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Internet of Things for Libraries

Dr. Parveen BabbarDeputy Librarian

Jawaharlal Nehru University


Internet of Things (IoT)• Internet of Things is a system of interrelated computing devices or objects which

have the ability to transfer the data over a network without requiring any human tohuman or human to computer interaction uniquely addressable, based on standardcommunication protocol.

• It is a giant network of connected things, capturing the data about the way they areused and the environment around them.

• When we speak about the “Things” in IoT, these are objects not preciselyidentifiable.

• The sensors are used in the devices and objects and these feed the data to variousIoT platforms.

• Further, IoT platforms are used to gather the pinpointed information, detectpatterns.

• Thus, with the above process the IoT helps the organizations and institutions inreducing the cost through improved processes efficiency, asset utilization andproductivity.

Source: IBM, What is the Internet of Things?

Different Names of IoT

• Internet of Everything

• Smarter Planet

• Machine to Machine (M2M)

• The Fog

• Tsensors (Trillion Sensors)

• The Industrial Internet

• Industry 4.0

• Internet of Things (IoT)

Reasons of IoT Data deluge : The explosion of the amount of data collected and exchanged is one of the major

reason why IoT came in existence. Forecasts indicate that in the year 2015 more than 220 Exabytes

of data are stored. So we need novel mechanisms to find, fetch, and transmit data.

There is decrease in energy required to operate intelligent devices. The search will be for a zero

level of entropy where the device or system will have to harvest its own energy.

Miniaturization of devices: the devices are becoming increasingly smaller.

Autonomic management: the devices/systems of future will have self-management, self-healing,

and self-configuration capabilities.

IPv6 as an integration layer: allows to exploit the potential of IPv6 and related standards.

Source: Tata Consultancy Services.

Internet of Things Enablers

• Energy

• Intelligence

• Communication

• Integration

• Interoperability

• Standards

Source: Tata Consultancy Services.

Image Source: The Internet of Things, 2012, New Horizons, Edited by: Ian G Smith,

Technical Editors: Ovidiu Vermesan Peter Friess Anthony Furness http://www.internet-of-


• Internet for Devices

• Internet for M2M communication

• Internet for Non Human

Threat vs. Opportunity

• If misunderstood and misconfigured, IoT poses risk

to our data, privacy, and safety.

• If understood and secured, IoT will enhance

communications, lifestyle, and delivery of services.

How are the networks changing?

• Extensions

– More nodes, more connections


– M2M, IoT

• Billions of interconnected devices,

• Everybody is connected.

• Expansions

– Broadband

– LTE, 5G

• Enhancements

– Smart networks

– Data-centric and content-oriented networking

– Context-aware (autonomous) systems

Source: University of Surrey. IoT,

Technology Trend

Re -Source: university of Surrey. IoT,

Architectural Trends

• The following issues are important for IoT standardizationDesigning Web Services

Designing Messaging Services

Designing Common Data Exchange Formats

Using Internet Protocol Layers or an IP proxy layer

• The architectural framework needs to incorporate all the desired aspects such asscalability, flexibility, adaptability etc.

• The components, and interfaces for various building blocks such as device interfaces,data formats, networking standards and protocols, service platforms and applicationinterfaces are to be defined in IoT standards.

Source: Tata Consultancy Services.

Data Lifecycle

Source: The IET Technical Report, Digital Technology Adoption in the Smart Built Environment: Challenges and opportunities of data driven systems for building,

community and city-scale applications,

Stage-1 Data Collection

Context- metadata, ID,

location, time

Validation – format,

range, source

Verification –accuracy,

consistency, integrity

Stage-2 Data Analytics

Compute- Store, index,

aggregate, structure

Correlate- benchmark,

profile, informed decision

Compliance- quality,

control, governance,


Stage-3 Data Use/


Own use/sharing –

trust, access, value

Action- interface,



Secondary use-


rights/ licenses

Interaction/ Feedback/ Control

• Sensors:– They are mainly input components

– They sense and collect surrounding information

– Basically three types:• Passive, omnidirectional (e.g. mic)

• Passive, narrow-beam sensor (e.g. PIR)

• Active sensors (e.g. sonar, radar, etc.)

• Actuators:– They are mainly output components

– They alter the surrounding.

– Some examples:• Adding lighting, heat, sound, etc.

• Controlling motors to move objects

• Displaying messages

• and others…

Sensors & Actuators

• We can turn almost every object into a “thing”.

• A “thing” still looks much like an embedded system currently.

• A “thing” generally consists of four main parts:

– Sensors & actuators

– Microcontroller

– Communication unit

– Power supply

• A “thing” has the following properties:

– It’s usually powered by battery. This implies limited source of energy.

– It’s generally small in size and low in cost. This limits their computing capability.

– It doesn’t usually perform complicated tasks.

• Power consumption is the main design issue.


• A “thing” always feature communications for “team working”

• The Role of Communications– Providing a data link between two nodes

• Communication type:– Wireline (e.g. copper wires, optical fibers)

– Wireless (e.g. RF, IR). RF-based communication is the most popularchoice (and also our focus)

• Popular RF-based communication solutions:

– IEEE 802.15.4

– IEEE 802.11 (or Wi-Fi)

– Bluetooth

– Near Field Communication (NFC), e.g. RFID


• The Roles of Networks

– Managing nodes (discovery, join, leave, etc).

– Relaying data packets from the source to the destination node in the network.

• Networks are a distributed system. All nodes need to perform networkingrelated tasks.

• RF-based Network in IoT is usually a Wireless Multi-hop Network.

– Wireless Sensor Networks

– Mobile Wireless Ad hoc Networks

– Wireless Mesh Networks

– Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

– and many others...

• Main concern: Reliability & Performance


• The Internet serves as a wide area networking for

a local network.

• The Internet uses TCP/IP. This implies that things

must also support TCP/IP.

• Gateway (or sink)

The Internet

The Internet


Data link


IoT Protocol Stacks

Source: LOGANATHAN V, Welcome to the Workshop on IoT & Cloud Computing the Coexistence . Available at and

IoT Stack Web Stack

TCP/IP Model IoT Applications and Device


Web Applications

Data Format Binary, JSON, CBOR HTML, XML, JSON




Transport Layer UDP, DTLS TCP, UCP

Internet Layer IPv6/IP Routing and


IPv6, IPv4, IPSec

Network Layer IEEE 802.15.4 MAC, IEEE

802.15.4 PHY/ Physical Radio

Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), DSL, ISDN,

Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11), Wi-Fi

Protocol Stack

Network (IP)

IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC



Network (IP)

IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC



IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC

Network (IP)

IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)

Network (IP)

IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)



Wireless Medium

The Internet

Thing Thing



Enabling Technologies: Wireless technologiesLatency ~2.5 ms ~20 ms

Peak Current ~ 12.5 mA ~ 40 mA

Data Rate ~305 kbps ~100 kbps

Power Efficiency ~0.153 μW/bit ~185.9 μW/bit

Range 280 m 100 m

Network Topology Star Network Mesh Network


System Models and Applications of IoT

Applications: Smart Cities, Smart Homes, Smart Libraries,

Healthcare, Smart Grid

Physical-Cyber-Social Systems

Machine-to-machine communications

System Models and Standards

IoT Architecture

• “Physical” components / capabilities

– Sensors / Actuators

– Compute, store, communicate data

• Additional “logical” Components

– Security and dependability composition

– Time bound composition

– Cross-ownership service composition

– Policy negotiation and governance

– Federated orchestration

• Objectives

– Predictable scalability, stability, correctness, time-to-complete

Source: Rudra Datta, NCSU . Available at

IoT Threats

• Default, weak, and hardcoded credentials

• Firmware and OS are difficult to update

• Lack of vendor support for repairing vulnerabilities

• Web interface vulnerability

• Open ports can be vulnerable

• Error in Coding

• Distributed Denial-of-Service

• Physical theft and tampering

Source: Christopher Giles, Governance Risk Compliance Specialist, The Internet of Things (IoT) Security Considerations

for Higher Education.

IoT Data-Challenges

• Multi-modal and diverse

• Noisy and unfinished

• Dependent on Time and Location

• Dynamic and varies in quality

• Crowed sourced data can be unreliable

• Requires real-time analysis

• Privacy and security

• Data can be biased

IoT Governance, Privacy and Security

Challenges• The IoT’s diversity in devices, services and protocols, present challenges unseen and

unprecedented in the modern communication• Governance and Privacy Concerns

• Security Challenges

• Autonomy

• Computational Constraints

• Discovery

• Trust Relationships

• It does not have any international compatibility standard.

• It can be highly complex resulting in failure.

• Reduced safety for users.

• Internet of Things device may take control of life in due course of time with

increasing AI technology.

Source: Kizza , Chapter 24: Internet of Things (IoT): Growth, Challenges and Security: Guide to Computer Network Security

IoT in Libraries

• Data of Social Media used in Libraries

• E-platforms like e-resources subscriptions used by the users

• Devices used by the users like laptops, tablets, smartphones, scanners, printersetc.

• Library gate can be enabled with high-end sensors and are providers of IoT

• IoT, online connectivity to the membership counters

• Catalogues and OPACs are the potential IoTs for the libraries

• Fire detection and prevention devices are also potential IoTs of the libraries

• Mobile Apps and Mobile Referencing are based on IoTs

• Tracking movement of Resources and Inventory in Libraries

• Assistive Technologies used in Libraries

• Virtual and Digital Libraries are based on IoTs

Potential Areas of IoT in Libraries

• Library automation software – LMS

• Library management tools – all the applications

• Digitisation technology – digital libraries and virtual platforms

• Tools for search- Discovery and Federated Search provided

• Access to e-resources and publisher content

• Preservation and Digitization platforms

• Internet and Wi-Fi of Libraries

• Library websites and other electronic marketing tools, including social media

• Mobile Applications used by Libraries

• Other digital means of communications like SMS, emails etc

Source: Bansal, Alka; Arora, Dipti; and Suri, Alka, "Internet of Things: Beginning of New Era for Libraries" (2018). Library

Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 2081.

Conclusion• Libraries are now using Magic Mirror consisting of camera, sensor with Wi-Fi

enabled provides interaction between people and computers to record the data of theusers

• Pressure pad sensor consisting of a thin sheet sensor pad enabled with Wi-Fitechnology is connected to processing unit which records and controls the systemsand users activities.

• Cloud based applications are also used by the libraries which are attached to IoTapps

• Mobile apps are now used to have the virtual tour of the library on their mobiledevices thus can be based on IoT

• Online mobile apps are used to keep and track the availability of the book on therespective shelves or check the other resource availability despite the locationwherever they are. These are also connected to IoTs to provide the data.

• Smart books, gaming, augmented reality, and object-based learning are havepotential for IoTs in Libraries.

Source: Ashwini Nag1 and Dr. Khaiser Nikam. Internet Of Things Applications In Academic Libraries. International Journal of

Information Technology and Library Science. ISSN 2349-235X Volume 5, Number 1 (2016), pp. 1-7.

