ISSN 2518-6507 Volume 2 (2017) Issue 2 World Federation of Neuro-Oncology … · 2017. 10. 19. ·...


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Volume 2 (2017) Issue 2ISSN 2518-6507

World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies

magazineNeurology bull Neurosurgery bull Medical Oncology bull Radiotherapy bull Paediatric Neuro-Oncology bull Neuropathology bull Neuroradiology bull Neuroimaging bull Nursing bull Patient Issues

EditorialWolfgang Wick EA (Nino) Chiocca

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International CooperationDidier Frappaz

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas PCV or PCCarmen Balatildena Anna Maria Lopez-Andres Anna Estival Eva Montaneacute

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Current Results andControversial IssuesGiuseppe Minniti Claudia Scaringi Federico Bianciardi

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell HistiocytosisA Case Report and Review of the LiteratureAlessia Pellerino Luca Bertero Riccardo Soffi etti

Management of Brain Metastasis Burning Questions to theRadiation OncologistRoberta Rudagrave

European Reference Networks (ERNs) A New Initiative toIncrease Collaborative Cross-Border Approaches to TreatingBrain Tumor PatientsKathy Oliver

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing ConcernIngela Oberg

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017Partick Wen

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017Susan M Chang

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)Khecirc Hoang-Xuan

5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology SocietiesPatrick Roth David A Reardon Ryo Nishikawa Michael Weller

The EANO Youngsters InitiativeAnna Sophie Berghoff

World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies

Editors Michael Weller Zurich Switzerland E Antonio Chiocca President SNO

Managing Editor Roberta Rudagrave Torino Italy

SNO Editor Nicholas Butowski San Francisco USA

Editorial Board

S ebastian Brandner London United Kingdom

Oumlz Buumlge Istanbul Turkey

Chas Haynes Houston USA

Filip de Vos Utrecht Netherlands

Francois Ducray Lyon France

Samy El Badawy Cairo Egypt

Anca Grosu Freiburg Germany

Andreas Hottinger Lausanne Switzerland

Chae-Yong Kim Seoul Korea

Florence Lefranc Bruxelles Belgium

Marcos Maldaun Sao Paulo Brazil

Roberta Rudagrave Torino Italy

Gupta Tejpal Mumbai India

Yun-fei Xia Guangzhou China


copy 2017 Published by The World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (httpcreativecommonsorglicensesby40) which permits unrestricted reuse distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited


Dear colleagues

Dear friends of InternationalNeuro-oncology

Dear members of WFNOS

It was a pleasure and privilege to wel-come almost 1000 of you to this 5thWorld Meeting of Neuro-oncologySocieties Zurich was a great placewe spent lively and scientifically re-warding hours in the pleasant lecturehall and owe our thanks to the localorganizing team headed by MichaelWeller and our colleagues fromEANO as well as the staff of theVienna Medical Academy

The topics of our recent issue reflectburning issues in neuro-oncologyOur magazine reviews on an optimaltreatment of an alkylator-based regi-men recent developments in menin-gioma as well as pediatric gliomaand metastases provide insight intoan immunotherapy concept forrecurrent PCNSL

This issue of the magazine featuresour French neuro-oncology col-leagues from ANOCEF Having alook at their achievements we mayneed to remind ourselves thatWFNOS was not only initiated by 3large neuro-oncology societiesmdashSNO ASNO and EANOmdashbut hostsseveral national neuro-oncologysocieties

The new board of EANO haslaunched a young neuro-oncologistsrsquoinitiative Anna Berghoff from Viennawho leads this initiative with CarinaThome from Heidelberg explainsbackground and may trigger applica-tions from many of our younger read-ers With the utmost important topicKathy Oliver from the InternationalBrain Tumor Alliance explains back-ground for a new initiative of theEuropean Union The EuropeanReferences Networks (ERNs) areplanned to increase collaborativecross-border approaches to

treating brain tumor patients with afocus on underserved areas inEurope

Please have a look at the exciting sci-entific and practical news fromneuro-oncology practice The editorsshare their hotspots to prioritizereading

On behalf of EANO I would like tovery much welcome Young-Kil Hongas the new WFNOS president SNOand EANO have passed on the torchto ASNO and look forward to thepreparations for the next WorldMeeting in Seoul in 2021

With warm regards

Wolfgang Wick

President of EANO


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial


Dear Members and Colleagues ofSNO EANO ASNO and WFNOS

I thank you for the opportunity andprivilege to provide you with a sum-mary of SNOrsquos accomplishmentsover this past year I would like torecognize the leadership of ourofficers our vice-president TerriArmstrong and our treasurerGelareh Zadeh I also would like torecognize the work of the membersof our Executive Council and of ourBoard of Directors

We have just returned from a greatmeeting in Zurich for WFNOS 2017The weather for the most part con-tributed to a great meeting but moreimportantly the quality and excite-ment of the talks and presentationswere the highlights of the meetingTogether with our colleagues fromour sister societies we were happyto see so many participants from allcorners of the globe This family ofpractitioners in the sciences and clin-ical practice of neuro-oncology showan unbeatable spirit of creativity andquest for knowledge that bodes wellfor each member society The collab-orations that come out from these

meetings are bound to provide thenext set of impressive results to bepresented in future years Thesemeetings also make one aware thatour patients only benefit from thesharing of knowledge and experi-ence thus ensuring that any patienthas access to very similar care re-gardless of where he or she is seenIn spite of this it is clear that muchmore has to be done on this front forsome of the neediest parts of ourworld

SNO would like to recognize andthank the leadership of EANO and inparticular Michael Weller for thismeeting In addition to the venues forthe talks the social programs wereexcellent and well attended The ban-quet dinner on top of a mountainpeak surrounded by clouds madeone feel the spirit of Switzerland

SNO continues to thrive in terms ofits impact its membership its abilityto provide exciting annual meetingsand its educational content Wewould be very excited if we couldmatch the success of WFNOS 2017with our SNO 2017 meeting in SanFrancisco Under the leadership of

our scientific program chairs (DrsManish Aghi Vinay Puduvalli andFrank Furnari) the theme for the SNO2017 meeting will be the CANCERMOONSHOT initiatives which havebeen announced by the NIHNCI andsupported in a rare spirit of biparti-sanship by the US CongressKeynote speeches provided by DrJennifer Doudna from UC Berkeleywidely regarded as one of the maininventors of the CrisprCAs9 geneticediting technology and by Dr CarloCroce from Ohio State Universitywill certainly be the feather in the capfor additional exciting oral presenta-tions We thus hope that as manymembers of WFNOS societies attendand visit San Francisco

Finally SNO wishes to provide ournext WFNOS President and host ofthe next WFNOS meeting in SeoulDr Young-Kil Hong our most heart-felt congratulations and wishes for agreat meeting in 2021

Respectfully yours

EA (Nino) Chiocca MD PhD


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial

PediatricEpendymomasA Plea forInternationalCooperation

Didier FrappazCorrespondence to Didier Frappaz Neurooncologie Pediatrique et Adulte Centre LeonBerard et IHOP 28 Rue Laennec 69008 France


AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

15 Brufman G Halpern J Sulkes A et al Procarbazine CCNU and vin-cristine (PCV) combination chemotherapy for brain tumorsOncology 1984 41 239ndash241

16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

33 Bullock PR Mansfield P Gowland P et al Dynamic imaging of con-trast enhancement in brain tumors Magn Reson Med 1991 19293ndash298

34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

38 Lanevskij K Japertas P Didziapetris R Improving the prediction ofdrug disposition in the brain Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 20139 473ndash486

39 Patel N Kirmi O Anatomy and imaging of the normal meningesSemin Ultrasound CT MR 2009 30 559ndash564

40 Pardridge WM Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluidFluids Barriers CNS 2011 8 7

41 Machein MR Kullmer J Fiebich BL et al Vascular endothelialgrowth factor expression vascular volume and capillary permeabil-ity in human brain tumors Neurosurgery 1999 44 732ndash740 discus-sion 740-731

42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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45 Greig NH Soncrant TT Shetty HU et al Brain uptake and anticanceractivities of vincristine and vinblastine are restricted by their lowcerebrovascular permeability and binding to plasma constituents inrat Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990 26 263ndash268

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47 El Dareer SM White VM Chen FP et al Distribution and metabolismof vincristine in mice rats dogs and monkeys Cancer Treat Rep1977 61 1269ndash1277

48 Wolff JE Trilling T Molenkamp G et al Chemosensitivity of gliomacells in vitro a meta analysis J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1999 125481ndash486

49 Smart CR Ottoman RE Rochlin DB et al Clinical experience withvincristine (NSC-67574) in tumors of the central nervous system andother malignant diseases Cancer Chemother Rep 1968 52733ndash741

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51 Vesper J Graf E Wille C et al Retrospective analysis of treatmentoutcome in 315 patients with oligodendroglial brain tumors BMCNeurol 2009 9 33

52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

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45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

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48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

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61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

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63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

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66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

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72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

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74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies

Editors Michael Weller Zurich Switzerland E Antonio Chiocca President SNO

Managing Editor Roberta Rudagrave Torino Italy

SNO Editor Nicholas Butowski San Francisco USA

Editorial Board

S ebastian Brandner London United Kingdom

Oumlz Buumlge Istanbul Turkey

Chas Haynes Houston USA

Filip de Vos Utrecht Netherlands

Francois Ducray Lyon France

Samy El Badawy Cairo Egypt

Anca Grosu Freiburg Germany

Andreas Hottinger Lausanne Switzerland

Chae-Yong Kim Seoul Korea

Florence Lefranc Bruxelles Belgium

Marcos Maldaun Sao Paulo Brazil

Roberta Rudagrave Torino Italy

Gupta Tejpal Mumbai India

Yun-fei Xia Guangzhou China


copy 2017 Published by The World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (httpcreativecommonsorglicensesby40) which permits unrestricted reuse distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited


Dear colleagues

Dear friends of InternationalNeuro-oncology

Dear members of WFNOS

It was a pleasure and privilege to wel-come almost 1000 of you to this 5thWorld Meeting of Neuro-oncologySocieties Zurich was a great placewe spent lively and scientifically re-warding hours in the pleasant lecturehall and owe our thanks to the localorganizing team headed by MichaelWeller and our colleagues fromEANO as well as the staff of theVienna Medical Academy

The topics of our recent issue reflectburning issues in neuro-oncologyOur magazine reviews on an optimaltreatment of an alkylator-based regi-men recent developments in menin-gioma as well as pediatric gliomaand metastases provide insight intoan immunotherapy concept forrecurrent PCNSL

This issue of the magazine featuresour French neuro-oncology col-leagues from ANOCEF Having alook at their achievements we mayneed to remind ourselves thatWFNOS was not only initiated by 3large neuro-oncology societiesmdashSNO ASNO and EANOmdashbut hostsseveral national neuro-oncologysocieties

The new board of EANO haslaunched a young neuro-oncologistsrsquoinitiative Anna Berghoff from Viennawho leads this initiative with CarinaThome from Heidelberg explainsbackground and may trigger applica-tions from many of our younger read-ers With the utmost important topicKathy Oliver from the InternationalBrain Tumor Alliance explains back-ground for a new initiative of theEuropean Union The EuropeanReferences Networks (ERNs) areplanned to increase collaborativecross-border approaches to

treating brain tumor patients with afocus on underserved areas inEurope

Please have a look at the exciting sci-entific and practical news fromneuro-oncology practice The editorsshare their hotspots to prioritizereading

On behalf of EANO I would like tovery much welcome Young-Kil Hongas the new WFNOS president SNOand EANO have passed on the torchto ASNO and look forward to thepreparations for the next WorldMeeting in Seoul in 2021

With warm regards

Wolfgang Wick

President of EANO


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial


Dear Members and Colleagues ofSNO EANO ASNO and WFNOS

I thank you for the opportunity andprivilege to provide you with a sum-mary of SNOrsquos accomplishmentsover this past year I would like torecognize the leadership of ourofficers our vice-president TerriArmstrong and our treasurerGelareh Zadeh I also would like torecognize the work of the membersof our Executive Council and of ourBoard of Directors

We have just returned from a greatmeeting in Zurich for WFNOS 2017The weather for the most part con-tributed to a great meeting but moreimportantly the quality and excite-ment of the talks and presentationswere the highlights of the meetingTogether with our colleagues fromour sister societies we were happyto see so many participants from allcorners of the globe This family ofpractitioners in the sciences and clin-ical practice of neuro-oncology showan unbeatable spirit of creativity andquest for knowledge that bodes wellfor each member society The collab-orations that come out from these

meetings are bound to provide thenext set of impressive results to bepresented in future years Thesemeetings also make one aware thatour patients only benefit from thesharing of knowledge and experi-ence thus ensuring that any patienthas access to very similar care re-gardless of where he or she is seenIn spite of this it is clear that muchmore has to be done on this front forsome of the neediest parts of ourworld

SNO would like to recognize andthank the leadership of EANO and inparticular Michael Weller for thismeeting In addition to the venues forthe talks the social programs wereexcellent and well attended The ban-quet dinner on top of a mountainpeak surrounded by clouds madeone feel the spirit of Switzerland

SNO continues to thrive in terms ofits impact its membership its abilityto provide exciting annual meetingsand its educational content Wewould be very excited if we couldmatch the success of WFNOS 2017with our SNO 2017 meeting in SanFrancisco Under the leadership of

our scientific program chairs (DrsManish Aghi Vinay Puduvalli andFrank Furnari) the theme for the SNO2017 meeting will be the CANCERMOONSHOT initiatives which havebeen announced by the NIHNCI andsupported in a rare spirit of biparti-sanship by the US CongressKeynote speeches provided by DrJennifer Doudna from UC Berkeleywidely regarded as one of the maininventors of the CrisprCAs9 geneticediting technology and by Dr CarloCroce from Ohio State Universitywill certainly be the feather in the capfor additional exciting oral presenta-tions We thus hope that as manymembers of WFNOS societies attendand visit San Francisco

Finally SNO wishes to provide ournext WFNOS President and host ofthe next WFNOS meeting in SeoulDr Young-Kil Hong our most heart-felt congratulations and wishes for agreat meeting in 2021

Respectfully yours

EA (Nino) Chiocca MD PhD


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial

PediatricEpendymomasA Plea forInternationalCooperation

Didier FrappazCorrespondence to Didier Frappaz Neurooncologie Pediatrique et Adulte Centre LeonBerard et IHOP 28 Rue Laennec 69008 France


AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

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5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

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16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

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35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

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43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

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Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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6 DiMeco F Li KW Casali C Ciceri E Giombini S Filippini G et alMeningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus surgical experi-ence in 108 cases Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl 3)1124ndash1135

7 Morokoff AP Zauberman J Black PM Surgery for convexity menin-giomas Neurosurgery 200863427ndash433

8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

15 Amichetti M Amelio D Minniti G Radiosurgery with photons or pro-tons for benign and malignant tumours of the skull base a reviewRadiat Oncol 20127210

16 Minniti G Amichetti M Enrici RM Radiotherapy and radiosurgeryfor benign skull base meningiomas Radiat Oncol 2009442

17 Buttrick S Shah AH Komotar RJ Ivan ME Management of Atypicaland Anaplastic Meningiomas Neurosurg Clin N Am201627239ndash247

18 Kaur G Sayegh ET Larson A Bloch O Madden M Sun MZ BaraniIJ James CD Parsa AT Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical and ma-lignant meningiomas a systematic review Neuro Oncol201416628ndash636

19 Goldbrunner R Minniti G Preusser M Jenkinson MD Sallabanda KHoudart E et al EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment ofmeningiomas Lancet Oncol 201617e383ndashe391

20 Goldsmith BJ Wara WM Wilson CB Larson DA Postoperative ir-radiation for subtotally resected meningiomas A retrospective ana-lysis of 140 patients treated from 1967 to 1990 J Neurosurg199480195ndash201

21 Maire JP Caudry M Guerin J Celerier D San Galli F Causse Net al Fractionated radiation therapy in the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas local control functional efficacy and tolerance in 91patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1995 33(2)315ndash321

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


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28 Slater JD Loredo LN Chung A Bush DA Patyal B Johnson WDet al Fractionated proton radiotherapy for benign cavernoussinus meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283e633ndashe637

29 Weber DC Schneider R Goitein G Koch T Ares C Geismar JHet al Spot scanning-based proton therapy for intracranial meningi-oma long-term results from the Paul Scherrer Institute Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 201283865ndash871

30 Solda F Wharram B De Ieso PB Bonner J Ashley S Brada MLong-term efficacy of fractionated radiotherapy for benign meningi-omas Radiother Oncolol 2013109330ndash334

31 Combs SE Adeberg S Dittmar JO Welzel T Rieken S HabermehlD et al Skull base meningiomas Long-term results and patient self-reported outcome in 507 patients treated with fractionated stereo-tactic radiotherapy (FSRT) or intensity modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) Radiother Oncol 2013106186ndash191

32 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiation therapy for benign meningioma long-termoutcome in 318 patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201489569ndash575

33 Wu A Lindner G Maitz AH Kalend AM Lunsford LD Flickinger JCet al Physics of gamma knife approach on convergent beams instereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys199018941ndash949

34 Yu C Jozsef G Apuzzo ML Petrovich Z Dosimetric comparison ofCyberKnife with other radiosurgical modalities for an ellipsoidal tar-get Neurosurgery 2003531155ndash1162

35 Kuo JS Yu C Petrovich Z Apuzzo ML The CyberKnife stereotacticradiosurgery system description installation and an initial evalu-ation of use and functionality Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl2)785ndash789

36 Ramakrishna N Rosca F Friesen S Tezcanli E Zygmanszki PHacker F A clinical comparison of patient setup and intra-fractionmotion using frame based radiosurgery versus a frameless image-guided radiosurgery system for intracranial lesions RadiotherOncol 201095109ndash115

37 Gevaert T Verellen D Tournel K Linthout N Bral S Engels B et alSetup accuracy of the Novalis ExacTrac 6DOF system forframeless radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2012821627ndash1635

38 Kreil W Luggin J Fuchs I Weigl V Eustacchio S Papaefthymiou GLong term experience of gamma knife radiosurgery for benign skullbase meningiomas J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry2005761425ndash1430

39 Kollova A Liscak R Novotny J Vladyka V Simonova GJanouskova L Gamma Knife surgery for benign meningioma JNeurosurg 2007107325ndash336

40 Feigl GC Samii M Horstmann GA Volumetric follow-up of meningi-omas a quantitative method to evaluate treatment outcome ofgamma knife radiosurgery Neurosurgery 2007612818ndash2826

41 Kondziolka D Mathieu D Lunsford LD Martin JJ Madhok RNiranjan A et al Radiosurgery as definitive management of intracra-nial meningiomas Neurosurgery 20086253ndash58

42 Colombo F Casentini L Cavedon C Scalchi P Cora S FrancesconP Cyberknife radiosurgery for benign meningiomas shorttermresults in 199 patients Neurosurgery 200964A7ndashA13

43 Skeie BS Enger PO Skeie GO Thorsen F Pedersen PH Gammaknife surgery of meningiomas involving the cavernous sinus long-term follow-up of 100 patients Neurosurgery 201066661ndash668

44 Halasz LM Bussiere MR Dennis ER Niemierko A Chapman PHLoeffler JS et al Proton stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatmentof benign meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2011811428ndash1435

45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

51 Tishler RB Loeffler JS Lunsford LD Duma C Alexander E 3rdKooy HM et al Tolerance of cranial nerves of the cavernous sinusto radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 199327215ndash221

52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

56 Pollock BE Link MJ Leavitt JA Stafford SL Dose-volume analysisof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fraction stereo-tactic radiosurgery Neurosurgery 201475456ndash460

57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

59 Navarria P Pessina F Cozzi L Clerici E Villa E Ascolese AM et alHypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in skull base menin-giomas J Neurooncol 2015124283ndash239

60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

69 Komotar RJ Iorgulescu JB Raper DM Holland EC Beal K BilskyMH et al The role of radiotherapy following gross-total resection ofatypical meningiomas J Neurosurg 2012117679ndash686

70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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Dear colleagues

Dear friends of InternationalNeuro-oncology

Dear members of WFNOS

It was a pleasure and privilege to wel-come almost 1000 of you to this 5thWorld Meeting of Neuro-oncologySocieties Zurich was a great placewe spent lively and scientifically re-warding hours in the pleasant lecturehall and owe our thanks to the localorganizing team headed by MichaelWeller and our colleagues fromEANO as well as the staff of theVienna Medical Academy

The topics of our recent issue reflectburning issues in neuro-oncologyOur magazine reviews on an optimaltreatment of an alkylator-based regi-men recent developments in menin-gioma as well as pediatric gliomaand metastases provide insight intoan immunotherapy concept forrecurrent PCNSL

This issue of the magazine featuresour French neuro-oncology col-leagues from ANOCEF Having alook at their achievements we mayneed to remind ourselves thatWFNOS was not only initiated by 3large neuro-oncology societiesmdashSNO ASNO and EANOmdashbut hostsseveral national neuro-oncologysocieties

The new board of EANO haslaunched a young neuro-oncologistsrsquoinitiative Anna Berghoff from Viennawho leads this initiative with CarinaThome from Heidelberg explainsbackground and may trigger applica-tions from many of our younger read-ers With the utmost important topicKathy Oliver from the InternationalBrain Tumor Alliance explains back-ground for a new initiative of theEuropean Union The EuropeanReferences Networks (ERNs) areplanned to increase collaborativecross-border approaches to

treating brain tumor patients with afocus on underserved areas inEurope

Please have a look at the exciting sci-entific and practical news fromneuro-oncology practice The editorsshare their hotspots to prioritizereading

On behalf of EANO I would like tovery much welcome Young-Kil Hongas the new WFNOS president SNOand EANO have passed on the torchto ASNO and look forward to thepreparations for the next WorldMeeting in Seoul in 2021

With warm regards

Wolfgang Wick

President of EANO


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial


Dear Members and Colleagues ofSNO EANO ASNO and WFNOS

I thank you for the opportunity andprivilege to provide you with a sum-mary of SNOrsquos accomplishmentsover this past year I would like torecognize the leadership of ourofficers our vice-president TerriArmstrong and our treasurerGelareh Zadeh I also would like torecognize the work of the membersof our Executive Council and of ourBoard of Directors

We have just returned from a greatmeeting in Zurich for WFNOS 2017The weather for the most part con-tributed to a great meeting but moreimportantly the quality and excite-ment of the talks and presentationswere the highlights of the meetingTogether with our colleagues fromour sister societies we were happyto see so many participants from allcorners of the globe This family ofpractitioners in the sciences and clin-ical practice of neuro-oncology showan unbeatable spirit of creativity andquest for knowledge that bodes wellfor each member society The collab-orations that come out from these

meetings are bound to provide thenext set of impressive results to bepresented in future years Thesemeetings also make one aware thatour patients only benefit from thesharing of knowledge and experi-ence thus ensuring that any patienthas access to very similar care re-gardless of where he or she is seenIn spite of this it is clear that muchmore has to be done on this front forsome of the neediest parts of ourworld

SNO would like to recognize andthank the leadership of EANO and inparticular Michael Weller for thismeeting In addition to the venues forthe talks the social programs wereexcellent and well attended The ban-quet dinner on top of a mountainpeak surrounded by clouds madeone feel the spirit of Switzerland

SNO continues to thrive in terms ofits impact its membership its abilityto provide exciting annual meetingsand its educational content Wewould be very excited if we couldmatch the success of WFNOS 2017with our SNO 2017 meeting in SanFrancisco Under the leadership of

our scientific program chairs (DrsManish Aghi Vinay Puduvalli andFrank Furnari) the theme for the SNO2017 meeting will be the CANCERMOONSHOT initiatives which havebeen announced by the NIHNCI andsupported in a rare spirit of biparti-sanship by the US CongressKeynote speeches provided by DrJennifer Doudna from UC Berkeleywidely regarded as one of the maininventors of the CrisprCAs9 geneticediting technology and by Dr CarloCroce from Ohio State Universitywill certainly be the feather in the capfor additional exciting oral presenta-tions We thus hope that as manymembers of WFNOS societies attendand visit San Francisco

Finally SNO wishes to provide ournext WFNOS President and host ofthe next WFNOS meeting in SeoulDr Young-Kil Hong our most heart-felt congratulations and wishes for agreat meeting in 2021

Respectfully yours

EA (Nino) Chiocca MD PhD


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial

PediatricEpendymomasA Plea forInternationalCooperation

Didier FrappazCorrespondence to Didier Frappaz Neurooncologie Pediatrique et Adulte Centre LeonBerard et IHOP 28 Rue Laennec 69008 France


AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

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18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

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21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

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17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

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19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


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34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

38 Lanevskij K Japertas P Didziapetris R Improving the prediction ofdrug disposition in the brain Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 20139 473ndash486

39 Patel N Kirmi O Anatomy and imaging of the normal meningesSemin Ultrasound CT MR 2009 30 559ndash564

40 Pardridge WM Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluidFluids Barriers CNS 2011 8 7

41 Machein MR Kullmer J Fiebich BL et al Vascular endothelialgrowth factor expression vascular volume and capillary permeabil-ity in human brain tumors Neurosurgery 1999 44 732ndash740 discus-sion 740-731

42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

44 Drean A Goldwirt L Verreault M et al Blood-brain barrier cytotoxicchemotherapies and glioblastoma Expert Rev Neurother 2016 161285ndash1300

45 Greig NH Soncrant TT Shetty HU et al Brain uptake and anticanceractivities of vincristine and vinblastine are restricted by their lowcerebrovascular permeability and binding to plasma constituents inrat Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990 26 263ndash268

46 Castle MC Margileth DA Oliverio VT Distribution and excretion of(3H)vincristine in the rat and the dog Cancer Res 1976 363684ndash3689

47 El Dareer SM White VM Chen FP et al Distribution and metabolismof vincristine in mice rats dogs and monkeys Cancer Treat Rep1977 61 1269ndash1277

48 Wolff JE Trilling T Molenkamp G et al Chemosensitivity of gliomacells in vitro a meta analysis J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1999 125481ndash486

49 Smart CR Ottoman RE Rochlin DB et al Clinical experience withvincristine (NSC-67574) in tumors of the central nervous system andother malignant diseases Cancer Chemother Rep 1968 52733ndash741

50 Fewer D Wilson CB Boldrey EB et al The chemotherapy of braintumors Clinical experience with carmustine (BCNU) and vincristineJAMA 1972 222 549ndash552

51 Vesper J Graf E Wille C et al Retrospective analysis of treatmentoutcome in 315 patients with oligodendroglial brain tumors BMCNeurol 2009 9 33

52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

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Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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5 Sindou M Wydh E Jouanneau E Nebbal M Lieutaud T Long-termfollow-up of meningiomas of the cavernous sinus after surgicaltreatment alone J Neurosurg 2007 107937ndash944

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7 Morokoff AP Zauberman J Black PM Surgery for convexity menin-giomas Neurosurgery 200863427ndash433

8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

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45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

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52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

56 Pollock BE Link MJ Leavitt JA Stafford SL Dose-volume analysisof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fraction stereo-tactic radiosurgery Neurosurgery 201475456ndash460

57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

59 Navarria P Pessina F Cozzi L Clerici E Villa E Ascolese AM et alHypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in skull base menin-giomas J Neurooncol 2015124283ndash239

60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

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76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

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81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

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83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

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86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

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89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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Dear Members and Colleagues ofSNO EANO ASNO and WFNOS

I thank you for the opportunity andprivilege to provide you with a sum-mary of SNOrsquos accomplishmentsover this past year I would like torecognize the leadership of ourofficers our vice-president TerriArmstrong and our treasurerGelareh Zadeh I also would like torecognize the work of the membersof our Executive Council and of ourBoard of Directors

We have just returned from a greatmeeting in Zurich for WFNOS 2017The weather for the most part con-tributed to a great meeting but moreimportantly the quality and excite-ment of the talks and presentationswere the highlights of the meetingTogether with our colleagues fromour sister societies we were happyto see so many participants from allcorners of the globe This family ofpractitioners in the sciences and clin-ical practice of neuro-oncology showan unbeatable spirit of creativity andquest for knowledge that bodes wellfor each member society The collab-orations that come out from these

meetings are bound to provide thenext set of impressive results to bepresented in future years Thesemeetings also make one aware thatour patients only benefit from thesharing of knowledge and experi-ence thus ensuring that any patienthas access to very similar care re-gardless of where he or she is seenIn spite of this it is clear that muchmore has to be done on this front forsome of the neediest parts of ourworld

SNO would like to recognize andthank the leadership of EANO and inparticular Michael Weller for thismeeting In addition to the venues forthe talks the social programs wereexcellent and well attended The ban-quet dinner on top of a mountainpeak surrounded by clouds madeone feel the spirit of Switzerland

SNO continues to thrive in terms ofits impact its membership its abilityto provide exciting annual meetingsand its educational content Wewould be very excited if we couldmatch the success of WFNOS 2017with our SNO 2017 meeting in SanFrancisco Under the leadership of

our scientific program chairs (DrsManish Aghi Vinay Puduvalli andFrank Furnari) the theme for the SNO2017 meeting will be the CANCERMOONSHOT initiatives which havebeen announced by the NIHNCI andsupported in a rare spirit of biparti-sanship by the US CongressKeynote speeches provided by DrJennifer Doudna from UC Berkeleywidely regarded as one of the maininventors of the CrisprCAs9 geneticediting technology and by Dr CarloCroce from Ohio State Universitywill certainly be the feather in the capfor additional exciting oral presenta-tions We thus hope that as manymembers of WFNOS societies attendand visit San Francisco

Finally SNO wishes to provide ournext WFNOS President and host ofthe next WFNOS meeting in SeoulDr Young-Kil Hong our most heart-felt congratulations and wishes for agreat meeting in 2021

Respectfully yours

EA (Nino) Chiocca MD PhD


Volume 2 Issue 2 Editorial

PediatricEpendymomasA Plea forInternationalCooperation

Didier FrappazCorrespondence to Didier Frappaz Neurooncologie Pediatrique et Adulte Centre LeonBerard et IHOP 28 Rue Laennec 69008 France


AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

15 Brufman G Halpern J Sulkes A et al Procarbazine CCNU and vin-cristine (PCV) combination chemotherapy for brain tumorsOncology 1984 41 239ndash241

16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

33 Bullock PR Mansfield P Gowland P et al Dynamic imaging of con-trast enhancement in brain tumors Magn Reson Med 1991 19293ndash298

34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

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42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

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45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

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48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

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61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

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63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

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66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

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72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

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74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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PediatricEpendymomasA Plea forInternationalCooperation

Didier FrappazCorrespondence to Didier Frappaz Neurooncologie Pediatrique et Adulte Centre LeonBerard et IHOP 28 Rue Laennec 69008 France


AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

15 Brufman G Halpern J Sulkes A et al Procarbazine CCNU and vin-cristine (PCV) combination chemotherapy for brain tumorsOncology 1984 41 239ndash241

16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

33 Bullock PR Mansfield P Gowland P et al Dynamic imaging of con-trast enhancement in brain tumors Magn Reson Med 1991 19293ndash298

34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

38 Lanevskij K Japertas P Didziapetris R Improving the prediction ofdrug disposition in the brain Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 20139 473ndash486

39 Patel N Kirmi O Anatomy and imaging of the normal meningesSemin Ultrasound CT MR 2009 30 559ndash564

40 Pardridge WM Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluidFluids Barriers CNS 2011 8 7

41 Machein MR Kullmer J Fiebich BL et al Vascular endothelialgrowth factor expression vascular volume and capillary permeabil-ity in human brain tumors Neurosurgery 1999 44 732ndash740 discus-sion 740-731

42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

44 Drean A Goldwirt L Verreault M et al Blood-brain barrier cytotoxicchemotherapies and glioblastoma Expert Rev Neurother 2016 161285ndash1300

45 Greig NH Soncrant TT Shetty HU et al Brain uptake and anticanceractivities of vincristine and vinblastine are restricted by their lowcerebrovascular permeability and binding to plasma constituents inrat Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990 26 263ndash268

46 Castle MC Margileth DA Oliverio VT Distribution and excretion of(3H)vincristine in the rat and the dog Cancer Res 1976 363684ndash3689

47 El Dareer SM White VM Chen FP et al Distribution and metabolismof vincristine in mice rats dogs and monkeys Cancer Treat Rep1977 61 1269ndash1277

48 Wolff JE Trilling T Molenkamp G et al Chemosensitivity of gliomacells in vitro a meta analysis J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1999 125481ndash486

49 Smart CR Ottoman RE Rochlin DB et al Clinical experience withvincristine (NSC-67574) in tumors of the central nervous system andother malignant diseases Cancer Chemother Rep 1968 52733ndash741

50 Fewer D Wilson CB Boldrey EB et al The chemotherapy of braintumors Clinical experience with carmustine (BCNU) and vincristineJAMA 1972 222 549ndash552

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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2 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organization

Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System a summaryActa Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820

3 DeMonte F Smith HK al-Mefty O Outcome of aggressive removalof cavernous sinus meningiomas J Neurosurg 199481245ndash251

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65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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AbstractEpendymomas account for 10 of brain tumors inchildren and are thus the third most commonpediatric tumor of the central nervous system (CNS)They may arise from ependymal cells that are spreadalong the entire neuraxis More than 90 ofependymomas occurring in children are locatedintracranially with two-thirds in the infratentorial andone third in the supratentorial regions More than halfof pediatric ependymomas occur in children youngerthan 5 years of age Males are more often affectedwith a sex ratio of 21 There are no environmentalfactors described up to now However some predis-posing factors are described patients with Turcot orGorlin syndrome may develop intracranial ependy-momas and those with neurofibromatosis type 2may develop spinal ependymomas

For the SIOPEpendymoma groupEpendymomas are located in or close to the ventricularsystem though intraparenchymal tumors are describedThese plastic tumors tend to infiltrate the surroundingregions in the posterior fossa extension into the cerebel-lopontine angle through the foramina of Luschka andor toward the cervical region through the foramen ofMagendie is a typical feature of an ependymoma ratherthan that of a medulloblastoma This explains why thecomplete removal is sometimes difficult and should beattempted only by skilled pediatric neurosurgeonsMagnetic resonance imaging usually shows a decreasedT1-weighted signal intensity with gadolinium enhance-ment that may or may not be heterogeneous and a het-erogeneous T2-weighted hyperintensity Cysticcomponents may be seen in supratentorial tumorsEpendymomas are localized at time of diagnosis in morethan 90 of cases The initial staging should include aspinal MRI (if feasible preoperatively) and a CSF cyto-logical study prior to therapy Ependymoma tends torecur locally though with improved local therapy thisbecomes less true Staging should thus be repeated attime of relapse

Ependymomas were divided by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) 2007 classification into 3 histology-based grades whatever their site of origin1 WHO grade Itumors included myxopapillary ependymomas typicallylocated in the spine and subependymomas mostlylocated intracranially They occur predominantly in adultsand are usually associated with favorable patient out-comes though spinal myxopapillary spinal tumors of chil-dren have a tendency to recur and disseminate muchmore than their adult counterpart2 The majority of epen-dymomas are WHO grade II (classic) and grade III (ana-plastic) tumors Classic WHO grade II ependymomasmay show a papillary clear cell or tanicytic phenotypeWHO grade III (anaplastic) ependymomas are defined bya high mitotic count microvascular proliferation andtumor necrosis Differential diagnoses include neurocy-toma and metastasis of a papillary adenocarcinoma Ofnote ependymoblastomas are not ependymal tumorsthough they were included in the past in some series ofependymomas thus blurring the results The reproduci-bility of this classification has been questioned and itsvalue to determine event-free survival and overall survivalwas a matter of debate especially in younger children3

Moreover this classification did not take into account thesite A better understanding of the cell of origin was pro-vided by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling4 Thisinnovative technology has suggested that the cell of ori-gin of supratentorial tumors differs from that of infratento-rial and spinal tumors Ependymoma can be subdividedinto at least 9 subgroups with etiological clinical demo-graphic prognostic and molecular specificities Each

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

15 Brufman G Halpern J Sulkes A et al Procarbazine CCNU and vin-cristine (PCV) combination chemotherapy for brain tumorsOncology 1984 41 239ndash241

16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

33 Bullock PR Mansfield P Gowland P et al Dynamic imaging of con-trast enhancement in brain tumors Magn Reson Med 1991 19293ndash298

34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

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42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

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45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

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48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

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61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

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63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

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66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

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72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

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74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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anatomical zone may be divided into 3 subpopulationsspine (SP) posterior fossa (PF) and supratentorial region(ST) WHO grade I subependymoma (SE) is named ST-SE PF-SE and SP-SE according to its site and occurs inadults only The 2 remaining spinal subgroups match thehistopathological classification of WHO grade I myxopa-pillary ependymoma (SP-MPE) and WHO grade IIIIIependymoma (SP-EPN) The 2 remaining subgroups inthe posterior fossa are called PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-BPF-EPN-A tumors are seen mostly in infants and youngchildren they show an aggressive behavior with a highrecurrence rate and poor clinical outcome In contrastPF-EPN-B tumors are found mainly in adolescents andyoung adults and are associated with a better prognosisThe 2 remaining subgroups in the supratentorial regionare called ST-EPNndashv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viraloncogene homolog A (RELA) and ST-EPNndashYes-associ-ated protein 1 (YAP1) The former is characterized byfusions between a gene with unknown functionC11orf95 and the nuclear factor-kappaB effector RELAThe ST-EPN-RELA subgroup is more frequent (75) andoccurs in children and adults It may have more aggres-sive behavior though this is not clear as clear-cell epen-dymomas with branching capillaries carry this fusiongene and have a good prognosis5 The 2016 WHO classi-fication of central nervous system tumors recognizes thesupratentorial molecular variant ST-EPN-RELA as aseparate pathological disease entity6 The ST-EPN-YAP1is characterized by recurrent fusions to the oncogeneYAP1 and is diagnosed mainly in childhood

Multivariate survival analyses suggest that molecularsubgrouping may become in the close future a majorprognostic factor that will be used to tailor therapeuticoptions according to initial prognostic data Howeverthese data are currently based on retrospective analysisof heterogeneous series and though numbers are hugethis requires prospective validation The EuropeanEpendymoma Biology Consortium program ldquoBiomarkersof Ependymomas in Children and Adolescentsrdquo(BIOMECA) attached to the SIOP Ependymoma II proto-col is intended to prospectively validate these prognosticfactors in a prospective randomized series of patientsApart from molecular subgrouping it will aim at confirm-ing the universally recognized 1q gain7 as a major prog-nostic factor and validating other factors such astenascin C in posterior fossa tumors

TreatmentThe removal of ependymoma is crucial For children withraised intracranial pressure due to a posterior fossatumor shunting is the initial step It may be obtained viaventriculo-cisternostomy or ventriculo-peritoneal shunt orexternal drainage Complete removal remains the majorprognostic factor in most series8ndash10 It may be achieved inone or several steps with similar outcome11 though

increased risk of sequelae12 This explains why the proce-dures of the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol which is cur-rently running includes a central review of initial andpostsurgical imaging with central surgical advice for asecond look when feasible either by the initial or by amore skilled surgeon These advices are organized na-tionally Though both PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B tumorsbenefit from gross total resection the impact of resectionmay not be equivalent survival rates are uniformly poorfor incompletely resected PF-EPN-A even after comple-tion of radiation therapy while a subset of patients withgross totally resected PF-EPN-B tumors do not recureven in the absence of radiotherapy13

The standard of postoperative care in localized ependy-moma is to deliver local radiation therapy when feasible Adose of 594 Gy is delivered in most cases10 though in theyoungest children and in those who underwent severalsurgeries andor have poor neurological status this doseshould be decreased to 54 Gy in order to avoid majorsequelae including radionecrosis Radiation margins de-pend on the accuracy of the immobilizing device but areusually on gross total volume with a clinical total volume of05 cm and a planning target volume of 03 to 05 cm3Iterative general anesthesia may be required in the young-est children and requires a dedicated radiotherapy and an-esthetic team hypnosis may be an alternative The role ofproton therapy especially in the youngest children is stillunder investigation14 With the systematic use of focal radi-ation a 7-year progression-free survival rate of 77 maybe achieved The role of postradiation chemotherapy isexplored in older children with complete removal through arandomization versus observation half of the children willreceive a 15-week alternating cycle of vincristine etopo-side and cyclophosphamide with vincristine cisplatin inthe SIOP Ependymoma II study A similar randomization isproposed on the other side of the Atlantic by theChildrenrsquos Oncology Group ACNS0831 protocol For thosechildren who have an inoperable residue the role of an8 Gy radiotherapy boost on top of the standard radiation8

and the addition of pre- and postchemotherapy are cur-rently being explored in the SIOP Ependymoma II protocol

For infants since the late 1990s the fear of neuropsycho-logical sequelae due to radiation delivery on a developingbrain has led to the design of chemotherapy-only pro-grams15 Their goal is to avoid or at least delay the deliv-ery of radiation Several series have been published16ndash18

Based on the best results of the literature a 41 five-year relapse-free survival may be expected17 Histonedeacetylase inhibitors have been shown to be effective indecreasing proliferation in vitro and in vivo19 Their clinicalutility is currently being explored by randomization on topof chemotherapy in the infant stratum of the SIOPEpendymoma II study

Finally a registry is opened for those children under 21that may not enter into one of the randomizations All chil-dren will benefit from biological investigations organizedby the BIOMECA program

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

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18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

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21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

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17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

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19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


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34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

38 Lanevskij K Japertas P Didziapetris R Improving the prediction ofdrug disposition in the brain Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 20139 473ndash486

39 Patel N Kirmi O Anatomy and imaging of the normal meningesSemin Ultrasound CT MR 2009 30 559ndash564

40 Pardridge WM Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluidFluids Barriers CNS 2011 8 7

41 Machein MR Kullmer J Fiebich BL et al Vascular endothelialgrowth factor expression vascular volume and capillary permeabil-ity in human brain tumors Neurosurgery 1999 44 732ndash740 discus-sion 740-731

42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

44 Drean A Goldwirt L Verreault M et al Blood-brain barrier cytotoxicchemotherapies and glioblastoma Expert Rev Neurother 2016 161285ndash1300

45 Greig NH Soncrant TT Shetty HU et al Brain uptake and anticanceractivities of vincristine and vinblastine are restricted by their lowcerebrovascular permeability and binding to plasma constituents inrat Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990 26 263ndash268

46 Castle MC Margileth DA Oliverio VT Distribution and excretion of(3H)vincristine in the rat and the dog Cancer Res 1976 363684ndash3689

47 El Dareer SM White VM Chen FP et al Distribution and metabolismof vincristine in mice rats dogs and monkeys Cancer Treat Rep1977 61 1269ndash1277

48 Wolff JE Trilling T Molenkamp G et al Chemosensitivity of gliomacells in vitro a meta analysis J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1999 125481ndash486

49 Smart CR Ottoman RE Rochlin DB et al Clinical experience withvincristine (NSC-67574) in tumors of the central nervous system andother malignant diseases Cancer Chemother Rep 1968 52733ndash741

50 Fewer D Wilson CB Boldrey EB et al The chemotherapy of braintumors Clinical experience with carmustine (BCNU) and vincristineJAMA 1972 222 549ndash552

51 Vesper J Graf E Wille C et al Retrospective analysis of treatmentoutcome in 315 patients with oligodendroglial brain tumors BMCNeurol 2009 9 33

52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

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Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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5 Sindou M Wydh E Jouanneau E Nebbal M Lieutaud T Long-termfollow-up of meningiomas of the cavernous sinus after surgicaltreatment alone J Neurosurg 2007 107937ndash944

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7 Morokoff AP Zauberman J Black PM Surgery for convexity menin-giomas Neurosurgery 200863427ndash433

8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

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45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

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52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

56 Pollock BE Link MJ Leavitt JA Stafford SL Dose-volume analysisof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fraction stereo-tactic radiosurgery Neurosurgery 201475456ndash460

57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

59 Navarria P Pessina F Cozzi L Clerici E Villa E Ascolese AM et alHypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in skull base menin-giomas J Neurooncol 2015124283ndash239

60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

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70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

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76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

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81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

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83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

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86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

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89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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At time of relapse the role of surgery should be high-lighted Irradiation of the infants who received first-lineexclusive chemotherapy is part of the discussion withparents the delay obtained by chemotherapy may ormay not appear sufficient to avoid neurological seque-lae Reirradiation of children previously irradiated isencouraged20 The extent of the fields (focal reirradiationandor craniospinal irradiation) remains a matter of de-bate Further profiling chemotherapy and innovativetreatment should all be discussed in a multidisciplinarysetting Phase II chemotherapy studies have shown alow response rate21 To date anti-angiogenic drugs22

tyrosine kinase23 or gamma secretase24 inhibitors haveshown modest efficacy An elegant in vitro test hasunexpectedly suggested that 5-fluorouracil may beactive in some subgroups of ependymoma25

However it did not translate into a meaningful clinicalactivity26

Ependymal tumors are a biologically heterogeneous dis-ease Future therapy will probably take into account thisheterogeneity though current protocols are intended tovalidate definitively the concept of molecular subgroup-ing Participation in international cooperative trials isencouraged and particularly the collection of fresh frozensamples to perform innovative research As surgery is themain prognostic factor referral of difficult cases to speci-alized teams is encouraged The future will tell whetherpostradiation chemotherapy has a role in older childrenand whether the concept of histone deacetylation mayadd to chemotherapy in the youngest patients Profilingof tumors at the time of relapse is warranted both tounderstand the pathways of resistance and to proposeinnovative strategies


1 Louis DN Ohgaki H Wiestler OD Cavenee WK Burger PC JouvetA et al The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central ner-vous system Acta Neuropathol 200711497ndash109 doi101007s00401-007-0243-4

2 Fassett DR Pingree J Kestle JRW The high incidence of tumor dis-semination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patientsReport of five cases and review of the literature J Neurosurg200510259ndash64 doi103171ped200510210059

3 Ellison DW Kocak M Figarella-Branger D Felice G Catherine GPietsch T et al Histopathological grading of pediatric ependy-moma reproducibility and clinical relevance in European trialcohorts vol 10 Dept of Pathology St Jude Childrenrsquos ResearchHospital Memphis USA DavidEllisonstjudeorg 2011

4 Pajtler KW Witt H Sill M Jones DTW Hovestadt V Kratochwil Fet al Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNScompartments histopathological grades and age groups CancerCell 201527728ndash743 doi101016jccell201504002

5 Figarella-Branger D Lechapt-Zalcman E Tabouret E Junger S dePaula AM Bouvier C et al Supratentorial clear cell ependymomaswith branching capillaries demonstrate characteristic clinicopatho-logical features and pathological activation of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling Neuro Oncol 2016 doi101093neuoncnow025

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G von Deimling A Figarella-Branger D Cavenee WK et al The 2016 World Health Organizationclassification of tumors of the central nervous system a summary

Acta Neuropathol 2016131803ndash820 doi101007s00401-016-1545-1

7 Mendrzyk F Korshunov A Benner A Toedt G Pfister SRadlwimmer B et al Identification of gains on 1q and epidermalgrowth factor receptor overexpression as independent prognosticmarkers in intracranial ependymoma Clin Cancer Res2006122070ndash2079 doi1011581078-0432CCR-05-2363

8 Massimino M Miceli R Giangaspero F Boschetti L Modena PAntonelli M et al Final results of the second prospective AIEOPprotocol for pediatric intracranial ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2016doi101093neuoncnow108

9 Massimino M Gandola L Giangaspero F Sandri A Valagussa PPerilongo G et al Hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemother-apy for childhood ependymoma final results of the first prospectiveAIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica)study vol 58 2004 doi101016jijrobp200308030

10 Merchant TE Mulhern RK Krasin MJ Kun LE Williams T Li C et alPreliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapyand evaluation of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patientswith localized ependymoma vol 22 2004 doi101200JCO200411142

11 Massimino M Solero CL Garre ML Biassoni V Cama A Genitori Let al Second-look surgery for ependymoma the Italian experienceJ Neurosurg Pediatr 20118246ndash250 doi10317120116PEDS1142

12 Morris EB Li C Khan RB Sanford RA Boop F Pinlac R et alEvolution of neurological impairment in pediatric infratentorialependymoma patients J Neurooncol 200994391ndash398doi101007s11060-009-9866-8

13 Ramaswamy V Hielscher T Mack SC Lassaletta A Lin T PajtlerKW et al Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradi-ation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era a retro-spective multicohort analysis J Clin Oncol 2016342468ndash2477doi101200JCO2015657825

14 Macdonald SM Sethi R Lavally B Yeap BY Marcus KJ Caruso Pet al Proton radiotherapy for pediatric central nervous system epen-dymoma clinical outcomes for 70 patients Neuro Oncol2013151552ndash1559 doi101093neuoncnot121

15 Duffner PK Horowitz ME Krischer JP Burger PC Cohen MESanford RA et al The treatment of malignant brain tumors in infantsand very young children an update of the Pediatric Oncology Groupexperience vol 1 1999

16 Garvin JH Selch MT Holmes E Berger MS Finlay JL Flannery Aet al Phase II study of pre-irradiation chemotherapy for childhoodintracranial ependymoma Childrenrsquos Cancer Group protocol 9942a report from the Childrenrsquos Oncology Group Pediatr Blood Cancer2012591183ndash1189 doi101002pbc24274

17 Grundy RG Wilne SA Weston CL Robinson K Lashford LSIronside J et al Primary postoperative chemotherapy withoutradiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children the UKCCSGSIOP prospective study vol 8 2007 doi101016S1470-2045(07)70208-5

18 Massimino M Gandola L Barra S Giangaspero F Casali CPotepan P et al Infant ependymoma in a 10-year AIEOP(Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) experiencewith omitted or deferred radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201180807ndash814 doi101016jijrobp201002048

19 Milde T Kleber S Korshunov A Witt H Hielscher T Koch P et al Anovel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals thedifferentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitorvorinostat Acta Neuropathol 2011122637ndash650 doi101007s00401-011-0866-3

20 Bouffet E Hawkins CE Ballourah W Taylor MD Bartels UKSchoenhoff N et al Survival benefit for pediatric patients with recur-rent ependymoma treated with reirradiation Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 2012831541ndash1548 doi101016jijrobp201110039

Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation Volume 2 Issue 2


21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

4 Cairncross G Macdonald D Ludwin S et al Chemotherapy for ana-plastic oligodendroglioma National Cancer Institute of CanadaClinical Trials Group J Clin Oncol 1994 12 2013ndash2021

5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

14 Gutin PH Wilson CB Kumar AR et al Phase II study ofprocarbazine CCNU and vincristine combination chemotherapy inthe treatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer 1975 351398ndash1404

15 Brufman G Halpern J Sulkes A et al Procarbazine CCNU and vin-cristine (PCV) combination chemotherapy for brain tumorsOncology 1984 41 239ndash241

16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

33 Bullock PR Mansfield P Gowland P et al Dynamic imaging of con-trast enhancement in brain tumors Magn Reson Med 1991 19293ndash298

34 Runge VM Clanton JA Price AC et al The use of Gd DTPA as a per-fusion agent and marker of blood-brain barrier disruption MagnReson Imaging 1985 3 43ndash55

35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

37 Lipinski CA Lombardo F Dominy BW Feeney PJ Experimental andcomputational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability indrug discovery and development settings Adv Drug Deliv Rev 200146 3ndash26

38 Lanevskij K Japertas P Didziapetris R Improving the prediction ofdrug disposition in the brain Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 20139 473ndash486

39 Patel N Kirmi O Anatomy and imaging of the normal meningesSemin Ultrasound CT MR 2009 30 559ndash564

40 Pardridge WM Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluidFluids Barriers CNS 2011 8 7

41 Machein MR Kullmer J Fiebich BL et al Vascular endothelialgrowth factor expression vascular volume and capillary permeabil-ity in human brain tumors Neurosurgery 1999 44 732ndash740 discus-sion 740-731

42 Levin VA Relationship of octanolwater partition coefficient and mo-lecular weight to rat brain capillary permeability J Med Chem 198023 682ndash684

43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

44 Drean A Goldwirt L Verreault M et al Blood-brain barrier cytotoxicchemotherapies and glioblastoma Expert Rev Neurother 2016 161285ndash1300

45 Greig NH Soncrant TT Shetty HU et al Brain uptake and anticanceractivities of vincristine and vinblastine are restricted by their lowcerebrovascular permeability and binding to plasma constituents inrat Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990 26 263ndash268

46 Castle MC Margileth DA Oliverio VT Distribution and excretion of(3H)vincristine in the rat and the dog Cancer Res 1976 363684ndash3689

47 El Dareer SM White VM Chen FP et al Distribution and metabolismof vincristine in mice rats dogs and monkeys Cancer Treat Rep1977 61 1269ndash1277

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49 Smart CR Ottoman RE Rochlin DB et al Clinical experience withvincristine (NSC-67574) in tumors of the central nervous system andother malignant diseases Cancer Chemother Rep 1968 52733ndash741

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

53 Lassman AB Iwamoto FM Cloughesy TF et al International retro-spective study of over 1000 adults with anaplastic oligodendroglialtumors Neuro Oncol 2011 13 649ndash659

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

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11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

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13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

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16 Minniti G Amichetti M Enrici RM Radiotherapy and radiosurgeryfor benign skull base meningiomas Radiat Oncol 2009442

17 Buttrick S Shah AH Komotar RJ Ivan ME Management of Atypicaland Anaplastic Meningiomas Neurosurg Clin N Am201627239ndash247

18 Kaur G Sayegh ET Larson A Bloch O Madden M Sun MZ BaraniIJ James CD Parsa AT Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical and ma-lignant meningiomas a systematic review Neuro Oncol201416628ndash636

19 Goldbrunner R Minniti G Preusser M Jenkinson MD Sallabanda KHoudart E et al EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment ofmeningiomas Lancet Oncol 201617e383ndashe391

20 Goldsmith BJ Wara WM Wilson CB Larson DA Postoperative ir-radiation for subtotally resected meningiomas A retrospective ana-lysis of 140 patients treated from 1967 to 1990 J Neurosurg199480195ndash201

21 Maire JP Caudry M Guerin J Celerier D San Galli F Causse Net al Fractionated radiation therapy in the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas local control functional efficacy and tolerance in 91patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1995 33(2)315ndash321

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31 Combs SE Adeberg S Dittmar JO Welzel T Rieken S HabermehlD et al Skull base meningiomas Long-term results and patient self-reported outcome in 507 patients treated with fractionated stereo-tactic radiotherapy (FSRT) or intensity modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) Radiother Oncol 2013106186ndash191

32 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiation therapy for benign meningioma long-termoutcome in 318 patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201489569ndash575

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36 Ramakrishna N Rosca F Friesen S Tezcanli E Zygmanszki PHacker F A clinical comparison of patient setup and intra-fractionmotion using frame based radiosurgery versus a frameless image-guided radiosurgery system for intracranial lesions RadiotherOncol 201095109ndash115

37 Gevaert T Verellen D Tournel K Linthout N Bral S Engels B et alSetup accuracy of the Novalis ExacTrac 6DOF system forframeless radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2012821627ndash1635

38 Kreil W Luggin J Fuchs I Weigl V Eustacchio S Papaefthymiou GLong term experience of gamma knife radiosurgery for benign skullbase meningiomas J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry2005761425ndash1430

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40 Feigl GC Samii M Horstmann GA Volumetric follow-up of meningi-omas a quantitative method to evaluate treatment outcome ofgamma knife radiosurgery Neurosurgery 2007612818ndash2826

41 Kondziolka D Mathieu D Lunsford LD Martin JJ Madhok RNiranjan A et al Radiosurgery as definitive management of intracra-nial meningiomas Neurosurgery 20086253ndash58

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44 Halasz LM Bussiere MR Dennis ER Niemierko A Chapman PHLoeffler JS et al Proton stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatmentof benign meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2011811428ndash1435

45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

51 Tishler RB Loeffler JS Lunsford LD Duma C Alexander E 3rdKooy HM et al Tolerance of cranial nerves of the cavernous sinusto radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 199327215ndash221

52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

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57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

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60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

69 Komotar RJ Iorgulescu JB Raper DM Holland EC Beal K BilskyMH et al The role of radiotherapy following gross-total resection ofatypical meningiomas J Neurosurg 2012117679ndash686

70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

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79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

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82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

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86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

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91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

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93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

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96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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21 Bouffet E Foreman N Chemotherapy for intracranial ependymo-mas Childs Nerv Syst 199915563ndash570 doi101007s003810050544

22 Gururangan S Chi SN Young Poussaint T Onar-Thomas AGilbertson RJ Vajapeyam S et al Lack of efficacy of bevacizumabplus irinotecan in children with recurrent malignant glioma and dif-fuse brainstem glioma a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium studyvol 28 2010 doi101200JCO2009268789

23 DeWire M Fouladi M Turner DC Wetmore C Hawkins C Jacobs Cet al An open-label two-stage phase II study of bevacizumab andlapatinib in children with recurrent or refractory ependymoma aCollaborative Ependymoma Research Network study (CERN) JNeurooncol 2015 doi101007s11060-015-1764-7

24 Fouladi M Stewart CF Olson J Wagner LM Onar-Thomas AKocak M et al Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refrac-tory CNS malignancies a pediatric brain tumor consortiumstudy J Clin Oncol 2011293529ndash3534 doi101200JCO2011357806

25 Atkinson JM Shelat AA Carcaboso AM Kranenburg TA Arnold LABoulos N et al An integrated in vitro and in vivo high-throughputscreen identifies treatment leads for ependymoma Cancer Cell201120384ndash399 doi101016jccr201108013

26 Wright KD Daryani VM Turner DC Onar-Thomas A Boulos N OrrBA et al Phase I study of 5-fluorouracil in children and young adultswith recurrent ependymoma Neuro Oncol 2015171620ndash1627doi101093neuoncnov181

Volume 2 Issue 2 Pediatric Ependymomas A Plea for International Cooperation


UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

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5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

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16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

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35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

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43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

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Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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6 DiMeco F Li KW Casali C Ciceri E Giombini S Filippini G et alMeningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus surgical experi-ence in 108 cases Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl 3)1124ndash1135

7 Morokoff AP Zauberman J Black PM Surgery for convexity menin-giomas Neurosurgery 200863427ndash433

8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

15 Amichetti M Amelio D Minniti G Radiosurgery with photons or pro-tons for benign and malignant tumours of the skull base a reviewRadiat Oncol 20127210

16 Minniti G Amichetti M Enrici RM Radiotherapy and radiosurgeryfor benign skull base meningiomas Radiat Oncol 2009442

17 Buttrick S Shah AH Komotar RJ Ivan ME Management of Atypicaland Anaplastic Meningiomas Neurosurg Clin N Am201627239ndash247

18 Kaur G Sayegh ET Larson A Bloch O Madden M Sun MZ BaraniIJ James CD Parsa AT Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical and ma-lignant meningiomas a systematic review Neuro Oncol201416628ndash636

19 Goldbrunner R Minniti G Preusser M Jenkinson MD Sallabanda KHoudart E et al EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment ofmeningiomas Lancet Oncol 201617e383ndashe391

20 Goldsmith BJ Wara WM Wilson CB Larson DA Postoperative ir-radiation for subtotally resected meningiomas A retrospective ana-lysis of 140 patients treated from 1967 to 1990 J Neurosurg199480195ndash201

21 Maire JP Caudry M Guerin J Celerier D San Galli F Causse Net al Fractionated radiation therapy in the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas local control functional efficacy and tolerance in 91patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1995 33(2)315ndash321

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


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28 Slater JD Loredo LN Chung A Bush DA Patyal B Johnson WDet al Fractionated proton radiotherapy for benign cavernoussinus meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283e633ndashe637

29 Weber DC Schneider R Goitein G Koch T Ares C Geismar JHet al Spot scanning-based proton therapy for intracranial meningi-oma long-term results from the Paul Scherrer Institute Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 201283865ndash871

30 Solda F Wharram B De Ieso PB Bonner J Ashley S Brada MLong-term efficacy of fractionated radiotherapy for benign meningi-omas Radiother Oncolol 2013109330ndash334

31 Combs SE Adeberg S Dittmar JO Welzel T Rieken S HabermehlD et al Skull base meningiomas Long-term results and patient self-reported outcome in 507 patients treated with fractionated stereo-tactic radiotherapy (FSRT) or intensity modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) Radiother Oncol 2013106186ndash191

32 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiation therapy for benign meningioma long-termoutcome in 318 patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201489569ndash575

33 Wu A Lindner G Maitz AH Kalend AM Lunsford LD Flickinger JCet al Physics of gamma knife approach on convergent beams instereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys199018941ndash949

34 Yu C Jozsef G Apuzzo ML Petrovich Z Dosimetric comparison ofCyberKnife with other radiosurgical modalities for an ellipsoidal tar-get Neurosurgery 2003531155ndash1162

35 Kuo JS Yu C Petrovich Z Apuzzo ML The CyberKnife stereotacticradiosurgery system description installation and an initial evalu-ation of use and functionality Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl2)785ndash789

36 Ramakrishna N Rosca F Friesen S Tezcanli E Zygmanszki PHacker F A clinical comparison of patient setup and intra-fractionmotion using frame based radiosurgery versus a frameless image-guided radiosurgery system for intracranial lesions RadiotherOncol 201095109ndash115

37 Gevaert T Verellen D Tournel K Linthout N Bral S Engels B et alSetup accuracy of the Novalis ExacTrac 6DOF system forframeless radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2012821627ndash1635

38 Kreil W Luggin J Fuchs I Weigl V Eustacchio S Papaefthymiou GLong term experience of gamma knife radiosurgery for benign skullbase meningiomas J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry2005761425ndash1430

39 Kollova A Liscak R Novotny J Vladyka V Simonova GJanouskova L Gamma Knife surgery for benign meningioma JNeurosurg 2007107325ndash336

40 Feigl GC Samii M Horstmann GA Volumetric follow-up of meningi-omas a quantitative method to evaluate treatment outcome ofgamma knife radiosurgery Neurosurgery 2007612818ndash2826

41 Kondziolka D Mathieu D Lunsford LD Martin JJ Madhok RNiranjan A et al Radiosurgery as definitive management of intracra-nial meningiomas Neurosurgery 20086253ndash58

42 Colombo F Casentini L Cavedon C Scalchi P Cora S FrancesconP Cyberknife radiosurgery for benign meningiomas shorttermresults in 199 patients Neurosurgery 200964A7ndashA13

43 Skeie BS Enger PO Skeie GO Thorsen F Pedersen PH Gammaknife surgery of meningiomas involving the cavernous sinus long-term follow-up of 100 patients Neurosurgery 201066661ndash668

44 Halasz LM Bussiere MR Dennis ER Niemierko A Chapman PHLoeffler JS et al Proton stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatmentof benign meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2011811428ndash1435

45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

51 Tishler RB Loeffler JS Lunsford LD Duma C Alexander E 3rdKooy HM et al Tolerance of cranial nerves of the cavernous sinusto radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 199327215ndash221

52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

56 Pollock BE Link MJ Leavitt JA Stafford SL Dose-volume analysisof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fraction stereo-tactic radiosurgery Neurosurgery 201475456ndash460

57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

59 Navarria P Pessina F Cozzi L Clerici E Villa E Ascolese AM et alHypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in skull base menin-giomas J Neurooncol 2015124283ndash239

60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

69 Komotar RJ Iorgulescu JB Raper DM Holland EC Beal K BilskyMH et al The role of radiotherapy following gross-total resection ofatypical meningiomas J Neurosurg 2012117679ndash686

70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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UnsolvedProblems in theMedical Treatmentof Gliomas PCVor PC

Carmen Bala~na1 Anna MariaLopez-Andres2 Anna Estival1

Eva Montane3

1Medical Oncology Catalan Institute of OncologyBadalona (ICO) Barcelona Spain2Fundacio Institut Investigacio Germans Trias iPujol (IGTP) Clinical Pharmacology ServiceHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol3Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics andToxicology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaand Clinical Pharmacology Service BadalonaBarcelona Spain

Correspondence to Carmen Balana CatalanInstitute of Oncology (ICO) Hospital GermansTrias i Pujol Ctra Canyet sn 08916 Badalona(Barcelona) Spain Tel thorn34 93 497 89 25 Faxthorn34 93 497 89 50 Email cbalanaiconcologianet


IntroductionThe combination of radiation therapy plus chemotherapywith procarbazine lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is thepostsurgical treatment of choice in high-risk low-gradegliomas and in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumorsbased on results of studies demonstrating the superiorityof adding chemotherapy to treatment with local irradi-ation1ndash3 Interest in adding chemotherapy to the treatmentof oligodendroglial tumors arose from observing objectiveresponses with PCV-like chemotherapy in small series ofpatients with recurrent disease45 Two independent stud-ies one by the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Medical ResearchCouncil Clinical Trials Group (EORTC 26951)2 and theother by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG9402)1 randomized patients with anaplastic oligodendro-glioma or oligoastrocytoma after surgery to receive treat-ment with PCV plus radiotherapy or radiotherapy aloneThe 2 trials differed slightly in study design chemother-apy dose and number of planned cycles Chemotherapywas prior to irradiation in RTOG 9402 and after radiationin EORTC 26951 the doses of lomustine and procarba-zine (PC) were higher and there was no dose ceiling forvincristine in the RTOG 9402 trial Four cycles wereplanned in the RTOG 9402 trial compared with 6 in theEORTC 26951 trial Despite these differences both trialsdemonstrated that the addition of PCV to radiation ther-apy undoubtedly increased overall survival for patientsharboring the 1p19q codeletion now recognized as trueoligodendroglial tumors according to the recent WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classification for braintumors6 and grade III gliomas with oligodendroglialtumors with mixed morphology without the 1p19qcodeletion but with isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 muta-tions78 These results led to major changes in thestandard treatment of these diseases However it tookmore than 15 years to confirm the benefit of PCV TheEORTC 26951 trial began recruitment in 1996 andrequired 6 years to include 368 patients9 while theRTOG 9402 trial began in 1994 and required 8 years to in-clude 291 patients10 The first reports of effectivenessdate from 2006 and final results were published in 201312

(Table 1)

PCV also produced regressions in low-grade gliomas11

and it was tested as first-line adjuvant treatment in theRTOG 9802 randomized trial which compared radiationversus radiation plus PCV in low-grade gliomas with ahigh risk of relapse This trial initially demonstrated an in-crease in progression-free survival12 and subsequently aclear increase in overall survival in the patients treatedwith radiation plus PCV (133 vs 78 years hazard ratio[HR] for death 059 Pfrac14 0003)3 A total of 251 patientswere included in the trial between 1998 and 2002 andmature results were not published until 20163 It thus took18 years to change the standard of treatment of low-grade gliomas13

PCV has a long trajectory in neuro-oncology dating froma phase II study reported in 197514 and has since beendemonstrated to be an active combination in numerousphase II and several phase III studies15ndash20 PCV was moreactive in anaplastic astrocytoma than in glioblastoma20ndash22

and better results were obtained in tumors with oligo-dendroglial components than in anaplastic astrocy-toma2023 PCV was the control arm in several phase IIItrials in morphologically defined anaplastic tumors 2124ndash27

and in high-grade (III and IV) gliomas2228 in different set-tings Results of randomized clinical trials showed thatPCV was more effective than carmustine (BCNU)21 orlomustineteniposide (CCNUVM26)29 However a retro-spective review of patients treated in the RTOG protocolswith radiotherapy plus either PCV or BCNU found no dif-ferences between the 2 treatments30 Furthermore al-though temozolomide has lower toxicity than PCV it hasnever been shown to be more effective than the PCVcombination272831 (Table 1) Nevertheless temozolo-mide was more effective than procarbazine alone in arandomized phase II trial for patients with relapsedglioblastomas32

After more than 20 years of clinical trials PCV has nowcome into its own as a standard treatment in neuro-oncology Nevertheless over these years there has beenrising concern about the role of vincristine in the PCVregimen Since it is now clear that patients treated withPCV will have long survival the dual objective of preserv-ing quality of life and avoiding unnecessary toxicity hastaken on a more prominent role

Vincristine the BloodndashBrain Barrier andAntitumor ActivityThe bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) is a physical and biologicalbarrier that protects the brain from pathogens and toxicmolecules and regulates hypometabolic exchanges be-tween the brain and blood to maintain brain homeostasisOnly highly lipophilic molecules can cross the BBB bypassive paracellular diffusion However the BBB is dis-rupted physiologically in restricted zones of the brainclose to the third and the fourth ventricles the circumven-tricular organs and around brain metastases or high-grade primary tumors such as glioblastoma These dis-rupted areas constitute the so-called bloodndashtumor barrier(BTB) where anarchic disorganized and leaky bloodvessels increase permeability and allow the passage ofcertain drugs without lipophilic properties In fact thisphenomenon is the main reason why gadolinium en-hancement reveals the disruption of the BBB in high-grade brain tumors while this disruption seems absent inlow-grade tumors which commonly do not enhance33ndash35

The brain adjacent to tumor (BAT) includes invasive

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


escaping tumor cells infiltrated through a normal brainThis infiltrative pattern is seen around the enhanced partof T1 gadolinium images with T2 and T2fluid attenuatedinversion recovery sequences in high-grade tumors andis the most frequent pattern for low-grade tumors indi-cating a generally preserved BBB although some partsmay have small disruptions that are not enough to leakgadolinium36

Five main physicochemical parameters are involved inthe ability of drugs to cross the normal BBB size (mo-lecular weight) lipophilicity electrical charge proteinplasma binding and susceptibility to transport by effluxpumps and transporters Some mathematical modelsincluding the ldquorule of fiverdquo developed by Lipinski37 havebeen designed to predict in silico the ability to cross theBBB but not all these predictions are consistent with

experimental data38 A combination of in silico in vivoand in vitro data can better predict this ability Nowadayspharmacokinetic studies of new drugs are performed inblood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to test the ability tocross the BBB and the detection of drug levels in CSF iswidely used as a surrogate marker of brain penetrationHowever CSF is isolated from the brain and blood bythe arachnoid and pia maters which prevent diffusionfrom both the blood to CSF and from CSF to the brainthrough the CSF transport systems and limit diffusion to1ndash2 mm3940 The distribution of drugs into CSF is thus notnecessarily representative of drug distribution in brainparenchyma or in tumor tissue

Given the lipid-soluble properties and preclinical pharma-cokinetic data on both lomustine and procarbazine itwas expected that they would cross the capillaries of

Table 1 Clinical trials and retrospective studies of PCV

StudyTrial Phase N TreatmentPCV Arm

TreatmentControl Arm

Histology Setting Results

Clinical TrialsNCOG 6G6121 III 148 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU HGG Adjuvant Longer OS in AA with PCV

not significant in GBMulti-institutional24 III 249 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthorn



Adjuvant Survival benefit with DFMO

RTOG 940426 III 190 RTthorn PCV RTthorn PCVthornBUdR

AG Adjuvant No benefit from addingBUdR


III 447 PCV TMZ-5 orTMZ-21

HGG Recurrent No survival benefit for TMZover PCV

EORTC 269512 III 368 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS with RTthornPCVRTOG 94021 III 291 RTthornPCV RT AOAOA Adjuvant Longer OS for codeleted

tumors with RTthornPCVRTOG 98023 III 251 RTthorn PCV RT LGG Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in high-

risk LGG with RTthornPCVNOA-0427 III 318 PCV RT or TMZ AG Adjuvant Longer PFS for CIMP

codeleted tumors withPCV than with TMZ

Retrospective StudiesMulticenter53 ndash 1013 RTthorn PCV PCV or TMZ or

RT orRTthornCT

AOAOA Adjuvant Longer TTP in codeletedtumors with PCV longerOS with RTthornCT

Single-center29 ndash 133 RTthornmPCV RTthorn CCNUVM-26

AAGB Adjuvant Longer PFS amp OS in AA butnot GB with PCV

RTOG trials30 ndash 432 RTthorn PCV RTthorn BCNU AA Adjuvant No differencesSingle-center31 ndash 109 RTthorn PCV RTthorn TMZ AA Adjuvant No difference in survival

between TMZ and PCVTMZ less toxic

PCV procarbazine lomustine and vincristine NCOG Northern California Oncology Group RT radiotherapy BCNU carmustineHGG high-grade gliomas OS overall survival AA anaplastic astrocytoma GB glioblastoma DFMO eflornithine AG anaplastic glio-mas AO anaplastic oligodendroglioma RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group BUdR bromodeoxyuridine ISRCTNInternational Standard Registered ClinicalsoCial sTudy Number TMZ temozolomide EORTC European Organisation for Researchand Treatment of Cancer AOA anaplastic oligoastrocytoma LGG low-grade gliomas PFS progression-free survival NOANeurooncology Working Group of the German Cancer Society CIMP CpG island methylator phenotype CT chemotherapy TTPtime to progression mPCV modified PCV CCNUVM-26 lomustineteniposide

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


both normal brain and tumor and maintain constantdrug concentrations in the tumor and the BAT which isthought to have a normal BBB41 It was further expectedthat vincristine would cross the BBB due in part to itslipophilicity (log P 1-octanolwater partition coefficientof 25ndash28) However there were no further data to sup-port this assumption and moreover its molecularweight (825 daltons) indicates a low capillary permeabil-ity coefficient (64 x 107 cms) that is insufficient for anefficient diffusion across the lipid membranes of theBBB endothelium42 Moreover even if drug levels inCSF were a proven surrogate marker of levels in brainvincristine has not been found in CSF after intravenousadministration in adults and children with malignanthematological diseases with nondisrupted BBB43 Inaddition vincristine does not fulfill all the necessary insilico conditions for passing the BBB384445

although preclinical studies have found that vincristinecrosses the BBB by previous radiotherapy but doesnot accumulate in the brain in sufficientconcentrations4647

The antitumor activity of vincristine is also controversialWhile it seems to be one of the most active drugsin vitro4448 its efficacy in vivo has yet to bedemonstrated by todayrsquos standards In fact its use wasdiscontinued in an early trial since it was found to reducethe efficacy of carmustine when the 2 agents werecombined4950

PCV RegimenProcarbazine is a cell cycle phasendashnonspecific prodrugand derivative of hydrazine whose mechanism of actionhas not yet been clearly defined Lomustine is a lipid-sol-uble alkylating agent nitrosourea compound that alky-lates DNA and RNA can cross-link DNA and inhibitsseveral enzymes by carbamoylation It is a cell cyclephasendashnonspecific agent Vincristine is a naturally occur-ring vinca alkaloid Vinca alkaloids are antimicrotubuleagents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the meta-phase Vincristine is thought to act by preventing thepolymerization of tubulin to form microtubules as well asby inducing depolymerization of formed tubules Like allvinca alkaloids vincristine is cell cycle phase specific forM phase and S phase (Table 2)

The combination of the 3 drugs in the PCV regimen isadministered every 6ndash8 weeks It is a quite complicatedschema that combines oral and intravenous administra-tion It is also relatively inconvenient for the patient as itrequires regular visits to the hospital for the intravenousadministration of vincristine (Table 2)

PCV is quite toxic leading to grade 3ndash4 neutropenia in32ndash55 of patients thrombocytopenia in 21ndash37and anemia in 5ndash6 Peripheral and autonomic neur-opathy are seen in 3ndash10 of cases although no neuro-logical toxicity was reported in the RTOG 9802 trial of

Table 2 Characteristics of drugs included in the PCV regimen

Vincristine Procarbazine Lomustine

Mechanism of action Vinca alkaloid actingas antimicrotubule

Alkylating agent cell cyclephase nonspecific

Alkylating agent nitrosourea

CharacteristicsLipophilicity Yes Yes YesMolecular weight (daltons) 825 221 234Dose (every 6 weeks) 14 mgm2 (max 2 mg) 60ndash100 mgm2 once daily 110ndash130 mgm2 in one dose

days 8 amp 29 days 8 to 21 day 1Route of administration Intravenous Oral OralMetabolism Extensively metabolized

mainly hepatic(CYP3A4-CYP3A5)

Hepatic (CYP450)and renal

Extensive hepaticmetabolism (CYP450)

Terminal half-life elimination Range of 19ndash155 hours 1 hour 16ndash72 hoursMain adverse effects bull Peripheral neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Constipationbull HyponatremiandashSIADHbull Hair loss

bull Myelosuppressionbull Nausea and vomitingbull Neurotoxicity

bull Myelosuppressionbull Hepatotoxicitybull Nephrotoxicitybull Pulmonary fibrosisbull Visual disturbances

Bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB)Drug present in CSF No Yes YesRule of five (Lipinski37) No Yes YesIn silico prediction 38 No Yes YesExpected to cross intact BBB NO YES YES

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


low-grade gliomas91012 In general tolerability is low anddose reductions and treatment delays due to hemato-logical toxicity are common In the RTOG 9402 trial only54 of patients were able to receive the 4 planned cyclesbefore radiation therapy and 25 of patients had to stopdue to toxicity10 In the EORTC 26951 trial the mediannumber of cycles was 3 of the 6 planned cycles2 and inthe RTOG 9802 trial of low-grade gliomas of the 6planned cycles the median number of cycles was 3 forprocarbazine 4 for lomustine and 4 for vincristine12

PCV versus PCThere is some doubt that the addition of vincristine pro-vides any advantage over PC alone Clinical trials com-paring PC versus PCV have not been conducted so farOnly 2 retrospective analyses 5152 have compared PCVwith PC Vesper et al51 treated 61 patients with PCV andcompared their outcome with that of 84 patients treatedwith PC from 1990 to 2003 All the patients had morpho-logically diagnosed oligodendrogliomas or oligoastrocy-tomas A multivariate analysis adjusted for prognosticfactors found no differences in progression-free survivalbetween the 2 cohorts (HR 081 95 CI 053ndash125Pfrac14 0346) However neurological toxicity was more fre-quent in patients treated with PCV 12 grade 2 and 4grade 3 sensory toxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC(Pfrac14 0002) 4 grade 2 motor toxicity in PCV versus 0in PC (Pfrac14 026) Surprisingly myelotoxicity was higherfor patients treated with PC 57 grade 2 25 grade 3and 2 grade 4 in PC versus 30 17 and 2respectively in PCV (Plt 0001)51 More recently Webreet al52 retrospectively compared 21 patients who receivedPC and 76 patients who received PCV With a medianfollow-up of 99 years they found no differences inprogression-free or overall survival Findings on toxicitywere similar to those in the study by Vesper et al51145 neurotoxicity in PCV versus 0 in PC 238myelotoxicity in PC versus 53 in PCV (Pfrac14 002) Theauthors attribute the greater frequency of myelotoxicity inthe PC group to the younger age of patients receivingPCV (PCV median age 37 range 167ndash667 vs PCmedian age 478 range 239ndash657 Pfrac14 005) whichincreased their tolerability of higher doses of chemother-apy In fact the absence of vincristine in the PC schemadid not decrease the frequency of dose reductions(PC 381 vs PCV 355 Pfrac14 083) or treatment delays(PC 286 vs PCV 306 Pfrac14 088)

Although these data must be interpreted with cautionsince these were retrospective studies they seem to indi-cate that the only toxicity that could be reduced by elimi-nating vincristine is neurological while myelotoxicityseems somewhat higher with PC than with PCVNevertheless it is intriguing that both studies found an in-crease in myelotoxicity when one of the objectives ofeliminating vincristine was to reduce toxicity This

seemingly contradictory finding may be due to a potentialinteraction between procarbazine and vincristine Bothprocarbazine and vincristine are metabolized in the liverthrough cytochrome P450 Vincristine has a long terminalhalf-life and the 2 drugs coincide on day 8 when vincris-tine is administered and oral procarbazine starts for 15days We can hypothesize that the interaction of the 2drugs could lead to a decrease in procarbazine plasmaticlevels through an unknown pharmacological mechanismwhich would improve the hematological tolerability ofPCV over PC While this is only hypothetical it is a para-doxical effect that merits further investigation

ConclusionPCV has become the standard of treatment for oligo-dendroglial tumors as defined in the recent WHO classifi-cationmdash1p19q codeleted tumorsmdashand for low-gradegliomas at high risk of relapse though it took more than20 years to demonstrate a role for this chemotherapyregimen in the treatment of these patients PCV has beenused over the last 29 years as the control arm of multiplerandomized studies However the role of vincristine inthis schema remains unclear Available data in patientsdo not demonstrate that vincristine reaches the tumor inadequate concentrations as it seems to cross only a dis-rupted BBB In particular low-grade gliomas seem tohave an intact BBB as they do not show gadolinium en-hancement on MRI suggesting that in these patients vin-cristine would have no benefit as it would not cross theBBB On the other hand eliminating vincristine from thechemotherapy combination would have the advantage offacilitating administration by eliminating the intravenoustreatment which now requires patients to go to the hos-pital for treatment In addition eliminating vincristinewould likely reduce some neurotoxicity though not thatdue to procarbazine which is also a neurotoxic drugTwo separate retrospective noncontrolled studiesreached the same conclusion vincristine can be omittedbecause progression-free and overall survival were simi-lar for PCV and PC However neither study found a de-crease in dose reductions or treatment delays with PCMoreover although neurotoxicity was lower in patientstreated with PC myelotoxicity was slightly higher raisingthe hypothesis that procarbazine and vincristine mayinteract in liver metabolism However no data on this hy-pothesis are currently available

Taken together these findings indicate that the inclusionof vincristine is still an unsolved problem in neuro-oncology Faced with this problem we can continue as isor search for solutions Continuing as is would not neces-sarily present problems as vincristine is not an expensivedrug and it is not clear that toxicity would be reduced byits omission However there are 3 strategies that couldhelp to find solutions Firstly a randomized non-inferioritytrial could be performed to compare PCV with PC If this

Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


trial were conducted in a histology with shorter outcomesuch as glioblastoma it would avoid the long wait forresults that is required in other histologies although itwould then be necessary to evaluate whether results inglioblastoma were transferable to oligodendroglial tumorsand low-grade tumors Nevertheless such a trial wouldbe ethically and clinically correct as both PC and PCVcontain lomustine the standard control arm for recurrentglioblastoma according to EORTC guidelines In factsome evidence from earlier studies suggests that PCVcould be more active than BCNU or CCNUVM26 (Table1) Secondly a thorough brain distribution and pharma-cokinetic study of PCV would shed light on the ability ofvincristine to cross the BBB but not on its role in terms ofclinical benefit Finally consensus guidelines to eliminatevincristine would at least provide an easier treatmentschedule and reduce peripheral neurotoxicity maybe atthe cost of greater myelotoxicity


1 Cairncross G Wang M Shaw E et al Phase III trial of chemoradio-therapy for anaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term results ofRTOG 9402 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 337ndash343

2 van den Bent MJ Brandes AA Taphoorn MJ et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy in newly diagnosedanaplastic oligodendroglioma long-term follow-up of EORTC BrainTumor Group study 26951 J Clin Oncol 2013 31 344ndash350

3 Buckner JC Shaw EG Pugh SL et al Radiation plus procarbazineCCNU and vincristine in low-grade glioma N Engl J Med 2016 3741344ndash1355

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5 Kim L Hochberg FH Thornton AF et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for grade III and grade IV oli-goastrocytomas J Neurosurg 1996 85 602ndash607

6 Louis DN Perry A Reifenberger G et al The 2016 World HealthOrganization Classification of Tumors of the Central NervousSystem a summary Acta Neuropathol 2016 131 803ndash820

7 Cairncross JG Wang M Jenkins RB et al Benefit from procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in oligodendroglial tumors is associ-ated with mutation of IDH J Clin Oncol 2014 32 783ndash790

8 Dubbink HJ Atmodimedjo PN Kros JM et al Molecular classifica-tion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma using next-generationsequencing a report of the prospective randomized EORTC BrainTumor Group 26951 phase III trial Neuro Oncol 2016 18 388ndash400

9 van den Bent MJ Carpentier AF Brandes AA et al Adjuvant procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine improves progression-free sur-vival but not overall survival in newly diagnosed anaplasticoligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas a randomizedEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancerphase III trial J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2715ndash2722

10 Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology Group T Cairncross GBerkey B et al Phase III trial of chemotherapy plus radiotherapycompared with radiotherapy alone for pure and mixed anaplasticoligodendroglioma Intergroup Radiation Therapy Oncology GroupTrial 9402 J Clin Oncol 2006 24 2707ndash2714

11 Buckner JC Gesme D Jr OrsquoFallon JR et al Phase II trial of procar-bazine lomustine and vincristine as initial therapy for patients withlow-grade oligodendroglioma or oligoastrocytoma efficacy andassociations with chromosomal abnormalities J Clin Oncol 200321 251ndash255

12 Shaw EG Wang M Coons SW et al Randomized trial of radiationtherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristine chemotherapyfor supratentorial adult low-grade glioma initial results of RTOG9802 J Clin Oncol 2012 30 3065ndash3070

13 van den Bent MJ Practice changing mature results of RTOG study9802 another positive PCV trial makes adjuvant chemotherapy partof standard of care in low-grade glioma Neuro Oncol 2014 161570ndash1574

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16 Kappelle AC Postma TJ Taphoorn MJ et al PCV chemotherapy forrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme Neurology 2001 56 118ndash120

17 Levin VA Edwards MS Wright DC et al Modified procarbazineCCNU and vincristine (PCV 3) combination chemotherapy in thetreatment of malignant brain tumors Cancer Treat Rep 1980 64237ndash244

18 Schmidt F Fischer J Herrlinger U et al PCV chemotherapy for re-current glioblastoma Neurology 2006 66 587ndash589

19 Bouffet E Jouvet A Thiesse P Sindou M Chemotherapy for ag-gressive or anaplastic high grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoas-trocytomas better than a salvage treatment Br J Neurosurg 199812 217ndash222

20 Kristof RA Neuloh G Hans V et al Combined surgery radiationand PCV chemotherapy for astrocytomas compared to oligodendro-gliomas and oligoastrocytomas WHO grade III J Neurooncol 200259 231ndash237

21 Levin VA Silver P Hannigan J et al Superiority of post-radiotherapyadjuvant chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and vincristine(PCV) over BCNU for anaplastic gliomas NCOG 6G61 final reportInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990 18 321ndash324

22 Levin VA Wara WM Davis RL et al Phase III comparison of BCNUand the combination of procarbazine CCNU and vincristine admin-istered after radiotherapy with hydroxyurea for malignant gliomasJ Neurosurg 1985 63 218ndash223

23 Fortin D Macdonald DR Stitt L Cairncross JG PCV for oligo-dendroglial tumors in search of prognostic factors for response andsurvival Can J Neurol Sci 2001 28 215ndash223

24 Levin VA Hess KR Choucair A et al Phase III randomized study ofpostradiotherapy chemotherapy with combination alpha-difluoromethylornithine-PCV versus PCV for anaplastic gliomasClin Cancer Res 2003 9 981ndash990

25 Prados MD Scott C Sandler H et al A phase 3 randomized study ofradiotherapy plus procarbazine CCNU and vincristine (PCV) with orwithout BUdR for the treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma a prelim-inary report of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 451109ndash1115

26 Prados MD Seiferheld W Sandler HM et al Phase III randomizedstudy of radiotherapy plus procarbazine lomustine and vincristinewith or without BUdR for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma finalreport of RTOG 9404 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 581147ndash1152

27 Wick W Roth P Hartmann C et al Long-term analysis of the NOA-04 randomized phase III trial of sequential radiochemotherapy ofanaplastic glioma with PCV or temozolomide Neuro Oncol 201618 1529ndash1537

28 Brada M Stenning S Gabe R et al Temozolomide versus procarba-zine lomustine and vincristine in recurrent high-grade glioma J ClinOncol 2010 28 4601ndash4608

29 Jeremic B Jovanovic D Djuric LJ et al Advantage of post-radiotherapy chemotherapy with CCNU procarbazine and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas


vincristine (mPCV) over chemotherapy with VM-26 and CCNU formalignant gliomas J Chemother 1992 4 123ndash126

30 Prados MD Scott C Curran WJ Jr et al Procarbazine lomustineand vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy for anaplastic astrocytoma aretrospective review of radiation therapy oncology group protocolscomparing survival with carmustine or PCV adjuvant chemotherapyJ Clin Oncol 1999 17 3389ndash3395

31 Brandes AA Nicolardi L Tosoni A et al Survival following adjuvantPCV or temozolomide for anaplastic astrocytoma Neuro Oncol2006 8 253ndash260

32 Yung WK Albright RE Olson J et al A phase II study of temozolo-mide vs procarbazine in patients with glioblastoma multiforme atfirst relapse Br J Cancer 2000 83 588ndash593

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35 Dhermain FG Hau P Lanfermann H et al Advanced MRI and PETimaging for assessment of treatment response in patients with glio-mas Lancet Neurol 2010 9 906ndash920

36 Watkins S Robel S Kimbrough IF et al Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling and the blood-brain barrier by invading gliomacells Nat Commun 2014 5 4196

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43 Kellie SJ Barbaric D Koopmans P et al Cerebrospinal fluid concen-trations of vincristine after bolus intravenous dosing a surrogatemarker of brain penetration Cancer 2002 94 1815ndash1820

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52 Webre C Shonka N Smith L et al PC or PCV That is the questionprimary anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors treated with procarba-zine and CCNU with and without vincristine Anticancer Res 201535 5467ndash5472

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Unsolved Problems in the Medical Treatment of Gliomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Radiation Therapyfor IntracranialMeningiomasCurrent Resultsand ControversialIssues

Giuseppe Minniti12 ClaudiaScaringi2 Federico Bianciardi2

1IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli (IS) Italy2UPMC San Pietro FBF Radiotherapy CenterRoma Italy

Corresponding AuthorGiuseppe Minniti MD PhDIRCCS Neuromed 86077 Pozzilli (IS) Italygiuseppeminnitiliberoit


AbstractMeningiomas are common primary brain tumorsAccording to World Health Organization (WHO)classification most meningiomas are benign lesionswhereas a minority of them are classified as atypicalor malignant Surgical resection is the cornerstone ofmeningioma therapy and represents the definitivetreatment for the majority of patients especiallythose with benign tumors at favorable locationsBeyond surgery external beam radiation therapy(RT) is frequently used to increase local control afterincomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgicalresection of atypical and malignant meningiomaseven following macroscopic removal The currentreview summarizes the published literature on theuse of RT for intracranial meningiomas with anemphasis on outcomes for either benign ornonbenign tumors The efficacy of RT givenadjuvantly or at tumor recurrence and the safety andefficacy of different radiation techniques have beenexamined

Keywords meningioma radiation therapyfractionated radiotherapy stereotactic radiosurgery

IntroductionMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranialtumors and account for more than one third of all centralbrain tumors


Based on local invasiveness and cellularfeatures of atypia meningiomas are histologically charac-terized as benign (grade I) atypical (grade II) or malignant(grade III) by World Health Organization (WHO) classi-fication2 Surgical excision is the treatment of choice foraccessible intracranial meningiomas following appar-ently complete resection of a WHO grade I meningiomathe reported local control is up to 90 at 10 years and80 at 15 years3ndash14 Beyond surgery external beamradiotherapy (RT) is frequently used to increase local con-trol after incomplete resection of a benign meningiomaarising at unfavorable locations or after surgical resectionof atypical (grade II) and malignant (grade III) meningio-mas even following macroscopic removal15ndash19

Both fractionated RT and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have been employed after incomplete excisionprogres-sion of a benign meningioma with a reported 10-yearlocal control in the region of 75ndash9015 in contrastlower local control rates have been observed followingradiation for atypical and malignant meningiomas16ndash18

Despite RT being an essential part of the management ofmeningiomas19 several issues remain controversialincluding the efficacy of radiation treatment for atypicaland malignant meningiomas the timing of the treatment(early versus delayed postoperative RT) the optimal radi-ation technique and dosefractionation schedules

We have provided a literature review on the effectivenessof fractionated RT and SRS for intracranial meningiomaswith the intent to define their role in the context of differ-ent clinical situations Safety and efficacy of different radi-ation techniques were also examined

HistopathologicClassificationAccording to the latest WHO classification2 tumors withlow mitotic rate (less than 4 per 10 high power fields[HPF]) are classified as benign (WHO grade I) For atypicalmeningiomas or brain invasion a mitotic count of 4ndash19per HPF is a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis As forthe previous WHO classifications atypical meningiomascan also be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of 3or more of the following properties sheetlike growthspontaneous necrosis high cellularity prominent nucle-oli and small cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratioMalignant (WHO grade III) meningiomas are characterizedby elevated mitotic activity (20 or more per HPF) or frankanaplasia with histology resembling carcinoma melan-oma or sarcoma In addition clear cell or chordoid cellmeningiomas are specific histologic subtypes classified

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


as grade II and rhabdoid or papillary meningiomas arespecific histologic subtypes classified as grade III Whenthese criteria are applied the majority of meningiomasare classified as benign 20ndash30 as atypical and1ndash3 as malignant

Radiotherapy forBenign MeningiomasPostoperative conventional RT has been reported as ef-fective either following incomplete resection or at the timeof tumor recurrence Using a dose of 50ndash55 Gy in 30ndash33fractions local control rates are in the region of75ndash90 (Table 1)20ndash24 In a series of 82 patients withskull base meningiomas who received conventional RTNutting et al22 reported 5-year and 10-year tumor controlrates of 92 and 83 respectively In a series of101 patients treated with 3D conformal RT Mendenhallet al24 reported local control rates of 95 at 5 years and92 at 10 and 15 years respectively and cause-specificsurvival rates of 97 and 92 respectively Thereported control and survival after subtotal resection andRT are similar to those observed after complete resectionand better than those achieved with incomplete resectionalone15 There is little evidence that timing of RT is import-ant as local control and survival rates are similar whetherthe treatment is given postoperatively or at the time ofrecurrence22ndash24

The toxicity of conventional RT including the risk ofdeveloping neurological deficits especially optic neur-opathy brain necrosis cognitive deficits and pituitarydeficits is relatively low (Table 1)20ndash24 Radiation-induced

brain necrosis with associated clinical neurological de-cline is a severe complication of RT however it remainsexceptional when doses less than 60 Gy are usedHypopituitarism is reported in 5ndash15 of patientsRadiation injury to the optic apparatus presenting asdecreased visual acuity or visual field defects is reportedin 0ndash3 of irradiated patients Other cranial deficits arereported in less than 1ndash4 of patients

Assuming that RT is of value in achieving tumor controlmore sophisticated fractionated radiation techniquesincluding fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT)and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) have been employed inpatients with intracranial meningiomas New techniquesallow for more precise target localization and accuratedose delivery as compared with conformal RT resultingin low radiation doses to surrounding sensitive structuressuch as the optic pathway and the brainstem

A summary of recent published series of FSRTIMRT forskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 125ndash32 A10-year local control of 90ndash100 and overall survivalup to 100 have been reported with the use of eitherFSRT or IMRT for the control of large complex-shapedmeningiomas and this is associated with low incidenceof radiation-induced optic neuropathy cavernous sinuscranial nerve deficits and hypopituitarism In a series of506 patients with a skull base meningioma who receivedFSRT (nfrac14 376) or IMRT (nfrac14 131) Combs et al31

observed similar local control rates of 91 at 10 years forpatients with a benign meningioma similar tumorcontrol rates have been observed in other publishedseries25ndash273032 suggesting that both techniques are ef-fective as primary and salvage treatment for meningio-mas with a local control at 5 and 10 years similar to thatreported with conformal RT and limited toxicity

Table 1 Summary of selected published studies on the fractionated radiation therapy of benign meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Goldsmith et al 1994 117 CRT NA 54 40 89 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 36Maire et al 1995 91 CRT NA 52 40 94 65Nutting et al 1999 82 CRT NA 55ndash60 41 92 at 5 and 83 at 10 years 14Vendrely et al 1999 156 CRT NA 50 40 79 at 5 years 115Mendenhall et al 2003 101 CRT NA 54 64 95 at 5 92 at 10 and 15 years 8Henzel et al 2006 84 FSRT 111 56 30 100 NATanzler et al 2010 144 FSRT NA 527 87 97 at 5 and 95 at 10 years 7Minniti et al 2011 52 FSRT 354 50 42 93 at 5 years 55Slater et al 2012 68 Protons 276 57 74 99 at 5 yeras 9Weber et al 2012 29 Protons 215 56 62 100 at 5 years 155Solda et al 2013 222 FSRT 12 5055 43 100 at 5 and 10 years 45Combs et al 2013 507 FSRTIMRT NA 576 107 91 at 10 years 18Fokas et al 2014 253 FSRT 144 558 50 929 at 5 and 875 at 10 years 3

CRT conventional radiation therapy FSRT fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapyNA not assessed

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Proton irradiation can achieve better target-dose confor-mality compared with 3D-conformal RT and IMRT andthe advantage becomes more apparent for large vol-umes Distribution of low and intermediate doses toportions of irradiated brain are significantly lower withprotons compared with photons The reported tumorcontrol after proton beam RT is 90 at 5 years similarto that observed with fractionated photon techniques(Table 1)2829

SRS delivered as single fraction or less frequently asmultiple 2ndash5 fractions has been extensively employed inpatients with residualrecurrent meningiomas The mainradiation techniques include Gamma Knife CyberKnifeand a modified linear accelerator (LINAC)33ndash37 In its newversion Gamma Knife uses 192 radioactive cobalt-60sources (each with 3 different apertures of 4 mm 8 mmand 16 mm respectively) that are spherically arrayed in asingle internal collimation system via collimator helmetsto focus their beams to a center point A highly conformalbut inhomogeneous dose distribution and high centraltumor dose can be achieved through the optimal combi-nations of the number the aperture and the position ofthe collimators1533 CyberKnife (Accuray SunnyvaleCalifornia) is a relatively new technological device thatcombines a mobile LINAC mounted on a robotic arm withan image-guided robotic system3435 Patients are fixed ina thermoplastic mask and the treatment can be deliveredas single-fraction or multifraction SRS LINAC is the mostfrequently used device for delivery of SRS in the worldand uses multiple fixed fields or arcs shaped using a mul-tileaf collimator with a leaf width of between 25 and5 mm153637 Dose conformity can be improved by the useof intensity modulation of the beams or VMAT withresults similar to those achieved with the Gamma Knifeand the CyberKnife The superiority in terms of dose

delivery and distribution for each of these techniquesremains a matter of debate Currently no comparativestudies have demonstrated the clinical superiority of atechnique over the others in terms of local control andradiation-induced toxicity for patients with brain tumors

A summary of main recent published series of SRS inskull base meningiomas is shown in Table 238ndash50 Largerecently published series report actuarial control rates inthe range of 90ndash95 at 5 years and 80ndash90 at 10and 15 years using a median dose to the tumor margin of13ndash16 Gy The rate of tumor shrinkage varied in all stud-ies ranging from 16 to 69 and tended to increase inpatients with longer follow-up Similarly a variable im-provement of neurological functions has been shown in10ndash60 of patients The rate of significant complica-tions at doses of 13ndash15 Gy (as currently used in the ma-jority of cancer centers) is less than 8 beingrepresented by either transient or permanent complica-tions The risk of clinically significant radiation-inducedoptic neuropathy for patients receiving SRS for skull basemeningiomas is 1ndash2 following doses to the opticchiasm below 10 Gy although this percentage may sig-nificantly increase for higher doses51ndash57 A few studieshave reported the use of multifraction SRS (2 to 5 dailyfractions) for relatively large meningiomas located nearcritical structures Using doses of 21ndash25 Gy delivered in3ndash5 fractions a few series report a local control of 93ndash95 at 5 years and this has been associated with lowcranial nerve toxicity425058ndash60

Despite the frequent use of RT several issues remain amatter of debate For example when is the right time andwhat is the right fractionation approach when RT is con-sidered Do all meningioma-suspect lesions requirehistological verification of the diagnosis Is radiation analternative to surgery

Table 2 Summary of selected published studies on stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial meningiomas

Authors Patients Technique Volume Dose Follow-up Local Control Late Toxicity(n) (mL) (Gy) (months) () ()

Krell et al 2005 200 GK 65 12 95 98 at 5 and 97 at 10 years 45Kollova etal 2007 368 GK 44 125 60 98 at 5 years 159Feigl et al 2007 214 GK 65 136 24 863 at 4 years 67Kondziolka et al 2008 972 GK 74 14 48 87 at 10 and 15 years 77Colombo 199 CK 75 16ndash25 30 96 35Skeie et al 2010 100 GK 111 13 32 904 at 5 and 10 years 6Halasz et al 2011 50 Protons 274 13 36 94 at 3 years 59Pollock et al 2012 251 GK 77 158 629 994 at 10 years 115 at 5 yearsSantacroce et al 2012 3768 GK 48 14 63 952 at 5 and 886 at 10 years 66Starke et al 2014 254 GK NA 13 71 93 at 5 and 84 at 10 years 64Ding et al 2014 177 GK 36 13 47 93 at 5 and 77 at 10 years 9Sheean et aj 2014 763 GK 41 13 667 95 at 5 and 82 at 10 years 96Marchetti et al 2016 143 CK 11 21ndash25 44 93 at 5 years 51

GK GammaKnife CK CyberKnife16ndash25 Gy delivered in 2ndash5 fractions in 150 patients21ndash25 Gy delivered in 3ndash5 fractions

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors howevera minority of them can grow more rapidly Althoughasymptomatic incidentally discovered meningiomas andsmall postoperative lesions can be managed by observa-tion only with MRI at intervals of 6ndash12 months an earlypostoperative radiation treatment after incomplete surgi-cal resection is a reasonable approach for the majority ofmeningiomas to prevent the development of neurologicaldeficits and to treat smaller tumor volumes (minimizingthe risk of long-term radiation-induced toxicity)Interestingly the presence of molecular alterations (ie tel-omerase reverse transcriptase Akt-1 or Smoothenedmutations) are associated with different degrees ofaggressiveness of meningiomas19 Future research isneeded to investigate the predicting value of different mo-lecular markers on tumor recurrence and biological be-havior with the aim of selecting which patients willbenefit from adjuvant therapy

For elderly patients who cannot tolerate surgery or fortumors not safely accessible by surgery like cavernoussinus meningiomas RT alone is frequently employedwith reported clinical outcomes similar to those observedafter postoperative RT61 If imaging is highly suggestiveof a meningioma histological verification is not manda-tory however a regular follow-up is required since mod-ern imaging tools can suggest the histological diagnosisbut usually not tumor grading

The optimal radiation technique for benign meningiomasis still a controversial issue Both SRS and FSRT are safeand effective techniques for the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas affording comparable satisfactory long-term tumor control In clinical practice SRS or FSRTshould be chosen on the basis of size and location of themeningioma Currently single fraction SRS using dosesof 13ndash16 Gy is recommended for small- to moderate-sized meningiomas (lt25ndash3 cm) keeping doses to theoptic apparatus and to the brainstem below 8ndash10 Gy and125 Gy respectively A few series suggest that multifrac-tion SRS usually 21ndash25 Gy in 3ndash5 fractions is a feasibletreatment option when a single fraction dose carries ahigh risk of toxicity425058ndash60 however studies with morepatients and longer follow-up are required to draw defin-ite conclusions FSRT (50ndash56 Gy in 18ndash2 Gy fractions)would be the recommended radiation treatment modalityfor lesionsgt3 cm in size andor compressing the brain-stem and the optic pathway

Radiotherapy forAtypical and MalignantMeningiomasPostoperative RT is frequently employed as adjuvanttreatment for patients with atypical and malignant

meningiomas because of their significant probability ofregrowthrecurrence The Radiation Therapy OncologyGroup 0539 study62 has evaluated the 3-yearprogression-free survival in 52 patients with either newlydiagnosed WHO grade II meningioma with gross total re-section or recurrent WHO grade I of any resection extenttreated with IMRT Results were compared with thoseobserved in historical control of intermediate-risk menin-giomas Three-year progression-free survival was 960and this was associated with minimal toxicity No differ-ences in progression-free survival were observedbetween the subgroups supporting the use of postoper-ative RT for gross totally resected atypical meningiomasor recurrent benign meningiomas Several other retro-spective series report variable median 5-yearprogression-free survival rates of 38 to 100 and me-dian overall survival rates of 51 to 100 after RT63ndash80

Although most of the recent studies seem to indicate thatadjuvant RT improves progression-free survival and over-all survival for atypical meningiomas the superiority ofpostoperative RT versus observation in terms ofprogression-free survival and overall survival remains anunresolved question especially for totally resectedtumors Selected studies reporting clinical outcomes ofpatients with atypical meningioma following surgerywith or without adjuvant RT are summarized inTable 365676869727375ndash79

In a series of 91 patients with atypical meningioma receiv-ing adjuvant RT or not receiving adjuvant RT at Dana-FarberBrigham and Womenrsquos Cancer Center between1997 and 2011 Aizer et al75 observed local control ratesof 826 and 678 at 5 years in patients who did anddid not receive RT respectively (pfrac14 004) At multivariateanalysis the association between RT and local recur-rence was significant (hazard ratio [HR] 024 95 CI006ndash091 pfrac14 004) however no differences in overallsurvival were seen between groups In a series of 108patients with grade II meningioma who underwent grosstotal resection at the University of California from 1993 to2004 Aghi et al67 observed actuarial tumor recurrencerates of 41 and 48 at 5 and 10 years respectivelyAdjuvant RT was associated with a trend towarddecreased local recurrence (pfrac14 01) in patients whounderwent gross total resection however only 8 patientsreceived postoperative RT Better progression-free sur-vival rates in patients receiving postoperative RT com-pared with those who did not receive RT have beenobserved in a few other retrospective studies6369737478

On the contrary other studies have shown no significantadvantages in terms of either overall survival orprogression-free survival for patients who received adju-vant RT687071767779 Yoon et al77 found that regardlessof resection status adjuvant RT had no beneficial impacton tumor recurrence or progression in a series of 158patients with atypical meningiomas treated at theUniversity of Wisconsin between 2000 and 2010 the5-year overall survival with and without RT was 89 and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


83 respectively Jenkinson et al79 reported similar clin-ical outcomes of surgery with or without postoperativeRT in a retrospective series of 133 patients treated be-tween 2001 and 2010 in 3 different UK centers Followinggross total resection 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival rates were 770 and 82 re-spectively in patients who received early adjuvant RTand 757 and 793 respectively in patients who didnot receive adjuvant RT Stessin et al70 published aSurveillance Epidemiology and End Resultsndashbased ana-lysis of the role of adjuvant external beam RT for atypicaland malignant meningiomas A total of 657 patients wereidentified in the period 1988ndash2007 of these 244 hadreceived adjuvant RT Even with stratification by gradeextent of resection size and anatomical location of thetumor year of diagnosis race age and sex adjuvant RTwas not associated with survival benefit In addition ana-lysis of cases diagnosed after the WHO 2000 reclassifica-tion of meningiomas showed that RT resulted in inferioroverall survival Using the National Cancer DatabaseWang et al80 have recently compared the survival out-come in 2515 patients with atypical meningioma diag-nosed according to the 2007 WHO classification treatedwith or without adjuvant RT after subtotal or gross totalresection Gross total resection was associated withimproved overall survival compared with subtotal resec-tion however adjuvant RT was associated with betteroverall survival only in patients who received subtotal re-section The reported toxicity after postoperative RT foratypical and malignant meningiomas is modest usuallybeing represented by cerebral necrosis and optic neur-opathy (Table 3) Neurocognitive decline has been rarelyreported although no published studies have evaluatedneurocognitive changes after RT using formal neuro-psychological testing

Radiation dose and timing of RT represent other import-ant variables for outcome Doses of 54ndash60 Gy in 2 Gydaily fractions are usually employed in the majority ofpublished series A few studies employing doses60 Gyshowed improved local control62677381 whereas dosesof 54ndash57 Gy6377 or less than 54 Gy636468 were apparentlyassociated with no benefits however no studies havedirectly compared different doses and significant sur-vival advantages observed with higher doses remainspeculative For patients receiving SRS single dosesof 14ndash18 Gy are typically employed in the majority ofradiation centers with similar local control82ndash93whereas doses 12 Gy are usually associated with in-ferior local control rates91 With regard to timing of RTfor atypical meningiomas postoperative RT seemsmore effective when administered adjuvantly ratherthan at recurrence and most authors recommend thisapproach6367697374757881

SRS is increasingly being used in the postoperative set-ting for atypical meningioma82ndash93 Hanakita et al87

reported 2-year and 5-year recurrence of 61 and 84respectively in 22 patients treated with salvage SRStumor volumelt6 mL margin dosesgt18 Gy and

Karnofsky Performance Status score of 90 were asso-ciated with better outcome Attia et al84 reported clinicaloutcomes in 24 patients who received Gamma Knife SRS(median marginal dose 14 Gy) as either primary or salvagetreatment for atypical meningiomas With a medianfollow-up time of 425 months overall local control ratesat 2 and 5 years were 51 and 44 respectively Eightrecurrences were in-field 4 were marginal failures and 2were distant failures Zhang et al92 treated 44 patientswith Gamma Knife either immediately after surgery or assalvage therapy With a median follow-up time of51 months 60-month actuarial local control and overallsurvival rates were 51 and 87 respectively Seriouscomplications occurred in 75 of patients Similarresults have been reported in a few other publishedseries85ndash91 Overall data from literature support the effi-cacy and safety of SRS for patients with recurrent atyp-ical meningiomas however its superiority overfractionated RT remains to be demonstrated in prospect-ive randomized trials

For patients with malignant meningiomas the reportedmedian 5-year progression-free survival ranges from29 to 80 using doses of 54ndash60 Gy delivered in 18ndash2 Gy fractions with median 5-year overall survival rangingfrom 27 to 816465668194ndash96 Dziuk et al95 reported theoutcome of 38 patients with a malignant meningiomawho received (nfrac14 19) or did not receive (nfrac14 19) adjuvantRT For all totally excised lesions the 5-year progression-free survival was improved from 28 for surgery alone to57 with adjuvant radiotherapy (pfrac14 NS) Adjuvant irradi-ation following initial resection increased the 5-yearprogression-free survival rate from 15 to 80 (pfrac140002) In contrast the recurrence rate after incompleteresection was similar between groups (100 vs 80)with no survivors at 60 months in either treatment groupIn a series of 24 patients Yang et al65 observed betteroverall survival and progression-free survival in 17patients with malignant meningiomas who received adju-vant RT compared with 24 patients who did not how-ever the reported 5-year overall survival andprogression-free survival were dismal being 35 and29 respectively In contrast several other series con-firmed that gross total resection was associated withbetter clinical outcomes but failed to demonstrate a sig-nificant improvement in overall survival andprogression-free survival in patients receiving adjuvantRT64668196 As with atypical meningioma higher RTdoses appear to improve local tumor control forpatients with malignant histology9495

In summary available data do not clearly support the effi-cacy of adjuvant RT for either incomplete or totallyexcised atypical meningiomas and its use is still contro-versial While some studies showed trends toward clinicalbenefit with adjuvant RT the small number of patientsevaluated different WHO criteria for defining atypicalmeningiomas over the last decades and the retrospect-ive nature of published studies preclude any meaningfulconclusion of whether adjuvant RT improved outcomes

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


relative to nonirradiated patients The recently closedrandomized ROAMEORTC 1308 trial97 will help answerthe important clinical question of the efficacy of RT versusobservation following surgical resection of atypical men-ingiomas In this trial 190 patients have been randomizedto receive early adjuvant fractionated RT or active surveil-lance with serial MRI scans The primary outcome is timeto MRI evidence of local recurrence and secondary out-comes include time to second-line treatment time todeath toxicity of treatment quality of life neurocognitivefunction and health economic analysis Preliminaryresults are expected for this year Malignant meningiomasare highly likely to recur regardless of resection statusNo prospective studies have compared surgery plus ad-juvant RT versus surgery alone however published stud-ies indicate that adjuvant RT is associated with improvedprogression-free survival and survival particularly at highdoses Regarding the radiation techniques fractionatedRT given as adjuvant treatment is the most used type ofirradiation whereas SRS is usually reserved for small-to-moderate recurrent lesions with reported local controlrates similar to those observed with fractionated RT

ConclusionsRT is an effective treatment for incompletely resected be-nign meningiomas or for those located in inaccessiblesurgical sites Both fractionated RT and SRS are associ-ated with a similar local control and the choice of tech-nique is mainly based on the volume and site of thetumor On the basis of the dosimetric advantages of pro-tons including better conformality and reduction of radi-ation dose to normal brain tissue fractionated protonirradiation may be considered in patients with large andor complex-shaped meningiomas Controversy existsregarding the role and efficacy of postoperative RT inpatients with atypical and malignant meningiomas Therelatively divergent results in the literature are most likelyexplained by the retrospective nature of series and therelatively small number of patients evaluated thereforerandomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adju-vant RT as part of the standard treatment for totallyexcised atypical and malignant meningiomas as well asthe timing the optimal dosefractionation and techniqueMoreover the development of a molecularly based clas-sification of meningiomas will provide a better under-standing of tumor biology and could help predict whichpatients will benefit from adjuvant therapy


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6 DiMeco F Li KW Casali C Ciceri E Giombini S Filippini G et alMeningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus surgical experi-ence in 108 cases Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl 3)1124ndash1135

7 Morokoff AP Zauberman J Black PM Surgery for convexity menin-giomas Neurosurgery 200863427ndash433

8 Bassiouni H Asgari S Sandalcioglu IE Seifert V Stolke DMarquardt G Anterior clinoidal meningiomas functional outcomeafter microsurgical resection in a consecutive series of 106 patientsClinical article J Neurosurg 20091111078ndash1090

9 Raza SM Gallia GL Brem H Weingart JD Long DM Olivi APerioperative and long-term outcomes from the management ofparasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinusNeurosurgery 201067885ndash893

10 Sughrue ME Kane AJ Shangari G Rutkowski MJ McDermott MWBerger MS et al The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resectionin modern neurosurgical treatment of World Health OrganizationGrade I meningiomas J Neurosurg 20101131029ndash1035

11 Alvernia JE Dang ND Sindou MP Convexity meningiomas study ofrecurrence factors with special emphasis on the cleavage plane in aseries of 100 consecutive patients J Neurosurg 2011115491ndash498

12 Ohba S Kobayashi M Horiguchi T Onozuka S Yoshida K Ohira TKawase T Long-term surgical outcome and biological prognosticfactors in patients with skull base meningiomas J Neurosurg20111141278ndash1287

13 Oya S Kawai K Nakatomi H Saito N Significance of Simpson grad-ing system in modern meningioma surgery integration of the gradewith MIB-1 labeling index as a key to predict the recurrence of WHOGrade I meningiomas Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 117121ndash128

14 Li D Hao SY Wang L Tang J Xiao XR Zhou H Jia GJ et alSurgical management and outcomes of petroclival meningiomas asingle-center case series of 259 patients Acta Neurochir (Wien)20131551367ndash1383

15 Amichetti M Amelio D Minniti G Radiosurgery with photons or pro-tons for benign and malignant tumours of the skull base a reviewRadiat Oncol 20127210

16 Minniti G Amichetti M Enrici RM Radiotherapy and radiosurgeryfor benign skull base meningiomas Radiat Oncol 2009442

17 Buttrick S Shah AH Komotar RJ Ivan ME Management of Atypicaland Anaplastic Meningiomas Neurosurg Clin N Am201627239ndash247

18 Kaur G Sayegh ET Larson A Bloch O Madden M Sun MZ BaraniIJ James CD Parsa AT Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical and ma-lignant meningiomas a systematic review Neuro Oncol201416628ndash636

19 Goldbrunner R Minniti G Preusser M Jenkinson MD Sallabanda KHoudart E et al EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment ofmeningiomas Lancet Oncol 201617e383ndashe391

20 Goldsmith BJ Wara WM Wilson CB Larson DA Postoperative ir-radiation for subtotally resected meningiomas A retrospective ana-lysis of 140 patients treated from 1967 to 1990 J Neurosurg199480195ndash201

21 Maire JP Caudry M Guerin J Celerier D San Galli F Causse Net al Fractionated radiation therapy in the treatment of intracranialmeningiomas local control functional efficacy and tolerance in 91patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1995 33(2)315ndash321

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


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28 Slater JD Loredo LN Chung A Bush DA Patyal B Johnson WDet al Fractionated proton radiotherapy for benign cavernoussinus meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283e633ndashe637

29 Weber DC Schneider R Goitein G Koch T Ares C Geismar JHet al Spot scanning-based proton therapy for intracranial meningi-oma long-term results from the Paul Scherrer Institute Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 201283865ndash871

30 Solda F Wharram B De Ieso PB Bonner J Ashley S Brada MLong-term efficacy of fractionated radiotherapy for benign meningi-omas Radiother Oncolol 2013109330ndash334

31 Combs SE Adeberg S Dittmar JO Welzel T Rieken S HabermehlD et al Skull base meningiomas Long-term results and patient self-reported outcome in 507 patients treated with fractionated stereo-tactic radiotherapy (FSRT) or intensity modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) Radiother Oncol 2013106186ndash191

32 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiation therapy for benign meningioma long-termoutcome in 318 patients Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201489569ndash575

33 Wu A Lindner G Maitz AH Kalend AM Lunsford LD Flickinger JCet al Physics of gamma knife approach on convergent beams instereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys199018941ndash949

34 Yu C Jozsef G Apuzzo ML Petrovich Z Dosimetric comparison ofCyberKnife with other radiosurgical modalities for an ellipsoidal tar-get Neurosurgery 2003531155ndash1162

35 Kuo JS Yu C Petrovich Z Apuzzo ML The CyberKnife stereotacticradiosurgery system description installation and an initial evalu-ation of use and functionality Neurosurgery 200862(Suppl2)785ndash789

36 Ramakrishna N Rosca F Friesen S Tezcanli E Zygmanszki PHacker F A clinical comparison of patient setup and intra-fractionmotion using frame based radiosurgery versus a frameless image-guided radiosurgery system for intracranial lesions RadiotherOncol 201095109ndash115

37 Gevaert T Verellen D Tournel K Linthout N Bral S Engels B et alSetup accuracy of the Novalis ExacTrac 6DOF system forframeless radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2012821627ndash1635

38 Kreil W Luggin J Fuchs I Weigl V Eustacchio S Papaefthymiou GLong term experience of gamma knife radiosurgery for benign skullbase meningiomas J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry2005761425ndash1430

39 Kollova A Liscak R Novotny J Vladyka V Simonova GJanouskova L Gamma Knife surgery for benign meningioma JNeurosurg 2007107325ndash336

40 Feigl GC Samii M Horstmann GA Volumetric follow-up of meningi-omas a quantitative method to evaluate treatment outcome ofgamma knife radiosurgery Neurosurgery 2007612818ndash2826

41 Kondziolka D Mathieu D Lunsford LD Martin JJ Madhok RNiranjan A et al Radiosurgery as definitive management of intracra-nial meningiomas Neurosurgery 20086253ndash58

42 Colombo F Casentini L Cavedon C Scalchi P Cora S FrancesconP Cyberknife radiosurgery for benign meningiomas shorttermresults in 199 patients Neurosurgery 200964A7ndashA13

43 Skeie BS Enger PO Skeie GO Thorsen F Pedersen PH Gammaknife surgery of meningiomas involving the cavernous sinus long-term follow-up of 100 patients Neurosurgery 201066661ndash668

44 Halasz LM Bussiere MR Dennis ER Niemierko A Chapman PHLoeffler JS et al Proton stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatmentof benign meningiomas Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2011811428ndash1435

45 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Single-frac-tion radiosurgery for presumed intracranial meningiomas efficacyand complications from a 22-year experience Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 2012831414ndash1418

46 Santacroce A Walier M Regis J Liscak R Motti E Lindquist Cet al Long-term tumor control of benign intracranial meningiomasafter radiosurgery in a series of 4565 patients Neurosurgery20127032ndash39

47 Ding D Starke RM Kano H Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alGamma knife radiosurgery for cerebellopontine angle meningiomasa multicenter study Neurosurgery 201475398ndash408

48 Sheehan JP Starke RM Kano H Kaufmann AM Mathieu D ZeilerFA et al Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar menin-giomas a multicenter study J Neurosurg 20141201268ndash1277

49 Starke R Kano H Ding D Nakaji P Barnett GH Mathieu D et alStereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas a multicenterstudy J Neurooncol 2014119169ndash76

50 Marchetti M Bianchi S Pinzi V Tramacere I Fumagalli ML MilanesiIM et al Multisession Radiosurgery for Sellar and Parasellar BenignMeningiomas Long-term Tumor Growth Control and VisualOutcome Neurosurgery 201678638ndash646

51 Tishler RB Loeffler JS Lunsford LD Duma C Alexander E 3rdKooy HM et al Tolerance of cranial nerves of the cavernous sinusto radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 199327215ndash221

52 Leber KA Bergloff J Pendl G Dose-response tolerance of the visualpathways and cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to stereotacticradiosurgery J Neurosurg 19988843ndash50

53 Stafford SL Pollock BE Leavitt JA Foote RL Brown PD Link MJet al A study on the radiation tolerance of the optic nerves andchiasm after stereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2003551177ndash1181

54 Mayo C Martel MK Marks LB Flickinger J Nam J Kirkpatrick JRadiation dose-volume effects of optic nerves and chiasm Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201076 (3 Suppl)S28ndashS35

55 Leavitt JA Stafford SL Link MJ Pollock BE Long-term evaluationof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fractionstereotactic radiosurgery Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201387524ndash527

56 Pollock BE Link MJ Leavitt JA Stafford SL Dose-volume analysisof radiation-induced optic neuropathy after single-fraction stereo-tactic radiosurgery Neurosurgery 201475456ndash460

57 Hiniker SM Modlin LA Choi CY Atalar B Seiger K Binkley MSet al Dose-Response Modeling of the Visual Pathway Tolerance toSingle-Fraction and Hypofractionated Stereotactic RadiosurgerySemin Radiat Oncol 20162697ndash104

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58 Tuniz F Soltys SG Choi CY Chang SD Gibbs IC Fischbein NJet al Multisession cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery of large be-nign cranial base tumors preliminary study Neurosurgery200965898ndash907

59 Navarria P Pessina F Cozzi L Clerici E Villa E Ascolese AM et alHypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in skull base menin-giomas J Neurooncol 2015124283ndash239

60 Haghighi N Seely A Paul E Dally M Hypofractionated stereotacticradiotherapy for benign intracranial tumours of the cavernous sinusJ Clin Neurosci 2015221450ndash1455

61 Fokas E Henzel M Surber G Hamm K Engenhart-Cabillic RStereotactic radiotherapy of benign meningioma in the elderly clin-ical outcome and toxicity in 121 patients Radiother Oncol2014111457ndash462

62 RTOG 0539 Phase II Trial of Observation for Low-RiskMeningiomas and of Radiotherapy for Intermediate- and High-RiskMeningiomas Presented at the American Society for RadiationOncologyrsquos (ASTROrsquos) 57th Annual Meeting 2015

63 Goyal LK Suh JH Mohan DS Prayson RA Lee J Barnett GH Localcontrol and overall survival in atypical meningioma a retrospectivestudy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20004657ndash61

64 Pasquier D Bijmolt S Veninga T Rezvoy N Villa S Krengli M et alRare Cancer Network Atypical and malignant meningioma out-come and prognostic factors in 119 irradiated patients A multicen-ter retrospective study of the Rare Cancer Network Int J RadiatOncol Biol Phys 2008711388ndash1393

65 Yang SY Park CK Park SH Kim DG Chung YS Jung HW Atypicaland anaplastic meningiomas prognostic implications of clinicopa-thological features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry200879574ndash580

66 Rosenberg LA Prayson RA Lee J Reddy C Chao ST Barnett GHet al Long-term experience with World Health Organization grade III(malignant) meningiomas at a single institution Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys200974427ndash432

67 Aghi MK Carter BS Cosgrove GR Ojemann RG Amin-Hanjani SMartuza RL et al Long-term recurrence rates of atypical meningio-mas after gross total resection with or without postoperative adju-vant radiation Neurosurgery 20096456ndash60

68 Mair R Morris K Scott I Carroll TA Radiotherapy for atypical men-ingiomas J Neurosurg 2011115811ndash819

69 Komotar RJ Iorgulescu JB Raper DM Holland EC Beal K BilskyMH et al The role of radiotherapy following gross-total resection ofatypical meningiomas J Neurosurg 2012117679ndash686

70 Stessin AM Schwartz A Judanin G Pannullo SC Boockvar JASchwartz TH et al Does adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy im-prove outcomes for nonbenign meningiomas A SurveillanceEpidemiology and End Results (SEER)-based analysis J Neurosurg2012117669ndash675

71 Detti B Scoccianti S Di Cataldo V Monteleone E Cipressi S BordiL et al Atypical and malignant meningioma outcome and prognos-tic factors in 68 irradiated patients J Neurooncol2013115421ndash427

72 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

73 Park HJ Kang HC Kim IH Park SH Kim DG Park CK et al The roleof adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma J Neurooncol2013115241ndash217

74 Zaher A Abdelbari Mattar M Zayed DH Ellatif RA Ashamallah SAAtypical meningioma a study of prognostic factors WorldNeurosurg 201380549ndash553

75 Aizer AA Arvold ND Catalano P Claus EB Golby AJ Johnson MDet al Adjuvant radiation therapy local recurrence and the need for

salvage therapy in atypical meningioma Neuro Oncol2014161547ndash1553

76 Hammouche S Clark S Wong AH Eldridge P Farah JO Long-termsurvival analysis of atypical meningiomas survival rates prognosticfactors operative and radiotherapy treatment Acta Neurochir20141561475ndash1481

77 Yoon H Mehta MP Perumal K Helenowski IB Chappell RJ AktureE et al Atypical meningioma randomized trials are required to re-solve contradictory retrospective results regarding the role of adju-vant radiotherapy 20151159ndash66

78 Bagshaw HP Burt LM Jensen RL Suneja G Palmer CA CouldwellWT et al Adjuvant radiotherapy for atypical meningiomas JNeurosurg 201691ndash7

79 Jenkinson MD Waqar M Farah JO Farrell M Barbagallo GMMcManus R et al Early adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment ofatypical meningioma J Clin Neurosci 20162887ndash92

80 Wang C Kaprealian TB Suh JH Kubicky CD Ciporen JN Chen Yet al Overall survival benefit associated with adjuvant radiotherapyin WHO grade II meningioma Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24

81 Boskos C Feuvret L Noel G Habrand JL Pommier P Alapetite Cet al Combined proton and photon conformal radiotherapy for intra-cranial atypical and malignant meningioma Int J Radiat Oncol BiolPhys 200975399ndash406

82 Kano H Takahashi JA Katsuki T Araki N Oya N Hiraoka M et alStereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomasJ Neurooncol 20078441ndash47

83 Adeberg S Hartmann C Welzel T Rieken S Habermehl D vonDeimling A et al Long-term outcome after radiotherapy in patientswith atypical and malignant meningiomasndashclinical results in 85patients treated in a single institution leading to optimized guidelinesfor early radiation therapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201283859ndash864

84 Attia A Chan MD Mott RT Russell GB Seif D Daniel Bourland Jet al Patterns of failure after treatment of atypical meningioma withgamma knife radiosurgery J Neurooncol 2012108179ndash185

85 Kim JW Kim DG Paek SH Chung HT Myung JK Park SH et alRadiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas histopatho-logical predictors of local tumor control Stereotact FunctNeurosurg 201290316ndash324

86 Pollock BE Stafford SL Link MJ Garces YI Foote RL Stereotacticradiosurgery of World Health Organization grade II and III intracranialmeningiomas treatment results on the basis of a 22-year experi-ence Cancer 20121181048ndash1054

87 Hanakita S Koga T Igaki H Murakami N Oya S Shin M Saito NRole of gamma knife surgery for intracranial atypical (WHO grade II)meningiomas J Neurosurg 20131191410ndash1414

88 Hardesty DA Wolf AB Brachman DG McBride HL Youssef ENakaji P et al The impact of adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery onatypical meningioma recurrence following aggressive microsurgicalresection J Neurosurg 2013119475ndash481

89 Mori Y Tsugawa T Hashizume C Kobayashi T Shibamoto YGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for atypical and malignantmeningiomas Acta Neurochir Suppl 201311685ndash89

90 Sun SQ Cai C Murphy RK DeWees T Dacey RG Grubb RL et alRadiation Therapy for Residual or Recurrent Atypical MeningiomaThe Effects of Modality Timing and Tumor Pathology on Long-Term Outcomes Neurosurgery 20167923ndash32

91 Valery CA Faillot M Lamproglou I Golmard JL Jenny C Peyre Met al Grade II meningiomas and Gamma Knife radiosurgery analysisof success and failure to improve treatment paradigm J Neurosurg2016125(Suppl 1)89ndash96

92 Zhang M Ho AL DrsquoAstous M Pendharkar AV Choi CY ThompsonPA et al CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Atypical andMalignant Meningiomas World Neurosurg 201691574ndash581

Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas Volume 2 Issue 2


93 Wang WH Lee CC Yang HC Liu KD Wu HM Shiau CY et alGamma Knife Radiosurgery for Atypical and AnaplasticMeningiomas World Neurosurg 201687557ndash564

94 Milosevic MF Frost PJ Laperriere NJ Wong CS Simpson WJRadiotherapy for atypical or malignant intracranial meningioma Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 199634817ndash822

95 Dziuk TW Woo S Butler EB Thornby J Grossman R Dennis WSet al Malignant meningioma an indication for initial aggressive sur-gery and adjuvant radiotherapy J Neurooncol 199837177ndash188

96 Sughrue ME Sanai N Shangari G Parsa AT Berger MSMcDermott MW Outcome and survival following primary and repeatsurgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas JNeurosurg 2010113202ndash209

97 Jenkinson MD Javadpour M Haylock BJ Young B Gillard HVinten J et al The ROAMEORTC-1308 trial Radiation versusObservation following surgical resection of AtypicalMeningioma study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Trials201516519

Volume 2 Issue 2 Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Meningiomas


Central NervousSystem Diseasein LangerhansCell HistiocytosisA Case Reportand Review ofthe Literature

Alessia Pellerino1 Luca Bertero2

Riccardo Soffietti1

1Department of Neuro-oncology City of Healthand Science Hospital Turin Italy2Department of Medical Sciences University ofTurin Turin Italy


IntroductionLangerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of un-known pathogenesis characterized by intense and abnor-mal proliferation of bone marrowndashderived histiocytes(Langerhans cells) The clinical presentation of LCH is ex-tremely variable ranging from a single isolated spontan-eously remitting bone lesion to a multisystem disease withlife-threatening organ dysfunction

The CNS involvement in LCH is observed in 5ndash10 ofpatients1 leading to severe neurological impairment anegative impact on quality of life and poor outcome

Here we describe the neurological presentation and re-sponse following chemotherapy of a CNS-LCH and a re-view of the clinical symptoms histopathologiccharacteristics differential diagnosis and therapeuticapproaches

Case reportIn April 2014 a 51-year-old man was referred for weightloss of more than 10 kg in the last year fever nightsweats exophthalmos ataxia behavioral changesdysphagia and dysarthria No alterations on rheumato-logic and blood tests were found A brain MRI displayedan enhancing lesion in the brainstem and pons with adiffuse involvement of the white matter of cerebral andcerebellar peduncles (Figure 1) while a spinal cord MRIshowed multiple localizations in thoracic and lumbarvertebrae A PET scan with 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglu-cose (FDG) confirmed the presence of high metabolicactivity in several bones (shoulders costal arches pel-vis hip and thigh bones) and pons A chest and abdom-inal CT showed cervical and axillar lymph nodeinvolvement

Figure 1 (A) Axial and (B) sagittal MRIs display an enhancing lesion in brainstem and pons before CdaAra-C treatment (C) Fluidattenuated inversion recovery MRI shows bilateral and symmetrical hypersignal of the cerebellar white matter

Figure 2 (A) Bone marrow biopsy shows an aggregate of histiocytes with large slightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and foldednuclei mixed with eosinophils and small lymphocytes (hematoxylin and eosin 400X) (B) Histiocytic cells positive for CD68(phosphoglucomutase-1) (400X) CD14 and S100 suggestive of bone marrow localization of LCH

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


A bone marrow biopsy was performed in April 2014 andthe histological diagnosis revealed LCH (Figure 2AndashB)Based on the presence of high-risk LCH (Table 1) in May2014 we decided to employ cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C)500 mgm2 twice daily on day 2ndash6 and cladribine (Cda)9 mgm2 daily on day 1ndash5 every 28 days according to thepilot study of Bernard et al2 After 4 courses of chemo-therapy (4 months) the brain MRI showed stable disease(Figure 3) but the patient developed unacceptable ad-verse events such as febrile neutropenia and lymphope-nia (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events[CTCAE] grade 4) anemia (grade 3) and thrombocyto-penia (grade 4)

Considering the poor benefit and the significant toxicityof the CdaAra-C regimen in September 2014 thepatient started vinblastine (VBL) 6 mgm2 every 7 days(day 1-8-15-22-29-36) plus prednisone 40 mgm2dayorally (from day to 28)3 Following chemotherapy inNovember 2014 the patient performed a brain MRI thatshowed a significant reduction of the enhancing brain-stem lesion associated with an improvement of gait dis-turbance dysphagia and ataxia No changes in the extentof bone disease were observed The duration of clinicaland radiological response was 10 months but the patientdied from cytomegalovirus pneumonia in September2015

Table 1 Clinical Classification of LCH

SS-LCH One organ involved (unifocal or multifocal)bull Bonebull Skinbull Lymph nodebull Lungbull Central nervous systembull Other locations (thyroid thymus)

MS-LCH Two or more organs involved with or without ldquorisk organsrdquoa

Stratification of MS-LCHLow risk MS-LCH without involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisHigh risk MS-LCH with involvement of ldquorisk organsrdquo at diagnosisVery high risk High-risk patients without response to 6 weeks of standard treatment

aldquoRisk organrdquo involvement is defined as the presence of at least one of the following(i) hematopoietic system (by- or pancytopenia)(ii) liver (hepatomegaly andor dysfunction)(iii) spleen (splenomegaly)

Source Current therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 199812(2)327ndash338

Figure 3 (AndashB) Major partial response on contrast T1 and (C) fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI following 4 courses of CdaAra-Cand 6 infusions of VBLPRED

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


Review of the LiteratureEtiologyFor a long time LCH has been considered a poorlyunderstood disease due to rarity uncertain pathobiologyand wide heterogeneity of clinical manifestations Twohypotheses of LCH have been suggested in the last30 years it is either a reactive disease due to an inappro-priate immune deregulation or a neoplastic disease Theclonality of LCH was identified in female patients in the1990s4ndash5 through the demonstration of a proliferation ofmyeloid progenitor cells with a phenotype similar toepidermal dendritic cells The description of a patientwho had an immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in LCHand B-cells6 and 2 cases of LCH arising from precursorT-lymphoblastic leukemialymphoma7 further supportedthe hypothesis of a malignant hematopoietic disease

Clinical Classification of LCHThe Histiocyte Society has recently proposed a revisionof histiocytic disorders based on the integration of clinicalpresentation and molecular and genetic findings8 Thenew classification defines 5 groups of diseases

bull Langerhans cell histiocytoses include a broad spectrumof clinical manifestations in children and adults with in-volvement of bones (80) skin (33) pituitary gland(25) liver spleen hematopoietic system or lungs(15) lymph nodes (5ndash10) or the CNS (2ndash4excluding the pituitary)9 This subgroup includesErdheimndashChester disease which typically involves malepatients of 55ndash60years with a diffuse skeletal involve-ment CNS lesions diabetes insipidus and exophthal-mos Our patients satisfied all the clinical criteria of thisgroup

bull Cutaneous and mucocutaneous histiocytoses are local-ized to skin andor mucosa surfaces and some of themmay be associated with systemic involvement

bull Malignant histiocytoses could be primary or second-ary depending on the concomitant presence of a lym-phoproliferative disease They are characterized byrapid progressive tumors with the absence of a spe-cific diagnostic histologic criteria for other myeloid orlymphoproliferative malignancy a high mitotic activitywith atypical mitoses and cellular atypia

bull Rosai-Dorfman disease involves lymph nodes Themost common presentation is bilateral painless massivecervical lymphadenopathy associated with fever nightsweats fatigue and weight loss Mediastinal inguinaland retroperitoneal nodes may also be involved

bull Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosismacrophage acti-vation syndrome is a rare often fatal syndrome of intenseimmune activation characterized by fever cytopeniashepatosplenomegaly and hyperferritinemia

Correlations betweenNeuropathology NeurologicalSymptoms and MRI in LCHLCH is characterized by clonal proliferation of cells thatexpress CD1a C68 and CD207 and by the presence inhistiocytic lesions of Birbeck granules (pentalaminar cyto-plasmic bodies considered to be pathognomonic in nor-mal Langerhans cells of human epidermidis)

Three types of lesions have been described in the CNS10

bull Circumscribed granulomas bulky lesions in the men-inges or choroid plexus The composition is similar toLangerhans granulomas in peripheral organs withCD1a reactive cells and CD8-positive T-cellinfiltration

bull Granulomas with infiltration of the surrounding brainparenchyma associated with T-cell inflammation andloss of neurons and axons and reactive gliosis Themain localizations are cerebellum infundibulum andhypothalamus

bull Neurodegenerative lesions lacking CD1a cells and dif-fuse inflammatory process CD8thorn especially in cere-bellum brainstem infundibulum optic nerveschiasma and basal ganglia

The neuropathological findings are correlated with clinicaland radiological presentation thus neuro-LCH could beclassified into 3 groups

bull Tumor CNS-LCH represents 45 of neuro-histiocytosis and affects mainly young males with asubacute onset characterized by intracranial hyper-tension seizures motor or sensory deficits cognitiveimpairment cranial nerve palsies andor cerebellarsyndrome Brain MRI shows a unique intracranial T1hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesion with a homo-geneous contrast enhancement Although the cere-bral hemispheres are most commonly affectedlesions may be localized in other sites such as thedura mater brainstem cerebellum cranial nervesnerve roots choroid plexus and spinal cord

bull Differential diagnosis is difficult and includes malig-nant gliomas cerebral CNS lymphomas choroidplexus tumors and brain metastases but also inflam-matory pseudotumor lesions (multiple sclerosis neu-rosarcoidosis) infectious disease (pachymeningitis)meningiomas and neoplastic meningitis The CSFexamination is usually normal

bull Neurodegenerative LCH accounts for 45 of neuro-histiocytosis The neurological presentation is domi-nated by progressive cerebellar ataxia anddysexecutive and pseudobulbar syndrome11 Morethan half of patients suffer from central diabetes insipi-dus due to hypothalamic-pituitary involvement BrainMRIs display global cerebellar atrophy with a symmet-rical T2 hyperintensity of the cerebellar white matter a

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


T1 hyperintensity of the dentate nuclei and hyperin-tense T2 areas in the pontine tegmentum and pyram-idal tracts Cortical and corpus callosum atrophy canbe seen12rsquo Ten percent of patients with neurodege-nerative LCH have normal MRI while 18FDG PETshows a hypometabolism in the cerebellum caudatenuclei and frontal cortex13

bull Mixed forms account for 10 of neuro-LCH The clin-ical presentation and neuroradiological findings com-bine the previous symptoms and type of lesions of thetumor and neurodegenerative forms Although cere-bral granulomatous lesions may improve with specifictreatments cerebellar ataxia tends to worsen overtime

Principles of TreatmentPatients with one organ system involvement (single-sys-tem [SS] LCH) have a better outcome compared withthose with multiple organ involvement (multisystem [MS]LCH) Based on this knowledge Broadbent and col-leagues proposed a clinical classification of LCH14 inorder to stratify the risk of early recurrence following treat-ments and provide a guideline for clinicians especially forenrollment in clinical trials Risk organ involvement atdiagnosis and response to initial treatment allow for astratification of patients into low-risk and high-risk sub-groups Furthermore the absence of a response after6 weeks of standard therapy defines a ldquovery high riskrdquo pa-tient who needs an early adjustment of treatment(Table 1)

The Histiocyte Society has conducted several clinical tri-als in the last years to define the optimal management ofLCH There is general agreement on the indication ofchemotherapy in MS-LCH patients

The first international trial in 1991ndash1995 (LCH-1 trial)compared the efficacy of VBL plus etoposide in patientswith MS-LCH The study demonstrated the equivalent ac-tivity of these drugs in terms of response rate and thepresence of low- and high-risk subgroups based on dis-ease reactivation rate and overall survival15

The second trial (LCH-2) enrolled MS-LCH patients from1996 to 2000 and evaluated the efficacy of the addition ofetoposide to an initial therapy with prednisolone (PRED)and VBL The standard and experimental arms respect-ively had similar results achieving response rates of63 and 71 5-year survivals of 74 and 79 and adisease reactivation rate of 46

The LCH-III trial (2001ndash2008) investigated methotrexateas an adjunctive therapy to the standard combination ofPRED and VBL in high-risk MS-LCH The experimentalarm did not show a superiority in terms of control of thedisease or overall and reactivation-free survival16

These randomized clinical trials have established VBLand PRED (6ndash12 weeks of oral steroids and weekly VBLinjections followed by pulse of PREDVBL every 3 weeks

for 12 months) as the standard treatment in MS-LCH Upto date an effective second-line chemotherapy is notavailable for high-risk and refractory LCH A CdaAra-Cregimen has shown some good results in small seriesand phase II trials in severe progressive LCH2ndash17 but also2 important limitations

(1) Severe toxicities such as long-lasting pancyto-penia and CTCAE grades 3ndash4 enteritis with mas-sive diarrhea and prolonged hospitalization

(2) A long median time to achieve response of around4 months and the risk that the clinician prema-turely stops the therapy

We employed initially in our patient the CdaAra-C regi-men due to the severe clinical and neurological impair-ment obtaining a stabilization of the disease on MRIHowever the patient developed severe and long-lastingadverse effects so we switched to a VBLPRED sched-ule achieving a long-lasting response with goodtolerability

New Insights into LCH Biologyand Targeted TherapiesIn 2010 the mutation in BRAF serinethreonine kinase(BRAF V600E) was reported in 57 of patients withLCH18 and was associated with high-risk features andpoor short-term response to chemotherapy19 In particu-lar the presence of the mutated BRAF in a hematopoieticstem cell would cause high-risk LCH (multisystemic dis-ease) while a mutation in a differentiated cell type wouldgive a low-risk disease (SS-LCH) Moreover mutation ofBRAF leads to the activation of the RasRaf mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)extracellularsignal-regulated kinase pathways a possible target ofRas and MEK inhibitors Haroche et al have reported asignificant efficacy of vemurafenib in both MS-LCH andrefractory ErdheimndashChester disease20ndash21 There are a fewongoing trials (NCT02281760 NCT02649972NCT02089724 NCT061677741) that are evaluating therole of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors inpatients with severe and refractory histiocytic disorders

The participation of an inflammatory response sustainedby specific cytokines and chemokines is not negligible22

In this regard new attractive targets are receptor activa-tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand23 and programmedcell death 1 (PD1) ligand24 both receptors are highlyexpressed in several histiocytic disorders representingtherapeutic targets for denosumab25and anti-PD1 drugs(eg nivolumab)


1 A multicentre retrospective survey of Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis348 cases observed between 1983 and 1993 The FrenchLangerhansrsquo Cell Histiocytosis Study Group Arch Dis Child 1996Jul75(1)17ndash24

Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Volume 2 Issue 2


2 Bernard F Thomas C Bertrand Y Munzer M Landman Parker JOuache M Colin VM Perel Y Chastagner P Vermylen C DonadieuJ Multi-centre pilot study of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine and cytosinearabinoside combined chemotherapy in refractory Langerhans cellhistiocytosis with haematological dysfunction Eur J Cancer 2005Nov41(17)2682ndash89

3 Gadner H Minkov M Grois N Potschger U Thiem E Arico MAstigarraga I Braier J Donadieu J Henter JI Janka-Schaub GMcClain KL Weitzman S Windebank K Ladisch S HistiocyteSociety Therapy prolongation improves outcome in multisystemLangerhans cell histiocytosis Blood 2013 Jun 20121(25)5006ndash14

4 Willman CL Busque L Griffith BB Favara BE McClain KL DuncanMH Gilliland DG Langerhansrsquo-cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) aclonal proliferative disease N Engl J Med 1994 Jul21331(3)154ndash60

5 Yu RC Chu C Buluwela L Chu AC Clonal proliferation ofLangerhans cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Lancet 1994 Mar26343(8900)767ndash68

6 Magni M Di Nicola M Carlo-Stella C Matteucci P Lavazza CGrisanti S Bifulco C Pilotti S Papini D Rosai J Gianni AM Identicalrearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene in neoplasticLangerhans cells and B-lymphocytes evidence for a common pre-cursor Leuk Res 2002 Dec26(12)1131ndash33

7 Feldman AL Berthold F Arceci RJ Abramowsky C Shehata BMMann KP Lauer SJ Pritchard J Raffeld M Jaffe ES Clonal relation-ship between precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemialymphoma andLangerhans-cell histiocytosis Lancet Oncol 2005 Jun6(6)435ndash37

8 Emile JF Abla O Fraitag S et al Revised classification of histiocyto-ses and neoplasms of the macrophage-dendritic cell lineagesBlood 2016 Jun 2127(22)2672ndash81

9 Laurencikas E Gavhed D Stalemark H et al Incidence and patternof radiological central nervous system Langerhans cell histiocytosisin children a population based study Pediatr Blood Cancer201156(2)250ndash57

10 Grois N Prayer D Prosch H Lassmann H CNS LCH Co-operativeGroup Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocy-tosis Brain 2005 Apr128(Pt 4)829ndash38

11 Nanduri VR Lillywhite L Chapman C et al Cognitive outcome oflong-term survivors of multisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis asingle-institution cross-sectional study J Clin Oncol 2003 Aug121(15)2961ndash67

12 Martin-Duverneuil N Idbaih A Hoang-Xuan K et al MRI features ofneurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis Eur Radiol 2006Sep16(9)2074ndash82

13 Ribeiro MJ Idbaih A Thomas C et al 18F-FDG PET in neurodege-nerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis results and potential interestfor an early diagnosis of the disease J Neurol 2008Apr255(4)575ndash80

14 Broadbent V Gadner H Current therapy for Langerhans cell histio-cytosis Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998 Apr12(2)327ndash38

15 Gadner H Grois N Arico M et al A randomized trial of treatment formultisystem Langerhansrsquo cell histiocytosis J Pediatr 2001May138(5)728ndash34

16 Gadner H Grois N Potschger U et al Improved outcome in multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with therapy in-tensification Blood 2008111(5)2556ndash62

17 Donadieu J Bernard F van Noesel M et al Cladribine and cytara-bine in refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis resultsof an international phase 2 study Blood 2015 Sep17126(12)1415ndash23

18 Badalian-Very G Vergilio JA Degar BA MacConaill LE Brandner BCalicchio ML Kuo FC Ligon AH Stevenson KE Kehoe SMGarraway LA Hahn WC Meyerson M Fleming MD Rollins BJRecurrent BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis Blood2010 Sep 16116(11)1919ndash23

19 Heritier S Emile JF Barkaoui MA et al Braf mutation correlates withhigh-risk langerhans cell histiocytosis and increased resistance tofirst-line therapy J Clin Oncol 2016 Sep 134(25)3023ndash30

20 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Dramatic efficacy ofvemurafenib in both multisystemic and refractory Erdheim-Chesterdisease and Langerhans cell histiocytosis harboring the BRAFV600E mutation Blood 2013 Feb 28121(9)1495ndash500

21 Haroche J Cohen-Aubart F Emile JF et al Reproducible and sus-tained efficacy of targeted therapy with vemurafenib in patients withBRAF(V600E)-mutated Erdheim-Chester disease J Clin Oncol2015 Feb 1033(5)411ndash18

22 Kannourakis G Abbas A The role of cytokines in the pathogenesisof Langerhans cell histiocytosis Br J Cancer Suppl 1994Sep23S37ndashS40

23 Ishii R Morimoto A Ikushima S et al High serum values of solubleCD154 IL-2 receptor RANKL and osteoprotegerin in Langerhanscell histiocytosis Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 Aug47(2)194ndash99

24 Gatalica Z Bilalovic N Palazzo JP et al Disseminated histiocytosesbiomarkers beyond BRAFV600E frequent expression of PD-L1Oncotarget 2015 Aug 146(23)19819ndash25

25 Brodowicz T Hemetsberger M Windhager R Denosumab for thetreatment of giant cell tumor of the bone Future Oncol201571(1)71ndash75

Volume 2 Issue 2 Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Management ofBrain MetastasisBurning Questionsto the RadiationOncologist

Roberta Rudarrudaunitoit


Roberta Ruda MDfor the Journal

Q1 Does whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)still have a role in brain metastasis

Q2 When to employ SRS

Ufuk AbaciogluIstanbul Turkey

Absolutely yes But I can say ldquoin lesser percentof patients than beforerdquo Local treatments likesurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)have proven to be locally effective with limitedside effects and without a detrimental effect onoverall survival without the addition of WBRT inpatients with limited number of brain metasta-ses (1ndash4 metastases with level I evidence)Since the radiotherapy devices capable of per-forming precise treatments like SRS haveincreased in variety and become widely avail-able and demanded more by the patients SRShas started to be used more frequently Even forpatients with more than 4 brain metastases it isbeing preferred along with the retrospective andsingle-arm prospective study results The cu-mulative volume of the metastases rather thanthe number appears to be more important forSRS or WBRT decision For example in theJLGK0901 prospective observational study1194 patients with 1ndash10 metastases had totalcumulative volume of 15 cc and largest tumorlimitation of 10 cc It was shown within thisstudy that patients with 5ndash10 metastases hadsimilar outcomes as 2ndash4 metastases exceptslightly higher incidence of leptomeningeal dis-semination WBRT has been the mainstay pallia-tive treatment for many decades with verylimited impact on survival compared with bestsupportive care The recently publishedQUARTZ trial in patients with brain metastasesfrom non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) notsuitable for resection or SRS (study patientpopulation with KPS lt70 proportion 38)revealed similar median overall survival of2 months Only patientslt60 years hadimproved survival with WBRT In the publishedrandomized studies WBRT in addition to sur-gery and SRS improves local and distant braincontrol however none of them have been ableto show a positive impact on survival Bothquality of life and neurocognitive function havedeteriorated in surviving patients Although in anad hoc analysis of the Japanese study additionof WBRT has improved survival in the subgroupof 47 patients with NSCLC and recursive parti-tioning analysis (RPA) 25ndash4 (favorable prognos-tic group) this needs to be confirmedprospectively Nevertheless in a meta-analysisof the 3 studies addition of WBRT in 68 patientslt50 years has resulted in similar distant braincontrol with decreased survival (136 vs

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in single fraction usinga firm immobilization and image guid-ance Brain metastases generallyrepresent ideal targets for SRS be-cause of their frequently sphericalshape and contrast enhancementwith sharp margins I believe one ofthe most important things for a suc-cessful treatment of brain metastasesis the quality of the baseline MRimaging T1 sequences with gadolin-ium need to be necessarily thin sliceslike 1 mm Otherwise it is possible tomiss the treatment of multiple smallmetastases In my daily practice Itreat almost all my patients with 1ndash3metastases with SRS from any solidtumor histopathology For patientswith 4ndash10 metastases especiallywith the breast cancer I inform themabout the leptomeningeal dissemin-ation risk and usually start withWBRT and use SRS at progressionAn MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) study where WBRT andSRS are being compared head tohead in this patient population willprovide us more guidance

Technically tumors smaller than 3ndash35 cm are suitable for SRSHowever as the size increases theradiation dose needs to be reducedbecause of radiation-related sideeffects mainly radiation necrosis Forlarge metastases fractionated SRT(fSRT) is a viable option to prescribea biologically more effective dosewith lesser toxicity Retrospectiveseries and our own experiencesupport fSRT to achieve higher localcontrol and decreased radiation ne-crosis rates For patients with largetumors who donrsquot need prompt surgi-cal decompression or are not suitablefor surgery because of comorbiditiesor systemic disease status I prefer togive fSRT

Recent studies also have investi-gated the role of postoperative cavity


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



82 months) Both subgroup analyses should beassumed as hypothesis generating for furtherinvestigation WBRT as my initial sole treatmentchoice would be miliary metastases (too manysmall metastases) or cumulative volume gt15 ccor leptomeningeal infiltration or low KPS Thereare ongoing initiatives to reduce the cognitiveside effects of WBRT The use of a neuroprotec-tive compound memantine during WBRT hasresulted in better cognitive function comparedwith WBRTthornplacebo in the phase III RadiationTherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0614 trialAlong with the technological developments inradiation oncology WBRT with hippocampalavoidance and simultaneous integrated boostto the metastases has emerged as a potentialimprovement for WBRT In the phase II RTOG0933 study hippocampal-avoidance WBRT hasresulted in reduced memory deficit and qualityof life compared with historical controls and isbeing investigated in the randomized phase IIINRG-CC001 trial ldquoMemantinethornWBRT with orwithout Hippocampal Avoidancerdquo

SRS Two randomized studies werepresented at the ASTRO 2016 meet-ing which showed improved localcontrol compared with surgery alonein the MDACC study and less cogni-tive deterioration compared withWBRT in the multi-institutionalN107C study For small cavities lessthan 3 cm my preference is to givesingle fraction SRS whereas forlarger ones to give fSRT

Salvador VillaBadalona Spain

Radiation treatment is essential in the manage-ment of brain metastases (BM) In the past themajority of patients with BM were given wholebrain irradiation (WBI) 30 Gy in 10 fractions andno other schedules have shown superiority interms of palliation or survival However for deci-sion making the number of BMs is consideredGraded prognostic assessment (GPA) scores 3different values (0 05 or 1) These scores wereassigned for each of these 4 parameters age(gt60 50ndash59 lt 50) KPS (lt70 70ndash80 90ndash100)number of BMs (gt3 2ndash3 1) and extracranialmetastases (present not applicable none) Ourgroup validated it However the revised GPAhas found histology to be statistically significantbased on retrospective data in a more recentera compared with the database used to derivethe old RTOG RPA

Supportive care measures which may includeanticonvulsants andor corticosteroids to man-age edema also should be given as necessaryHowever anticonvulsant prophylaxis should notbe used routinely and still in my opinion somephysicians are using it as prophylaxis

From my point of view nowadays WBI is indi-cated in patients with small cell lung cancersuspicion of meningeal carcinomatosis in spe-cific cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung withanaplastic lymphoma kinase mutation due to

SRS is a high-precision localized ir-radiation given in one fraction using acombination of firm immobilizationand image guidance Small brainmetastases represent a suitable tar-get for SRS The dose is inverselyrelated to tumor size

The SRS and hypofractionated regi-mens in cases where high single radi-ation doses to large tumors or tumorsclose to critical neural structures will beassociated with significant risk of tox-icity (so-called stereotactic hypofrac-tioned radiation therapy [SHRT]) havenot been compared in a randomizedtrial Of course more reliable resultshave been published with SRSMoreover the radiation schedule forSHRT has not yet been defined Singledose SRS in the treatment of a limitednumber (1ndash3) of newly diagnosed BMshas yielded a local control at 1 year of80ndash90 with symptoms improve-ment and median survival of6ndash12 months Best prognostic groupshave longer survival

There are no differences in out-come using gamma-knife or linearaccelerator


Interview Volume 2 Issue 2



the high probability of ldquomiliaryrdquo dissemination inpatients with breast cancer and triple negativewith more than 3 or 4 BMs or in patients with aBM as large as 4 to 5 cm of diameter withoutsurgical indication We have to take into accountthat WBI will deteriorate neurocognitive functionif patients are alive for more than 3ndash6 months ina significant proportion of cases In patientsolder than 65ndash70 years I advise to irradiate onlyin a focal way to the BM which could cause spe-cific symptoms

The European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22952 hasshown that intracranial progression occurs bothat sites treated primarily with SRS or surgeryand at new sites not treated before In thisstudy intracranial progression was significantlymore frequent in the observational arm (delayedWBI) (78) than in the WBI arm (48) So thefirst conclusion is that WBI is needed forpatients with few BMs (1 to 3) Neverthelessseveral randomized trials have been unable toshow an improved overall survival by addingWBI to surgical resection or SRS The EORTCtrial reported an increased intracranial tumorcontrol while translating into a very modest in-crease of progression-free survival with WBIbut it does not translate into a prolonged sur-vival time with functional independence or into aprolonged overall survival time A meta-analysisof these randomized trials comparing SRS alonewith SRS thornWBI in patients with 1 to 4 BMs sug-gested a survival advantage for SRS alone inpatients aged lt50 years without a reduction inthe risk of new BMs with adjuvant WBRT con-versely in patients agedgt50 years WBIdecreased the risk of new BMs but did not affectsurvival Patients with NSCLC with higher GPAscores (25ndash40) had a survival benefit fromSRSthornWBI compared with SRS alone (mediansurvival 167 vs 107 months) (special group tobe explored)

The impact of adjuvant WBI on cognitive func-tions and quality of life has been analyzed insome studies Two trials compared the neuro-cognitive function of patients who underwentSRS alone or SRS thornWBI In both after the first3 months of follow-up patients had subsequentdeterioration of neurocognitive function amonglong-term survivors (up to 36 months) after WBIor patients treated with SRSthornWBI were atgreater risk of a decline in learning and memory

To add SRS to WBI as the stand-ard approach improved overall sur-vival in patients with 1 BM or inpatients with GPA score 35ndash4 and1ndash3 BM But as I said before Iadvise to delay WBI in the majorityof patients with BM and con-squently the double approach hasto be indicated only for specificcases and situations

Furthermore many institutions areexploring use of SRS for morethan 4 BMs and the results arecomparable between number ofBMs in terms of survival and tox-icity

Postoperative SRS is an approachto decrease the local relapse fol-lowing surgery while avoiding thecognitive sequelae of WBI Wehave several retrospective and oneprospective phase II trial thatreported local control rates at1 year around 80 (70ndash90)and a median survival of 10ndash17 months We do not know yetthe optimal dose and fractionationand the effects on survival qualityof life and cognitive functions andthe risk of radiation necrosis fol-lowing postoperative SRS seemshigher than reported by theEORTC study The other concernis risk of leptomeningeal relapse in8 to 13 of patients especiallyin those with breast histology

In summary SRS (or SHRT) canbe used to follow cases of patientswith BM patients with number ofBMs up to 4 with diameters up to3 cm patients with complete or in-complete resection of 1 or 2 BMsas an adjuvant way patients olderthan 65ndash70 years with large BMavoiding WBI at all histologies likemelanoma colon cancer or kidneywhich have been consideredldquoradioresistantrdquo and in necroticmetastases that need higher radi-ation doses Delaying (or avoiding)WBI is the final goal


Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview



function 4 months after treatment comparedwith those receiving SRS alone

The Alliance trial compared SRS alone versusSRS thornWBI in patients with 1ndash3 BMs using a pri-mary neurocognitive endpoint defined as de-cline from baseline in any 6 cognitive tests at3 months Overall the decline was significantlymore frequent after SRSthornWBI versus SRSalone with more deterioration in immediate re-call delayed recall and verbal fluency A qualityof life analysis of the EORTC 22952 trial hasshown over 1 year of follow-up no significant dif-ference in the global health related quality of lifebut patients undergoing adjuvant WBRT hadtransient lower physical functioning and cogni-tive functioning scores and more fatigue

On the other hand an effective control of BMmay have a positive influence in the neurocogni-tive outcome treated with BM As a conse-quence a delay in starting WBI does not seemto influence overall survival and improves qualityof life Based on the results of these trials theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology rec-ommends not to routinely add adjuvant WBRTto SRS for patients with a limited number ofBMs New approaches (neuroprotective drugsnew techniques of radiotherapy) are beingdeveloped In a randomized double-blind pla-cebo-controlled phase II trial (RTOG 0614) theuse of memantine during and after WBI resultedin better cognitive function over timeHippocampal-avoidance WBRT using intensitymodulated radiotherapy to reduce the radiationdose to the hippocampus is not associated withincreased risk of recurrence in the low dose re-gion and could preclude memory deteriorationbut we do not have clear evidence so far

The objective of WBI is palliation However WBIhas some limitations to control symptomsPhysicians referring patients with BM for con-sideration of WBI are often overly optimisticwhen estimating the clinical benefit of the treat-ment and overestimate patientsrsquo survival I thinkthat in particular situations any radiation to thebrain is not indicated Specifically in patientswith very poor KPS with multiple BM affectedwith lung cancer and with systemic progres-sion the best supportive care is the goodoption

Interview Volume 2 Issue 2


Further Reading

Yamamoto M Serizawa T Shuto T et al Stereotactic radiosurgery forpatients with multiple brain metastases (JLGK0901) a multi-institutional prospective observational study Lancet Oncol201415387ndash95

Mulvenna P Nankivell M Barton R et al Dexamethasone and supportivecare with or without whole brain radiotherapy in treating patients withnon-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases unsuitable for resec-tion or stereotactic radiotherapy (QUARTZ) results from a phase 3non-inferiority randomised trial Lancet 20163882004ndash14

Aoyama H Tago M Shirato H et al Stereotactic radiosurgery with orwithout whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases secondaryanalysis of the JROSG 99-1 randomized clinical trial JAMA Oncol20151457ndash64

Sahgal A Aoyama H Kocher M et al Phase 3 trials of stereotactic radio-surgery with or without whole-brain radiation therapy for 1 to 4 brainmetastases individual patient data meta-analysis Int J Radiat OncolBiol Phys 201591(4)710ndash17

Brown PD Pugh S Laack NN et al Radiation Therapy Oncology Group(RTOG) Memantine for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in

patients receiving whole-brain radiotherapy a randomizeddoubleblind placebo-controlled trial Neuro Oncol201315(10)1429ndash37

Gondi V Pugh SL Tome WA et al Preservation of memory withconformal avoidance of the hippocampal neural stem-cell com-partment during whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases(RTOG 0933) a phase II multi-institutional trial J Clin Oncol201432(34)3810ndash16

Li J MD Anderson Cancer Center A prospective phase III randomizedtrial to compare stereotactic radiosurgery versus whole brain radiationtherapy forgtfrac14 4 newly diagnosed non-melanoma brain metastaseshttpclinicaltrialsgovshowNCT01592968

Mahajan A Ahmed S Li J et al Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryversus observation for completely resected brain metastases resultsof a prospective randomized study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys201696(2 Suppl)S2

Brown PD Ballman KV Cerhan J et al N107CCEC3 a phase III trial ofpost-operative stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) compared with wholebrain radiotherapy (WBRT) for resected metastatic brain disease Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys 201696(5)937

Volume 2 Issue 2 Interview


Open-label single arm phase II study onpembrolizumab for recurrent primarycentral nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL)Matthias Preusser

Study chair Matthias Preusser MDDepartment of Medicine I and Comprehensive Cancer Center ViennaMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 1090 ViennaAustria (matthiaspreussermeduniwienacat)

SynopsisPrimary central nervous systemlymphoma (PCNSL) is malignant andmost commonly of the diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) type that isconfined to the CNS at time of diagno-sis PCNSL is a rare disease andaccounts for approximately 22 ofCNS tumors with an overall incidencerate of around 05 cases per 100 000people per year The standard therapyat diagnosis is based on high-dosemethotrexate (MTX) chemotherapywhich may be combined with otherchemotherapeutics (eg cytarabine)and followed by consolidation thera-pies such as whole-brain radiotherapyintensified chemotherapy or autolo-gous stem cell transplantationTherapeutic options for recurrentprogressive PCNSL after MTX-basedfirst-line therapy are poorly definedand novel treatment concepts based onbiological insights are urgently neededto improve patient outcomes Severalstudies have shown overexpression ofthe programmed death 1 receptor(PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 in PCNSLMoreover some case studies havereported response to treatment withantindashPD-1 monoclonal antibodies (im-mune checkpoint inhibitors) Thereforewe have initiated the clinical trial ldquoOpen-label single arm phase II study on pem-brolizumab for recurrent primary centralnervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)ldquo(NCT02779101) The primary objective

of the study is to evaluate the overallresponse rate and safety in patientstreated with pembrolizumab for recur-rent or progressive PCNSL after MTX-based first-line therapy Main inclu-sion criteria encompass histologicallyconfirmed diagnosis of PCNSL(DLBCL) at initial diagnosis docu-mented progression or recurrence incranial MRI after prior MTX-basedfirst-line therapy (with or without priorradiotherapy) measurable disease incranial MRI (lesion sizegt10 x 10 mm)and adequate organ function Thestudy is being conducted in multiplesites across Europe and is currentlyaccruing patients


1 Korfel A and Schlegel U Diagnosis andtreatment of primary CNS lymphoma NatRev Neurol 2013 9(6) p 317ndash327

2 Berghoff AS1 Ricken G Widhalm G RajkyO Hainfellner JA Birner P Raderer MPreusser M PD1 (CD279) and PD-L1(CD274 B7H1) expression in primary centralnervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) ClinNeuropathol 2014 Jan-Feb33(1)42ndash49

3 Chapuy B Roemer MG Stewart C Tan YAbo RP Zhang L Dunford AJ Meredith DMThorner AR Jordanova ES Liu G FeuerhakeF Ducar MD Illerhaus G Gusenleitner DLinden EA Sun HH Homer H Aono MPinkus GS Ligon AH Ligon KL Ferry JAFreeman GJ van Hummelen P Golub TRGetz G Rodig SJ de Jong D Monti S ShippMA Targetable genetic features of primarytesticular and primary central nervous systemlymphomas Blood 2016 Feb18127(7)869ndash881 doi101182blood-2015-10-673236 St





Volume 2 Issue 2 Study synopsis

European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs) ANew Initiative toIncreaseCollaborative Cross-Border Approachesto Treating BrainTumor Patients

Kathy OliverChair and Co-DirectorInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) andCo-Chair of the EURACAN Communications andDissemination Task Force

Email kathytheibtaorg


Rarity is often thought of as an exquisite thing valuablebecause it is remarkable for its scarceness

But for more than 43 million people throughout theEuropean Union whose lives have been touched by a rarecancer rarity often means a devastating and lonesomejourney1 Even in the richest and most powerful countriespatients with rare cancers can be lost in a maze of unevenand inequitable care

Taken as a whole entity rare cancers are more commonthan people may think Rare cancers represent in totalabout 22 of all cancer cases diagnosed in the EU eachyear including all cancers in children2 There is also evi-dence that 5-year relative survival rates are worse for rarecancers than for common cancers3

Primary brain tumors are considered a rare canceraccording to the official Rarecare definition of raritywhich identifies cancers with an incidence oflt 6100 000per year as being rare4

What are EuropeanReference NetworksIn response to the significant unmet needs of people withrare cancers like brain tumors and in order to ensure thatno one with a rare cancer ndash or indeed with any rare dis-ease ndash faces inequities in diagnosis treatment and sup-port European Reference Networks (ERNs) have beenestablished under the 2011 EU Directive on PatientsrsquoRights in Cross-Border Healthcare The Directive aims tofacilitate patientsrsquo access to information and care andthus optimize their diagnosis and treatment options

The ERNsmdashvirtual networks for the treatment of peoplewith rare diseases including rare cancersmdashinvolve healthcare providers across the European Union It is antici-pated that ERNs will

bull consolidate expertise and best practicebull build capacitybull result in better chances of accurate diagnosis for

patients with rare diseasesbull focus on highly specialized treatmentbull generate evidencebull create and update diagnostic and therapeutic clinical

practice guidelinesbull promote new research programs and clinical trials

(which will hopefully lead to improved enrollment)bull make economies of scalebull develop international databases and tumor banks

and cruciallybull improve patient outcomes

EURACAN is the ERNfor rare adult solidcancersIn December 2016 twenty-four European ReferenceNetworks were approved by the EUrsquos Board of MemberStates the formal body which oversees the ERNs One ofthe ERNs called EURACAN focuses on adult solidtumors while another ERN (PaedCan-ERN) focuses onpediatric cancers EuroBloodNet is the ERN for rarehematological cancers and other rare blood diseaseswhile the Genturis ERN is for rare inherited diseaseswhich may give rise to various cancers

The mission of EURACAN is ldquoto establish a world-leading patient-centric and sustainable network of multi-disciplinary research-intensive clinical centers focusedon rare adult cancersrdquo5 So far EURACAN has amassed66 health care providers in 17 European countries and 22associate partners which include patient advocacyorganizations

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2


Within EURACAN there are 10 ldquodomainsrdquo representingthe various families of rare cancers sarcoma raregynecological cancer rare male genital organurinarytract cancer rare neuroendocrine system cancer raredigestive tract cancer rare endocrine organ cancerrare head and neck cancer rare thoracic cancer andrare skin and eye melanoma The tenth EURACAN do-main is for brain and CNS tumors The domain leaderfor the brain and CNS tumors ERN is Professor Martinvan den Bent Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam theNetherlands

At the recent kick-off meeting in Lyon France for all ofthe 10 EURACAN domains Professor van den Bent said

We hope that the EURACAN ERN for brain andCNS tumors will enhance the work we alreadydo on a regular and collaborative basis withmany of the existing centers of neuro-oncologyexcellence in Europe Our objectives will bebased on rational reasonable and sustainableefforts for brain tumor patients We will be look-ing at ways of ensuring that our ERN for braintumors is not duplicative of other initiatives butrather focuses on delivering new approachesparticularly with relation to the very rare adultbrain tumors such as medulloblastoma epen-dymoma and BRAF mutated tumors and dothat closely collaborating with existingorganizations such as EANO [EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology] and EORTC[European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer]

Active patient advocacyengagement in theERNsOne of the defining aspects of EURACANrsquos 10 rarecancer domains including that of brain and CNStumors is the proactive engagement of patient advo-cates in the networksrsquo governance boards andcommittees

Elected ldquoePAGsrdquo (European Patient Advocacy Grouprepresentatives) will sit on the EURACAN main boardsteering committee task force groups and domain com-mittees ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefrontof EURACANrsquos work6

Additionally patient representatives involved with the 10domains of EURACAN will ldquoensure transparency in qual-ity of care safety standards clinical outcomes and treat-ment options communicate and connect with [their]community contribute to the definition of research prior-ity areas based on what is important to patients and theirfamilies and ensure that [patient perspectives] areembedded in the research activities performed within theERNsrdquo7

The European Reference Network for brain and CNStumors will provide a unique opportunity for clinicians pa-tient advocates allied health care professionalsresearchers and other stakeholders to work across geo-graphic borders in Europe and tackle the substantial and

Some of the members of the EURACAN European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid tumors at the ERN conference in VilniusLithuania in March 2017 EURACAN is led by Professor Jean-Yves Blay Head of the Anticancer Centre Leon Berard Lyon France(front row fourth from the right)

Volume 2 Issue 2 European Reference Networks (ERNs)


specific challenges of this devastating neuro-oncologicaldisease

SidebarFor further information about ERNs please visit httpeceuropaeuhealthernpolicy_en

For further information about EURACAN please contactMuriel Rogasik EURACAN project manager atmurielrogasiklyonunicancerfr

For further information on clinical aspects of theEuropean Reference Network for Brain and CNSTumours please contact Professor Martin J van den Bentat mvandenbenterasmusmcnl

For further information about patient involvementin the ERNs please contact Kathy Oliver at theInternational Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)kathytheibtaorg

Notes1 Rare Cancers Europe httpwwwrarecancerseuropeorg [accessed 28 April 2017]

2 Ibid

3 Gatta G et al Survival from rare cancer in adults apopulation-based study The Lancet Oncology LancetOncol 2006 Feb7(2)132ndash140 and httpswwwncbinlmnihgovpubmed16455477ordinalposfrac143ampitoolfrac14EntrezSystem2PEntrezPubmedPubmed_ResultsPanelPubmed_RVDocSum [accessed 27 April 2017]

4 RARECARE httpwwwrarecareeurarecancersrarecancersasp [accessed 28 April 2017]

5 EURACAN httpwwwcentreleonberardfr971-EURACANclbaspxlanguagefrac14fr-FR [accessed 26 April 2017]

6 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorgcontentepags[accessed 26 April 2017]

7 EURORDIS httpwwweurordisorg (suppliedPowerPoint presentation)

A map of the countries and cities participating in EURACAN the European Reference Network (ERN) for rare adult solid cancers

European Reference Networks (ERNs) Volume 2 Issue 2



Ingela ObergCorresponding author

Ingela Oberg Macmillan Lead Neuro-OncologyNurse Box 166 Division D-NeurosurgeryAddenbrookersquos Hospital CUHFT CambridgeBiomedical Campus Hills Road CB2 0QQEngland United Kingdom(Ingelaobergaddenbrookesnhsuk)


Neuro-oncology nursing is a niche but multifaceted areaof nursing practice that is ever expanding in its complexi-ties and in patient numbers Most of us are involved in thedaily management of malignant high-grade gliomaswhether it be from a surgical or oncological perspectiveSome of us also take on expanding roles of managinglow-grade glioma patients and those with benign braintumors Additionally some of us manage patients withbrain metastases

Brain metastasis is diagnosed in 10ndash40 of all patientswith cancer and the incidence continues to rise aspatients are living longer with their primary disease1

Brain metastases from systemic cancers are up to 10times more common than primary malignant braintumors2 Clinical management and understanding of brainmetastasis have changed substantially even in the last5 yearsmdashmany of these changes are attributable toimprovements in systemic therapies which have led tobetter systemic control and longer overall patient survivalOver time this leads to increased risk of developing brainmetastasis3

This patient cohort opens up a whole new realm of under-standing the primary disease trajectory in order to ade-quately manage the patientrsquos expectations aboutprognosis and treatment options as well as managingside effects of treatments and minimizing adverse effectsof them Patients with brain metastases have complexneeds and require a multidisciplinary approach in order tooptimize intracranial disease control while maximizingneurological function and quality of life2 As nurses andhealth care professionals we have a large role to play inensuring that we minimize the toxic effects of such treat-ments and that we proactively consider highlighting andaddressing these concerns to bring them to the forefrontof patient care

Brain metastases normally manifest themselves with neu-rological dysfunction alongside functional decline whichcan be very difficult to manage both medically and holis-tically As stated by Berghoff et al4 treatment options forbrain metastases are limited and mainly focus on the ap-plication of local therapies such as whole brain radiother-apy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) Theinability of many systemic chemotherapeutic agents topenetrate the bloodndashbrain barrier (BBB) has limited theiruse and subsequently allowed brain metastasis to be-come a burgeoning clinical challenge Furthermore theheterogeneity among and within different solid tumorsand their subtypes further adds to the difficulties in deter-mining the most appropriate treatment options WhileSRS has broadened therapeutic options for brain metas-tases patients respond minimally and prognosis remainspoor5

Looking at how we can impact quality of life givenpatientsrsquo poor prognosis Habets et al6 performed a pro-spective study evaluating the impact of brain metastasesand SRS on neurocognitive functioning and quality of lifeby measuring their parameters at 1 3 and 6 months after

SRS Their study found that over time SRS does nothave an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitivefunctioning suggesting that SRS may be preferred overWBRT a finding echoed by Bender7 Quality of life how-ever is not only assessed with neurocognitive measuresbut also based on complications that negatively impactquality of life and sometimes even overall survival Thesecomplications include aspects such as seizures alteredmood and hypercoagulable states such as venousthromboembolism (VTE) Adequately managing the sideeffects of antitumor treatments and supportive therapiesand attempting to minimize these effects will positivelyimpact on patientsrsquo quality of life8

Patel et al9 undertook a retrospective analysis of out-comes and toxicities of pre- and postoperative SRS forresectable brain metastases Their study found that bothtreatment arms provided similarly favorable rates of localrecurrences distant recurrences and overall survivalHowever there were significantly lower rates of symp-tomatic radiation necrosis and leptomeningeal disease inthe pre-SRS cohort Not only does this suggest that fur-ther research in a prospective study is warranted it alsolends weight to the argument that by considering apresurgical SRS boost it may even help improve thepatientrsquos quality of life and minimize long-term effectsSimple measures like being able to minimizecorticosteroids as a result of lessened effects and inci-dence of radiation necrosis are likely to greatly enhancepatientsrsquo quality of life

At this yearrsquos World Federation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) meeting in Zurich (May 3ndash5 2017)and as a result of the aforementioned articles the nursesrsquoeducational day was dedicated to learning about the careand management of patients with brain metastases Theday was aimed primarily at nurses and allied health careprofessionals but was open to anyone who wished togain a deeper understanding about the presenting signssymptoms and various treatment options as well as cur-rent clinical research being undertaken in this expandingand complex field of neuro-oncology

We learned about the radiological appearances of brainmetastasis and about the importance of contrast en-hanced imaging and why obtaining diffusion weighted im-aging is a crucial part of differentiating abscess fromtumors and how to assess for leptomeningeal spreadWe have heard about how to conduct clinical trials inneuro-oncology with brain metastasis at the forefrontand we have been given in-depth knowledge aboutbreast and lung primary cancers in relation to secondaryspread to the brain and subsequent prognosis and treat-ment options We have learned about the devastating im-pact of neoplastic meningitis Management options forbrain metastasis including surgical and oncologicaltechniques and emerging technologies and advances inmedical practice were also covered on this day

As patients are living longer with their primary cancer anddeveloping secondary brain metastases it was felt

Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern Volume 2 Issue 2


imperative to better equip the nurses and allied healthcare professionals caring for this patient cohort to be bet-ter informed about treatment options and their sideeffectsmdashin particular focusing on brain metastatic dis-ease given that this patient group is set to rise even fur-ther in the coming years We hope the WFNOS nursesrsquostudy day has helped in some way to demystify this pa-tient cohort and enable us to provide not only better butalso holistic nursing care


1 Garzo Saria M Piccioni D Carter J Orosco H Turpin T Kesari SCurrent perspectives in the management of brain metastases Clin JOncol Nursing 2015 19(4)475ndash79

2 Lu-Emerson C Eichier A Brain metastases Continuum (MinneapMinn) 2012 18(2)295ndash311

3 Arvold ND Lee EQ Mehta MP et al Updates in the management ofbrain metastases Neuro-Oncol 2016 18(8)1043ndash65

4 Berghoff A Preusser M The future of targeted therapies for brain me-tastases Future Oncol 2015 11(16)2315ndash27

5 Puhalla S Elmquist W Freyer D et al Unsanctifying the sanctuarychallenges and opportunities with brain metastases Neuro Oncol2015 17(5)639ndash51

6 Habets E Dirven L Wiggenraad RG et al Neurocognitive functioningand health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotacticradiotherapy for brain metastases a prospective study Neuro Oncol2016 18(3)435ndash44

7 Bender E For small brain metastases stereotactic radiosurgery alonewas found to lead to less cognitive deterioration than whole brain ra-diotherapy plus the stereotactic radiosurgery Neurol Today 201616(17)24ndash29

8 Schiff D Lee EQ Nayak L Norden AD Reardon DA Wen PY Medicalmanagement of brain tumours and the sequelae of treatment NeuroOncol 2015 17(4)488ndash504

9 Patel K Burri S Asher AL et al Comparing preoperative withpostoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for resectable brainmetastases A multi-institutional analysis Neurosurgery 201679(2)279ndash85

Volume 2 Issue 2 Brain MetastasesmdashA Growing Nursing Concern


Hotspots inNeuro-Oncology2017

Partick WenProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolEditor-In-Chief Neuro-Oncology Director CenterFor Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber CancerInstitute 450 Brookline Avenue Boston MA02215 Email pwenpartnersorg


Cancers of the brain and CNS global patterns andtrends in incidence

Miranda-Filho A Pi~neros M Soerjomataram I et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)270ndash280

This study examined the geographic and temporal varia-tions in incidence rates of brain and central nervous sys-tem (CNS) cancers worldwide

Data from successive volumes of Cancer Incidence inFive Continents were used including 96 registries in 39countries Joinpoint regression was used to estimate theaverage annual percentage change and its 95 CI

Globally there was a large variability in the magnitude ofthe diagnosis of new cases of brain and CNS cancer witha 5-fold difference between the highest rates (mainly inEurope) and the lowest (mainly in Asia) Increasing ratesof brain and CNS cancer were found in South Americanamely in Ecuador Brazil and Colombia in easternEurope (Czech Republic and Russia) in southern Europe(Slovenia) and in the 3 Baltic countries Trends were simi-lar between sexes although decreasing trends in menand women were seen in Japan and New Zealand

This study showed that important regional variations inbrain and CNS cancers exist and that the incidence maybe increasing in some countries Further studies will berequired to understand the reasons for these differencesand the potential contributions of genetic environmentaland socioeconomic factors

Diagnosis and treatment of brain metastases fromsolid tumors guidelines from the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)

Soffietti R Abacioglu U Baumert B et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Feb 119(2)162ndash174

Brain metastases are a major cause of morbidity andmortality in cancer patients The management of patientswith brain metastases has become an important issuedue to the increasing frequency and complexity of thediagnostic and therapeutic approaches In 2014 theEuropean Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) cre-ated a multidisciplinary Task Force to draw evidence-based guidelines for patients with brain metastases fromsolid tumors These EANO guidelines provide a consen-sus review of evidence and recommendations for diagno-sis by neuroimaging and neuropathology stagingprognostic factors and different treatment options Inaddition the EANO Task Force address treatmentoptions such as surgery stereotactic radiosurgeryster-eotactic fractionated radiotherapy whole-brain radiother-apy chemotherapy and targeted therapy (with particularattention to brain metastases from nonndashsmall cell lungcancer melanoma breast and renal cancer) and suppor-tive care

Leptomeningeal metastases a RANO proposal forresponse criteria

Chamberlain M Junck L Brandsma D et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Apr 119(4)484ndash492

Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are a major source ofmorbidity and mortality in cancer patients for which thereis no effective therapy Currently there is no standardiza-tion with respect to response assessment A ResponseAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) working groupwith expertise in LM (RANO LM working group) devel-oped a consensus proposal for evaluating patientstreated for this disease This proposal included 3 ele-ments in assessing response in LM a simple standar-dized neurological examination similar to the NeurologicAssessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) score developedfor brain tumors but with some minor adaptations for LMexamination of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cytology or flowcytometry and radiographic evaluation The proposalrecommends that all patients enrolling in clinical trialsundergo CSF analysis (cytology in all cancers flowcytometry in hematologic cancers) complete contrast-enhanced neuraxis MRI and in instances of plannedintra-CSF therapy radioisotope CSF flow studiesConsidering that most lesions in LM are nonmeasurableand that assessment of neuroimaging in LM is subjectiveneuroimaging is graded as stable progressive orimproved using a novel radiological LM response score-card Radiographic disease progression in isolation (ienegative CSF cytologyflow cytometry and stable neuro-logical assessment) would be defined as LM disease pro-gression This proposal by the RANO LM working groupis a work in progress It will require further testing and vali-dation in clinical trials and additional refinements willlikely be necessary Nonetheless it is an important step instandardizing response assessment in clinical trials inpatients with LM

The Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology(NANO) scale a tool to assess neurologic function forintegration into the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria

Nayak L DeAngelis LM Brandes AA et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 May 119(5)625ndash635

The determination of response of brain tumors to thera-peutic agents remains a challenge Both the Macdonaldcriteria and the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria include deterioration in clinicalstatus as part of the determination of progression but donot provide specific parameters for assessing this TheRANO criteria provided guidance on the use of theKarnofsky performance status but this does not provide areliable assessment of neurologic function The RANOgroup developed the Neurologic Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale as a simple objective and quanti-fiable metric of neurologic function that could be eval-uated during routine office examination bynonneurologists in 5 minutes or less It is designed to becombined with radiographic assessment to provide anoverall assessment of outcome for neuro-oncologypatients in clinical trials and in daily practice

The NANO scale is a quantifiable evaluation of 9 relevantneurologic domains based on direct observation and

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017


testing These include gait strength ataxia sensationvisual field facial strength language level of conscious-ness and behavior The score defines overall responsecriteria and complements existing patient-reported out-comes and neurocognitive testing to provide a globalclinical outcome assessment of well-being among braintumor patients

To determine its overall reliability inter-observer variabil-ity and feasibility a prospective multinational study wasconducted and noted agt 90 inter-observer agreementrate with kappa statistic ranging from 035 to 083 (fair toalmost perfect agreement) and a median assessmenttime of 4 minutes (interquartile range 3ndash5)

The NANO scale provides a simple objective clinician-reported outcome of neurologic function with high inter-observer agreement Its value is being confirmed inongoing clinical trials and future studies will determine ifit is more useful than simple clinician global assessmentof the presence of clinical decline If validated it may beincorporated in the future into the RANO criteria toimprove assessment of response

Is more better The impact of extended adjuvanttemozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma asecondary analysis of EORTC and NRG OncologyRTOG

Blumenthal DT Gorlia T Gilbert MR et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 Mar 24 doi [Epub ahead of print]PMID2837190

Since the European Organisation for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC)National Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC) trial established radiation therapy withconcurrent temozolomide (TMZ) followed by 6 cycles ofadjuvant TMZ as the standard of care for newly diag-nosed glioblastoma (GBM) there has been some contro-versy regarding the duration of adjuvant TMZ In Europemost centers conform to the 6 cycles of adjuvant therapyused in the EORTCNCIC study while in the UnitedStates many centers use 12 cycles of adjuvant TMZ andsome treat even longer until progression

To address this issue a pooled analysis of individualpatient data from 4 randomized trials for newly diagnosedGBM (RTOG 0825 EORTCNCIC CENTRIC and Core)was performed All patients who were progression free 28days after cycle 6 were included The decision to continueTMZ was per local practice and standards and at the dis-cretion of the treating physician Patients were groupedinto those treated with 6 cycles and those who continuedbeyond 6 cycles 624 patients qualified for analysis with

291 continuing maintenance TMZ until progression or upto 12 cycles while 333 discontinued TMZ after 6 cycles

Treatment with more than 6 cycles of TMZ was associ-ated with a slightly improved progression-free survival(hazard ratio [HR] 080 [065ndash098] Pfrac14 03) in particularfor patients with methylated MGMT (nfrac14 342 HR 065[050ndash085] Plt 01) However overall survival was notaffected by the number of TMZ cycles (HR 092 [071ndash119] Pfrac14 52) including the MGMT methylated subgroup(HR 089 [063ndash126] Pfrac14 51)

Although the study was retrospective in nature and hadinherent limitations it suggests that continuing TMZbeyond 6 cycles does not increase overall survival fornewly diagnosed GBM

Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in com-bination with antindashPD-1 antibody blockade enhancesantitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment

Hardcastle J Mills L Malo CS et al

Neuro Oncol 2017 April 119(4) 493ndash502

To date oncolytic viral therapies have shown only mod-est activity However there is growing interest in theirability to evoke antitumor pro-inflammatory responsesIn this study the combination of measles virus (MV)therapy and antindashprogrammed cell death protein 1(antindashPD-1) blockade was to determine if they togethercan overcome immunosuppression and enhanceimmune effector cell responses against glioblastoma(GBM)

In vitro MV infection induced human GBM cell secre-tion of damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP)(high-mobility group protein 1 heat shock protein 90)and upregulated programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) MV infection of GL261 murine glioma cellsresulted in a pro-inflammatory response and increasedmigration of BV2 microglia In vivo MVthorn antindashPD-1therapy synergistically enhanced survival of C57BL6mice bearing syngeneic orthotopic GL261 gliomasMRI showed increased inflammatory cell influx into thebrains of mice treated with MVthorn antindashPD-1Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis confirmedincreased T-cell influx predominantly consisting ofactivated CD8thorn T cells

These results demonstrate that oncolytic measles viro-therapy in combination with aPD-1 blockade significantlyimproves survival outcome in a syngeneic GBM modeland supports the potential of clinicaltranslational strat-egies combining MV with antindashPD-1 therapy in GBMtreatment

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2


Hotspots inNeuro-OncologyPractice20162017

Susan M ChangDirector Division of Neuro-Oncology Departmentof Neurological Surgery University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 505 Parnassus Ave M779 SanFrancisco CA 94143 USA


Seizures and cancer drug interactions of anticonvulsantswith chemotherapeutic agents tyrosine kinase inhibitorsand glucocorticoids

Benit CP Vecht CJ

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(4)245ndash260

All neuro-oncologists prescribe anticonvulsant medica-tions as part of routine care for many of their patientsand it is critical to be aware of the potential interactionswith other drugs in terms of both toxicity and altereddrug metabolism Benit and Vecht provide a good reviewof the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsants and the currentknowledge regarding interactions with chemotherapeuticdrugs tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other targeted agentsand glucocorticoids In addition to providing a useful refer-ence guide the authors draw attention to the lack of dataon how targeted molecular agents influence the metabo-lism of anti-epileptic drugs and the significance of individualvariability in drug metabolism which underscores theimportance of plasma drug monitoring to prevent organfailure neurotoxicity and diminished efficacy

Glioblastoma in the elderly making sense of theevidence

Mason M Laperriere N Wick W Reardon DAMalmstrom A Hovey E Weller M Perry JR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(2)77ndash86

Standard care for elderly patients with glioblastoma is notalways standard Historically this population has beenexcluded from many clinical trials of new agents overconcerns that frailty and comorbidities would skewoutcome data Extensive craniotomy is also consideredrisky in elderly patients and not always offered eventhough it is otherwise considered first-line therapy formost malignant gliomas As a result there is scattered in-formation on optimal care for these patients despite thefact that they make up a large proportion of the popula-tion we see in the clinic While age is a negative prognos-tic factor regardless of therapy chosen there is a growingbody of evidence that chemotherapy and radiation arewell tolerated by older patients This article reviews thepractical aspects of caring for elderly patients with newlydiagnosed glioblastoma including surgery radiationtemozolomide anti-angiogenic agents and symptommanagement Based on available randomized data theauthors provide an easily adoptable algorithm for carethat takes into account age performance status andMGMT methylation status

Clinical outcome assessments in neuro-oncology aregulatory perspective

Sul J Kluetz PG Papadopoulos EJ Keegan P

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)4ndash9

The most widely accepted endpoints used to evaluateclinical trials are overall survival progression-freesurvival and objective response More recently clinicaloutcome assessments (COAs) have been considered inthe riskndashbenefit assessment of clinical protocols COAs

take into account how treatments affect quality of life interms of patientsrsquo symptoms function and overall physi-cal and mental well-being Sul and colleagues eloquentlyreview the challenges of evaluating COAs in the neuro-oncology field pointing out that despite their increasingpopularity among patients and providers current mea-surement tools are extremely heterogeneous in bothmethodology and quality They outline the steps neededto develop and validate appropriate instruments to mea-sure COAs from a regulatory perspective in the UnitedStates As stated by the authors it is the responsibility ofhealth care providers regulators and drug developers topromote efforts that encourage effective developmentand thoughtful use of COAs in clinical trials in conjunctionwith standard tumor and survival measures These COAsshould be incorporated earlier in the drug developmentprocess and take into consideration the concerns thatrank highest among patients and caregivers This articlediscusses the results of a survey to determine the symp-toms and function that patients feel are most importantwhen evaluating new therapies and makes the case forprioritizing COA tools that measure these specific out-comes in clinical trial protocols

Understanding inherited genetic risk of adultgliomamdasha review

Rice T Lach DH Molinaro AM Eckel-Passow JEWalsh KM Barnholtz-Sloan J Ostrom QT Francis SSWiemels J Jenkins RB Wiencke JK Wrensch MR

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20163(1)10ndash16

Genetic risk is an important topic that is often askedabout by patients and families With the recent discoveryof inherited genetic variation that increases the risk foradult glioma Rice and colleagues provide a review of thecurrent knowledge and the potential value and limitationscritical for assisting clinicians in counseling patients Inaddition they clearly describe how inherited risk varies byhistology and molecular subtypes characterized byacquired mutations within the tumor Although we cannow point to some inherited variations that confer a higherrisk for developing brain tumors such as the chromosome8 glioma risk variant rs55705857 the overall risk remainsso low that testing for these variations is not currently rec-ommended However our expanding knowledge of howgenetics may influence tumorigenesis is critical to improv-ing treatment options and the molecular classification ofbrain tumors may ultimately prove more important thanhistological classification in predicting their clinical behav-ior This article is accompanied by an online companioninformation sheet on inherited genetic risk of adult gliomawhich is a useful resource for clinicians explaining thecurrent state of knowledge to patients and families

Fertility preservation in primary brain tumor patients

Stone JB Kelvin JF DeAngelis LM

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)40ndash45

Fertility preservation among patients of child-bearing agewho develop brain tumors is an understudied issue in

Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017 Volume 2 Issue 2


neuro-oncology As with other discussions we have withour patients about planning for the futuremdashsuch as thoserelated to caregiving advance directives orhospicemdashearly counseling on fertility preservation shouldbe a routine discussion with young patients and theirpartners Despite the high interest that couples have infertility preservation this article shows that in the UnitedStates there is a deep unmet need for guidance on thistopic and helps provide awareness for oncologists whomay assume that their patients are getting relevant infor-mation from another source or find the topic inappropri-ate Stone et al describe their experience with patientsreferred for reproductive counseling which includes dis-cussions on treatment-related fertility risks and fertilitypreservation As the authors describe advances in treat-ment for many types of primary brain tumors along withadvances in reproductive medicine have resulted in moreyoung adults being optimistic about beginning familiesThere were few social demographic or clinical character-istics that could predict a patientrsquos interest in fertility pres-ervation and the authors recommend that it be offered toall patients of reproductive age regardless of genderraceethnicity marital status prior children religiontumor type or tumor grade

Case-based review primary central nervous systemlymphoma

Korfel A Sclegel U Johnson DR Kaufmann TJGiannini C Hirose T

Neuro-Oncology Practice 20174(1)46ndash59

The case-based review series in Neuro-OncologyPractice is an excellent resource for providers that uses acase report to frame a review of the literature surroundinga particular clinical entity Korfel et al recently provided anin-depth review of primary central nervous system lym-phoma following the case of a patient presenting onlywith cognitive and behavioral symptoms They givedetailed information on distinguishing primary centralnervous system lymphoma from other neoplastic inflam-matory and infectious neurological conditions Onceproperly diagnosed they provide an overview of currenttreatment strategies including those for elderly patientsas well as a discussion of salvage therapy and experi-mental agents being tested in ongoing clinical trialsWhile overall survival remains poor for this disease man-agement strategies have improved to reduce toxicity andfurther studies are under way to better understand the un-derlying biology of the disease

Volume 2 Issue 2 Hotspots in Neuro-Oncology Practice 20162017


ANOCEF(FrenchSpeakingAssociation forNeuro-Oncology)

Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD


Khe Hoang-Xuan MD PhD President ofANOCEF Department of Neurology- DivisionMazarin Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere 47Boulevard de lrsquoHopital Paris 75013 FRANCEe-mail khehoang-xuanaphpfr


The ANOCEF (Association des Neuro-OncologuesdrsquoExpression Francaise) was created in 1993 as a non-profit organization by Marcel Chatel who was its firstpresident Its initial missions were those of a multidiscipli-nary learned society then they progressively extendedtoward supporting research on neuro-oncology under theimpulse of its previous successive presidents(Jean-Yves Delattre Jerome Honnorat Olivier ChinotLuc Taillandier) It has become over the years the naturalinterlocutor of the public health authorities for all mattersto do with neuro-oncology especially in the framework ofthe French Cancer Plan ANOCEF has recently set up aresearch group named IGCNO (Intergroupe cooperateurde neurooncologie) dedicated to promote clinical re-search projects and sponsor clinical trials by its ownmeans and which has been endorsed in 2014 by theFrench Cancer Institute (INCa)

OrganizationANOCEF has a president and a board (25 members in-cluding Swiss and Belgian representatives) subjected tore-election every 3 years It comprised in 2016 about 300active members including physicians from different disci-plines researchers and health professionals and has anetwork of 35 centers across the country providing pluri-disciplinary consultation meetings of neuro-oncology andparticipating in clinical trials For its communicationANOCEF has an official website (wwwanoceforg) and amonthly newsletter The ANOCEF board meets every2 months Sources of funding come mainly from the INCathrough structuring public calls patientsrsquo associationsubvention (ARTC Association pour la recherche sur lestumeurs cerebrales) industrial partnerships the congresssurplus and individual membership fees To coordinateall its actions ANOCEF has an administrative directorwho can be contacted at any time (Ms Maryline Vocoordinationanocefgmailcom)

EducationANOCEF organizes an annual scientific congress inspring and 2 educational meetings including one in part-nership with the French Society of Neurosurgery theFrench Society of Neuroradiology and the FrenchSociety of Neuropathology within the Journees deNeurologie de Langue Francaise (JNLF) ANOCEF alsocreated in 2004 a postgraduate curriculum with a nationaldegree of neuro-oncology (Diplome Inter Universitaire) in-volving 13 universities Three years ago a curriculumdedicated to nurses was set up In 2016 87 participantsparticipated in one or the other curriculum (76 physiciansand 11 nurses) ANOCEF has carried out several nationalguidelines with the aim of improving and standardizingthe management of brain tumors throughout the country

ResearchANOCEF comprises 10 theme working groups coveringthe different fields of neuro-oncology whose tasksare to set up clinical and translational research stud-ies ANOCEF has an executive committee aiming toevaluate and coordinate the projects and to apply forcalls As examples several ongoing phase III trialshave succeeded in obtaining public funding such asthe POLCA trial evaluating the role of deferred radio-therapy in 1p19q codeleted anaplastic oligodendro-gliomas the BLOCAGE trial evaluating the role ofmaintenance chemotherapy in elderly patients withprimary CNS lymphoma the CSA trial evaluating theinterest of tumor resection versus biopsy in elderly pa-tients with glioblastoma the DXA trial evaluating theefficacy of dextroamphetamine in brain tumor patientswith chronic fatigue The centers of the ANOCEF net-work participate also in international trials especiallythose conducted by the European Organisation forResearch and treatment of Cancer (EORTC) providingin the past years about 20 of the inclusions

Health Care NetworksThanks to the National Cancer Plan ANOCEF is sup-ported by the INCa to structure clinical research onneuro-oncology but also to improve the management ofrare cancers through dedicated networks (POLA for ana-plastic gliomas LOC for primary CNS lymphoma andTUCERA for rare primary CNS tumors) Hence for com-plex cases a colleague anywhere in the country can askfor a histological central review by an expert neuropathol-ogist of the RENOP group coordinated by DominiqueFigarella-Branger andor can solicit a national multidisci-plinary expert meeting for practical recommendationsand second advice At the moment ANOCEF provides 8expert web conferences dedicated to specific CNS tumortypes organized on a regular basis at fixed dates and witha designated coordinator (anaplastic gliomas brainstemtumors low grade gliomas meningiomas spinal cord tu-mors primary CNS lymphomas tumors of adolescentand young adults neurotoxicities) INCa allows also ac-cess for our patients to 26 approved molecular geneticsplatforms for searching relevant biomarkers for decisionmaking in routine cases and eventually to 16 early phasetrial platforms (CLIP) for innovative therapies

InternationalRelationshipsANOCEF is the national contact with the EuropeanAssociation of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and theWorld Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) As a

Volume 2 Issue 2 ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology)


French-speaking society it aims to develop collaborationwith other foreign societies such as the BelgianAssociation for Neurooncology (BANO) and the SAKKSwiss Working Group on CNS Tumors Hence jointmeetings have been held in Lausanne in 2015 and inBruxelles in 2016 ANOCEF has also a partnership withAROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology ofthe Mediterranean Area) with an annual joint educationmeeting of neuro-oncology in the Maghreb (TunisiaMorocco Algeria in alternation) Several guidelinesadapted to the local health and economic resourceshave been initiated under AROME and ANOCEF with

mixed working groups and the first one on the ldquominimalrequirementsrdquo and standard of care of glioblastoma hasbeen recently published Educational and training proj-ects with sub-Saharan African countries are alsoplanned as part of a broader project of the FrenchSociety of Neurology

One of our most important priorities for the next monthswill be to prepare with Jerome Honnorat and the EANOboard the Congress of 2019 which we are proud to hostin the beautiful and luminous city of Lyon

ANOCEF (French Speaking Association for Neuro-Oncology) Volume 2 Issue 2


5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation ofNeuro-Oncology Societies

The 5th Meeting of the WorldFederation of Neuro-OncologySocieties (WFNOS) was hosted bythe European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and held in ZurichSwitzerland May 4ndash7 2017 Fouryears after the last WFNOS conven-tion in San Francisco approximately950 participants discussed the mostrecent developments as well as con-troversial topics in neuro-oncologyThe meeting started with an educa-tional day jointly organized by EANOand the European Organisation forResearch and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC) The organizers set up 2 par-allel tracks focusing on clinicalaspects and basic science respec-tively A number of internationally re-nowned experts reported on theclinical impact of the new WorldHealth Organization (WHO) classifica-tion of brain tumors and the currentstate-of-the-art approaches to rarebrain tumors such as primary CNSlymphoma and ependymoma In aseparate session a comprehensiveoverview on neurocutaneous syn-dromes was provided Additional pre-sentations were devoted to themanagement of lower-grade (WHOgrades IIIII) gliomas as well as generalaspects of clinical research in neuro-oncology In parallel the basic sci-ence track covered various aspectsof scientific questions currently beingaddressed in the field This includesnew developments in tumor geneticsmetabolic alterations in gliomas andtheir therapeutic targeting as well asan overview on the biological proper-ties of the tumor microenvironment

The main program over 3 days wascharacterized by a high density ofpresentations covering numerousaspects of preclinical and clinicalneuro-oncology The organizers hadput a focus on the following topics

(i) immuno-oncology (ii) brain andleptomeningeal metastasis (iii) glio-mas (iv) pediatric tumors and (v) me-ningiomas Several Meet the Expertand plenary sessions dedicated tothese contents allowed for compre-hensive presentations and in-depthdiscussion In the WFNOS sessionthe acting presidents of ASNOEANO and SNO reported on noveldevelopments in local and molecu-larly targeted treatment of gliomas

In addition to the 3 parallel sessionsof the main meeting there was adedicated full-time track for nurseson Friday organized by Ingela Oberg(Cambridge UK) The nurse sessionfocused on the management of brainmetastases covering diagnostic andtherapeutic aspects

Three keynote lectures addressedchallenging topics in the field TheEANO keynote lecture was given byDr Riccardo Soffietti (Turin Italy)who provided a comprehensive over-view of current concepts and chal-lenges of trial design in brain andleptomeningeal metastasis Dr KoichiIchimura (Tokyo Japan) elaboratedon the implications of telomerase re-verse transcriptase in the biology ofbrain tumors during the ASNO key-note presentation Finally Dr DavidReardon (Boston US) representingSNO discussed immunotherapeuticapproaches which are currently be-ing explored in clinical trials as wellas challenges associated with thesenovel concepts

A particular highlight of the meetingwas the first presentation of theresults of the Checkmate 143 trialthe first randomized study assessingthe activity of the immune checkpointinhibitor nivolumab in patients withrecurrent glioblastoma Despite theoverall disappointing results thestudy demonstrates the high interest

in novel immunotherapeutic optionswhich have reached clinical neuro-oncology and are currently beingassessed in clinical trials

Many of the participants were ac-tively involved in the scientific pro-gram of the conference which isreflected by more than 550 submit-ted abstracts that were included asoral presentations or as part of 2poster sessions which allowed for in-tense discussions In this regard theWelcome Reception on the bank ofLake Zurich as well as the WFNOSEvening on the Uetliberg over therooftops of Zurich provided excellentopportunities for scientific and per-sonal exchange

The 6th Quadrennial WFNOS meet-ing is scheduled for May 6ndash9 2021 inSeoul South Korea Informationabout the program as well as furtheractivities of WFNOS will be availableon the WFNOS website (wwwea-noeuwfnos)

Patrick Roth1 David A Reardon2

Ryo Nishikawa3 Michael Weller1


Department of Neurology and BrainTumor Center University Hospitaland University of Zurich ZurichSwitzerland2

Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston Massachusetts USA3

Department of Neuro-OncologyNeurosurgery Saitama MedicalUniversity International MedicalCenter Hidaka Japan

Correspondence Dr Patrick RothDepartment of Neurology UniversityHospital Zurich Frauenklinikstrasse26 8091 Zurich Switzerland Telthorn41 (0)44 255 5511 Fax thorn41(0)44 255 4380 E-mailpatrickrothuszch


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

The EANO Youngsters Initiative

The recently started EANOYoungsters Initiative aims to providea platform for networking interactionand collaboration between youngscientists with a special interest inneuro-oncology Therefore theEANO Youngsters committee wasformed to organize activitiesspecially focusing on youngscientists within the EANO Herethe EANO Youngsters aim torepresent the diversity of EANO witha lot of different specialtiesinvolved in neuro-oncology aswell as to represent the differentscientific interests from a clinical aswell as a translational and basicscience viewpoint In the followingwe want to introduce the initiativeand ourselves as well as to provide abroad overview of the plannedactivities

The EANOYoungsterscommittee saysldquoHellordquoThe EANO Youngsters committee isin charge of organizing the activitiesof the newly formed EANOYoungsters initiative We are allyoung scientists from different fieldsof interest and different Europeancountries

Anna Berghoff is in medical oncologytraining at the Medical University ofVienna Austria She finished the PhDprogram ldquoClinical Neurosciencerdquo in2014 with the main focus on clinicaland pathological prognostic factorsin brain metastases

Carina Thome is a biologist currentlyholding a post-doctoral posting tothe German Cancer Research Center(Heidelberg Germany) and has herresearch focus on the interaction ofglioma cells with the inflammatorymicroenvironmentTobias Weiss is just about to finishhis training in neurology at theUniversity of Zurich Further hejoined the MD-PhD program inImmunology in 2015 to deepen hisresearch in immunotherapeuticapproaches against malignant braintumorsAlessia Pellerino completed herneurology residency in 2016 andheld a PhD position in neuroscience inthe Department of Neuroscience ofthe University of Turin afterward Shehas a particular interest in thedesign of clinical trials in neuro-oncology with a focus on new thera-peutic drugs

Asgeir Jakola is a neurosurgeonand associate professor at theSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburg Sweden His mainclinical as well as certainly researchinterest is in quality of life in gliomapatients after neurosurgicalresection

Amelie Darlix is a neuro-oncologist atthe Montpellier Cancer Institute(France) She takes care of patientswith both primary and secondarytumors of the CNS as well as cancerpatients with posttreatment cognitiveimpairment

Together we aim to address theissues of young neuro-oncologyscientists within the EANO andprovide a platform for interactionas well as organize dedicatedactivities Any ideas for new activi-ties Do not hesitate to

contact us via the Facebook group(see below)

The EANOYoungstersNetworking EventThe kick-off for an EANOYoungsters Networking Event washeld during the 2016 EANO confer-ence in Mannheim and was re-peated during the WFNOS Meetingin Zurich Switzerland in 2017 TheNetworking Event provides an infor-mal and casual possibility to con-nect with other young scientistswithin EANO Questions like ldquoHowdo you perform a TGF beta westernblotrdquo or exchanging experiences canbe addressed and provide the basisfor fruitful collaborations now or at alater date

The EANOYoungstersFacebook GroupThe EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup should help to interact withother youngsters more earlyExchange experience and informationask for advice from the communityand share interesting information forinstance on trials or papers Not yetconnected Just enter ldquoEANOYoungstersrdquo and join the community

More to comeThis is only the beginning We planour own EANO Youngsters track


Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report

during the next EANO meeting inStockholm to specially address the in-terest of young scientists Currentlywe are in the planning phase and aretrying to put together an exciting firstprogram Further we want to fill theFacebook group with more life andshare interesting articles in an onlinejournal club with each otherDo not hesitate to forward your ideasfor the program to any of the EANOYoungsters committee membersFurther we represent the interest ofEANO Youngsters in conductingEANO Summer and Winter Schools

See the EANO Homepage for moreinformation on the upcomingSummerWinter Schools

The EANOYoungsters wantyouAfter all any initiative lives off of itsparticipants So letrsquos take this oppor-tunity and connect during the EANOYoungsters Networking Event or in

the EANO Youngsters Facebookgroup We are looking forward to fill-ing this initiative with a lot ofactivities

Anna Sophie Berghoff MD PhD

Department of Medicine I

Comprehensive Cancer Center- CNSTumours Unit (CCC-CNS)

Medical University of Vienna

Weuroahringer Gurtel 18-20

1090 Vienna Austria

Volume 2 Issue 2 Meeting Report


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