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MONTPELIER TODAY 1 March/April 2016

The Newsletter Of The

Montpelier Community Association

Montpelier Today March/April 2016

Is it Spring yet?Is it Spring yet?Is it Spring yet?

Photo courtesy of Gloria Hynes

MONTPELIER TODAY 2 March/April 2016

Office: 301-384-8700 Direct: 301-873-4769






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MONTPELIER TODAY 3 March/April 2016

MONTPELIER TODAY is published by the


888-MCA-INFØ (888-622-4630)

MONTPEL IER TODAY i s published six times per year (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, and Nov/Dec) by the Montpelier Community Association, Inc. Material for the newsletter must be submitted by the 15

th of

the month prior to publication. Please forward all association and newsletter correspondence to:

P.O. Box 2503 Laurel, MD 20709-2503

or e-mail to:

Advertisements are not an endorsement of products or services by the Board of Trustees or the Montpelier Community Association, Inc.

Please Note

If you have sold your home

or are a new owner, please

drop us a note listing the lot

number and the name of the

new owner. Requests for

resale packages ($25 paya-

ble to MCA) should be sent

to the above address or call

888-622-4630 x102.

If you are renting your home and have a mailing address other than Montpelier, please let us know. We want all members to receive their MCA correspondence and MONTPELIER TODAY in a timely manner.

2016 Advertising Rates For Montpelier Today Per Issue PrePaid Annual (6 issues) Full page $ 120.00 $ 648.00 Half page 85.00 459.00 Quarter page 60.00 324.00 Business card 40.00 216.00 License information, as required by the

State and County, must be displayed on all advertisements

For Inquiries: Mary Hughes, Editor or 888-622-4630 x103


Marcy/April 2016 Inside this issue:

2016 Board of Trustees

Assessment Reminder 4

Home Expo 5 December 2015 MCA Board Meeting Minutes 6

December 2015 ACCC Meeting Minutes 7 January 2016 MCA Board Meeting Minutes 8

January 2016 ACCC Meeting Report 10

Financials 11

Security Committee Report 13

Social Committee Report 13

ACCC Approval Form 19

Helping Hands 22

Traffic Committee Report 12

Glo in the Garden 14

Bob Derrick, President Chair, Executive Committee 301 776-5008

Jack Keating, Vice President Member, Executive Committee 301 325-0497

Lillian Fazio, Treasurer Chair, Finance Committee Chair, Tennis Committee 301 776-3267

Patricia Douville, Secretary Member, Executive Committee Chair, Social Committees 301 490-7614

Paul Buehler, Trustee Co-Chair, Facilities Committee 301 776-9886

Brad Gimbert, Trustee Co-Chair, Facilities Committee 301 776-8366

Tim Jacobs, Trustee 916 712-1731

Richard Mason, Trustee Chair, Security Committee Chair, Traffic Committee 301 346-6250

Jean Sorrentino, Trustee Chair, Nominating Committee 301 776-3650


Architectural Control & Compliance— Jack Keating, Chair 301 325-0497

Communications —Sean Beaver, Chair 202 330-7616

Elections & Swim Team — Lynne Collman, Chair 301 776-3098

Pool Committee—Mary Derrick, Chair 301 776-5008

Welcoming Committee—Carolyn Campbell

Assistant to the Board Mary Hughes—888-622-4630 x103

MONTPELIER TODAY 4 March/April 2016

UPCOMING MCA MEETINGS FOR MONTPELIER HOMEOWNERS All mee�ngs are at Deerfield Community Center, preschool room at 7 pm.

B���� �� T���� M������

The monthly board mee�ngs will be Tuesday March 8 and Tuesday, April 12.

A�"#���"���$ C�����$ & C�'($���"� C�''����� M������ (ACCC)

The next mee�ngs will be Thursday, March 3 and Thursday, April 7


All Montpelier homeowners should have received the

no�ce of assessment, affidavit and pool form. The affi-

davit and pool form must be completed in full and re-

turned with the assessment before April 1, 2016 in or-

der to earn the bonus pass. A bonus pass is good for

10 guest entries to the pool. All passes are kept on file

at the pool.

The informa�on requested on the affidavit is required

by the Bylaws for the MCA to maintain a roster.

(SECTION 4. ROSTER. A Member Roster shall be main-

tained. For each Member, the Roster shall include the:

name of the Member;

mailing address of the Member;

street address of the Lot;

telephone number;

number of the Lot; and

membership date [se8lement date].)

If you did not receive the assessment mailing, a copy

can be downloaded from the website, or you can call 888 622-4630

x103 and request the documents. A list of Member/Lot

numbers can be found on the website—

All payments postmarked a>er March 31, 2016 must

include a $50.00 administra�ve fee, in addi�on to the

1% per month interest fee ($3.15). (MCA Declara�on

for the Common Areas, Ar�cle V, Sec�ons 1 & 9.)






Last fall I a8ended the Prince George’s

County Ci�zens Police Academy (“CPA”) one

night a week, for 12 weeks. I loved it! The

classes, taught by experienced County po-

lice officers, give you an idea of the training

provided to our police force.

Have you ever wondered why the officer won’t tell you

why she stopped you un�l a>er you’ve given her your

“license and registra�on please”? Have you thought

about the increase in domes�c violence in the county or

wondered about sex crimes and the services provided to

a vic�ms of both crimes? Do you want to know why it

takes so long for police to wrap up an accident inves�ga-

�on? How many gangs are ac�ve in the County or in Lau-

rel and how can I tell if my child is turning toward gang

life? You’ll hear from every division in the Department

and they’ll answer any ques�ons you have – nothing is

off limits. Some of my favorite sessions were evidence

collec�on and the medical examiner’s office. We took a

trip to Bowie to the state-of-the-art 911 Call Center and

sat with call takers as calls came in; we visited the Special

Opera�ons Division in Landover to see marine opera-

�ons, the motorcycle division, and a canine unit demon-

stra�on and each of us went on a ride-along with an

officer from our district.

Prince George’s County Citizen’s Police Academy

MCA Community Yard Sale Saturday, APRIL 16, 8 am—Noon

Start cleaning your closets, aTcs and garages. Residents are invited to par�cipate in the

“MCA Community Yard Sale” on Saturday, April 16th. MCA will provide the adver�sing,

maps designa�ng your loca�on, and signs marking streets where garage sales can be found.

If you want your home listed on the map, we need to know by April 14th. Please contact Tricia Douville ( or 301-490-7614) and provide your

name and address.

MONTPELIER TODAY 5 March/April 2016

A 6-week class for youth ages 18-25 is also offered.

The feedback from our companion class was very posi-

�ve from the par�cipants. Here’s an idea: How about

you and your “youth” a8ending at the same �me and

comparing notes?

As you can tell, I really enjoyed the class and I think you

will, too. When Richard Mason solicits volunteers for

the Ci�zens Police Academy, I hope you’ll sign up. It’s

such a posi�ve experience, and you’ll learn the pres-

sure on the cops when they have to decide whether to

shoot or don’t shoot.

Liz Clark, Mt. Pleasant Drive

(Continued from page 4)

MONTPELIER TODAY 6 March/April 2016

Trustees in A:endance: Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville,

Brad Gimbert, Jack Kea�ng, Richard Mason and Jean Sor-


Trustees Absent with Cause: Paul Buehler, Lillian Fazio,

Tim Jacobs.

Community Members Present: Mary Derrick and Mary


President Bob Derrick called the mee�ng to order at 7:07

PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.

Secretary’s Report: Tricia Douville

The minutes of the November 2015 board mee�ng were

reviewed. Trustee Kea�ng made a mo�on to accept the

minutes. Trustee Sorren�no seconded the mo�on and it

passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Lillian Fazio (absent)

• Trustee Fazio prepared the monthly statements, which

were distributed.

• The assessment and budget for 2016 was discussed.

Trustee Kea�ng requested that the treasurer provide

the board with the total expenditures for 2015, when it

able to be produced. With the expense of white

coa�ng of the pool looming, Trustee Kea�ng made a

mo�on to increase the assessment to $315 for 2016.

Trustee Douville seconded the mo�on and it passed


• Trustee Kea�ng made a mo�on to accept the budget

for 2016. Trustee Sorren�no seconded the mo�on and

it passed unanimously.

ACC Commi:ee: Jack KeaFng, Chairperson

• Trustee Kea�ng reported on the December ACCC


• New tenants stored a large trailer in a driveway a>er

November 1. The property manager and homeowners

were no�fied and the trailer was removed.

• The guidelines and approval form are under review.

One small change was suggested to the approval form.

Once the commi8ee has finished their review, they will

be submi8ed to the Board.

CommunicaFons Commi:ee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson


Mr. Beaver expects to have the ra�ng system ready by

the next mee�ng. The MCA a8orney will be consulted

concerning the possibility of MCA incurring any liability

for nega�ve reviews that might get posted to our site.

FaciliFes Commi:ee: Paul Buehler (absent) and Brad

Gimbert, Co-Chairs

• Trustee Gimbert installed a trashcan near the baseball

backstop. He was asked to get another one for the

basketball court area.

• The dumpster, that has limited use during the winter,

might need to be emp�ed before March.

• Trustee Gimbert will speak to D. Buehler to make sure

that C. Heidel has been shown the route. He will be

asked to add emptying the new cans to his route as


• Fence repair will be done for free when the company

has some le>-over fencing from other projects.

Pool Commi:ee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson

Replacing the sand in the filters is past due (over five

years). Lighthouse es�mates the cost at $4,500 and it can

be done at any �me. Trustee Kea�ng made a mo�on for

our pool management company, Lighthouse, to replace

the sand in the filters for approximately $4,500. Trustee

Gimbert seconded the mo�on and it passed unanimously.

Social Commi:ee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson

• Caroling for Cans is being organized for December 18, 7

- 9 PM. At this point, five residents want carolers to

visit their home.

• The Holiday Lights judging will be December 20, 6 - 8

PM. Gi> cards will be awarded to winners. Pictures

will be posted on the website and winners announced

on the list serve and Nextdoor.

Security Commi:ee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

• Trustee Mason reported no crimes for this month, but

solicitors are s�ll a problem. The MCA board does not

give permission to companies to solicit in the neighbor-


• Trustee Mason received a scam Facebook message

a>er a friend’s account was hacked. If you received

emails or messages with offers too good to be true,

don’t believe them.

• Trustee Mason and the local police were impressed

with the quality of Ring Video Doorbell, a device that

enables one to see someone at your door remotely

through your phone or tablet.

• Prince George’s County Police have reported a 50%

reduc�on in crime. It you report an incident to 911 and

you would like to know what the police have done, tell

(Continued on page 7)

Montpelier Community Association, Inc. Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2015

MONTPELIER TODAY 7 March/April 2016

the 911 operator that you would like feedback from

the officers.

Traffic Commi:ee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

• According to the latest County plan Eastgate Lane will

be totally repaved in 2016.

• Trustee Mason called the school bus dispatcher to

complain about school busses speeding in the neigh-

borhood. Trustee Kea�ng felt that the busses have

slowed down and thanked him.

• There has been nothing new about the Montpelier

Drive Traffic Calming Project update mee�ng.

• WSSC is currently working on Montpelier Drive. Trus-

tee Kea�ng reported that the WSSC workers are very

polite and willing to accommodate residents impact-

ed by their work.


• Trustee Kea�ng discussed the security camera pro-

ject for the common grounds. He has one quote and

Trustee Gimbert was asked to try to get one if his

company would be interested in this type of installa-

�on. Three quotes will be obtained.

• Trustee Kea�ng discussed the Eagle Scout Project to

install engraved benches and a picnic table on the

common grounds. The cost of a bench has increased

to $870 and he will donate another $200 and asked

that the board authorize the addi�onal $170 needed

to have an engrave bench installed. Trustee Douville

made a mo�on to donate $170 to the project to en-

grave a bench, which would commemorate the 50th

anniversary of the Montpelier Community in 2016.

Trustee Sorren�no seconded the mo�on and it

passed with Trustee Kea�ng abstaining.


• The contract with the administra�ve assistant should

be submi8ed next month for review and approval.

• The dra> minutes of the annual mee�ng were distrib-

uted. Board members will review them and discuss

any changes needed.

The next board mee�ng will be held on Tuesday, Janu-

ary 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recrea�on Center,

preschool room. The mo�on was made and seconded

to adjourn at 8:17 pm. The mo�on passed unanimous-


(Continued from page 6)

Deerfield Recrea�on Center

December 3, 2015

Commi:ee Members Present: Michael Boddie, Toni

Byrd, Brian Dennis, Michael Flowe and Jack Kea�ng.

Commi:ee Members Absent: Sean Beaver.

Community Members Present: Susan Habig and Mary


The mee�ng was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chair-

man J. Kea�ng. There was a quorum to conduct busi-

ness. The minutes of the November mee�ng, as tran-

scribed by M. Hughes, were reviewed. M. Flowe made

a mo�on to accept the amended minutes. T. Byrd se-

conded the mo�on and it passed unanimously.


12509 Cedarbrook Lane –There has been no response

to the cease and desist sent (11/12) regarding a

van with a flat �re stored in the driveway for

months, nor any ac�on to bring this into compli-

ance. M. Boddie made a mo�on to send a no�ce

of hearing and impose a fine of $100 a month if

compliance is not met by December 12. The hear-

ing will take place at the January 7, 2016 ACCC

mee�ng. M. Flowe seconded the mo�on and it

passed unanimously.

8700 Oxwell Lane – The house is vacant, bank owned

and needs maintenance. If the responsible party

can be iden�fied, a le8er will be sent.

9200 Pleasant Court – Homeowner is working to bring

the house into compliance. Hold un�l the February


12502 Raven Way – The owner and rental manager was

no�fied November 1 that the large trailer in the

driveway is a covenant viola�on. B. Dennis made a

mo�on to send a cease and desist, giving ten days

to remove the trailer. M. Flowe seconded the mo-

�on and it passed unanimously. The le8er will be

sent by priority mail.


9213 Montpelier Drive – A complaint was made that

the placement of the stockade fence is in viola�on

of the covenants because it starts forward of the

rear of the house and a por�on of the fence is in

disrepair and falling down. T. Byrd made a mo�on

to send the homeowner a no�ce of the viola�ons.

B. Dennis seconded the mo�on and it passed unani-


9314 Montpelier Drive – The front gu8ers are detached

from house and there is mold or algae on the house.

T. Byrd made a mo�on to no�fy the homeowner of

(Continued on page 8)


MONTPELIER TODAY 8 March/April 2016

Trustees in A8endance: Paul Buehler, Bob Derrick, Patri-cia Douville, Lillian Fazio, Brad Gimbert, Tim Jacobs, Jack Kea�ng, Richard Mason and Jean Sorren�no. Trustees Absent with Cause: None. Community Members Present: Sean Beaver, Mary Der-rick, Dody Gibson, and Mary Hughes. President Bob Derrick called the mee�ng to order at 7:02 PM. There was a quorum to conduct business. Secretary’s Report: Tricia Douville The minutes of the December 2015 board mee�ng were reviewed. Trustee Douville made a mo�on to accept the minutes. Trustee Kea�ng seconded the mo�on and it passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report: Lillian Fazio

• Trustee Fazio prepared and distributed the monthly financial reports.

• Due to the �reless efforts of the Board in pursuing those that don’t pay, uncollected assessments have been reduced from $15,000 to $10,900.

• There is $59,000 in savings currently. The treasurer recommended funds be transferred to the Reserve Fund. Trustee Kea�ng made a mo�on to transfer $50,000 to the Reserve Fund. Trustee Mason second-ed the mo�on and it passed unanimously. This will bring the Reserve Fund to almost $182,000. This leaves $30,000 in checking which is sufficient for startup funds for the 2016 season.

• WSSC sent an ‘es�mated’ bill for more than $1,000. Trustee Fazio requested an actual reading since the common grounds get very li8le use during the winter. An actual reading and the associated bill now would be

be8er than carrying a credit when the meter is finally read in the summer.

• Republic Service (dumpster) billed the MCA for Decem-ber and January pickup in addi�on to the rental only fee (which is billed when you only rent the container without the weekly pick up). The rental fee has been paid, but they con�nue to bill for December and Janu-ary pick up. The treasurer called to get it straight but they did not respond. A registered le8er should be sent regarding the agreement for suspending the ser-vice over the winter or someone call them again. Trus-tee Gimbert volunteered to call them to see if he could sort it out.

ACC Commi:ee: Jack KeaFng, Chairperson

• Trustee Kea�ng submi8ed the December mee�ng minutes and the agenda from the January mee�ng.

• Le8ers were sent out regarding some viola�ons, in-cluding a fine and the installa�on of a structure with-out prior approval.

• Trustee Derrick reported that the Na�onwide a8orney represen�ng the MCA in the legal ma8er now on ap-peal expects to have the decision some�me in March.

CommunicaFons Commi:ee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson

• The recommended vendor ra�ngs system is up on the MCA website, but some kinks with access have to be worked out. There should not be a problem with liabil-ity for the MCA if someone posts a nega�ve review. Liability would be on the author of the ra�ng itself.

• The Montpelier Community 50th anniversary was dis-cussed. Mr. Beaver has s�ll not received much of a response for pictures or stories about the early days of the neighborhood. It will take a door to door campaign

(Continued on page 9)

Montpelier Community Association, Inc. Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2016

the viola�ons. M. Flowe seconded the mo�on and it

passed unanimously.

12342 Shadetree Lane – There is a trailer in driveway,

lawnmower on the porch and the lamppost is leaning.

A le8er will be sent.

12346 Shadetree Lane – There are gas cans and junk

outside front door, and a ladder and other items in

driveway. A le8er will be sent.

12210 Shadetree Lane- The lamppost is leaning. A le8er

will be sent.

12207 Valerie Lane –A ladder and junk is in the driveway

and side of the house. A le8er will be sent.

8736 Oxwell Lane – A le8er will be sent regarding the

trailer in the grass in the front, side yard.

Guidelines were discussed and members will con�nue to

suggest revisions online.


9305 Montpelier Drive – No�fica�on to cover brick fa-

çade on Jamestown with white siding.

8805 Oxwell Lane – Homeowners expect to have a

dumpster from 12/14 – 12/19 while renova�ons are

made to the interior of the home.

12604 Cedarbrook Lane – Dumpster no�fica�on 12/7-9

while house is resided.

8716 Crystal Rock – No�fica�on that cedar shake will be

removed and siding installed to match the rest of the


The next mee�ng of the ACCC will be the first Thursday

of the month, January 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield

Recrea�on Center, pre-school room. The mee�ng ad-

journed at 8:22 pm.

(Continued from page 7)

MONTPELIER TODAY 9 March/April 2016

if we are to collect memorabilia and volunteers to plan a social event recognizing the Communi�es’ 50th birthday.

FaciliFes Commi:ee: Paul Buehler and Brad Gimbert, Co-Chairs

• Trustee Gimbert spoke with Mr. Dengler about geTng the cores replaced in the common grounds pad locks.

• One of the lights in the playground is out and the head is loose on a light near the pool. Trustee Kea�ng has men�oned in the past that he would ask his electrician to look at them next �me they are in the area.

• The new shade structure is “all weather” so the Chair-men decided to leave it up over the winter.

Pool Commi:ee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson

• Mrs. Derrick expects to have quotes for the 2016 man-agement contract from Lighthouse very soon.

• Pool membership was discussed and whether any forms need to be revised. The Board approved the forms and expressed their support of the Chairperson and the gate a8endants for applying their own discre-�on regarding residency rules as the cases come up.

Social Commi:ee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson

• Six carolers visited about 11 houses for the caroling social event. It was well received by everyone involved and there was interest is doing it again next year.

• Thank you to Trustee Derrick and Mr. Beaver for the Holiday Lights judging. Mr. Beaver did a great job pos�ng the winning houses on the website and Face-book page.

• The Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 19th.

Security Commi:ee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

• There have been four break-ins in the neighborhood over the past month (Oxwell, Cedarbrook and Mount Pleasant).

• Residents are encouraged to get to know their neigh-bors so they can more easily recognize when some-thing looks out of the ordinary. Also, immediately re-port suspicious ac�vity by calling 911, NOT the non-emergency line.

• Cpl. Wilson, our Community Outreach Policeman for several years now, has been transferred to the Bowie sta�on.

• Chief Magaw re�red and is now the Director of Public Safety. It is expected that the County Council will ap-prove Deputy Chief Henry Stawinsky as Interim Chief.

• Liz Clark graduated from the Ci�zens Police Academy. Montpelier now has 8 graduates. There will be anoth-er academy for adults and youth announced in the Spring. Anyone interested in par�cipa�ng in the free training should contact Trustee Mason.

Traffic Commi:ee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

• Emergency work at Montpelier Drive and Cedarbrook, unrelated to the pipe replacement program, caused a water shutdown for several hours on 1/6/16.

• A new Prince George’s County project manager has been assigned to the Montpelier Drive Project. There are plans to present the final 4 plans to the Board be-fore introducing it to the community, but no mee�ng dates have been announced.

Welcoming Commi:ee: Carolyn Campbell Flowe, Chair-person The commi8ee has been given a list of new owners and is working on handouts which will be useful. Trustee Derrick requested a copy of the list and also a list of those newcomers who have been visited. OLD BUSINESS:

• Trustee Derrick reminded the Facili�es Co-Chairmans that a map of the walking route for trash pick-up would be helpful when they brief C. Heidel on his new du�es. Especially since there will be 2 new trashcans to empty.

• Trustee Gimbert was unable to get a bid for the securi-ty camera project, but he will find out if a company he knows are interested. Trustee Kea�ng believes that he can get another bid or two. Three will be required since this acquisi�on is expected to be over $1000.00.


• Installing photo cell ligh�ng at the Montpelier sign was discussed. The Board approved of the idea and Park and Planning will be approached about the plan.

• The blue house on the corner of Rte. 197 and Montpel-ier is to be auc�oned on January 20.

• The County has been asked to evaluate the leaning tree off Oxwell Lane and Royal Ridge to determine if they should remove it. If, in the County’s determina-�on, it is a danger of impac�ng County property they do have the right to remove it.

• The walking path needs some TLC (new drainage pipe and a new layer of asphalt millings) so the Board will seek volunteers and a date to spread the millings for the walking path when the weather permits.

• Some concrete work on uneven surfaces at the pool will need to be scheduled for the Spring. A mee�ng is needed to discuss exactly what is needed. The go-ahead was already given for replacing the sand in the filters.

• The Board approved con�nuing the yearly service con-tract with our accountant ($945 quarterly). This in-cludes the By Laws required annual review.

• Deerfield Rec Center is disposing of some lockers and offered them to the MCA. Trustee Gimbert will get them for use in the guard shack.

The next board mee�ng will be held on Tuesday, Febru-ary 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recrea�on Center, preschool room. The mo�on was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:18 pm. The mo�on passed unanimously.

(Continued from page 8)

MONTPELIER TODAY 10 March/April 2016

Deerfield RecreaFon Center January 7, 2016

Commi:ee Members Present: Sean Beaver, Michael

Boddie, Toni Byrd, Brian Dennis, Michael Flowe and Jack


Commi:ee Members Absent: None.

Community Members Present: Bob Derrick, Peter

Schultheiss, and Mary Hughes.

The mee�ng was called to order at 7:06 PM by Chairman

J. Kea�ng. There was a quorum to conduct business.

The minutes of the December mee�ng, as transcribed by

M. Hughes, were reviewed and T. Byrd made a mo�on

to accept the minutes. M. Flowe seconded the mo�on

and it passed unanimously.


12509 Cedarbrook Lane – No response to no�ce of hear-

ing and fine sent 12/4 regarding a van with a flat �re

stored in the driveway for months. No�ce of fine of

$100/month, star�ng 12/12/15, will be sent.

9213 Montpelier Drive – Homeowner provided emails

that he had permission for repairs to 6 >. stockade

fence (2009) and said fence is not in disrepair. T.

Byrd made a mo�on to send a le8er thanking him for

the informa�on, no�ng the fence is not leaning, and

the ma8er is now closed. M. Boddie seconded the

mo�on and it passed unanimously.

9314 Montpelier Drive –Repairs have been no�ced at

the house (le8er sent 12/4 re front gu8ers and

mold). Monitor.

8736 Oxwell Lane –Ma8er is closed. Thank you.

9200 Pleasant Court – Homeowner met compliance with

the yard and ma8er is closed. Thank you.

12502 Raven Way – Trailer is gone and the ma8er is

closed. Thank you.

12342 Shadetree Lane – Trailer and lawnmower are

gone. Thank you. Monitor lamp post.

12346 Shadetree Lane – Front of the house looks worse

a>er the le8er of 12/4 re items, gas cans, etc. outside

front door; car cover, ladder, and other items in

driveway. M. Hughes will contact owners to discuss

the ma8er.

12210 Shadetree Lane- Le8er sent 12/4 re leaning lamp-

post. B. Dennis will monitor.

12207 Valerie Lane – Le8er sent 12/4 re ladder and junk

in driveway and side of house. Monitor.


9307 Montpelier – T. Byrd made a mo�on to reconcile

the agreement/approval to reflect that the 6 > fence

was approved for the back of the property and one

side. M. Boddie seconded the mo�on and it passed

with J. Kea�ng abstaining. (M. Boddie, T. Byrd, B. Den-

nis, M. Flowe, S. Beaver vo�ng to approve.)

8733 Oxwell Lane – Homeowner requested an excep�on

to install a shed/workspace of 144 sq. >. (12 ‘x 12’) for

woodworking projects. B. Dennis made a mo�on to

approve the request and excep�on for oversize shed/

workspace in back yard. M. Flowe seconded the mo-

�on and it passed with S. Beaver abstaining. (B. Den-

nis, M. Flowe, T. Byrd, M. Boddie vo�ng to approve.)

8736 Oxwell Lane –The covenants were reviewed with

regard to using “permeable pavers” to replace drive-

ways. B. Dennis made a mo�on that concrete, perme-

able pavers are an acceptable surface material for

Montpelier driveways. M. Flowe seconded the mo�on

and it passed unanimously. Driveway replacement

requires prior approval of the ACCC.

12322 Shadetree Lane – S. Beaver made a mo�on to

approve the request for an addi�on and small covered

pa�o in back of the house, pending receipt of a copy

of the approved permits. M. Boddie seconded the

mo�on and it passed unanimously.

8745 Oxwell Lane –A structure has been installed in the

front yard without prior approval. A le8er will be


The Guidelines were discussed and a dra> of the pro-

posed revisions will be prepared.


12311 Shadetree Lane – Approval granted for 10 x 10

shed in back yard.


9004 Eastbourne - solar installa�on.

12705 Cedarbrook - no�fica�on to remove detached

chimney and dead tree.

The next mee�ng of the ACCC will be the first Thursday

of the month, February 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield

Recrea�on Center, pre-school room. The mee�ng ad-

journed at 8:44 pm.


MONTPELIER TODAY 11 March/April 2016


MONTPELIER TODAY 12 March/April 2016

WSSC: Emergency work at Montpelier Drive @ Cedar-

brook on 1/6/16 caused no water for that sec�on. This

was not related to the pipe replacement program.

Thanks to Bob Derrick for keeping the community in-


Montpelier Drive Project: Erv Beckert, Chief of Road

Design for the county and the new Project Mgr for our

project, Sameer Sharma, are mee�ng with their Director

to finalize the project plans. They hopefully will ask to

meet with the MCA Board at our March 8th mee�ng to

present their 4 plans. I have suggested that they have

the floor from 8 to 9 PM. They plan to use the County

Public Works workers to complete the project.

Snow Tips from Prince George's County: I sent �mely

emails to the community providing safety �ps, County

services, and progress with plowing our community.

Mary Lehman asked me to send email to the County

Dept. of Public Works advising the snow plowing service

in our community. The primary problem was that the

county contracted private companies with trucks and

plows too small for the 26 inches of snow. They also

missed some side streets and did a poor job of plowing

two lanes and widening intersec�ons. The county had to

hire bob cats to widen streets to two lanes and clear

intersec�ons. The county web site for plowing updates

did not work.

Richard Mason, Chairperson


Financial Informa�on Submi8ed by Lillian Fazio, Treasurer

MONTPELIER TODAY 13 March/April 2016

Crime in Community:

• Front door of house on 8700 block of Oxwell Lane

was knocked in on 12/30/15 at 5PM.

• Break in on 12300 block of Mt. Pleasant Drive @

10:56AM on 1/7/16. Informa�on from Crime Re-

ports. Back door of laundry room kicked in. Alarm

went off and intruder was scared away and did not

enter the house. Nothing was taken. Both owner

and next door resident emailed info to me.

• Break in on 12600 block of Cedarbrook Lane @ 4:34

PM on 1/7/15. Informa�on from CrimeReports.

Have requested info from involved resident. Please

report any incidents a>er informing Police.

• A “possible” a8empted break in in the 8900 block of

Churchfield Lane immediately a>er the snow storm

of 1/29-1/30/16. I sent group emails to community

reminding all residents, even with a snow storm, to

lock doors and windows and have outside light on

at night.

• Break in of Jeep Wrangler the night of 2/6/16 in the

12800 block of Silverbirch Lane. A “so> top” Jeep

parked on Fernwood Turn, was purposefully not

locked so thief would not slash the top. There was

nothing in the Jeep. We suggested that this vehicle

be parked in their driveway with outside light

turned on. Thieves do not like lighted areas.

• Phone Scams: Official sounding threatening phone

scam aimed for small businesses and personal inter-

ests groups and a sex offender email alert sent to

infect your computer when you open the email.

Security Commi:ee New Year's ResoluFons:

Resolu�ons all community residents should follow:

• If you see something, say something. If in doubt,

call 911. The police want you to use this service.

• Get to know your neighbor. This creates a more

friendly community and helps to watch your neigh-

bor, especially if no one is home during the day, or

when traveling.

Prince George's County Police:

• Chief McGaw re�red effec�ve 12/31/15 was ap-

pointed Prince George's County Director of Safety.

• Cpl Wilson requested a transfer to Bowie District 2

effec�ve 1/8/16. This gives him more opportunity

for promo�on.

• Weekly “Wanted Criminals” no�fied us of game

store robbery on Rte 1, Laurel on 1-2-16.

• Interim Chief Henry Stawinski will be approved as

next Chief by County Council. He is a 20 year County

Police Officer

• I have provided the Police COPS Coffee with 8 ideas

for future programs for the renamed Coffee and

COPS for Seniors

• Resident Liz Clark, graduated from the latest Ci�-

zens Police Academy on 12/14/15. This was a spe-

cial event because Montpelier now has 8 graduates.

We also heard remarks from Chief McGaw and Dep-

uty Chief Stawinski. Congratula�ons to all gradu-

ates. There will be a youth and adult Ci�zens Police

Academy opportuni�es this Spring. The next Prince

George's County Ci�zens Police Academy will start

on March 21, 2016.

• County police canvased community on foot in the

area of the break ins, immediately a>er the burgla-

ries in January. I met with the detec�ve assigned to

these cases to assist in his inves�ga�on. No further

informa�on available from the detec�ve.

• Explorers, sponsored by the police department,

were very helpful during the storm. They specifically

helped one elderly woman in need.

• Prince George's County District VI COPS Unit is

transferring 5 of the 7 officers to new assignments.

New officers will be selected with the next month.

My temporary contacts are Cpl Woody and Sgt


Richard Mason, Chairperson



Annual Egg Hunt—Saturday, March 19 at 2 pm at the

MCA Common Grounds. Bring your Easter basket and

join us for our annual egg hunt. Ages 12 and under (an

adult must be present). Please RSVP by March 16 to

Tricia Douville ( or 301 490-

7614) with the total number of children a8ending, their

ages, and your address or member number.

Helpers are always needed and appreciated for stuffing

and hiding the eggs.

Yard Sale—Saturday, May 16 8 am to Noon

If you plan to par�cipate, please email or call Tricia

Douville 301-490-7614 with

your address. Maps will be available around the neigh-

borhood and signs will direct shoppers to your house.

Tricia Douville

Social Chairperson

MONTPELIER TODAY 14 March/April 2016

Hi Neighbors,

We have all survived the thirty inches of snow and the

night of wind that made me feel like Dorothy living in

Kansas. Also I’m missing that �me out on the pa�o

having a refreshing beverage with my neighbor and a

few laughs.

Spring has arrived! I see the promise and beauty of the

season with the budding of Forsythia and Tulips pop-

ping up from places I had forgo8en I had planted, but

with all the excitement of color, I am reminded that the

next couple of weeks are full of chores… so let’s start

with the hardest one first.


The first task is removing and compos�ng any annual

plants that remained over winter. If you did not cut

back grasses last Fall, do so now. Once you see new

growth at the base of plants, prune away the old

stems. Some shrubby plants with woody stems like

Artemisia, Buddleia, Coreopis, Lavender need to be cut

back because they only bloom on new growth. It is

best to wait un�l danger of frost is past. Most of these

plants will let you know when it is the �me to prune by

showing signs of opening buds in the lower stem por-

�ons or new growth at the base of the plant. Cut the

ornamental grasses to within twelve inches from the

ground. Pull out any dead centers of the grasses. The

new growth will fill in.

Remember the rule:

early Spring bloomers

set their flower buds in

the Fall. Pruning them

in the early Spring

would mean cuTng off

the flower and answers

the ques�on ”why don’t

my plants bloom”? I

made this mistake for

years, cuTng the stems

of my Hydrangea. There

are two groups in that

family: the macrophylia

or mop heads that we

called snow balls that grow on old wood and the panic-

ulata Hydrangea like LimeLight that grow on new wood

and can be cut back in early Spring.

We have all been assessed the “rain water tax”. The

federal government under the “clean water act” has

put pressure on the state of Maryland to clean up the

Chesapeake Bay. Many prac�ces have been ini�ated

by the state limi�ng farmers and industry in what can

be dumped or allowed to drain into the bay. Prince

George’s County notes that water coming off roofs of

houses as well as driveways carry dirt and debris

straight into the sewer. From there the water goes into

the Patuxent River and into the Chesapeake Bay. Pro-

grams such as rain gardens, permeable driveways, and

rain barrels a8ached to the down spouts are designed

to keep so much water from going right into the sewer.

One thing that will nullify all this good work is allowing

your dead leaves from last Fall to run into the street

and down to the sewer, so PLEASE rake up those old

leaves and put them into a mulch pile or fold them into

your soil or just place them in cans or bags (NO PLASTIC

BAGS) and put out for the county pick-up every



Knock Out Roses

have become

very popular in

the country.

They are prolific

bloomers and

have less dis-

ease, and are

drought toler-

ant. You will

need gloves, hand pruners and loppers to start the

pruning. Also have some alcohol to clean the tools so

that you do not spread disease from one bush to an-

other. Your objec�ve is to leave one third of the plant

intact. Prune out small weak branches, keeping a stur-

dy skeletal form. Don’t cut into the crown. You need

good air circula�on in a rose to prevent mildew. When

deciding how to cut a branch, snip right above the leaf

bud. Darker colored canes are old and can be pruned

out for they are less produc�ve. Also, prune out cross

over branches. Dead heading which is cuTng off old

flowers s�mulates the growth of new blooms. Cut on

an angle so the water runs off the stem. Pruning can

be done by mid March, then fer�lize heavily. Since

roses of most selec�ons have a resurgence in the Fall, it

would be wise to fer�lize again in the Fall. Never put

any of the dead leaves into the mulch pile as some of

the leaves might have mildew or black spot on them

and that spreads during the hea�ng process of the


(Continued on page 15)


MONTPELIER TODAY 15 March/April 2016


There is nothing more tasty than ea�ng a ripe tomato

just picked from the garden-your garden! There are

many programs in the county and schools encouraging

us to grow our own food and tomatoes are an easy

plant to start with and you can grow them in pots!

It is best to rotate your crops from one place to anoth-

er the following year. If that is not prac�cal, then

change the soil in the pot using half new soil and half

cow manure. Soilless mixes are lighter and give be8er

circula�on to the mix. Start early, purchase Early Girl

or Fourth of July plants that will ripen within fi>y five

to sixty days. Be prepared to cover the plants with

plas�c or canvas if there is danger of frost. When posi-

�oning the plant in the dirt, first remove the lowest

stems, then �lt the plant so that more of the main

stem touches the ground. Cover those stems with dirt.

This will s�mulate more of a root system. Water

around the edge of the pot to encourage root growth.

Lastly, place three to four calcium Tums into the soil.

This will prevent tomato end rot. Add fer�lizer, worm

cas�ngs or worm tea. I can hardly wait to cut into that

cold tomato, with so> mozzarella cheese on top and

fresh Basil!



Most days you can find

two gardening pro-

grams on PBS that not

only give you new ide-

as but show gardens

from all over the Unit-

ed States. Look for

Growing a Greener

World and P. Allen

Smith, Garden Home

on channel 480 at

12:30 PM.

So happy gardening !!!!!!!!!!!!

Gloria Hynes

Prince George’s Master Gardener

Photos Courtesy of Gloria Hynes

(Continued from page 14)

MONTPELIER TODAY 16 March/April 2016

MONTPELIER TODAY 17 March/April 2016

Saturday, March 19 at 2:00 pm Saturday, March 19 at 2:00 pm Saturday, March 19 at 2:00 pm Saturday, March 19 at 2:00 pm MCA common groundsMCA common groundsMCA common groundsMCA common grounds Bring your Easter basket and

join us for a fun time. Ages 12 and under (adult must be present).

RSVPRSVPRSVPRSVP by March 16 March 16 March 16 March 16 to Tricia Douville, 301 490301 490301 490301 490----7614 7614 7614 7614 or with the total children attending,

their ages, and your lot number In case of inclement weather, please check the MCA Info line 888 622 4630

Helpers Needed: Contact Tricia if you can help hide eggs for the hunt!!!

Good a>ernoon my friends,

It appears that some residents may have experienced

the> of mail from their mail box. Here are some quick

�ps which can help secure your mail.

• Remove all obstacles that block you from seeing

your mailbox.

• Get rid of all your paper and mail based banking

and credit transac�ons. Choose the online op�on.

• Make sure your mailbox closes �ghtly.

• Install a mailbox chime or mailbox alarm.

• Use le8er slots inside the Post Office for your

mail, or hand it to a le8er carrier.

• Pick up your mail as soon as possible. Don’t leave

it in your mailbox overnight. If you're expec�ng

checks, credit cards, or other nego�able items,

ask a trusted friend/neighbor to pick up your mail.

• If you don't receive valuable mail you're ex-

pec�ng, contact the issuing agency immediately.

• If you change your address, immediately no�fy

your Post Office and anyone with whom you do

business via the mail.

• Don’t send cash in the mail.

• Tell your Post Office when you’ll be out of town so

that they can hold your mail un�l you return.

• Report all suspected mail the> to a Postal Inspec-


• Par�cipate in your neighborhood watch program.

• Consult with your local Postmaster for the most

up-to-date regula�ons on mailboxes, including

the availability of locked centralized or curbside


Hope this helps. Your community friend,

Cpl. Woody #2305

Prince George’s County Police De-

partment , District VI C.O.P.S. Unit


Check out these tips

MONTPELIER TODAY 18 March/April 2016


The Architectural Control & Compliance Committee (ACCC) is committed to working with homeowners to en-sure covenant compliance in Montpelier. The ACCC can review approval requests between meetings and when all requested information is provided with the form, many approvals can be granted within a week of submission.

SUBMIT an ACCC Approval Request Form

Before Making Exterior Changes to Your Home

No construction, addition, or alteration of a Montpelier home shall be made without prior approval (approval form on the next page) from the ACCC. No sheds, detached structures (including fences) and drive-ways may be erected or altered without prior ap-proval.

Proceeding without prior approval shall constitute a covenant violation subject to enforcement, including fines. If you are planning any work to the exterior of your home, first fill out the ACCC Approval Request Form located in every Montpelier Today newsletter and on-line at Submit to:

MCA ATTN: Architectural Control & Compliance Committee

P.O. Box 2503 Laurel, MD 20709

Or by email to Forms may also be brought to the monthly meeting. Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 7 PM at Deerfield Community Center.


Boats, campers, RVs, trailers must be in storage between November 1 & March 31. Violations can result in a fine of $250 per month.


The ACCC requests notification before placing a PODS, dumpster, or similar structure on any lot. Please include the maximum time that the structure will be on the lot. Use an Approval Form for notification or send an email to


No Montpelier home can be used for any purpose other than a private dwelling for one family. Please notify your rental management company. Homeowners are responsible for covenant compliance.

Printable copy of the MCA Governing Documents and the ACCC Approval Form can be found online:


COVENANTS FOR LOTS, ARTICLE VI: MISCELLANEOUS Section 1. Garbage/Rubbish. No garbage or rubbish shall be dumped or allowed to re-main on any Lot.

Email— or or call 888 622-4620 x102 with your questions.

MONTPELIER TODAY 19 March/April 2016


Approval Form Member No: Date:

Name: Address: Telephone: Email:

House Type: � Framingham � Jamestown � Gramercy � Eton Type of Alteration: � Addition/modification of basic structure � Fence � Shed

� Siding/Paint � Deck � Other (Including PODS, Dumpsters) Describe the alteration in detail. Information about dimension, materials and design must be included with this form or the project will not be considered by the ACC. Include any statement of special circumstances that may require deviation from established and published guidelines. Any changes to the exterior of your home, including paint color, siding and win-dows, will require the approval of the neighbors on each side and in back of your home. Siding must blend harmoniously with the neighborhood. The neighbors residing across the street must also be contacted if the project, when completed, can be seen from their property. Major landscaping projects such as retaining walls, etc. must also be approved. Plans for major alterations must be submitted to the ACCC two weeks before the meeting. Applications for approval of PODS, dumpsters, or similar structures should check the “Other” box and must include the maximum time that the structure will be on the lot.

Attach the following:

Note (1) Copy of plat of your property showing location on your property of the requested alteration. Note (2) Detailed scale drawing or copy of blue prints of proposed alteration. I understand that these items are needed for the committee to make an informed decision about the requested

alteration. When completed we agree to allow the ACCC to inspect this project.

Signature of requester

Neighbor comments:

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

The homeowner requesting approval of a project (requester) will contact the neighbor(s) residing on each side of his home to obtain their concurrence or comments. In the event the requester resides on a corner lot, the neighbor re-siding adjacent to his rear property line must be contacted. The neighbors residing across the street must also be contacted if the project, when completed, can be seen from their property. Space for their name(s), address, concur-rence or comments is provided above. If the required neighbor approvals are not obtained by the requester the ACC will contact the neighbors to get their comments which will delay processing of the request. Neighbor com-ments will be considered by the ACC in making a decision. Those neighbors that non-concur in a project will be notified in writing of the action taken by the ACC and advised of their right to appeal. If a project requiring ACC approval is started without such approval it shall be considered in violation of the covenants of the Association. Mail completed forms to MCA ACC Committee, P.O. Box 2503, Laurel, MD 20709 or email to Note (1) Prince George's County law requires a building permit for all structural changes or additions to your home.

For Architectural Committee Use Only Project No: Date Received: Letter Sent:

MONTPELIER TODAY 20 March/April 2016

Montpelier Mansion Montpelier Mansion Montpelier Mansion Montpelier Mansion 9650 Muirkirk Road Laurel, MD 20708 301-377-7817; TTY 301-699-2544

Friends of MontpelierFriends of MontpelierFriends of MontpelierFriends of Montpelier Membership Fee: $15/year Additional Family Member: $5/year


Mail to:

Friends of Montpelier c/o Jeri Witt 12215 Shadetree Lane Laurel, MD 20708 Benefits Include:

• Quarterly subscriptions to

the Fireback Newsletter

• Invitations to special


Community Theatre in the Heart of Laurel, Maryland

508 Main Street in Downtown Laurel

WHAT IS IT? Sunday, March 13, 11 am-4 pm (closed Wednesdays) Back by popular demand! See Montpelier filled with all kinds of gizmos, gadgets, thingamajigs and whatchamacallits. Your job is to figure out, “what is it?” Parents and grandparents will see things they haven’t seen in years! Kids will get a kick out of the nifty items of bygone eras. A fun outing for the whole family! All ages. Cost: Regular tour prices apply: $5/adults; $4/seniors; $2/children (5-18); Free/children 4 and un-der WOODTURNER’S EXHIBIT Saturday, March 10 – Sunday, May 1 11 am to 4 pm (closed Wednesdays) Exhibit Opening, Saturday March 19, 1-3pm. See beautiful, one-of-a-kind turned wood objects, all hand-made by members of the Chesapeake Woodturn-ers. Woodturning demonstrations on April weekends, weather permitting. Call to confirm. Free. All ages. BLUE STOCKING TEA Saturday, March 26, 1:30pm Celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring the ladies in the Blue Stocking Society, an 18th century English literary group for women. Come as you are, or as your favorite female author of character, from mod-ern times or the past. We will serve a prix fixe menu of fine finger sandwiches, scrumptious cakes and pas-tries, buttery scones, and your choice of two quality

loose leaf teas, all served on china and tiered stands in Montpelier’s elegant East Wing. $29 per person, $25 for members of Friends of Mont-pelier. Price includes gratuity and self-guided tour of the mansion. Reservations and advance payment re-quired. Reservations required by Wednesday, February 23! Call 301-377-7817 (no e-mail reservations please). Adult

Friday February 26, 2016 through Sunday March 20, 2016Sunday matinee perfor-mances on March 13 and March 20 at 2:00 P.M.

Man of LaMancha The classic story about tilting with windmills and reaching the unreachable star, set in a Span-

ish dungeon in the 16th century. Don Quixote de la Mancha's quest for honor and right in a world gone mad is deeply moving but laced with humor and superb mu-sic.

Friday April 1, 2016 through Sunday April 17, 2016

I Hate Hamlet A young and successful tele-vision actor relocates to New York, where he rents a mar-velous, gothic apartment. With his television career in limbo, the actor is offered the

opportunity to play Hamlet onstage, but there's one problem: He hates Hamlet. His dilemma deepens with the entrance of John Barrymore's ghost, who arrives intoxicated and in full costume to the apartment that

(Continued on page 21)

MONTPELIER TODAY 21 March/April 2016

once was his. The contrast between the two actors, the towering, dissipated Barrymore whose Hamlet was the greatest of his time, and Andrew Rally, hot young tele-vision star, leads to a wildly funny duel over women, art, success, duty, television, and yes, the apartment. Performances run weekends from Friday February 26, 2016 through Sunday March 20, 2016 with Friday and Saturday evening performances at 8 p.m. Tickets are $22 for general admission. Admission for students (12 and under), For further information, please call 301-617-9906 and press 2, or contact Maureen Rogers at or 301-452-2557.

(Continued from page 20)

MONTPELIER TODAY 22 March/April 2016

Helping Hands are younger Montpelier residents willing to work for other residents at hourly or fixed rates arranged between you and the helper. There is no charge for a “Helping Hands” listing. Please

call 888 622-4630 x103 or email to be included on the next Helping Hands registry or if any updates are needed on your listing.

The Greater Laurel United Soccer Club offers year round recreational & competitive

soccer programs for ages 4-18

Single Gender Leagues

British & Brazilian Summer Camps

Indoor Professional Training

After School Programs

Professional Trainers

Volunteer Opportunities

Get more information and sign up for all our great programs at or call



MONTPELIER TODAY 23 March/April 2016

MONTPELIER TODAY 24 March/April 2016

MONTPELIER TODAY 25 March/April 2016

MONTPELIER TODAY 26 March/April 2016

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Call the Info Line 888 MCA INFØ Call the Info Line 888 MCA INFØ Call the Info Line 888 MCA INFØ Call the Info Line 888 MCA INFØ ( 888 622( 888 622( 888 622( 888 622----463Ø ) 463Ø ) 463Ø ) 463Ø )

Press Ø (zero) for Community AnnouncementsPress Ø (zero) for Community AnnouncementsPress Ø (zero) for Community AnnouncementsPress Ø (zero) for Community Announcements Press 1Ø1 for the ACCCPress 1Ø1 for the ACCCPress 1Ø1 for the ACCCPress 1Ø1 for the ACCC

Press 1Ø2 for Resale Packages Press 1Ø2 for Resale Packages Press 1Ø2 for Resale Packages Press 1Ø2 for Resale Packages Press 1Ø3 for the Administrative AssistantPress 1Ø3 for the Administrative AssistantPress 1Ø3 for the Administrative AssistantPress 1Ø3 for the Administrative Assistant Press 1Ø4 for Social Events & RSVPsPress 1Ø4 for Social Events & RSVPsPress 1Ø4 for Social Events & RSVPsPress 1Ø4 for Social Events & RSVPs Press 1Ø5 for Tennis Court AccessPress 1Ø5 for Tennis Court AccessPress 1Ø5 for Tennis Court AccessPress 1Ø5 for Tennis Court Access

Check the Website Check the Website Check the Website Check the Website

Call or email a Board Member Call or email a Board Member Call or email a Board Member Call or email a Board Member Contact information on page 3 of every newsletter & Contact information on page 3 of every newsletter & Contact information on page 3 of every newsletter & Contact information on page 3 of every newsletter &

at at at at

Come to a Board Meeting Come to a Board Meeting Come to a Board Meeting Come to a Board Meeting The second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM, Deerfield The second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM, Deerfield The second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM, Deerfield The second Tuesday of every month, 7 PM, Deerfield

Recreation CenterRecreation CenterRecreation CenterRecreation Center

Read your Montpelier Today NewsletterRead your Montpelier Today NewsletterRead your Montpelier Today NewsletterRead your Montpelier Today Newsletter And just for fun, check out the Montpel-And just for fun, check out the Montpel-And just for fun, check out the Montpel-And just for fun, check out the Montpel-ier Facebook Pageier Facebook Pageier Facebook Pageier Facebook Page


Name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

Phone(evenings) or email: __________________________________________________

Please mail to: MCA P.O. Box 2503

Laurel, MD 20709-2503

...or call/email a chairperson or board member to volunteer. Contact information on Page 3.

� Architectural Control & compliance

� Communications

� Election committee

� Finance

� Facilities (Grounds)

� Governing Documents

� Pool Operations

� Nominating

� Security

� Social

� Tennis

� Benevolent Fund

� Traffic

� Welcoming

MONTPELIER TODAY 27 March/April 2016

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MONTPELIER TODAY 28 March/April 2016

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