Invitational Summer Institute July 16, 2015. Agenda TimeEvent 9:00-9:15Daily Log, Author’s Chair...


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Invitational Summer Institute

July 16, 2015


Time Event

9:00-9:15 Daily Log, Author’s Chair

9:15-9:30 Reflection discussion

9:30-10:15 Inquiry Groups

10:15-10:30 BREAK

10:3-11:00 Learning to Look Loose Ends

11:00-12:00 Planning for tomorrow

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-3:25 Inquiry Group sharing

3:25-3:30 Wrap–up

iPad Minis

Your Comments: What You Learned I learned that it is not that difficult to publish a

piece of work as I once thought, I learned about different publications that are

written by teachers. Publishing is possible! From reflection…I learned so much in only 4

weeks! Some great journals to take a longer look at, and

perhaps subscribe to.

Your Comments: What You Learned I learned about conferences, I am so hoping

some Common Core $$ comes my way! Mny many many resources for WAC! How to generate QR codes with text Different publications in which to publish and

locate information Difficulties and successes within the chinese

educational system

Your Comments: What You Learned Different writing competitions for students


CATE publication California English ROCKS!!! Inquiry works! I have an opportunity to publish if I really put the

work in and put my work out there Publications—how to, where Leadership—different ways to lead

Your Comments: What You Learned Interesting information from Dean re problems in

education in China and Russia Again it was such a learning experience. I am in

a community of life long learners

What Surprised You? What Questions Do You Have?

I was surprised abut the issues that the Chinese students were having: eyesight issues

All the things I have learned in the ISI and what I will be implementing in the classroom

Still so much to read/learn! How much there is out there about writing—at all

levels How creative Melissa is!

What Surprised You? What Questions Do You Have?

A writing competition for students in which older students evaluate younger students

Not really a surprise, more of a breath of fresh air: how we are the people that come up with solutions, NOT the ones who complain!

The blog was easier to make than I thought! Yay! Collegiality, collegiality, collegiality need I say


What Surprised You? What Questions Do You Have?

When allowed time to inquire, sure we get a little off topic, but ultimately we love the freedom to learn about something interesting to us.

What Do You Want To Know More About? Publishing strategies Assessment of writing—for grade, when, how

much, etc.

Reflection Discussion


Inquiry Groups

Loose Ends Saturday, September 19, 2015 Saturday, October 17, 2015 Other?

Learning to Look: Which One Is Yours?

Planning for Tomorrow Where to go and when Until noon: anthologies and readings Guests arrive Luncheon 12:00-1:15

– Greeting from a Fellow: Who?

– Introductions

– Special appreciations

– Informational Program

– From Writing Project Fellows to Teacher Consultants


Inquiry Group Sharing
