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The Basque group consisted of 3 leaders and 12 youngsters. The leaders are Iñaki, Oihane and Nekane (all teachers in the school we stayed).The youngsters were from varied ages. The older ones, Maider Dorronsoro, Maider Iriberri, and Maialen, are 18 years. Jon Ander, Irune, Diego, Pablo, Janire, Andoni and Leire are 17 and the younger, Itoitz, is 15.The thing we liked most in this meeting has been making new friends and comparing cultures and finding similarities between them.Surely, no one regrets taking part in this meeting.


We are all in high school of Pielavesi, we have six girls here: ( Karoliina 17 years old, Heli 17 years old, Päivi 17 years old, Anni 16 years old, Julia 17 years old and Ella 16 years old. Then we have three boys: ( Lassi 16 years old, Matti 16 years old and Otto 17 year old. And of course our leader Riikka. Only Ella and Karoliina has been previously in the youth meeting last autumn in Aurich.



The german group is from Aurich, it is in the north from Germany and we near by the North Sea. In our group are two boys and seven girls. We all go to the school IGS Aurich West. IGS means integrated entire school. It’s for children from year 5 till year 13. The principle from this school is, that the better children help the worse children. Everyone help each other. Two hours per week the people out IYM group meet each other in the schooltime. There we learn English for example we made English presentations. The IYM is only in year nine and year ten. We can choose this subject beside many other subjects.


The group from Poland consists of 11 people, two of them are the leaders – Magda and Wojtek. The rest of them are the participants of the International Youth Meeting. It’s seven girls and two boys. Starting from girls – Magda, Pati, Ania, Anita, Agata, Natalia and Weronika. The boys are Michał and Bartek. They went to Urnieta from Lublin – the biggest city in the east of the Poland.


Today we had many presentations from every country about a problem of violence among young people. German group started with a presentation about young criminals. After that they showed us some little theaters from daily life – different situations of violence.

Then there was a lecture and a movie of Polish team. It showed us that everybody who is watching and not reacting is also guilty. Later we could watch Finnish presentation, in which everybody was involved. We could see an example of solution – a “#kutsumua” campaign against violence and bullying. People make a photo with a piece of paper in their hands and they show the words which they would like to hear about themselves instead of the negative words they have heard.

Last but not least, the Basque group showed us a short movie. The actors were our Basque friends who explained us what violence means. Then we watched a presentation, which was an issue to brain-storming. They asked us what we think about it and that started an interesting conversation about alcohol among young people. We came to the conclusion that very jealous people who inquire about things that their partners do don’t love them for real. We were also talking about gender equality.

All in all, it was very interesting and encouraged us to think more about bullying at school and other problems of young people.






This one was the first of all presentations we had on Saturday (11/06/2016).It all started with a very picturesque atmosphere, full of German flags, confetti and typical German sweets such as haribo and Kinder. Firstly, they introduced themselves and gave us some information about their country which was good for us to do the quiz we did afterwards.Before the quiz, sweets I mentioned before were given to other participants while they were sharing out printed papers with the quiz stuff.

The quiz consisted in answering some A, B or C questions which were projected in the screen. The winner received some local tea from Germany (Schwarzer Tee)… but anyway, all groups received some tea at last.


Saturday afternoon Polish presentation was third. It started and firstly Ania played the national anthem of Poland. Next we watched the film about Poland and listened to two polish folk songs, which were played by Agata. Then we tasted national foods – kielbasa sausage, oscypek cheese and polish sweets. Food and sweets tasted good for everybody. Next we watched photos of famous people and we guessed who are they and we also watched the photos from childhood polish people. Next we participated in quiz about Polish culture, food, sports, famous people and history, Finland won that quiz and they got the pack of chocolate.



Last but not least was the Basque presentation that started with the welcome dance. They wore special clothes, the girls wore a skirt, boys wore the black trousers and white shirts. They invited all people from other countries to dance with them. This dance was very good, because everyone could have fun. After that they presented their special dance called Aurresku. People from the Basque group introduced themselves to us. After that they showed some interesting videos about their country for example a video about their famous sport called Pelota. They showed us how to write their language they and they translated the Basque language to the English language. After the films, Basque invited us to a game, where two people from each country participated in a blindfold test. They have eaten the similar food from the Basque country. After that everyone from the country could try some food. They had a squid, cheese, cider, candies, cookies and pintxo. It was really exciting to eat the good food from their country and learn their dances. We learned many interesting things about them.


The second group was Finnish team. Their unique elements of costumes like warm winter cap or sport T-shirts made a good first impression. One of the thing that we loved in their talking was distance to themselves and to stereotypes of Finland for example a short movie that really encouraged us to visit our friend from the North Europe. At the same time, all of us could taste traditional like Salmiakki and Marianne chocolate with mint. Extraordinary flavors and extraordinary feeling about the national sports and huge amounts of saunas. ;) Our hunger for knowledge became satisfied thanks to short but rich in information movie. The last attraction was the quiz about Finland. All groups got involved in this idea and we could feel “Finnish wind of competition”. All of us are so glad to meet Finland and we will remember how sociable are the Finnish people.



Secret Friend’s Game is used as a good way to integrate the people in a lot of different meetings but nowhere it was so fantastic like here, in Urnieta. At the beginning everyone got their own secret friend and became responsible for making his time here wonderful by writing to him letters with different positive sentences. At the end of this project we bought something for our SF. It was rather obligatory but everyone considered this gift deeply from their hearts. Of course, a lot of people decided to give special presents to their pen-friends with no special reason. There were also letters from grateful addressees to creative senders. ‘Top secret’ messages not only made our days but also caused smiles and twinkles in our eyes. I’m sure that we kept our letters and presents for a long time in our caskets and memory.


The best evenings that we remember were connected with parties. Saturday disco opened series of unforgettable events. We could have superheroes as our guests. Everybody had great fun. Nobody wanted to finish that but we knew that power of our legs is limited and we are going to have more chances to move our hips. We weren’t wrong. Next day Finnish group invited us to join their national party. We were dancing to Finnish fantastic music.

PEOPLE Integration was the most measurable element of our meeting. It was present during activities, energizers, workshops and trips but also during the meals, in our rooms and even in the ocean and on the beach! At first, of course, we didn’t know each other and every group from another country spent free time separately but with every day we became more sociable and opened. We were talking instead of eating delicious traditional Spanish food and the people from different countries were flooding each other with compliments and positive words about national presentations, evenings and funny events. I think that we found new friends, their specific habits from different countries and we will be in touch with each other.



We all had big expectations in this night, it seemed to bea nice and cheerful night, but unfortunately it was not going to be that way.

Starting from the games room, where we separated in groups of 5, we started that frightening night.

It all started with a short story told by Iñaki next to the church, what it was more frightening…He told us that this school used to be a mental hospital in the past and phantoms were and are wandering in the loft, so we had to search for them.When we started the walk, a weird man chased us with a chainsaw showing us where we had to go.

The “game” consisted in searching for various cards through all the stuff leaders and children from Urnieta prepared, dressed up, all furnished and without light.

Some youngsters finished crying while others were laughing because they were not frightened… or maybe they were too scared that they had to laugh not to cry.

To conclude, we would like to thank all the leaders and people who took part to make this possible. Whereas people were scared, we all finally had a great time.




Sunday evening was prepared by the Finnish group. We were welcomed and everyone got their new names in Finnish. We played the special national games. First one was connected with the new names we got. For example Michal from Poland got the Finnish name Mikko or Leire from Basque country got the Finnish name Leena. The second game was about saying the phrase ,,I love you’’, and the second person had to say ,,I Love you too, but I can’t smile to you’’ without smiling. When someone smiled he had to take the place of the leader of the game. Next, Finns showed us their dance and taught us how to perform it. Then we played the game called ,,wife carrying’’. Afterwards we went to a football pitch, and we played football there, but it wasn’t a normal one, because we played it with a very big ball. In the end of the evening we went to a place where we danced. The last dance was slow. Every man had to ask a girl from the different country to dance with him. The Finnish evening was so nice and so funny. People from other countries learned many interesting things about Finland.



Almost the whole evening was consisted of different challenges. We were divided into groups. We were told to come in a lot of clothes and we used those clothes in a challenge where we had to put them in the line. The longest line of the clothes won. The second challenge was about biting the apple that was drenched with the chocolate sauce. The first person that bit the same apple three times - won. The next challenge was about whipping the cream to make it so hard that it can’t fall down when you try to pour it on another person. The one who made it got the points. Unfortunately no one did it right. Then we participated in another challenge. It was called the dizzy penalties. The person who did it had to spin around the bollard 15 times and then he had to shoot a goal with the ball. The next challenge was about throwing the eggs to another person. Two people had to hold the third one. There was two such figures like this. People that were held, had to throw the eggs to each other and the egg mustn’t broke or fall. Each team had 3 eggs available. The number of throws equalled to the number of points the team got from the challenge. Then the all teams went to the special place where they played such a crazy game. In this game people must run with the mugs of water on a slippery ground. Then the national groups pooled the line – Basque team won. The last competition was about drinking the Fanta. The team that made it faster won. The winner was only one – 4th group!



The polish evening start with a polish marriage. A boy from the Spain group and a girl from the finish group married. Everyone wear skirts or nice clothes. We sat outside and it was dark, but by the candles light it wasn’t so dark. At next all single girls had to stand behind the bridal and the bridal throw her braid after her. The one, who catch it, will marry as next. The same we had by the boys only with a tie. After that we went inside to play some traditional games, like dancing around a circle of chairs and one chair was missing. When the music stops we had to sit on them. The person who hadn’t a chair loses. The last person in the circle wins. The other play was very funny. We made two pairs and they had to break the balloon between them. After it everyone could marriage his friend. We could choose if we want eat a lemon with our friend or gave him a kiss. At least we listened and danced to polish music in the disco. They showed us a polish dance and at a slowly song we had to dance with the person, who we married.


After the three rounds we went to the football pitch and played the next game in which there were catchers and the caught. The Caught had to pretend that they were a James Bond or vomiting kangaroos to help others and let them run away again. The next game was so easy. The music was playing and everybody was dancing. When the music stop played, the Germans said the number (for 2 to 5) we have to gather in the groups corresponding with his number. The last game was very funny. One man from every nation was transformation for a woman. The other people tried to make a perfect woman! This is the last competition, which won Pablo - from the Basque Country.


On Wednesday there was a German evening. First we played the game called “Murderer´´. The game was about finding the murderer by the policemen. There were three rounds. Each round the murderer had a different weapon, e.g. he had to fold a hand into a gun and shoot to a person he chose to kill. The person shot by the murderer had to lay on the ground and pretend that he is dead.



Last Sunday we went to San Sebastian and we make a city rally. We were 9 groups of 4 people , where there was a person for each country

We had to visit different parts of San Sebastian for example: THE CITY HALL THE HARBOUR



Then we had free time and we went to eat pintxos in de old part of san Sebastian we eat two or three pintxos an the were really good and really expensive. Then we went to La Concha beach to sunbathe and to swim in the sea

at the final of the trip we took a photo all the participant of the international youth meeting.



In our fifth day we have had the opportunity to visit for second time the beautiful San Sebastian.This day was not as touristic as the first day was, today’s day consisted in visiting the aquarium first and meeting the mayor of the city secondly.

Our day started at 8:30 having breakfast and catching the coach at 9:15. We arrived to San Sebastian at 9:45 and we entered to the aquarium at 10.First we could see some old pirate boats and how boats in the past used to be. It was nice, because the person who worked in the aquarium was an old youngster who was in an international meeting few years ago, so he could give explanations in English very well. After all the boats stuff, we went to see a lot of sea animals such as sharks, jellyfish or just normal fish. We all looked amazed when we saw some Nemo!

When our visit to the aquarium finished, we met the city mayor in the town hall at 12 o’clock.When we arrived to the town hall, Eneko Goya –the mayor of San Sebastian-, Mikel Pagola –the mayor of Urnieta- and even the press received us. Eneko was supposed to give a speech in Basque but in the last moment he was told that he had to give it in English and that was a plus difficulty for him. Anyway, he did it very well and he thanked us for meeting him while we were listening him very carefully.

After the mayor’s speech, some brave youngsters (Diego, Lassi and Natalia) took the microphone and said some words to us, wich were nice and greatful. Next, we danced the Finnish dance we danced in Finnish evening in the middle of the town hall, and yes, both mayors danced with us! To conclude, some polite waiters served us some drinks and snacks for free as a thank for meeting them. The best part is that the press was all the time recording and taking photos so we appeared in the national tv channel and newspapers!

In addition, we had some free time from 13:30 to 15:30 to buy all of our gifts for the secret friend’s game and have some gorgeous pintxos. I personally don’t know what had people bought, but all of us had a lot of shopping bags, so, I would say that the secret friend’s game will finish very very well.




On the 14 June, we went to the paintball. We could choose if we want to go to paintball or to funny games. In paintball we had to wear a suit, a head protective and gloves. After that we got guns and made two groups of us. At first we went to the easier station of the two stations. On the pitch were many old things, like cars airplanes and huts. We had to shoot on the second team and the team, where everyone was hit two times from the paintball, lose. On the second station we had to touch an airplane or a car from the other team. The team, which did it, wins.


People who didn’t want to fight in paintball could take part in funny games. There were fewer people than in second group but there were a lot of attractions. We were divided in half and competing with ourselves for extraordinary activities. It was just one game to make us already wet. We had to set ourselves against water slide, jumping into the pool full of sponges and looking for colorful balls, transporting each other with wheelbarrows, overcoming a climbing wall and trying to stop the others and going up and down on the platforms as quick as possible. In the end we were wet, dirty and very tired but also happy and so proud of all of us. We are sure that we will never forget it.



Although it was the second night and we did not know very well each other, I would say that the superhero party we had on Saturday was an absolute success.

We all met around 10 o’clock in the room we have downstairs, with a genial photocall welcoming us. Anybody who wanted to take a picture of them was able to do it, ready to have an unforgettable remember of that exciting kind of spree.

Of course, we had the opportunity to watch a lot of fantastic costumes such us Spiderman, Batman, Duff-man or Superman.

Music was an elegant guest, too. It stayed with us all the time.

During all the night we could listen to such a variety of genres from all over the world, from different cultures, and that was a nice point for all of us knowledge.

A lot of dances were also done, typical from our local countries and some spontaneous ones, too. In fact, it was very funny to see how people danced in each way, combining dances from Finnish, German, Polish and Basque cultures.

After having an astonishing night, we could not finish it in another way, all superheroes took a photo cheerfully as a superhero family we all form here.



We went to the video workshop and we made an interview with one of participants – Ania and with the leader of the group – Iñaki. Enjoy!

Bartek: Ania, why did you choose this workshop?

Ania: I choose this workshop because I love the movie and I would like to do sth connected with this art.

B: How do you like it so far

A: I didn´t expected what we will do, but I´m not disappointed - this workshop is very nice.

B: Can you tell us what you´re going to show us?

A: It will be a move from all International Youth Meeting – very funny video which will be a short summing-up of our project.

Now the interview with the group leader Iñaki.

Bartek: What do you want to teach the group?

Iñaki: I want to teach the group that violence leads nowhere. As we have tuned today, and that we should learn from other countries. We are not unique in this world. Everyone should learn from everybody.

B: How do you like it working with the group?

I: It’s lovely, they are so good at it. I am so proud of them. Now we know that going to this workshop is a very exciting experience. Participants there are very hard-working and we hope to see results of their work.


Julia and Päivi from Finland say, that they will make song known for all, song will have a German, Polish, Basque, Finnish, and English version. Then they will sing it with dance in middle of Urnieta. They have learned patience, teamwork and to have fun.

Julian and Arne from Germany says, that they have different groups in public action like dancing, singing.. They have learned to understand each other, doing something together and make some music and listening it. They say that group is very friendly and that it is fun to work together.




Heli from Finland says that she would have chosen music workshop, because she likes music very much and she has been played guitar for five years, so music is very important for Heli. She also says that music connects people. It has been fun, they have been practising songs, it's challenging sometimes, but it's fun. She can't say, what they are going to show, because it's a surprise

. ANDONI: -What are you working in? We have to sing a song all together -Are you confortable? Well, I thought this would be in another way, but I’m ok here -Do you like what you do? Yes, it’s fine to play the drums. I think it’s funny -After knowing what do you do in your workshop, would you have chosen another workshop? Actually yes, I like music but I would like to have some change while I’m in the meeting, I had to chose this because we had to go 2 of each country to workshops and others were complete -How is your relationship with your leader? she helps us and she wants to success in this workshop.


Lassi from Finland says that he would have chosen

drama workshop, but as it got cancelled, he was put into the dancing workshop instead. He says that dance is very hard for himself, but it's fun. Dance workshop is

going to show some kind of dance, and dance with public action group and teach some dance for public action


NEWSPAPER WORKSHOPS In the IYM you can choose workshops and one of them is

newspaper. We sit with seven people in the computer room and ride some articles about events and other important things from the IYM. We have people from

every country here. The leader is Wojtek, he is from the polish group. We make photos and interviews to create a nice newspaper. Some people of us write in groups and some work for their own. On the last day we had to show

our IYM team our work.


A like Aurich – town in Germany where IYM took place one year ago.

B like Basque Country – very picturesque place where we all were invited to IYM 2016.

C like Competitions – form of activities consisting in rivalry and present in energizers, trips, national evenings, etc.

D like Disco – extremely important element of every national evening, liked by almost everyone and been about moving bodies to the rhythm of Polish, Basque, Finnish and German music.

E like Energizers – short games and competitions which were run by leaders and participants and had to give us energy to work in our workshops, discover Basque Country or meet each other every day.

F like Football – sport loved by Basque, German and Polish people; Finnish people showed us another type of this game using much bigger ball than usually.

G like Game ‘Secret Friend’ – game last all the meeting and been about sending short letters with compliments and positive words to somebody’s secret friend and a present last day.

H like ‘Hondartza’ – ‘Beach’ in Basque language, the place in San Sebastian where we could spend a few hours playing games, sunbathing, talking to each other or just lying and relaxing.

I like Iñaki – leader of Basque group and all the groups at the same time. Responsible for organization, informing about details and changes of our daily plan and helping us.

J like ‘Jolas parkea’ – ‘Adventure Park’ in Basque language, the place where we could take part in paintball or Funny Games.

K like Kaixo - ‘Hi’ in Basque language.

L like Lauburu – symbol of Basque Country.

M like Meals – traditional Spanish dishes that we could eat for every breakfast, dinner, lunch and even pack lunch, but also a time of announcing important information, giving away letters from secret friends, integrating by sitting to different people with every meal.

N like National evening – event organized by group from every country and consisted of e.g. competitions, tasting traditional food, discos.

O like Ocean – we could see the Atlantic Ocean and swim in it during the trips to San Sebastian.

P like Pintxos – traditional Basque snack consisted of small piece of bread and different ingredients on it, especially fish and chile banana.

Q like Qwerty – symbol of Spanish keyboard (so different than the ones from other countries) and our journalist workshops.

R like Rock – type of music, popular especially in Finland.

S like Superhero Party – extraordinary disco, in which all the participants and leaders dressed up as heroes or superheroes appeared.

T like Trips – type of activities, been about discovering the beauty of Basque Country, integrating ourselves, taking part in different competitions, going shopping, etc.

U like Urnieta – lovely town located in northern east of Basque Country, place of our stay.

V like ‘Violence among Youth’ – the main motto of IYM 2016; we were talking about the problem, real situation and solutions.

W like Workshops – activities which involved all of us in journalist, public action, music, dance and video groups.

Z like ‘Zabawa’ – ‘Fun’ in Polish; we are sure that everyone had it!

IYM 2016




There is no living without food – that’s true. But we can have second life by spending time together, sharing thoughts with other people, eating and belonging to a international group at the same time. What a pleasure to add to these points traditional Spanish food! It was such magic, unique and delicious experience! I thought that I will be able to lose my weight here going to the trips or just taking part in different activities but I couldn’t refrain from tasting all the meals. I have to wear bigger clothes but I don’t regret anything. (Agata)


The people from the basque country are very different to the people from the german country. They are interested in everything and they can dance very well. They have very much power and are always happy. They are not strong and. In the school Salesianos Urnieta are upstairs some bedrooms. There are 6 beds per room, a same bathroom and a same shower. Downstairs is one canteen. We meet us 4 times per day and eat something together. Their food is much seasoned, but it is tasty. To every food you get a baguette and their water is without fizz. By the lunch you get a starter, entree and a desert. Before we started to eat, everyone get a letter from his secret friend. The traditional food for spain is for example Tortilla and seafood. The sit order is mixed, so you speak every meet with new people and learn more about them. (Luise)



On the last day of our stay in the Basque Country, we had a public action event in the centre of Urnieta. Quite a few local people gathered to watch our group presenting the results of the meeting in public. The Public Action workshop co-operated with the dance workshop and the music workshop to create the programme of the event. First we had a silent march against

violence. We were all dressed in dark clothes and carrying the posters with peace slogans.

After the introduction of the members of the public action workshop, in which they said what they had learnt during the meeting, the Mayor of Urnieta gave a short speech. Then the public action presented a short performance. We also sang “Imagine” by John Lennon and a song especially created for the occasion with the lyrics in English, German, Basque, Polish and Finnish. The Dance workshop together with the public action workshop presented a modern dance. Then we all danced together to the sound of “Letkajenkka” and other songs. We felt that it was a great celebration of youth and peace






Jon Ander, Pablo (Basque Country), Otto (Finland), Luise (Germany),

Agata, Bartek and Michał (Poland)

