a lovely wife whom he loves a lot ( yes he had

a love marriage ) .But that doesn‘t stop him from admiring

beauties. He is called Mr. Atrocious and Mr.Dependable

simultaneously. But he loves to be called Anna. Hard work

and commitment come naturally to him. He ends up attend-

ing classes and workshops even when his wife comes to see

him. AAC parties (and, of course, work) and other group

assignments also take priority over almost everything.

His expertise with photoshop and excel are exemplary

which reduces quite a lot of his teammates headaches……

Subhasis Biswas :

Subhasis Biswas AKA Dada was a rare blend of multiple

talents. Known for his extremely cute looks and excellent

poetry ( to understand them, one needs to have a dictionary

in hand), Dada was a big time ladies man, with a tag of de-

cency. An avid music comm. Member Dada, was one of the

best musical talent of 09-11 batch, also a big time foodie

with knowledge almost all kinds of food across the globe.

Other than these things something that set Dada apart was

his fighting spirit and team man ship. This soft Communist

sympathizer (prior to coming to TAPMI, had spent his life

either in Kolkata or In Moscow) had reflected them in end

no. of events, be it a fas assignment, Episode or driving his

bike. From knowing strictly nothing about bikes and jeopard-

izing his own ( as well as others) life many times, finally Dada

was able to transform himself into a great biker or rather an

adventure biker. Dada was definitely one of the most social,

lovable and sweet characters, TAPMI was having.

Sapna Shivkumar :

The cutest angel from the city of angels and the HR whiz

kid of TAPMI. She is the epitome of patience, fun and a true

friend. She loves chocolate s/cake/milk shake/cookies, chee-

tos, milk and adventure. She is scared of almost nothing (the

exception being the campus cat). She is an excellent judge of

character and has the knack of judging almost anything

CORRECTLY (living/non living). She can catch liars in sec-

onds (be truthful if u don‘t want to get a black eye and

though who have already got one, please stay away ;)). Back

off, this girl can get really mean if anyone pisses her off but

yeah she is extremely sensible at everything she does (food,

studies, working out, handling trouble etc). Her business

knowledge is second to none and although she claims that

her creative skills are bad, she has displayed a good amount

of creativity many a time and has proven to be indispensable

to her teams (disha, brandscan, imkc, fas and many more).

Modest to the core, she is an excellent task master. She is

irreplaceable at whatever she does and wherever she goes

and all her friends know this. Here‘s wishing you all the very

best for a beautiful life ahead. You are simply the best friend

anyone can ever have and i am damn lucky to call u my best


Sandhya Rama Nagaraj :

Looks are often deceptive – but that ain‘t the case with

Sandhya. This femme is every bit as sweet and angelic as she

looks. A fussy eater (understatement), a passionate photog-

rapher, cat-lover are the headlines that her acquaintances

would associate her with. But the truly fortunate ones, her

friends, would remember her for her academic achieve-

ments (damn that tall list!), her loyalty (oh so rare!), her

beatific smile that could make a scaly crocodile blush. Not to

say that this bright person can‘t be silly – when her smart-

phone accidentally landed in mud, she gave it a nice, soapy

bath in tap water to keep it squeaky clean :D

Knowing her is to know innocence. When the package is

pretty, people generally don‘t care about what‘s inside – if

you‘ve made this error with Sandhya then so much so the

better for her and so much so the worse for you!!

Diksha Singh :

Here are few words about our very own 'chotu' (only at

times!). For those who believe in the words "Friends are

angels", she is the perfect example. Diksha is smart and

charming, but if you displease her, then you are in big trou-

ble! One must understand that in spite of being a worka-

holic, she always has time for her friends. She is extremely

sporty, and will always be smiling in spite of all the teasing.

She is very caring and if you need a suggestion or shoulder

to cry on, it's 'Master Chefu' who'll always be around to

help. Also, 'devil' that she is, she can easily have you eating

out of her hands, thanks to the amazing expressions that she

can give. She is extremely patient and has always puts others

before herself, and hence it is no surprise that she is the

perfect and best CR of our batch.

Anubhav Tripathi Aka Boxer :

a hardcore fan of Rajasthan Royals. Boxer, famous for his

boxing victories in the past, has left many such footprints in

TAPMI as well. His so-called ‗Beta‘, Gajju, once escaped him,

thanks to the solid gates that TAPMI hostel rooms have. In

his initial months at TAPMI, he always expressed concern

about being short-tempered, and he tried controlling his

anger. Apart from boxing, he is good in other sports as well;

football, cricket, basketball, shot-put etc. One thing that we

admired about him was his dedication towards anything. At

the start of 2nd year, his dedication to studies proved that it

is just his focus that needs to be changed to become a top-

per. A very silent, hard-working and a nice friend. Likes any

type of food at any time and can eat unlimited. He is famous

for winning competitions during (Mallu‘s Festival) for eating,

tug of war etc. There is hardly any place which he doesn‘t

know near Manipal and Udupi. A Loggie in his own style and

Chora of KudiyoCom. Very stylish, he owns hundreds of

helmets (known for taking things from others and not re-

turning them)

Known for misplacing things in his own den (Room no 405)

and searching for a long time. Adventurous guy… also keeps

bragging about his contribution towards starting a club Red

X in MIT Manipal in his engineering days. He is always

adored by his friends and he cares about his friends. We will

miss you Boxer!!!

Syed Munawar Mehdi :

AKA ―Side‖ AKA ―Munna‖

AKA ―Faulad‖ is many things

to many people. To some he is

a brute who relies more on his

body muscles than his brain

muscles; to some he is a care-

free sole caring only about

things he is passionate about;

to others he is a fierce friend

who will go beyond his capacity to lend a helping hand to a

friend. In general, he is believed to possess an extreme per-

sona having a high level of ―Nuisance Value‖.

Syed loves to make a ―Grand Entry‖ (at least that‘s what

he believes he is doing) whenever he enters the hostel with

his high pitched shouts and whistles. Being the ―Striker‖, he

has managed to claim the title of the being Carom champ

of our college.

A Networking freak, he probably spends 70% of the time

(whenever he is awake) on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook

and was also known to run a parallel placement process in

college during the placement week. He is a true believer in

the concept of ―Peer-to-Peer‖ learning and will always be

found knocking all doors looking for people to run him

through the chapters on the night before the exams. Rightly

titled by Surya as ―The Salesman of the Year‖, he can

sell his ideas to anyone with ease. He is a ―Smart

Worker‖ in the true sense of the word.

He has the heart of a true Loggie who believes in giving

more that taking. Being a part of the LogCom, he has

toiled really hard for making TAPMI‘s events (including

Placements) successful and we salute him for that. And yeah,

if you are his friend, you would know he aint one you would

ever wanna lose.

Sulagn Patnayak :

His name was always difficult for some of the Faculty to pro-

nounce. Sulagn is the most simple and down to earth per-

son. One of the brightest minds on campus, he is one of the

5 Ratan Tata Scholars. He is a guy with potential.

Tall, Fair, Handsome and Intelligent..makes him a complete

ladies man . He had quite a few female fans on campus

and off campus as well…though he never admitted it( Blame

it on his modesty ;) ).A vey genuine and a warm hearted

person, and a friend you can always fall back upon in times

of need .You would love to spend time with him.

Wish him all the best for all his future endeavors

Rohit Arora :

The Lyricist, The Poet, The

Story Writer, The designer, The

Brand scan PL etc. the list goes

on. He is arguably one of the

most creative guys in the batch

although his appearance doesn‘t

really convey the same. He is

the epitome of absent minded-

ness and a victim of short term

memory loss. How else would

you call somebody who takes

off his spectacles before a face wash and searches for it for 5

minutes after the face wash? He is called ―baby‖ as he is the

youngest in the batch which implies he is younger than all

the girls in the batch. He is also called ―ayyash‖ by some for

reasons which cannot be mentioned. He sleeps when the

sun rises and is most active at night. Laziness is his slave. It

dances to his tune. If there would be a kingdom of weird

people, he would rule it. Tardiness is an alien to him.

Self-proclaimed spokesperson of the infamous self-obsessed

Group K1, he is always proactive at least according to his

group mates and is known for his acting in role-plays and

presentation skills. He would also be remembered for mas-

terminding the famous ‗KSA‘ campaign at Episode ‘10 and

ridiculing his friends in his story ‗The Life‘ based on real life

characters at TAPMI. Forever cheerful he ensures that

there is never a dull moment when he is around. His friendly

demeanor earned him a lot of friends from both the sexes

but unfortunately for him the relationship never moved be-

yond that in the case of the fairer sex. (No pun in-

tended )

Rohit, keep rocking dude. Never change your attitude for

anybody‘s sake. We (Only boys) love you…

Saurabh Kishore :

He is by far the most creative guy in the batch in terms of

finding ideas to pull someone‘s leg. His roomie is a victim to

one of his pranks and is still recuperating from ‗The engage-


But very few people know some of his other facets. Don‘t

expect anything great. His gassing ability in the class is sec-

ond only to Narula. Self-proclaimed romantic person at

heart, he never actually managed to show his expertise at

TAPMI; may be he lost a little bit of his RHIDM(a) but this

guy is one epitome of determination. Be it SPEED, QUIZ-

ZES, TREASURY, B-PLANS etc, he has left his mark.

Saurabh, you are one of those rare people who actually sym-

bolizes the phrase – Young at heart. Everybody loves you for

that. Never let it go off !!!

Satish Kumar K :

There is no exaggeration

when I tell you that any-

thing and I mean anything

and everything can be

found in Satti‘s shelf.

When people lose some-

thing, they first go to his

room and then to the offi-

cial Lost & Found depart-

ment run by N.G.Nayak in


There are rumors in the market that the reason behind his

much awaited engagement being called off was that the ‗to

be‘ said something unpleasant about BrandScan. He would

be remembered by the Gokarna people for teaching the

Italians – how to make egg biryani and by the Infosys people

for telling the world – How not to try teaching Computer

Science to an E&C engineer. Watching movies is his latest

fetish. Even after watching a lot of movies he doesn‘t know

how to watch a movie in full screen. There are lots of simi-

larities between God Vishnu and Satti; one of them being –

You can always find him lying in the same position as God

Vishnu on his bed with his laptop on his lap. Our Softy can

just not see sad faces and too such an extent that he would-

n‘t mind giving away 1300 bucks to make absolutely strange

GIRLS smile. Don‘t even ask about his interview skills. Some

people say that the marketing manager resigned after being

taught ‗branding‘ by Satish in a 45 minute long interview (by

the way – Satti was being interviewed).

He is the most innocent combination of all the above men-

tioned traits. His personality contains the most complicated

simplicity. We will miss him for being for being a nice, simple

and straight forward person. We will miss you Satti. YOU


Anjali Naidu :

― Mujhe Bombay jaana hai yaar‖….‖Bombay main aisa nahi

hotha ‖. If you manage listen to one these lines in a group

you would know for sure that a girl is around whose only

passion at TAPMI is the thought of getting back to Bombay

as quickly as possible. But, Partying, family feud and angry

birds kept her alive here.

Obsessed with her looks she was always the photographer‘s

nightmare during parties. Very cool and cheerful she made

friends with aplomb neglecting the fairer sex in this aspect.

People liked taking her case both in the class and on FB so

much so that Prof. Vinit Thakur cannot finish his class with-

out pulling her leg. The girl always denied her south Indian

connection (Naidu), but gorges on south indian food...

Group K1‘s beloved Maya, she was also the official CEO of

the group with exceptional organizational, delegation skills.

No, she did work as well…ask Atharva ). But she sur-

prised many when it came to serious work as well. Confi-

dence and conviction has always been her forte and her re-

cruiter is a proof of her talent. Her presentation skills always

came to the rescue of her group and she made an impact

each time.

Anjali, keep going gal. You Rock!!

Varun Narula :

Varun Narula, one line that can describe him, "A child at

heart and a child by action" :). He is someone who can talk

talk and talk on any topic (he can't stop if the topic is on

Bikes). Varun has superb grasping power (even for foreign

languages like German, he was the champ) and is like the

master of most of things (apart from sports - didn't get to

see his talents much). He is one person who can give a pres-

entation for hours together without even having to under-

stand what the PPT is all about. He is always super charged

and ready to make fun of anybody. He is someone who can

take criticism very positively and in fact sometimes he even

pitches in to take his own case. He is extremely lazy and

some of his famous lines are " Koi kuch lene jaa raha hai

kya..." and "Kuch khane ko hai kya..." A die hard foodie, he is

always hungry. Extremely fond of the good life, he is indeed

a gem at heart that will always keep you entertained .. :)

My roomie - You just cannot stop him if he starts speaking!

A good biker and we do share the same passion for automo-

biles! Indeed made him learn a few south Indian songs! Does

a good job of any given task! His preparation for any exam

doesn‘t last more than an hour… I wonder how fast he fin-

ishes reading…I can remember him watching movies while I

struggled with my books!

Gaurav Mathur

Gaurav Mathur aka Shikari is the quintessential ladies‘ man of

Tapmi. Apart from ‗shikar‘, his other passion is networking

and he for sure is one of the best at it. Name any company

and he will give you the list of alumni in that company in a

flash. He is the only person in the history of TAPMI who had

a foreign trip completely sponsored by college. Efficiency is

his trademark and he firmly believes that any assignment

shall not take more than 2 hours to complete. The only in-

dustry he would like to work in is IT and he is heading back

to the company he came from, Cognizant. One thing that

many people don‘t know about this guy is that he nurtures a

dream to get into politics one day and knowing Shikari, he

surely will !

Nitish Mittal :

Nitish hails from Chandigarh

with a Punjabi accent (calls

―Satara‖ for 17) and is not at all

a ―funkra‖. He is the laziest

person you will ever come

across. You can see him active

only during the time of break-

fast, lunch, snacks, dinner and

post dinner (around 2 for

maggi). All he can think is only food, food, food and food. He

is the only person who has a stock of maggi (who will never

disappoint you when you need company for eating it), an

ideal customer that naresh anna and his wife always prayed

for, the only person whose roommate logged a complaint

for harassing, look alike of the bollywood actor Kamal Sa-

danah, a member of marena who joined for reducing his

weight but was compensated with junk food after work

outs, born carom player, classy cricket all arounder, bolly-

wood geek and a big time gambler. The only justification he

has about his eating habit is that ―na mein sharaab peeta hun

aur na mein ciggarate peeta hun bus khaane mein kharcha

karta hun ‖. He doesn‘t know the meaning of vegetarian

food and all he can think of is butter chicken, chicken pa-

rotha with extra butter and thumbs up. One of the best

features that Nitish has is his big eyes. His eyesight is so

powerful that he can view the person‘s answer sheet on the

first row from the last row. One must admit that he is bril-

liant when it comes to numbers, cricket statistics and bolly-

wood facts. Nitish overall is a true friend with a baby smile,

unlimited storage (stomach) space and a person you can

trust upon (condition – only if you own a bike or a car).

Niel Shivdasani :

―Kela dedo…Santre Lelo…‖:

Niel ―Slangster‖ Shivdasani. Meet

this dubious personality who

cribs about almost everything in

this universe. He must have

abused God a zillion times for

having been a bit stingy to lend

him some extra inches (of height,

offcourse!!!). Born with that

knack for numbers, he found his

solace in Finance and, why not? If finance is all about under-

standing the time value of money, then this Guy is the one

You should look upto!! He can be that extravagant to get a

gallery ticket for India vs England at a whopping 2000 bucks

and at the same time would think 30 times to hire an Auto

for 30 rupees. His intentions are clear, invest where you see

value. The mystery that his neighbors in Block-2 couldn‘t

solve till now is, when does this guy study? If results are any

indication of the amount of hard work that needs to be put,

then he can definitely prove his critiques wrong!!! Be it a

class quiz, mid-theme or end-theme, he will always be there

to bug you, when you just start to concentrate on your


The Sheffield return, who had larger than life dreams to be

fulfilled in UK, but alas found some crazy companions to

shatter and batter his dreams. The day he cleared the CFA

level-I, he was not a happy man. The reason, he has TWO

more rounds to go to be a CFA. You must be thinking, is

this Guy Crazy?? But I say, HE is.

On a serious note, his appetite for knowledge and his com-

mitment and dedication towards his goals, will land him on

the Moon someday. Good Luck Guy!! God Bless!!!

Girish Shetty :

Colonel ne kiya pardha faash

―Girish Shetty – The Greek


Don‘t know how exactly the

name ―Greek God‖, struck to

our mind on his 25th B‘day, but

this definitely has something

to do with the God of Love

and Desire….‖Cupid‖. On his

stealthy transition to become a ―Panditji‖, he was caught

unaware by the Colonel just 2 minutes past 11:30 pm. His

famous Vodite product also had some semblance with the

famous musical instrument, which he has mastered over past

several months… :D

The true Casanova of our batch whom every girl ( senies,

junies or batchmates, equally alike ), seemed to have a crush

on at one point or another. Quick to enchant girls with his

pleasant personality, this is not the only thing he is good at...

Come SPEED, and there is only one Name under the Sun,

that becomes the talk of the town. Not because of his profi-

ciency in a particular game or event but his gallantry in

thumping his opponents in all forms of Sports. An ardent

Chelsea Fan, he in his two long years of ―Academic Rigor‖,

has never missed a single Chelsea match!! Two years was

too short a time, to notice him loose temper or being vin-

dictive. A true nature lover, he hates people who are lacka-

daisical in their attitude about Mother Nature.

Of late, he realized that hiring an auto-rickshaw to Blue Wa-

ters was a costly proposition and that was enough a motiva-

tion to bring his 800 cc Maruti onto campus. Just on a con-

cluding note, Girish is a Gem of a guy. His charismatic per-

sonality, may or may not make him a BLDR (which I don‘t

care), but he can win many hearts and many friends in this

journey called ―Life‖ (which I care).

Bharat . G:

T h e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e U n i o n o f SE C :

A true Brahmin, our beloved President is a human coconut.

He may be tough on the outside, but is as soft as Milk-maid

on the inside. A people‘s person to the core, his HR speciali-

zation has received adequate practice with his daily antics as

the head of SEC in the institute. His mood swings are infa-

mous for their sudden appearances in the worst possible

times. A person suffering with a distinct split-personality

disorder, Mr. President can go from acting like a stubborn 8

year old to a focused 25 year man in a second. Easily hurt by

others‘ opinion about him and lack of positive feedback,

Bharat nevertheless continuously gave his heart and soul to

his role as the SEC head. We have seen him being hit by the

great cupid many a times in the past two years only to see

him running away from the prospective First Lady at the first

mention of Mr. Mallaya‘s choicest of brews. Although the

baton has been handed over to a new talent, Mr. G‘s legacy

will continue to be a part of TAPMI‘s ethos. And as a great

German scholar once said, ―Herr President ist sehr

Dumm !!!

Shruti Agarwal :

With a biiig smile on her face, bubbling with enthusiasm and

high on energy, it is very hard to miss her when she is

around. And you simply can‘t resist matching up to her en-

ergy levels and fall prey to all the weird plans that she has in

mind. Oh forgot to add, she loves to make plans which do

not materialize most of the time.

She is my personal alarm clock and probably also wakes up

half the girls on our floor. She looovess food and you can

easily make her go out any time by tempting her with the

idea of a good meal. She makes friends wherever she goes

and also makes sure that she keeps in touch with them. So, if

you are one of them, it‘s too late and you really don‘t stand

a chance to escape now!!! Her favorite pastime involves

getting lots of photos clicked. She also holds the honor of

being the one and only database for all the TV series that

you can find on this planet.

All the fun apart, she is one hell of a person and an awesome

friend. You are one of the best things that happened to me

in TAPMI..I will really miss you..:-)

Dr. Daraspreet Singh :

After answering correctly

the question of ―why an

MBA after dentistry?‖, Dr.

Daraspreet Singh took

his first steps into the ruth-

less world of management

in the year 2009. A strong

believer of class participa-

tion, he has managed to

build strong PR ( Professor

Relation-ship). A Punjab -

da- puttar, he has always strived for the welfare and uplift-

ment of student junta of TAPMI. Being one of those chosen

few Nawabs (read CR) he ruled over the pristine 42 acres

protecting us from the rigor at times.

Dr. Daraspreet Singh became popular amongst the fellow

students with his vigorous hand movements in class and his

―seductive‖ dance performance at the fresher‘s party. The

other time he tried his dance moves, it yielded him some

recognition in the form of best male costume for Dandia

night (don‘t ask him whom he tried to impress). Ask any-

body to imitate Daras and you invariably would hear the

loud exclamation ―Oh My God!!!‖ which always has been the

Daras‘ way of expressing anguish, surprise or whatever. Call

it his boldness, innocence or foolishness, this Sardar has

taken the modern philosophy of ―questioning the norms‖ a

bit too seriously and has tried his part of questioning the

laws of land in this side of the ghat. Though his efforts were

in vain, he can boast of having a few from the TAPMI intelli-

gentsia in his friends list with whom he is seen flirting very

often. He has hardly let the hectic schedule of TAPMI take

over his life. Daras is a fun loving guy and ―taking‖ his case

has always been one of the favorite pastimes TAPMI-ans

have always loved to engage in.

Mehak Kanduja :

Litgoddess, fin god, and bakar

god. One of the coolest

senies to hang out with. Su-

per senie by the records(long

story) but kiddo at heart

( proven by the Winnie the

pooh obsession). This female

is one that everyone has en-

vied, maybe coz she is the

only girl with a CBZ, or be-

cause she parties harder than

anyone else in the batch but

because her strong base in

finance helped her to bag a gr8 job at Crisil. She is a great

friend. A mix of two personalities, she may appear to be a

cowboy on the exterior but she is kindest and warmest at

heart. She has helped our batch (or us) a lot let it be with fin

teachings or basket ball training or moral support and cheer-

ing during speed!!! Or fixing up something to eat during the

late night hours. She is epitome of success. The one who has

seen all the phases of this college, one could possibly imagine

even in his wildest of the dreams. The way she handled her-

self and kept the aura around her warm and attractive is awe

inspiring. The first one to come for help and the last one to

ask for it, she was the jolliest individual on the campus and it

was always fun to be with her.

We all miss her distinct fun filled laughter :)

Nikitha Shetty :

Let me take the pleasure of

introducing you to the ten-

sion machine of the batch-

Nikitha Shetty a.ka. ‗Chinky‘.

Chinky loves discussing the

paper after any exam and

what she loves even more is

calculating how many marks

she will loose for every little

mistake she has made. The

Oxford dictionary is redefin-

ing pessimism after getting to know about her. GPA takes a

new meaning when it comes to her. Even after all the ups

and downs in her GPA she has secured the coveted job at

Titan, about which she discussed for nearly a month. Ms.

Shetty is from Abu Dhabi and digs on brands such as Mango,

Louis Vitton, YSL and many more. One of her major inter-

ests in life is talking, she can go on for hours at length with-

out showing any signs of tiredness. She loves treating her

friends to home-made food, courtesy her house in Manga-

lore and her benevolent mom who keeps visiting now and

then. A crazy party animal, whose ears go up as soon as she

hears Blue-Waters. A member of the choreo committee and

a mad mad dancer. She loves dressing up and being the styl-

ist to people of all shapes and sizes. If Chinky is not tensed

up about her studies you can see her smiling ear to ear,

jumping all around, or giving some-one gyaan about love life.

But in sum she is a friend you would definitely want to have.

She can be the heart of any party and a patient ear when you

need it the most.

Arpita Verma :

There are girls and then there

is Arpita !!!! I mean how many

girls would ride an old bat-

tered bike, drink like a fish,

bully the bullies, be ready to

travel the world and have no

qualms sleeping on railway

platforms or on the streets at

Sheffield and Scotland , talk to

random firangs in Gokarna and

abuse them in Hindi with a

smile and wear the most booring clothes and the ugliest

shoes from Janpath ...i can only think of one person and that

is Arpita . U cannot mess with this girl from Delhi (unless

you are a Sardar, who she loves in all shapes and sizes) and

if you do mess with her be ready to face her wrath. She can

put boys to shame with her capacity for alcohol, though she

claims that she is a social drinker and will quit drinking the

next day. If she wants something she knows how to get it be

it her summers in Loreal or her job in UB or her grades

which always land her at the top of the class. She loves to

socialize and you can always find her chatting away with

someone or the other be it in her intoxicated state or oth-

erwise. One can never be bored when she is around. If not

in college can find her either at twist , old DT , new DT or

open bar.

A strong believer in the philosophy of working hard and

drinking harder, this is wishing the mad but awesome

woman of PGP 2 all the best in her future endeavours

( specially in her effort to loose weight ;-))) .

Mohammad S Ayyubi :

Research has shown that

Aquariums capture prolonged

human attention (source : Fish

in a mall aquarium—An etho-

logical investigation of biophilia).

We also thought so until a

bearded guy seemingly wise and

sounding western joined us in

staring into an aquarium full of

gold fishes and commented – ―That should be yummm!!!‖.

Here is a guy whom the juniors thought was an exchange

student and seeing whom the faculty feels happy to have

selected an intelligent specimen of the human species. Well,

we never corrected them. Come closer and you will find he

is just another guy born to mesmerize you with his off-hand

presentations. This guy would have been a lesser known

mortal if not for his accent, his spurts of intellectual stimula-

tions in class and for that one batch mail (he didn‘t mean to

offend anyone…at least he said so). But this guy is not all

that bad.He has helped us sail through tough times with his

own lesser optimistic version of ―all is well‖ which is ―life‘s

like that‖.

Brand Ayyubi™ is a heavily recalled brand (joining the ranks

of the Pai brand and the Ravish brand) and is completely

owned by Mohd. Salahuddin Ayyubi, an NRI from Chennai.

An ardent foodie, he manages to do his share of belting. A

biker who believes in flying low, he turns the mundane undu-

lations on the Indian roads into a thrilling roller coaster ride.

A Michael Schumacher stuck in a 150cc Bajaj Pulsar DTsi, his

bike ride comes with a statutory warning of ―At your own

risk‖. Always brimming with energy, he collects strength

from his set of documentaries which ordinary homo-sapien

may find disturbing. A guy who has helped us find humor in

any situation, Salahuddin is an asset to your friends list.

Himanshu Jain :

―Late aayi vandhalum lat-

e s t a a y i v a -

ruven‖ (translating : even

if I come late I will always

be the latest). These are

the words of a cultural

icon of our times – Rajni-

Kant. Well our hero Hi-

manshu Jain from hinter-

lands of India, was un-

touched by the fame of this charismatic Tamil icon. Yet he

managed to do what the hero had prescribed. Joined college

late (just before the fresher‘s party) and asked one of the

most beautiful damsels, who had a boyfriend in TAPMI (she

is married to her boyfriend now), out for a date in the

fresher‘s party. Word spread like wild fire, people enquired

about this new ―kid‖ in the block who has done what even

their seniors never thought of. As somebody rightly said,

―God made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with

hairs‖, come exam, assignment, interviews or asking out for

a date, He-man, as he is popularly called, is the most cool

headed guy you would come across.

Though you find him sleeping in his room at all times it is

just an after effect of a tough day asking questions in class,

the answer to which is mostly an ―I will get back to you‖

from faculty. People say He-man is in the league of the Gods

when it comes to helping people. If you find yourself in trou-

ble, be assured that he is the man you can look up to for

some help. A banker to many ―downtrodden‖ and bankrupt

friends of his, He-man has a heart filled with compassion.

Humble, down-to-earth, least tempered, modest and of

course bald! That‘s how we want to remember this great


Deepika Gulati :

Date: May 30, 2010

Time: Around 8-8:30 PM

Venue: Third floor of girls hostel

Event: Beginning of a friendship

The above describes how I first met Deepika. We were go-

ing to taste the delicious fares of Gopi Anna when I saw this

girl who looked very familiar. On enquiry, I found out that

she was my senior from MIT. And thus began a beautiful

friendship which continues till date and hopefully will con-

tinue for a long long time. There are no adjectives that com-

pletely define Deepika. She is hard working enough to stay

awake the whole night to finish her work but lazy enough to

sleep the entire day if she is free!! (In fact, sleeping is one of

the many things she is really good at. Ask anybody who has

tried to wake her up! ) She has an infinite amount of pa-

tience and can never fight with anybody. I don‘t think there

is anybody in college who has a grudge against her. One of

her passions is to take photographs….. of HERSELF! She

once sat in Gopi Anna‘s auto and got a photo clicked posing

as the driver of the auto! All said and done, she is a sweet-

heart. You are really lucky if she counts you among her

close friends coz then she will do anything for you, even if it

means sitting behind you on your activa even though she

knows that you don‘t know how to ride one!

Yaman “Yo-man/Attitude” Jhawar :

Yaman‘s favourite one-liner is ―Baalon ko touch mat

karna‖.You can find him suggesting non-veg dishes to eat

even though he is a vegetarian. Very Fashionable, he knows

what‘s in and what‘s not. He hates it when ppl wear the col-

our orange. Thinks they should go back to the 80‘s where

they belong. Wears attitude up his sleeve .Anything to do

with marketing and you have his attention. He believes that

in life you have got to be sincere not serious.

Yaman thinks a lot before framing a facebook status up-

date .He appears stern, unfeeling but is really a sweetheart.

He is a fun loving person who can even make the most bor-

ing topic hilarious.

He can talk endlessly about cricket even if it bores people

around. He is very confident and straightforward. He is

known for his love for a few special junies.

Niharika Reddy :

The kiddo of our batch to which even her looks were testi-

mony. From colourful salwar-suits and kurtis of Hyderabad

to complete western attire, she‘d look pretty in everything

she donned. Needless to say, that she caught the attention

of juniors and seniors alike; and her name in the crush list

outnumbered any other girl‘s. This baby girl from Hyderabad

defied her age and proved her mettle when she became the

co-convenor of Atharva and lived up to everyone‘s expecta-

tion. Her dedication and hardwork was unmatched. This soft

spoken shy girl is a house of talent. When she would sing, all

around her would fall silent. Her love of biryani knows no

bound and she could eat it for all three meals a day. She

could sleep off anywhere anytime and that too for 48 hours

at a stretch! Her voice was as sweet as her looks and her

demeanour perfect for all occasions. She‘s a friend who will

always be there for you. This little power house is sure to

achieve all that she desires (after all such combination of

beauty, brains and dedication is rare!!) We wish her al the

very best in life.

Varun Rajkamal Mittal :

If you type cool on google, you

would probably find Varun Rajka-

mal Mittal as your top search.

Who is Varun Mittal? There are

many ways to describe him: Mr.

Cool, Mr. I Don‘t Care, a half ba-

nia, a full sardar J. A sardar in

true sense and the coolest sardar

one could come across. He is

known in the batch as the cool

dude and few call him cool C. Few

claim him to be sardar of the Cool

C gang. He doesn‘t give a damn about anything unless he is

passionate about it. He is driven by passion and his passion

lies in very few things. But if he is then no one can dare to

compete with him. (Please try beating him in table tennis :P)

One of the things he is passionate about is Bombay (NOT

MUMBAI; when I was born, I was born in Bombay not Mum-

bai ; how cool :P). For him Bombay is a lifestyle not merely

an address and very few qualify to be Bombayites

(coincidently all his (so called) close friends qualify). Who-

ever qualifies is a Rockstar!

His possessiveness for his food brings out the real bania

deep inside him. One of his (really close bombayite) friends

once happened to lay his hands on mittal‘s pack of chocos,

which woke him up from sleep and put even the friendship

at stake. His love for guitar and lately found love for German

adds to his long list of cool traits. His passion and straight

forwardness sets him apart. Dude u r the best (however u

r :P) All the best !!!

Varun Alva „Buddha‟ :

The most patient person in

the batch. Amazingly slow

and calm when it comes to

eating. He had never at-

tended any class on time in

the first year, owing to his

calm and composed na-

ture :D.

And yes, according to some,

he is brave and ‗spine-full‘ to take on any challenge thrown

his way. He doesn‘t abide by rule. Rules and regulations

mean nothing to him. He believes in paving his own way.

Well all of the above have a speck of truth in them as long as

you interpret the opposite. Jokes apart, Varun is a hardcore

Arsenal fan. You don‘t want to sit near him when Arsenal

starts losing. You might get exposed to a few flying objects

as a result of his frequent tantrums. He has a quantitative

bent of mind which you wouldn‘t realize until you work with

him. Though he hates admitting, he works hard and has di-

gestive appetite for just about everything…

He thinks being 90 kg is being lean.He weighs a mere 90

now after having notched up 130 in the past. Prone to bursts

of hysteria during sleep, his sounds of moaning in agony

while sleeping can make you feel that he‘s about to suffer

from a major attack. And then you tend to realize that it was

just another dream that got him all worked up.

All in all, ‗Buddha‘ is a great friend to hang with.How can I

forget all those interest free loans that he doled out.Is least

prone to group dynamics/politics…good general knowledge

as well…you can bet on his local knowledge..after all he is an

‗Alva‘ J His dedication and sincerity will surely take him to

great heights.

Anupam Chaplot aka „Chappy‟ :

Chappy arrived a week late in term 1. His new room-mate

Ravi soon described the new arrival to everyone as an intel-

lectual with a disdain for lesser mortals. But then over two

years, Chappy has proven to be a laconic intellectual with

lots of humility. His silence and his flat voice devoid of into-

nation gives away little of what he thinks, while his ability to

hold copious volumes of alcohol has led to his being held in

jolly regard among the drinkers of the batch. Ever ready to

smile and to offer a solution to our problems, Chappy is a

much loved person in the batch. His only vice maybe a

weakness for a certain Andhraite female, if the grapevine is

to be believed. But then, humans tend to think that immor-

tals also possess weaknesses, much like themselves…here‘s

wishing Chappy a fulfilling life and a successful career ahead!

Anupam is the nicest person in TAPMI… Absolutely cool..

Calm & Composed.. Always knows what he does… His

love for movies never ends… People who were close to him

know that he is a person who would never say NO to any-

thing… Guzzler!!! Destined to be in a fin company J

Paritosh Kashyap aka „The Guru‟:

Here‘s one chap who joined the batch quite late in term 1

and immediately spewed management gyaan on everyone at

the start. He quickly went on to start a blog that would go

on to be referred to by Babson Business School in the USA

for a marketing discussion once. Paritosh is a well-read and

articulate person with an affable persona that makes people

drop their guard when in his presence. He aspires to be a

renowned management guru- so much for measured ambi-

tions! His drive for audacious goals is matched by his ability

to focus on his priorities in life. With a penchant for shifting

into a philosophical mode and a love for food, The Guru (as

he is known) has been well respected for knowing his stuff

and his cool head.

Ravi Shankar Jakkuva :

There is no doubt about the kind of words that come to

one‘s mind when you hear the name Jakkuva. You are bang

on, coz actually there is no more to him than what he ap-

pears to be. Beneath those boyish looks lays an even more

childish mind. Well, lets just say that despite of his failed

attempts at impressing females :P, he is a very reliable friend

who would be around to help you. You can also learn a few

lessons of persistence (despite his context).He is also one of

those few guys(after Daras of course!) who will stand

around and let his case be taken sportingly in front of an

audience. We will all agree we had some good fun at his

expense (Ask his gym instructors J ). Also thanks to him, we

are up to date with the latest TV series and movies in the

hostel. Lets all hope that with all his trips to the Marena

inspite of his lactose intolerance and poor choice of Hindi

words during a conversation ;earn him what he has set out

to achieve, the single most important objective in life(We all

know this one! ) and put an end to the hit and run cases.


Sandip Sinha :

Sometime in March 2009, as we

were getting ready to join TAPMI,

we started reading various blogs,

PG posts, orkut etc. One guy,

seemingly going to be our batch-

mate in TAPMI, was most active

on-line and sometimes we won-

dered if this is some senie pre-

tending to be a junie because he

seemed to know everything about the college. Reputation,

thus, preceded Sandeep Sinha when he joined TAPMI.

As time passed, the guys living on the top-floor of Hostel

Block 2 came to be known as ―Block -2 Gang‖. If the strong

bond of friendship shared by the block-2 gang was a

―chemical reaction‖ then Sandeep happened to be the

―catalyst‖. Sandeep‘s room was like a ―King‘s Court‖ (and

hence another Nick Name: ―Raja‖) where people walked in

with their problems and walked out with all smiles. Every

day the room was the center for the ―Bakar Sessions‖ with

wide range of topics starting from acads to ….ehh!! Any-

thing controversial and be assured a chain mail will be

started in seconds by Sandeep.

But what is most amazing about Sandeep is his helping na-

ture. He has booked so many tickets for us that exceeding

IRCTC‘s monthly quota is common, he has ordered so many

burgers for us that half the restaurant guys would recognize

his voice in one go. With a collection of over 700 movie

titles his Hard Disk proved to be a boon for all of us as a

never ending source of entertainment.

Be it his work for MIRC or his captivating ppts, Sandeep

creates a mark with everything which he does. We just hope

that all his endeavours be with him and he continues scaling

new heights of success wherever he goes.

Saurabh Gupta

This guy indeed is one of the most helpful yet lazy guys I

have met during these two years of my stay at TAPMI. He is

a computer geek who knows more about crashing of hard

disks and reloading Windows than most of the IT or Com-

puter Science engineers here. He is a total Englishman who

loves soccer more than cricket. A diehard fan of ManU, he

knows more about EPL than IPL. A sleepy hallow who just

won‘t leave his laptop for anything when he is watching Na-

ruto. A big time fan Vikram‘s cheese omellete and Maggi is

known to annoy his friends for making them wait long hours

while he used to get his head and back massaged. Always

known to be stuck with ―wonderful‖ FASmates he had to

shoulder most of the group on his own.


















































































































































E & M































































































































































































Appachoo N K :

First time I heard this

name, it reminded me of

some uber cool red indian

guy/some U.S military

helipcopter. He turned out

to be nothing less in terms

of impact. The day I met

him, I saw him unload

some heavyweight manage-

ment books (literally!)

onto the shelves, I figured

that he is something of a

phenomenon. Regardless of whether he read them or not,

he never disappointed. He has turned out to be inarguably

one of the most popular guys in TAPMI. From being the first

guy to be almost fired for getting drunk to being the guy

bagging the highest package on campus, he has lived it all. His

benignity and his nature of putting the others‘ interests

above himself is perhaps something that everyone here

would remember for a long time to come. I am sure that

many a times, this landed him in trouble in his personal life

(and monetary life J ) too. A true Coorgi by blood(Test the

pH value of his blood and you would know what runs in it

J ),he is inarguably one of the most fun loving guys in the

batch. He is also a compulsive workaholic. In fact you would

find him all over the place. Of all the plans and trips that

were planned in these two years, some of the most fun and

the wildest of them would surely be the ones in which he

had been a part. He has been the Mr.Reliable for everyone in

this batch and I have often seen people approaching him

with their problems.Last but not the least, this is one name

I am sure that would never see celibacy in the near future

for the kind of lady killer he is! Cheers!

Ajay Verma aka „azay bhai‟ :

He is one of the most rebel-

lious and respected person in

the batch. He is a kind of guy

who can go to any limits for

the things that he believes are

correct. Ever heard the word

persistence?? Well, that‘s Ajay

for you.

Some dogged determination

combined with a few billion

grey cells can indeed be a

deadly combination. I have never seen a guy who is so mad

and passionate about his work; the topper of our batch has

such qualities that would impress you in the very first meet-

ing. A self-proclaimed techno-freak (he certainly lives up to

it) and keeps ―track‖ of the latest happenings in the fields of

technology and analytics. If he takes up any task be sure that

he will complete it just before the deadline.

He is a typical Bihari who is smart and sharp and you just

can‘t fool him; a person who cared for every person in the

batch. Needless to say, we owe our jobs to him and a few

others who‘ll be remembered for all the hard work and

sweat that they poured in for the sake of their batch mates.

He‘s a guy nobody hides anything from.

―Tum kya jaano‖ is his tagline.

A great friend to be with and someone who I‘m sure would

make it big in life one day!

Can‘t forget you and will definitely miss you.

Abhishek Mehta :

Mehta – the widely ac-

cepted Fin Guru of our

batch is believed to have

actually applied for a

teaching position but was

selected as a student since

he had a valid CAT score

at the time of application.

Mehta is a man of several

talents which include quizzing, talking about obscure financial

instruments and dancing (this was discovered in the 6th term

when he started attending parties and is now known as the

‗jumping jack‘ of our batch). Mehta swears by Finance and

Finance alone & considers every other subject as ‗gas‘ and in

his opinion should be expunged from the MBA course cur-


Mehta is a guy with a very high energy level and the mention

of a trip somewhere gets him high for days on end! He loves

planning trips – the most famous of which is a trip wherein

he took 16 of us to Bekal Fort, just in time to see the gates

of the Fort closing!!! Mehta is a multi-tasker who believes in

doing at least 4 activities at the same time, for eg. he would

be having a serious conversation with his roomie, whilst

watching a movie, playing a game of solitaire and listening to

his iPod all at the same time (and I‘m not exaggerating!).

Mehta looks and talks like the perfect Investment Banker

until he starts cracking jokes – the content of which can

embarrass any roadside rowdy!

However at the end of two years, I have to say that Mehta

has been an awesome roomie, a great friend and a guy who

would always listen to whatever nonsense you have to tell

him and try to give you a financial perspective to that prob-

lemJ. Mehta – dude, you will be truly missed!

Krishnan/JK/Robo/Machine :

Let me make it very clear

to you that the descrip-

tion which I am going to

make is not of a person,

but more of a phenome-

non! Krishnan, the mallu

from Delhi has been my

roommate and the best

friend I‘ve had at TAPMI.

Known for his extreme

intellectual skills, he has indeed been a phenomenon for eve-

ryone here. JK has impressed everyone with his pin point

precision in doing tasks which often made us wonder if

there was really blood that ran through his veins or was he

an advanced form of some machine. As a member of the

placement committee and the lone working member of his

FAS, Krishnan has mentored every single mortal, he has met.

I would be really surprised if somebody didn‘t mention his

name as the one person whom they can rely on for anything.

Robo‘s focus combined with his killer looks and ―dhoom

again‖ dance moves, did earn him a large female fan follow-

ing too. Sometimes in class, people got confused as to who

was actually teaching, JK or the professor? The day before

the exam was an awesome time to see people scrambling

into our room after Krishnan had slept to grab whatever

notes that he would‘ve made; even his highlighted textbook

would be taken! If McKenzie had failed to recruit him, they

would have missed the next big thing that‘s going to happen.

His most famous lines needs a mention here ―Dude…I am

too old for this s***‖ or ―Dude…WTF? Why me?‖ An awe-

some badminton player, basketball player, time manager,

dancer, student, an awesome friend, and overall an awesome

experience! JK – THE PHENOMENON! Best of luck bro…

May your dreams come true!

Sudip Mukherjee :

If you ever get to inter-

act with him, be assured

that you‘d be imitated

later. With a knack to

mimic just about any-

one, you tend to won-

der how he picks up

people‘s style of con-

versing with so much

ease! If you were ever to take a snap with him or as in most

cases, if he made you the cameraman to take his snaps, be

assured that he‘d show that ubiquitous side face of his to the

l e n s .

If you ever need a brand 'manager'/'destroyer' for your-

s e l f , b e a s s u r e d t h a t h e f i t s t h e b i l l .

So we are talking about Sudip Mukherjee, formerly known as

‗PJ king‘ , as ‗The Killer but affectionately called as

‗ S u u u u u u u u u d ‘

You ever wanted to merge 2 doors into 1 or how about 2

railway tracks into 1? He‘s lately been obsessed with the

panoramic view that a new toy in his hand can scoop out.

A gentle man or a ladies‘ man (depends on your perspective)

with an impeccable array of Levi trousers packed into his

wardrobe, he can court any lady if he wishes to.

All said and done, what defines Sudip is that he is a great

friend. Ever heard the cliché - ‗a friend in need is a friend in

deed‘, u could apply that to him. Very passionate about any-

thing related to AAC (besides his bike). Always ready to

venture out (no matter what) just to relish some good time

with friends. Will stand by you when you are in trouble (ask

one Ayyubi about the ‗Open House‘) and can make you feel

lively when your down, that‘s Sudip for you. We just hope

that he stays that way :)

Ravish Rambo Shrivastava :

Some people are known, some well-known, some become

more famous, very few are able to attain the status of a star

and some chosen one reaches the level of popularity to be

called legendary. But only very select few surpass all these

level and evoke responses, emotions and loyalty beyond

reasons and they are called ―Love Marks‖, that is what Rav-

ish is for the whole of the batch. Famous for his sharp and

witty comments, if he is present somewhere, he will be the

center of attraction, affection and conversation. Everybody

tried to be in their best behavior in front of Ravish, since

nobody wanted to be recipient of his comments. During the

outbound program, Girls gave him the nick name of Rambo

because of his macho deeds and willingness to help any girl

suffering from fear of leeches.

He was the most reliable source for getting ideas at any

time. He was nicknamed chimnee as he was always engulfed

in flames of ideas. People used knock his room in late nights

and wake him up to ask for ideas. He seldom disappointed

them. Most of the time his room used to full of people who

used to share ideas for longer sessions.

His popularity transcended beyond the boundaries of TAPMI

and he was most respected person in most of the popular

―family restaurants‖ in and around Manipal. He firmly be-

lieved in family values and used to show that by visiting fam-

ily restaurants almost daily. He was not a person but a phe-

nomenon and it was privilege to be his roommate.

Rohit TS :

The best line to de-

scribe this guy would

surely be "The Cat

with nine lives" or

maybe many more.

Just when we

thought this time

he‘s doomed, he just

m a n a g e d t o

get away. Any and every controversy in college always had

one name in common, Rohit Tirunelai.

If you happen to see a bushy man; not shaved and bathed for

20 days or more; roaming in campus listlessly, then he for

sure is TS. He is one of the coolest guys I have ever met and

surely one of the best friends to have. The guy has an amaz-

ing sense of humor and the best thing about him is his ability

to laugh at all times. His laughter is a distinct part of his per-

sonality. The original creator of the word ―Howla‖ and

―Mental‖, there is never ever a dull moment when you are

with Rohit TS.

Very popular with students and faculty alike, I still feel the

guy is a misfit for an MBA degree. He has no idea of why he

is here and what he is supposed to do here but has proved

everyone wrong when he carried on the tradition of BTP

getting one of the coolest placements. He is someone who

always procrastinates up to the eleventh hour but manages

to escape every time.

TS loves his music (Trance to be specific) which is actually a

nightmare for many who live on his floor. He formed the

axis of evil with his partners in crime Rohit Singrodia and

Dhaval Patel. One might associate many adjectives with him

- weird, dirty, mad, sweet, funny, witty but for me he is THE

RETARD of the batch, one who has been an integral part of

my Tapmi life.

Dhaval Simple Patel, a.k.a Colonel‟s favorite

He logs into TAPMI website,

goes to webmail to check his

mail even when there is a inbox

BOOKMARK saved on his lap-

top. (This is one of the many

instances. For curious peple to

know more, contact Mr.Patel)

We‘ll remember his name for all

the wrong reasons one can think

of. Whenever he is caught in a

disciplinary issue, we think it

won‘t get bigger. But he manages to prove us all wrong. (We

feel sorry for THAT bed. And so does he. But both for dif-

ferent reasons.)

A truly versatile character. Advertising graduate, 3/4th CA

(just because he didn‘t want to pursue studies further), MBA

finance and CFA. A dedicated member of his committee,

MIRC. We have never seen him work so hard (even to get

out from this place) and with passion for his committee

(Even his fellow MIRC members will agree to that). He was

truly the INVISIBLE FORCE of MIRC. His bike(many of the

juniors would assume that it was TS‘ bike) has actually suf-

fered more than him during their stay in TAPMI ( or shall we

say manipal now?) His love for non-violence can be best

explained by Sagar Doshi who has been bestowed by his

―LOVE and AFFECTION‖ ;-) One thing is for sure. His name

will be taken in the history of TAPMI forever (No prizes to

guess the reason for this one). We all hope that he gets his

name on the ―ROLL OF HONOR‖.

Finally someone will be relieved that he is leaving this place. ;


Rohit Singrodia aka Godzi :

The moment Rohit Singrodia en-

tered, there were actually tremors

in the Hostel Block. Very soon we

realised that the age old myth of

Godzilla, created by the Japanese

was actually true. He has the same

general shape and is described as

one because of his size and power.

One of the most controversial

characters of the batch this guy

was part of the evil axis with Rohit

TS and Dhaval Patel. None of his

friends ever wanted to be in his

bad books. This guy has a great

sense of humor but also a great

temper and one had to think twice

before you ticked him off. His passion in his life in Tapmi

included sleeping in class. Among his lesser known talents

are his dancing skills and he can make Michael Jackson turn

in his grave with his dance moves. The Brand Ambassador of

―Bajaj‖, he was also very dependable and the Alumni Com-

mittee literally ―swears‖ for his contribution during Summer

Hues. The guy proved general perception about him wrong

by actually clearing his CFA Level I and in the process man-

aged to take the more illustrious self confessed Finance

Geeks of the Batch by surprise. The guy also helped his

friends clear their Finance Papers by giving them proper

coaching. An Atharvan for life the guy had made Atharva

Den his home for the entire second year and was the back-

bone of the team. Atharva 09-11 would have not been possi-

ble without Godzilla. Over the last 2 years the name

―Godzilla‖ has gone on to become an icon in TAPMI and

Rohit Singrodia will always remain an important part of

TAPMI Batch 2009-11........

Divya Sainath :

Well if this write-up starts with

criticizing her, she would definitely

understand who has started it. So

let‘s start with a positive note.

Likes to emphasize Dr. in her name

during all the assignments and pres-

entations (A1 would know about

this and tried very hard to start it

on a positive note but….), is the only one to have continued

her career over here. Any ache, scrapes, sprains, joint dislo-

cation, fractures, is the first on call.

She is the dancing diva of the batch: first to get on to the

dance floor, last one out. Little wonder that she was the

―Dandia dancing queen‖ in 2009. And who can forget her

PJs; her comebacks are guaranteed to make you laugh till

your stomach hurts. A math whiz! She wasn‘t sure of the

answer for ‗2+2‘. She never knew what excel meant. Won-

der how she managed to get so many ‗A‘s.

One of the most matured, level headed person you would

ever come across. Easily bored and even more easily de-

lighted. Looks very cute when she smiles, displays all the

traits of a 5 yr old girl and breathes life into every conversa-

tion she is a part of.

For 2 years her greatest passion in TAPMI was the HR Fo-

rum. She is the dynamo behind the committee and the driv-

ing force behind making Disha 2010 a grand success. The

way she pulled it off speaks volumes about her caliber.

Physiotherapist, dancing diva, PJ Queen, HR Goddess Divya

has handled all these roles with panache. When we look

back at the 2 years at TAPMI, she will be remembered by

her batch mates as one or all of these roles; but by the ones

she considers her friends, she will be remembered as the

best buddy they could‘ve ever dreamt of having.

Radhika „Ammu‟ Tharol :

The only gal in the whole batch

who has really understood and

utilized on the Idea Ad‘s: our

own Radhika (the walk and

talk)... She is the Mumbai girl

known for talking on phone ,100

m above sea-levels at all times

of the day(and night) and scaring

the jeepers out of any soul who

happens to be on that lonely road at unholy hours.. The

worst part being that she frets of darkness…She is the per-

son to approach when stuck in Fin and Systems. she‘s got a

talent for getting the answers by ―jhol‖ when everyone else

is stumped! Radhika‘s is also known for her ―lean studying

skills‖ (studying less : scoring more) and for her CIS presen-

tation and research. She is blessed with highly analytical skills

and a talent for crafts and art (Friends know of the master-

pieces created by her).

A big time foodie, she is probably the only girl in the batch

who would willingly get a grade cut for a taste of the deli-

cious Kundapur chicken! Her choice of food and her sugges-

tions never go wrong!!!! She is totally in love with beaches

and won‘t want to get off the water at all.. Her dancing tal-

ents were exposed in the last batch party when she

‗grooved‘ to the music. Always ready to chat about movies,

places and what not,you never feel the time passing with her


She is one of the coolest gals of the batch who can be spot-

ted with her effervescent smile 24/7/365. Amidst this world

of cut throat competition she will never shy away from help-

ing you even at the 11th hour. Patience and perfect tempera-

ment are the virtues that are greatly manifested in this gem

of a person. Wish her all the best and all the happiness in

the world!!

Ruchi Gupta :

Ruchi is the most wonderful human i have ever kid-

din..seriously! She has always helped me out of situations

when i required a guiding force or a support to back me...

There r a lot of good compliments that one can give her like

being nice human being, hardworking, caring, optimistic,

faithful, gracious n so many more words that I regret don‘t

exist in my thesaurus. A much focused girl, she is very-very

patient .One of the few ppl in my star-studded class who

don‘t sleep during lectures. One look at how she bears

hours of torture in class without grumbling speaks volumes

about her patience... Not to mention that she is amongst

the toppers in our class.. One of the few ppl who come up

with original copies of assignments... She is very helpful and

will help u anytime....... She has a very cute shrieking voice

and an infectious laughter which wins over ppl..

Ruchi keep rocking and focused towards your goal. "May

God Bless You"

Abhishek Suhasaria :

His love for Balance sheet

from the very first day of

the college got him the

nickname ‗sheet‘ followed

by ‗shittae‘. This guy is

one of those who won‘t

easily become a close

friend. People think he is

a serious and well mannered guy but if only if you were

close to him would you know, how crazy and wild he can


Few interesting facts about this guy are: Active participant

(along with SuDip) of the first physical fight in section 2;

Freaks out on being teased with a girl from the junior batch;

Loves playing ―scooter‖ with people‘s arms and keeps remi-

niscing ―labhu the liar‖ story he read in 11th std (Clear proof

of how mature he is); Always removes his specs for special

occasion or snaps; So fond of sports that he used to keep

stealing the ―Greek God‘s‖ football in the 1st yr and disap-

pear with yellow sponge balls used as a prop in BS ‘09; Cele-

brates achievements so much that winning UNO two times

in a row makes him feel like he was awarded the Khel Ratna;

Is himself a brand often associated with ―Fragrance‖ and

―HUL‖ (PUN intended!!!); Sacrifices cleanliness for the sake

of punctuality!; Has blood so sweet that Manipal bug savored

it multiple times; He loves picking up fights with Adi .

He was slightly tight-lipped when it came to class participa-

tion but is very passionate in everything he does and does it

with absolute ease like a thorough professional; whether it is

studying, playing sports (especially pool), consuming the

good stuff, dancing, doing time pass with friends. All in all, a

reliable friend, evidently intelligent, adoringly crazy & non-

sensical – we are sure going to miss you!!

Anand Agarwal :

RESPECT. Our RESPECT for Anand aka Nand(G)u, taklu is

infinite (joking J). The man with the most enthusiasm and

energy; be it group work, dancing, partying, doing bakar with

friends. It is during the times that he is most enthusiastic and

energetic that he is the most entertaining for all the friends

around him. RESPECT!

‗People change, so did Nandu…big deal!‘

Nandu is the Bhaloo of the batch, bhagwan ne shayad usse

nainsafi ki thi (translated: god was cruel to him), he has very

little hair where needed. He has secret crushes on his

friends‘ girlfriends and tries to pursue them; which was re-

vealed to us by his ‗friend‘. He loves to eat ‗jelly.‘ The only

person in the batch who talks at ‗home‘ at 2 in the night.

We wonder whether he stores numbers of his girlfriends or

rather friends‘ girlfriends in the name of ―papa‖. Always

seen online, Nandu is extremely active on Facebook. He

‗likes‘ comments even before reading them. He is so ener-

getic that he catches hold of a few junie girls and gives un-

necessary lectures about curriculum to them. He is a true

party animal and often becomes schizophrenic in a split sec-

ond. Whilst playing antakshari for some reason he sings

only the girl songs.

Nandu is one of those people who will be involved in almost

every activity even if he is not

taking part just for friends. An

extremely loyal and helpful

person who will always be

there for friends no matter

what. Tends to get emotional

and senti on small things akin a

‗gentle giant‘. We wish him all

the best in everything he does

in his life, ATB J!

Mohit Agarwal Aka Mama :

In a B-school, you get to meet a variety of personalities.

However, this guy is an ―original piece‖! One of the most

genuine people, he makes friends without trying. It‘s simply

impossible not to like him; a mature, sensible and a caring

guy, who does everything with a touch of childish naughti-

ness. One of the most loved and respected guys in the

batch, he is renowned for his dancing skills (item number

specialist!!),SPSS skills(always in CC teaching girls),Academic

excellence (Many of us owe our grades to his midnight tuto-

rials) and the Parcels which he receives from home, filled

with delectable snacks! One of the most valuable customer

for Sanman, he has visited the place with almost all the

groups at least fourteen times a week. He brought joy to the

campus as part of welfare com .There is probably no one in

the college who has balanced his/her life so perfectly.

Though an expert at managing accounts (did I mention ac-

counts topper?), he never keeps accounts in friendship or in

doing work.

He is the ―fresher‖ and the ―Baccha― of his FAS who always

managed to do the big things. TAPMI is special because of

people like him in it.

Rahul Koshy George :

The evangelist , the

PLAYAH, the stand-up

comedian (Kuttapai :P). He

surely has his way with the

ladies. If you want to spot

him in a crowd of people,

always look for a guy talk-

ing to a group of women –

bingo, its Rahul Koshy

George. He is one of the most meticulous people who like

to plan everything. On his first birthday in TAPMI, he made

3 separate lists of people to be given a treat. His game plan:

List 1 – people of immediate use to him; List 2 – people

whom he can use in next 5 years; List 3 – people whom he

can use in next 10 years. This foresighted God-fearing soul

eventually treated only those in list 1.

An excellent guitarist, he however misuses his skills to come

up with songs that bug others.One can understand the plight

of the subjects to his songs - please speak to MAADU about

the songs on him. An excellent and opinionated communica-

tor, often an ‗unassuming‘ fellow – makes fun of everyone

but gets too serious if someone makes fun of him; hates

abusing but enjoys seeing others being abused.

He loves reading books on diverse subjects. The library will

miss him for all the books issued and renewed umpteen

numbers of times. He is also a keen observer of the stock

market.The little known secret is that before Warren Buffet

writes a letter every year to all his CEO‘s asking them what

to do for the next; Rahul writes to Warren Buffet telling him

what to do.

He is a hard-working fellow, a true friend, a dutiful represen-

tative (Placement Committee – 2009-11) and a thorough

gentleman. May God bless him. Amen.

Prateek Swarup :

Prateek urf "pappu" and the original "shikari" of the 2009-11

batch; the human in reference here is a student from a dif-

ferent planet. Prateek is one person who is organized, smart

and hardworking but one helluva pessimist. And yes, if there

were to be an award for highest EQ in the world, Prateek

would have registered himself a place within the top

100. His most important "attribute‖, the ability to forget

selectively and then innocently tell that "Oh you guys know I

forget a lot of things". The complete man who can talk to

just anyone on any topic under the sun. Class participation

would never have been the same without him. He was al-

ways there to add a point. If only one could compile his

"experience" stories, it would be the 3rd epic after Mahab-

harata and Ramayana. Sometimes it feels that he had done

everything and knows everything. At the fag end of the

course it was difficult to keep a count of the stories about

his "extremely smart female friends‖! A friend that most of

us can only wish for but only few are lucky enough to have.

Saranathan R :

Saranathan Ranganathan

a.k.a. Balaji a.k.a. Saraman

a.k.a. Saranova a.k.a

Sararoll is a mixture of

south Indian softness and

north Indian smartness.

He is a true delhite by

nature but his soul is

made of traditional Tamil

Brahmin rules. His childhood adventures and crushes make

him the naughty boy we have never seen in TAPMI. His in-

nocent face and boyish looks actually disguises his matured

behavior which is a rare combination. Though he is intelli-

gent at times he seems to be flawed by his arguments J…but

everybody is not 100% perfect. Even though he continued

with his secret ―crushes‖ in TAPMI singing ―Hum‖ song…he

never ever gave any slight impression of ladkibaaz…Though

he is from a ‗bhikhari‘ area known as rohini in delhi, he was

stylish with all the splashy items that he bought from chor

bazaar….Bakar sessions never showed us how creative he is

at ―things‖ but as a roommate I have privilege to know that

about him.

Being a placecom member, he diligently worked for the

placements, but he is known for other ―good‖ reasons

among his placecom friends. During outings on the beach he

is the one who shows his swimming prowess. He is also a

good ―gymmy‖, which I had experienced in Marena.

Leaving the jokes apart, Saranathan is the person who you

would like to spend time with. He is fun loving person and I

am sure that his clarity of thought on any topic will impress

u the most. One should learn the efficiency of smart work

from him, as he scored top marks with minimum effort in

studies. The high maturity is another quality that makes him

stand apart among the freshers of the batch.

Rahul Agarwal -

Maadu :

Maadu is the only guy in our

batch who took up the

mantle of entrepreneurship

and lived up to his name!

Maadu is generally a cool

person (except if someone

comments on his height)

with a fake ‗I don‘t care‘

attitude for you must see

Maadu the day before any

exam! Seeing him before an

exam would put the fear of

exams and God in the cool-

est person around!

Maadu has a special affection for the ‗Agarwal‘ surname and

his affection knows no bounds if the surname holder is from

the fairer sex! He is an avid nail biter so much so that the

PGP chairman once stopped an impassioned lecture on Sales

and checked to see if he had any nails left on his hand.

Maadu was the terror of all committees whilst he was the

treasurer of the batch. When it comes to athletics Maadu is

full of ‗enthusiasm‘ which was evidenced by the fact that he

brought brand new Reebok running shoes to participate in

the Speed‘10 swimming contest! ?(no kidding!)

But jokes apart, Maadu is a real gem of a guy, charming, ex-

tremely funny, potato lover, affectionate and generous to a

fault! A guy who would do anything for his friends, it is a

privilege to be in his friends‘ group! I don‘t think there is

anybody who has touched so many people in TAPMI and he

is one person I hope to be friends for ever with!

Rajashree R Nair :

Meet Rajashree the KIDAEEEE and

DUTTU of our batch… the girl who

refuses to grow up, the girl with

childlike innocence. She is a beautiful

angel – one who would love to see

everyone around her happy and

simple as she is. She creates a charm

that makes everyone instantly like

her. Her world consists of- herself,

her parents and her few (MANY)

friends. She cares for all and keeps

trying to make people happy. She

has different nicknames Duttu mol

(a sweet little girl), Pothi, beta, ki-

daeee, maaaa and many more. One word she is really fond

off is ―Pattee‖ (dog). She will call everyone ―Pattee‖ but at

the same time she is afraid of it the most.

Her accent is her forte and she is a student of ―Hey

Chaar― (HR) and her home town is ―khotyam‖ (Kottayam).

She often does not realize how capable she is. Rajashree has

a peculiar sleeping habit; she pops into sleep suddenly in the

midst of the night with her specs and her laptop screen still

on and her poor room-mate has to remove her spectacles

and close her laptop. Like all kids she loves ―Maggi‖, she‘ll

have it every time be it breakfast, lunch or dinner and then

say ―I am too full, I am gonna skip dinner today‖. This

‗Ms.Manners‘ can tire you out with the number of ‗please‘s ,

‗sorry‘s and ‗thank you‘s she uses in each sentence. She is

the most ‗prim and proper‘ person in the girl‘s hostel, her

cupboard is impeccably neat and tidy.

An amazing swimmer, a graceful dancer, an excellent sketch

artist, a gem of a person, a girl full of grit, spirit and determi-

nation, often misunderstood as a child but full of maturity.

BE the Way U R Rajashree– U r the ―BEST‖EST !!!!

Aditya Dixit :

Addy aka Adi aka Aditya aka

Dixit : emotional and senti-

mental is what describes him

and then you wonder

whether he is a girl in a man‘s

guise. He is a cricket buff who

loves to brag about his

knowledge of the game. He

loves playing the game and

can get really emotional on

the pitch as well; has a roommate and their relationship is

akin to a couple; the entire floor comes to life when one of

the spouses comes knocking at their room door ! He loves

his GF…err…that‘s supposed to be his bike, a cool Thun-

derbird that he loves flaunting around.

Though he does not like to be called as a ‗gas master‘, his

gaseous insights can certainly get the class on its knees. Af-

ter all, when you have a person proclaiming that HR is the

best area of management, what more can you expect except

Gas?! J He can find an HR perspective in every issue.

Some of his famous dialogues : ―Light Re Baap‖,

―HauuMiyan‖ ; love‘s speaking Deccani(Hyderabadi) lingo;

very concerned about his looks; loves freaking out with

friends and tries to celebrate even the smallest of achieve-

ments at Swati or Sanmaan. He is fanatical about posing in

front of the camera and taking shots (call it self-obsession!)

He is in Music Com, Sports Com and of course HR Forum

(how could we miss that). He has a guitar which he does not

play! He is extremely health conscious; one of those few

mortals who has consistently ‗gymmed‘ in spite of the

TAPMI ‗rigor‘.

Aditya is a great friend who values friendship and loves HR

and we hope he can be one of the best people specialists

around (sounds better ;)

Mythreyi R :

Question Of The Day

(QOTD): Name the per-

son behind Espirit‘s

QOTD. This person is so

passionate about quizzing

that she‘s ready to forgo

her food to ensure she is

on time to take a quiz.

This very same person

never makes it on time to

99.5% of classes. A quote

about her punctuality: ―If she‘s walking slowly towards the

canteen for breakfast, there‘s 5 min left for class, if she‘s

hurrying towards the canteen, class has just started and if

she‘s running towards class she‘s 10 min late.‖

She looks a delicate darling but you‘ll realise what she‘s

made of when you try to take her photograph. All the guys

whose face she‘s threatened to punch in can testify to this.

She‘s sarcastic and witty and not afraid to say what she

thinks. She is very particular about the quality of work that

bears her name. She‘d rather submit a good assignment late

than a shabby one on time.

This lady is one cool cucumber under pressure. She values

fairness and justice above all else. She thinks Wikipedia is the

greatest invention and the number of quizzes she‘s won is a

testament to this. (Professors please note that if Wikipedia

was not an authentic source our college would not have

received so many laurels through this person).

The easiest way into her heart is if you were an animal. This

animal lover has taken in and/or saved quite a lot of strays

during her lifetime. She cares just as much about the few

humans who have managed to worm their way into her

heart. She‘s ready to sacrifice all (except quizzes) for us. A

truer friend will be difficult to find.

Neelam Sathe :

Neelam is a walking para-

dox. She is perceived to be

very serious, studious and

silent. But, she is fun loving

and always game for any

kind of outing. Not many

know that this girl can also

dance very well. Most of us

witnessed this only during

the last term. A complete movie buff. To sum up her aca-

demics, she studies the least, writes the least in exams and

gets the maximum marks. She is highly efficient and finds

innovative ways to complete a task. One thing that I will

always remember about Neelam‘s academics is not her out-

standing position in class, but her standing outside the PGP

chairman‘s office for leave. She always bunked more than the

quota and had grade deductions in every term. Despite this,

she somehow managed to be in the top 10 of our batch.

She loves photography. I mean, not taking pictures, but pos-

ing for them. And if there ever was a contest on ―Fastest

uploader of pics on Facebook after clicking‖, Neelam would

win hands down.She enjoys any type of food and can‘t be on

a diet to save her life. If there is something that she failed at

during her tenure in TAPMI it would be her morning walks.

This lazy girl could not maintain even one of her daily reso-

lutions to get up early the next morning for a walk.

And as for the things I really admire about her. She is an

excellent judge of character. She has very good observation

skills and keen attention to detail. Her resilience is simply

amazing. Of the years spent at TAPMI, I have had the most

logical suggestions from Neelam which have added value to

my life. A warm personality and a person who has the pre-

rogative to live on with a strong conviction.

Anusha John :

Say hello to the Monica Gellar

of the batch. The one with the

OCD to want everything

around her to be spic n span to

the point that on her plate, she

wants the curd away from the

rice, rice away from the pickle,

and curry away from everything


She‘s a devout Christian:

RKG: Are you coming to church today?

AJ: I don‘t go to church on Sundays only. What makes you

think I‘m going to come on a Friday?

RKG: It‘s Good Friday K

AJ: Oh..!! I won‘t be coming anyway :D

She also has the innate ability to get herself into trouble of-

ten. As if being the darling of many profs wasn‘t enough, she

decided to rock the boat further. Case in point: she‘s proba-

bly the only TAPMIan in history to have said ‗No‘ to a (THE)

marketing prof. She knows what she wants and how to get

it: Dogged determination in the pursuit of the latest episode

of Vampire Diaries/Smallville etc by stalking anyone who

might have them.She‘s a multi-talented sportswoman: bas-

ketball, swimming, throwball; you name it and she‘ll kick

your a** in it! She can shake a leg in style too! I still remem-

ber her ‗jive‘ in last year‘s farewell party ;)

She has a rare quality: knows what she is made of and at the

same time isn‘t shy about admitting her faults. If you want to

talk to her, be prepared to hear it straight from the gut be-

cause she isn‘t one to mince words and sugar-coat what she

thinks. But once you earn her trust, you‘ll find that she

would go the extra mile to stand up for you. You would,

however, have to deal with the fact that she will, forget your

birthday :P

Ajay Simha :

Ajay is one of the most calm, silent and composed student

inside the classroom, but on the playing field, he is the most

feared one by his opponents. Be it his volleyball serves with

pinpoint precision or his Mcgrath like bowling and Pol-

lard‘esque sixes, he is ready to play any sport at any time at

any location. The ‗Lion‘ of Karnataka, is one of the rare

breed of players for whom not just his team but even the

opponents would vouch for when one word is spoken: re-

spect. The way ‗Simha‘ carries himself on the field and plays

the sport is indeed a sight to behold.

Off the field, this Fin guru is known for his tremendous

knowledge and is ever ready to share his knowledge with

other friends. He is a keen follower of the Indian stock mar-

kets. Simha‘s interest also lies in South Indian movies and he

is extremely popular for his playlist as a DJ for the South

Indian Spice parties.

A true friend who will be there for you at anytime; Ajay and

his Sportsmanship will be missed.

Ankur Gajjaria:

Ok, It has to start with a connect question because that‘s

how he does it and that‘s how he loves it. So your question

goes like this, what comes to your mind when you think of

Sachin, Quizzing, Cricket, Tennis, Marketing, Finance & the

list never ends. Yeah you guessed it right; we are talking

about a ‗wonder-kid‘; a hardcore (is just too mild!) Sachin

fan and a shrewd marketer! If Sachin would have ever tried

quizzing, he could have easily been Ankur! So if you ever see

Sachin endorsing unusual brands (Aranca anyone), you know

who is behind it.

Looks can be deceptive and it is very true for Ankur! The

Guy-next-door is powerhouse of knowledge (which is not

confined to particular subject or area) and yet is full of hu-

mility. Probably the only guy who can irritate and impress

you at the same with his tennis serves! You can definitely

learn a few lessons of aggression from him be it in sports or

in quizzing. He is unarguably the marketing genius of the

batch and a shrewd investor (I think you can never take

‗market‘ out of gujju blood)! He is a very mature and reliable

individual. It would be really interesting to see what lies

ahead in the career of this wonderful friend. Wishing him

luck for his all future endeavours.

Rahul :

JUST…. PGP 911 understands it in completely different

sense. Every one of 911 batch know what the word signifies.

It is none other than our JUST RAHUL who not only has

childish looks but also reinforces it through his questions in

classes and his tryst with ‗Tinkle‘ which made him spend a

lot of time in library. He is very good when he works alone

but a kaamchor when he works in team. Eventhough he

hates manipal, I wonder how he managed stay here for 6

years. His first year canteen meetings with ―special person‖

made him JUST lover boy. His large appetite for chicken

lollypop made him an almost daily visitor to dollops.

Eventhough he says that he is chilled out….his short tem-

perament does not keep him at peace. He keeps pressing

others for treat but he is such a kanjoos that he forgot to

treat others even after winning 40k in competitions.

His plump features hides his love for sports, be it cricket,

badminton (in JUST‘s language BADDY) and TT. Off late, he

showed his dogged determination in reducing the flab of

tummy by jogging and playing badminton. He is the best bet

if u want to have bakar with somebody. Hope JPMC extracts

some amount of work from him.

Yogesh Gupta :

Objective : Not to waste a single minute...

So what does do?















True "Like I care" about college happenings :)

RESULT: One of the best profile " Investment Banker "

Siva Harsha Karra :

What will you call a person who bunks 2 full days at TAPMI

and travels 200 Km just to catch the glimpse of his favorite

movie star‘s movie on the first day? Megastar… Cricket…

Speed…Atharva…ethics... are some of the synonyms asso-

ciated with this guy whose passion for those things knows

no bounds. ―Just enjoy the game, don‘t concentrate on

sledging… ――Boxer, kal sab to jaldi uttana hai cricket prac-

tice karna hai..‖ ― we have come here for knowledge not for

marks..‖ are few of his famous anecdotes.

His room is almost a dance floor with loud music booming

continuously at anytime. Pity his roomie His ―golden

goose‖ dance moves were highly popular and were life of

the ‗Southern Spice‘ parties. Though always in control and

calm, he goes absolutely bonkers when someone plays the

song – ―Sheila Ki Jawani‖ Don‘t really know why?

But there is another side to him. A gem of a person at heart,

he is always willing to help you whenever you need. He was

the doctor for many of us during the 2 years. You were one

of the most genuine person‘s at TAPMI. Siva, keep rocking

and never change.

'JUSTICE' Tejaswi aka "TEJU"

TEJU is one of the most re-

spected guys in our batch. Re-

spect, I mean he's the one who's

got the highest standing ova-

tions in the class...I still don‘t

know why :). Very helpful and

never says no. His famous bike

"1947" Pulsar has been used

more by others than him :) you

can make a safe assumption of

Others==Siva. Ravish say's "arey

teju ! siva ka bike pe tu ....:):)" Annayya(big bro) and I have

done the most courageous act in the first week after our

joining. We went to Mysore to watch "Magadheera" taking a

leave. Our seniors were agape. Even we don‘t believe it now

how we could do that!!! True "Megastar" Chiranjeevi fanat-

ics. May be that made us even better friends. Serious stuff

now! Tejaswi is an Operations geek, One of the toppers (in

>3 CGPA bracket) and he belongs to the toppers FAS of

Kanika, Sanjay n co.:) But towards the end he left studies etc

and suddenly started watching Hollywood movies. It was like

a "killing spree" 3-4 a day and we used to call his room an

International film festival thereafter. Happy for him, getting

into Godrej which he wanted and deserves as well.

He Likes politics and likes to discuss or rather debate on

controversial topics. A true Kannadiga and also an Andhrite.

A very good cricketer, his style reminds me of Azhar with

those wristy flicks. Oh I forgot ...he does have a secret

Crush in the junies :) Great person and I'm lucky to have a

friend like you "ANNAYYA". Get married soon.Wishing you

a wonderful life. We miss you and your bike too :))

Bramara Reddy

She may come across as a

reserved soft spoken girl,

but she is a super enthusias-

tic girl, very amiable and

very friendly; has a very

pure heart and one of the

most genuine people you‘d

find. Not many know that

she is an entrepreneur as

well who has her own bou-

tique which she supervises even while doing an MBA here.

She is one girl who takes no tension whatsoever for exams,

ppts, attendance, assignments or marks and will watch mov-

ies till even ten minutes before an exam and yet score well.

She has this uncanny knack of cracking open book exams

and is excellent with numbers (IIT brain I tell you). She‘s a

true hydrabadi – can eat a biryani anytime any day, loves

andra mess and telegu movies and you‘ll find her wholly

transformed in southern spice parties, dancing like never

before. Another thing that she loves is shopping.

If there was any award for the maximum temples visited

maximum number of times in these two years then Brami

will win it hands down, it‘s the only thing she really takes

tension about! She is one person who goes to Gokarna for

the temple and not for the beaches!!! (I‘m sure your won-

dering if there was a temple in Gokarna?! ) She must also be

the person who issued maximum number and variety of li-

brary books in the 2 years (never mind if she went beyond

two pages in any or no, that‘s another matter).Being with

this girl is like an adventure in itself because she‘s full of sur-

prises, and will keep you at the edge while living on the edge

herself. She‘s a wonderful friend who‘ll love you uncondi-

tionally, be very caring and be there whenever you need her.

Shwetha Nyamati :

Can hear lots of laughter

and noise around? Non stop

talking and craziness? Well

then there‘s surely Shwetha

Nyamati around. She is the

most bubbly girl on campus

and known to some as

―Nautanki‖. She can imitate

anybody, yes even the most

nut cracking professors!!

After coming to TAPMI, shwetha found a new hobby: break-

ing lines wherever she sees one (especially in canteen). But

the best part is no one ever minds it. Such is her charisma,

no one has the heart to say no 2 her. (Testified from many

victims of her charm and they don‘t even realize it!!) If

you‘re her friend your lucky because she often gets into this

generous mood and buys you chocolates and sweets and

gifts (yes, just like tat)! She‘s the easiest person to talk to,

can always go to her with any problems and suddenly you‘ll

feel light. She has these awesome insights into human psy-

chology and always has an answer to every situation.

There are somethings about shwetha u can never ignore…

her infectious sometimes scary laugh (I wish I cud imitate it),

her ―Im gonna kill you‖ or ―ur dead‖ reaction, and her

graceful dance and her famous ―madhuri‖ moves.

But also some words of caution: do not mess with her be-

cause this girl has a talent to take anyone‘s case. Do not

spend too much time with her because you could get

cramps in stomach because of laughing too hard. And yes

never underestimate her ―capacity‖!!!

Though she is a fun loving person she is sensitive at heart.

Believes in friendship even more than love and will always be

there for her friends. She‘s one rocking friend to have, God

bless her!

Shovan Kumar Kundu.

Being my roommate for 2

years talks a lot about his

tolerance and patience. A

very simple guy I would say.

He has indeed been the

most reliable friend of mine

during my stay @ Tapmi.

Many of my friends say (but

I won‘t agree) that he has

been doing all the work in

our room. But yes, I could rely on this guy any day for any-

thing. His selflessness cannot be ignored by anyone who

knows him. He has a very sensitive side in him that keeps

popping up now and then which is good for him and bad for

me. The best thing about him is that he cannot lie. His every

attempt of lying has been caught red-nosed. (Well. His nose

turns red when he lies. So, now someone should thank me

to reveal this secret. Sorry Shovan.) He has also been very

lucky. (Shovan, don‘t be nervous. I am talking only about the

accident all others were involved in except you. I mean the

car accident :-D)

Thanks to this guy, we could witness the best in town in the

1st week of our stay. Be it Kaup, End point or Down Town.

Jokes apart, his dedication to work can be measured by sim-

ply looking at the hard work he had put in Atharva and its

success. He balances the work and fun nicely and there still

remains a lot to be learnt from this amazing guy even after 2

years. And yes, learn to say ‗NO‘ man. (except to TS be-

cause there you are an expert.)

P.S: Don‘t get emotional after reading this!!! ;-)

Sumit Saurabh :

A ‗fitness freak‘, a ‗marathon runner‖, a ‗jogging maniac‘ and

an inspiration to many to get their limbs moving & get in

shape – that‘s Sumit Saurabh for you. (though the secret of

his fitness is his ‗Activa‘ which refuses to start even when

kicked/abused several times). Food is something on which he

never compromises and as he puts it ―the reason I workout

so much, so that I can hog on food!! ―. A hard-core chicken

lover & one of the most loyal customers of Bihari mess! He

is the person who has probably taken the maximum advan-

tage of the small wall like structures in front of our seats in

the class, where he rests is hand and moves it frantically in a

typical fashion while speaking in the class, so much so that it

almost terrorizes the professors!!

He is the one who probably has received the highest num-

ber of calls from his batch mates-all asking for either his bike

or kettle or laptop charger. One could even wake him up

from his deep sleep asking for help.

He is one of the most dedicated, determined and hard-

working person in our batch; a mature principled person.

Go to him with a problem and you never return disap-

pointed. Nobody can write such elaborate mails and elabo-

rate Facebook comments like him. An avid fan of ‗Faking

News‘, he spends most of his free time reading ―interesting‖

articles/essays on his


A person with a very

good sense of humor, he

can crack jokes on al-

most everything. A great

friend, philosopher &

guide and above all a

very nice person to be


Mayank „Professor‟ Upadhyay :

The ‗Mr. Decent‘ of our batch. Well if there was a non-

controversial person ever in college, it has to be this guy.

Even while writing this I am thinking of ways to take his case,

but you never feel like doing so. A very accomodating per-

son who is always sportingly ready for any plan. People call

him Laxman due to his close proximity with Ravish ‗Ram‘

Kumar. I can‘t imagine him being naughty even during his

childhood. A guy who hardly loses his temper (although

there are rare ‗high‘ instances when he has) and a person

who makes you feel very comfortable due to his pleasant


An Aamir khan fanatic ( when in the mood……..don‘t dare

praise the other khan when he is in the mood) and a techie

to the core, he also likes cricket a lot. He is one of the most

genuine and down to earth person that I have ever met. I

want to wish him best of luck for the future since he seems

to be the 1st person in our group to face the axe ( get mar-

ried ;) ). Cheers and have a great future ahead.

Abhijeet Roy aka Dada :

One of most decent, gentle and humble chaps of the Tapmi

2009-11. One thing that make him stand apart, form the rest

is his hard core technical knowledge. Be it anything based on

computers, ranging from SPSS, Excel to photo shop, dada is

a champ. He was among the few unfortunate souls or rather

engineers for whom MBA happened as an accident. Though

apart from his technical skills there were numerous other

skills or rather hidden ones, coming only in the second year.

One of them was his great histrionic skills. His performance

of ―AAM AADMI‖ at the episode inauguration event, won

him great appreciation. Similarly the guy was extremely tal-

ented with poetry that nearly gave him an internship offer

with the MTV. And if one really wants to enjoy his com-

pany, then just make him drink one short of Vodka( beyond

this he never drank) . Dada is indeed a great champ who will

one day rise at the top of Indian IT industry.

Ramya Ramachandran :

If there‘s one girl who could get herself into trouble by smil-

ing, it‘s Ramya. With such a captivating smile, she can light

up your day. Her immense enthusiasm and bottomless en-

ergy reminds you of energizer bunny. She believes in living

life vibrantly and fully. A wonderful dancer who can make

you spellbound with her dance, at any party she is the first

one to liven the dance floor and believe me its lot of fun to

tap steps with her. She possesses multiple talents like danc-

ing, singing, acting, painting basically she loves being creative

and is extremely passionate about anything related to mar-

keting, dance and bombay. Its so much fun to engage in a

discussion with her, she can talk about anything from cricket

to gossip with the same fervour. Highly dedicated when it

comes to work, her fassies know better. she tries to perfect

everything she does, sometimes till she misses the deadlines.

And on the flip side no one even comes close when it comes

to being so disorganised, it‘s an impossible task to find any-

thing from her room. She is also a fun-loving and adventur-

ous individual who would not hesitate to try out daredevil

rides or embark in unplanned out-of-town road trips while

smiling and laughing the whole time.

We really wish that green grass and blue skies always court

this beautiful butterfly, where ever she flies to.

Anup Kumar :

If you are coming across a

person who is having eagle

eyes, who is full of vinegar,

who is a nosy parker and

can blow things out of

proportion, who is life and

soul when it comes to

sledging, he‘s none other

than our own real live wire-Venkata Anup kumar Gorthi,

a.k.a Venki..naaaahhhhh…Anup (He goes ballistic, if some-

body calls him Venki !!! )

Needless to say, he is the postman of Tapmi, he would know

things about you before you could actually get to know stuff

about yourself !!! You will not find him wearing anything

which is black during his exams for he lives in his world of

fantasy and delusion. Hunk defines himself as well as his bike,

which he seldom gives to anybody. He can even pick a fight

with his best of friends, if somebody comes and berates his


A clever chap, but hot-headed!!! He takes pride when some-

body comes and tells him, ―hey dude, there was no fun

sledging without you!!!‖ He becomes a centre of attention,

when he yells and laughs his guts out. A crazy player, when it

comes to Volley ball, Table Tennis, Football and Badmin-


He enjoys the best of both worlds- Logcom and BrandScan.

Despite being a hard core loggie, he is also referred to as

―Cocane‖ (Co-convenor of BrandScan). Logcom is in his

element and he thinks that his honeymoon period of en-

joying the privelege of both the committees is never over.

But, all in all, he is not a bad egg. He is one person, who will

be your alter ego all the time. He is nice as pie and will go an

extra mile to help you out. You can always count on him

and he will never disappoint you.

Shashidhar M S :

Redefining Dudeism….!! Shashidhar a.k.a ―shashi‖ for few

but fondly ―Sisya‖ by his best buddies. Feeling dejected or

disturbed..?? Here is the THE morale Booster. The panacea

for all tensions. This proud Bangalorian is as cool as the cli-

mate of Bangalore itself… He simply justifies his name

(Shashi means MOON). Calmness and serenity surround

him ,so but don‘t be mistaken ― A big time party lover‖ In

life he does not believe in standards but is an ardent fol-

lower of rules which he calls as ― Rule Book of Dudeism ―.

―Chill maadi‖ & ―Just go for it‖ are his favorite and encour-

aging lines which comfort you to vouch on this cool dude

anytime for anything.

A Bolt from the blue, a passionate runner: Dare to beat him

in a marathon, a.k.a ―the marathon man‖ for his latest

achievements. A movie director in making, a jovial friend, a

human being filled with humility.

Sumit Agarwala: aka Nautanky :

Once a simple village lad landed in

Manipal and was lost in the hustle

and bustle of TAPMI. He is none

other than Sumit Agarwala – a.k.a

Mr. Speed of 2009-11 batch, Mr.

Fresher, Captain of Team Scorpion,

Sameer Khan (Episode ‘09), UK

returned (sniff, sniff) and the most

hardworking and dedicated member

of the best committee at TAPMI -

―No Com‖. One of the privileged few in the batch involved in

major fiascos (Post - Cinesters Party) of the college and also

the major achievements (the fastest man, the best actor). An

athlete par excellence, he is an invaluable asset in every sport

(that‘s what he thinks). He is the honorable member of the

so called ―The Agarwal family‖ (Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki…..).He

is a self-proclaimed savior of the Cinesters who imitated

SRK‘s ―Mitwa‖ style (Sameer Khan), however for all of us he

is way better than SRK. Compulsive Hookah smoker, he has

made China Valley his second home, where his Nepali influ-

ence comes to the fore (best friends with all the wait-

ers).The one thing he loves the most is Shopping. The next is

flirting; he has found a girl of his life in all the three batches of

TAPMI (the Senie, the Junie and in his own batch). Having

said all this I must say he is a wonderful friend, a lively per-

son and the one person you want to meet when you are

feeling down .They say student life is the best phase of your

life. I agree whole heartedly and it is friends like Sumit who

make it so. Caution: This para is a total fake……… J

Ghochu will miss u alot

And as Sumit would say after all this– ‗Ooo Kayy….. ‗

Namita Agarwal aka “Bacchi” :

Let us present to you the one and only Namita Agarwal. She

is sweet, she is lovable but when angry she is just uncontrol-

lable (waahwaah!). Reading books is one of her hobbies and

she can read anything from fiction, nonfiction and contempo-

rary but her favorites are the course text books! Not only

she is interested in dancing, she is also considerably better

than all the bathroom singers. A source of entertainment for

many, she can bring joy to anyone‘s face.

Being the queen of one-liners, she has the capability of finish-

ing all her conversations within half a line but extends it to

one line just for the sake of being courteous. Just for your

information, her favorite two one liners are ―Kya re, mujhe

BORE maar rahahai!‖and“Bas tohphir!”. Even a small cut

scares her but she is crazy about the movie ―SAW‖. She has

seen Saw several times and will see Saw and similar movies

several times over again(Try reading the previous sentence

10 times aloud quickly). She is a great athlete and loves all

kinds of sports. She also has a soft corner for a few sports-


Her duties as an EMCite contributed towards the great suc-

cess of Brandscan ‘10. Due to her cheerful and sporty na-

ture she is a favorite of her BrandScan juniors and a dear to

all her colleagues. One can spend hours talking with her and

if one is sad she can cheer up that person within minutes.

Such is the charm of the

―Bacchi‖ of our batch.

Sashank Shah :

Sashank is fun loving, jovial and a very honest person. He is

always ready to help others without expecting anything in

return (though sometimes he may ask for a Cadbury

Crackle ;-)). An intelligent person who has excellent

knowledge of finance and is very focused about what he

wants to achieve in life.

Oh and yes his friends will all agree that he loves to bet and

has hardly lost any bet (wonder how!!) and in case you lose

any bet against him, be prepared to treat him because he

remembers all the bets he has won ;-)

In all a great friend who will be with you in all situations.

Subhayu Roy :

Open the throttle of the legen-

dary Royal Enfield Electra, the

road spans ahead and he is

ready to race...

Known popularly as the most

passionate biker one has ever

met, Subhayu can rave on and

on about his passionate love

affair with the most incredible bike in the country - the

Royal Enfield Bullet (his bike is half of his identity). He is

popular as the ‗daddy‘ of TAPMI (he likes to behave more

mature than his age and he was decently successful). Self

proclaimed avid biker, he proved it to the whole college by a

stunt with a 4-Wheeler (he just broke his collar bone). The

Marketing strategy mastermind, he can speak absolutely any-

thing about anything. His talent spans from singing to dra-

matics, from writing to art and from Marketing to Opera-

tions. An esteemed member of the prestigious OMAT group

and founder of the TAPMI Thumpers group, Subhayu is free

spirited and has ability to face any uncertainty. Because of his

blunt, in-your-face attitude he may be considered arrogant

by many, and he is! Unless you can discuss knowledgeably

about Bullet there is a tough chance you would be cracking

this bong. It‘s not that he adores his bike; he is indebted to

his bike as it played a very important role in his life in build-

ing relationships.

He is very selective about the company he keeps and even

more so about what he drinks. So if you are his friend, you

are a friend for life. He would go through every length and

breadth to help his friends and to be there when he is

needed. However, he might even go absconding to the Hi-

malayas or to Leh-Ladakh on his wife, I mean bike, every

once in a while. ;-) His never ending list of crushes is an in-

validated mystery.

Ravi Kartheek Yakkala

Throughout the two years at

TAPMI, we learnt a lot about

BS-ing in presentations. The

one hand that you pray not to

go up during Q&A of such a

presentation is Ravi Kartheek

Yakkala‘s. Introvert, meek

mannered, and ferociously

principled – that is Ravi

Kartheek for you. To describe

Ravi, it should suffice to list a

few of his specialities:

-He opens three windows of Google Chrome. Yes. Not

Tabs, Windows. That is because a single window cannot

handle the number of Tabs he has opened at any given point

in time.

-He clicks on each and every hyperlink of every single

Wikipedia search he does. Every single one of them! And

then the hyperlinks within those pages too!!

-Particular forms of Oriental art enthral him – If you are

invited to his marriage, carry a black marker. Manga really

gets him :P

-Quotable quote: ―Men should go to museums to learn how

to appreciate beauty without hitting on them.‖

Affectionately named ―Newton‖ for his curiosity. Killed the

cat. Made the Ravi.

-Vows to always carry a sachet of ENO every time he steps

into a Pub. The rest, as they say, is history ;)

In all, one of the most phenomenal characters of the TAPMI

class of 2011. Don‘t be too surprised to see this quiet, shy,

geeky guy going places. This is where you heard it first!

Surya „PAAGAL‟ Mohapatra :

‗Paagal‘ is what we used to call him!!!, one of the most fun

loving and genuine people that I have ever met. The enter-

tainer of our whole group, there‘s no stopping him once he

is in full flow. I don‘t think anyone in college knows that he

has a split personality. If anyone sees him during daytime,

people might get an impression of a typical Engineer turned

MBA but as night sets in, he turns into a rock star. All his

secret desires come out and his flamboyant personality (plus

his US accent) comes to the fore.

He has a knack of being in the wrong place at the wrong

time, but has managed to survive despite all odds and that

too with a smiling face. He is very passionate about rock

songs. He had some DREAMS in college which he wanted to

pursue and I want to wish him best of luck with that for the

future. The most memorable incident was when he taught us

Ethics (the people present then would identify with this). He

is a person whom you could talk to about anything and eve-

rything and he‘ll go out of his way to help you out. He is one

person who has made my 2 years in TAPMI memorable and

I am sure a lot of others would share the same feeling.

All I want to wish him is ……..‖May your DREAM come

true‖ :-D.

Abhishek Vyas :

PAPA‖ Vyas ….Now those of you (junies) who are thinking

why we call him PAPA will get the news before you leave

the college ( He is really working hard ;) )…but jokes

apart..PAPA VYAS is the PAPA of all … ;) whether its po-

etry, acting, dancing or even singing. We would have called

him the FATHER Vyas but his love for HINDI made us do

so. This "KING" of HINTERLAND (Block II , 4th

Floor) ruled two years by not just through his words but

through his actions by being a part of SEG. To know more

what all he did in HINTERLAND dont forget to call KUNFU

PANDA ( i hope u know who it is ).

We wish this KING all the success in life and may he con-

tinue to rule over his KINGDOM.

Johar Das :

Silent Assassin or German is what he has been called by

people who know him better. Basically an introvert, this guy

loves to keep largely to himself or to be in company of peo-

ple of his age. He is a sort of guy who will stay awake for

most part of the term except for the term end exams when

you will find him sleeping in his room comfortably at 9. An

excellent team worker, he is forever ready to help his FAS-

mates with the knowledge bank that he has. One of the

most senior guys of our batch, he is a very well read person

(can read anything and everything) and also has very good

general knowledge though he is too shy to go on stage and

participate. Johar is the calm in storm that holds everyone

together when submission deadlines break down (yeah, you

can find him chatting with his ―friends‖ even then) even the

most serene guys. Watching him download movies etc. is

indeed reassuring and reminds us to smile more often.

Suketh “Welfare” Alva :

Aas the name suggests, is

the driving force behind all

the activities of the Welfare

Committee here. Be it cele-

brating festivals like Diwali,

Onam and Eid to taking care

of guests coming from out-

side to handling petty wash-

ing machine problems,

Suketh is omnipresent. Hos-

tel inmates can anticipate

the arrival of Suketh from

his Mangalore home.There is

a huge queue outside his room of people waiting to get their

hands on the delicious homemade dishes.These range from

Neer dosa, pav bhaji to chicken ghee roast and the famous

ghee cake and leave the junta licking their fingers even after

the dishes are long over. Also known to keep huge stock of

food in the room, he is often visited by hungry friends look-

ing for a quick bite at night.

One of the first joinees of Marena from TAPMI, Suketh is

one of the rare few who visited Marena almost daily.He con-

sidered it as a 4 credit course spanning over two terms,

both 5th and 6th. The visits to Marena were only interrupted

by the term exams, during which Suketh would take refuge

in the room for days on whole and would come out only for

writing the exam.

Known for his powerful kicks as a defender in football and as

a playmaker in basketball, Suketh enjoys watching HD and

Bluray movies on his laptop, be it any language from English,

Hindi, Kannada to French and German.

Suketh is a true friend who is always willing to help others in

any way possible and will be surely missed.

Nayantara Maria Rodriguez :

This tiny petite Xaviers girl was a misfit in TAPMI right from

day one. She should have been in one of those art colleges

but accidently chose to pursue management education. Since

her first day in TAPMI she wanted to run back to her be-

loved Mumbai and would be more than happy to enlighten

anyone who was willing to talk to her about Mumbai. All her

conversations eventually would come down to how much

she missed Mumbai and the view of sea from her room.

Probably the most creative person in TAPMI, the girl could

spin out some amazing ideas and was a savior during many

events when most of the people around her were clueless.

Many around her including the Profs would underestimate

the silent girl who would be caught sleeping or reading a

book in the corner of the class but when asked to answer

she would almost all the time get it right. This tiny girl had

amazing stamina and could be seen walking all around Mani-

pal with Mallani hand in hand, and could be counted upon to

bail her class during Speed. Not many people are aware but

she can really write well.

Vinay Mallani :

The Starry eyed boy of the Batch is a retail expert. He uses

all means to avoid the sun. He is epitome of laziness. Among

many Mumbai obsessed people from our batch he is also

one. He is a hardcore mumbaikar. Many may not guess that

he would be such a big fitness freak. He particularly enjoys

long walks. He is a very helpful person but also pretty laid

back when it comes to work.

Wish you all the best for your future endeavors.

Purush Prabhu :

A friend, a guide & counsellor

to most gals on campus being

the emotional Mamma‘s boy

that he is!!! He is that crazy

stupid guy who you may see in

different roles, each one as

shocking as the stories of his

yesteryears. He has been an

agitated protestor, the CLASS MONITOR, a member of the

clandestine block-II squad and may also be recognized by

some as the bike rider (it's a scooty for God sake!). Never

seen someone so passionate about HR. He knows most

theories along with which author has written what book.

You need any HR gassss, you know whom to approach! He

also handled the HR department of the infamous/scandalous/

self proclaimed happiest FAS group of the batch - K1 ! A

true Infosysian at heart who couldnt stop raving about NRN

– the Infosys founder, though he‘ll soon be joining its rival

iGate ;) Famous for his Activa, which he willingly lent to

most girls from the batch, more than the boys!His scooter

was not used but abused (read crashed, head-on collided) by

most of us, but this sweetheart never complained... A

foodie, he loves to hog on fish & chicken & is proud of his

Kannadiga/ Konkani origins. One of the reasons why he kept

running to his ―Maasi‘s‖ place . Few know that Purush also

took out time from his ―highly busy‖ gossiping schedule to

have breakfast (regularly) to discuss crucial political and

ECONOMICAL matters at the table with one of the bright-

est brains of our batch. In hindi - Is college me jitni ‗Vidya‘

isne kamaayi utna koi na padh paya!!!

Above all, an excellent person to work with, a true team

player & a gem at heart !!! We‘ll all cherish his friendship for

life .

Cheers Purush Prabhu ! Stay the same ...

Pushan Sharma :

This bihari from Mumbai is what we call an ALL ROUNDER.

There is not one thing that this stud of the batch cannot do

be it studies, sports, singing, or his trademark 70‘s dance

moves which now the entire PGP 2 batch has officially

learnt. You can spot this tall 6‘2 man around campus with his

flashy green activa, pink T-shirt and his friend‘s bharatesh

Trishul and Nikitha who mean the world to him . One can

also not forget the special friend ship he shares with boys

hostel warden - Col. Udapa . He is one of the most selfless

people you can come across and will not think twice before

offering help this was clearly reflected in the grades of some

of his friends ;-)) whom he tutored day and night. His sense

of humor is infectious but be aware of his temper and yes

he has one . He is a very very very hard working man

though he will never say it out loud and once he sets his

mind on something he makes sure he gets it be it running

1500 race, or his job at Titan or Mark strt he will not give

up until he gets what he wants. One of the most intelligent,

honest , sincere , hard working and fun boy of PGP-2 this

man will surely be successful in whatever he does in future .

Rahul Prakash Oswal :

He is more popularly known as ―TILLI‖ for obvious rea-

sons. You could send him to a U.N. Peace Accord and it

would result in the third World War. He is such a lively

character brimming with energy, always found socializing

with people and entertaining them by pulling someone‘s leg.

He‘s a true Master of Sarcasm sorry ―Disguise‖. He has the

knack of choosing electives which entitle him to spend more

time in his room watching movies than attend classes. He‘s a

hot favourite among gals but his heart beats only for

―Madhuri Dixit‖. All those who have sat with Tilli in class

would swear by his snores that he made the lectures more

entertaining. Tilli‘s a friend of friends who can look to him

for any favor whenever required provided he‘s not bothered

during his leisure time. He talks so much but surprisingly

enough it is almost impossible to know the real person.

TAPMI has been a memorable journey and with a friend like

Rahul it turned into lot more fun. Wishing him all the best in

all his future endeavors.

Rahul Garg :

―Are YAAR!!! Aisa Kaise ho

sakta hai YAAR!!! Yeh kya ho

gaya YAAR!!!‖ If you happen

to hear these words, be rest

assured that Rahul Garg aka

―Heera‖ around. As the

name suggests, he is a gem of

a person. He is one of those

kinds of people who study

less but yet score in the exam.There is an uncanny resem-

blance between him and ―Ranchodas Chanchad‖. A topper

in the real sense of the word, he is one of the top 5 elites to

receive the Ratan Tata Scholarship.

If Rahul was a superhero he would be called ―The Excel-

minator‖, one who makes sure you pay up sooner or later.

Those who have had the privilege of going out with him can

testify that they would have received an excel sheet the very

same night giving an account of all the expenses incurred in

the outing. He is the true torch bearer of the ―Baniya‖ com-

munity and would go a long way in reducing conflicts by us-

ing the power of Excel. Has his unique ways of wooing girls

that he likes : ―Hey Girls!! Wanna Ride???‖ is one of his pat-

ent dialogues!

Garg is a great initiator and he truly cares for his friends and

peers which can be seen from the fact that he always organ-

ized tutorials and KT sessions for his and the junior batch.

He has displayed his leadership skills in my ways : the foun-

der of Grey Matter; Head of the Technical Forums and the

Chief Editor of Pratibimb; he would never shy away from

responsibilities and was always eager to take up new chal-

lenges.He proved himself to everyone who‘d ever doubted

him when he launched the first issue of Pratibimb, TAPMI‘s

first ever e-magazine, leaving behind a great legacy for the


Sanjay Pai

A lesser known Pai (unlike Bhartesh Pai) in this Pai-land of

Manipal, this is a guy who has managed to ride ahead of all

the rigor that TAPMI has managed to throw at him. Be it an

assignment, case submission or pre-read, the TAPMI junta

knew of one guy who must have already done it, when they

have been just reminded about it. If Aakash in Dil Chahta

hain thinks ―Perfection ko improve karnaa mushkil hain‖,

well, he needs to take lessons from our Pai, on how to im-

prove on perfection. Come an assignment or case, Sanjay

with his ―rigor loving‖ FAS mates are found to celebrate it

with hours long discussions, arguments and toiling, to reach

those high standards he has set.

But with all this if you think he is all studies and no play, then

we must correct you. Put him on the dance floor and you

will see the groovy dancer in our Pai come out. Sanjay also

manages to promptly cover the syllabus prescribed in the

temp folder when it comes to movies.

It didn‘t take his batch mates much long to find the Placecom

member in Sanjay and made him one of those souls doing

the saintly job of getting jobs for them.

Dedicated, Mr. Logical, party animal…this Pai can be all of


Kanika Gupta:

Kanika, ‗Kanz‘, ‗Amma‘, ‗Sunny‘, ‗CBSE Topper‘ and oh yes!

she doesn‘t believe she is fat and you better not call her

that! ; Seems to be on a diet with a handful of Amul cheese

slices. Oodles of (right) attitude you‘ll get to see the very

first time you talk to her. You better not accuse her of not

knowing how to drive a car-be sure to get a mouthful with a

whiff of anger all over her face. Being short tempered is

pretty natural for Miss Kanz . Some like calling her ‗Sunny‘

for obvious reasons; but knowing why she‘s called that isn‘t

―any of your business‖ .So apparently Istanbul is the capital

of Afghanistan but mind you, don‘t ever blame it on her ge-

ography. Maybe it was the capital once upon a time! A Ratan

Tata award winner and nominated for other scholastic

awards, is a force to reckon with when it comes to spoiling

the CGPA for lesser mortals who fall below her caliber! She

is also an amazing dancer. Oh! Did we forget AAC?! Fully

committed to the committee, this is her other passion at

TAPMI. And if that wasn‘t enough, she belongs to one of the

most elitist and prestigious FAS clubs ever created in the

history of TAPMI – A2 – owners‘ pride, others‘ envy. Imag-

ine gathering all the 5 members in the library for a couple of

hours for a 1 page write up! All said and done, Kanika is one

those very few people who has ‗dedication‘ personified in

whatever she does. Reach out to

her in times of trouble and she‘s

always ready to help. A friend

who ranks high on emotional

intelligence (HR being her spe-

cialization) she can be one of a

kind decision maker in times of

crisis. A great friend is all that

matters at the end of the day.

Neha Jain :

If phrases like ―Wearing one‘s

heart on her sleeve‖, ―Speaking

her mind irrespective of who the

listener is‖, ―A determined war-

rior who will stop only when she

gets what she wants‖, ―Infinite guts to stand against the

world if needed‖, ―Giving tit for tat‖ and hence naturally

―Misunderstood mostly‖ can be personified, then that‘s

Neha Jain. Ask any professor, batch mates, classmates, FAS

mates, floor mates, hostel mates, friends, good friends; best

friends, canteen service personnel, autowallas, shop owners,

or anyone who has interacted with her for considerable

amount of time will testify that the above said phrases are

true in their truest meaning and spirit.

She followed the ―Just-in-time‖ principle for coming to class

more devotedly and efficiently than the Japanese companies

themselves followed it for their manufacturing operations.

Most of the time she used to be among the few people who

would listen to the lectures attentively and ask doubts.

Given her inquisitive nature, no professor was spared from

her queries! Most of the times her doubt clarifications would

stretch so long that she had to chase professors after class

to get her answers. She claimed to study as much as most of

us but mysteriously scored only in narrow range of As and

higher Bs, while majority of batch scored in wide range of

Cs and Ds.

If importance of a person can be judged by how much peo-

ple talk about him/her in their absence, then she was among

the most important person in our batch. Because of her

habit of speaking frankly and truthfully, many people per-

ceived her as a very serious and no nonsense girl. But the

fact is, she is fun-to-be–with and very easy going for her

close friends. A diligent, dedicated, brilliant & a resolute per-

son who is destined to achieve highest goals in life.

Abhishek Agarwal :

If it‘s your first meeting, he

comes across as a complete an-

tithesis of what he really is. With

bloodshot eyes and a heavy bari-

tone, Abhishek seems to be in a

perpetual state of hangover. Add

to that a nonchalant attitude and

a pungent sense of humor, what

you get is a guy who you think is

an excellent example of today‘s

careless and superficial youth

with a ―chuck it dude‖ attitude. No wonder there are gasps

of disbelief when he reveals that he is a teetotaler and his

hobbies include writing poems and blogs. And if you read

any of them you will doubt the veracity of the age old saying

eulogizing the first impression. With a sharp memory and a

high level of emotional intelligence and creativity, Abhishek

is a synonym for perfection and excellence. Be it presenta-

tions, case analyses or simply on the feet thinking, he is un-

doubtedly one of the best in the batch. Whenever he comes

forward to deliver, you can expect something different and

above the rest.

A lot can be said about his leadership style. Some call him

authoritarian. Some say he‘s not a team player. It is true that

he puts task first before the people involved, including him.

He wants everything to be systematic and punctual. If you

call that authoritarian, so be it. And anyway the success of

Brandscan is more than an answer to all aspersions cast on

his leadership.

As I said earlier very few people manage to discover his

true self and for all of them, including me he is an asset. He

is always ready to go the extra mile for his real friends.

Swati Agarwal :

One of the few economics gradu-

ates, Swati is different from the

rest. She is a package of many

things rolled into one. She is

sharp, intelligent, spontaneous yet

emotional and caring. She has a

good knowledge about the world

around her and keeps her eyes

and ears open (a quality so neces-

sary, yet so rare among MBAs).

One quality which many people

don‘t realize is her command on

English language and the fluency with which she speaks. You

will never get to hear her uttering a sentence which is gram-

matically incorrect or jumbled whatever be the audience in

front of her. She takes her time but once the work is done

you can be sure of its matchless quality. She does so much in

so little time that you just keep wondering at her efficiency.

And all this reflects in her grades which have made her

among the top few in the batch.

The academic side apart, she is a very lively girl whose com-

pany makes you happy even at the gloomiest of your times.

The extra amount of care which she puts into friendship

adds to its strength. She is the one who knows exactly when

a friend needs her. She will appear from nowhere and hand

you a gift when you least expect. This shows that there are

people who don‘t follow the dictum ―out of sight, out of

mind‖. And of course, she is patient and does not mind the

friendly jibes directed at her now and then. She forgives and

forgets and for her a friend is more precious than a quarrel

or a personal difference of opinion. She trusts people easily

and tries to be a friend to everybody but in reality few recip-

rocate and can be called her true friends.

Kunal “Machimaar”

Madkaikar :

He is indeed a tough name

to pronounce for many and

infact most of the profes-

sors would mispronounce it

a s ―Ko o n a l ‖ . S e l f -

proclaimed ―Dude‖ of the

batch , friends prefer to call

him pyar se ―Tunnu‖!

Loves saying ―I‟m done‖ when eating a meal only to start all

over again. He is one who trusts his friends and banks upon

them. Loves dancing, connoisseur of events, a true Atharvan

at heart and an active member of Kudiyo-Com (Read Cho-

reoCom), he enjoys and relishes whatever he does. Athletic,

though you would not believe that looking at his physique,

he is a good swimmer. Parties hard and works even harder.

He is sincere, determined and studious when it comes to

acads and is helping. His famous line-―Yeh bolna…

bolna… Kya bola...Kya bola… BC‖. The word

―basically‖ is an added punctuation in his speach. Loves to

brag about his belongings, apparently bought from US. If you

are with Kunal and tend to hear the word ―dinner‖ being

blurted out many times, be assured that he‘s talking to a girl

and trying to lay the net and that‘s his ―dinner‖ trick. Lately

he can be seen with his newly bought D(ude)SLR camera

with which he has taken many ‗obvious‘ and ‗not-so-

obvious‟ shot. He has a collection of over a thousand pro-

file pics. If you ever tried exploring the temp folder, you

would find him splashed all over in many of the pics usually

holding two damsels on either side. And yeah one more

thing, Kunal believes strongly in sharing (―Common mein

daal do‖) everything, for better and a more clear under-

standing of what it means you need to be his buddy first!

SaikatMallik :

Saikat Malik does not provide much of space to a writer like

me as there is hardly anything for which one can pull his leg.

He is a composed, rational and simple person. In whatever

short or long interactions I have had with him in person, one

thing that I have understood about this straight forward guy

is that he does what he believes in and therefore he does

not feel the necessity to hide it from people around him. He

has been quite contrary to many other people who I have

come in touch with in TAPMI as he never, even by chance,

try to portray himself as someone who he is not. He is an

extremely hard working person and had almost single hand-

edly borne the entire responsibilities of Research Commit-

tee, without even a twinge of complaint. He has a very clear

distinction between the right and the wrong and the best

thing about him is that he would not support the wrong

even if it is done by someone close to him. He is known

among all the faculties for all the good reasons or maybe I

should say for all the good questions that he always asked

during the sessions. Saikat has been an in-demand guy among

the girls of all heights and ethnicity :-P. Saikat is a very practi-

cal person and is definitely loved for being the same.



Ek Zamaana Tha !!

by Shashidhar Seetharam on Monday, March 7, 2011 at 3:18pm

FB everytime asks "whts on ur mind" and expects to write something within 420 characters .... Today when i just think for a moment, thousands of brilliant

memories of TAPMI suddenly rush through ….Would love to share a few of the things which made me smile (mostly in Chronological order)

* Countless sessions at Swati, Sanman, OB n New DT

* Checking section 2 marks list before sec 1 everytime to avoid heart-attacks

* Wondering how few FAS groups get converted to Pseudo-families :D

* Jogging on the lanes of Badagabettu

* Calculating the profits made by Tapri-Ravi who has been constantly using ( or misusing) the "convenience" factor

* Neil's brilliant act of ―Sante lelo‖ during Xchange

* Searchin for Maggi packets at 3 am in the hostel / Ordering Oreo shake from Planet Cafe

* Celebrating Rajyotsava for the first time in the history of TAPMI wid Choo n team

* RCB vs MI at Cosmos

* Goa after Senies placements :)

* Visits to Kinaara beach whenever frnds frm Bangalore or Mysore landed up in Manipal

* Walking the ramp wid a Dhoti during EPISODE 10

* BOP upliftment discussions wid Vamsi, roomie- Venkat, Ajay Simha, Suket, Trishul, Surya, TS, Girish, Yaman

* Cancelling all the FIN electives for the 5th and 6th theme after sitting through the clueless sessions of MBFM n SAPM n realising that the "Rich were getting


and the poor were getting poorer" :D

* Terrible bike-accident on the way back from Shimoga n a gr8 escape..I'm sure Tejaswi will not completely agree wid the word "escape" :P

* Brandscan 10 :))

* Losing the Laptop on the placement day n givin an xpression ―F*&^ it…It was Toshiba after all "

* New year night at the Blue Waters

* Surya‘s ethics session on one of the latenights

* Atharva-11 DJ night n Andaz apna apna screening after that

* Speed ‘11 especially the Gladiators vs Scorpions neck-to-neck fight

* South-DJ wid Siva , Ravi n team

* Marena, Gokarna :))

* Over- hearing the lines ―Kitne log try kiye the, Shashi ne Baazi maara" from Junie guys

* Markstrat ups n downs ( Read Vodite n Sonite )

* Alll the post-gate-perm-times at Greens," Well" n ofcourse at the Sagar Doshi street :P

Can go on writing but it's really tough to put all those lovely MOMENTS in words.

Signing off.... 3 cheers for TAPMI !!!




Abhilash Sarda 22/08/1987 1-10-1/20,Ashok Nagar, Street No: 5, Hyderabad 4027606136 9000009702

Abhishek Agarwal 14/04/1987 TH-33 Akash Ganga Colony, E8 Shahpura, Bhopal. 462039 na 9916215286

Abhishek Mehta 3-4-1984 4B1, Great Eastern Royale, 1/333, Bellasis Bridge. Tardeo. Mumbai: 400034 022-23806465 91-9844700278

Abhishek Suhasaria 18/07/1988 577/861 Muthiganj , Allahabad 0532-2414901 9242967546

Abhishek Vyas 13/03/83 106,Shastri Nagar Ratlam 07412-235739 9886924202

Abhishek Vyas 13/03/83 106,Shastri Nagar Ratlam 07412-235739 9886924202

Aditya Dixit 12-12-1984 Hyderabad 9945830220 8978001892

Ajay Simha N 23/01/1984 "Savitha", Siddaganga Extn 3rd main, Tumkur - 572102 8162261636 9986581884

Anand Agrawal 16/03/1986 Ganesh Dal Mill Compound, Rajendra Nagar, Dhamangaon Road, Yavatmal - 445 001.

Maharashtra 07232 - 246524 9036249682, 9422922375

Anjali Naidu 21/04/1985 804/I, Green Ridge, Chikuwadi, Link Road, Borivali - West, Mumbai - 400092 2228331405 9740836926

Ankur Gajjaria 18/07/1987 Bldg. E-2, Flat No. 6, Hermes Heritage Phase 2, Shastri Nagar, Nagar Road, Yerwada, Pune

- 411006, Maharashtra 020 26684347 9886269977

Anubhav Kedia 18/11/1983 Flat No 403, Saraf Apartments, Betia Hata, Gorakhpur 5512338395 9916217086

Anubhav Tripathi 2-4-1986 84/151, Madhyam Marg,Mansarovar,Jaipur 0141-2780156 9243014709

Anupam Chaplot 24/01/1984 700, katju Nagar, Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, PIN 457001 07412-232374 8951967632

Anupam Chaplot 24/01/1984 700, Katju Nagar, Ratlam (M.P.) 07412-232374 8951967632

Anusha John 17/10/1985 #369, 8th Main, 8th Cross, S.T. Bed, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560034 8080-25531715 9901319298

Appachoo N K 25/04/1985 No: 877, 11th A Cross, 2nd Main, 3rd Block, HBR Layout, Bangalore - 560043 8025438016 9886674081

Arpita Verma 17/10/1987 I - 58, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi 110028 1125790142 9899651439

Arvind N 19/10/1985 50/402 "Anand", Vianayaka Nagar, Edappally, Cochin 484234226 9746348777

Arvind N 19/10/1985 50/402 "Anand", Vianayaka Nagar, Edappally, Cochin 484234226 9746348777

Ashwin Muralidhar 7-11-1985 No.24-A, Tarachand Nagar, 2nd Street, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 92 4423772051 9886343767

Berty Thomas 10-10-1985 'Shelter', Palappuram, Ottapalam, Palakkad, Kerala - 679 103 4662246537 9164563683

Bharat G 12-9-1984 D/8, Sector 19, Rourkela - 769005, Orissa 0661-2642857 9886498013

Bharatesh Pai 11-7-1984 A/4 Tirupati Duplex, Adj. 49 Mukti Nagar Society, Tandalja Road, Baroda - 390020 0265 - 2325460 +919620506375

Deepika Gulati 15/05/1985 Flat N0-412, Sec-22, Plot No-16, Bank Vihar Apartments, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 011-28051115 9945670505

Dhaval Patel 1-10-1987 11,godavari niwas, shraddhanand road, mumbai 022-26114709 9620402192

Diksha Singh 6-6-1984 1/266, Vibhav Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow 226010 9415194952 9945836855

Dr. Divya Sainath 15/05/1985 C-10 Mansi Apartments, Bibwewadi, Pune - 411037 020-24282064 9823647404

Dr.Daraspreet Singh 27/11/1984 House Number 370, Basant City Extension 1A, Near Pakhowal Road Ludhiana 0161-2560975 9036243387

Emalda Philip 18/10/1986 Lilly Dale, Valiyavilla, Nediyakala, Chavadi,Pulluvilla, P.O. Trivandrum-695526 4712261337 9886472456

Gaurav Mathur 28/12/1983 SQD.20, JK NAGAR, KOTA, RAJASTHAN 9379746248 9379746248

Girish Shetty 19/02/1985 Andheri-east, Mumbai -400093 9820772670 9820772670

Inderniel 14/10/1984 4 Venus, Plot no 42, TPS 6, Road No1, Near Milan Subway, Santacruz(W), Mum-

bai:400054 022-26141583 9029336252

Jagannathan G 4-12-1983 A-9, Shiv Apartments, 5, East Coast Road, Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai-600041 044-24410334 9445070591

Jagannathan G 4-12-1983 A9, Shiv Apartments, 5, ECR, Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai-600041 044-24410334 9445070591

K Bramara 27/03/1986 Hno: 3-43/1, hanuman nagar, dilsukh nagar, hyderabad 500060 040 24045868 9246343492

K Saranya 27/09/1986 No 693, 19th cross, BEML layout, Thubarahalli, Bangalore - 560066 8022717234 9886268140

Kanika Gupta 30/09/1985 E-1/45, Sector - 7, Rohini, Delhi 9916217515 9916217515

Krishnakanth A N 19/05/1985 #127-F1, 4th cross, 1st Main, S.T.Bed, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 34 8025526331 9902703264

Kunal Madkaikar 4-7-1984 101/A, Arena, Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri-West, Mumbai-400053 2226318053 9844700276

Mehak Khanduja 8-3-1988 BG-1/180 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110063 1125281458 9350231265

Mohammad Ayyubi 11-5-1985 #A304,Phase II,Metro Palmgrove Apartments,Off Rajbhavan Road, Somajidguda, Hydera-

bad-500082 +919844700260 +919844700260

Mohan M N 1-5-1984 No.231, "Anugraha", 3rd main, 3rd cross, BHCS layout, Subramanyapura main road, Ban-

galore - 560061 8026396391 9886192680

Mohit Agarwal 26/11/1986 21-1-570/72, Ricab Gunj, Near High Court, Hyderabad-500002 040-66147461 9989635635,


Mythreyi R. 11-10-1985 12-13-1152/5, (832),, Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500017, AP 040-27019040 9160073212

Namita Agarwal 27/02/1986 B-226,Vivek Vihar,Phase-1,New Delhi-110095 011-22160306 9620731676

Nayantara Maria Rodri-

gues 30/08/1986 2 Silver Sands, 73 Carter Road, Bandra, Mumbai 400050 2226496394 9819104128

Neelam Sathe 5-9-1985 Panchdeep CHS, F-3/2:3, Sector 29, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 2227661636 9945830126

Neha Jain 25/08/1985 Unique Sweets & Snacks, Mangaldeep Building,H.C Road,Siliguri-734001 0353-2560751 9434044087

Niharika Reddy 13/09/1988 "Prardhana", 115, Akbar Road, Bowenpally, Secunderabad-500009 040-27751795 9945830208

Nikitha Shetty 23/04/1985 7th floor, 702, mosacco apartments, behind pabbas , lalbagh, mangalore , 575003 0824-4278888 9686007000

Nitish Mittal 20/03/1987 133, Indian Enclave,Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab 1765320882 9888114222

paritosh kashyap 17/06/1987 ct-8, armapur estate, kanpur, pin-208009, UP 9151-22510861 0091-9986793471

Prateek Swarup 25/09/1985 Kenduguri Tea Estate, P.O Rajgarh, Assam 3754291398 997238016

Priya Ramanathan 5-7-1987 NA NA 9535667983

Purush Prabhu 14/06/1986 Flat No. C-702, Vasundhara Ashwini Apts., No. 14 Ring Road, Banashankari 2nd Stage,

Bangalore - 560070 N.A. 9731688144

Pushan Sharma 29/06/1987 304- Meghdoot, Gulmohar Cross Road 6, Juhu Scheme, Mumbai 400049 8097415553 7259463123/983319555


Radhika Tharol 01/-6/1985 B 305, Shreeji Darshan, Plot no 48, Sector 40 Nerul Navi Mumbai pin: 400706 022-27721743 9538341767

Rahul 6-3-1984 2/146,New Patliputra Colony,Patna-13 0612-2264102 7795041736

Rahul Agarwal 5-12-1984 C/O Sitaram Rajendra Prasad, Shivalaya Market, Ashok Rajpath, Patna 800004 6122674094 9310401853

Rahul Garg 26/01/1984 Soda ka Kua, Halwat Khana, Gwalior - 474003 9329415027 9424418098

Rahul Koshy George 10-10-1984 18-Elite Gardens, Pongumoodu, Trivandrum -695011 9886244932 9886244932

Rahul Prakash Oswal 12-11-1985 A-1, Sai Heritage, Aundh, Pune-7 02142-242050 9538004066

Rajashree R Nair 18/06/1988 P-8,Divanpuram Housing Colony,Moolavattom.p.o,Kottayam-686026,Kerala. 0481-2341302 9663559300

Ravi S 31/12/1983 Selection Silks, Kamaraj Bazzar, Bodinayakanur, Theni Dist, 625 513 9842017203 9535269964

Ravi Shankar Jakkuva 3-6-1984 50-22-8/A, T.P.T Colony, Seethammadhara, Visakhapatnam 8912737094 9490662861

Ravish Kumar 15/06/1984 Mercury-16,Aastha Space Town,Dimna Road,Jamshedpur-831018 0657 2650240 7760064326

Rohit Arora 7-10-1988 15-A, devpuram, gandhi colony, muzaffar nagar, U.P. 251001 NA 9986096889

Rohit Singrodia 1-1-1985 Space Town Housing Complex, V.I.P. Road, Near Rajarhat 033-25296163 9830221444

Ruchi Gupta 7-1-1986 Flat No. 74, Block C-1, Karmakshetra, Sion (E), Mumbai 2224073333 9886247815

S.Pavan Kumar 17/08/1983 #FR3, 4th floor, Rambo Apartments, Srinivasa Nagar, Anantapur, A.P.-515001 08554-236780 9008095935

Sagar Pankaj Doshi 3-11-1984 520 B /5/ Narayan Niwas R.P.Masani Rd Mumbai - 400019 022-24184310 9036006365

Sagar Saxena 12-11-1985 Arogya Niketan Pvt. Ltd., 105 R.S. Verma Rd., Uttarpara - Hooghly, W.B. - 712258 033 26638584 9036007600

Saikat Mallik 13/10/1984 Central Park,Asansol-713304,West Bengal 0341-2283226 9886290641

Sandeep Sinha 17/06/1985 S K Sinha, MGB Grameen Bank, Jalore - 343001, Rajasthan 9414588235 9886126133

Sanjay Pai 26/12/1983 A/502 Ruby Apt, Sant Ramdas Rd, Mulund East, Mumbai 400081 022 21632958 9945831771

Saranathan R 10-12-1986 185, Pocket E-20, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085 011 27517308 9036243597

Sashank Shah 24/12/1987 374, block 'G' , new alipore. kolkata-53. 9831737990 9831737990

Saurabh Gupta 14/06/1983 10A, Janaki Sha Road, Hastings, Kolkata - 700022 3322230207 9036257268

Saurabh Kishore 12-2-1981 A-115A, Sector-27, Noida- 201301 0120-2542874 9820163607

Shanthi Chunduri 19/06/1985 H.NO.14/A, Vengala Rao Nagar, Hyderabad, 500038 4065983678 9886565109

Shashidhar.M .S 12-7-1985 45-5/1, 16th cross, 3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore -11 080-26648308 9886707520

Shovan Kumar Kundu 13/04/1984 F4/1, River View Enclave,Telco Colony, Jamshedpur - 831004 0657-2288052 9740677228

Shruti Agarwal 15/01/1985 D1-44, Iron Side Road, Kolkata 033-22903148 9051458470

Shwetha Nagaraj Nya-

mati 6-5-1985

flat no 101b, rashmi Rise] 149/150, BEML layout 4th satge Rajarajeshwari nagar banga-

lore - 560098 +919845224568 +919945322477

Srividya Shankar 10-7-1987 Niva Park, Phase-2, HIG G-8, Brahmapur, Kolkata-700096. 3324103677 9945831850

Subhayu Roy 15/04/1984 BE-229, Sector-1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064 3323379336 9886130447

Sudha G 18/10/1985 H-9/1, Nagappa Block 2nd Main, Srirampuram Post, Bangalore - 560021 080-23426647 9886925769

Sudip Mukherjee 16/10/1985 A-6, Kalchuri Aawas, Bilaspur, CG 7752658325 9538341857

Sujith S Nathan 9-10-1987 Sivam,5th Cross Road,Udayanagar,poonkunam,trichur,kerala-680003 4872390315 9036455573

Suketh Alva 19/01/1984 Flat #205,Divya Mahal Apartments,Karangalpady,Mangalore-575003 8242493033 8971018331

Sumit Agarwala 25/10/1987 Siliguri 3532566678 9933339007

SUMIT SAURABH 6-11-1981 C/O C N SHARMA LIG (RH) 81, ADITYAPUR 2, JAMSHEDPUR, JHARKHAND. 831013 6572372564 9945799929

Swati Agarwal 25/01/1988 321/A, G.T. Road, Belurmath, Howrah-711202. 9331097102 9330107366

Syed Munawar Mehdi 1-9-1984 8-1179, Agadi Street, Kadapa - 516001 A. P. 8562248565 9.19742E+11

Tejaswi T J 3-7-1985 Door No:-613,Godhuli Nilaya,jayanagar 7 cross,kolar.563101 8152224608 9742699150

Thrishul Ballal 28/02/1981 'Sankalp', Gandhinagar,Kavoor, Mangalore-15 8242482292 9886644771

Varun Alva 24/01/1986 11, Nand Apts; Via Gurukul Rd; Panchpakhadi; Thane (W) 400602 022-25367827 7760064327

Varun Narula 11-8-1985 74, Shipra Vihar Colony, (near Casa Terraza Appts.), KIshanpur, Rajpur Road, Dehradun -

248001, Uttrakhand 1356453377 9997997006

Varun Rajkamal Mittal 16/10/1984 2/1 Model Town, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 2228350898 9833920599

Venkata Anup Kumar

Gorthi 21/09/1985

MA 2/3, MCF Colony, Manikgarh Cement, Gadchandur, Chandrapur (Dist), Maharashtra

PIN 442908 07173 246399 8050456100

Y. Ravi Kartheek 13/11/1984 s/o Dr. Y. Sudhakara Rao, Opp. Telephone Exchange, Sattenapalli, Guntur dt, A. P. -

522403 (08641)232077



Yaman Jhawar 30/10/1986 old grain market, pipariya (M.P) -461775 7576224203 7204495852

Yogesh Gupta 5-3-1986 MIG-2-216, Hudco, Bhilai 7882242040 9886190673

Time to bid Goodbye

Light brown leaves all around

A dull, gloomy mood within

Time to bid goodbye.

You guided and scolded

You cared and ignored

You helped and fought

You smiled and frowned

You understood and misunderstood

Unforgettable moments together

A gift from you to me.

Days passed, innervations got stronger Thoughts fluttered

"Was it hard to express?

Was I too abstracted?"

A token of thanks for you

Won‘t suffice though

All I have and can give.

Days will pass, affection will never pare

Your incessant care and affection

A thought of this sweet relationship

With me forever.

-By Sony Bajaj

Sapne pure karne, kuch kar guzarne...

milo dur aya tha...

Dost aur pyar...sab piche chodkar...

apni manzil ko pane yaha aya tha....

na pata tha kaisa hoga safar...

na pata tha koi sath bhi hoga agar...

LEKIN dil me lekar ek junoon .... YAARON main

TAPMI aya tha...

Shuruaat hui safar ki EPISODE ke sath…

Jab pahli martaba thama tha maine apne yaaron ka


OUTBOUND ki wo raatein kabhi bhulaye nhi


Jab pahli baar yaaron se apne pyar ki baatein karein


Waqt ruka nhi , aa gya tha BRANDSCAN …


KUDIYA…iss ne cheena tha sab ka chain…

Ab aa gya tha wo samay… jiske liye yaaron se hi

ladna tha…

Maa ne bhi phone par kha tha…mujhe acha

PLACEMENT lena tha…

Placement ho gaye ab ATHARVA ki bari thi…

QOTB se lekar EXPRESSIONS… sabme humne

baazi maari thi…

Ab phirse waqt ek hone ka tha…

SPEED ki trophy ko to mujhe hi chumna tha…

Fracture bhi hue aur dil bhi tute…lekin kam na hua

mere yaaron ka hausla…

After SPEED parties me to aasma cheerne ka josh


Ye safar khatm nhi hoga…na hi ye yaadein kabhi mit


Rukh naya zaroor hai… lekin meri yaari ko ye kya

tod paaegi…

Tham jaega ye sama…ruk jaengi ye hawa…

Lekin LIFE ke ye moments…hamesha mere dil me

rahenge jawa…

Ab phir yaad ati hai mujhe do saal pahle ki wo


Kya chodkar aya tha… aur kya lekar ja rha hu apne


Sapno ki kya baat karte ho...

pata nhi un yaaron ke bina neend bhi hogi mere


- Amit Kumar Sindhupe

The Path I Chose, A Culture Unplugged

-Written by a Raging Hippie

Sitting here I feel the Love

It flows through each one of us adjoining our Hearts to One

Laughing Merrily, Singing the Happiest of Tunes

Here I am, A Raging Hippie.

Here On my Rock, I am Free

The Wind blows through the Trees and the Stream Fills Me

Here I am at Peace, my Troubles cleansed away by the Flow-

ing Tide

Alone yet surrounded by Life

The Truth of All, lies here within this Wave

In it Peace and Unity I finally Found

Here I am, A Raging Hippie.

Onveloped by the Woods, The Trees become my Blanket

The Grass my Bed, The Animals my Guardians

How long it has been since I was held by Mother Earth

In her sweet comforting caress, My Spirit brought out

Alive as I become at peace with myself

To Be and feel so free, I lie upon the Earth

And close my eyes and allow my mind to wander

I am a raging Hippie

Alone I do sit, Here I come, This is my spot

How Beautiful and full of Life this place seems

The Wind comforts me, the Sun warms me

How I long to soak up all the Knowledge,

Taste the answers to all my Questions

Here I am Alone, Here I am Free

I am a Raging Hippie

We live each day caught amidst a Dream

Our Future planned out for us

Just as the actors on stage,

We portray the character day after day

We are all characters playing our parts in this world, our


But in the End, when It‟s over our Characters never fade


Because We are the Raging Hippies!

And we are Beyond the realms of time…

T. A. Pai Management Institute, Box No. 9 Manipal, Karnataka, 576104
