Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Art &Artists Walter Anderson was an...


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Art &Artists

Walter Anderson was an artist! He was an Artist of Nature!

To be an Artist of Nature he had to spend a lot of time outside. He was at home with the animals,

birds, insects, plants, trees, water, and sky. He observed nature in

Mississippi, where he lived.

Art and Artists

Beatrix Potter loved studying nature. Above is her nature sketchbook from when she was 8 years old. Click on Beatrix’s mouse to see more of her sketches.

John James Audubon painted and described North American birds. He based his paintings on his field observations. Click on the owl to see more of his drawings.

We have been talking about Walter Anderson, click on the crabs to the right to see a collection of his works!

View more Nature in Art at the Boston Museum of Fine Art








Art &Artists

ConclusionYou learned about one artist, Walter Anderson, who carefully observed wildlife

subjects to uncover the details of their lives. He was able to share his experience through his sketches, sculptures, and paintings.

As Artists of Nature you discovered that observing wildlife up close allows you to see not only what it looks like but how it behaves, how its body moves, and how

it acts with other animals. Learning about the animals in your area helps you to appreciate the rich variety

of wildlife around you.

Being an Artist of Nature you can help teach people about animals, their importance and beauty. Through art you can help to make people care about

preserving wildlife.

Some more to think about!

Now that you have finished this project, think about what you can do to protect wildlife here in New York State. Why is this important?

What would life be like without these animals? Check out these websites to learn more!

ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®)- If you think you're just a kid and you can't do much to help, think again! This website can educate you on dangers to animals and what you can do to help! It also has a great list of Animal Careers!

National Wildlife Federation Keep a Wildlife Journal online and lean more about wildlife in your area!







Art &Artists

EvaluationArtist of Nature Rubric


3Good work!

2Almost there!

1Needs Work

ResearchCompleted 2-3 research worksheets, using complete sentences and several details. Used 5 or more resources.

Completed 1-2 research worksheets, overall written in complete sentences with good detail. Used 5 resources.

Completed most of 1 research worksheet with some detail, sentences were incomplete. Used between 3-5 resources.

Completed part of the research worksheet with 1 or 2 word sentences or phrases. Little detail. Used less than 3 resources.


Stayed on task, sketched in detail, wrote notes, included surroundings in observations,

Stayed on task. Sketched with some detail and some notes.

Stayed on task most of the time, sketched with little detail.

Stayed on task part of the time, sketched with little to no detail

Group Discussion

Led discussions, shared research, took turns, listened attentively, asked questions, and was enthusiastic.

Shared research, took turns, listened attentively, and took turns.

Shared some of research, listened attentively.

Shared little or no research. Did not listen attentively.

Final ProjectWell planned, used many details from sketches and notes. Presented ideas clearly and with enthusiasm.

Well planned, used some details from sketches and notes. Presented ideas clearly.

Some planning, few details from sketches and notes. Ideas presented.

Little to details sketches and notes. Ideas not presented.







Art &Artists








Art &Artists

Insects- have 3 Body parts and 6 legsAntsButterfliesLadybugs- are the Official New York State Insect

BirdsBluebird- is the Official New York State bird!Canadian GeeseCardinalsHawksPigeonsTerns

Mammals- warm blooded animals that give birth to live young. Here is a list of some mamals foun

1. Beavers- are the Official New York State animal

2. Chipmunks3. Deer4. Foxes5. Groundhogs6. Mice7. Rabbits8. Raccoons9. River Otters10.Squirrels



Animals in Our Backyard- a website created by a second grade class in Ossining, NY

Animal Land- learn facts about animals, check out the Striped Skunk and Raccoon. list of Western New York Birds. You can listen to bird sounds!

Kratt's Creatures- watch a clip about the migration of Monarch Butterflies.

National Geographic Kids- watch video clips, see photos , learn interesting facts about wildlife and links!

Seneca Park Zoo- information on how the zoo is helping to bring River Otters back to Western New York.

Wildlife Checklist- check out this NY State wildlife checklist to help you with your research and observations.

Yahoo Animals- find facts about animals and links to other great sites!

ProcessWeek One1. In class we will read The Secret Life of Walter Anderson by Hester Bass and talk about

how he observed animals in nature. 2. Over the next week you will research New York State wildlife! You will work in small

groups of 2-3 . Take notes on your Research Worksheets- use as many as you have to but be sure to keep them in your Research folder! Click on the Resources Button to the left to get started! You will need to use at least 5 different resources but you will want to use more!

3. At the end of the week, you will switch groups and share your research. Make sure to ask questions and add to your research folder!

Week Two4. Explore Nature in Art: You will look at artists who studied animals and plants in order

to create their drawings.a) View art works of Walter Andersonb) View art works of Beatrix Potter c) View art works of James John Audubond) View art works from the Boston Museum of Fine Art: Animals, Birds or Insects

5. Watch the video Making Observations6. Get ready to draw! You will be drawing pictures from nature but before you head

outside check out the Books resource page for a list of drawing guides!7. When your research is complete we will head outside for 20 minutes on three different

days. You will sketch the wildlife you see. Make sure to add lots of details and include the surroundings.

8. Making Art! You will use large paper and colored pencils, crayons, makers and paints to make a picture. It can include one or more of your researched animals, and labeled with the names of the animals, where it is located and two other interesting facts.

9. Presentation in the “Gallery”. Stand by your work! Guests to the gallery will have the chance to talk to you about your choices, research and what you liked most about the project.







Art &Artists


Walter Anderson was inspired by the beauty and life on Horn Island, Mississippi. He sketched what he saw and took notes in a Journal which

he used to create his works of art. Our school is in need of an Art Gallery of New York State Wildlife. You will research New York

wildlife online, in books and by observing them in nature! As Artists of Nature you will create a research folder, nature sketchbook and original

work of art to be put on display. At the grand opening of the gallery you will talk

to the guests about your final project, the choices you made, and why it is important to

you and the environment.Be ready to answer questions!







Art &Artists


Be an Artist of Nature

You are going to become an artist of nature by learning about wildlife here in New York state. As an artist of nature you will learn about the animals that live around you as well as observe them in their natural environment (the Great Outdoors)!







Art &Artists


Drawing GuidesEd Emberley’s Drawing Book of Animals by Ed EmberleyHow to Draw Real Animals by Lee Hammond

How to Draw Wild Animals by Barbara Soloff-Levy







Art &Artists

Here is a list of some of the books available in our class! We have lots more and will make a research library as we go along!

I Can Read About Insects by Deborah Merrians

Ladybugs, Fiery and Red by Mia Posada

The Icky Bug Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta

Millions of Monarchs by Connie and Peter Roop

New York Plant and Animals by Mark Stewart

The Tale of Pale Male: A True Story by Jeanette Winter

We have these book series in our class library! Getting to Know Nature’s Children by Merebeth SwitzerNature’s Children Series by Jen GreenWelcome to the World of Series by Diane Swanson

You can find facts and photos of dozens of animals including the skunk, gray squirrel, hawks, ants, and river otters! Check out the Fact File for each animal at the beginning of the book.