IPad Application Presentation Planbook Touch By: Robin Haselwander


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iPad Application Presentation

Planbook TouchBy: Robin Haselwander

Planbook TouchAvailable in the App Store for $9.99

What is Planbook Touch?

A lesson planning software for any educator with any schedule.

How does it work?

Add the courses you teach. For educators at 2 schools, add all the courses you teach at both locations. (you may need to call them different names depending on your schedule)

Select the dates you want in your plan book. (i.e. school year or school year including summer school)

Select the type of schedule you have. For specialist there is an option for your schedule to change daily but not weekly.

Select the days of the week you teach.

On the next screen if will ask you to select the courses that are are what days and at what time.

Planning a LessonThere are two main ways to enter in information about a class.

One is quick entry mode. This is done by tapping once on a class and enter in the information.

The second way is by tapping on a class with two fingers. This way you can enter in more detail information and easily move to additional lessons of the same class.

A Lesson in Detail

You can customize the categories you divide your lesson into.

Email and Print Plans with Ease

On days when we wake up and are sick, (kids are sick) or we have another unexpected events that cause us to call into work and we are not able to leave lesson plans in our room, Planbook Touch has an option to instantly put into email or print format.

I find this very helpful for specialist because that way you don't have try try and remember what class you may have that day when the unexpected happens.

Make Adjustments...

Usually when there is a snow day or an unexpected assembly or field trip that come up we take a pencil and draw arrows all over our planbook....

With Planbook Touch you can "bump" a lesson or an entire day with the push of a button.

The same can happen when a plan goes better than expected and you move ahead, you can yank onto the lesson plans from then next class period.

Planbook TouchAvailable in the App Store $9.99

Planbook (more "bells")

Available in the App Store $34.99

My Opinion...

Like most new technologies this application will take some getting used to. It operates very similar to an Access Database which can be confusing at times.

I am still getting used to entering in information and making it the most useful.

I believe once I understand how everything works and can "work it in my sleep" I think it will become an essential tool for my teaching.

Enjoy Planbook Touch!