Jalyn Kelley Client Services Manager March 2009 Tips & Tricks for Searching IEEE Xplore


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Jalyn Kelley Client Services Manager March 2009 Tips & Tricks for Searching IEEE Xplore You can check all the searches done during the session and conduct more complex searches Search Operators x y Match both expressions x and y x y Match either expression x or y or both x Do not match expression x x y Match expression x but not y x y Match expression x in field y. x y Match expressions x and y in same paragraph x y Match expressions x and y in same sentence. x y Match expressions x and y in same phrase. x z Match expression x within y words of expression z. x Match expression x, with results listed in score order based on density of x. x Match order of terms in expression x. x Match synonyms of x as well as x itself. x Match stem variations of x; don't score results. x Match x exactly. Field Codes Abstract ab Affiliation cs All fields metadata Author(s) au Catalog number ca CODEN cn Conference date cy Document title ti Editor(s) au Full text pdfdata Index term de ISSN/ISBN in Issue number is Issue part number pt Meeting date cy Part number pt Publication name jn Publication year pyr Subject term de Title ti Volume vo Questions? Jalyn Kelley Client Services Manager Phone: Web:Technical Support: