IT Purchase Request Tool ITPR Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC) Financial Systems...


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IT Purchase Request ToolITPR

Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC)

Financial Systems Office (FSO), 153&

Business & Investment Management Office (BIMO), 703

ITCD Executive Summary PPBE14-18


CPIC enables IT Investment Reporting:

Management of the Goddard IT portfolio at a Center-level by facilitating a process for management &

reporting of IT investments to measure and monitor requirements to maximize returns & minimize


Accountability of Goddard IT governance to strengthen Center efficiency and effectiveness of IT


Coordination and consistency of deliverables, specifically reports that are developed for the NASA

PPBE by the OCFO and NASA Exhibit 53 and 300 by the OCIO

• Alignment of requirements with the Mission and business objectives

The Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC) Framework is a

structured, integrated approach to managing Information Technology (IT)






CPIC: Investment Lifecycle

IT Investment Reporting; Requirement & CPIC Framework

ITCD Executive Summary PPBE14-18






CPIC; Framework & PPBE Alignment

Budget Formulation (Call for Requirements)Coordinated Sept-Nov, but may occur at any point All new initiatives are researched, planned and collected EA assessment is performed to ensure alignment with IT goals & Goddard demands Governance Body evaluation to determine criticalness Top priorities move forward to be assessed against current inguide

Budget Formulation (Collect, Rank & Select)Coordinated Oct-Feb All requirements are reviewed & updated to reflect current-state need Overguides are identified following allocation of inguide guideline EA assessment is performed to illustrate alignment to IT goals; as well as review for gaps and duplicative efforts Governance reviews occur to prioritize all requirements from high-med-low and 1-X

Budget Execution (Continuous Monitoring)Daily; Monthly Status Reviews; Quarterly Briefings All inguide requirements receive approved allocations as defined in PPBE/ CPIC Process Inguide requirements are tracked daily to commit & cost funds; in addition to ensure technical performance & success Budget (portfolio) is monitored by Function to continue to look for opportunities & ensure accountability

Budget Execution (Evaluation)September Budget (portfolio) is executed to cost all requirements by September 30th Requirements are evaluated to ensure full allocation was executed Requirements are evaluated by governance bodies to identify if success was met and need to continue requirement


IT Purchase Request Tool Supports: “Control” Phase of CPIC

Enables continuous monitoring of the portfolio by tracking all IT procurements through execution Enables management of plan versus actual by portfolio area (function) Enables accountability and accuracy of IT reporting for Goddard

FY11 ITCD PPBE-12 Plan25873.98


CY11 ITCD IT PR Tool Ac-tuals


GSFC IT Budget Monthly- December 2010

Comparison: Plan vs. Actual

Note: Highly Specialized IT did not have to identify funding by Major IT Activities.

Note: CY11 IT PR Tool cumulative through December 31, 2010COPY


Data Center

End User Syste


Application Portf


IT Security

Management & Operations

Enterprise Arch



GSFC IT BudgetMonthly- December 2010

Comparison: Plan vs. ActualMajor IT Activities

FY11 PPBE12 PlanCY11 IT PR Tool Actuals



IT Purchase Request Tool

IT Purchase Requests:

All procurements for supplies and services that meet the definition of information technology are to be submitted on the NASA IT PR Format.

As a requirement of the NASA IT PR, the FSO’s IT PR Tool must be used on a reoccurring basis to obtain an IT PR Tool Short text

PR Doc Type SAP Item Category Material Group Short Text Function Code

ITPR D R408 IT1-17-058 FC000000

Required field in all SAP IT Purchase Requests

Used to identify Portfolio-area/ Function

Any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, used in the

automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management,

movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or


includes computers, ancillary equipment (including imaging peripherals, input, output,

and storage devices necessary for security and surveillance), peripheral equipment

designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software,

firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related


Information Technology

Defined in Clinger-Cohen Act; USC 44
