INTERVIEW_(Shelley Moorhead's DR2 Deadline) Translation of Michael Jensen (Spokesman for...



Danish National Television News / DR2 Deadline: USVI Reparations Kurt Strand of DR2 interviews Mr. Shelley Moorhead in Denmark on July 10, 2010 on the issue of U.S. Virgin Islands slavery reparations. The interview was seen by more than 1,500,000 Danish viewers.In response to Mr. Moorhead's visit to Copenhagen two other guest were also interviewed.Dr. Bolette Blaagaard, Academic Coordinator of the Utrecht University in Holland, Netherlands spoke to the issue of Denmark making an official apology to the people of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Dr. Blaagaard has done much research on Danish Virgin Islands relations and her thesis is entitled: JOURNALISM OF RELATION:SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF ‘WHITENESS’ AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY DANISH JOURNALISTIC PRACTICE AND PRODUCTION.Michael Aastrup Jensen, the Spokesman for Foreign Affairs of Denmark's Venstre Political Party is also interviewed on the issue of slavery reparations and an official Danish apology to Virgin Islanders

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featuring Shelley Moorhead Founder of ACRRA/President of The Caribbean Institute for New Humanity,


______________________________ Hosted By Kurt Strand

July 10, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark


~LINK TO VIDEO:!/video/video.php?v=134250496605551&comments&r


~TRANSLATION of Michael Aastrup Jensen, the Spokesman for Foreign Affairs of Denmark's Venstre Political Party portion of the Program (his interview followed Shelley’s interview) Interviewer[Kurt Strand]: "How aware do you think we are of this history?" M.J: It is as the researcher from Holland said: Humans like to forget the things that are not so good and tries to look foreward to the more positive things like the battle for Democracy and other more present things. So I agree that it has not been at the top of the agenda for most people in Denmark, as in perhaps should have been. Interviewer: Then there is an opportunity to change that, and that is what Shelley Moorehead is in Denmark to advocate, and he wrote a letter last year to your colleague the Primeminister lars løkke Rasmussen, in wich he states: "Now is the time to repa[ir]/restore this common history between Denmark and the Virgin Islands" What is your reply to this? M.J: I agree that the History must be told and it must be kept alive by being told in public schools and other places of education so everybody is aware of this dark chapter we have in our history, and also to make sure that such a chapter doesn't come again. But from there and to say Sorry in some degree, i think is quite a big step to take that is dangerous. Interviewer: I just like to point out that Shelley Moorehead[Moorhead], as we heard in the intervi[e]w, is not the one who says we should apologize, He says that we should

debate if it is a good idea for the official Denmark to apologize.... Why not have that debate ? M.J: Because I think it is a dangerous step to make to begin to apologize for something our forefathers did for more that 150 years ago because, as one might say; Where is the limit for what we should apologize for. Remember Neighter I, you nor other present Danes have had anything at all to do with the slavetrade. So if we now have to go out and apologize on behalf of the forefathers, is a very significant and dangerous step to make because then we also have to apologize for all other things done trough history, that we might not be proud of. Interviewer: Well there are others who can do it, and lets look at a clip of Tony Blair..... What harm could it do if a Danis primeminister said something like that? M.J: Because one opens up a door, by apologizing for something that we at present time have nothing to do with, and where do we put the limit... is this more important that what we did in the Viking age or what we did in other ages that we might not be so proud of. But from there and then to forget, is very far. And that is why I stress out that we have to inform and educate our children about this dark chapter, so this can not happen again. Interviewer: Also the Americans, in the house of representatives, have made an Apology for the Slavery. Why shouldn't Denmark join this wagon? M.J: Because it will be kind of a wave of apologies that, to be honest, doesn't really change anything. If our prime[]minister said Sorry, what would it change? nothing really... What really would matter is as Moorehead says that we make sure to update and keep all records and information[] available and make sure that this will not be forgotten... this I agree on Interviewer: But in what degree does this have to do with the fear of making an apology and then get a claim of economic compensation? M.J: That is not at all the reason why I say no to an apology. But then again...Great Britain and USA, when they said sorry, where met with claims saying if you can say sorry then you can go straight to the cashier and pay for what your ancestors have done. That's why I think we will open up a dangerous door. History is very important to remember, by making sure it will not happen again... but making us responsible for what our forefathers in my opinion a very dangerous way to go.

TRANSLATED BY: Claus Frørup (I think it is a very dark chapter, not only for the whole

of Europe but certainly also for Denmark. And listening to the story from the spokesperson is something that really hits you in the heart. Knowing that this is a part of our forefathers history, s of course something we can not be proud of)!/video/video.php?v=134250496605551&comments&r
