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CIO Trends #4: Nordics

IT Leadership best practices for CIO, CTO and CDO

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

In this e-guide:

Learn from the experiences of fellow CIOs and discover some of

their priorities in the year ahead.

Read analysis of some of the Nordic results from the Computer

Weekly IT priorities survey for this year. Unsurprisingly, cloud

computing is one of the biggest draws and more than half of CIOs

in the region will spend more on cloud technologies this year than

they did in 2016.

But as the technology matures, CIOs are no longer asking

themselves whether or not to move to the cloud, but are focused

on what type to go for. CIOs must also consider the balancing act

of mixing on-premise IT with public and private clouds.

Elsewhere, blockchain technology has escaped the perception

that it is merely a financial services opportunity, with CIOs in

multiple industries looking at its potential. Read more about how

CIOs are readying themselves for the technology.

Karl Flinders, Emea editor

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Karl Flinders, Emea content editor

More than half (52%) of IT decision-makers at Nordic organisations expect

spending on cloud services to be higher in 2017 that the previous 12 months,

according to the findings of research from Computer Weekly/TechTarget.

The survey of IT decision-makers in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and

Iceland also revealed that 43% expect the overall IT budget in 2017 to be

higher than in 2016, while 27% expect it to fall.

The implementation of software as a service (SaaS) models, as well as the

creation of hybrid clouds which utilise public and on-premise infrastructures,

are the most common cloud projects planned, with 47% of respondents

expecting to do both.

A total of 44% are planning to implement an infrastructure as a service

(IaaS) model, using a private cloud, and 23% will carry out a platform as a

service (PaaS) project in 2017.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

In the datacentre, 46% of respondents said the plan to carry out hybrid

cloud projects that integrate on-premises cloud infrastructure with public

cloud services.

Perhaps as a result of the increased use of cloud infrastructure and

software, 37% of Nordic organisations will look for cuts in spending on staff,

maintenance and software.

The Nordic countries are not alone in their strong cloud focus. Cloud

computing is developing rapidly across Europe, according to the European

Commission, which said the European cloud market would be worth

Meanwhile, the Computer Weekly/TechTarget annual survey revealed that

IT automation is the most likely broad initiative for Nordic organisations in

2017, with 37% expecting to focus on the technology.

The biggest loser in IT budget terms in 2017 will be IT consultancy services.

Nordic organisations will be hit hardest by cuts in 2017, with 62% of

decision-makers expecting cuts.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Eeva Haaramo, Nordic contributor

Digitisation should be a transformation process that encompasses

everything in a company, according to Alexandra Drevenlid, recently

appointed chief digital officer (CDO) at Finnish IT software and service

provider Tieto.

When she took the top IT job at the company, the first thing she did was

change her title from that of CIO to CDO.


business renewal from the core, and involves people, processes and the

get to know the 13,000-employee company where she started in October

IT organisation of 100 people spread across 20 countries.

The one change Drevenlid has already brought with her is the role of a CDO

itself, which is a new position at Tieto and replaces the former position of

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics


reflection of its increased focus on digitisation and drive for change, for both

its staff and its customers.


Drevenlid has 20 years of experience in IT, and worked as the chief

technology and information officer at Swedish telecommunications operator

Tele2 before moving to Tieto. This move from a consumer-oriented industry

to business-to-business is both a challenge and a strength for Drevenlid.

She believes it i

view to a company and have a strong understanding of its users.

their customers too. That is something I look to bring to th

While the role of a CDO is still being shaped at Tieto, in an ideal scenario, it

should combine the understanding of traditional IT and how the current IT

environment has been forged with a change-

traditionally strong focus on cost cannot be applied the same way in digital

transformation, says Drevenlid.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

to do that, but going forward with digitisation, you need to understand it will

require i


She adds that the costs of digitisation should also be considered from a

different perspective. It is not all traditional IT spending, but rather costs

attached to marketing, sales and business development.

One size never fits all

Tieto works with companies across many different industries, including

finance, healthcare, media and the public sector, but digitisation has

implications for them all. Every company and industry is different in its needs

and demands, and there is no one-size-fits-all model for digital

transformation. Drevenlid wants to see a more holistic approach to the

whole process. It cannot be left on the shoulders of one department or unit.


and taking into account the processes, the people, and the whole

organisation. Digitisation is only made successful through collaboration in

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

While the buzz about digitisation is nothing new in Sweden, it is only lately

that companies have started to make more conscious moves beyond its

technological aspects.

journey of constant exploration, improvement and development from various

gardless of what business you are in, you need to

And this journey should not be made too complex. Drevenlid advocates a

step-by-step approach and experimentation in all IT development instead of

traditional, large-scale projects. This means ensuring there is enough

exploring new technologies and adjusting the projects to meet any change

in the business environment and user needs.

reate huge IT projects that take several years to

deliver, because after a few years, most of the requirements, needs and

Evolution through ecosystems

One way Tieto hopes to drive its own digital transformation is through an

increased focus on co-innovation and building ecosystems. A recent

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

example of this is the Data-Driven Businesses unit the company opened in

July 2016.

The unit invites external partners, teams and startups from different

industries to develop new data-based services and business models,

incubator which helps commercialise ideas and test if there is a viable

business case behind them.

Another example is the HSB Living Lab, a living laboratory experiment in

Gothenburg, which covers 29 apartments for students and guest

researchers of which Tieto is a partner. The 10-year project has so far

worked with 15 partners to test and develop new smart technologies for


works closely with both projects. In fact, she believes these kinds of

partnership ecosystems will be the future of digital innovation.

in-depth knowledge of, for example, cloud computing and IoT [internet of

-creation by sharing data and developing new

solutions and services will be even more important going forward. This is

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Eeva Haaramo, Nordic contributor

harvest, but to ensure its operational efficiency and growth, the company is

turning to cloud computing.

On its journey, the company has quickly gone from being reliant on an

asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) to using fibre to connect to

infrastructure as a service (IaaS) from Amazon Web Services (AWS), for

example. It is also trying out other cloud-based applications, including

Microsoft Office 365.

The company is putting a wide range of applications into the cloud, including

its enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools.

Mattias Wistrand, chief

financial officer (CFO) at Kiviks Musteri

grow efficiently, and can do that better if we work in the cloud, both with the

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Wistrand says the cloud today offers the most flexible and cost-efficient

option for a small IT team to keep operations up to date. Kiviks will first test

this theory with a cloud-based and industry-specific ERP system

CloudSuite Food & Beverage which the company will migrate to later this


Kiviks employs 200 people across three locations in Sweden. Every year, it

typically produces more than 100 million packages of ciders, juices, jams,

sauces and other fruit products from 70 varieties of apples grown in its

orchards. While it is a traditional business dating back to 1935, technology

plays an important part in managing its processes.

The cloud ERP implementation is a major step up from Kiviks current legacy

company has used since 1998. This long-term relationship with Infor was a

software environment meant being able to gain the cost and scalability

benefits of the cloud without the need for major retraining.

rapidly that for a small organisation with a lot of employees who have been

working with the same software for a long time, the impact of moving to a

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

-of-the-box setup. While Kiviks

legacy system has offered full access for the company to do any

modifications, over the years it has made the system more difficult and

costly to upgrade. This is what Wistrand hopes to avoid with a standardised

system tailored for the food and beverages industry.

oud ERP is already 97% ready to deploy, it will not be

launched across the company until September 2017. The reason is simple:

the harvest season. Between March and August is the busiest season for

ng it.

The importance of asking questions early

Kiviks is currently configuring the ERP system in a test environment, which

was deployed in October 2016. But Wistrand has found that the biggest

challenges are not technical, as the interface is familiar to its users. Rather,

the challenges stem from mapping out and modernising processes honed

during years working with the legacy system.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

created in our process

the system. It is about ho

A migration of this scale can also cause major strain on a small organisation.

Currently around three-

40% of their time on the cloud project, which means time away from other


management top and middle to be completely aware what the project is,

Moving to the cloud has represented a plunge into fairly unknown territory

advises anyone working with a small IT team to tap into expertise in their

business and private networks when considering major changes.

-study because it will be

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Cloud speed forward

If the ERP project restarted, Wistrand says he would take greater

consideration of the speed at which cloud technologies are evolving. In

particular, he notes this should be taken into account when negotiating


rch 2016, and the field

has very much changed in just six months. What was impossible in March

ud plans move forward.

Microsoft Office 365 with selected users, as well as considering, among

others, moving its product information systems, production monitoring, and

invoice and document handling into the cloud.

We have a plan, but we have to look into the money bag to see how fast we

can move

Next article

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Mark Samuels, guest contributor

Blockchain is the latest, greatest hype to hit the IT industry. The concept


machine going into overdrive, with assorted experts suggesting blockchain

will have a huge impact on business operations and information security


At its simplest level, blockchain is the technology that underpins the digital

currency bitcoin. It is a digital ledger that can be programmed to record

financial transactions and data from various sources and objects. The ledger

is produced through mass collaboration and represents a single version of

the truth.

Gartner suggests the ability to store multiple transactions in one centralised

helping to

generate huge market interest. The technology is near the peak of

Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, despite the analyst suggesting it is

still five to 10 years from mainstream adoption.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

So what do CIOs think about blockchain, how are they analysing the

technology and how will it affect their organisations going forward?

Computer Weekly spoke to six CIOs, who gave their opinion on how to

approach blockchain and its potential impact on their businesses, both now

and in the longer term.

Create a single view

Capital One CIO Rob Harding said he had undertaken a fair amount of

personal research into the impact of blockchain. He said departments of his

bank around the world were also analysing the potential role of the

f the banking industry. But I

cycle. Blockchain needs to be deflated a bit and come down to a level where

people can take sensible action. You probably need a few more partnerships

Blockchain is often used to create a shared resource layer across multiple

parties. While the potential for external organisations to share and check

information represents one potential use case for blockchain, Harding said

he wondered whether businesses could benefit greatly from the application

of the technology within the enterprise, rather than across firewalls.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics


create a single customer view, it can be easy in some areas and hard in

others. I am intrigued about how executives can use blockchain within an


is possible to create a system where all your systems both

contribute to and access a single ledger. If blockchain was used in this way,

it could help to solve a lot of the problems that CIOs find when they try to

Learn from early adopters

Mark Ridley, group technology officer at venture builder Blenheim Chalcot

blockchain will be an absolutely momentous technology and I think it will


incredibly interested in blockchain. I think interest in the finance community

provides a really strong indicator of t

Ridley pointed to the first cross-border transaction between banks using

multiple blockchain applications, which took place last October. He

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

conceded that the adoption of the technology would not necessarily be

rapid, but said the opportunities were boundless.

experts and industry leaders must address some of these structural issues

as developments in blockchain move forward.

across entire businesses. It could be a very powerful way to help transfer

digital information from one place to another and it could become the

Start experimenting

Camden Council interim CIO Omid Shiraji said bitcoin and blockchain

presented potentially exciting opportunities for CIOs looking to reform

public services. He pointed to the introduction of HullCoin, the local digital

currency launched by Hull City Council. Shiraji said Camden was exploring

how to make the most of developments related to blockchain.

linked to our drive to push as much as data as possible into the public

with services, too. The real reform

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

can come from citizens and local businesses helping each other, and local

So what will those brokered implementations look like? For now, Shiraji is

-life applications for the

I want the wider

Shiraji and his colleagues are setting up a competition to see how

blockchain technology could be used to bring about change in the public

sector. The aim is to help solve real-life community problems, possibly using

local technical expertise in Camden.

can be difficult to establish a clear business case. But there are two reasons

for us getting involved now we have the data and basic infrastructure in

How does blockchain fit?

Matt Peers, CIO at legal firm Linklaters, recognises that blockchain and the

potential creation of smart contracts could have significant ramifications in

the legal sector. Such smart contracts would link into various ledgers and

provide awareness around which parties had signed up to what kinds of

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

deal, he said. But it was important to put such significance in context, he


legal firm

Peers pointed to the slow adoption of technology in related areas. He said

Linklaters was using technology from electronic signature specialist

DocuSign to help ensure the secure use of documents. The tool has helped

to boost employee productivity, but take-up of the technology has been

slower than Peers had anticipated.

It is a theme he expects to see repeated in other areas of advanced

might create significant change, but the adoption

-year horizon right now in

Understand its relevance

Chris White, CIO at Clyde & Co, is another legal CIO who is investigating the

potential role of blockchain. His firm ran a session about the technology at

its recent partner conference. The partners at the meeting analysed the


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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

White said the general feeling across the firm was that blockchain would

eventually have a significant influ

Much of the complexity related to the level of confusion about the

technology in the IT marketplace, he said.

erent definitions of blockchain, just like they do

over a period of time, people get a better understanding about what

blockchain is and its potential relevance to their organisat

The key for CIOs is to find ways to stay on top of emerging trends, including


Suppliers can help

Neil Moore, head of ICT at Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, said he had

also started to investigate blockchain. Like many of his fellow IT leaders,

Moore is unsure about the technical implications and is looking for key

technology suppliers to take a lead in developments.


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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

But Moore also recognises that blockchain could have a significant impact

At a more general level, Moore said the introduction of advanced

technologies such as blockchain was part of a continuing shift in the

change in approach, from defending a firewall around the edge of the

organisation to protect

could rampage through the datacentre. Now access is just a starting point

Next article

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Angelica Mari, associate editor

As organisations aim for digital transformation and debate the relevance and

role of IT decision makers, how can traditional CIOs deal with the threat of

becoming undesirable in the job market?

According to the 2016 CIO Survey by recruitment firm Harvey Nash and

consultancy KPMG, the proportion of organisations with chief digital officers

(CDOs) rose from 7% to 17%, implying that one in 10 firms hired a CDO in

2015. Appointments of CDOs stalled a little in 2016 down by 2% but

organisations are assigning increasing importance to the notion of a

dedicated digital leader separate to the CIO, and for some the trend is


Over the past two decades the emphasis in enterprise technology has

moved from managing back-office systems to positioning IT as the primary

means of delivering to, and communicating with, customers. Not all CIOs

were immediately up for the challenge or at least were perceived not to be

and new roles such as the chief data officer were created to provide

modern management capabilities.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

amid this identity crisis has caused a problem when

require, according to Ian Cohen, a former CIO and now digital advisor at the

Leading Edge Forum.

what digital means to them. Frankly, if an organisation has a CIO and is now

looking to replace that role with a CDO, it just means they had the wrong

role -

Dysfunctional results

Regardless of the motivation of organisations for hiring a CIO, or another

role such as a CDO, the uncertainty has damaged the CIO and the IT

department internally, according to Ben Booth, former CIO at polling firm

Ipsos Mori and now an interim IT leader, whose recent assignments included

IT and change director at the National Offender Management Service.

organisations, but led to fragmentation of resource, effort and expertise.

The result was often dysfunctional, and when the digital world was

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

dependent on IT-


Another problem, says Booth, is that many digital experts were not familiar

with the demands of cyber security and resilience, which made for flaky

systems. This has been corrected though, and CDOs, as well as CIOs, are

up to speed with digital realities, the result being a convergence back to a

single IT organisation a situation that has occurred at major government

departments such as the Home Office and the Department for Work and


Booth echoes the view that the skillset required from executives now

encompasses both digital and traditional IT so IT leaders need to

demonstrate capabilities across the board.

Fernando Birman, head of the digital office at Belgian chemical giant Solvay,

says the CIO and CDO briefs can be confusing in many companies. The

enterprise ambitions to achieve digital change have often associated that

objective with the CDO.

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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

and culture. The sectors that have a more aggressive profile and are more

subject to startup competition preferred to separate CIO and CDO roles,

leaving to the latter the challenge of blending into the business and finding

cloud and outsourcing becoming more intense, the role of the CIO as a

resource manager will continue to lose importance, with he or she eventually

In search of a hybrid

It is perhaps a matter of time until the CIO and CDO roles merge, but some

CIOs are not prepared to take on this double role yet, according to Simon

Gratton, former CDO at Zurich Insurance and Deloitte, and now an interim


ave a digital and data

mindset, which is a problem for companies looking to transition to a digital

operating model. Companies looking for significant change are generally

looking outside for a CIO/CDO hybrid, but in reality few of these individuals


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In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

-house for their next CIO often believe that

digital is not needed across back-office systems when, in fact,

Tech leaders seeking opportunities in this new context need to increase

their digital and data thinking to be successful, but this varies, according to

Gratton. He says that in small and medium-sized companies a single

individual can handle the task, while larger businesses requir

Gratton says the recruitment of leaders who will be effective in a digital

context is more about culture than skillset. If corporate cultures and

operating models are adapted to embrace digital, rather than focusing on

internal politics around IT and digital, not only is success more likely, but will

also allow for skills to be cross-pollinated between the CIO and CDO


threat to the CIO is a

digitally-averse culture. You cannot separate IT from digital transformation

as they need to go hand-in-

Achieving IT and digital convergence

The need for skills convergence between IT and digital becomes more

evident when speaking to recruiters who work with executives focused on

Page 27 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

both ends of the spectrum. According to Iain McKeand, director of the CIO

practice at recruitment firm Harvey Nash, companies are looking for CIOs

with expertise that encompasses digital, data, security and innovation, in

addition to the technology itself.

traditional skills required about five years ago around managing and

controlling the IT estate have become unfashionable and even undesirable

massive change programmes and will immediately move on to the next

assignment once they are done. They are hard to find and expensive, which

McKeand says CIOs transitioning to this new hybrid world realise not only

that they have to be more mobile geographically, but also they need to

become more marketable to find themselves suitable employment sooner

rather than later.

to be able to describe an interesting project they have been involved in, as

well as promote it via speaking engagements and by going to as many

Page 28 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

meeting exp

within digital transformation and what keeps organisations awake at night.

Next article

Page 29 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Lis Evenstad, management editor

There is no doubt that effective collaboration in the workplace is beneficial

share information, dial into a video conference or quickly get in contact with

whoever you need are all key to a happy and productive workforce.

While it seems like an easy win, experts at the latest CW500 Club shared

their advice and lessons learned on the journey, showing that implementing

cloud solutions is not as straightforward as it looks.

Steve Mellors, collaboration programme manager at the Wellcome


He said that although moving to the cloud and implementing new

collaboration tools could create a better work environment, the organisation

had to be ready for it.

going to be part of your infrastructure for the short term, or maybe the long

you are

Page 30 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

ed to

sort out, especially if this poor infrastructure has led to an unhappy

workforce and your customers have issues, you have infrastructure issues

Traditionally, IT has a poor history with this. The IT team will fiddle with stuff

over the weekend, users come in on Monday morning and everything has


desire to have this new stu

Just because people use apps such as Facebook, Dropbox and Skype in

Microsoft SharePoint and expect everyone to use it right away, he said.

Page 31 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Differences in usage

The difference between users embracing mobile tools in their personal life

and in their work life is something Laura Bennett, head of digital

collaboration at the Parliamentary Digital Service, has also experienced. The

digital service covers all MPs and peers, as well as all the staff connected to

Parliament and constituency offices.

Bennett explained that an MP will have a personal phone and a

parliamentary iPad. But the MP may also use the phone for work purposes,

and this blurs the lines between what is a work device and what is a

personal device.

This means that the digital service will support the users, not the device, she

said. Despite that, the applications delivered on the iPad by the digital

service are often more complicated because they are sometimes bespoke

How much patience a person has when, for example, Facebook changes its

Page 32 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

which I mean expectations of uptime, warning of changes and the depth of


The Parliamentary Digital Service began its transition to Office 365 in 2013,

but at the same time it also rolled out Office 2013. Because messages to

staff were poorly delivered, this meant users now correlate Office 365 with

difference to them. The only change they saw was the client though which

As the service is revisiting its Office 365 project, it is filling in the gaps that

were left the first time around.

The service has employed a growing team of user engagement specialists.

trained in change management and are there to focus on

Page 33 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

Shadow IT

According to research carried out by cloud application performance

firm VMTurbo, the emergence of shadow IT deployments is cited as a major

reason why more than half of companies claim not to have a formal cloud

strategy in place.

Both Mellors and Bennett have experienced the use of shadow IT in their

organisations. The Parliamentary Digital Service discovered that after

implementing Microsoft SharePoint, users were clearly taking other routes

because of a lack of engagement over how to use it.


The most interesting one was a team that decided they wanted an internet

That was the first sh

So how do you successfully implement mobile collaboration tools?

Page 34 of 34

In this e-guide

IT Priorities 2017: Nordic

organisations to spend more

on cloud services

CIO interview: Alexandra

Drevenlid, Tieto

turns to cloud to keep up

with growth

What are CIOs doing about

the rise of blockchain?

CIOs must become hybrid IT

and digital leaders to avoid

becoming unfashionable

CIO Trends #4: Nordics

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