ITeach Organizing Your Computer for iTeach Series iTeach Session 2 of 16


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Organizing Your Computer for iTeach


iTeach Session 2 of 16

Focusing Questions

How do I organize the files and folders on my computer?

How can I create a system to organize my teaching materials?


What are some ways we can organize our files?

What are some ways to organize our folders?

Sample File Folder – Organization Grade 6 General

Sample File Folder Organization Grade 6 – Social Studies


Before you begin, think about ways that you might want to organize your files. You may choose to set up your digital folders to reflect your paper-filing system or you may choose a different method. Record the plan on paper.

Work Time

Work Time

Using your plan, start to create a filing system on your computer.

Download resources from the iTeach/iLearn Web site and place them in the correct folders.

Think about how the students should create an organized folder system on their laptops.


How did members of our group choose to organize their files and folders?


How might students organize their files and folders?
