Istation: Instruction, Assessment, & Reporting


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Assessment & Reporting

Adaptive Reading Instruction

‘…a student learns, at least in part, through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace and at a personalized instructional sequence…’


To identify the student’s overall reading ability andindividual skill ability, the difficulty of the items

presented changes with every student response.

How Does Computer Adaptive Testing Work?

Answers correctly, given a more difficult item

Student is given an item

Answers incorrectly, given a less difficult item

ISIP Español adapts throughout year…

ISIP Early Reading Subtests

ISIP Advanced Reading:subtests vary by difficulty according to student…




Check ONCE/MONTH, after ISIP Assessment for Progress Monitoring & to

inform individual/Class Instruction.

Check ONCE/WEEK for skill & tier groupings and for intervention lesson


Check ONCE/MONTH. Share in discussions on individual student

performance & progress


• Number & % of students at each instructional tier, for each skill assessed, during most recent assessment.

• Grouped by risk level. Overall instructional tier level and fluency rates provided for each student.

• Instructional tiers displayed for Overall Reading and for each skill assessed.

ISIP™ Summary Report

Hover over each color in each bars to display how many students in each level of specific tier(Tier 1= Blue, Tier 2 = Yellow, Tier 3 = Red).

GraphOverall performance of students in class + how they collectively performed in each skill they were assessed.

May help inform you when to re-teach a skill to whole-class

Run this report monthly after ISIP for progress monitoring and to inform instruction.

You’re able to see:

• Skills they’ve beenassessed listed incolumn headings.

• See each student’s…– Overall Ability Score

(ISIP Assessmentperformance). SeeReading Correlations

– Overall Tier

– Skill Tiers for each skill student was assessed.

ISIP™ SUMMARY Subtest PerformanceBeneath SUMMARY Tier Graph: View Individual Student ISIP Performance For Entire Class

Click (+) signs to view Individual Student ISIP History

1. To view an individual student’s performance on monthly ISIP assessments, click on the (+) plus sign.

2. To see how students answered on the subtest, click the (+) beside the subtest.

ISIP™ SUMMARY:Individual Student Subtest Performance

• To see how students answered on subtest, click (+) beside it.

• Listed on Activity Detail:

– Questions asked on subtest

– Multiple choice options given

– Correct answer

– Answer student gave

– Response Time

ISIP™ Summary Activity DetailView Individual Student responses to ISIP Assessment Questions Activity Detail. [Select student & Selected Subtest]

•Identify an individual student’s data that you would like to analyze.

•What do you observe?


Locate in file lesson level for intervention appropriate for student(s). For example, if the student is Tier 3 with skills on Vocabulary, locate Tier 3 lesson (b/c Tier 2 & 1 lessons will be too rigorous for Tier 3 Vocabulary Student).

Identifies students that need further intervention -- “face-to-face” intervention lesson in Small Group.

Grouped by skill deficiency, or areas of need based on ISIP or DDAI.

Printable PDF Scripted Teacher Directed Lessons are provided.

Run this report weekly or as needed to plan for instruction and document interventions.

PRIORITY ReportAllows for documentation of interventions done w/each student in small group.

Do following:1. Teach lesson w/students in small group.2. On Priority Report, locate boxes beside each student’s


3. Place check mark in box & click “Intervention Lesson Delivered.”

This tracks & saves your documentation of intervention for each student.

*If you wish to type notes in“optional” Intervention Note Box, you may. These CANNOT BE DELETED once typed.

• Student Intervention History shows history of identified skill weaknesses for current & previous school years.

– Each recommended teacher directed lesson listed with level of difficulty student had with identified skill(s) & date alert was first listed.

– If check box for “Intervention Lesson Delivered” was clicked, name of teacher, date delivered, & any notes added display.

– Provides detailed intervention documentation across school years for RTI, ARD’s, IAT, 504,& more.

PRIORITY Report-Student Intervention History

• Locate a suggested intervention on the Priority Report where more than one student is identified as needing intervention.

• Identify by tier level which students are in need of more intensive intervention and those in need of moderate intervention.

Student Summary Handout:Parent Teacher Conference Report

Provides summary of student performance for current school year.

View monthly and as needed to monitor & share in discussions on student’s progress.

•Individual student performance data from the most recently completed ISIP assessment.

•Displays visual trajectory of individual skill growth and ISIP assessment scores.

•Analyze & determine skill deficiencies.

•View questions & response time for further analysis.

Student Summary Handout: Parent Teacher Conference Report

Student Summary Handout:Parent Teacher Conference Report

• Summarizes information about each student and shows performance over time, tier level, ability scores, percentile rankings, and grade equivalencies.

• Shareable in conferences & committee meetings, or student-teacher discussions to demonstrate progress & growth over time.

• Live clickable Graphs -- Drill down to compare monthly ISIP scores.

Report can be printed in

English or Spanish

Contact Me:@elizbtheastman

