It’s coming!




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IT’S COMING!On September 27th

Something completely different!

There are no speakers!

How many times have we brought in an outsider to tell us what we already knew?

Peter Block

But what would we do?

Imagine an opportunity to learn with, to learn from, to learn for….

Imagine time to talk about what’s important to you…

Imagine time to build connections with colleagues – no matter where you are,

no matter where they are…

Imagine time to ponder big questions like….

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about using technology?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about building and sustaining communities that welcome each learner?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about creating and gathering instructional strategies that work?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about engaging in inquiry based teaching and learning?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about assessment practices that deepen student learning?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about engaging and motivating learners?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about growing Professional Learning Communities?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about meeting the diverse needs of students academically, socially and emotionally?

What can we learn today to make a difference to students tomorrow about bridging the gap between grades?

But how will we organize ourselves to talk about these questions?

We’ll use Open Space!


Open Space is a dialogue tool that generates communication, collaboration, innovation for groups large and small.

Step One

Your PD Rep and Administrator team will ask you to select the big question from the list of nine choices that most interests you.

Step Two

• On September 27th, in your “Big Question” group, write issues about the question on a piece of paper.

Step Three

• Post the issues on the “market place” wall.

Step Four

• Group similar ideas to create breakout groups.

Step Five

• Gather with the smaller group interested in the same topic.

Step Six

• Report out what you learned in your small group to the larger group.

There are a few “laws” that you should know.

Use the “Law of Two Feet”

• If it is not serving your needs use your two feet and move.

• It is not being rude!

It’s Okay to be a Bumble bee

• In Open Space, Bumble Bees go from meeting to meeting.

• It is important to cross-pollinate our meeting with information from other groups.

It’s Okay to be Butterfly

• Butterflies may spend a lot of time flying around by the coffee table.

• Butterflies are not being lazy.

Don’t be a Giraffe

• Giraffes are people who want to use their two feet, but are afraid of being seen as rude.

• Giraffes are not helpful in Open Space.

Before September 27th….

• Your PD Rep will give you a form to check which question you are most interested in.

• Email Jan Thorsen – – if you would love to help.

Want to learn more?

• If you are interested in learning how to use Open Space and helping us facillitate the groups, sign up for a workshop on September 15th at noon.

• Email to register.
