IU RUF handout


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Born in the Chicago suburbs, Matthias was raised alongside his trusty brother by his faithful and loving parents. He graduated from The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee by way of Marquette University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Shortly before completing his degree in engineering, Matthias felt the call to pursue ministry and accepted a position with RUF as an intern on the campus of Indiana University. Matthias enjoys Mexican food, hipster music, bicycles, rock climbing, skiing, and lives with an undying affection for the sport of hockey. He also suffers from a crippling addiction to high end coffee.

MATTHIAS.LIND@RUF.ORG / 630.338.9545 / 1511 N. 67TH ST. WAUWATOSA, WI 53213

WHATMore than just a ministry on the university campus, RUF seeks to be a ministry for the university. We strive to serve in this unique stage of a student?s life in the world they live in, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life.

RUF wants to create a fellowship of students where every person, regardless of background, personal history, or conviction, can examine the truth claims of Reformed Christianity in a non-threatening atmosphere. Our fellowship on campus is not limited to those who have a prior commitment to being Reformed, Presbyterian or even Christian.

?The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.? -2 Corinthians 9:6-8 ESV



MATTHIAS.LIND@RUF.ORG / 630.338.9545 / 1511 N. 67TH ST. WAUWATOSA, WI 53213

WHY INTERNSThe RUF Internship is designed to provide recent college graduates the opportunity to learn under, and minister alongside, a seasoned campus minister. It will expose them to all areas of ministry; building into the lives of students, leading small groups, attending training where interns are personally developed by RUF staff, and planning ministry events, just to name a few.

Indiana University is a campus of nearly 50,000 students from all over the world, and as such, represents a great opportunity to share the gospel. As many can attest, college can be constant rush of stress, temptation, and confusion. RUF, and myself, hope serve right in the midst of those struggles, and reach into the lives of hurting and lost students to share the gospel truth, as well as grow each day

with them as we seek to live those truths out.

"Do not expect t o do t h is int ernship and em erge m ore conf ident in your st rengt hs and abil i t ies ? but do expect t o becom e m ore enam ored and conf ident in t he f in ished work of Jesus? deat h on t he cross, and t h is w il l change your l i fe." -Cat her ine Brewbaker , RUF Int ern 2013

HOW TO HELPEach year I am tasked with raising $45k to be able to remain on campus and serve the students of RUF. I Invite you to join me in this Gospel centered vision for Indiana University, and to invest into the growth of the church in a place so desperately in need of it. I invite you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you? your energy, your prayers, and your money? in this work to which God has called us.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with me in this work. For myself, RUF meant the world, and for so many others, it has meant a respite from the world, and new life in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want to begin giving, you can by going to https://www.givetoruf.org/ and typing in my name. You also can select the amount you wish to give either monthly or as a one time gift (when you proceed to checkout you will have the option to select the frequency of your gift).

If you wish to mail a check, make sure to include my name (Matthias Lind), Indiana University, and my fund code in the memo line.

The fund code is 1629 and will allow for your funds to be more quickly and safely deposited.

Send the checks to:

Reformed University Fellowship

P.O. Box 890004 Charlotte, NC 28289-­0004

My Co-Intern, Mary Paxton & I