Issue 72 HIPSHOTS May 2017 The Lopez Island Golf lub...


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The Lopez Island Golf Club Newsletter

Issue 72

May 2017

Inside Shots & Tight Lies

Greenkeepers Report 2

Tailgate Twilight 3-4

New Trial Member 5

Ladies Golf Clinic 6

Clubhouse Classifieds 7

Junior Golfers go to State 8

Work Day 9-11

Upcoming Events 12




At the Spring Membership meeting Lars reported that the weather and

heavy late winter use were hard on the greens this year but they are

now improving. Changing chemicals helped. • Lars and Benni attended

two days of pesticide classes in April. • The fairways have some espe-

cially green spots due to the planting of plugs from last year’s greens

plugging project. • Lars was disappointed in the thin return of grass on

the tee boxes and will try a more intensive procedure next year, scrap-

ing a few inches off the surface, plugging and then reseeding. • Irriga-

tion plan for #1 fairway—Lars has the pipes and sprinkler heads he

needs for this project and hopes to do it at the end of May with the

help of key members • The equipment is working OK so far. The fair-

way mover is the most challenged, needing repairs almost every time

it’s used. The rough mower is fragile too.

Benni added: Plenty to do if you can’t make the work days. Let her or

Lars know when you are available and they will pick an appropriate task

for you.



May 7th Tailgate Twilight

LIGC Apple Cup Winning Team, representing the WWU Vikings (L-R) Barbara

Reiswig, Bob Hall, Mary Brown, Beth Hughes, Brian Lynch and Ray Ellener.

The rainy skies finally cleared and col-

legiate rivalries came out for the First

Annual Tailgate Twilight. Players were

encouraged to dress in regalia from

their favorite university from Washing-

ton State. Although Cougars and

Huskies seem to dominate the course,

everyone was really playing for a secret

team and playing for the bragging

rights to the now coveted LIGC Apple

Cup. In the end team WWU Vikings

prevailed and everyone had good fun.



Additional Tailgate Twilight Photos



New Trial Member

Welcome Virginia McDonald



May Ladies’ Clinic with Steve Nighingale

On four Mondays in May, 6 ladies

from Lopez came out to both learn

golf and improve their game. Work-

ing with Steve Nighingale they

worked on putting, chipping, driving

and golf etiquette. All agreed Steve

was an enjoyable instructor with a

varied teaching style.




Tracer Cool Fit Golf

Gloves, unique one

size fits all design.

Very comfortable.

Men’s, Women’s and

Kids’ sizes. $12.

LIGC Logo Golf Shirt

XXL, XL, L and M

100% Cotton, $30

A variety of colors to

chose from.

Logo Towels $15

Made in the USA.

Logo Vests—Only

two left $55.


Power Golf Cart

Jerry Aaron is looking

for a power golf cart.

Are you thinking of

selling your cart?

Contact him at



Beer sales on Fridays

and Weekends.

New Member/ Me-

morial Twilight Golf

and Potluck Dinner

has been postponed

until June 2nd. Sig-

nup sheet in the



Sun Mountain


3 Wheel, Like New,

Snazzy Red Color

$100 Contact Perry

Brown 468-2087

Clubhouse Classifieds



Junior Golfers go to State

Congratulations to (L-R) Nora Zaplac, Kate Combs, Anah-Kate Drahn, Siri

Dye, Reese Hamilton and Tobin Arden, photographed with Richard Tetu,

on their accomplishments this year on the golf course. These 6 deter-

mined students made their way to the 1B/2B Boys and 1B/2B/1A Girls

State Competition.

After the first day Tobin, Anah-Kate and Siri made the cut and played the

second day with the following results. Tobin Arden finished 8th with 77

the first day, 82 the second and a total of 159.

For the Ladies Anah-Kate scored 100 the first day and 96 the second to-

taling 196 and a 28th place . Siri Dye scored 99 on the first day and 110

the second, with a combined score of 209 and a placement of 39th.



May Work Day



With Shari and Joan’s delicious Crab Quiche waiting in

the clubhouse, these Club Members really put the Work

in Work Day. Pine branches were cut, removed and

burned. Needles and cones raked, gardens weeded and

fence lines and ponds weed whacked. Also, the

“Irrigation Team” led by Don Langrock and Lars worked

to bring much needed water to the #1 fairway. Thank

you members for keeping this special workday tradition




Irrigation Comes to # 1 Fairway



Remember to check out the EVENTS CALENDAR in the DIRECTORY on the WEBSITE for

specifics on all the events. http:/

Chipshots: The Newsletter

May 2017 Issue 72

Lopez Island Golf Club

589 Airport Rd.

Lopez Island, Wa. 98261

(360) 468-2679

Producer: Jodie Snapp

Editor: Joyce Kruithof

June 2017

2 New Member/ Memorial Twilight

11 Twilight 4:00

13 Women’s Field Day

14 Community Golf 5:00

25 Twilight 4:00

27-29 FRC Golf Clinics 2:30-4:30

28 Work Day 9:00

28 Community Golf 5:00

Our intrepid Greenskeeper, Lars Petersen, will be

in Denmark working at the Made in Denmark

European Challenge Tour in Jels, Denmark at the

Royal Oak Golf Course, from June 22nd -25th. He

has been hired to offer his mechanical expertise

to the fleet of mowers used twice daily at this

course. Keep an eye out for Lars if you are

watching this tour on television.

Golf Lessons with Steve Nightingale

June 5, June 19, July 10

Contact the Clubhouse for availa-

ble times and rates.
