ITB Convocation 2013 & Installation of the Pro-Chancellor · syabas kepada para graduan dan...


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page 16

Royal Visit to ITB Energy Week Showcasepage 11

ITB at the 4th QS-Maple Conferencein Abu Dhabipage 17

ITB Convocation 2013& Installation of the Pro-Chancellor

Internship with Piper Aircraft, Inc.

Welcoming Message


ContactInternational and Public Relations

Editorial BoardDr Christine Jothy Raju, Awg Hj Ady Syarmin bin Hj Md Taib, Sanda Kumari Chandran, Mike Cross, Dk Dr Noor Muneerah PH Jeludin, Siti Asmahlati Bolkini Hj A. Ahmad, Lim Chui Hua and Dr Lee Kok Yueh.

CONTENTSAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to publish the third issue of , a magazine which serves as the flagship of our University. explores, engages, exchanges and stimulates healthy discussion through a half yearly publication.

Institut Teknologi Brunei acheived another milestone late last year when Kebawah Duli Yang Maha

Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa‘adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, Chancellor of ITB, consented to grace Majlis Konvokesyen 2013 dan Istiadat Perisytiharan Pro-Canselor. At the event, we also witnessed the installation of Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, as the Pro-Chancellor of ITB.

There have been a number of activities so far this year, starting with ITB joining thousands of people at the National Stadium to celebrate our 30th Year of Independence. Engage 2014 was a notable success. We received overwhelming expressions of interest from students wishing to pursue their studies at ITB. In April, we joined the Energy Week and showcased ITB’s products. We also signed MoUs with Microsoft (B) Sdn. Bhd., Foster Wheeler, Aisha Automation Company and IVAPS Sdn. Bhd. The signing of MoUs were witnessed by the Honourable Minister of Education. The Honourable Minister also officially opened the Materials Testing Centre, the proceeds from which will contribute to the growth of the ITB endowment fund.

ITB has continuously adopted best practices in order to remain relevant. Our first participation at the 4th QS-Maple Conference in Abu Dhabi is a testament to our commitment to learn from other reputable universities. On the home front, we concluded all the Change Management workshops, the main objective of which was to engage both academic and support staff in our new direction.

I am proud to announce that ITB has completed a Brunei Research Council funded project entitled “Supplementary Irrigation for the Rain-Fed Paddy Schemes” or SIRaPS for short. I take this opportunity to congratulate Hj KBM Shafiuddin and the team on the completion of the project. I hope the outcome of their research will be beneficial to paddy farmers in the country. The SIRaPS closing ceremony was officiated by Puan Hjh Normah Suria Hayati binti PJDSM Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Hj Awang Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources.

We bid farewell to five students doing a 5-week ITB Extended internship programme with Piper in Florida. I am informed that the students are doing well. Alhamdulillah.

Last, but not least, thank you to all contributors and well done to the editorial team for providing yet another interesting edition of ITBPulse.


With best wishes,

Zohrah Sulaiman

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah Hj SulaimanActing Vice-ChancellorInstitut Teknologi Brunei

The rationale behind

To be the ‘heartbeat’ of ITB by adding visibility, value, and impact to ITB’s vision and mission.

3-17 Features

18-21 Academic Events

22-24 Research

25-26 Religious Events

27-33 Staff News

34-36 Student Achievements

37-45 Student Experience

46-47 Sport

Intake 2012 Brunei LNG Foundation Course Graduation 36



Internship with Piper Aircraft, Inc.

Titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar `Ali Saifuddien Sa`adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam sempena Majlis Konvokesyen Institut Teknologi Brunei 2013 dan Istiadat Perisytiharan Pro-Canselor pada Hari Khamis 24 Muharram 1435 / 28 November 2013


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir RaheemAlhamdulillah Rabbil ‘Alameen, Wabihiee Nasta’eenu

‘Alaa Umuuriddunya Wadden, Wassalaatu’ Wassalaamu ‘Ala Asyrafil Mursaleen, Sayyidina Muhammaddin, Wa’alaa Aalihee Wasahbihee

Ajma’een, Waba’du.

Alhamdulillah, Beta bersyukur kehadrat Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala yang telah mengizinkan

kita dapat berhimpun pada hari ini dalam Majlis Konvokesyen Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) Tahun 2013 dan Istiadat Perisytiharan Pro-Canselor.

Diambil maklum bahawa majlis pada hari ini adalah merupakan konvokesyen pertama bagi para graduan program Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam bidang-bidang Kejuruteraan, Perdagangan dan Komputing, dan kali ke-22 bagi program tahap Diploma Tertinggi Kebangsaan.

Beta mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan syabas kepada para graduan dan penerima sijil di atas kejayaan mereka menamatkan pengajian masing-masing.

Dalam keadaan ekonomi dunia yang semakin sukar untuk dijangka pengajian tinggi masih saja tetap dilihat sebagai salah satu kunci utama dalam menjana ekonomi yang berdaya maju. Pada hari ini Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menambah lagi barisan anak bangsa yang akan sama-sama berjuang ke arah itu. Ucapan tahniah dan syabas juga tidak lupa Beta tujukan kepada para ibu bapa dan penjaga serta para tenaga pengajar yang tidak kendur-kendurnya memberikan bimbingan dan pupukan semangat kepada para graduan dan penerima sijil sehingga mereka itu mencapai kejayaan.

Alhamdulillah, ITB sudah ditubuhkan selama lebih 27 tahun dan kini sudah mencecah 5 tahun, berstatus sebagai sebuah universiti penuh. Kematangan ini sewajarnya membawa ITB berpandangan lebih jauh untuk menjadikannya sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi yang berjaya.

Pada hemat Beta, sudah tiba masanya untuk ITB keluar daripada comfort zone dan membuat pembaharuan-

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar `Ali Saifuddien Sa`adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, Canselor Institut Teknologi Brunei berkenan mengurniakan titah pada Majlis Konvokesyen ITB 2013 dan Istiadat Perisytiharan Pro-Canselor di Dewan Plenary, Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa, Berakas


pembaharuan yang dapat mentransformasi dirinya dan sekaligus mengangkat ITB sebagai di antara universiti kejuruteraan dan teknologi yang terbaik di peringkat antarabangsa.

Antara sukat-sukat kualiti bagi pendidikan pengajian tinggi ialah kualiti pengajaran, kualiti kurikulum dan kualiti para pelajarnya sendiri. Oleh itu, dalam proses peralihan menawarkan program ke peringkat ijazah, janganlah ia dibuat secara semberana, umpama orang menukar baju sahaja. Lakukanlah secara kemas supaya ITB dapat menghasilkan graduan-graduan yang marketable, yang mempunyai kemahiran, sepadan dengan keperluan industri dan juga mampu mempertingkatkan diri bagi berhadapan dengan masa depan yang dinamik yang sentiasa berubah. Ini penting, kerana ia bukan sahaja akan mempercepatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi malahan juga akan mengekang pertambahan bilangan penganggur.

Jadikanlah saiz ITB yang kecil ini sebagai satu kelebihan untuk ia mudah merancang dan melaksanakan inisiatif-inisiatifnya selaku pembekal sumber-tenaga manusia yang bersifat relevan. Ini semua tidaklah mustahil, kerana memang terdapat pengalaman-pengalaman di negara luar seperti ‘California Institute of Technology’ ataupun ‘Caltech’ iaitu sebuah universiti kecil di California yang telah menjadi antara universiti kejuruteraan yang teratas di dunia pada masa ini, walaupun hanya mempunyai sekitar 2,000 orang penuntut.

Kerajaan berhasrat untuk mempunyai nisbah 60:40 graduan dalam bidang sains:sastera bagi perancangan pembangunan negara. Dalam hal ini, ITB berkewajipan untuk memastikan program yang ditawarkan adalah menarik, supaya lebih ramai lagi pelajar di peringkat bawah yang akan menceburi bidang sains. Mengapakah ini penting? Kerana, tren dunia adalah semakin didominasi oleh bidang ICT, multi media, Teknologi kreatif dan Knowledge-based Economy memaksa kita untuk sentiasa bersedia dan

bersifat responsif.

Sebagaimana kita semua maklum bahawa tenaga akademik adalah merupakan antara faktor utama yang menjadi jentera kepada kegemilangan sesebuah institusi pendidikan itu. Maka berhubung ini, ITB tidak terkecuali demi turut menyediakan tenaga akademik yang berkualiti yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Terdapat beberapa kriteria yang dijadikan sukat-sukat bagi mengukur tahap kualiti tenaga akademik tersebut. ITB akan melihat semua ini dari sudut keterlibatan dan sumbangan mereka misalnya dalam penerbitan dan kerjasama penyelidikan atau collaborative research di peringkat antarabangsa.

Akhirnya, Beta sekali lagi merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada para graduan dan penerima sijil yang berjaya.

Beta juga ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengingatkan bahawa kecemerlangan individu itu bukan diukur dari pencapaian dalam bidang pendidikan sahaja tetapi juga turut diukur dari sudut pembangunan insan secara holistik. Kerana itu, disamping meraih kejayaan dalam pendidikan, para graduan juga perlu melengkapkan diri dengan komponen-komponen modal insan yang membolehkan mereka berhadapan dengan pelbagai rintangan.

Beta dengan ikhlas, merakamkan ucapan penghargaan dan rasa terima kasih kepada semua warga Institut Teknologi Brunei, yang merangkumi Ahli-Ahli Majlis, Ahli-Ahli Senat, Pemangku Naib Canselor, Pegawai-Pegawai Utama, Ahli-Ahli Akademik, pegawai dan kakitangan atas segala sumbangan dan perkhidmatan mereka. Beta berdoa semoga Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala akan sentiasa memberkati segala usaha dan pengorbanan mereka.

Sekian. Wabillahit Taufeq Walhidayah Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Chancellor of Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) consented to grace the ITB Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor, held at

Plenary Hall, International Convention Centre (ICC), Berakas on 24 Muharram 1435 corresponding to 28 November 2013.

At the ceremony, His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office was installed as the Pro-Chancellor of ITB.

His Majesty then consented to award the Bachelor degrees to 62 graduates from the first intake of ITB’s undergraduate degree programmes and Higher National Diploma to 368 graduates from Intake 26 of the various BDTVEC (Brunei Darussalam Technical and Vocational Education Council) HND programmes in Engineering, Business and Computing.

His Majesty presents the Letter of Installation to His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office


ITB Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor


His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince arriving for the ITB Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor

His Majesty presides at the ITB Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor

His Majesty presenting the scroll to one of the degree graduates

His Majesty presenting the scroll to one of the HND graduates















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Podium Canselor

Meja Kecil Pro-Canselor

Kerusi & Alas KakiPro-Canselor

Kerusi & Alas KakiCanselor

Meja Kecil Canselor

Podium Pro-Canselor

Perabot Canselor dan Pro-CanselorMajlis Konvokesyen ITB



Meja & Rehal

Meja Mushaf

Meja Mushaf dan RehalMajlis Konvokesyen ITB



Class of 2013


First batch of degree graduates with their lecturers

A total of 430 graduates received their degrees and Higher

National Diplomas which included the first cohort of 62 degree students. Amongst them were 10 First Class Honours graduates and 33 Upper Second Class Honours graduates. 368 graduates received their HNDs after completing their studies in various BDTVEC (Brunei Darussalam Technical and Vocational Education Council) programmes in Engineering, Business and Computing.

Less than a year after being upgraded to a university in 2008, ITB began offering four undergraduate degree programmes in August 2009. These programmes were BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Communication Engineering, BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering, BSc (Hons) in Internet Computing and BBus (Hons) in Business Information Technology.

ITB currently offers 20 undergraduate degree programmes and graduate programmes leading to Masters by research and PhD.

HND graduates proudly displaying their certificates



Royal Visit to ITB Energy Week Showcase

On 24 March 2014, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam

consented to visit the ITB exhibits at the Energy Industry Competency (EIC) Fair and the Energy Exhibition held at the BRIDEX Halls. His Majesty also graciously shared a light moment trying out the Robocon-winning robot.

Some 86 exhibitors comprising government departments, oil and gas companies, NGOs, local and international vendors and school energy clubs

participated in the Energy Exhibition themed ‘Energy Efficiency and Conservation and Renewable Energy’.The EIC Fair was aimed at promoting careers and employment opportunities in the oil and gas industry, as well as sharing with the public the vocational programmes available for joining the industry. The Energy Industry Competency Framework was established in July 2013 as a joint collaboration between the Energy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Education and the Energy Industry.

His Majesty operating ITB’s award-winning robot

Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and the Vice-Chancellor of UBD, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, and senior officers

Graduates’ Evening 2013

On 28 November 2013, the ITB Graduates’ Evening 2013 (Malam Graduan ITB 2013) was held at the

Goldstone Ballroom, Centrepoint Hotel. The event was organised to celebrate the culmination of years of study and hard work by the 2013 graduates.

The Guest of Honour at the event was the Honourable Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong. Also present were Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and Vice-Chancellor of UBD; Dr Hjh Romaizah binti Hj Mohd Salleh, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Higher Education); ITB Principal Officers; sponsors; lecturers;

staff; graduates and their family members.

The welcoming remarks were given by the Acting Vice- Chancellor of ITB, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman. This was then followed by speeches from two representatives from the degree and HND graduates.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards by the Honourable Minister of Education to graduates who had shown outstanding achievement in academic and co-curricular activities during their studies in ITB. 32 organisations from a range of industries and professions including oil and gas, engineering, technology, finance, communication, marketing, design & manufacturing and architecture sponsored awards in recognition of the graduates’ success.

More than 50 awards were presented across the academic disciplines of Engineering, Business and Computing. The awards were categorised into Excellence in Programme Area, Most Progressive Award, Best Project Award and Best Student in Niche Areas. The Petrokon Utama Engineering Awards were also presented to the best HND final year projects in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The co-curricular recognition awards included Best in Religious Activities and Best Student Achievement Passport.

The Honourable Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong with an award recipient and an industry sponsor


On 9 November 2013, ITB held a Khatam Al-Quran ceremony in conjunction with the ITB

Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor. 46 participants attended the ceremony, comprising 35 students from the first intake of the ITB degree programmes and 11 Intake 26 HND students.

Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Yusoff bin Haji Ismail, the Acting Minister of Education officiated at the ceremony held at Masjid Universiti, Tungku Highway.

Also present were Datin Hjh Samsiah binti Hj Abd Rahman, the spouse of the Guest of Honour; Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB; Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and Vice-Chancellor of UBD; Awg Hj Suhaila bin Hj Abdul Karim, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Core Education); and Senior Officials from the Ministry of Education and ITB.

Khatam Al-Quran Ceremony in Conjunction with ITB Convocation 2013 & Installation of the Pro-Chancellor

The Guest of Honour (Front row, 5th from L) with the male khatam participants

The female khatam participants with Datin Hjh Samsiah (2nd row, 6th row from L)and the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB (2nd row, 7th fromL)




The Acting Vice-Chancellor meets postgraduates in UK

ITB hosted a visit by Professor Robert J. Allison, the President and Vice-Chancellor

of Loughborough University, UK from 18 to 21 January 2014. Professor Allison was accompanied by Professor Simon Austin, Civil & Building Engineering; Dr Gilbert Sharma, Chemical Engineering; Dr Jennifer Nutkins, Academic Registrar and Charlie Carter, Director of International Office. Discussions were held between the Loughborough University team and ITB community comprising academic and administrative staff, students and industry stakeholders. The visit was a follow-up to the previous discussions held in June 2013 on collaboration in the areas of teaching & learning and research & development.

On 2 February 2014, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti

Haji Sulaiman met with 30 Bruneian postgraduate students studying in the UK in the fields of Business, Computing and Engineering.

The objective of the visit was to hold a dialogue with the students who are interested in pursuing an academic career with ITB. At the gathering, the Acting Vice-Chancellor shared the aspirations of His Majesty in his Titah at the ITB Convocation 2013 and Installation of the Pro-Chancellor.

The students were briefed on developments at ITB and on ITB’s vision to position itself amongst the top ranking universities in Engineering and Technology in South East Asia by 2018.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor was accompanied by Dr Hajah Noor Maya binti Haji Md Salleh, Dean of the

Faculty of Business and Computing and Elizah binti Radin Mas Ismail, Deputy Registrar (Academic).

The gathering was held at Brunei Hall, London and was organised by the Brunei Student Unit, in cooperation with the Brunei High Commission in London.

Following the visit made by the President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr Robert Allison and his team to ITB in early January 2014, the Acting Vice-Chancellor and her delegation visited Loughborough University on 5 February 2014. During the visit, the Acting Vice-Chancellor met Professor Dr Robert Allison and his team, toured the campus, met staff members of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Computer Science, visited the Pilkington Library and interacted with Bruneian students who are currently studying at Loughborough.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman in a dialogue session with students

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman and ITB Principal Officers with the President and Vice-Chancellor of Loughborough University, UK

The Vice-Chancellor of Loughborough University visits ITB


Staff and students from the Computing & Information Systems (CIS) programme area, ICT Centre (ICTC), the Centre for Communication, Teaching and Learning (CCTL), Administration and ITB Senior Management

participated in Brunei’s 30th National Day Celebration on 23 February 2014. The celebration took place at Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. Some ITBians were also involved in the seat performance.

On 10 February 2014, a flag-hoisting ceremony to mark the start of the 30th

National Day celebrations was organised at ITB campus. The Guest of Honour at the event was Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB. Also in attendance were the University’s Principal Officers, lecturers, staff and students.

The event commenced with the handing over of the national flag by the Guest of Honour to ITB Army Cadet, SSgt Khairuddin bin Hj Abd Ghafar. The flag was then hoisted by members of the ITB Army Cadets, accompanied by the singing of the national anthem by all present.

The attendees also sang patriotic songs ‘Brunei Bumi Bertuah’ and ‘Tekad Kemerdekaan’.

Flag-hoisting at ITB


Patriotic staff, lecturers and students enjoying the event

ITB Raises the National Flag

ITB participates in the 30th National Day Celebration



On 23 February 2014, the ITB Hadrah Club participated in

the hadrah performance at the 30th National Day Celebration. A total of 500 hadrah participants (25 teams) from selected primary and secondary schools as well as ITB, UBD, UNISSA & KUPUSB took part in the performance.

Hadrah Club at 30th National Day Celebration


ITB hadrah participants at the 30th National Day Celebration

On 12 February 2014, ITB hosted a presentation by Wing Commander Andrew Green who was

in the country for a 3-day visit to promote science, innovation and technology to Bruneians, especially students, through Project Bloodhound.

Andy Green, who is a Fighter Pilot for the Royal Air Force is the driver of the Bloodhound Supersonic Car (SSC) that holds the world land speed record. The SSC, a 13 metre long monster powered by a jet fighter engine and a huge rocket motor, aims to raise the world land speed record to over 1000 mph (1600 kph) within the next 2 years. The car is expected to break the sound barrier by up to 40% as it travels the full 20 km length of Hakskeen Pan, South Africa in just 2 minutes, covering the middle kilometre in just over 2 seconds.

During his presentation, Andy Green provided an insight into the astonishing technology that will propel BLOODHOUND to over 1600 kph.

The Bloodhound Education Programme is already reaching out to millions of young people across the world, bringing engineering to life and making technology exciting for a new generation. When the car runs next year, onboard video footage and technical data will be streamed live onto the internet. This is the first time in history that this has been attempted, and it will result in a huge global audience sharing live in the ‘Engineering Adventure’ of Bloodhound SSC as it happens.

Also present at the event were His Excellency David Campbell, British High Commissioner to Brunei, Haji Ady Syarmin Bin Haji Taib, ITB’s International Public Relations Officer, and students from ITB, Pusat Latihan Mekanik, Brunei Politechnic, Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal and Sekolah Vokasional Nakhoda Ragam.

The ‘fastest man on earth’ The students with the ‘fastest man on earth’

ITB hosts the Fastest Man on Earth


On 20 February 2014, ENGAGE 2014, an open day and career fair, was held at ITB. It was a

one-stop platform for higher studies and career consultation. The Guest of Honour at the ceremony was Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB.

For the 2014 entry, ITB is offering 20 undergraduate degree programmes in Engineering, Business and Computing, 2 Foundation Degrees and 6 HND programmes in Engineering.

21 companies and organisations participated in ENGAGE 2014. The representatives offered advice on career opportunities and pathways within their organisations and the typical academic qualifications required to join them.

Guided group tours of the campus and laboratories were also conducted to give visitors an insight into the teaching and learning experience at ITB. ITB students also showcased some of the CCA clubs at ITB and this was a good opportunity for visitors to learn more about the non-academic and social aspects of student life at the University. Selected top projects by ITB students were also showcased, providing visitors with some ideas on the scope of learning in ITB and its outcomes.

Industry representatives also gave talks to inform students of exciting career options in their respective disciplines.

A forum called BAG Tech Talk on ‘ICT Career and Tech Hero’, and presentations from Microsoft (B) Sdn Bhd, Telbru and Foster Wheeler were also held.

ENGAGE 2014 at ITB

The Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, at the opening ceremony of ENGAGE 2014

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman visiting the booths



From 6 - 8 May 2014, the Planning and Development Office (PDO) team were in Abu Dhabi, UAE to

attend the Fourth QS-Maple Conference. The team was led by the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah Haji Sulaiman. It was ITB’s first participation at a QS-Maple Conference, a testament to ITB’s vision to be amongst the top ranking universities in Engineering and Technology in SE Asia by 2018.

The objectives of attending the conference were : • to identify and implement the best practices applied

by top universities in the planning and development of the University, academically and in research.

• to promote and market ITB, thus boosting the global presence and recognition of ITB.

ITB at the 4th QS-Maple Conference in Abu Dhabi


Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and the Vice-Chancellor of UBD, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB and the PDO team members, Dr Lim & Hjh Mas Ayu.

The ITB booth at the 4th QS-Maple Conference in Abu Dhabi


On 16 November 2013, the signing of a separate MoU between ITB, Microsoft (Brunei) Sdn Bhd and

Foster Wheeler (Brunei) Sdn Bhd was held at ITB. It was signed by Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman for ITB, Haniza Zakariya for Microsoft and Roberto Penno for Foster Wheeler, in the presence of the Honourable Minister of Education.

The Guest of Honour at the ceremony was the Honourable Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong. Also present were Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and the Vice-Chancellor of UBD; Awang Adi Shamsul bin Haji Sabli, Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and E-Government) at the Prime Minister’s Office; and senior officials from the Ministry of Education and ITB.

Under the MoU with Microsoft, ITB and Microsoft will enter into an alliance through the Partner in Learning - Education Transformation Agreement (PiL-ETA) to provide a comprehensive joint public-private programme for educational excellence with three goals: Transform Learning, Further Innovation and Develop 21st Century Skills and Employability.

The MoU with Foster Wheeler provides a platform to develop specialised industry training in ITB. This is to equip students with vital knowledge and skills to enhance employability.

Handover of Delta V/Wireless Skid Simulator Equipment & the signing of MoU with Aisha Automation Company

Academic Events

On 19 December 2013, a ceremony for the handover of a wireless automation skid simulator

by Aisha Automation Company to the Faculty of Engineering was held at The Pearl building, ITB.

The MoU between the Faculty of Engineering, ITB and Aisha Automation Company was signed by Dr Ang Swee Peng for the Faculty of Engineering in ITB and Haji Musa bin Haji Adinin for Aisha Automation Company. This was witnessed by the Guest of Honour, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman. Also present were Awang Haji Salleh Bostaman bin Haji Zainal Abidin, the Deputy Managing Director of Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd and Senior Officials from ITB, BSP, Aisha Automation Company and Emerson Process Management.

Under this MoU, Aisha Automation Company donated a process automation skid simulator, which uses Emerson’s Smart Wireless technology, to the Faculty of Engineering and will provide the necessary training and support for its use in teaching and research. Aisha will also be working with ITB in sharing its experience in automation and process management through collaborative programmes with ITB staff and students.

The Vice President of Emerson Process Management SE Asia, Mr Dominic Tang remarked, “We are pleased at the opportunity to help advance the important educational mission of ITB. It is exciting to help new engineers enrich their experience through hands-on access to the Smart Wireless technology.” Emerson Process Management is a world leader in providing complete process industry solutions.

The training and demonstration of Wireless Instrumentation technology was first conducted in November 2012 at Brunei Asia Pacific Shell Learning Hub. 92 participants including 12 lecturers from ITB attended the training and demonstration. This active collaboration is important for ITB to ensure that the development of its curriculum is industry relevant.

Aisha Automation Company is a 100% local owned company specialising in providing total solution packages with the vision of becoming the leading product and service provider to customers and business associates in the oil and gas sector.

MoU with Microsoft and Foster Wheeler

The Honourable Minister of Education, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and the Vice-Chancellor of UBD, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, Haniza Zakariya for Microsoft, Roberto Penno for Foster Wheeler, and other senior officials.

The signing of MoU between the Faculty of Engineering and Aisha Automation Co. witnessed by the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman


On 9 April 2014, the University Library received a donation of books from the Brunei-Japan

Friendship Association (BJFA). Presenting the books on behalf of BJFA was Mr Yuki Kaneda, the General Manager of Mitsubishi Corporation Brunei Liaison Office. Receiving on behalf of the University Library was Hjh Pusparaini binti Hj Thani, the Senior Librarian.

The Korean Embassy also donated books and software on Korean Culture and language.

The English Club and the Centre for Communication, Teaching and Learning organised a Book Donation Drive in response to His Majesty’s titah at the 23rd Teacher’s Day Celebration. In his titah, His Majesty urged students and teachers to embrace a culture of reading.

Academic Events

Book Donation to ITB Library

Mr Yuki Kaneda (on behalf of BJFA) presenting the book to Hjh Pusparaini binti Hj Thani, the Senior Librarian

MoU with IVAPS

On 20 February 2014, the Managing Director of IVAPS Sdn Bhd, Mr Peter Enston and the

Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) & Dean of Engineering of ITB, Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md Yunus signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish collaboration in the fields of research and development of the IVAPS industrial valve that has been developed with the support of the BEDB’s LEAP Grant funding. The signing took place at ITB in the presence of the Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB.

Mr Enston explained that the industrial valve was first patented in 1886 and that the basic design of

industrial valves had changed little in the last 130 to 150 years, until this development of the new Indus-trial Valve. Mr Enston pointed out that the IVAPS industrial valve will revolutionise the way in which pipeline networks can be operated and will not only enable massive cost savings to industry and end us-ers but will greatly facilitate automation and remote control. He expressed delight that the two organisa-tions would work closely on jointly developing the new valve.

While commenting on the collaboration between ITB and IVAPS, Pg Dr Hj Mohd. Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md. Yunus stated that, “Following its official upgrade to university status in 2008, ITB is in the exciting process of transforming from an institute nationally renowned for its academic programmes to a leading engineering and technology university of a high aca-demic and research calibre.”

Entering into collaboration with IVAPS is another step towards ITB-industry collaboration in product design and manufacturing development. Through such collaboration, ITB will play a role in promoting and boosting national economic diversification.

On 10 March 2014, a demonstration and presenta-tion of the Enston Valve was delivered by Mr Peter Enston. The Guest of Honour was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Development, Dato Paduka Awg Hj Suhaimi bin Hj Gafar.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman witnessing the exchange of the MoU between the Dean of Engineering (L) and Managing Director of IVAPS (R)


Official Opening of ITB Materials Testing Centre

On 16 November 2013, the Honourable Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato

Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong officially opened ITB Materials Testing Centre (MTC). The Honourable Minister also toured the facilities at the Centre.

The MTC is equipped with up-to-date testing machines and equipment and provides a wide range of quality control testing services for construction materials such as steel re-bars, welded steel fabric, strand wires, structural steel, bolts and nuts. The MTC is also capable of characterising metals, plastics, ceramics and timbers. Tests can also be carried out for compliance of construction materials to local

and international standards. The Materials Testing Laboratory was established in 1997 and won the Silver Award in the Civil Service Awards 2002. The laboratory was upgraded to a Centre in 2013.

Also present were the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman; Pg Dr Hj Mohd. Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md. Yunus, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic); Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) and the Vice-Chancellor of UBD and Awang Adi Shamsul bin Haji Sabli, Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and E-Government) at the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Honourable Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong opening ITB Materials Testing Centre

Academic Events

On 1 March 2014, a delegation from Rajabhat

Universities, Thailand visited ITB. The Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) received and welcomed a total of 20 staff from the three NE Group Rajabhat Universities namely, Roi Et Rajabhat University, Sisaket Rajabhat University and Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. The delegation was also given a guided tour of the laboratories, workshops and the Library.

Visit from Rajabhat Universities

ITB staff and Rajabhat Universities delegation


Academic Events

MoU with Oxford Business Group

On 14 May 2014, Oxford Business Group (OBG), the global publishing, research and consultancy firm,

signed a MoU with ITB. The MoU was signed by Jennifer Hiew, the Registrar and Secretary of ITB and Lauren Denny, the Country Director of OBG in the presence of Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB.

Under the MoU, students and staff at ITB will be given a subscription, alongside online access to OBG’s full library of reports with over 22,000 articles over 36 markets. OBG currently partners with more than 60 universities and business schools worldwide providing students across the globe with access to its data. OBG’s collaboration with

ITB forms part of the Group’s Academic Programme and ITB is the first institution in Brunei to officially join the Programme. OBG will continue to extend the offer to other institutions in Brunei.

OBG is preparing to publish The Report: Brunei Darussalam2014, a vital guide to the many facets of the country, including its macroeconomics, infrastructure, banking and other sectoral developments. The publication will also look back at the milestones reached by the Sultanate during the past three decades, in special coverage marking the country’s 30th anniversary of independence. The publication will be available in print or online.

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB witnessing the exchange of the MoU between Jennifer Hiew, the Registrar and Secretary of ITB and Lauren Denny, the Country Director of OBG

APP Inventor WorkshopITB, BAG Networks Sdn Bhd and Google Developer Group (GDG) Brunei Darussalam organised an App Inventor Workshop targeting young developers from schools. A total of 40 students from 10 schools participated in the workshop held on 3, 4, 10 and 11 May 2014. Jennifer Voon, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Computing and the Director of Industry Liaison Office of ITB, was one of the facilitators in the workshop.

The workshop was supported by the Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI) of Brunei Darussalam. It was held at the Seri Kerna Hall, AITI. The aim of the workshop was to develop ICT coding competency to participants below the age of 12 and encourage youth participation in the Brunei ICT Awards (BICTA) and Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) competitions. The workshop also provided training and equipped the group of young developers with Mobile Applications Developer skills. This project is also being carried out in Singapore and Finland.

Jennifer Voon guiding a young participant


On 12 March 2014, the Graduate Studies and Research Office organised a research

seminar aimed at providing information on research guidelines and clarifying procedures on research grant applications.

Currently 3 Research Thrusts, Oil and Gas, Water, and Green Technology, have been identified to exploit ITB’s existing strengths. The Research Thrusts will provide the opportunity for cross-disciplinary research & development and innovation.

The topics covered by the presenters were as follows:

On 23 March 2014, an inter-disciplinary research colloquium was organised by the Business

Programme Area, Faculty of Business and Computing. There were 12 presentations of research in progress by academics and postgraduate students.

The objective of the colloquium was to bring together the researchers from different disciplines to share their ideas and promote research collaboration.

The colloquium was one of the initiatives taken by the Business Programme Area to raise its research profile and to pave the way for national development through innovations in the University’s Research Thrust areas.

The Brunei Darussalam Journal of Technology & Commerce (BDJTC), published by ITB and now into its 8th volume, is

a scholarly, print version, international journal which publishes peer-reviewed original research results in all aspects of Engineering, Science and Business Management.

It provides a forum for discussion and exchange of information relating to recent advances and applications in the fields of technology and commerce. An editorial board of recognised experts in their specialised fields will coordinate the review process.

Brunei Darussalam Journal of Technology and Commerce

Research Seminar at ITB


The colloquium in session

Inter-Disciplinary Research Colloquium at ITB

Research Seminar

On 12 March 2014, Graduate Studies and Research Office organised a Research Seminar aimed to

provide information on research guidelines and clarify procedures on research applications to teaching

staff who intended to pursue research grants either internally or via an external source.

Currently, 3 Research Thrusts have been formed utilising on the existing strengths of both ITB and the

current Research Clusters. The Research Thrusts will provide the opportunity for cross-disciplinary

Research, Development and Innovation across the Research Clusters of ITB and subsequently break

down the walls of traditional disciplinary-based research and enhance multi-disciplinary approach


The 3 Research Thrusts are: Oil and Gas, Water, and Green Technology.

The programme of the seminar included four presentations. The topics covered by the presenters were

as follows:

Presenter Topic

Pg Dr. Saiful


Research at ITB and Policy and

Guidelines on Research



Guidelines and Procedures for

Application of Research Grants

Dr Tan Soon


Case Experience: Research

Projects via Internal and

External Funding

Professor Guo


Graduate Students and

Relevance to Research Projects

This was a good platform to inculcate research within the ITB staff community and provide opportunity

for networking amongst staff of different specialisations.

Volume 7 Number 1Dec 2013/1434H

Call for Papers The Brunei Darussalam Journal of Technology & Commerce (BDJTC) is a scholarly, print version international journal which aims to publish peer reviewed original research results in all aspects of Engineering, Science and Business Management. BDJTC publishes full papers with short turnaround time but a high standard review process. Prospective authors are invited to submit full paper to the following email address: or For further enquiries please contact the following address: Editor-in-Chief, BDJTC Institut Teknologi Brunei Jalan Tungku Link Gadong BE 1410 Email:

The journal’s scope covers the following major areas, but is not limited to: 1. Communications and Computer Systems

Engineering: • Computer Networking and Modelling • Multimedia Communication Systems • Digital Communication and Fibre Optic Systems

2. Electrical Power and Building Services Engineering:

• Building Automation and Intelligent Building • Building Services • Generation, Transmission and Utilization of Electrical

power • Energy

3. Civil Engineering:

• Civil Engineering Design and Application • Construction and Management • Environmental Engineering • Transportation Engineering

4. Mechanical Engineering:

• Thermo-fluid Engineering • Computer Aided Drafts and Design • Manufacturing and CIM Systems

5. Business and Management:

• Islamic accounting Practice • Human Resource Management • Entrepreneurship Development

6. Computer Science and Information Technology: • Software Engineering • Computer Aided Drafts and Design • Manufacturing and CIM Systems

Brunei Darussalam Journal of Technology and Commerce

Brunei D





e 7 Num

ber 1D

ec 2013/1434H


Approved Internal Projects via ITB Funding


A total of 6 internally-funded ITB projects have been approved and have commenced since January 2014. This

marks another achievement in research for ITB. ITB managed to provide funding to an increased number of projects. The proposals were initially assessed and then shortlisted. Applicants were called to present their proposals to the Research Committee. The Graduate Studies and Research Office encourages research engagement amongst staff members in order to realise ITB’s vision of becoming a premier centre for quality education, research and innovation.

The list of successful applicants with their project titles and abstracts are:

Principal Researcher: Professor Dr. Nawaf Hazim SaeidCo-Researcher: Pg Dr Hj Mohd Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus Research Title: “Dual-Engine, Dual-Fan Hovercraft Design and Fabrication”Funding Granted: B$60,000.00Abstract:The first phase of the project will focus on the design and fabrication of a hovercraft. The second phase will look in greater detail at the performance and modifications for improved efficiency of the hovercraft. It is hoped that this project will motivate students and supervisors to develop a new ‘made in ITB” hovercraft for various applications. The main purpose for the hovercraft is for sport and recreational activities.

Principal Researcher: Dr. Shahriar ShamsCo-Researchers: Associate Professor Dr Mohammad Abdul Matin, Rozeana binti Hj Md Juani Research Title: “Environmental Flow for a Sustainable Ecosystem”Funding Granted: B$10,500.00Abstract:The project emphasises establishing guidelines for maintaining the minimum amount of flow (Environmental Flow/E-flow) for the sustainability of an ecosystem in Brunei Darussalam. Historic time series data for water flow for a given estuary (Brunei/Tutong River) will be assessed with fluctuations of tidal flow and analysed using WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System). The outcome of this project will assist in establishing a threshold value for the minimum flow essential for the preservation of a rich and diversified ecosystem in Brunei Darrussalam for future generations.

Principal Researcher: Associate Professor Dr. Suresh SankaranarayananCo-Researcher: Dr Au Thien Wan Research Title: “Development of Software Agent based Smart Prepaid Wireless Energy Meter - Brunei Case Study”Funding Granted: B$8,000.00Abstract:The project aims to develop a software agent based wireless prepaid energy meter which allows agent to query the Zigbee sensor in energy meter for energy values for statistical computation of power consumed. The energy department could harness the statistics from every household in the country for policy and future planning. Consumers can use mobile devices to query the energy meter for energy values to study the power consumed and amount spent. Lastly once

the meter reaches the threshold, agent at energy department would send message for topping in which failing to do so will lead to power being cut automatically.

Principal Researcher: Associate Professor Dr. Somnuk Phon-AmnuaisukCo-Researchers: Dr Au Thien Wan, Hj Idham Mashadi bin Hj Mashud, Hj Rudy Erwan bin Hj Ramlie Research Title: “The Mathematics Wall”Funding Granted: B$8,400.00Abstract:This project aims to develop an interactive system that understands handwritten mathematical expressions and provides solutions to any well-formed mathematical expressions. In this project, the system should be able to perform calculations available in a typical scientific calculator. The output of this project is a prototype that accepts handwritten mathematical expressions and displays the answer in the user’s own handwriting style. Users may freely pose any well-formed mathematical question and the system will provide the correct solution.

Principal Researcher: Professor Dr. Fawaz Yahya AnnazCo-Researcher: Hj Mohammad Adi Mukmin bin Hj SarbiniResearch Title: “Development of UAV Platform Trainer for Rescue Missions – Phase I”Funding Granted: B$12,100.00Abstract:The main aim of this project is to develop a novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) training platform that will provide a safe environment to fly and control a UAV system. One of the immediate interests in this research is to provide a platform where it is possible to develop and test rescue mission algorithms on autonomous UAVs. The platform will also pave the way for further research in the fields of control, image processing and virtual reality. It is the aim of this project to develop the hardware, the virtual environment and the electronics interfacing that will be used in tracking and controlling a UAV. Thus the development makes an excellent future platform that will enable the design and evaluation of flight controls within virtual flight envelopes that depicts real environments.

Principal Researcher: Dr Looi Hong CheongCo-Researcher: Ibrahim Edris Research Title: “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching a Computer Programming Language using the Problem-Based Approach”Funding Granted: B$1,900.00Abstract:This study employs a suitable approach to explore the factors that lead to undergraduates’ learning difficulty in programming courses and also their perception on which teaching methodology could be implemented to create richer and interesting learning process. Identifying the difficulties learners have with programming can provide a basis for enhancing academic teaching and industry training in this area. The results of this study will contribute to our understanding of the difficulties in learning introductory programming and can sensitise educators in classroom and corporate training environments to some of the obstacles learners encounter.


SIRaPS Research Project Successfully Completed


On 26 April 2014, a closing ceremony for the successful completion of the Supplementary

Irrigation for the Rain-Fed Paddy Schemes (SIRaPS) research project was held in ITB.

The Guest of Honour was Yang Mulia Puan Hjh Normah Suria Hayati Binti Pehin Jawatan Dalam Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Haji Awang Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry & Primary Resources. Also present were Yang Mulia Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, Yang Mulia Awg Muhd Reza bin Dato Paduka Hj Md Yunus, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry & Primary Resources; Yang Mulia Dayang Hajah Aidah binti Haji Mohd Hanifah, Director of Agriculture and Agrifood; Yang Mulia Dyg Razia binti Hj Muhammad Shariff, Assistant Director of Higher Education and other senior officials.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah reported that all the project objectives had been successfully achieved and hoped that the project’s recommendations could be assessed and considered by the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources. She also pointed out that the project and research areas are in line with ITB’s Research Thrusts. ITB will also continue to collaborate with the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood in the future.

Yang Mulia Hj Khairul Bashar Mohammad Shafiuddin, Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering ITB was the principal researcher of the project. The scope of the SIRaPS project is limited to an engineering pre-feasibility study for irrigation and drainage. SIRaPS attempted to identify the existing and potential rain-fed paddy areas in the four districts. It also investigated the availability of water resources nearby that can be

tapped to provide supplementary irrigation either by gravity or by low-lift pump or a combination of both during drought. The project selected and recommended attractive rain-fed paddy schemes for feasibility studies and detailed design to convert them into fully irrigated schemes by rain harvest and supplementary irrigation during drought periods. The project selected a rain-fed paddy project for integrated project development and constructed a Modular Pilot Project under a separate TOR to showcase the project’s achievements in supplementary irrigation.

The success of this project will motivate and enhance the confidence of marginal farmers. An era of irrigated agriculture would thus open up at grass root level for the low income groups which will have a significant impact on the country’s agro-based economy.

The following are the salient features and figures of SIRaPS: • Project Costs: BD 0.613 Million, JPKE funded (S

& T research)• Study period: Commenced in April 2010 and

completed in April 2014• Schemes selected: 9 schemes comprising 5 in

Tutong, 2 in Temburong, 2 in Belait,

At present, the paddy schemes are entirely dependent on rainfall. Lack of irrigation water during a drought, absence of flood protection and damage by occasional flash floods demotivate the farmers who look for better income elsewhere. As a result of the project, all 9 rain-fed paddy schemes have potential for irrigation under the supplementary irrigation concept and are recommended for the integrated feasibility study.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB and the Guest of Honour at the SIRaPS closing ceremony

Principal Researcher, Hj Khairul Bashar Mohammad Shafiuddin giving his speech

SIRaPS Project Publication


On 14 January 2014, ITB celebrated the event of Maulidur Rasul with a religious talk held at the Concourse Hall of the University. The Guest

of Honour at the ceremony was Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice Chancellor of ITB. Also in attendance were the University’s Principal Officers, lecturers, staff and students.

The ceremony began with the mass recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and was followed by a religious talk given by Ustaz Hj Mohd Amin bin Hj Md Yassin, an invited speaker from Pusat Da’wah Islamiah, Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Religious Events

On 16 November 2013, ITB commemorated the New Year of Hijrah with a religious talk. The Guest of Honour at the ceremony was the

Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman. Also in attendance were the University’s Principal Officers, lecturers, staff and students.

A religious talk was given by Ustaz Nazirul Mubin bin Ahad, a Religious Speaker from Pusat Dakwah Islamiah. The theme of the talk was ‘Menghayati Wawasan Hijrah’. The talk emphasised the lessons to be learned from history and their relevance to modern day society.

Ma’al Hijrah Religious Talk

Ustaz Hj Mohd Amin bin Hj Md Yassin giving his speech

Ustaz Nazirul Mubin bin Ahad giving a religious talk

On 14 January 2014, ITB participated in celebrating Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday. Among the many ITB representatives participating in the walk on behalf of ITB were Pg Dr Hj Mohd Esa Al-Islam bin Pg

Hj Md Yunus, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Pg Dr Saiful Baharin Pg Duraman, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Research).

National Maulud Nabi Celebration

ITB’s staff and representatives at the walk

ITB Commemorates Maulidur Rasul


On 10 February 2014, Explore Islam Week was organised by Exco Keugamaan dan Kerohanian (EKK) 2014/2015 and was officially launched by Joffry Haji Bungsu, Dean of Student Affairs, ITB. The main

event was an exhibition by the EKK clubs with participation from UBD, UNISSA and KUPUSB.

Outside vendors selling Islamic themed products also participated in Explore Islam Week. Various cloaks, headscarfs and books were amongst the many products on sale. In addition to the Islamic booths, food vendors were also invited as a means of attracting the general public. One interesting event which was seen to be greatly supported by the students of the University was ‘Jubah Day’. This was the first activity run by the newly appointed Exco head.

Explore Islam Week at ITB

Live Azan Broadcast at ITB

Religious Events

On 15 Jamadilawal 1435H corresponding to 17 March 2014, Exco Keugamaan dan Kerohanian (EKK) launched a new initiative at the University with the official launching of the Call to Prayer for Zohor. The

Dean of Student Affairs, Joffry bin Haji Bungsu was the Guest of Honour at the auspicious event.

The representative of EKK delivered his welcoming remarks and explained the history of the ‘Azan’. The first Zohor Call to Prayer was heard along the corridors of the University performed by Ak Md Wafiuddin bin Pg Hj Samsuddin, a student pursuing his Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Finance and e-Business. The Call for the Asar prayer was also broadcast later in the afternoon.

Tausyeh Competition

On 29 March 2014, ITB held a Tausyeh Competition, organised jointly by the Dikir Nasyid Tausyeh 2013 and the Dikir Nasyid Tausyeh 2014 Clubs, the Religious and Spiritual Exco and the ITB Religious Unit.

Six male groups and five female groups participated in the competition. The Male Category was won by the Ikhwanul Hadi group with the An-Nagheen group emerging as winners in the Female Category. Prizes were presented by the Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor.

Donations were also presented to ITB students who had suffered the loss of family members.

We are the champions!


Paper Presentations

Staff News

No. Name Country Conference Date Title of Paper

1 Dr Au Thein Wan Zhangjiaje, China

The 11th IFIP/IEEE International Conference Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing

13 - 15 Nov 2013

Impact of Personalized Recommendation and Social Comparison on Learning Behaviours and Outcomes

2 Associate Professor Dr Suresh Sankaranarayanan

Langkawi, Malaysia

2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT 2013)

18 -20 Nov 2013

ABASH – Android Based Smart Home Monitoring using Wireless Sensors

3 Associate Professor Dr Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk

Seoul, Korea

The 17th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems

7 - 9Nov 2013

Applying Non-negative Matrix Factorization to Classify Superimposed Hardwritten Digits

4 Associate Professor Dr Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk

National Chengchi University Teipei, Taiwan

TAAI 2013 Conference on Technologies and Application of Artifical Intelligence Technology (CEAT 2013

6 - 8Dec 2013

Handling a Dynamic Mixture of Sources in Blind Source Separation Task

5 Dayang Yeo Sy Mey Dayang Mardiyah binti Haji Matusin

Pune, India CUBE - 2013 International Conference on Cloud, Ubiquitous Computing & Embedded Technologies

15 - 16Nov 2013

NFC based Patient Appointment in The Mobile Environment

6 Pg Dr Haji Saiful Baharin bin Pg Haji DuramanDr Haji Faqir Gul

Jeju Island, Korea

Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific (AEESEAP) Workshop

7 - 8Nov 2013

Country Report

7 Dyg Sanda Kumari Chandran

Colombo, Sri Lanka

International Conference of Language, Literature and Linguistics 2013 (LLL 2013)

2 - 3Dec 2013

An Exploration of ESL Learning Anxiety and its effect on classroom communication

8 Awg Haji Noah bin Haji Abd Rahman

Phuket, Thailand

The 2013 International Conference on Global Economy, Commerce and Service (GECSS 2014)

11 - 12Jan 2014

Facial Recognition Using Eigenfaces Approach

9 Dr Md Fazlul Karim Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing 2014

13 - 14Feb 2014

A Boundary Fitted Nested Grid Model for Tsunami Computation along Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia”

10 Dr Looi Hong Cheong

City View Hong Kong

International Conference on Education and Management Innovation

15 - 16Feb 2014

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in the Teaching of Computer Programming

11 Dayang Siti Noorfatimah binti Haji Awang SafarDayang Norhuraizah binti Haji Mohd Jaafar

Manila, Philippines

International Conference on network and Computer Science (ICNCS)

20 - 21March 2014

Application of Cloud Technology in Electronic Payslip – A Brunei Case Study

12 Awg Haji Noah bin Haji Abd Rahman

Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

The Fourth International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPA 2014) As Part of the Second World Congress on Computing and Information Technology

18 - 20 March 2014

Search Engine Development: Adaptation From Supervised Learning Methodology


Staff News

The ‘Forward to Change’ Workshop series concluded with a session held from 9-11

December 2013 at the Empire Hotel and Country Club. The session was attended by the University’s Principal Officers and senior academics. Professor Richard J Badham from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia facilitated the session. Also present at the workshop was Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB.

The session focused on how to build an effective coalition for the successful implementation of the transformative agenda.

The first workshop series was held in April 2013, when the teams were introduced to the theories and practice of Change Management. The teams then proceeded to work on specific projects that aimed to address issues critical to the transformation of the University: Organisational Re-structuring, Curriculum Review, Cultivating Research Culture and Enhancing Visibility. A sharing session of the four projects was held in September 2013 with the aim of introducing the change process to the wider University population and obtaining feedback.

‘Forward to Change’ Workshop Concludes

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Badham and the workshop participants

Change Management Workshops at ITB

Seven Change Management Workshops were held, five for academics and two

for support staff. For the academics, they were held on the following dates: 5, 15, 19, 29 March 2014 and 12 April 2014. For the non-academics, they were held on 16 and 19 April 2014.

The objective of these sessions was to increase the understanding of organisational change and to ensure staff engagement in ITB’s new vision and direction. The workshops were highly interactive. Participants engaged in discussions and group exercises which addressed matters relating to organisational change.

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor speaking at one of the sessions


Two lecturers from the Business Programme Area, Pg Abdul Mutallib bin Pg Hj Kamaluddin and

Radin Jefri Mas Basiuni attended the 3rd UNESCO-APEID Meeting on Entrepreneurship Education in Kuala Lumpur from 10 - 12 December 2013.

The Meeting was organised by UNESCO Bangkok in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. Over 100 participants from various countries attended the Meeting which included policy makers, educators, prominent entrepreneurs and professionals in the field.

The primary objectives of the Meeting were to share innovative and educational approaches, projects and practices of entrepreneurship education, to launch the Entrepreneurship Education network (EE-Net) and to identify potential areas for joint activities.

Both Pg Abdul Mutallib and Radin Jefri had the opportunity to network with other participants and gain knowledge about the emerging frameworks and approaches to entrepreneurship education.

The 3rd UNESCO-APEID Meeting

Pg Abdul Mutallib and Radin Jefri at the 3rd UNESCO-APEID Meeting

SIRaPS team visits Tutong flood area

On 25 January 2014, the ITB SIRaPS (Supplementary Irrigation to Rain-fed Paddy Scheme) team made a visit to two flood-affected areas,

Kampong Tanjong Maya and Penapar, in the Tutong District. The visit was led by Pg Dr. Hj Saiful Baharin, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of Research and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research accompanied by the team leader, Hj KBM Shafiuddin, Syifaa Syafiqah Syaza Suhaili (Research Assistant), Siti Nor Amirah Binti Haji Arun (Research Assistant) and Rozaidi (Technician). The aims of the visit were to get first hand experience about the flood situation and to gain information regarding the paddy fields in the areas affected by flooding.

SIRaPS has proposed building several barrages/submerged weirs across Sungai Tutong at strategic locations to mitigate future flooding. These would be multifunctional and help prevent tidal saline water entry and at the same time retain the residual flood water for irrigation purposes.

The SIRaPS team in Tutong

Staff News

UiTM and Trengganu State Library Visit

On 25 Februari 2014, 29 lecturers and librarians from the Faculty of Information Management

UiTM and the Trengganu State Library, Malaysia visited the ITB Library. The objective of the visit was to discuss research opportunities, smart partnership in industrial training, joint conferences and workshop opportunities.

The delegation was received by Pg Dr Haji Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Haji Md Yunus, the Acting Vice-Chancellor (Academic). Presentations were given by Awg Hj Ady Syarmin bin Hj Md Taib, Director of IPRO and Dyg Hjh Pusparaini, Senior Librarian of ITB. A tour of the Library concluded the visit.

ITB staff with the delegation


Staff News

Courtesy Visit by RBAF Army Cadet Commanding

Major Pengiran Haji Hamdiah bin Pengiran Haji Hashim with the Registrar & Secretary, Jennifer Hiew-Lim, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Joffry bin Haji Bungsu browsing through photos of ITB Army Cadets’ activities

On 8 March 2014, a team building course was held for ITB’s administrative staff. The course

was organised by CCTL and was attended by 19 admin staff. The course started with an in-class ice-breaking activity and continued with outdoor team building activities where each team performed

various physical activities which aimed to enhance cooperation, build leadership attributes and foster teamwork skills among participants. The course ended with one of the teams being selected as the best and most cooperative team.

Team Building for Admin Staff

Participants involved in the ice-breaking activity ‘Hole in the wall’ challenge

On 29 March 2014, Mohammad Qusyairi, a lecturer from the Centre for Communication,

Teaching and Learning conducted a class on “Melayu Islam Beraja” (Malay Islamic Monarchy, the national philosophy of Brunei) and Brunei culture.

The class was well received by all the expatriates who were keen to know more about Brunei. More classes on MIB and Brunei culture will be conducted in the future.

Expats at ITB attend MIB class

Mohammad Qusyairi with the expats


Staff News

ITB welcomes new academic staff

Dr Md Motiar RahmanPrincipal Lecturer ‘Construction Management’ in the Civil Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 21 November 2013

Dr Mohamed Saleem Haja NazmudeenSenior Lecturer ‘Management Information Systems’ in the Business Programme AreaJoined: 19 December 2013

Professor Dr Dakshinamoorthy SathiyamoorthyProfessor ‘Chemical Reaction Engineering’ in the Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 20 December 2013

Dr Anil Laxman PathakPrincipal Lecturer ‘English Communication Skills’ in the Centre of Communication, Teaching and LearningJoined: 31 December 2013

Dr Kamaruddin@Kamarudding AbdulsomadPrincipal Lecturer ‘Technopreneurship’ in the Business Programme AreaJoined: 3 January 2014

Dr Asad A Khalid Al AbdullahPrincipal Lecturer ‘Engineering Design’ in the Mechanical Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 15 January 2014

Ak Muhammad Rahimi bin Pg Haji ZahariLecturer ‘Coding Theory/Information Theory’ in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 18 February 2014

Awang Shamil bin Haji Abd RahmanLecturer ‘Instrumentation and Control’ in the Mechanical Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 26 February 2014

Dr David Bruno StarrsSenior Lecturer ‘Cinematology’ in the Computing and Information Systems Programme AreaJoined: 24 March 2014

Associate Professor Dr Jaya Narayana SahuAssociate Professor ‘Environmental Engineering and Sustainability’ in the Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 3 March 2014

Dr Lee Kok YuehLecturer ‘English Communication Skills’ in the Centre of Communication, Teaching and LearningJoined: 29 March 2014

Dr Mohammad Hazwan bin AzriLecturer ‘Field Management and/or Enhanced Oil Recovery’ in the field of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Programme AreaJoined: 12 April 2014


Staff News

ITB welcomes new non-academic staff

Awang Amiruddin bin Haji GillenTechnical AssistantJoined: 28 October 2013

Pengiran Atiyah binti Pengiran Indera Negara Pengiran Anak Haji Puteh, Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Computing12 April 2007 - 30 November 2013Left for Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Sdn Bhd

Dr Haji Abu Rayhan Md. Muniruzzaman, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering 19 November 1998 - 31 December 2013Left to join RMIT, Melbourne after completing his contract.

Awg Haji Meraj bin Haji Suhaili, ECA officer2 June 2009 - 14 February 2014 Retired from the Government Service.

Dyg Husni binti Haji Matusin, Bursar 2 December 2009 - 18 February 2014 Left after completing contract of service.

Dyg Rajariah Kooh Binti Rajalin, Engineer 3 September 2012 - 28 February 2014 Left for Public Works Department.

Awg Haji Sufri bin Yudan, Senior Technical Assistant 23 April 2012 - 31 March 2014 Left for Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Development.

Hj Mohd Kamrizan bin Hj Antin, Education Officer, seconded to Faculty of Business and Computing 27 July 2009 - 1 February 2014 Left for Authority Monetary Brunei Darussalam.

Awang Haji Mail bin Haji OhsaliStorekeeper Special Grade Joined: 20 January 2014

Dayang Etty Eratty bin MetussinClerkJoined: 25 November 2013

ITB bids farewell


Staff News

Appreciation Dinner for the former VC, Principal Officers and Staff

On 14 April 2014, an Appreciation Dinner was held at the Tarindak D’Seni for the former Vice-

Chancellor of ITB, Dato Paduka Dr Haji Omar bin Haji Khalid and other officers of the University who have retired or taken up new positions in other organisations. Also present at the dinner were Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB and the current and former Principal Officers of the University. In her speech, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB thanked the former Vice-Chancellor and the former Principal Officers who have contributed to the development of ITB and hoped that they will continue

to contribute in one way or another in developing the University. The Acting Vice-Chancellor also wished them the best in all their endeavours. The Appreciation Dinner was organised specially for:• Dr Hajah Naemah binti Haji Basir (Former

Assistant Vice-Chancellor)• Dayang Husni bin Haji A Matusin (Former Bursar)• Dr Sophiana Chua Abdullah (Former Dean,

Faculty of Business and Information Technology)• Haji Awang Yussof bin Haji Awang Mohammad

(Former Dean, Faculty of Business and Computing)

• Dr Haji Supry bin Haji Ag. Ladi (Former Director, Centre for Road Safety Studies)

• Awang Haji Meraj bin Haji Suhaili (Former ECA Officer).

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman with the former Vice-Chancellor and former ITB staff

The Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman presenting a token of appreciation to the former Vice-Chancellor.


The AutiSay project by ITB won the Merit Award in the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards

2013 held from 24-27 November 2013 in Hong Kong.

AutiSay is an iPad application that helps autistic individuals with speech difficulties to communicate with others. Parents and guardians can even upload photographs and record their own voices to meet their autistic children’s needs. The AutiSay team members are Dk Siti Nor Bazilah Pg Zulkipli, Halina Jumaat and Abdullah Maidin. The students were mentored by Ms Jennifer Voon. The project was selected to participate in APICTA after winning first prize in the Tertiary Student Project category of the Brunei ICT Awards (BICTA) 2013 in September.

The other Merit Award winner from Brunei was the Higher Education Guidance System project by Chung Hwa Middle School, Kuala Belait.

Other notable participating projects from ITB were the Brunei History Adventure Game application project and the Wadihah Haji application project. A total of 220 projects from 13 participating economies in Asia Pacific competed for the prestigious award.

On 28 November 2013, the APICTA delegates headed by Hj Yahkup Hj Menudin, the Chief Executive of AITI were received upon arrival at the Brunei International Airport by Awang Haji Idris Bin Haji Md Ali, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB and Awang Adi Shamsul Bin Haji Sabli, Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT & eGovernment), Prime Minister’s Office as the Acting Chairman of the Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam.

APICTA Merit Awards for AutiSay

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah, the Acting Vice-Chancellor and the APICTA delegates

Student Achievements

The Brunei APICTA delegates


Student Achievements

The Honourable Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Awang Abu Bakar Bin Haji Apong, the Minister of Education with the teams, BruArt and EMNS Team Co.

Two teams from ITB won the grand and first runner-up prizes in the College and University Category

of the Ignite Entrepreneurship Challenge 2013. There were six finalists competing in this category.

The BruArt team won the grand prize of $4,000 with their project, ‘Augmented Myth – Brunei Folklore’. The project is a Brunei folklore storybook that utilises Augmented Reality technology for a more immersive experience. Using the supplied application, the illustrations in the storybook are animated on smart devices with narration. This makes the reading experience more fun and engaging while educating children about Bruneian folklores.

Meanwhile, the EMNS Team Co. won the first runner-up prize of $2,000 with their ‘Tap Cash’ project. Tap Cash is a mobile payment application that offers consumers

the ease of daily purchases straight through the use of mobile NFC technology. Transactions are done by touching the smartphone to any designated payment scanner. It also envisions a cashless society.

On 5 December 2013, the Awards Presentation Ceremony was held at the Empire Hotel and Country Club. The Guest of Honour at the event was the Honourable Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Awang Abu Bakar Bin Hj Apong, the Minister of Education.

Ignite has entered into its sixth edition and is an annual event organised by iCentre and supported by the Brunei Economic Development Board. The Ignite Entrepreneurship Challenge serves as a platform for identifying, nurturing and showcasing emerging entrepreneurs.

ITB Teams Win Ignite Entrepreneurship Challenge 2013

On 18 March 2014, ITB joined a debate competition organised by KUPUSB. ITB was represented by Dayang Nur Bazilah

binti Awang Ramram, a Civil Engineering student from HND Intake 28. She took up the challenge to compete, not only with local university representatives, but also with representatives from Malaysia and Indonesia. There were three representatives from Malaysia, one from Indonesia and one each from our local universities, namely UBD, UNISSA, KUPUSB and ITB.

Nur Bazilah’s debate title was, “Kebijaksanaan Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Professionalism dan Motivasi Diri”. She was ranked sixth in the competition. Debating is a new activity for Nur Bazilah and Student Affairs would like to congratulate her for setting a good example in daring to venture outside her comfort zone.

ITB joins Debate Competition

Nur Bazilah participating in the Debate Competiton


Brunei LNG Foundation Course Graduation Ceremony

Student Achievements

On 15 March 2014, 24 Operative Technician Progression Scheme (OTPS) graduates for the

year 2012 Intake received their certificates and awards after completing the Brunei LNG Foundation Course, Certificate in Plant Engineering at a ceremony held at the Royal Berkshire Hall at Royal Polo Club in Jerudong.

The Chairman of the Organising Committee, Pg Dr. Hj Mohd Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Dean of Faculty of Engineering at ITB congratulated the new graduates. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation for the quality training provided by ITB and Brunei LNG and hoped that the mutual relationship between both organisations would continue to thrive.

Dr. Thomas Jenke, Deputy Managing Director of Brunei LNG, as the Guest of Honour presented certificates to the newly graduated trainees as well as to the Best Student Awardees, Sivakumar Devaraj Muthusamy Veerasamy, who received first prize, and Mohammad Nabeel Bin Zeferi, who came in second, and Sharifah A’tikah Binti Wan Zainal Abidin who came in third.

He said that the graduates are expected to be fully responsible and accountable employees of Brunei LNG and stressed that they should apply what they have learnt in order to excel in their work.

Brunei LNG Human Resocurces Manager, Hjh Zainab Binti M. A. Omar, presented certificates of appreciation to ITB lecturers for their full support.

The student representatives gave their personal messages in which they thanked the management for providing the job opportunities and the ITB lecturers and the Brunei LNG instructors for shaping their future.

Also present at the graduation ceremony were ITB senior officers and lecturers, Brunei LNG senior staff and parents of the graduates.

Dr Thomas Jenke, Deputy Managing Director of Brunei LNG, Senior Officers & Lecturers of ITB and the management staff of Brunei LNG with the graduates

Dr Thomas Jenke delivering his speech


Student Experience

The ECO Club monitors the amount of garbage thrown by students and lecturers into the recycling bins, provided by the ECO Club, placed

around the ITB campus. The waste is collected and weighed by Daikyo, the recycling company. The ECO Club members record the amount of waste materials produced by ITB-ians. The statistics (shown below) for this year reveal that an excessive amount of waste paper was disposed of by ITB-ians in January..

Eco Club Monitors Recycled Materials

Month Paper Plastic

January 2014 255 kg 20 kg

February 2014 14 kg 6 kg

Visit to Anti-Corruption Bureau Construction Site

On 15 and 22 March 2014, a site visit was jointly initiated by the Public Works Department (PWD)

and ITB as a means of informing Civil Engineering (CE) and Construction Management Quantity Surveying (CMQS) students, in a live project setting, about issues relating to site construction works, materials equipment and methodologies.

Students were subsequently required to complete a report based on all information gained during the site visit exploring topics such as: Material Management, Storage & Quality control, Sub-Structure & Temporary Works, Structural Methodologies, HSE, Roof & Site Management and Equipment & Wall Cladding.

In addition to attendees from PWD and ITB, other attendees included lead consultants, Arkitek Ibrahim. KR Kamarulzaman & Associates, and also the main contractors, Indramas Sdn Bhd (ISB) and other site personnel including the Clerk of Works.

The project presentations were followed by a site walk-around and a final Q&A session back at the Site Office.

The CE and CMQS students listening to a project presentation

Multimedia Training at MiSC

Twelve students from the Faculty of Business and Computing were privileged to be chosen to

attend a multimedia training course at the Media In-Service Centre (MiSC), Ministry of Education.

MiSC is considered a critical building block in the transformation of education through e-Hijrah in Brunei Darussalam.

The students underwent 15 weeks of training which started in October 2013 and ended in March this year. The training was facilitated by Miss Lim Yan Shuang from Infinite Studio, Singapore. The objective of this course was to equip the curriculum developers with creative and technical skills to re-design and re-develop the traditional Melayu Islam Beraja teaching materials so that they are suitable for e-learning platforms.

The students gained a good understanding of the creative processes involved in creating aesthetically interactive applications that can be used in multiple e-learning platforms.

Students from the Faculty of Business and Computing with Miss Lim Yan Shuang of Infinite Studios, Singapore


Student Experience

A team from Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) and Petrokon Utama Sdn Bhd, coordinated by Mr

Chi-Fang Chan of BSP, provided Petroleum & Chemical Engineering students with major support for their ongoing Foundation Degree in Process Engineering projects. The students were given projects to help them understand the processes associated with the production of oil & gas, from the well head to the export tanks, and to carry out simulations using industry related software.

Professor Val Pinczewski from the University of New South Wales delivered the first component of block teaching in Reservoir Engineering for the PCE students during the last week of January. BSP too has assisted the PCE programme area by providing the services of an expert in Reservoir Engineering, Leytzher Muro to liaise with Professor Val in conducting the tutorial sessions and helping the students with their assignments.

Petroleum & Chemical Engineering Programme Area News

Professor Val with the 2nd year Petroleum & Chemical Engineering students

ASEAN +3 Environmental Youth Forum

In December 2013, a forum organised by JASTRe was held at the Empire Hotel & Country Club. ITB, one of the institutions registered under JASTRe,

sent 3 representatives from ITB’s ECO Club to take part in the forum along with the other 80 participants from member countries of ASEAN and its + 3 dialogue partners: China, South Korea and Japan. Throughout the three-day forum, participants presented working papers on environmental issues facing their respective countries as well as the best practices and initiatives that have been carried out to address these issues.

Apart from networking opportunities, participants also underwent training in areas such as public speaking and project management.Representatives from ITB

On 8 January 2014, a blood donation drive was held at ITB. Students and

staff flocked to the Concourse and waited patiently to donate their blood for those in need.

According to the representative of the RIPAS Blood Bank, ITB managed to provide more than 80 bags of blood.

Blood Donation Drive

Students donating blood


Student Experience

In December 2013, a one-day Language Camp was organised by members of the English Club at the

impressive Agro Technology Park. The objectives of the camp were: • to improve communication skills• to improve decision making and problem solving

skills• to develop effective interpersonal skills• to create an awareness of preserving and

appreciating the green environment of the park.

The many language games and activities were aimed at instilling open communication and developing an awareness of how information is gathered and transferred.

The students responded well to the games and effective communication was visible. It was noticeable that the introverted students, who would normally feel shy about expressing themselves in class, were less inhibited and expressed themselves freely.

One-Day Language Camp at Agro Technology Park

The English Club members at the Agro Technology Park

On 26 January 2014, the Ministry of Education organised a charity walk and car boot sale aimed

at raising funds for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, as well as for victims of flash floods and landslides in Brunei Darussalam.

The three kilometre walk was graced by the Honourable Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Awang Abu Bakar Hj Apong, the Minister of Education and more than 100 participants completed the walk despite the heavy rain. Among the representatives participating in the walk on behalf of ITB was Pg Dr Hj Mohd Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

A group of students from the Exco of Health, Safety and Environment and a group of certified first-aid staff volunteered to be part of the Emergency/First Aid Committee.

Charity Walkathon

Staff and students at the charity walkathon


Student Experience

On 25 January 2014, a ceremony was held at the ITB Multipurpose Hall to witness the symbolic

handing over of responsibilities from the out-going members of the ITB Student Representative Council (SRC) to the newly-elected members for the 2014/2015 session. Present, as the Guest of Honour, was Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) of ITB.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Joffry bin Haji Bungsu, delivered a welcoming speech. In his speech, the Dean announced a new initiative aimed at instilling a caring culture amongst the students towards the community through Student Community Service, being the interface between the students and the community. The Dean also urged the new Council members to be more attentive towards the welfare and needs of the University’s expanding student population.

The out-going Head of SRC, Mohammad Amirul Hardilah bin Jali and the newly-appointed Head, Naasiruddeen bin Abdul Wahab also delivered their respective speeches.

The new Council members also took their oath of office in front of the Guest of Honour and the audience, led by the new Head of SRC.

The ITB Student Representative Council consists of 16 members that include five members in the Majlis Tertinggi and 11 Heads of Excos. The new members were elected by their peers and went through an assessment process by the out-going members and selected University staff. The process culminated with a leadership camp that was organised to enable the new leaders to better understand their tasks and roles when taking charge of an organisation such as the Student Representative Council.

The ITB CCA (Co-Curricular Activity) Open Day was officially opened after the ceremony. The CCA Open Day was an opportunity for the various students’ clubs in ITB to showcase their activities and recruit new members. The ITB SRC is student-led and supports a range of sports, cultural, religious, interest and community service clubs.

Student Representative Council Handing-Over Ceremony

Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and other senior officials with the newly- appointed student representatives

On 31 January 2014 and 1 February 2014, ITB students from the Exco of Community Service & Project went to Tutong to help

support the victims of the Tutong floods.

They collaborated with volunteers from Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (YSHHB) in a project to provide assistance to the Tutong residents who were badly affected by the floods. Another strategic partner was the Brunei Darussalam 4WD Association. The areas covered in Tutong were Kampong Pengkalan Dong, Kampong Penapar and Kampong Layong.

The project was led by Pg Hj Dahrin Pg Hj Mohd Yassin, the Coordinating Officer of the YSHHB Volunteers. Over 30 volunteers from ITB and 35 volunteers from YSHHB were involved, and 18 vehicles were provided courtesy of the Brunei Darussalam 4WD Association.

Exco Community Service & Project help Flood Victims

Volunteers help to clean up a flooded house.


Student Experience

The ASEAN-Korea Frontier Forum (AKFF), which is a model of the ASEAN-Korea summit, was held

from 14 – 21 February 2014 in Soeul, South Korea.

The objective of the AKFF was to bring the next generation of young leaders from ASEAN member states and the Republic of Korea (ROK) together to discuss the role of youth in strengthening ASEAN-ROK relations in the fields of (i) Economic Cooperation (ii) Human Rights, and (iii) Security and Peace.

The Brunei delegation comprised: 1) Nurhazirah Binti Johari, 21, a Mechanical Engineering student at ITB2) Noor Faezatul Iradah binti Mohd. Ali, 20, an Art & Creative Technology student at UBD 3) Jacqueline Tan Wui Yin, as the country leader, an education consultant in the Ministry of Education.

Nurhazirah, a member of the ITB Debate Society, was placed with the Economic Cooperation Committee. As an engineer, this was quite a challenge for Nurhazirah. “I had to study every single issue in order to know what to say and debate about on the next day,” she commented. The Brunei delegates rose to the occasion and were chosen as the best speakers for the Economic Cooperation Committee.

During their stay in South Korea, the ASEAN students had a tour of Seoul and they also visited some Korean traditional villages. They were also fortunate to be given a lecture by the Head of the Financial Supervisory Service which monitors and manages the financial activities of the whole of South Korea.

ITB Student at Regional Forum

Nurhazirah Johari, one of the Brunei delegates, giving her insights

Languages & Cultural Week at ITB

The 4th Languages and Cultural Week, organised by the English Club, was held from 3 - 8 March 2014.

At the closing ceremony on 8 March 2014, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB expressed pride in the students. She was very impressed and immensely enjoyed their performances.

The students participated in various activities which included Public Speaking, Drama, Choral Speaking, Newscasting and Creative Writing. Cultural performances were organised by the Arabic, Korean, Japanese and Karate Clubs.

The objectives of the Languages and Cultural Week were to provide a motivating environment for students, to increase positive and proactive efforts in learning, to use the different languages and to experience different cultures.

The President of the English Club, Abd Khaliq Hj Abd Khadir, said that the competitions were organised by the students for the students. According to Sanda Kumari Chandran, Advisor of the English Club, the event is a platform for students to showcase talents other than academic excellence. This is in line with ITB’s mission to mould students into wholesome characters and better prepare them for transition into the working environment.

Cast of To Un-Rhyme Reyna

Cultural performance by the students


Student Experience

On 15 Feb 2014, the Registry of Trademark held an

introductory talk on Trademarks as part of BruIPO’s public awareness efforts. The talk was delivered by trained interns, Abdul Izzat Hj Basri and Md Azlan Shah Abdul Razak. Attendees were from the Faculty of Business and Computing, both lecturers and students. The talk gave a deeper insight into trademarks in Brunei Darussalam and explained the role of the Brunei Economic Development Board with regard to trademarking.

Intellectual Property Talk at ITB

Internship with Piper Aircraft Inc.

Under the MoU signed with Piper on 4 September 2013, five students from ITB are undergoing

an internship with Piper in Florida. The aim of the internship is to provide industrial exposure to ITB students and to enhance their practical and industrial experience. The students are undergoing a five-month structured internship programme under the supervision of Piper senior engineers who have vast experience in aviation engineering.

The five students selected for the internship are:• Nurul Syahwani Yusra binti Mohammad Yusof

(Year 3, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering)

• Dk Nurul Saidatul Mirzuana binti Pg. Awang (Year 3, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Communication Engineering)

• Muhammad Fadil bin Mohd Basri (Year 3, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Communication Engineering)

• Siti Hazirah binti Haji Mazim (Year 3, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering )

• Muhammad Khairuddin bin Othman (Year 3, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Communication Engineering).

The students left the country for Florida on 10 March 2014. Present to bid farewell to the students at the airport were Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Dean of Engineering, ITB; and Jalal Jamil, General Manager of Piper Aircraft Asia Sdn Bhd.

Piper Aircraft Inc. is headquartered in Vero Beach, Florida. A global force in aviation, Piper is an investment of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Brunei. Piper airplanes deliver the best value available today and for the foreseeable future.

ITB prides itself on its hands-on approach to teaching and learning and continuously seeks out opportunities for students to gain workplace experience. The students at Piper are being exposed to manufacturing methods, administrative process controls and aircraft design.

Feedback from the students is very positive. “The people in Piper are very welcoming and helpful, not to mention amusing!” commented one of the students. Piper takes care of their house bills, utilities and car rental. At weekends, they enjoy outdoor activities and excursions. Piper even sponsored tickets for an air show. The students also plan to go to Universal Studios and Disneyland.

ITB’s students at Piper Aircraft Inc., Florida

The Registry of Trademark talk


Dialogue Session with the Acting Vice-Chancellor

On 15 March 2014, an open dialogue session was held between Associate Professor Dr Hajah

Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB and students of the University.

The objective of the dialogue session was to exchange ideas and opinions on current issues experienced by the students. Moreover, it encouraged both sides to be open in creating solutions to issues. Most of the issues raised were about student facilities and academic matters.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor took note of the issues and discussed possible solutions. It is hoped that the session will help in making the necessary improvements to ITB so that students can make the most of the potential opportunities available to them. Both the Acting Vice-

Chancellor and students look forward to having more open dialogue sessions in the future.

Open dialogue session with the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman

Student Experience

Two students from ITB, Zatil Ridh’wah Darot and Dk. Rifhan Zafirah Pg Rahman were selected to join

the Singapore International Foundation Young Social Entrepreneurs 2014 3-day programme in Singapore, from 13 - 15 March 2014 with their proposed social enterprise, Helping Autism and Resist Unemployment (HARU).

HARU seeks to reduce the unemployment rate in Brunei, particularly among the autistic community. It intends to provide employment for immediate income, while supporting their training for specialised skills in pastry.

At the workshop, the students had a chance to be inspired and mentored by leading social entrepreneurs and business professionals. The students presented

their business proposals to a panel of judges on the last day. After the presentation, teams were further shortlisted to take part in the overseas study visit and to return to Singapore to pitch for funding for social enterprises for a better world.

Out of 37 teams coming from different countries such as Brunei, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Singapore, The Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand and United States of America, only 12 teams were shortlisted and unfortunately HARU was not included in the list.Despite that, the students are still passionate about making a better world for the future. The challenging learning experience and valuable knowledge they gained from the programme will assist them in making a contribution to the community.

ITB students at Young Social Entrepreneurs Programme

Shortlisted teams with judges


Student Experience

On 18 March 2014, PUJA Young Engineers invited ITB civil engineering students and lecturers for

a visit to the ‘Control of Beach Erosion Project’ at Meragang.

The project was initiated by the Department of Drainage & Sewerage (DDS) to protect Tanjong Batu from further undercutting to reduce landslides which threaten Istana Darul Aman. The objectives of the project are:• to protect Tanjong Batu cliffs from further damage• to protect and stabilise the eastern end of Pantai

Meragang from erosion and • to enhance the natural beauty and amenities of the

Meragang/Muara beach area.

MWHC Consultant is the appointed consultant for the project and Ocean Quarry and Construction Sdn

Bhd is the main contractor. The cost of the project is B$10,278,328 with a duration of 18 months targeted for completion by 14 October 2014.

During the visit, the students were briefed on how data were obtained and used for the project design, aesthetic considerations to enhance the amenity value of the beach area as well as the environmental impact of the protection works, particularly in terms of potential sediment build up and its mitigation during the construction stage.

The technical visit was attended by 18 first year BEng Civil Engineering students, 2 lecturers, 2 postgraduate MSc research students, a PhD student and 3 PUJA young engineers from the Public Works Department and Brunei Petroleum.

Site visit to Meragang/Muara beach area

Beach Erosion Project

Students lis-tening to the briefing

Talk by EXIM Bank Director

On 24 March 2014, ITB, in collaboration with the US Embassy, hosted a special talk by a

distinguished speaker, Patricia M. Loui, who is a member of the Board of Directors of Export-Import Bank of the United States. She was nominated by President Obama and was sworn into office on 7 November 2011.

The talk was attended by around 150 students from the Business programme area. Also present at the event were Dr Hjh Noor Maya binti Hj Mohd Salleh, Dean of Business and Computing, and Jennifer Voon, Director of Industry Liaison Office and Mr Matthew Stannard, the US Embassy Political, Commercial and Consular Officer.

Patricia Loui will lead efforts to promote U.S. exports to Asia, where she has over 30 years of expertise. In addition, she will focus on Export-Import Bank’s portfolio with minority and women-owned businesses.

Throughout her Pacific Rim-focused career, Patricia Loui has lived and worked in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, the Pacific Islands, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Patricia Loui has vast experience having served with the following organisations:• the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 2011 in

Hawaii• OmniTrak Group Inc.• a US–Thai–Singaporean planning and research

joint venture in Thailand• PLUS Systems of Automated Teller Machines• East West Centre Association, University of

Hawaii Foundation• the Kapiolani Hospital Foundation• the United Nations Development Programme• the United Nations Educational, Science and

Cultural Organisation in Southeast Asia• the Bank of Hawaii, a regional bank with a Pacific

Rim portfolio.

Patricia M. Loui with ITB’s personnel


Student Experience

Earth Hour at ITB

On 29 March 2014, the world celebrated Earth Hour. This is when everybody switches

off unnecessary electronic device for sixty minutes to raise awareness of energy conservation. Earth Hour is celebrated annually on the last Saturday of March.

At ITB, thirty students assembled and switched off unnecessary electrical appliances for two hours. The global event was celebrated by the Student Representative Council with the aim of raising awareness of our wasteful lifestyles and the importance of conserving energy.

Creative display for Earth Hour

Chemical Engineering Students go Jungle Trekking

On the 29 March 2014, 19 first year Chemical Engineering students went jungle trekking

with their lecturer, Mr Mike Cross at Sungai Hanching. The aim of the activity was to improve group cohesion.

They crossed streams, climbed hills and encouraged each other to overcome the difficult obstacles along the way. Overall, even though it felt like ‘The Hunger Games’, it was an awesome experience.

Students participating in the team building activities

Negotiation Strategies and Conflict Management Lecture

On 2 April 2014, a talk on the application of Syariah Concepts in Islamic Banking & Finance,

organised by Mohd Zawawi bin Bahari, lecturer from the Business Programme Area, was held at ITB. The aim of the briefing was to expose the students from the Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Applied Economics and Finance, Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Finance and E-commerce and HND Business in Finance to the current trends in Islamic Banking.

The invited speaker was Yang Mulia Awang TakzimAllah bin Haji Ahmad Sanudin, the Assistant Manager of Syariah Department, Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD).

The guest speaker explained to the students the applications of Syariah law in the banking industry with specific reference to the products offered by BIBD and to the differences between Islamic and conventional banking.

On 12 April 2014, the Centre for Communication, Teaching and Learning organised a lecture on

Negotiation Strategies and Conflict Management. Hjh Najwa Majid, who has had an extensive legal career in the oil and gas industry and who is currently serving as the Senior Legal Counsel at UBD, conducted the lecture.

She discussed practical guidelines on how to transform conflict into agreement, how to get optimum results and go beyond the ‘win-win’ situation for a successful negotiation. She underscored the importance of principled negotiation where one must be able to separate people from the problem by using

communication as a tool in order to clarify perceptions and understand emotions. The session was attended by more than 80 staff and students.

Syariah Briefing on Banking & Finance

Hjh Najwa Majid with staff of CCTL



IGS Netball Tournament

On 2 February 2014, ten players from the ITB Netball Club took part in the “Perlawanan

Bola Jaring Antara Kolej-Kolej” hosted by Kolej International Graduate Studies (KIGS) at the UBD Sports Complex. The participants of the competition were ITB, UBD, Politeknik Brunei, UNISSA, Micronet, KUPUSB and the organiser itself, KIGS.

ITB started off well by winning their first game

6-0 against KIGS. They continued to win against KUPUSB in the next game but lost to UBD and Micronet College, losing the chance to enter the final. Eventually ITB won 3rd place, bringing home $150 after defeating Politeknik Brunei 7-2.

The champions of the tournament were UBD and Micronet college were the runners-up.

ITB Netball Team

ITB Netball Team

ITB emerged second in IAW Netball Tournament

On 28 March 2014, the ITB netball team participated in a netball tournament

organised by Universiti Brunei Darussalam Netball Club at the UBD Sports Complex. The event was held in conjunction with Islam Aspiration Week from 24 - 30 March 2014, in collaboration with EKK PMUBD.

A total of six teams participated from different institutions: Universiti Brunei Darussalam (two teams), Institut Teknologi Brunei, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan, and Politeknik Brunei.

ITB emerged as a runner up after a very tight game of 8 – 9 against UBD Airnets who secured first place. The ITB team received a hamper, prize money and certificates for their efforts.



ITB Futsal Team with their medals

On 9 February 2014, the International Graduate Studies College (IGS) Futsal Inter-College Tournament

2014 was held at the Multi-Purpose Hall, Berakas. The tournament was organised by the students of IGS College for their final year project.

Nineteen teams participated in the tournament. ITB sent three teams, namely ITB ‘A’, ITB ‘B’ and ITB ‘C’. The players were selected during a try-out before the tournament. The

teams only had one week for training, which was led by Mohd Irsyad bin Mohd Ramzi, the ITB Futsal Club President.

ITB ‘B’ managed to qualify for the semi-final but lost in a tense penalty shoot-out 4-3. However, the team managed to get a bronze medal after defeating Politeknik Brunei ‘A’.

The first place went to Politeknik Brunei ‘B’ and second to Mad Gadong from IGS.

The Editorial Team would like to thank all contributors for their articles.

IGS Futsal Tournament

Thank you from the Editorial Team

Seated: Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-ChancellorFrom L-R: Mr Lim Chui Hua, Awg Hj Ady Syarmin bin Haji Md Taib, Siti Asmahlati Bolkini Hj A. Ahmad, Dr Christine Jothy Raju, Mike Cross, Dk Dr Noor Muneerah PH Jeludin, Sanda Kumari Chandran, Dr Lee Kok Yueh
