Internal Structure


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  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    Internal Structure and Organisation &

    The Role of Archivist

  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    Internal Structure andOrganisation

    Normally, an archival institution willdivide its activities into four discretegroups, which can usefully be linked in

    the departmental structure. These are: Repository

    Search room & reference area

    Finding aids & publications Preservation services

  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    Internal Structure andOrganisation Repository: activities connected with

    the reception of new archival material intocustody;

    the preservation of this material in storage;

    provision of equipment for this purpose; maintenance of the storage areas (the

    repository itself); administrative control of materials, especially

    arrangement of the materials, movement of

    materials into and out of the repository and fromplace to place within it;

    security of the repository.

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    Internal Structure andOrganisation cont

    Archival repository:A building or partof a building in which archives arepreserved and made available for

    consultation. Also known as an archives.

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    Internal Structure andOrganisation cont

    Search room or reference area:

    provision of facilities for users andmaintenance of the search room as a

    suitable environment for the consultation ofarchival materials;

    control of registration and conduct of users;

    procedures for ordering, issue and return of

    archival materials;

    provision and management of copyingfacilities.

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    Internal Structure andOrganisation cont

    Search room:The area in an archivalrepository open to users for theconsultation of archives and the finding

    aids that relate to them. Also known asa reading room.

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    Internal Structure andOrganisation cont

    Finding aids and publications:

    intellectual control of the holdings;

    preparation and publication of a guide to the

    holdings; research and analysis;

    preparation of lists, indexes and otherfinding aids;

    other publications;

    exhibitions and outreach activities.

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    Internal Structure andOrganisation cont

    Preservation services:

    maintenance and monitoring of theenvironmental conditions in the repository;

    conservation and repair facilities andprogrammes;

    copying and photographic equipment andprogrammes.

  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    The Role of Archivist



  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure



    Staff in archival repositories are usuallywell motivated and willing.

    To translate these assets into achievement,

    the management structure must allocateclear tasks to each staff member, withresponsibility and a share in thedevelopment of policy.

    There must also be a reporting andassessment programme that recognisesgood work and sets out attractive andrealistic programmes for the future.

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    Staffing cont

    All archivists on the staff should have aclearly defined set of duties.

    They should also have opportunities to

    contribute to the strategic planning ofthe service.

    Regular meetings of all professional and

    para-professional staff provideopportunities for them to make suchcontributions.

  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    Staffing cont

    The external context of the managementstructure ensures that the director of thearchival facility will report to the overall head ofthe records and archives institution.

    Internally, the heads of departments andheads of regional archival facilities will reportto the archival director.

    The department heads within each regionaloffice will report to the head of that regional

    office, and the rest of the staff will report totheir department heads, unless there are otherestablished lines of command.

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    Staffing cont

    A typical staffing structure might includethe following posts. These offered as ageneral model that may be adapted to

    particular cases.

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    Staffing cont

    Head of the records and archivesinstitution:

    the head of the whole service, including the

    records offices, records centre and archivalagency.

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    Staffing cont

    Heads of the records offices, recordscentres and archival institutions:

    the officers responsible for the management

    and direction of the records offices, recordscentres or archival agency.

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    Staffing cont

    Head of regional archival agencies orrecords centre operations:

    the officer responsible for the management

    and direction of a particular regionalarchives or records centre.

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    Staffing cont

    Department heads in the archivalagency, such as head of preservation (the officer responsible

    for all preservation and conservationservices);

    head of reference (the officer responsible forreference and outreach services);

    head of records services (the officerresponsible for supervising and co-ordinating records work with creatingagencies).

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    Staffing cont

    Staff in records offices, such as:

    officers responsible for supervising and co-ordinating records work within the agency

    and liaising with others within the overallrecords and archives institution.

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    Staffing cont

    Note that throughout this module theterm director is used generically tomean someone who directs(that is,

    controls) the organisation referred to; itis not intended to relate to any particularcivil service or management grade orstatus.

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    Staffing cont

    The following best practice guidelinesare recommended for managing staffeffectively and developing short- and

    longer-term plans.

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    Staffing cont

    A formal written longer-term (strategic)plan for the archival institution should bedrawn up.

    This strategy should be developed intoformal written annual (business) plans orprogrammes for the institution and its

    departments and regional offices.

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    Staffing cont

    These plans in turn should be convertedinto projects for departments, groups ofstaff or individual members of staff.

    These plans, programmes and projectsshould be developed on the basis ofwhat is available as inputs (funds, staffresources, accommodation, equipment)

    and of what are agreed to be desirableoutputs (what it is intended to achieve inthe time allocated).

  • 8/2/2019 Internal Structure


    Staffing cont

    All members of staff, whatever theirseniority, should be given written jobdescriptions that show clearly their duties

    and responsibilities and written annual jobplans that set out the specific tasks to beundertaken and the criteria for measuringtheir successful completion.

    All plans, programmes and projects shouldbe monitored formally and informally on aregular basis.

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    Persons appointed to a post in thearchival facility, whether or not theyalready possess a professional,

    paraprofessional or specialistqualification, must be trained in thespecific policies and procedures of thearchival institution.

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    Training cont

    Such training programmes should bepart of the overall management strategy,and they should contain elements to

    support professional or careerdevelopment for all members of staff,whatever their grade.

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    Training cont

    All new members of staff in public-sectorarchival facilities who are also newrecruits to the civil service should be

    given all necessary informationconcerning appointment, pay,promotion, leave, pension, disciplineand so on.

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    Training cont

    All new members of archives staffshould be given training on security,handling of documents and the use of

    the procedures manual. All trainingshould emphasise the uniqueness andimportance of the archives in theircharge.

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