Introduction for Manifestation Beginners


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A Basic Introduction To Manifestation

Hi! This version of the Laws Of Mind System is designed for those who know literally nothing about manifestation and want to gain a basic understanding of what it's all about, and the basics. After you digest this information, the other sections will begin to make more sense to you. Let's begin!

So...What Is Manifestation All About?

Manifestation is all about shortcuts, techniques and methods to achieve your goals in life. These shortcuts are all about unlocking the power of your mind, because the mind is the most important thing you have that creates success. See, the mind is actually a very strange thing, and scientists today have still a lot to figure out about the power of the mind. One part of that is the subconscious mind, which is a fancy name for that part of your mind which you aren't aware of. Manifestation techniques help you to cut the chase and unlock your mind so you can achieve success in anything you want - things like financial success, better relationships, more health, happiness, finding your life purpose, becoming more spiritual and so on. On this journey, you're also likely to learn about spiritual qualities that link to the higher aspects of you, like compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, emotional control, positivity, understanding, prayer, meditation and lots of other themes. The beauty of manifestation is that you're going to become a better person as you go through this journey. You are going to discover things about your true nature which will make you realise how valuable and worthy you are as a human being. You will learn to understand yourself and the world around you, and you will become happier, more prosperous and successful in all areas of your life.

So...learning about manifestation and applying these techniques can and will change your life.

What "Manifestation" Actually Means

When we talk about "manifestation", what we mean is bringing something into your reality and life, which wasn't there before. This is essentially what manifestations means in a nutshell and is good enough for beginners. On a deeper level though, manifestation is about creating your own reality, because your mind and body has certain powers that can change the very fabric of existence around you. This delves into the realm of quantum physics and spiritual topics. In simple terms, the mind and body has certain qualities which can create changes in the physical world or in other people. For example, healing the sick with the power of prayer, helping plants to grow through mind power, attracting a certain person into your life with your thinking, boosting your business with the power of mental suggestions and so forth. All of these are examples of spiritual powers being applied, but which commonly lie dormant within all of us. Manifestation can help release these powers and evolve consciousness and spirituality to a new level.

Creative Manifestation Energy - What It Is

Manifestation secrets teach us that because human beings are spiritual beings, we have within us a creative energy that allows us to achieve the things we want. This creative energy can be harnessed and refined to create the life we desire. The most fundamental type of creative energy is consciousness. Consciousness in the form of awareness and thoughts are the building blocks for the things you want. Because you are a conscious being and have thoughts, you therefore have the fundamental building blocks to achieve your dreams. All of manifestation relies upon the power of thoughts. Thoughts are the fundamental force that allows manifestation to happen. This happens because as thoughts become "wielded" and "binded" together, their power increases exponentially. This allows for "physical outcomes" to come about. For example, new people to enter your life and opportunities to open up which allow you to achieve the goal you have in mind. In manifestation, what we are doing is enhancing the power of our thoughts and making them more powerful, so that physical results can come about automatically from it. There is a lot of scientific research going on in this area with some amazing findings, but sadly a lot

of the science is also being repressed by scientific institutions. This is because the science of consciousness and its effects on matter is a taboo topic that materialist scientists want to stay away from. Nevertheless, the truth is already out and has been talked about for thousands of years - you have the power to create the life you desire because of the innate energy lying within you.

The Basics Of Manifestation - The Subconscious Mind Explained

There are many basics on manifestation, so we are just going to touch on some common and obvious themes here. When it comes to manifesting, one of the key tools you have is the power of your subconscious mind. As mentioned, this is the part of your mind which you aren't aware of, but it's doing all the hard work. For example, reading this text here is actually a subconscious process. You are able to read this text easily because you have a program in your subconscious mind which allows you to do that. Many people who don't understand English will look at this text and won't have a clue what is going on with these squiggly looking lines all over the place. The only reason you can read and understand it is because you have been programmed to understand it. If you want to manifest your goals and desires, what you need to do is make changes in your subconscious mind. To do that, you need to change your lifestyle and do things in a new way. Everything which you do in manifestation is all about changing your subconscious mind. Your subconscious is incredibly powerful and is also the seat of your creative manifestation energies. If you want your creative manifestation energies to manifest your goals, you need to have the subconscious wired the right way.

Re-Programming And Unlocking Your Subconscious Mind To Manifest

When you find it difficult to achieve your goals, it is because your mind has been programmed the wrong way. This is because the wrong programming makes you end up thinking and doing the wrong things, so you end up going in circles and don't achieve your goal. Just as you can install the wrong software program on your computer at home or get viruses, you can also install the wrong software programs in your mind. For example, you may be trying to make more money, but have screwed up for 4-5 years on the trot and can't figure out why. The chances are that there is something missing in your understanding and mind which you need to "install" into your mind. Or, how about if you've been single for far too long and can't figure out why. Again, something may be missing in your mind that needs to get installed. The point here is that to manifest the thing you want, you need to learn to re-program your mind and get the right programming and software for your brain instead of the wrong programs. You also need to get rid of all the junk in your head that keeps you going in circles. There are many ways to do this. Here is a list of a few ways:

1. Thinking new thoughts 2. Affirmations 3. Subliminal audios 4. Hypnosis sessions 5. Self image exercises 6. Written exercises 7. Associating with new people 8. Reading books/text with new information 9. Attending seminars, listening to new audios All of these help to re-program your mind and create new software in your brain. Again, since this is a basic introduction to manifestation, we won't go into the core specifics of all of these just now, but they are elaborated upon in the other worksheets and guides within your package. For you to manifest your goals, you need to have your mind programmed the right way, and all of the things above help with that. Another and perhaps the best way to go about this is to develop a lifestyle so that you are constantly re-programming your mind for the thing you want. For example, say you wanted to make more money but can't at the moment. This may be because of the wrong beliefs/thoughts in your mind. So, to change that, you could use affirmations or hypnosis to create new beliefs and thinking patterns in your mind. Over time, you would begin to think of money differently. This means you would make better decisions, make better actions and have new ideas to make the money you want. Re-programming can apply to any other situation or thing you want to achieve in your life as well. So, to clarify, when you re-program your mind correctly, you are allowing your creative manifestation energies to manifest your goal. In simple terms, you will have better thoughts, actions, behaviors and resources to achieve the things you want.

Using Certain Laws To Access The Subconscious Mind

There are many "laws" which help you unlock the subconscious. We are going to talk about some really obvious ones here. Again, this is designed for beginners in manifestation to get to grips with some basics. Law Of Subconscious Attraction And Magnetism You may know this as "the law of attraction" and there are a few ways of describing it. In essence, what you focus on, you attract more of. So, if you focus on good things, then good things will start to happen. If you focus on bad things, then bad things will start to happen. To expand on this: when you think, imagine and talk good things, then good things will be attracted into your reality. When you think, imagine and talk bad things, then bad things will be attracted into your reality. This is the basic operation of this law. So, to use this law, what you need to do is be aware of what you're thinking, imagining and talking about. Then, change that to be more positive. Over time, you will find that new things are being attracted into your life. The key here is to be consistently thinking, imagining and talking of these new things to create them.

Law Of Belief The law of belief says that something is easier to manifest when you believe it's possible. Believing something acts as a door to help make the thing in question come true. Belief helps to give you drive, enthusiasm and passion for the goal in question. Belief also helps to create new programs in your subconscious mind so that a new way of behaving becomes possible. Law Of Detachment The law of detachment states that you need to stop thinking about your goal all the time, to allow it to manifest. This means you need to carry on with your day and not always go thinking about the thing you want. Those are examples of laws which access and use the subconscious mind. There are many other laws, principles and methods which unlock the mind, so this is just a very brief introduction. The point here is to help you realise that there are tools out there to help re-program your mind and bring your life to the next level.

Removing Bad Beliefs And Habits

One key area that people want to work on is removing bad beliefs and habits. A lot of the time, we may have bad beliefs without even knowing about it. If you aren't achieving your goals right now, there is an almost 100% chance that you have some bad beliefs and don't even know they are there. There is a technical name for this situation, called unconscious incompetence. Manifestation helps you to identify what these bad beliefs actually are. Without removing those bad beliefs, you will keep making the same mistakes in your life and not understand why. The same situation also applies to bad habits. A lot of the time, we may have bad habits and don't even know they are there, because they are so natural and normal for us that we think they are normal and not "bad" at all. For example, a lot of people who overeat as a bad habit see this as totally normal. They may want to lose weight, but are completely unaware that their bad habit of eating too much is hindering them from achieving that goal. Again, this is an example of unconscious incompetence - where the person is actually unaware that their bad habit is shooting their goals in the foot. So, the first key to removing bad habits and beliefs is in identifying them. This is layer 1. What you need to do is ask yourself, "what habits might I have that I amn't even aware of?". "What bad beliefs might I have that I amn't even aware of?"

There is a second layer once identification happens, and that is the removal process. Say you have a bad belief in your mind. To change this, all you need to do is offer new thoughts that counteract that belief. The key here is to do this over and over, until the positive "overrides" the negative. Just as it takes some time to train for a 5 mile race, it will take some time for the positive to override the negative. This means it's very important to stick in there and keep going, as the results will show over time. Some people believe that simple thoughts can't change bad beliefs, but we don't believe that's true at all. Thoughts of themselves act as hypnotic suggestions which can enter the subconscious mind. Therefore, prolonged thought has the potential to change your deeply held bad beliefs. Obviously there is more to it than that, but as mentioned, this is just a basic introduction to manifestation for beginners. For bad habits, these are commonly based on bad beliefs. So, once you change the belief, the habit will automatically change. There is more to it though than that. A lot of the time, people stop their bad habit but end up going back to it after a period of time. The reason this happens is because there is no change in the self-image of the person (talked about in the next section). The self-image is who you see yourself as. If you change the self image, the new habits you put in place are extremely easy to keep for the long run. Many people say it takes between 21-90 days to form a habit, and this is true. As mentioned, just as it takes time to train for a 5 mile race, it will take some time to make the new habits become solid. Your brain has to create a lot of new neuron and glial cells. It also has to remove the neuron and glial cells for the old programming and habits which you had previously, and which you may have kept for many years. So, 21 days in the big scheme of things is actually very little in the long run.

The Self Image And Its Importance For Manifestation

Your self image is who you see yourself on the inside. A wealthy person will see themselves as wealthy, which allows them to act, do and behave as a wealthy person. A poor person sees themselves as poor, and so that it is how they act. The same goes with anything else. Someone who is good with people will see themselves as good with people. And so on. The point here is that everyone "sees themselves" a certain way, whether they're aware of it or not. And how they see themselves has a huge impact on what the person thinks they can do, be or have. If we have the wrong self image, we can go around in circles for years and not understand why. The reason is because the self image in how you are seeing yourself hasn't changed. The key then to manifesting your goals is to change how you are seeing yourself, so that you can see yourself as the person you want to be. This allows everything else you are doing e.g. other manifestation techniques and tools to work more effectively for you. There is a whole section on how to change the self image and more information in the summary version of the Laws Of Mind® System.

Concentration And Its Importance For Manifestation

Another key to manifestation is to use the power of concentration. This is what we talk about in the main Laws Of Mind® course. As you improve your concentration, you will find it much easier to change your self image and subconscious mind, so that you can program yourself the right way and manifest. Concentration is a glue which holds everything together. Without a high dose of concentration, you will find yourself always going through the same circles in your life. Sometimes you will make progress, and other times you will move backwards and the cycle will repeat for a long time. Learning to have a lifestyle that automatically builds your concentration is crucial to manifestation. It allows you to get deeper into your subconscious and clear out all the complicated junk which isn't so easy to remove otherwise. Concentration is also the key to things like self-discipline, forming new habits, removing bad habits, getting better ideas and creativity and taking advantage of opportunities when they come. So, for now, know that concentration and learning how to enhance it on its own can change your life. If you learn to concentrate, enormous opportunities and advantages will come to you in your life.

Instant Manifestation

An "instant manifestation" is the name given to a situation where the thing you want to manifest, manifests immediately - hence the term "instant" manifestation. For example, more money immediately. Or a new opportunity. Or a new thing that you wanted. To create this type of manifestation, you need to have a strong level of concentration. Concentration is essentially the fundamental tool and building block that binds all thought power together to create a physical outcome. For you to achieve this level of manifestation, you need to be constantly building the power of your concentration every day. We talk about how to do that in our other guides and worksheets, included in your package.

Conclusion We hope you've enjoyed reading this basic introduction to manifestation! If you have any questions or require clarification in anything, you are welcome to e-mail us at To Your Manifestation Intelligence! The Team