James L. Nichelson - MS ELKS · grand exalted ruler acceptance speech july 9, 2009 james l....


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July 9, 2009





Portland, Oregon July 5-9, 2009

Thank you Grand Exalted Ruler Helsel. And thank all of you for that wonderful spontaneous celebration!

Grand Exalted Ruler Helsel, Reverend Father McNally, Past Grand Exalted Rulers, Grand Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Committeepersons, Members, family and friends, it is my distinct honor and pleasure to accept your nomination for the Office of Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks for the Fraternal year 2009-2010. I humbly step forward to be the standard-bearer of your hopes and aspirations for this great Order. Mary Carolyn and I pray that we will live up to your faith and confidence.

Please allow me to thank some people. Arrayed behind me are the Past Grand Exalted Rulers of our Order. They have provided many years of leadership and service and have, to a man, provided wise counsel to me. I thank them for that. I especially thank Chairman of the Advisory Committee, the Honorable C. Valentine Bates, and Chairman of the Programs Subcommittee, the Hon. James C. Varenhorst, for their patient guidance.

My sponsors in Area 4 are the Honorable Raymond V. Arnold, Lester C. (Ted) Hess, Jr., and James C. Varenhorst. Ray Arnold started me upon this Grand Lodge path in 1996 when he sponsored me for appointment to the Committee on Judiciary. Ted Hess and I go way back to our days as Lodge Officers in Wheeling, West Virginia and Martins Ferry, Ohio, just three miles and a river apart. Jim Varenhorst has mentored me these past several years and words cannot describe his kindnesses. Gentlemen, I can never repay you for your help and inspiration. I pledge that I will do my best to carry forward your examples of selfless service.

I am honored to have been nominated by Past Chief Justice of the Grand Forum, the Hon. Charles VanDyne, as I consider him to be one of the great statesmen of our Order. I have great affection for Charlie for many reasons, not the least of which is he was our family attorney when I was a young boy. I must tell you Charlie is famous in Ada, Ohio, as the only practicing attorney in a town in which The Ohio Northern University Law School is located. Thank you so much, Charlie.

My nomination was seconded by two very important persons in my life. First, I am indebted to my wife, Mary Carolyn, for her support. Mary Carolyn is also serving this year as District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. As you might have discerned, we are an “Elks partnership.” Mary Carolyn’s dedication to Elkdom is very inspiring to me. Mary Carolyn, I love you dearly, and I hope you can now stop referring to me as your “District Deputy Esquire.”

Second, my daughter, Lauren Gresh, provided to me one of the greatest honors a child can bestow upon a parent, that of saying kind things about me while I am are still living. Lauren is a lawyer and Associate Counsel for Ohio’s Public Employee Retirement System, which is my retirement system. Thank you ladies, for your wonderful words.

You have met my wonderful wife, Mary Carolyn, and now please allow Mary Carolyn and me to introduce to you our family. I might mention, all the adults up here are Elks. First, please meet our son Tom, who is an Engineer in the Cleveland area and who just got his M.B.A.; Tom’s wife Cheryl, who is an LPN; and their daughters, Eden and Reece. You have met our daughter, Lauren. Please meet Lauren’s husband, John Gresh, who I greatly admire because he is a scratch golfer. John works for the State of Ohio in Columbus, and he and Lauren have a son, Thomas. Also, please greet our daughter, Ellen Davis, who is a Marketing Director in Philadelphia, her husband Erik, who produces media programs and who produced the program you just watched, and their daughter, Jordan. A special thanks to Erik for the Demonstration video.

Also in the audience, please meet Mary Carolyn’s sister Barbara Sharp and her husband Edwin. Barbara is a nurse and Ed is a retired Associate Director of the FBI.

At this time, I would like to introduce to you two people who are very important to me. My Administrative Assistant for the coming year will be Jeffrey Durant, who will be ably assisted by his wife Rosemary, as our Executive Secretary. Jeff and Rose are retired school teachers. Jeff is a Past State President and Rose is a Past Exalted Ruler. Both hail from my Lodge, Ohio River Valley, Ohio Lodge No. 231. Jeff and Rose have been invaluable in getting my office up and running. I thank you for all you have done and for being great friends. Without you we could not hope to do this.

Grand Exalted Ruler Paul Helsel and his wife, Jane, have rendered invaluable service to the Order, traveling far and wide to promote and extol Elkdom. Let me personally thank you, Paul and Jane, for your wonderful efforts this past year. Paul and Jane have also been very generous in giving their time and the time of their Administrative Assistant, Richard Burg, to me and to my Administrative Assistant, Jeff Durant, to prepare for this year and to set up and run my office.

Grand Secretary Bryan Klatt, his Chicago staff, Director Jim O’Kelley and the National Foundation Staff, and Editor Cheryl Stachura and the Elks

Magazine Department have rendered invaluable assistance to me in preparing for this adventure. I am also greatly indebted to Tina Haran and Jessica Ruiz of the National Convention Department who have smoothed my path for many years.

Please allow me to express my gratitude to Ohio Past State President Michael Stanley, his wife Linda, and their Celebration Committee, and the Ohio Elks and our Area 4 friends from Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia, who participated in that exciting celebration we just witnessed.

My Fund-raising committee is called the FOG Committee, the “For Ohio’s Grand” Committee. I am immensely grateful to my Committee, headed by Past State President and Past Grand Lodge Committeeman, Dane Dysert, and assisted by Past State President and Past Grand Treasurer, Lee Young. Their fine efforts and the efforts of the FOG committee have enabled me to concentrate on preparing for the fantastic journey ahead.

I have had the great pleasure of serving on two Grand Lodge Committees. I was privileged to serve eight years on the Committee on Judiciary and, more recently, four years on the Board of Grand Trustees. I cannot express to you how much I enjoyed serving with the fine Elks on these committees and how much I enjoy the support and encouragement they have extended to me. Mary Carolyn and I treasure the friends we have made. All of Elkdom should know that a lot of hard work takes place in these Committees and in all Grand Lodge Committees. Not enough recognition is accorded these members and I want to clearly say I appreciate the dedication and effort I have witnessed at the Grand Lodge level.

Please allow me to comment about my aims and goals this fraternal year. The theme I have chosen is ELKS MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Frankly, I stole it from Ohio Past State President, Doug Schieffer, because it rings so true to me. I can use it both to commend achievement and to encourage effort.

I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Elks everywhere are daily making a huge difference in the lives of others. I will be extolling that good work, as Elks are “fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate.” I also know we can always do more. It is my fondest wish, that, as I serve you this year, I can encourage and embolden you to put new smiles on children’s faces, to befriend a veteran, to discourage drug use, or to expand a state or local service project. Thus, I will also be saying to you — ELKS get out there and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

This year, as I take on this pleasant task as your roving ambassador, I will be promoting all of our Grand Lodge programs. It is my intention, though, to pay special attention to the Elks National Foundation, Veterans Service and the Elks National Home and Retirement Center. I will also have much to say about membership.

Mary Carolyn and I are shameless when it comes to fund-raising for the Elks National Foundation. She and I have both been Lodge and District National Foundation Chairmen, and both of us are particularly devoted to the Foundation. We feel that the Elks National Foundation is the engine that drives so much of the good things we do as Elks. As we travel, we expect you might wish to remember us with gifts or mementos of our time with you. Let us say right now that we could not be more honored than if you remembered us with your friendship and a check made out to the Elks National Foundation. If you would care to have me sign your membership card and put down a few dollars, it will go to the Elks National Foundation.

The Elks National Foundation does so much good through our Grand Lodge programs and State Major Projects, how could it possibly do more? Well, in their wisdom, the National Foundation Trustees and Jim O’Kelley, our National Director, have hit upon a very good program. By granting to local Lodges Promise Grants, Gratitude Grants and Impact Grants, they have insured that National Foundation has an ever larger impact right at the grassroots level — right in your town — right where you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. As Grand Trustee Michael Smith says, “It’s all good!”

However, envision with me, just for a moment, what wonders National Foundation could accomplish if it was BIG — I mean BIG! I mean a billion dollars big. Just imagine the increased numbers of students we could help with scholarships. Just imagine a bigger and better Drug Awareness Program. Think of the extra bucks we could grant to each State Association’s Major Project and what wonderful things that could mean. Think of more and larger Promise and Gratitude Grants and what your Lodge could make happen with them in your community. As we all agree, “the witchery of wealth is not in having, but in sharing.”

How can we do this? By working it! Get on board with me and work National Foundation fund-raising. Incredibly, not every Lodge does it. If your Lodge is a no-show, change that right now. You will see immediate results. Meet my modest goal of $4.50 per member and become eligible for a Gratitude Grant. Can you do it? Will you do it?

As I have said, Mary Carolyn and I are shameless for National Foundation. My personal goal is to raise $ 100,000 for National Foundation during our travels. With your help, we could do that. Will you help me MAKE A DIFFERENCE? I would like to make my per capita goal this year something like $20.00 per member. I know that is unrealistic, so I will keep the goal at $4.50 per member, but I want you to try your best to exceed the goal. I want to see more Hoop Shoots, scout troops, Junior golf and bowling. I want to see meaningful therapy and camps for kids. I want to see kids walk again. I want our State Major Projects to MAKE more and more of A DIFFERENCE. I want that! Do you?

Our Veterans Service Department, under the capable leadership of Robert Hennings, National Director, stands ready to assist and advise your Lodge in helping Veterans. I plan to emphasize Veterans Service this year, as I see the Iraq and Afghanistan engagements continuing and producing (not only) Veterans but also lots of disabled Vets. The Elks has shown itself, over the years, to be an organization that has the will and the stamina to be there for Veterans. Now, even if your Lodge is nowhere near a Veterans Hospital or has never had an active Veteran’s Committee, you too can march with the Army of Hope. Every community has a Veteran’s family that needs your help. You too can Adopt-A- Veteran. You too can see to the needs of a hospitalized Veteran.

I cannot emphasize enough to you the difference Elks make in the lives of Veterans and their families. As patriotic Americans, we have taken it upon ourselves to honor and help those who have served. Yet, there are Lodges that have not adopted a Vet, or have not distributed personal care packages or visited a Veteran’s Hospital. I plan to address these small lapses as I travel to visit you. I ask you to find that person in your Lodge who will be your Veterans Chairman and who will MAKE A DIFFERENCE for Veterans. I want the Elks to do more for Veterans. I want Veterans to be appreciated, supported, remembered and cared for appropriately. I want them to know we will not forget them. Do you want that too?

I also plan to emphasize the Elks National Home and Retirement Center. The Elks National Home is our elephant in the corner. Let me explain, and let me give you some plain talk. It is said the Order is not in the business of running retirement homes. Yet, we have this beautiful Home and it is an exceptional attribute of our Order. It is a wonderful benefit of membership. However, the plain truth is the Home is not fully self-supporting, as it can only house about 115 Elks at full capacity. All the apartments are full and there is a long waiting list.

I have heard some folks say the residents do not pay a full rate. This is not true. The residents pay comparable fees. Buildings H and I are standing there but are essentially unusable. The Special Care Unit is in dire need of upgrade. Financial projections, with the changes already put in place by the Board of Grand Trustees, the Trustees of the Home, show remodeling of Buildings H and I into apartments, will make the Home self-sustaining.

In your generosity, you have directed one dollar of your national dues to the Home. I believe that the Home’s “Buy a Brick Program” is great, but not enough. I would ask you to consider giving $20 over five years, perhaps as dues, to a Home Capital Campaign. Then the elephant could come out of the corner and dance for joy.

A final word about the Elks National Home. It houses the most wonderful and the most generous Elks you will find anywhere. It is a joy to visit the Home and to talk to people who love where they are and who love the people who take care of them. Dr. Ron Plamondon, Home Director, ably assisted by his wife, Donna, does a great, great job and stands ready to welcome you if you would care to visit the Home. Please stop by the Home Booth in the Exhibits Area and talk to some of the residents of the Home. I vote for the Home. I hope you do too. There, we MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of Elks.

A word about membership. I feel we do a decent job in recruiting members. I feel we fall down in keeping them. Grand Exalted Ruler Helsel has been carrying the message to us that we have lost, out the back door, over two million members in recent years. Shame on us. These members were good enough for us to work to attract them; they should merit us working to keep them. We must do our best to again unite them with us in the “noble work to which this Order is dedicated.”

Every one of us knows someone on the delinquent list that we could call in the next five minutes and say, “Hey, my friend. Come on back.” Every one of us knows someone who has become unaffiliated and just wants to hear from us. Please organize in your Lodge an active calling committee.

The Grand Lodge Membership Committee has some very useful tricks up its sleeve to help you with membership and retention, and I implore you to take advantage of them. But, none of this happens unless you Exalted Rulers and your Lodges make membership a very high priority. As Past Grand Exalted Ruler Lou Sulsberger says, “Get ‘er done!”

A word about publicity. It frightens me to hear that newspapers are having tough financial times and are going out of business. What this tells me and what the Public Relations Committee is telling me is that we need to keep up with the times. So, how is your Lodge’s web site? I know, you don’t even have time to work the programs, let alone have a web site. The scary truth is that young people do not read the newspaper. So all of us, from Grand Lodge to your Lodge, need to be up and running when someone Googles Hoop Shoot or drug awareness or The Antlers or scholarships in your town. And by the way, keep up with Mary Carolyn and me in our travels this year by clicking on elks.org and checking our Blog.

My point is this. Our focus groups tell us they don’t know what Elks do. Our focus groups tell us they think Elks are old guys who have secret meetings and who drink in old buildings with no windows. To counter this and to catch the attention of very busy people, we must tell our story with every means at our disposal. Grand Lodge knows this and is working hard to develop viable membership programs. But, without you, yes you, working at the Lodge level, it will not happen. You and I know your Lodge does wonderful things to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your community. Think beyond the newspaper to tell the good news of Elkdom.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are professed believers in God. Whatever form that belief may take in your life, there is a universal tenet that we are to love one another. It is because of that belief I am an Elk, and I think it is why you are an Elk. And so it is that the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has evolved from a little band of Jolly Corks into the finest co-ed fraternal service organization in America. I am excited about the prospects of our Order.

Let me close by suggesting habits may be good or bad, but they are hard to change. It is said we spend the second half of our lives living out the habits we formed in the first half.

There is “a legend that in olden times,” a good king walked through the streets of his city. He came upon a beggar in rags. The beggar asked for money, but the good king did him one better. He invited the beggar to his table on Sunday. This being a legend, the beggar presented himself at the palace on Sunday. He was cordially greeted and escorted before the King. The King was dressed in sumptuous robes and sat on a gold throne in a room which was richly decorated. The King, seeing the beggar was uncomfortable, had a new suit of clothes brought for

him. The beggar was fed and the King asked him to return on Tuesday, as a job would be found for him. Well, the beggar did not return on Tuesday and, this being a legend, the King sought him out. The beggar was again in rags and begging. When the king spoke to him, the beggar admitted he could not beg wearing the new clothes and he preferred his old habit of begging to working.

Exalted Rulers, of course we are not beggars, and you will come away from here hearing of good things Grand Lodge is trying to do in order to break old habits. When you return home you may hear, “You can’t do that,” or “That won’t work here.” Practice saying, “Let’s try it and see.” Do not be afraid to change old habits to try something new to keep your Lodge and this Order evolving into something better. We live in magical but very fast-paced times. As you do your best to keep up, bring your Lodge along too.

The late Past Grand Exalted Ruler, Arthur B. Mayer, Jr., said, “Elkdom is not about talk, it is about action.” As an Elk you can accomplish some of the finest actions of your life. This Order is special, and it is special because you make it so. I challenge you to greater good, so that when your day is done, you can say you MADE A DIFFERENCE.

Thank you Elks, for this honor. May God bless you. May God bless our Order. And, may God bless America. Thank you.

“ Care — Share”

— —Make A Difference!

Grand Exalted Ruler


2009 2010USA
