Ircon ® ScanIR ® 3 Linescanner How to work with Snapshots? Confidential Rev. A 07/2013


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Ircon® ScanIR®3 LinescannerHow to work with Snapshots?

ConfidentialRev. A 07/2013

• How to trigger snapshots correctly?

• Not too short, not too long – defining the snapshot length

• Always the best fit – scaling of snapshots

• Getting the max out of it – snapshot appearance and manipulations

• Record it, share it, file it – reviewing and saving of snapshots

Snapshots – Agenda

What is a Snapshot?

• Snapshots are related to discrete/discontinuous processes

How can snapshots get synchronizedwith the process?

Different sizes

Missing objects

Process Snapshots



Trigger Mode• Starting and ending a snapshot is initiated by a trigger

Trigger by Scanner

Snapshot by snapshot

Trigger by PC

Line by line

Trigger Mode

• Snapshots relevant for ZoneMaster systems

• Configurator: <Trigger> page

Trigger Sources1. Cyclic Trigger

• Self-triggering of snapshots after a given time

<Cyclic Trigger> for demonstration purposes only!

Process Clock Cyclic Trigger

Synchronization is not guaranteed!

Trigger Sources2. Temperature Trigger

• Passing a temperature threshold initiates a trigger signal

<Temperature Threshold> requires a significant

difference between background and object temperature!

End Trigger

Start Trigger

T Thres=200 °C −100 ° C

2+100 °𝐶=150 ° C

T Thres=T hot−T cold

2+T cold






Trigger SourcesCase Study

• Glass sheet transported on a hot carrier

Where to go with the temperature threshold to trigger on the sheet edge and not on the carrier?

Hot Carrier

Hot Carrier


Hot Carrier

Sheet Edge

Trigger Sources2. Temperature Trigger: Exclude Regions

• By default, trigger condition is applied to the whole scanner line

define certain regions to be ignored by triggering

Hot Carrier

Hot Carrier


… are trigger sensitiveRegion 1 Region 2

Region A … are excluded from triggeringRegion CRegion B

2. Temperature Trigger: Exclude Regions

1. Under the <Horizontal Profile> call the context menu

2. <Delete all regions that will be excluded …> to make sure to work on the raw image

3. <Add a region that will be excluded …> to add an excluded region

4. Move the red marker lines to the desired regions, confirm with a double click

Trigger Sources

Excluded Region

Trigger Sources3. External Trigger

• External signal at the scanner to indicate the presence of the object

(light barrier, proximity switch, PLC, etc.)

<External Signal> does not assume a temperature

difference, but requires additional installation efforts!

Process ControlTrigger Out

Light barrier

0 to 24 V

Trigger Sources4. OPC Trigger

• Triggering via a corresponding OPC item

<OPC Trigger> for the user on a high automation level!

Process ControlOPC Client

Scanner SWOPC Server


• How to trigger snapshots correctly?

• Not too short, not too long – defining the snapshot length

• Always the best fit – scaling of snapshots

• Getting the max out of it – snapshot appearance and manipulations

• Record it, share it, file it – reviewing and saving of snapshots

Snapshots – Agenda

Snapshot Length

Starting a Snapshot

• <Rising Slope> transition from Low to High

• <Temperature Trigger> … from cold to hot temperature

• <External Trigger> … from low to high signal

• <OPC Trigger> … from “0” to “1” condition


• <Falling Slope> transition from High to Low

• <Temperature Trigger> … from hot to cold temperature

• <External Trigger> … from high to low signal

• <OPC Trigger> … from “1” to “0” condition

Snapshot Length

End a Snapshot: Fixed Length

• End a snapshot after a given number of lines N

• Getting complete snapshots depends on:• Object size l

• Process speed v

• Scan frequency f

N 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠=l ∙ 𝑓v

Snapshot LengthCase Study, Fixed Length

• Object l = 1 m, Speed v = 1 m/s 1 s

• Frequency f = 10 Hz, Lines N = 10 1 s




/ 1 s

1 s

Process Snapshot

Snapshot LengthCase Study, Fixed Length

• Object l = 2 m, Speed v = 1 m/s 2 s

• Frequency f = 10 Hz, Lines N = 10 1 s

2 s

Process Snapshot




/ 1 s

Object not

completely covered!

Snapshot LengthCase Study, Fixed Length

• Object l = 1 m, Speed v = 2 m/s 0.5 s

• Frequency f = 10 Hz, Lines N = 10 1 s



Process Snapshot




/ 1 s

Snapshot not

completely covered!

Snapshots with fixed length are to be used for constant

object sizes and process speeds!

Snapshot Length

End a Snapshot: Flexible Length

• Flexible end due to rising/falling slope condition

Number of lines not constant

Snapshot LengthCase Study, Flexible Length

• Object l = 2 m, Speed v = 1 m/s, Frequency f = 10 Hz

2 s




/ 2

0 L


/ 2 s



Flexible line count compensates for different object


Snapshot LengthCase Study, Flexible Length

• Object l = 1 m, Speed v = 2 m/s, Frequency f = 10 Hz






/ 5



/ 0.5




Flexible line count compensates for speed changes!

Trigger Summary

Trigger by Scanner

• Temperature/External Trigger

• Cyclic Trigger

• Snapshots in fixed length only

• Buffer: 750 lines

Trigger by PC

• Temperature/External Trigger

<Trigger by PC> should be the mode of your choice!

• OPC Trigger

• Snapshots in flexible length

• Buffer: 3000 lines

• How to trigger snapshots correctly?

• Not too short, not too long – defining the snapshot length

• Always the best fit – scaling of snapshots

• Getting the max out of it – snapshot appearance and manipulations

• Record it, share it, file it – reviewing and saving of snapshots

Snapshots – Agenda

Snapshot Scaling

Snapshot Dimension

• Configurator: <Geometry> page


00 m


4000 mm

Snapshot Scaling

Geometrical dimensions are mapped to the scanner’s

field-of-view independent from the mounting distance!

Case Study

4000 mm0 mm




?4000 mm0 mm




4000 mm0 mm

Snapshot ScalingCase Study

• Dimensions independent

from the mounting distance

(specific software approach)


For difficult to reach installations or

scanners mounted under an angle


If the scanner’s field-of-view

does not fit the object

need for rescaling!HorizontalRescaling

4000 mm0 mm

Horizontal Rescaling:

1. Under <Horizontal Profile> select context menu

2. <Reset the image …> to make sure to work on the non-scaled image

3. Then select context menu entry <Fit the image …>

4. Move the red marker line to the left/right edge of the profile, confirm with a double click

5. Enter the rescaled position for the left and the right edge

Snapshot Scaling

Snapshot ScalingVertical Rescaling

• Required for flexible process speeds

• Process speed provided as:

- OPC item

- analog voltage on the scanner’s input

0 mm


4000 mm

4000 mm

0 mm

llength=v Speed ∙N Lines

f Frequency

l length

• How to trigger snapshots correctly?

• Not too short, not too long – defining the snapshot length

• Always the best fit – scaling of snapshots

• Getting the max out of it – snapshot appearance and manipulations

• Record it, share it, file it – reviewing and saving of snapshots

Snapshots – Agenda

Snapshot AppearanceColor Map

• Snapshot View: context menu <Change the Color Map>

• Zoom the displayed temperature range for a more detailed view

Measurement range:

100°C to 950°C

(212ºF to 1742ºF)

Snapshot AppearanceColor Map

• Snapshot View: context menu <Change the Color Map>

• Reduced count of colors for high-contrast images

Thermal image down to „hot“/„cold“ regions

Snapshot ManipulationCase Study

• Customer wants to see a dedicated temperature, i.e. 640°C (1184ºF)

Snapshot View:

Context menu <Emissivity recalculation …>

Double click at the reference position

Input the desired temperature

620°C (1148ºF)

<Emissivity recalculation> compensates for an unknown

emissivity to see the desired target temperature!

640°C (1184ºF)

Snapshot ManipulationCase Study

640°C (1184ºF)

<Transmissivity calculation> compensates for

transmission losses to see the desired target


640°C (1184ºF) Protective


620°C (1148ºF) Transmissivity


• How to trigger snapshots correctly?

• Not too short, not too long – defining the snapshot length

• Always the best fit – scaling of snapshots

• Getting the max out of it – snapshot appearance and manipulations

• Record it, share it, file it – reviewing and saving of snapshots

Snapshots – Agenda

Snapshot SavingWhere to save a snapshot?

• Configurator: <Data File> page

• Automatic filename generation:

a) with date/time stamp

b) with a running number (ring buffer)

• Storage locations / destination folders:

a) data files

b) alarm log files

Snapshot SavingWhen to save a snapshot?

• Snapshot View: context menu <Auto-save conditions>

Saving conditions are linked to the snapshot view –

do not close that window!

Cyclical saving

Saving per snapshot counter

Saving basedon zone alarms

Saving via external signal Example:

each 5th minute OR

each 10th snapshot OR

with an alarm

Standard graphic formats

ASCII format

Proprietary format for later review

Full Image

ASCII formatone file for all zones

ASCII formatone file per zone

Zone Results

Snapshot Description• Providing a production specific description to a snapshot

Batch No.„ABC123“

Runtime SW:


History View:




ASCII file:


dynamicSerial No.„DEF567“

OPC item:


dynamicBatch No.„DEF567 “

Snapshot Review<Snapshot History> Window

Description DeletionDate TimePause

Last image

Previous image

Backwarding like a movie

Next image

Shadowed button indicating an automatic update

Update function behind the <Next image> button for

viewing the latest snapshot automatically!

Snapshot ReviewRemote Monitoring








Quality dept.


Running the software offline on remote computers can be

used as a simple viewer for the snapshot history!
