ISSUE #46 IN PRAYER IN TOUCH Happy Holidays!


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refugepsalms 46:1



Happy Holidays!

A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love.


01 THROUGH DIFFERENT EYESWhy are you teaching? Why are you serving Jesus? Are you impacting your school or your group? Are you healed? Or are you whole? Luke 17:19. These are some questions that came to mind as we went through the event. It was with anticipation that the panel met on September 21st to inspire their colleagues in the teaching profession to impact not just the club but the school’, hence the name Teacher/Educator Forum rather than Sponsor Training Seminar.

Mr James Sammy, Mrs Betty Sylvester-Davis, Mrs Sabrina Rock, Mrs Marcia Messiah, Mrs Marcelle Mapp and Mrs Barbara Chandler-Bridgewater a power team of 4 secondary principals, I dean and one vice principal burdened by the state of schools and the regular negative reports in the media came together to share with the teachers their secrets to changing the culture of their schools. The combining factor that brought them together was that they all serve Jesus Christ and had him as their active leader at school and beyond. The seminar was therefore called Through Different Eyes.

Four out of the six of them were active ISCF sponsors and continued to be so throughout their teaching career even up to principalship. They all shared from the heart- how they managed in crises: when school fought school when staff protested their leadership when going through family issues when the ISCF group dwindled when they were challenged by disruptive students and much more.

Not only did inspiration come from these

veterans, but three past students from their schools shared how they were impacted by these very teachers during their tenure at school. Dexter Springer spoke of how his teacher searched him out and pushed him along to confidence and success. He finally became president of the ISCF group at his school. He is now married to a wife who is a teacher and an ISCF sponsor. Tyrece Haynes shared the hilarious story of going to the principal’s office expecting punishment from his principal and trying to work out whether she was praying to God or talking to him. He realised she was making declarations over his future. Today he is a balanced and confident Christian young man who is in demand to motivate his peers at different forums. Then there was Camelia Ramjohn who was inspired by her principal who had an open-door policy and was able to go at any time to ‘offload’ and be encouraged.

But that was not all. The participants of the conference were able to interact and have their issues dealt with through case studies, question time and over the lunch table. Alas, the inspiring day ended too soon. One participant wanted to start a group in her school. Other comments were, “the morning session was transformative”, “we are now wearing glasses permanently as we are seeing schools through different lenses”. Yet another muttered “excellent we must do it next year”.

Talk about knowing Christ and making Him known in many different ways!


With October being IS/IVCF Month, our annual school tour was held during October 2019. Our theme “Refuge” reflected our annual academic theme along with our theme scripture taken from Psalms 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”

This year our school tour team consisted of members of staff, IVCF students and other volunteers. Persons involved in the school tour participated in the dramas, testimonies, sharing of the Gospel, praying for students and data collection. Additionally, for this year’s tour, we were blessed with an abundance of sponsorship. Apart from financial sponsorship, we were given vouchers, hampers and snacks from various businesses in which we gave as prizes to students during the tour. Transportation was also provided by the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service for the majority of our school visits free of cost.

In total, Refuge The School Tour took place in eighteen (18) secondary and primary schools across Trinidad & Tobago; fifteen (15) being in Trinidad and three (3) in Tobago. At each school hundreds of students accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We give God praise for everyone who said yes and accepted Christ into their hearts. We also thank God for everyone who made our 2019 school tour a success through their contribution.

Now that our tour is over follow up is currently ongoing through a New Student Outreach program lead by sponsors, ISCF teachers and the ISCF club in each school. Pray for the ISCF clubs as they engage in this initiative and for all the students who were impacted from this tour.



This year, the theme for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students’ (IFES) World Student Day of Prayer was One New Humanity. In reflecting upon IFES’ global prayer mandate, it was impossible not to see its relevance and importance, not only to the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) St. Augustine (STA) Campus but to universities globally. Thus, the momentum for IVCF, UWI STA’s day of prayer led into an entire week of prayer-related events, coordinated by the Prayer Committee. Every event was geared towards uniting students within the campus for the common goal of prayer and seeking God’s face. I believe that these events exceeded our expectations since persons who were not members of IVCF joined in, especially during our Evening of Worship. This was especially exciting to see because the activities in themselves were breaking down barriers and uniting students to engage in prayer and worship.



The zeal and passion shown by students who gathered together for prayer and the week’s other activities were inspiring. The planning and execution of the week of prayer with the Prayer Committee was truly a great experience and we look forward to promoting the importance of prayer on campus even more!

- Our general prayer points for this Week of Prayer were - For the gospel to break down barriers in universities - For unity among students witnessing to Jesus - For more students to be attracted to the diverse gospel communities and come to trust in Jesus Christ and become a part of this one new humanity as a result.

Heads up, eyes open! It’s been a month since, but we’re still on a high from Week of Prayer. It was a great experience partaking in the various events and bonding with our fellow IVCF members from Monday to Friday.

THE WRITING’S ON THE WALL - (Monday’s Social Media Blast)

On Monday, October 14, we held a social media blast where we asked people to comment on our Facebook and Instagram platforms what prayer meant to them. Some of the responses we received sighted prayer as a safe way for them to be “completely unashamed and honest” with God. Others called prayer a powerful thing that has undoubtedly changed their lives.

Seeing these responses enlightened us as the IVCF, UWI executive that the members have a formidable knowledge of what prayer is and what it can do. We thought it important to then repost the collected comments and responses so that the entire IVCF, UWI online community would realise that we all share a similar understanding and affection concerning prayer.

Former Evangelism & Missions Coordinator Joshua Constantine led this activity.

EXERCISE YOUR FAITH - (Tuesday’s Prayer Walks)

People say, “You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” Well, that’s exactly what the Prayer Committee did on Tuesday, October 15. Three separate prayer walks were held that day from 10 am to 3 pm where IVCF members walked across the university’s campus and silently prayed for various issues such as the mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing of the students as well as the university’s administration.


04 IVCF ALUMNI: LEGACY“…and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul…”Acts 4:32 KJV

The weeks leading up to the church described in that verse were not easy.

The disciples had seen Jesus captured and crucified and when he died, they had all fled. But the Resurrected Christ had just spent 40 days with them, answering their questions and teaching them before he ascended. With a new purpose the disciples preached and performed miracles landing themselves in prison and later becoming martyred. Yet still, the bible tells us they were united.

This was no forced artificial front of togetherness to please church leaders. Make no mistake, this was genuine unity in heart and soul.

This is what the IVCF Alumni seeks to achieve.

The IVCF Alumni is a community of past IS/IVCF

members who all have a common goal. We know that before we can make Christ known, we need the support that the work requires. We know that if we don’t take care of one another, the work won’t be sustained. We know that we are stronger and more effective together; a threefold cord is not easily broken!

On 19th October, 2019, fifteen IVCF alumni reconnected and spent time together for just this purpose. Our goal is to build each other up and to care for our community.

Jesus’ last prayer before he was to be crucified was not for His disciples’ happiness or protection; he prayed for unity.

Cell Group leader of the Ekklesia’s Shield Cell Group, Milcah George described the entire experience as wonderful and necessary to start the revival that the world is begging for.

Former Secretary Beth Lord led this activity.

MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE - (Wednesday’s Evening of Worship)

For almost an hour and a half, past and present members of IVCF, UWI worshipped and prayed at the campus’ LRC Greens. On Wednesday, October 16, approximately 40 students took part in the event as we lifted a public sound of praise unto God! Vice President of the club Stefon Shah said the event was his favourite of all the week’s activities and said it “the tip of the iceberg” for him.

Our President Leah Elliot said the event was so good and highlighted the fact that such an event (and week of events) was so important as it gives students different opportunities to connect with God and each other.

Worship & Arts Coordinator Zariah Gabriel led this activity.

STAY PRAY’D UP - (Thursday’s Main Session)

At IVCF, UWI we have main sessions every Thursday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in Engineering Room 6. In these main sessions, all of our members gather to pray, worship and discuss the word as it relates to our lives as university students. Usually there’s a main theme for us to discuss and dissect so, naturally, the main theme for our session on Thursday, October 17, was simply “Prayer.”

At that session, we discussed the importance of prayer as well as different ways our prayer life can be hindered and how we can guard, strengthen and improve our prayer lives. Maresha, Treasurer Tehilla Chaitan and Cell Group leader of the Ekklesia’s Shield Cell Group, Milcah George, spearheaded the session.

Chaitan said the session was “so amazing” and was pleased with the turnout and engagement of the students.


We saw no better way to conclude the Week of Prayer, than going out with a spiritual bang: a prayer and fast. We usually have prayer

meetings every Friday between 1 pm and 3 pm where we’d lift the campus in prayer and touch on the prayer points indicated by Maresha.

On Friday, October 18, we engaged in a fast and gathered at the JFK Steps on campus to pray together. Our prayer points were to pray for the gospel to break down barriers in universities, and for unity among students witnessing to Jesus and that many more students would be attracted to the diverse gospel communities they see, come to trust in Jesus and become part of His one new humanity.

Vice President Stefon Shah and Evangelism & Missions Coordinator Stephon Gilbert led this activity.


Although Week of Prayer is over, we are strengthened, now more than ever, to advocate for the power of prayer and to engage that power with our fellow students and fellow countrymen. As we strive to become One New Humanity, let us pray for one another and love each other as Christ truly instructs us to so that we can all grow and develop in Him, together – as one.


Pray for the continued student ministry work. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive our newsletter with prayer points.

You can join our volunteer team and help in various ways including club support, event planning and execution, camp staff etc. Email us at

IS/IVCF is a non-governmental, not for profit organisation which is funded by the generous gifts from people like you. Payments can be deposited at any branch of RBC to account number 100081010890467 or be made out as cheques to Inter School/Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship.






IVCF Level Camp 2019, represented out 6th edition of the camp since we started in 2015, where we had two camps this year. The level Up camp is a modification of the Bible and Life Conference that started in the U.S many years ago. Other IFES movements also use this program, in the Caribbean and parts of Eurasia. Originally US Staff mainly headed by Fred Neubert, helped our movement start the program and train facilitators. Now the camp is operated completely by local staff and volunteers, which includes all three levels. We are grateful for this growth and development over the years. Level Up was birthed out of the need to reinforce key discipleship principles to our IVCF Body. It’s heavily scriptural based, relying a lot on small groups and inductive bible study. Students are challenged in the area of devotions, understanding the love of Christ, and knowing Jesus not just as Savior but as Lord. They leave with a greater understanding of their faith but also a passion to reach others. This year, we had approx 27 Students attend our camp, split evenly between level 1 and level 2. Students were also treated to an exciting hike to Maracas Waterfalls, which everyone enjoyed. There was a spirit of fellowship, unity and a strong exciting to get into the word of God. Everyone at least one commitment to deepen their relationship with God, and focus on reaching others. Keep these students in prayer as they continue to grow in their faith and reach their campuses for Jesus.

John 17:20-23- “I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in Me through their message. May they all be as one, as You, Father are in Me and I am in You. May they also be one

in Us, so the world may believe that you sent me…”

He prayed for unity so that the world might


Unity facilitates belief.


On Wednesday 30th October 2019, the IS/IVCF School Tour-Refuge visited Mt Hope Secondary School where hundreds of students were impacted with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The emphasis of the Tour was on God being our Refuge, a present help in times of trouble. Twenty-two (22) students filled out decision cards and students were directed to the ISCF club for follow-up.

On Wednesday 6th November 2019, the ISCF club held a New Student Outreach (NSO), where students who filled out decision cards were invited to a time of food and fellowship. The session focused on IS/IVCF, who we are and what we do. The teachers prayed for the students and invited to become members of the ISCF club. The students enjoyed the Pizza donated by Little Ceasar’s Pizza.


Hi I’m Daniel Sookdeo, I’ve been one of the Tertiary club support staff with IS/IVCF for the past three and a half years (January 2016 to October 2019). IVCF has impacted my life. Like the thousands of other students past and present, as a university student, it has impacted me. It has shaped my

way of thinking, character, sense of self and what is important in life and gave me a place to belong, all this while I was pursuing my first degree. It allowed me to grow in my walk with God, providing me with opportunities for growth and development while I was a student leader and introduced me to scores of young Christians my age who have encouraged and

inspired me tremendously. I will never forget the experiences I had during this time. Upon graduation, I was able to join the staff team. As a tertiary club support staff, I set out to help the ministry do for other students what it did for me, help me grow in my walk with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. I worked


alongside Anthony Chin Along, my friend and co-labourer in the vineyard of Tertiary education and the rest of the staff. And by God’s grace, we were able to get some things done.

During my time on staff, I would have assisted with 12 camps (4 leadership retreats, 8 discipleship camps), over a dozen national events, visited and worked alongside at 8 campuses dozens of times (pioneered 3 of those), coached 3 ‘generations’ of student leaders, attended several regional conferences in Grenada, right here in Trinidad and one international conference in Malaysia; but most importantly, I would have played some small part in furthering the eternally worthwhile vision of seeing students transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But as one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt specifies: Life is seasonal...and seasons change. I began my Master’s in Counselling at the Caribbean Nazarene College in 2018. It’s a two-year program with a relatively intense workload (especially in the second year). Altogether it comprises 17 courses delivered in a modular format (i.e. one course in one month rather than spread across a semester), a 100-hour practicum, a 200-hour internship and a graduate thesis. (Pray for me please). Although this season of being a tertiary staff worker may be coming to an end, I will always be a part of IVCF; and I look forward to being involved with the ministry in the future in new ways and capacities. As I transition out, however, I have a request. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that the schools of Trinidad and Tobago need IS/IVCF. Christian students need the forum to grow and mature in their faith and non-Christian students

need to hear the Gospel. Therefore, I ask of you, please continue supporting this ministry. The passionate and hardworking staff team needs your continued support to get the job done. I ask you to spread the word about IVCF, keep the work in prayer and continue giving. Our Lord’s command to ‘Disciple the nations’ still stands, and because our schools and campuses are part of the nations, this is why I ask you. And if I could speak to all Board members, Staff and Stakeholders, student leaders and fellow Christians all at once, I’d say this: Memento Mori (Latin for, ‘remember that you must die’) or to reference it biblically, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” [Psalm 90:12] At the same time, and more crucially, let us always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. I urge all of us to please keep the vision of the ministry at the forefront of our mind. Let us periodically pause and remember why we as a ministry exist and with an understanding that we are here only for a short while, let us strive to filter out and cut off all the superfluous things. I say this because sadly, there have been times where I’ve gotten the feeling that we as a ministry are not as united as we ought to be. Our efforts and resources need to be prioritized accordingly to reflect our reason for existing. So let us be united on the vision. Let us speak the truth in love. Let us keep each other accountable. Let us keep each other in prayer and be a means of grace in the lives of our fellow workers. I firmly believe that IS/IVCF has the capacity to minister to our nation’s future in such a greater way that it has been doing for the past 60 odd years, so let us do our parts to operate in unity to fulfil our great mission of seeing ‘Students transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And so as I bring this final correspondence to a close, allow me to express my sincerest and heartfelt gratitude. Thank you to all of you who have supported and followed along with me during this chapter of my life. I will forever be grateful to you and for the opportunity to have served in the very ministry that has so greatly impacted my own life. God has taught me so much during these past three and a half years that will no doubt be instrumental as I move beyond this point. A special thanks to each one of my fellow staff workers who have shown me what it means to serve God passionately, sacrificially and consistently. I would have formed so many connections with so many students, so many fellow staff workers from the Caribbean and the wider world; thank you all for the support, encouragement and conversations. Thanks to all the board, volunteers and partners of the ministry and every one of the supporters who continually make the work possible through generous giving, prayer and encouragement. There’s so much more that can be said, but I’ll end it here for now. Remember, “Only one life, twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last” so until we meet again, God bless you and keep on pressing as you seek, ‘To Know Christ and to Make Him known.”

PRAYER & PRAISE- Give praise for 2019 and all the amazing blessings God has bestowed on IS/IVCF. - Continue to pray for the health of staff. - Keep all our students in prayer as they take their end of term exams. Prayer that God will give them wisdom and understanding during this exam period. - Thank God for this academic term and all our teachers & sponsors who continue to serve in clubs. - Remember to keep our Christmas Potuck Dinner in prayer which takes place on Dec 28th 2019. - Thanks be to God for our 45th AGM which took place on Sat 2nd Nov. We also thank God for all the new Board members. - Praise God for a good turn out for our Eductors’ Forum which took place on Sat 21st Sept. - Thank God for all our faithfully financial givings who has given to IS/IVCF during this year. - We give God glory and praise for our school tour which took place in Oct. Thank God for all our sponsors, staff and volunteers who made this tour possible. - Give praise to God for ISCF south fundraising dinner.



At our, Special General Meeting held on Saturday 24th August 2019 a motion was passed to move our Annual General Meeting (AGM) from the last Saturday in January to November as the fiscal year ends October of each year. As a result, IS/IVCF held its 45th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 2nd November 2019 for the reporting year 2018-2019.

As per usual the Annual General Meeting entailed the reporting of the 44th AGM minutes, Chairman’s report, Treasurer’s report, General Secretary’s report, among other matters. There were five (5) vacancy positions available on the Board of Directors which were all filled and a new board was formed. We give God thanks for all our members who continue to support us and to everyone who attended the 45th AGM to make this event a success. Praise be to God also for the new Board of Directors and we ask that you keep them in prayer.

09 ISCF SOUTH FUNDRAISING DINNEROnce again, the ISCF South Zonal Committee rallied together to continue the efforts to raise 100% of the South Staff Worker’s salary. It is always a daunting task, however with God’s grace and your faithful support, our annual South Dinner was once again a success.

Under the leadership of Lystra Lall, Events Coordinator of the South Zonal Committee, the Dinner was held at Naparima College Auditorium on Saturday 9th November, 2019. Approximately one hundred and thirty people were in attendance and lots of fun was had. Prizes were won, laughs echoed through the auditorium as the participants partook of the program.


UPCOMINGSCHOOL CLOSES - 13th December 2019BORN TO REIGN - 16th December 2019 CHRISTMAS DAY - 25th December 2019 BOXING DAY - 26th December 2019IS/IVCF POTLUCK DINNER - 28th December 2019NEW YEARS DAY - 1st January 2020SCHOOL REOPENS - 6th January 2020IVCF FACE TO FACE CAMP - 15th - 19th January 2020ISCF SOUTH VALENTINE’S BREAKFAST - 15th Ferruary 2020ISCF NORTH WEST PRAYER BREAKFAST - 14th March 2020

The attendees were serenaded by performances by ISCFer’s past and present, as they at the scrumptious meal prepared by our caters. Many lucky ticket holders won the opulent giveaways by our sponsors, Nestle, SM Jaleel, Holiday Foods, Angostura Limited, Sunshine Snacks and many more. The task of fundraising is always a challenge but we as the ISCF South Committee and volunteers faced it head on and slayed our Goliath! To God be the glory and to you, we express our heartfelt thanks.

We, all of us, together, are IS/IVCF!

TRINIDAD PASTELLE RECIPEPastelles are another favourite at Christmas time. Originally thought to come from the original Spanish settlers or even the older Amerindians! Wherever they originated, they are sure to make it to your plate around Christmas. There are many variations to this dish with some people using chicken or even soya instead of beef. The principle is the same no matter what you use.


3 Cups grated green corn or cornmeal1 lb minced cooked meat (beef, chicken or soya for the vegetarians)2 large tomatoes1 tablespoon vinegar½ teaspoon black pepper3 capers or sweet pickles½ cup raisins2 medium onions¼ Cup cooking oil¼ sweet pepper2 blades chiveBanana leaves cut in 8” squares


1) Chop all green seasonings finely and mix with meat. Brown in hot oil.

2) Add chopped tomatoes, raisins and sweet pepper. Blend well together.

3) Clean banana leaves with a damp cloth and steam them over hot water to make them pliable

4) Crush corn and dampen with a little salted water, butter the leaf squares and spread with the corn mixture.

5) Place 2 tablespoons of the meat mixture on each square leaving a 1-inch border.

6) Fold over and tie securely into a parcel, using thread.

7) Steam for about 1 hour.



At our, Special General Meeting held on Saturday 24th August 2019 a motion was passed to move our Annual General Meeting (AGM) from the last Saturday in January to November as the fiscal year ends October of each year. As a result, IS/IVCF held its 45th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 2nd November 2019 for the reporting year 2018-2019.

As per usual the Annual General Meeting entailed the reporting of the 44th AGM minutes, Chairman’s report, Treasurer’s report, General Secretary’s report, among other matters. There were five (5) vacancy positions available on the Board of Directors which were all filled and a new board was formed. We give God thanks for all our members who continue to support us and to everyone who attended the 45th AGM to make this event a success. Praise be to God also for the new Board of Directors and we ask that you keep them in prayer.


On Saturday 26th October 2019 IS/IVCF held a Bye-Law Consultation at The Turning Point Campsite. This event was open to all stakeholder of the ministry. Having a Bye-Law for IS/IVCF is part of the new strategic plan for the organisation. There were ten (10) persons in attendance nonetheless the consultation took place and changes were made to the draft Bye-Law.


2 Corinthians 9:9-11 New International Version (NIV)

In Chapter 9 of his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells them of his boasting in their generosity and encourages them to give for the work of the ministry.

Similarly, I want to encourage you in this season, to give to this work of the ministry. Interschool and Intervarsity Christian fellowship remains committed to the sowing of the seed of God’s word in the hearts of students.

There are so many things we can invest our seed of time and money in for the benefit of society. However, Inter School and Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship is very concerned with empowering students by helping them “to know Christ and to Make him known.” This involves building them up as disciples of Christ and strengthening their leadership abilities so that they can display God’s goodness through their lives and lead others to Christ. There is no better gift anyone can ever receive than the gift of salvation. That’s what we are about. Indeed, we are sowing good seed

We are empowering our future Leaders, employers, managers etc. with the power of God’s word. Every year we record hundreds of students coming to know Christ as their saviour. Every year we review and update our approach in order to improve our effectiveness and to remain relevant to the contemporary generation of students. Indeed it is a great work, sowing good seed in very fertile ground.

Thus, my encouragement to you today is as Paul said in verse 9 to 11

WWW.ISIVCFTT.ORG 34 Mc Donnell Street, Curepe, Trinidad PHONE: 868-662-5669 MOBILE (WhatsApp): 868-319-566 EMAIL:


9 As it is written:“They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”[a]10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Just as the fishermen in Luke 5:7 New International Version (NIV)“…signalled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats…”

So too I invite you to partner with us in ISIVCF.

You can support us with your time – Take time to pray for us each day, that the Holy Spirit will continue to empower us, and that the Lord will continue to be our protection and our Guide, exposing the works of the devil.

You can support us with your talent – Maybe you can help as a cook at one of our camps, maybe you can volunteer your professional skills or abilities. You might be an electrician or a ceiling expert and think that your talent is irrelevant for ministry. However, though it may be surprising, even those skills may be needed from time to time and would be a significant blessing, enhancing the work.

You can also support us with your treasure – Solomon said in Ecclesiastes that money answers all things and in order for this ministry to continue to thrive there are some things we need money for. As such we are praying that God will raise up an army of at least three hundred givers who will support this ministry financially every month. Will you ask the Lord sincerely if He would have you be one such person?

Inter-School and Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is good ground to sow some good seed. Don’t miss out on this Great Opportunity.
