Inventors & Innovators. James Watt “Father of Industrial Revolution” From Great Britain ...


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Inventors & Innovators

James Watt

“Father of Industrial Revolution”

From Great Britain

He was the world’s first engineer.

James Watt invents the steam engine

In 1775, he perfected the steam engine. He built it for the coal mines. As miners dug deeper into the ground, the mines flooded. James Watt built a steam engine that could pump out the water.

How does it work?

In a steam engine, coal is burned. The heat that is produced is used to water into steam. The steam is used to drive wheels in the engine that produces power.

What impact did the steam engine have on the world?

It powered factories, replacing the water mill, horse, and oxen. It set off a factory building boom


The railroad became a new form of transportation. Folks put a steam engine in front of cars on a track. This set off a railroad-building boom


The steamship was also a new form of transportation. Folks put a steam engine in a boat. This set off a steamboat-building boom. Invented by Robert Fulton

Eli Whitney

“Father of Mass Production”

From the USA

Eli Whitney was Yankee from New England

Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

On a trip to the south, after watching a cat pluck a chicken through a fence, he had a vision for the cotton gin. Raw cotton was cheap and incredibly plentiful. Textile mills were some of the first large factories in England and the USA.

Eli Whitney invents interchangeable parts

In 1800, he created interchangeable parts. This allowed him to manufacture guns by machine. For the first time in history there was a gun factory.

Before Eli Whitney guns were made by hand. No two guns were alike. If your gun broke you had to throw it away. With this invention a replacement part could be obtained.

Whitney’s impact on the world was huge.

He reinvented the system of production

Before Whitney things were made one at time.

After Whitney things were made a 1,000 at a time.

With guns being mass produced he helped win this war?

Henry Bessemer

Mass production of steel He was from great Britain In England, people had

been making iron for centuries. To make it they used charcoal. Ah but it takes wood to make charcoal. To feed the industrial revolution, the British would have to chop down all of their trees. This was impractical

Making Steel

Steel was stronger than iron

The Bessemer Process became known as a process to mass-produce steel. This where you take iron and melt it by adding incredible heat, to produce steel in what is called a “Blast Furnace”


Impact on the world: Can you think of anything that would benefit from steel?

Machine- for the first time made of steel

Railroad tracks Ships Jobs- Steel mills arose

near coal mines-Pittsburg

In the future large buildings, cars, boats,

Louis Pasteur

From France

“Germs cause disease”

Pasteur discovered that disease is caused by infection from microscopic organisms, called, GERMS!

Founder of microbiology

Pasteur invents pasteurization

He discovered that if you heat food and drink, you can kill germs. Pasteurization is the heating of food or drink in order to kill the microbes (germs). So we “pasteurize milk.”

He developed vaccines, including one for rabies and one for anthrax. These vaccines are injections that give you immunity from a disease.

What was Pasteur’s impact on the world

Back then, people died frequently in the hospital. Doctors never washed their white coats, or their instruments.

He helped create safe food to eat

Better Health care

Thomas Edison

An American Inventor

Invented the Light Bulb

Over his lifetime he got over 1,000 patents for his inventions.

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

“I haven’t failed. I have 10,000 ways that don’t work”

Before the light bulb people use kerosene lamps. After 30 years, millions of homes were lit by electricity.

He powered factories. Factories switched from steam power to electricity.

Impacts on the world

Developed generating stations

First power station in New York City

Founded General Electric

Home were lit by electricity



Stephenson’s “Rocket”

Robert Fulton’s Steamship

“Any color-so long as it’s black.”

Henry Ford-American Industrialist

Used the assembly line technique of mass production

Revolutionized transportation

The Wright Brothers
