Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6 · (PERDOSSI JAYA) and Faculty of Medicine...


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Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of Jakarta’s branch of Indonesian Society of Neurologist

(PERDOSSI JAYA) and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia,

we are pleased to invite you to join Jakarta Neurology Exhibition

Workshop and Symposium 6.0 (JAKNEWS) which will take place at

Shangrila Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National

General Hospital and Dharmais National Cancer Center in Jakarta

from 2, 6-10 March 2019.

The rapidly expanding updates from the newest neurological research have render the needs

in updating neurological knowledge a necessity. Our health care system is currently aiming

at providing a universal health coverage, giving optimal healthcare services to every layer of

society. To achieve this, competent human resources are needed, therefore renewal of

knowledge and skills is a must to every healthcare provider in each field. Neurology is one

of many disciplines that continues to develop in terms of knowledge, technology and


Understanding the needs, JAKNEWS 6.0 bring us the most recent updates in neurology by

bringing several national and international experts. In this event, we also have prepared high

quality scientific sessions and attractive hands-on workshops to cover the newest and most

important issues in neurology.

On this JAKNEWS 6.0, we also choose the color of gold. The color of gold is a warm color

that is associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage and wisdom. Gold gemstones

are believed to increase personal wisdom and power, aid in health and wellness, create

success and prosperity, and illuminate the path toward one’s goal. We hope all of that is in

accordance of what we envisioned of JAKNEWS with neurology in Indonesia.

I hope that this event will facilitate us in reaching our goal as well as improving our

neurological skill and knowledge. We are looking forward to welcome and inspire you in



Henry Riyanto Sofyan, MD

Chairman of Organizing Committee

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM, Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019





Scientific Programs5


Call for Abstract9



NANO UI Night12

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Patron Dr. dr. Tiara Aninditha, SpS(K) (Head of Departement of Neurology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia )

dr. Taufik Mesiano, Sp.S(K) (Head of PERDOSSI Jaya)

Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, FACP (Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia)

Advisor Prof. dr. Teguh Ranakusuma, SpS(K)

dr. Diatri Nari Lastri, SpS(K)

Steering Committee Dr. dr. Salim Haris, SpS(K) dr. Ahmad Yanuar Safri, SpS(K)

Dr. dr. Fitri Octaviana, SpS(K), Mpd.Ked

Chairman dr. Henry Riyanto Sofyan, SpS

Vice Chairman dr. Ramdinal Aviesena, SpS dr. Syarly Melani

Secretary dr. Dyah Tunjungsari, SpS dr. Rineke Twistixa Arandita

Treasurer dr. Kartika Maharani, SpS dr. Liestyaningsih Dwi Wuryani

Fundingdr. Manfaluthy Hakim, SpS(K) dr. Nurul Fadli dr. Aprida Situngkir

Public Relation and Promotion dr. Amanda Tiksnadi, SpS(K) dr. Beny Rilianto dr. Adisti Prafica

Scientific Symposia Dr. dr. Riwanti Estiasari, SpS(K) dr. Ni Nengah Rida Ariarini, SpS dr. Yesi Astri dr. Irma Savitri dr. RR. Novita Ayu

Logistic and Documentation dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, SpS dr. Hendy Kurniawan dr. Adrian Ridski Harsono

Consumption Dr. dr. Yetty Ramli, SpS(K) dr. Irma Widiasari dr. Riska Nanda

Registration and Accomodation dr. Rakhmad Hidayat, SpS(K) dr. Danya Philanodia D dr. Lamia Aisha

Scientific Poster Coordinators Dr. dr. Al Rasyid, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Tiara Aninditha, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Astri Budikayanti, SpS(K) dr. Jan Purba, PhD dr. Tetti Agustin

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM, Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Shunsuke Kobayashi, MD, PhD Department of Neurology, Fukushima Medical University Fukushima, Japan Mrs. Monique van Bruggen-Rufi, PhD, SRMTh, NMT-F, RGM-practitioner ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Music Therapy Department, Netherlands Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Michael Strupp, FANA, FEAN Medical Faculty of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Campus Grosshadern

Prof. Dr. dr. M. Hasan Machfoed, SpS(K), M.S Prof. dr. Teguh AS Ranakusuma, Sp.S(K) Dr. dr. Al Rasyid, SpS (K) Dr. dr. Astri Budikayanti, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Damayanti R Sjarif, SpA(K) Dr. dr. Fitri Octaviana, SpS(K), MPd.Ked Dr. dr. Rini Andriani, SpS Dr. dr. Riwanti Estiasari, SpS(K) dr. Rusdy Ghazali Malueka, SpS, PhD Dr. dr. Salim Harris, SpS(K), FICA Dr. dr. Sitti Airiza, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Tiara Aninditha, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Yetty Ramli, SpS(K) Dr. dr. Yuda Turana, SpS dr. Adre Mayza, SpS(K) dr. Adhrie Sugiharto, SpAn, KIC dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS (K) dr. Amanda Tiksnadi, SpS(K) dr. Andradi Suryamihardja, SpS(K) dr. Arthur H.P Mawuntu, SpS(K)

dr. Darma Imran, Sp.S(K) dr. Diatri Nari Lastri, SpS(K) dr. Eva Dewati, SpS(K) dr. Freddy Sitorus, Sp.S(K) dr. Isti Suharyanti, SpS(K) dr. Manfaluthy Hakim, Sp.S(K) dr. Rakhmad Hidayat, SpS(K) dr. Suryani Gunadharma, SpS(K) dr. Taufik Mesiano, Sp.S(K) dr. Uni Gamayani, SpS(K) dr. Yudianta, SpS(K) dr. Anastasia Maria Loho, SpS dr. Donny Hamid, SpS dr. Dyah Tunjungsari, SpS dr. Henry Riyanto Sofyan, SpS dr. Kartika Maharani, SpS dr. Ni Nengah Rida Ariarini, SpS dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, SpS dr. Ramdinal Aviesena Z, SpS

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Date Scientific Programs Venue

Saturday March 2nd,


Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) “Certified by Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)”

Hotel Sofyan

EEG for Operators Hotel Sofyan

Wednesday March 6th,


Botox for Spasticity, Torticollis, and Hemifacial Spasm


EMG Basic (Day 1) Hotel Shangri-La

Neurobehavior Hotel Shangri-La

Thursday March 7th,


EMG Basic (Day 2) Hotel Shangri-La

EEG for Specialist-Basic (Day 1) Hotel Shangri-La

Neurology Music Therapy Hotel Shangri-La

Code Stroke RSCM


March 8th, 2019

Stroke Care RSCM Training of Trainers Neurooncology RSK Dharmais

EEG for Specialist -Basic (Day 2) Hotel Shangri-La

Movement Disorders Hotel Shangri-La

Neuroinfection & Neuroimmunology Hotel Shangri-La

Pain Intervention Hotel Shangri-La

Saturday March 9th,


Symposium Day 1 Hotel Shangri-La

Oral & Poster Presentation Hotel Shangri-La

Sunday March 10th,

2019 Symposium Day 2 Hotel Shangri-La

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM, Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Saturday, March 9th 2019

Time Ballroom A Ballroom B

07.00-07.30 Registration

07.30-08.30 Plenary Lectures (1)

Prof. Dr. dr. M. Hasan Machfoed, SpS(K), M.S

08.30-09.00 Opening Ceremony

09.00-09.15 Coffee Break


Symposium 1: Pain

Common Challenges of Pain Management

Moderator: dr. Henry Riyanto Sofyan, SpS

Symposium 2: Epilepsy

EEG and Seizure in Critically Ill Patients

Moderator: Dr. dr. Fitri Octaviana, SpS(K),


Challenges in

management of

nociceptive pain

dr. Henry Riyanto

Sofyan, SpS

Is EEG crucial in

critically ill patients?

dr. Anastasia

Maria Loho, SpS

Challenges in

management of


Dr. dr. Tiara

Aninditha, SpS(K)

Seizure management

in Intensive Care


dr. Adhrie

Sugiharto, SpAn,


Update management

of chronic low back


dr. Yudiyanta,


Seizure in critically ill

patients: What have

we done so far?

Dr. dr. Fitri

Octaviana, SpS(K),



Symposium 3: Neurophysiology 1

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating

Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

Moderator: dr. Ahmad Yanuar Safri, SpS(K)

Symposium 4: Headache

Comprehensive Management of Migraine

Moderator: dr. Freddy Sitorus, SpS(K)

Diagnosis of CIDP dr. Ahmad Yanuar

Safri, SpS(K)

Update on migraine


dr. Henry Riyanto

Sofyan, SpS

Management of CIDP dr. Manfaluthy

Hakim, SpS(K)

Role of Indeks

Vaskular Migren

(IVM) in migraine


Dr. dr. Salim

Harris, SpS(K),


Immunotherapy in


TBC Cost effectiveness in

migraine treatment

dr. Isti Suharyanti,


11.30-12.30 Lunch Symposium (TBC)


Symposium 5:

Neuroinfection/ Neuroimmunology

Moderator: dr. Kartika Maharani, SpS

Symposium 6: Neurorestorative

Breakthrough in Restorative Neurology

Moderator: dr. Amanda Tiksnadi, SpS(K)

Viral Encephalitis dr. Arthur H.P

Mawuntu, SpS(K)

TMS as


therapy for post

stroke aphasia

dr. Amanda

Tiksnadi, SpS(K)



Dr. dr. Riwanti

Estiasari, SpS(K)

Neurofeedback and

EEG: unmasking the

learning potential

dr. Adre Mayza,


Meningitis TB: An


dr. Darma Imran,


NMT for cognitive

and movement

disorders in

Hutington's disease

Monique van



Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Time Ballroom A Ballroom B

Role of steroid in

CNS infection

dr. Kartika

Maharani, SpS

Cognitive stimulation

therapy: a training

program for people

with mild to

moderate dementia

Dr. dr. Yuda

Turana, SpS


Symposium 7: Neurooncology

How to Adopt Neurooncology Protocol in

Universal Health Coverage Era

Moderator: dr. Henry Riyanto Sofyan, SpS

Symposium 8: Neurovascular 1

Homocysteine and Stroke

Moderator: dr. Taufik Mesiano, SpS(K)

Profiling glioma and

its clinical application

dr. Rusdy Ghazali

Malueka, SpS, PhD

Prevention of

nonfatal major


complication in

antithrombosis user

Dr. dr. Al Rasyid,


Clinical and cost

analysis of

meningioma patients



Dr. dr. Tiara

Aninditha, SpS(K)

Rebamipide and the

risk factor of parietal

cell atrophy in

longterm use of PPI


The role of MRI and

LCS cytology in



Dr. dr. Rini

Andriani, SpS

CSVD and secondary


Dr. dr. Salim

Harris, SpS(K),


Sunday, March 10th 2019

Time Ballroom A Ballroom B

07.30-08.00 Registration

08.00-08.30 Plenary Lectures (2)

Prof. dr. Teguh AS Ranakusuma, SpS(K) - Medical Futility in Neurological Services


Symposium 9: Neurophysiology 2

Neurophysiology and Neuromuscular


Moderator: dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS(K)

Symposium 10: Neurobehavior

Cognitive impairment in JKN Setting

Moderator: dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, SpS

Diagnostic approach

in autonomic disorder

dr. Manfaluthy

Hakim, SpS(K)

Funduscopy finding

and its correlation in



dr. Diatri Nari

Lastri, SpS(K)


manifestation in NMD

dr. Ahmad Yanuar

Safri, SpS(K)

Trancranial doppler

finding and its

correlation in



Dr. dr. Yetty

Ramli, SpS(K)


manifestation in


Dr. dr. Fitri

Octaviana, SpS(K),


Selecting cognitive

screening tool in

universal health

coverage era

dr. Pukovisa

Prawiroharjo, SpS

Doctoral Research


Dr. dr. Fitri

Octaviana, SpS(K),


Can auditory

stimulation serve as

alternative to

cognitive stimulation

dr. Adre Mayza,


Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM, Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Time Ballroom A Ballroom B


Symposium 11: Neuroophtalmology

What Neurologists Must Know Beyond


Moderator: dr. Ni Nengah Rida Ariarini, SpS

Symposium 12: Neuropediatric

How to Manage Neuropediatric Problems

Moderator: Dr. dr. Yetty Ramli, SpS(K)

Vascular related visual


dr. Freddy Sitorus,


Soft sign of


disorders in children

dr. Uni Gamayani,


Isolated ocular motor

nerve palsy

dr. Dyah

Tunjungsari, SpS

Internet and


addiction in children

Dr. dr. Yetty

Ramli, SpS(K)


unrecognized central

ocular motility


dr. Eva Dewati,


Inborn errors of


Dr. dr. Damayanti

R Sjarif, SpA(K)

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 Lunch Symposium

Prof. Dr. Med. Michael Strupp, FANA, FEAN - Vertigo and Dizziness in Clinical Practice

12.30-13.00 Break and Pray


Symposium 13: Neurootology

What's New on Neurootology: From

Classification to Diagnostic Entities

Moderator: dr. Dyah Tunjungsari, SpS

Symposium 14: Neurotrauma

Improving Quality of Life After Traumatic

Brain Injury

Moderator: dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, SpS

Classification of

vestibular symptoms:

where are we now?

dr. Eva Dewati,



impairment after TBI

dr. Diatri Nari

Lastri, SpS(K)

The emerging entities

of vestibular disorders

not to be missed

dr. Freddy Sitorus,


Return to school/

work after TBI

Dr. dr. Yetty

Ramli, SpS(K)

The otolith


dr. Ni Nengah Rida

Ariarini, SpS

Management of


disorders after TBI

dr. Pukovisa

Prawiroharjo, SpS


therapy after TBI

dr. Adre Mayza,



Symposium 15: Movement Disorders

Uncommon Case of Movement Disorders

Moderator: dr. Dyah Tunjungsari, SpS

Symposium 16: Neurovascular 2

Pentoxifylline in Acute Stroke Management

Moderator: dr. Rakhmad Hidayat, Sp.S(K)



dr. Amanda

Tiksnadi, SpS(K)

Lacunar infarct and

pathogenesis of


dr. Taufik

Mesiano, SpS(K)

Stiff person syndrome

and related disorders

S. Kobayashi, MD,

PhD (Japan)

Selected benefit of

pentoxifylline in

acute ischemic


Dr. dr. Salim

Harris, SpS(K),


Movement disorders


dr. Andradi



The role of

pentoxifylline in


disorder of stroke

Dr. dr. Al Rasyid,


15.30-15.50 Closing Ceremony – Book Launching form Neurooncology Study Group

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

We invite you all to submit your recent research or case reports for the opportunity to present in scientific poster presentation and publication in our proceeding book.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 1st, 2019 GENERAL RULES: ❖ The topic of the abstract should be related to Neurology and Neuroscience in all its

aspects. ❖ Abstract should be prepared electronically and submitted in a standard word

processing format document file to poster.jaknews2019@gmail.com. ❖ All poster participants must be registered as symposium participants and have

completed their registration and payment processes. ❖ Participant will accept a confirmation email regarding the abstract submission by

mid-February 2019. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ❖ The abstract must be typed in English and Indonesian, and should be limited to 250

words. ❖ The abstract must be typed using Times New Roman, using A4 pages setting, in one

column with side margin of 3 cm from the top of the page, 2 cm from the bottom of the page, 2 cm from the right and left sides of the page. The line spacing used is single spacing with justified alignment.

❖ The font size of the title is 12, bold, with center alignment. ❖ The font size for the name of the author(s) is 11 and bold. The main author should be

written at the front and underlined. The city and country of the institution are typed using font size 10.

❖ The content of the abstract is written two lines below the address of the affiliations. The content of the study is written in one paragraph with the font style Times New Roman, size 10, and single-spaced. The headers of the paragraph for research paper are Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The headers for case report or series are Introduction, Case, and Conclusion.

❖ All abstracts will be included in the proceeding book and the committee has the right to alter the format of the abstract to suit the format of the proceeding book.

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM, Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Hotel Room Type Price Distance

Shangri-La Deluxe Room 2.500.000 IDR* Venue *Price include breakfast for two persons

Address: Shangri-La Hotel, Kota BNI Kav.1 Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta

Selatan, 10220

Jakarta Neurology Exhibition, Workshop, and Symposium 6.0

Shangri-La Hotel, Sofyan Hotel, RSCM Jakarta

2, 6-10 March 2019

Workshop & Symposium Participant Before Feb 14th 2019

After Feb 14th 2019

Symposium only GP 2,000,000 2,500,000

Specialist 3,000,000 3,500,000

Special WS + Symposium ▪ EEG for Specialist ▪ EMG Basic ▪ Pain Intervention

Specialist 8,000,000 9,000,000

1 Workshop + Symposium ▪ Neuroinfection/ Neuroimmunology ▪ Neurology Music Therapy ▪ Movement Disorders ▪ Code Stroke ▪ Stroke Care ▪ Botox ▪ Neurobehavior ▪ Neurooncology ▪ Emergency Neurological Life

Support (ENLS) - Certified by Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)

Specialist 5,500,000 6,500,000

2 Workshop + Symposium Specialist 7,000,000 8,000,000

WS Only

▪ Stroke Care ▪ Code Stroke ▪ Emergency Neurological Life

Support (ENLS) - Certified by

Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) ▪ Neurology Music Therapy

GP 2,000,000 2,500,000

▪ Stroke Care ▪ EEG for Operator

Nurse 1,750,000 2,250,000

2,250,000 2,750,000

*all price in IDR

All participants must register at:


Payment should be made to: Account name : Perdossi Jaya Account number : 122 000 6277 084 Bank : Mandiri Branch : RSCM Jakarta