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Prepared and distributed by:ES Central

John OvertonApril 2016

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Introduction:The author has designed a self-teaching kit to equip intermediate, high school, and college

students to take the Gospel of Christ onto their campuses and start a sustained Christian movement to Change the World. The process is called Equipping Students (ES). A DVD is included that contains Power point training files, videos, student manuals, and forms needed to implement ES.

ES is a non-profit, International organization with ES Central located in Texas, USA. ES works directly with regional adult Managers and Coordinators, who in turn, work with small groups of students to start a Christian discipleship movement on campuses. The first step to initiate an ES movement is the selection and training of an adult Manager/ Coordinator team. Readers may accomplish their leadership training by studying this book and using the training files on the DVD. Alternatively, assistance may be sought by contacting ES Central from the ES Web site. Arrangements can also be made to have a Christian equipper travel to your location to provide a three-day training course leading to commissioning as Regional ES Managers / Coordinators.

Unlike traditional youth ministries, ES raises the bar of expectation for students and holds them accountable for their discipleship. Student entertainment, food, and games are purposely avoided in ES.

The first of eight discipleship sessions is about Authentic Faith. This most important session is designed to make sure the students are Christians with sound Biblical foundations for growing in Christ and influencing others. Students certified in ES are taught to share their stories with their siblings, peers, parents, and teachers.

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Our Current Context:The secular culture is radically changing for the worse and successfully luring people of all

age groups away from the church and many away from Christianity. ES is designed to reverse this trend and change the world. Data from the Barna Group illustrates the urgency of the current situation in the United States (

Barna Group is a visionary research and resource company located in Ventura, California. Started in 1984, the firm is widely considered a leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture. In its 30-year history, Barna Group has conducted more than one million interviews over the course of hundreds of studies, and has become a go-to source for insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generations. Barna Group has

tracked the role of faith in America, developing one of the nation’s most comprehensive databases of spiritual indicators.

Barna Group research shows that 28% of Elders are church dropouts (over age 70; this is the resource age God has placed in our churches.) Being retired, they have time, experience, education, and wealth.

35% of Boomers are dropouts

(ages 51 to 69; they have raised their children and should be prepared to take the mantle of Christian leadership.) 40% of Busters are dropouts (ages 32 to 50; the most influential on the next generation), and 48% of the Mosaics are leaving (ages 13 through 29; the future of Christianity!)


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Why Equip Students:Barna research reveals that during the 1960s, polls showed the three most influential factors

in a student's life to be 1) Parents, 2) Teachers, and 3) Spiritual Leaders. Today, the three most influential factors in a student's life are 1) Friends, 2) Media, and 3) Parents. Spiritual leaders dropped to 17th! Friends often have more influence on students than personal convictions, parents, or God!

Thus, the reason the target group for changing the world is students is 1) they represent the future of the church, 2) they are the largest group leaving the church, and 3) properly discipled, as friends, students have the greatest influence on their fellow students for Christ than any other source. ES applies to students of all denominations, cultures, and ethnicities. ES may be more effective in countries where Christianity may be expressed more openly in their schools.

Christians are commissioned by Christ to; Go forth, evangelize, make disciples, baptize them, teach the new disciples to obey all that He has taught, and perform this commission with the energy and inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-20).

Our commission is to start sustaining Christian movements across all borders, ethnicities, languages, and social groups. In other words, converts to Christianity are to be equipped to continue the process of converting and discipling others, thus creating sustaining movements.

Unfortunately, contemporary Christianity stops with evangelism, and some only for the purpose of gaining church members to support the institution. There are no sustaining results from such emphasis. Many Christian churches are sick and dying for lack of sustaining movement! Secular influence on the church has been slow but relentless. Recovery from this decline will require time to return to the spiritual foundations upon which Christ built His church.

Our schools are the largest concentrated unreached people groups (UPGs) in our neighborhoods. Multitudes of intermediate, high school, and college students are vulnerable to worldly temptations laced with immorality, addictive habits, and enticing entertainment that leads to eternal destruction and they do not have the spiritual foundation to cope with these distractions!

In the United States, adults are forbidden to go on campus and evangelize students but Christian students are not forbidden to express themselves! Thus, the way to return Christian influence into schools and out into the community is through students.

Schools are supposed to prepare students for life. Yet school administrators and teacher's hands are tied regarding spiritual preparation for their eternal future!

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How Sustained ES Networks Work:ES is a discipleship ministry based upon the Great Commission, (Matthew 28:18-20). The

success of ES depends upon the faithful discipline of Christian adult managers in local communities. The steps to initiate a local ES movement are:

Step 1. - Adult managers to oversee the ES process in their area must be identified and commissioned. (You may become a regional ES manager. Contact ES Central)

Step 2. - ES Managers should seek additional adult helpers (Coordinators) to assist in sustaining the movement locally.

Step 3. - The ES managers and their adult coordinators will select a small group of four to six Christian students. These students need not be from the same church, denomination, or school. They can be Jr. High, Sr. High, or College students. The bar of expectation for these students will be raised considerably higher than that of typical church youth programs. If more than six students are willing candidates for ES and Adult coordinators are prepared, a second ES group should be started but extra students must not be added to exceed six.

Step 4. - Following being commissioned as ES managers/coordinators, they will teach an eight-week discipleship course to the initial student group. The materials for this course are included in this book and the DVD located at the rear of the book.

Step 5. - Near the completion of their eight-week discipleship course, the first group of students will recommend a second group of from four to six students with which they have shared their story.

Step 6. - The adult coordinators selected in step 2 will equip the second group of students using the same eight discipleship lessons.

ES will become a sustaining discipleship movement as the managers continue to recruit adult coordinators to disciple small groups of students as prescribed in II Timothy 2:2 and each student group recommends additional students from their school or other schools in their communities for ES discipleship.

ES Central, located in Texas, will oversee the ES ministry on a global basis.

Communications between ES Central and the ES Managers will be by way of the Internet. ES Central will maintain an ES web site and publish an ES newsletter. The ES managers, coordinators, and students will send messages and photographs of ES events to ES Central for inclusion in the newsletters and web.

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Three Day ES Manager / Coordinator Training: ES Manager / Coordinator training can be self-taught or by an ES trainer. More than one couple can be commissioned as ES Managers or Coordinators for a region upon completion of the three-day training session. Training should be accomplished in a home or at the training facility selected for discipling from 4 to 6 students.

Evening of Day One Training: will be a brief overview of ES.

Husband / wife teams are preferred as ES Managers since some of the student instruction should be taught by a lady and some by a man. A single couple may start an ES movement in a local area, or more than one couple may cooperate to start a new network. A single man may equip a group of

boys in ES and a single woman may equip a group of girls. Additional adult Christians may serve as observers during the initial ES cycle in preparation to sponsor a small group of students in the future.

It is critical that the Managers / Coordinators be established, born-again Christians that practice daily disciplines of prayer, Bible study, journaling, sharing their faith, etc. They understand and choose to practice the Great Commandment

and Great Commission. They must be able to share their experiences as practicing Christians with students. Students will not likely be responsive to adults that do not practice what they teach.

The managers need not perform all of the arrangements for the ES course but will seek help from other Christian adults and make sure that all arrangements are made in advance of the initial student ES instruction.

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The managers will be responsible for a suitable off-campus location to perform the student training. This facility should have enough space for a class of 4 to 6 students along with several adults. The facility should have: 1) Electrical power and an extension cord with at least two outlets, 2) Tables for students to write on, 3) Individual chairs, 4) A screen, or suitable wall for projecting training slides, 5) Rest rooms, and 6) Good lighting. Access to a quality copy machine will be very useful. A home, public building, or church may provide a suitable facility for ES.

The following materials must be secured for each student before the initial student class: 1) A student study Bible, 2) A journal, 3) A binder containing ES Student manuals, list of scriptures and ES forms, and 4) A quality writing pen. The estimated cost of these materials for six students is approximately $260 US dollars. These materials may be secured locally or from ES Central (Special Note: If the students prefer using their smart phones for their daily times with the Lord, then the Bibles and journals will not be needed.)

The managers will schedule and conduct eight ES classes for the initial group of students. The adult

coordinators will sit in these classes as monitors in preparation to equip another group of students in the future. The first class will be to establish transparent communication between the teachers and the students. The managers will explain the purpose and scope of ES and ask for commitment to complete eight approximately one to one and a half hour classes as well as be accountable for accomplishing weekly goals to be set by the class. Each student must understand what is involved and agree to complete the course or be lovingly removed. Replacing any dropouts with additional students must be resisted. The managers will share their relationship with Jesus and ask each student to tell about their relationship with Jesus. It is crucial that clear verbalization about personal relationships be expressed. This may be awkward for some initially but will become comfortable with experience.

During the first class, each student will use a form in their ES binder to list the names of students they know that are away from God. They will also write Their Story on a form in their binder. Their story (their relationship with Jesus) must be brief and understandable by other students. They are then to write a Bridge to the Gospel and recite John 3:16. The students selected for the group should be able to recite John 3:16 but the managers should be prepared to help them memorize it if they are not.

The basis of ES is built on the foundation of Christian relationships.

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Each student should be spiritually mature enough to lead the class in prayer.

A scripture-based vision will be cast and a brief discipleship lesson will be taught by the teacher during each ES session. A set of goals to be accomplished by the students before the next meeting will be agreed upon. The students must understand that they will be accountable for reporting the results of their goals at the following meeting.

The inclination to recruit a large group of students must be resisted. By restricting the focus on a few selected students, a multiplying movement is much more likely to be sustained.

The ES managers will teach the initial eight-week ES course to the first student group. The coordinators will sit in all classes as observers in preparation to teach future student groups. Near the completion of the first student course, the students will recommend a second group of four to six students for ES discipleship. The coordinators that monitored the first series of classes will teach the second group of students. A different student training location may be needed and student supplies secured before starting additional classes.

A network of adult coordinators will be recruited to monitor subsequent student classes and each student class will recommend additional groups of students to be equipped. Thus, ES will become a sustaining movement of Christian discipleship among students. These students will influence their peers, siblings, parents, and teachers to become followers of Christ.ES Central Will Provide: ES Central will maintain all information and materials needed by the local managers and coordinators to conduct the ES process. This includes Power point slides, student manuals, videos, and student forms. These materials may be printed from the DVD located in the kit, downloaded from the ES web, or secured from ES Central. A periodic ES newsletter will be written and distributed by ES Central made up of notes and photos provided by ES managers, coordinators and students.

At the close of the first evening of manager/coordinator training, the time and location should be agreed upon for spending the next day to go over the detailed strategy of ES. Use the remainder of the evening to respond to questions and conduct discussions about equipping students to take the Gospel onto their campuses and change the world. Dismiss with prayer.

Note: The ES managers / coordinators will need a laptop with Microsoft Power point and Microsoft Word, and a video projector to project the Power point training slides onto a screen or blank wall. Access to a copying machine will be needed to make copies of student manuals and forms.

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Manager / Coordinator Training, Basic ES Strategy, Day Two: Today will be a full day of instruction on the ES process, and a brief view of the eight student

equipping sessions. A mid-day break for lunch will be necessary.

Following opening prayer, remind the managers / coordinators of the purpose of ES.

We must have a radical paradigm shift back to Christian basics as outlined in the book of Acts. Our commission is to build the Kingdom: start locally (our schools) and move out to the uttermost parts of the world.

ES is for students that will be a part of a

disciplship revolution. ES will only work if both the managers/ coordinators and the student group members commit themselves to faithfully obey seleted New Testament commandments and commissions. They must be absolutely dependent upon the Holy Spirit to accomplish the objectives of ES.

The initial student sessions will be to equip each student with a Christian foundation. ES will then move the students from the classroom environment to share their faith in a laboratory like environment with other

students. It is essential that the adult teachers lovelingly share their Christian experiences with the students.

Each ES equipping session will include six parts facilitated by an adult teacher and assisted by a student for some of the parts. Each training session is packed with materials, so great care must be given to keeping the sessions on schedule. An important part of the training is to teach the students to be brief and communicate clearly so they will be asked to assist with some of the parts of each meeting. Do not call upon the same student each time but rotate through all of them so they will gain the experience.

1. Opening prayer: The adult teacher should start the first session with prayer for the students and their schools, and appoint one of the students to be prepared to lead in prayer for the subsequent session.

2. How Are You Doing Spiritually?; During the first session, the teacher should briefly share his/her relationship with Jesus. Emphasize how brief you told your story and inform them that they will be asked to briefly share their relationship with Jesus during future sessions.

3. Loving Acountability: During the first session, the teacher should explain that the group will agree on goals to be accomplished during the following week and that each student will be accountable for sharing the results of how their goals were accomplished during the following session.

4. Vision Casting: The adult teacher will cast a Biblical vision for the group each week. Vision casting materials are included for each session on the DVD.

5. Brief Discipleship Lesson: The adult teacher will teach a brief discipleship lesson for the group each week. Discipleship lessons are also included for each session on the DVD.

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6. Goal Setting: The group will be given goals to accomplish during the following week. They will also be informed that they will each be accountable for shareing how they accomplished their goals at the next equipping session.ES STRATEGY:

The strategy for launching a sustained Christian discipleship movement is to first train and equip one or two Christian couples to become the managers and coordinators of a local ES movement.

Once the ES Managers and Coordinatosr have been commissioned, teaching materials obtained, and a suitable location to equip from four to six students secured, they will then recruit the students from Jr. High, Sr. High, and/or College to take the Gospel of Christ onto their campuses.Overview of the Eight Student Discipleship Sessions:

Student training materials for eight student sessions are included on the DVD. Included are powerpoint outlines to be used by the teacher and manuals to be used by students to follow along with the projected powerpoint images. The vision castings are designed to assure each student that they can accomplish the goals of ES based upon a Bible scripture and each student will memorize the scripture as part of their week's goal. The discipleship lessons are foundational.

The teacher will always be responsible for casting the

vision and presenting the brief discipleship lesson during each session.

Following are brief outlines for the eight student equipping sessions to be facilitated by an adult with assistance form selected students for some parts of the sessions:Student Session number 1 is to establish the frameword for all future student sessions. It is essential that teacher/student transparency be established during the initial session and maintained for the rest of the ES discipleship process.

1. Opening Prayer: The teacher will open session one with prayer for the students, parents, classmates, teachers, campus, etc. Students will lead future ES sessions with prayer.

Students will be shown the six parts of each discipleship session and told that they will be accountable for accomplishing weekly goals.

2. How Are You Doing Spiritually: The teacher will share his/her relationship with Jesus with the students and then ask each student to share their relationship with Jesus. This may be awkard initially but is an important part of the discipleship process.

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3. Loving Accountability: The students will be informed that they will set goals following each discipleship session and will be expected to share with the class how they accomplished their goals at the following meeting. This is a deliberate raising of the bar of expectations for each Christian student.

4. Vision Casting: The teacher will encourage the class by casting scriptural vision The theme of session one is Authentic Faith; Do Not Depend Upon Your Understanding. This lesson is designed to make sure each of the students are saved and has confidence that Jesus is who He says He is, and assurance that He will do everything He has promised to do. This goes along with the scripture to be memorize; Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your understanding. Acknowledge Him in all that you do and He will direct your life, (Proverbs 3: 5-6). Daily study of the Bible will be emphasized to know what God has promised.

5. Brief Discipleship Lesson: The teacher will teach the Authinic Faith discipleship lesson included on the DVD. Faith is defined as trust in a person or object. Authentic Christian faith is absolute trust in the person of Jesus, the Messiah. During the first discipleship session, each student will be asked if Jesus knows them? If they are not sure, they must settle their relationship with Him. Offer to help them to be sure that their faith is authentic.

6. Set Goals: The goals to be set for the coming week are to select a Secret Place, start the discipline of reading a chapter of the Bible each day and record what the verses meant to them in their journal, add additional names of students known to be away from God, and read over Their Story to make sure it is correct and very brief. Rewrite Their Story as needed. Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6.

Student Session number 2: - Spiritual Disciplines:

Opening Prayer: The adult teacher should appoint one of the students to lead the Group in prayer. Prayer emphasis should be placed on other students known by the Group that are away from God. Call upon the Holy Spirit to bring other student names to their memory. Also request tha the Holy Spirit empower each student to complete the ES course

How Are You Doing Spiritually: Each student should be asked to briefly tell how he/she is doing spiritually. It is very important that each student overcome any hesitancy to tell the Group about their secret time with Jesus. Warn the students to avoid answering with a single word: Always answer with complete sentences. The teacher must be careful how the questions are phrased so complete answers will be necessary.

Loving Accountability: The teacher should ask each student to tell what they learned from the chapter of John they read this morning. Have each student read one of their morning entries from their journal and tell how many days they have made entries in their journal. Also have each student explain how they went about identifying students they now have on their list of students that are away from God. Each student should tell Their Story to the Group and recite Proverbs 3:5-6. (Note: Great care must be given to keep the students on topic and avoid using too much time to get through this part of each session.)

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Vision Casting: Acts 1:8 will be explained: God will empower each of us to do what He asks us to do. He instructs us to be His witnesses in our schools, other schools and throughout the world.

Explain that too often we Christians get discouraged and fail to tell other students our Story for fear of being rejected. This will happen if we do not wait upon, and depend upon being empowered by the Holy Spirit. That is why it is necessary to practice the disciplines of daily Bible study and prayer. We have Jesus' promise that He is always with us.

The process of telling our Story, building a brief bridge to the Gospel (John 3:16), repeating John 3:16, and asking if they would like to be sure they have eternal life, will be explained and practiced in class.

Brief Discipleship Lesson: Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline refers to the process by which one learns a way of life. A Disciple is like an apprentice who is learning a trade or craft from a master. Such learning requires a relationship between the master who knows the way of life (discipline) and the learner (disciple).

Several Christian disciplines are identified and the student is asked to set a goal of practicing the disciplines of daily prayer, daily Bible study, and journaling. To reinforce the benefits of these disciplines, the teacher should share how he/she practices them.

To be a Disciple of Christ, the teacher and students are to follow Jesus, obey Him, and live like He lived. Emphasis should again be placed on the value of daily Bible study to know how Jesus lived.

Set Goals: The goals for the second ES session will be to use the secret place, and keep their Bible, Journal, three-ring binder, and pen there. Read at lease a chapter of the Bible and enter your impressions about what you read in your journal. In prayer, confess any known sins and thank Jesus for what He has done to set you free from the penalty of your sins and from the power of sin. Add to your list of students known to be away from God, review their story and reivise it if needed, write your bridge to the Gospel and memorize John 3:16 and Acts 1:8

Remind the students that they will be called upon to give an account of how they accomplished their goals at the next ES session.Student Session numbers 3 & 4: - Moral Boundries: These two sessions will emphasize personal character traits of morality. The disciplines being practiced from the previous sessions will be beneficial is drawing moral lines beyond which students will not venture.

Opening Prayer: During session 3, student led prayer should focus on the students in the group and their immediate friends. Prayers of blessings in the form of protection and favor should be requested.

Student led prayer during session 4 will be to pray for Holy Spirit led boldness to draw moral lines across which they will not cross.

How Are You Doing Spiritually: During both session 3 and session 4, each student will be asked to briefly share about their time in their secret place. The teacher must be prepared to encourage eacah student that may fail to practice their disciplines.

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Loving Accountability: During session 3 the students will be asked to tell where their secret place is and share how confessing known sins affect their time of prayer. Each will quickly recite their story, bridge, and John 3:16. Following a brief group discussion about why "The Word" became human and made His home among us and silently meditating about their personal sins being placed on Jesus while He was being crucified for us. Finally, each will recite Acts 1:8

Session 4 Accountability time will have each student share the good deed they did during the past week and how they spend their time studying the Bible, journaling and praying in their secret place. Each wil share how the student responded to their story. Finally each will tell their story and bridge to the Gospel and recite Philippines 4:13.

Vision Casting: The Vison for session 3 is about a "Can-Do" Attitude. Philippines 4:13 will be used to assure the students that they can accomplish their goals by drawing upon the Holy Spirit daily to accomplish them. The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.

The Session 4 Vision Cast will emphasis Self-Control. It will be pointed out that "Self Control" is one of the characteristics (fruit) of the Holy Spirit. If selfishness is not controlled daily, its unquenchable appetite will lead to controlling addictions!

Brief Discipleship Lesson: Moral Boundries will be stressed during both sesion 3 and 4. Proper relationships with Jesus and other students are emphasized. Several moral principles will be identified but the emphasis will be placed on not having sex before marriage and re-

emphasis on self control. As a result of this topic, the discipleship lesson for these two session should be taught by a mature Christian man for the boys and a mature Christian lady for the girls in separate rooms.

God created the universe and retains ownership of it. He has established His rules for its proper operation, including the ruls for proper moral living. Satan, our spiritual enemy, perverts God's Holy rules by appealing to Self to not wait but to enjoy instant, selfish sexual gratificaiton. We live in a culture of lies about sexuality. Daily disciplines of Bible

study, prayer, and journaling helps students to draw the line beyond which they will not cross. Set Goals: The goals to be set for both sessions include performing good deeds for girls by

boys and good deeds for boys by girls. Having the boys and girls purposely do good deeds for students of the other sex is to cultivate good moral relationships.

Continue daily Bible study, prayer, and meditation. Specifically pray for the names of students on their lists and share their Story with a student on their list and bridge to the Gospel.

Memorize Philippines 4:13 and Luke 9:23Always remind the students that they will be accountable for sharing the results of their goals

at the next session.

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Student Session number 5 - Healthy friendships:Opening Prayer: The Adult teacher will ask each student to take turns praying following a

brief time of silence of meditate on the majesty of God. Have them request the Holy Spirit to energize the meeting and remind them of additional students that are away from God.

The teacher should close the prayer time.How Are You Doing Spiritually: Each student should share how they are changing

spiritually.Loving Accountability: Each student should identify the good deed they performed during

the past week and how the student responded. How have some of the students responded to Your Story?

It is very important, though repetitious, for the students to talk about their times in their secret place.

Recite Luke 9:23.Vision Casting: Remind the students that they are seen as holy, blameless, and beyound

reproach by our Heavenly Father according to Colossians 1:22. By faith, all of our sins were placed on Jesus while he was sacrificed for us on the cross, and His righteousness was transferred to us by His Grace. Having been transformed, we can be effective spiritual fishers of men (fellow students).

Brief Discipleship Lesson: As mentioned in the introduction about why we must equip students, friends have now become the most influencial factor in a student's life. So student disciples of Christ can be the most influencial factor on fellow students.

The two most influential consequences of friends are rejection and acceptance. Acceptance paves the way to influence but students resist the influence of those that they feel do not accept them.

The writer teaches Christian Discipleship to alcoholics and drug addicts going through treatment for recovery. His book, Abstenance beats Recovery, is a collection of true stories submitted by addicts about how they became addicted and the harm addiction has caused them and the people that love them. Most start drinking and using marijuana when they are Jr. high school students to be cool and accepted by their "friends."

Session four emphasizes the necessity of making healthy friendships. Though students are to try to influence others for Christ, they must be careful to not become too close with those that will be trying to influence them away from Christ.

Set Goals: Purposly seek out students that do not seem to have many (if any) friends. Eat lunch with a student that is sitting alone.

Share your story with a student that does not appear to have a friend.

Memorize Matthew 4:19

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Student Session number 6: - Wise Choices:Opening Prayer: Start session 6 with a few moments of silence to think about what Jesus

endured to provide us with freedom from the penalty of sins and freedom from the power of sin. Remember, Freedom is not Free - Someone always pays for it!

How Are You Doing Spiritually: Strong emphasis must be made regarding personal relationship with Jesus. Maintaining a personal relationship with Jesus is stressed by using the secret place to cultivate His friendship through prayer and Bible study.

Loving Accountability: Ask each student about who they had lunch with that was alone and how they responded. Each should share specific ways they pray for those on his/her list and briefly share a Journal entry. Ask about what adjustments have been made to be more attractive to students in need of friends.

Recite Matthew 4:19Vision Casting: We must have Spiritual Vision.

God's promises are within our reach. The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18) Our fellow students may perish for lack of our vision!

Brief Discipleship Lesson: Wise Choices: We choose how we spend each day. Though others may try to influence us to follow them, we will choose who we will follow. We are free to choose but not free from the consequences of our choices

Session six focuses on getting the minds of the students away from the temporary situations they find themselves in from day to day and to put more emphasis on eternal things. They need to be taught to sacrifice immediate worldly gratifications and pleasures and to store up treasure in heaven.

Set Goals: Have the students circle names on their list that they will share their story this next week. Challenge the students to make some changes from Foolish to Wise choices this coming week. Have them pray for the ES group's vision during the coming week.

Memorize Proverbs 29:18

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Student Session number 7: - Ultimate Authority:Opening Prayer: Ask the students to be silent before God and reflect on His names. We

must trust and depend upon Him and not trust and depend upon self!How Are You Doing Spiritually: Use this time to have the students share if they believe

they are growing spiritually and discuss how they believe they can grow more relationally with Jesus.

Loving Accountability: Have the students share an example of a wise choice rather than a foolish one they made this past week. Have each use their journal to recall a situation where they were tempted to make a foolish decision.

How have some of the students on their list have responded to their story?Recite Proverbs 29:18.Vision Casting: Jesus has all Authority in heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18). Thus He has

the ability to delegate His authroity to students.Jesus has delegated His authority to students to be His witness throughout the world and He

who has all authority promises to never leave those he has commissioned to Go in His Name.

Brief Discipleship Lesson: Ultimate Authority. The Bible instructs us about being under authority. We are under multiple sources of authority; Parents, teachers, military, law enforcement, spiritual leaders, etc. But our ultimate authority is Jesus

Set Goals: Have the students take action outside the classroom by 1) Telling a teacher that he/she is appreciated, 2) Speak to your parent or guardian about howgrateful you are for them, 3) Reauest your parent or guardian to go with you to deliver some coockies at a local police station.

Let your Pastor, Youth Leader, Spiritual Teacher know that you love them. Thank God that you can trust His authority over you.

Memorize Matthew 28:18.Student Session number 8: - Others First:

Opening Prayer: Instruct the students to be silent and think about the vastness and magesty of God. The earth, He created, is like a speck of dust floating around in His universe and we are like a speck of dust on His earth. Thus, we are like a speck of dust floating around on a speck of dust in His universe.

Yet, He loves us supremely!How Are You Doing Spiritually: Considering God's

majesty and your finiteness, share your attitude toward Him.Dicsuss how you would like to see your school change.

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Loving Accountability: Ask each student to share how their teacaher responded to their expression of appreciation. How do you plan to continue showing gratitude to your parents?

Should you encounter the Police officers you met at the police station, how will you react to them? Now that you have told your Spritutal Leader that you love them, how do you plan to please them by serving in your church? Share how you feel now that you have thanked God for His protective Authority over you.

Recite Matthew 28:18Vision Casting: Tell the students that they will receive rewards in heaven to be enjoyed

forever. One of the many promises about rewards is recorded in Matthew 5:12, "Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven." Our heavenly rewards will not be trivial, they will be GREAT!

Brief Discipleship Lesson: Others First: The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule. We are to view others as more important than ourselves. We are to follow Jesus'

example of Humility. The best way to show preference of others

over self is to listen to them.The eighth and final ES session encourages

the students to think of themselves as servants and therefore prefer others over themselves. Jesus' example of feet washing will illustrate how the most powerful human on earth humbled Himself to wash his disciple's feet. Students

must be taught to practice this same attitude toward others.Set Goals: Instruct the students to let others go ahead of

them at lunch, offer to help a classmate with a tough assignment, invite another student to sit with you at lunch, volunteer to help a teacher.

Pay special attention to a student that is not an ES member, listen to what they want to talk about, pray for them.

Memorize Romans 5:8.

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Manager / Coordinator Training, Day Three, Field Training: Today, the managers / coordinators will be taken through an ES laboratory where they will

use the ES tools and make sure they relate to what the group of students will be asked to do.

Day three will start with breakfast in one of the Manager's homes or a restaurant where privacy can be accomplished.

During the course of their time together, they will write their story, prepare a bridge to the Gospel, Memorize John 3:16 and prepare a list of adults that they know are away from God. They may be Christians or non-Christians.

The adults will share their story and recite John 3:16 like the students will be expected to do.After breakfast, the adults will make contact with one of the people on their list and invite

them to coffee. The time together should be a pleasant one and unrushed. This should be a loving encounter with no pretense of

trying to sell anything or talk them into anything.

During the conversations, tell Your Story as led by the Holy Spirit. Remember that this must be very brief and easy to understand (Since I have Jesus in my life I have come into a relationship with Him: He has changed me, and given me eternal life.)

Continue with your bridge to the Gospel (I Am Free from my past! You can be too! Can I tell you how?)

Recite John 3:16 as the Gospel (God so loves YOU that He gave His only begotten Son so that if YOU believe in Him YOU will not perish but have everlasting life.).

Ask if you can be of help to your friend. Agree to follow up with them at their convenience. Thank them for responding to your request to enjoy a cup of coffee and assure them that you will be praying for them. Give them a Christian track and ask if they need a Bible.

This part of manager training will be necessary so they can share with students that they have experienced what they will be asking the students to do.

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Manager/ Coordinator Training, Evening of Day Three: The Managers/Coordinators will meet during the

evening to discuss ES, share questions they have and problems they foresee. A time will be used to pray for students, parents, teachers and their school campuses. Pray that ES will be anointed to start a sustained spiritual awakening among students.

A Commissioning Service will be conducted during which the Managers and Coordinators will be recognized and commissioned with dated ES Certificates.

CONCLUSION: We absolutely MUST raise the bar of expectation for our Youth. Just trying to build a crowd by feeding free pizza, playing games, and providing worldly entertainment is misleading our Youth to think that such activity is what Christianity is all about. When they mature into adults and the free stuff and entertainment is no longer offered, we lose them! What a tragedy!!!

Asking students to become disciple/equippers raises the bar of expectation radically! Jesus was a radical! These students are making final preparations for their lives. They will soon marry and

become parents and bring new generations into the world. They will influence our culture economically, morally, and spiritually. The field is, indeed, ripe for harvest. Now is our only chance to guide them.

Jesus said, "I will build My Church; You Go, make disciples…"

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References used to develop ES:

T4T A Discipleship ReRevolution by Steve Smith and Ying Kai

The Seven Check Points by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall

Churchless by George Barna and David Kinnaman

You Lost Me by David Kinnaman

UnChristian by Gabe Lyons

The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons

The Spirit of Disciplines by Dallas Willard

Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

Abstinence Beats Recovery by John Overton

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