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1 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

Vol. 3 No. 103 Toronto 25 November To 1 December 2011 Tel : 905-593-2050J Mag Weekly

A Division of Jag Di Awaz Group of Publications

“Sports provide an excellentopportunity for healthy competitionand friendly challenge. Often,these exchanges lead tostrengthened and positiverelationships between individualsand communities. Kabaddi is anexample of the positive effects ofsport. This shared cultural traditionhas seen a revival of late and hasreceived increased interest herein Canada. With a large South Asiancommunity in Canada, I am certainthat the Kabaddi World Cup would receive a great deal of intrigueand interest were it to be held here. Also, with Canada’s strongsecond place showing at the 2011 Kabaddi World Cup in India, I’msure Canadians of all backgrounds will be interested in learningmore about this fascinating sport and supporting our Canadianathletes.”

Jason kenney Immigration Minister

MessagesSport can play a tremendous role inbringing people together. Athletes canoften reach out to each other amidobstacles that may block politicians,and these important contacts andfriendships established during friendlysports competitions can serve as vitalbuilding blocks to better relationshipsbetween nations. Yes, tournamentssuch as the Kabaddi world cup shouldbe held in Canada. It should berecognized that Kabaddi sports clubsare a pillar in communities acrossCanada and have been instrumental inhelping spread the popularity of Kabaddi and reviving sport in general.As a country that loves its physical sports and honours its toughcompetitors I know that Kabaddi will have a place on the national sportsscene.

Mr. Justin Trudeau, MP for Papineau, Critic for Youth, PostSecondary Education and Amateur Sports.


KABBADI WORLD CUP2011I t was Pearls

Kabaddi Wor ldCup 2011 and the

second edi t ion ofthe c i rc le s ty leKabaddi World Cupplayed. I t wasplayed in various

c i t ies oft h eIndainPunjabfrom1 to

20 November 2011 withteams from 14 countries,every kabbadi lover wasvery conscious for this ex-citing match, the most the-matic part was also consid-ered that i t has beenplayed by Pakistan in india.All the arrangements havebeen made to present thisworldcup for the audiencein the most effective way.

Yoga Guru BabaRamdev during his visit to

Tarn Taran has organizedspecial Yoga camp for theKabbadi players to help themto enhance stamina.All the activities weremade to motivate theplayers in and enthu-siastic way.The be-ginning of the eventgot off to an elabo-rate start on theevening of 1 Novem-ber at Sports

(Contd. on page 3)

MessagesSports are a uniting theme inCanada and I'm proud to join theKabaddi World Cup celebrationsthroughout the South Asiancommunities. I especiallycongratulate the Canadian teamand players for their impressivestanding, and to the Indian andPakistani teams. Our nations havestrong ties and links to one anotherand through sport, I'm sure we'llcontinue to build a positive relationship. Sports likekabaddi provide an opportunity to introduce youngergenerations to the art and culture of their parents' andancestors' and a great way to encourage non-Punjabis tolearn and participate. On behalf of all New Democrats, Ilook forward to the next World Cup and cheering on TeamCanada!

Nycole Turmel -NDP Leader

Everyone is talking aboutthe Kabbadi onInternational level,because of the efforts ofChief Minister of PunjabParkash Singh Badal andDept Chief Minister SukhbirSingh Badal, everyone istaking interest in Kabbadiin all over the world.

Bikram Singh MajithiaPresident

Youth Akali Dal Badal

MessagesAfter seeing kabaddi reaching such a highlevel being a punjabi journalist i would like toconvey my hear t ies t congratu la t ions tokabaddi lovers.The way our beloved gamehas increased it's importance we are veryhappy at the same time so many players havebeen fai led to pass doping test is a bigconcern as there are so many players insoccor and cricket involved in drugs andother illegal substances our beloved gamewould not come under same threat.At many other different stagesthere were mathes organised between india and pakistan but itstarted continuously under pakistani punjab chief minister ch.pervaizillahi.I would like to express my deep thanks that God would keep suchkabaddi lovers who would promote this beloved game.

Jatinder Pannu, Senior Journalist

MessagesFirst of al l I want tosay congratulat ions

to al l thosecontestants, who

part ic ipated inInternat ional Kabbadi

Cup tournament. I twas a good step tobring two nationsclose.Every year

government shouldorganize such

activit ies which canmake two nation one.

Martin Singh, NDP


2 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

3 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

(Contd. from front page)Stadium, Bathinda with perfor-

mances by Bollywood actor ShahRukh Khan, Sukhwinder Singh andother Punjabi artists, as well as a la-ser and fireworks show it was thedrastically a good start of an kabbadievent which grasp the attention ofmaximum audiences.

The event was full of motivationsand excitements which also bring thelight of hope for the good relationsbetween india and Pakistan, suchkind of activities and event are likethe forward s teps towards thestrength of relations between thesetwo countries, this is hour of needwhere we have to approach the posi-tive factors just to remove the mis-understandings and improve the re-lationships politically and morally andthis event of kabbadii world cup is theresult of good relations betweenindia and Pakistan. These sought ofevents have the purpose to improvethe bilateral ties between the rivalcountries. The motive to improve thepeople to people contact has moveda step forward.On this occasionPakistan's former pr ime min is terChaudhary Sujaat Hussain, formerin format ion and spor ts min is terChaudhary Nisar Hussain, Paki-s tan Punjab 's former educat ionminister Mian Imran Masood, act-ing ambassador of Germany FordMillard, Indian Punjab's chief minis-ter Parkash Singh Badal, deputy

chief minister and state's sports min-ister, Sukhbir Singh Badal, Punjabcabinet minister Tikshan Sud alongwith his several cabinet colleagues,were also present.all these person-alities make this event more impor-tant and prominent through theirpresence. It is also the symbol ofmaking the move towards positiverelations between and india and Pa-kistan, the honour and regard intheir presence make it visible for ev-eryone to believe on the more ac-tual strength of the two nations in thefuture.The closing ceremony of theKabaddi World Cup was held at GuruNanak Stadium in Ludhiana which in-c luded the appearances ofbol lywood stars Akshay Kumar,Deepika Padukone and ChitrangdaSingh and performances by RDBfrom Ca n a d a , p u n j a b i s i n g e r sHarbha jan Mann and Sa t i nde rSatt i . so al l popular f igures hasgiven fabulous performance in aenthusiastic way. We encourageever single individual who was thepart of this event as they provethis event fruitful for the indo pakrelations and we also hope for themore positive events in the futurebecause such kind of events andactivities paved the way for the na-tion of two countries for their better-ment and a good future together

Nouman AzamReporter (Lahore) Pakistan


4 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

5 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

6 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

I believe that India-Pakistan bilateralrelations are important for globalpeace and security and thereforeneed to be strengthened. No stoneshould be left unturned in efforts tostrive to strengthen those bilateralrelat ions - may i t be diplomacy,cricket or kabaddi or something else.The Kabaddi Wor ld Cup is animportant event and certainly has lotsof benefits. Canadians always takepride in participating in sports - weare all aware of the success of Winter Olympics in Vancouver.Traditional sports, including kabaddi, have their charm andthey contribute to enriching the cultural mosaic of Canada.

Nina Grewal


Sports are a uniting theme in Canadaand I'm proud to join the KabaddiWorld Cup celebrations throughoutthe South Asian communities. Iespecially congratulate the Canadianteam and players for their impressivestanding, and to the Indian andPakistani teams. Our nations havestrong ties and links to one anotherand through sport, I'm sure we'llcontinue to build a positiverelationship.Sports l ike kabaddi,provide an opportunity to introduceyounger generations to the art andculture of their parents and ancestors and a great way to encouragenon-Punjabis to learn and participate. On behalf of all New Democrats, Ilook forward to the next World Cup and cheering on Team Canada!

-Jasbir Sandhu,New Democrat Public Safety Critic


Mr. Ijaz ul Haq expressed his viewsabout k a b add i wo r l d c u p whichwas a g o o d gesture and publicsentimentals were onPeak when two rival 's get together. I tis a good beginingfor developing thegood relationshipbetween India andPakistan . E x c h an g e o f other sports is impor tant aswel l . Sideby Side they should talkabout otherissues as well which arecreating gap between two nation's.Hecongratulated the winning team andother teams as well whoparticipated in this wor ld cup.

I jaz Ul Haq ,Former minister for religious affairs and minorities


Parkash SinghBadal and SukhbirSingh Badal arevery active to takethis sports onskies.Activit iesl i k esports,entertainmentis helping to promote our culture inIndia as well as on international leveltoo.We are Thankful for the co-operation of other countries and mywarm congratulations to the Indianteam and other teams who were partof this event..

Sikander Singh Malooka.President

Punjabi Kabbadi Association

It is always good to have friendly relations andsports is one of great opportunities to defuse thetension and to build a health relation. In this summerI have seen this with my own eyes in Calgary thateven though there was very high competitionaspirations between Pakistani and IndianKabaddi teams but at the same time everyonewas happy and respectful, cheering for bothteams.By playing on the world stage, our Canadianplayers have shown that there is very goodchance to popularize Kabaddi in Canada andas a matter of fact it is already popular in newCanadians. Hosting a world cup is an honour, but I also like to see moreand more local players playing this sport. Once again, thank you and I hope the above will assist you in completingyou special edition Kabaddi.

Devinder Shory, M.P.



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A Division of Jag Di Awaz Publications

PresidentTahir MalikPublisher

Jag Di Awaz Groupof Publications

Hon. Chief EditorBaltej Pannu

Contributory EditorGurpreet Singh Cheema

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"I congratulate the CanadianKabaddi Team for theirsuccess at the Kabaddi WorldCup. This is an excellentachievement."

Bal Gosal, Ministerof State (Sport).


First of all I want to say Congratulationsto all the team who participated in theworld cup kabbadi tournament 2011.According to my opinion governmentshould organize these kind of gamesor events every year which can play apositive role in a continuing process ofpeace and brotherhood. Indo-Pakistaniwars and conflict will be resolve if wecontinue our efforts.

Ch. Zafer Iqbal Warriach


Sports have a great role in young generaton's life. To keepthe youngester's away from drugs andget a healty system, sports have thevitalrole to play. I was a teacher inIndia (Chandigarh). I always helpedbhose needy Children who were inbad economical condition. I alwaystried girls to get a neutral thinking andparticipalte in sports. But I want to sayhere that if govt. can help thouse needychildren them it would be a big successand acheivement sports are the one vitalway to get and optimistic way for thechildren. All i want to say is that this is a good wasy oninternational level. This is also better to eradicated all thebad hebits in the society. Rajni Verma


Kabbadi world cup 2011 was a positive steptook by Punjab government of India for unitingt h e b o t h countries and represent theculture of both Punjab. I Congratulate PunjabGovt for organizing this successful event.Pakistan and India can resolve their issueson each level with a positive approach.. Theytried to work for building good relationshipbu t all efforts were messed u p i n t heMumbai attack in 2008.I f t h e s e t w o co u n t r i e scome closer then the moneybeingSpent in the weapons which onlyspread hate is not helpful.We need to work together to promotepeace and love.

Siddiq Al Farooq


We should open up the challenges withdiplomacy.As this Kabaddi world cupwas a step which left its positive effectson our mind and gave us hope to Avoidnegative thought and criticisms.Ourgovernments will be working together toshrink this distance emotionally andpolitically between two nation`s.Hecongratulated the teams.

Ch. Asim Nazeer PML


People to people contact should alwaysstay. As we Know the culture of Pakistanand punjab is one. These sports eventwi l l help to improve the relat ionshipbetween two nations. There are otherissues as well which should reslove andwhich every other pakistani wants. Heappreciated the teams. who participatedin this kabaddi world cup 2011.

Farooq Amjad MirEX Lahore Naib Nazim


There are so many different ways toimprove the relationship between twocountries.,through media, sports andt rade expac ia l ly peop le to peop lecontactplays an important role to have abet ter re la t ionsh ip between Indo-Pakistan. Sports is a great factor whichfacilitate the teams to show there sport'smenspirit and which also open the wayfor reun i t ing and so lv ing issues l i keKashmir. Aftab Sherpao


It is very Important to keep Contact alivebetween two conutries. Moreoverdisputes should reslove in a peacefulmanners. Such activites l ike sports wil lb r i n g t w o n a t i o n t o g e t h er. I applaud the team on their wonderfulperformance and ef forts to make thisevent happen.

Ch. Akhtar Mahmood ChahourMember of Pakistan tehreek-e-




Dr. Kumarappreciatedthis eventa n dexpressedhis viewst h a tKabaddiworld cups h o u l dheld in Pakistan as well. AsPakistan need to use different waysto show our positive role in makingpeace with our neighbor country.

Dr. Kumar


7 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

Sports are the kind of efforts which eradicate racism and bring twocountries close.In my point of view sports and music is beautifullyplaying a role to unite these two nation`s. As Canadian team teamgot in semi-final and brought a good scene,It was an honor forCanada and the sports organizer have done a quiet alot. Mr Uppalcongratulated Jag Di Awaz for bringing the community together.

Mr Tim Uppal, PC, MP


In conversation with the reporters, Mr. Harsa said that auidence was nothappy with the results. But Canada got second position in this hardcompetition of 14 countries. This victory made us proud for our country,Mr. Hansra said congratulation to Canadian team

Sukhminder Singh HansraCheif Editor PunjabiDaily Newspaper


Punjab government wants to take Kabbadi in Asian and Olympics, Punjabgovernment encouraging the sports to keep the youngsters away fromdrugs. Successful of International Kabbadi cup tournament is so honourablefor Punjab Govt. Kabbadi is going to be top one in the sports world soon.

S. Sukhbir Singh BadalDeputy C.M. Punjab


8 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

9 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO


10 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

11 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO

12 25 November To 1 December 2011 Vol. 3 No. 103 TORONTO
