Janes All the Worlds Aircraft 1938



Compendio de todos los aviones en uso o en desarrollo durante 1938. Contiene una descripción histórica y técnica básica de cada avión y de sus diversas variantes. Excelente punto de partida para cualquier investigación.

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    ( I sS1ted December, 1938)



    C. G. GREY AND


    LONDON :





    PART A.







    3. 3a Sa 8a 9a

    Iia 22a 60a 61a 61a 62a 64a 64a 65a 66a 67a 67a 67a 68a 69a 7 1a 85a 89a 90a 90a 90. 92a 93a 95a 97a 99a 99a

    100a lOl a 102a 106a 107a 107a 107. 108. II0a Ilia 114a 114a 116a 116. 118a 119a 121 a 124. 125a 130. 13 1a 13 1.






    CONTENTS- conti"y",l.

    PART B.















    IRAN -





















    U .S.A.



    3b 3b Sb 6b 6b 7b

    IBb 23b 23b 24b 2Sb 2Sb 26b 27 b 27 b 2Bb 2Bb 30b 32b 34b 3Sb 36b 36b 39b 41b 41b 42b 43b 4Sb 4Sb 46b 46b 47b 47b SIb S2b S3b S3b S3b S4b S4b S6b S7b SBb 64b 6Sb 6Sb

  • CONTENTS- w nl'i", ... ed.






    H UUl)I!RIIPI 8 LU .


    Ie 3e 5e

    12e 13e 14e 7ge 88e 98e 9ge

    IOOe I02e 133e 166e 167e 16ge 197e 205e 205e 205e 206e 220e 22 1e 222e 22ge 230e 234e 24 1e 241e 242e 313e

    Id 3d 4d

    30d 31 d 39d 40d 57d 65d 66d 75d 76d 77d 77d 79d 79d 81 d 81 d 82d

    Ie 3e 3e 5e 5e

  • (i)

    PREFACE H'y C. U. U I:tEY (Edi to r uf 'I'he A ","uplnone).

    T HE la st stages of producing this year 's issue of All the World's A,:rr,rajt were a t riRe hampered by a po Htical sitllatioll eu phernistically called a Cris is , whic h brou ght 11 8 to the edge of war a hout the end of Septembcr . H)3H. Wh.v a ny hody , llO lIld have thoug ht o f go ing to war I cannot qu ite sec, bllt t here we werc . Whether Mr. Cha mber la in 's ll ro mpt ac tion uc tu ll lI ,\' prc \'cntcd n WH r , or nw rc l.\' relir' vcci thl' psyc ho lug ica l tens ion hetweell this eo ull tn ' and Gennall \' anti Franee and I tah' -, do not pretend to know.' .

    Any how t he peupl(\ in t lw fOlll' na tiiolJ!oi whic h Illutter most scts ever they can be with o rd ers fro m their respective Go \-ernments , \'ery fe w will have the e nergy and enterprise to spend t heir armament pro fi ts on expensive new experimenta l types.

    If they were short of orders but still making reasona ble profi ts t hey might be more inc lined to go in fOI" ex perimenta l wo rk in t he hope of producing so mething very sta rtling which would force their respective GO\7crnrn ents to order such types.

    The reduction of types is a very proper thing for Governments to rnfo l"c(' as fa- I" as pas ible. No fightin!! force ill t he fie ld wants to be cl ll ttered "I' with a. het.erogeneo us mixture of armam ent of non-stanchtrd ty pe. each ty pe of which needs different mu teriu.) fo r re pa irs and rCllincemcnts. Suc h things nll co l1lplicu.te sto res pro blems in time of wa.r and

  • (ii) PREFACE-continueil.

    naturally the tendency is to standardize as fo r as possible. We may expect to see very much more of that sort of thing in the future.

    In great Britain . for example, there are more various companies making aeroplanes or aero motors today than there have ever been but many of them are making types which have been designed by other people. Either t heir own new experimental types have been a failure or else they have not been so much in advance of o ther types whioh have been standardised as to justify the Government in ordering their new types and thus complicating the stores problem.

    This is in a way a pity, because it is apt to cramp enterprise and to prevent the products of new and bright designers from ever being put into the air. The suggestion has been made t hat if our Govern -ment and other Governments were to standardise on t he types, sizes !tnd specifications for th e ma,teriaJs which arc to be used in new aeropla.ncs t hey could then a fford to allow aeroplane construct-ors more freedom in producing new designs, because even t hough the aeroplanes might differ as types the same hits and pieces could be used in repairing them.

    Another line of thought that seems to be taking hold is that aircraft constructors to-day had better take thought for to-morrow, just in case there docs not happen to be a war within the next ten years and they find that the market for warplanes has pract ically shut down and th~t they are not ready to Illeet the demand which will grow quickly , particula.rly when the nations are convinced that there is going to be peace, for high-speed economical passenger t ransport aeroplanes of la rge size.

    Purely on the combative side of aviation the idea is gradua lly growing that Air Forces in t he future will have to do a great deal of troop-transport , for the simple reason t hat however much aeroplanes may do to win wars, nothing will keep a war won except a man on his flat feet on t he ground with a gun in his hand . Consequently , although we Illay never have trench fighting such as we knew in France the winning of the war and keeping it won may depend on very quick transport of Illasses of troops.

    Consequently a nation which finds itself a few years hence possessed of the finest troop-carrying nlachines in the World will a lso find itself in t he happy position of having t he fi nest passenger transports for the use of its own air lines and for sale to foreign air lines.

    This is a matter which Governments, aircraft constructo rs and company promoters alike may well cOl1sider.

    ThiR seem~ to be n particularly opportune time to think along t hose lines beca use few civi l aero-planes of outstanding merit have been produced during the past year . Both the Douglas DC.4 and the De Havilland Albatross were briefly mentioned in last year's issue. They have since been finisher! and tested, but at the time of writing , November, 1938, they were not in regular use on any air line.

    Furthermore, the Armstrong-Whitworth "Ensign" which was first described in the 1936 volume of All the World'8 Aircraft only finished its tests in October , 1938, and the fi rst of them was doing a preliminary run over the regu lar air line routes as this book was going to press.

    Actually more progress has been made in big flying boats during the past year than in big land-planes. The new Short fl ying-boats buil t to refu el in the air are already flying and sti ll bigger types are well on the way .

    The big Boeing boat which did some preliminary Hying early in the year has now had its tail and sponsons a ltered and it should be qui to a good shi p.

    Dr. Dornler a lso has produced some very good stuff and the Blohm a nd Voss fl oat seaplane, a curious- looking craft but apparently highly efficient, haa proved its seawo rthiness and airwo rthiness by a Hum ber of t rips aOross the North Atlan tic.

    The ancient French LatCcoere multi-motored fl ying- hoat knO\vn as the Lieutenant de Vai88eau Paris made a leisurely to kcn Hight (I thank Mr. Bridgman for that phrase) to New York and back, just so that the Frenc h might stake a claim on t his Atlantic business .

    Also the Focke- Wulf " Condor" put up a startling record Hight from Berlin to New York and bac k. The Germans arc much too sensible to pretend that they in tend to run a regu lar passenger service between Berlin a nd New York non-sto p by land-planes . But, aftel a ll the variegated methods of tltckling the North Atlantic passage, eit her by catapult launching or taking off from I rish waters or going round by the Azores, a straighta way out-and-home flight from the midd le of the Contin ent of Eu rope to New York and back was ca lculated to make people smile.

    We must a lso remember that the Mayo Co mposite aircraft , known to the newspapers as the Pick-a-Back or Piggy-Back Plane, a lso demonstrated its abiuty to do what it was intended to do, by fly ing Westwards across the Atlantic, aft",r being la unched from its mother-pla ne, and coming bac k after getting o ff the water under its o wn po wer.

    Tho Russian section of this book is informative by deduction . No new Russian prototy pes have appeared since the end of 1937 , presuma bly because of the liquidation of personn el ra ther than of factories in the Aircraft Industry. Such Russia n aeroplanes as have been tried out in Spain and China arc certainly not in any way origina l.

    The Ru ssian fighter wh ich was known in Spa in as t he " Rata" has been ukened to the Boeing P .26, which it at any rate resembles in outlin e, and the ZKB.26 twin-motor bom ber, though it may not be an exact copy of the Martin bomber, is so uke it in shape, barring the fact that it has Russia n-buil t water-coo led motors of Hispano-Suiza type instead of radials, t ha t the Nationalists got in to the ha bit of calling it a Martin for lac k of any known Russia n na-me for it .

    Mr. Bridgman argues t hat the Russians are finding that buying licences and importing foreign engineers to do the work is simp ler a nd cheaper than merely copying the first one, hence the recent acquisition of licences from the Seversky, Conso udated and Vultee firms in the United States . I imagine that t he so-ca Iled Boeing type and the so-called Ma rtin type were equaIly built, if not under ucence a t a ny rate under agreement, with the Aluerican firms and under the supervision of American engineers who were sent to Russia to do their best to indllce RlIssittn mec hanics to turn out n. decent job of wo rk .

    I n France un to ld harm haR beon clone by M. P ierre Cot. His llIlt ionalisation of the French aircraft fi rms has cut up that part of the industry which was making military aeroplanes and forced many industrialists and engineers to retire. Furt hermore the knowledge that the Air Minister was of the extreme Left enco uraged the men to in sist 0 11 the 40-hour week, and then when they got it they frittered Rway their time and ne \rer put in 40 hours hard work in the week .

    Those constructo rs who chose to remain outside the Sociaused or Communised factories find t hat without production order they cannot a fford the cost of technicn.l development. So ad vance in French types has been as badly stifl ed as if the full RU Bsinn system existed in that co un try .

  • PREFACE-continll,ed. (iii)

    M, Cot's Aviation Popu lairo movement hR" a lso killed what little remained of pri vate ownership , Under t he earliest subsidy scheme which hclped the owner-pilot, or the pri vate owner, to buy whatever type of light aeroplane he li ked, t here was n, great dea l of private flying, T he Av iation Popu la ire movement is supposed to supply everybody with t he cheapest fly ing on n sma ll number c f approved light aeroplltnes ,

    T he resul t is t hltt a ll manufactu rers of light aero-p lanes have to compete for a small n umber of Govern ment contracts and more or lcss ignore the privu,te individ ual who , under the o ld sche me , wus not only worth consideration but enco uraged progress in design,

    J n Germany t he people at t he top of the Air Ministry arc a ll so well known perso na lly to the peeple at t he top of t he various a ircraft firm s t ha t t hey work together in a friend ly way and haw a team spirit which is much m OTC concerned with prod ucing the best possib le aerop lnne in a friendly construrtivc wa y thn.n in nn yth ing e lse.

    This spirit is somewha t helped no dou bt by the fact that German industria lists, in all lines of business, nre only a llo wed to make a certain percentnge of profit on t heir cnp ital and any excess profits beyond that either goes to the Go,'ernment as It UtX or i spent for the benefit of the workpeop le in socia I scrv-ices.

    T bis has the obvious advantage that Boards of Directo rs are not obliged to wrack th eir brains to onl'n e1 i,.idends on shares which t he loca l Stock Exchange bas pusheel up to four or five t imes their face va lne.

    In this cO llntry very good progress has been made, In spite of a ll the criticisms that have been showered upon Ollf unfortunate Air :Ministry o llr ontpnt of acral' lanes has rea lly been very good ,

    People are apt to forget , if they ever knew, that whereas ill the o ld days, when aeroplan es were built of stick and string , a new type could be produced in a few weeks and quantit ies of it could be produced prac tically by ca rpenters and blac ksmiths, a few weeks after that , in these days of meta l aeroplanes O T wooden aeroplanes in which the structure is high ly co mpl icated , not only dees 11 new type take very much longer to prcduce but if that type is to be preduced in large qu antities thereafter, special too ls ha,'e to be bought and made and facto ries have to be laid out specially for its production ,

    The result is t hat quite easily a year may pass between the giving of t he order for a large number ~f aeroplan es and th e deli,'ery of the first one pf that series. B11t when the first one has co me throngh the facto ry, then the rate of deli very is very much higher thun it would have been und cl' the old system ,

    To-day we haye reached the point at which fll.ctori('s whic h we re la id down carl" last VE"a r und hegan producing bits and pieces a.t the beginning of I !J3S arc now deli verin g the finished article, Tho result is that certain types of aeroplanes which are at least the equal of anything in the pcssession of any ot her country are rolling out of tho facto ries like sausages out of a machine.

    To-day , as Sir Cha rles Bruce-Gardnol' , the Exec utive Chairman of the Scciety of British Aircraft Constructors, sa id recently , still grea ter new factories a re being laid down for t he produc tion of still newer types of aeroplanes, the designs of which a re as yet kept sec ret , I happen to kn ow just enongh . ,bout what so me of those designs a rc to be a ble to vouch for t he fact t ha t when t h"y dn start coming out of thc fncto rics thcy will giv~ a ll

    t he World furiously to think , and I Can only hope t hat we sha ll be able to illustrate severa I of th em in next year's issne of this book ,

    In the United States qui te reaso nable progress has been made, Nothing wond erful has a ppeared . One or two nero planes which were noto riously bad a 'year or two ago have been altered so t hat to-dl1Y they a re qnite good , but nothin g very start ling has co me out of the United States ,

    One fashion, amounting to a craze, which started in the States a year or so ago and has spread to th is side c f t he Atlantic to so me extent, is that for t ricyc le underca rriages, Severll l aeroplanes so designed will be found in t his book, There is an old Ba'yi ng that whon a thing is right it loo ks right. But the con ve rse does not hold good , a nd very often " thing which loo ks right is a ll wrong,

    \\Te ha.ve beco me so accustomed to aerop lanes which sit with their tai ls on tho ground an d their noses lip tha t we cannot get acc lI st'J lll ed to aero plan es which sit on the gro und with their ta ils up,

    There is t hc possibility that in course of tim e wo Ill l-l.y persuad e ollrse lves that an aeroplallc with n tricyc le undercMriage nnd its ta il in the air loo ks right as we ll a8 being right bu t there arc many ex perienced pilc ts and tec hnicians who hold t hat the t ricyc lc underca rriage is nil wrong ,

    There M C plenty of theoretical arguments in its favo ur, inc luding thc th eo ry t lmt with a tricycle undercarriage p roperly designed an aerop lane can be got off a runway when the wind is blowing right across it , Tha t sou nds a bit too much Iiko 1\ c irc lls t rick .

    On t he other hand the practical peo ple who have had a lot of experience a rgue t hnt t he mere fact of having a tricyc le undercarriage means giving away 1,000 lb , weight of payload in a big aeroplane, because of the need for strengthenin g the nose of the machine , They a lso a rgue that if the steering pilla r (post or tube) of the nose-wheel slopes back so that it is worked Like a castor it "shimmies" so badly that eventually it is bound t9 break up the rest of the undercarriage or itself, and if the steering is raked forward , as in a bicycle or in a moto r rar, then t he directiona l stability is so stiff at high speeds t hat the mac hine cannot bc hand led on the ground ,

    The cu rrent idea of the most e"l'erienced air-line opera tors in the United States is that th ey want an undercarriage as much as possible like the existing type , but that it must be so designed that the pilot can fl y the aeroplane onto the ground at its normal gliding angle and the undercarriage must take up the shoc k without jarring the machin e, That i. a lill ' of orvciOplll cnt which mU Rt lw watc hed.

    1 am presenting t his book to its readers for Illy t wenty-second yea r and I can only hope that it will meet with as much appro ,a l as the prc \'io lls ,'o lumes have done , Mrs, C, M, MeAler" and Mr. Leona rd Bridgman anel Mr. Thurstan ,Ta .;lPs ha ,"e done their work with th eir usua I thoroughness, Their long oxperieuce not only of this work but of t he particular phases of neronnu tics with which they have to dea l is enough guarantee of t he accu racy of t he publication ,

    1 have a lso to thank t hose many peo ple of other co untries who have helped us wi th the worlc The Air Attac hes, and the Military and Nava l Attac hes accredited for adatioll , in this country , have been most kind and helpf lll , nnd t heir people at Head-quarters have, as it rule , co me' forward promptl~ and willing ly with information whic h has been needed ,

    Thotnks a rc dll e to nil t he a ircraft and aero-Illoto r constrl1cto rs who hil,\,P co-operated ."enr by y en r in sending !l('W info rmatiull. Beca usl' o f thc llI we Imve

  • (iv) PREFACE-
  • (v)

    INTERNATIONAL AIRCRAFT RECORDS (World', .... fda ntO,nIa" by the F6d6rallon A6ronaullqu. Inlornollonalo, as al Ocl. 1, 1988.)

    Below are the recorda which are mOlt likely to be needed for reference. The F.A .1. "(HO PfUlR('H, or homologatet-!, duzenH of other recorda in categoriee whioh do not matter, and fill twenty pages of an important book. Thf'y un' l'hiefly of Resdemil' intf>rf'Ht.

    WORLD REOORDS (Absolute Figures.) Dillano. In a elos" elreull. (Japan.)

    Comdt. Yuzo Fujita, Sgt.-Maj . Takahashi,llntiMedu.loIlict-hkilll:', in a Koken long-range monoplane (700 h.p. Kn.WS8Ski Spf'cial engine). May 13-15. 1938. 11,651.011 km. (7,240 miles) .

    Dillane. In a slralghl lin.. (Rullla.) Col. M. Gromov, Comdt. A. Youma.chev, Eng. S. Daniline.

    in the A.N.T. 251 (860 h.p. AM34- engine). Moscow-San Jacinto, Califomi .. , U .S.A. July 13-15, 1937. 10,148 km. (6.306.7 miles). The authentiC1~ty of thi-8 record hm1 been chall (two Junkers " ,JlItIiO :!05" pngineH). Start Bay, England-Caravellas-Bahiu.. Brazil. ..\Iardl 2i-:!tl. 1938. 8,392 km. (5.164 miles). (LaUIll'h{'(1 from a eatapult ship.) Holght. (America.)

    Lieutenant Apollo Sout~ek, U.S.N .. in a \Vright "Apaehe" biplane (425 h.p. supercharged Pratt & \Vhitney "\Va..p" f>ngine). \Vashington, D.C. ,June 4, IH29. 11,753 m. (:18,:350 ft.). Speed. (Haly.)

    Lieutenant Fl'ulll'etll'o Agello. in a .\la("chi-Castoldi i2 l"acing seaplane (3.000 h.p. Fiat. :\.8.6 engme). Desenzano, Lake Ga.rda.. Oct. 23, 1934. 709.20!l kIn.h. (440 .ti7 m.p.h.). (Thi8 i8 8till the Official World'8 Record for $'petXl tn any type of vehicle.) Sp.od over 100 km. (Italy.)

    Guglielmo Cassinelli, in a Mal'chi Ci2 seaplane (2.400 h.p. Fiat A.S.6 engine). Faiconara.-Pesaro. Oct. 8, 1933. 629.370 km.h. (390 m.p.h.).

    SAILPLANE RECORDS. Dlslanco In a stralgbl line. (Russia.)

    Victor Rastorgoueff. in a GN -7 single-seat sailplane. Moscow ~Touchino to larygenakayo. May 27, 1937. 652.256 km. (405 miles). Dlstanco, including relurn 10 slarllng point. (Germany.)

    Bernhard Flinsch. in a D-ll-I80, type D-30, glider. Bremen -Lubeck and b&Ck. July 7, 1938. 305.624 km. (189 miles). Duration, including relurn 10 slartlng point. (Germany.)

    Kurt Schmidt, in a DLoerzer Gnmau Baby sailplllIle. Korschenruh, East Prussia. Aug. 3--4, 1933. 36 hrs. 35 mina.

    Helgbt above slartlng point (Germany.) FlugkapiUi.n Walter Drechsel. in a Goppingen 3 Minimoa

    glider. Wasgerkuppe, Rhone. Aug. 5, 1938. 6,687 m. (21,950 ft .).

  • (vi)



    INTERNATIONAL MARKINGS, For the benefit of t.hose who want to identify the nationality of nny aircraft which they may see in print, or in reality .

    we give hereafter the identity le ttering of the variou8 nntions in alphabetical order of the initial le tters :-

    - Chile. TC - Turkey.

    -Canada. UL - Luxembourg.

    CL of CM -

    Cuba. U BSS - Soviet Russin..

    VQ-FAA- VQ-FZZ - Fiji I.lauds. VQ-GAA-VQ-GZZ - Grenada. VQ-HAA- VQ-LZZ - St. Helena. VQ- LAA- VQ-LZZ - Bt . Lucia. VQ-lIlAA- VQ-MZZ - Mauritius. VQ-PAA- VQ-PZZ - p.lest;ne. VQ- SAA- VQ-SZZ - Beycbelle

    cn -

    Portuguese Colonies.

    CS - Portugal .

    CX - Umgnay.

    CZ - Monaco.

    D -


    EC - Spain.

    EI -


    v -

    Frnnce and French Colonies .

    C -

    Creat Brito.in .

    HA - Hungary.

    HB -


    HR Coillml.ia.

    HS - Siam.

    BC - Ecuador.

    -Italy and Colonies.

    J - Japan.

    LN - Korway.

    LZ -


    N United States of America .

    OB - Peru.

    OR Finland.

    OK Czechoslovakia.

    00 - Belgium.

    OY -

    De nnmrk.

    PH -

    Holland. I

    I 'J - Curuc;.no.

    I Pl( - Netherlands EWJt indies. 1'1.

    -Surinam (Netherlancl3 Wcst l

    lndi~ ).

    PI' -

    Urn zi l.

    H I -

    P('~i~ .

    HY -


    SE -

    Sweden .

    51' -


    SU - Egypt.

    SX GI'("C('C.

    1'v Tc('lnnd .

    VH - A u8tralia.

    VO - Newfoundland.

    VP VQ

    'v R

    British Colonies and Pro.:ectorate os follows :-

    VP-AAA-VP- AZZ - Gold Coast with Asbanti. Northern Territories of Gold Coast in British 1'ogoland.

    VP-BAA- VP-BZZ - Babama .

    VP-CAA- VP-CZZ - Ceylon.

    VP-FAA- VP-FZZ - Falkland Islands .

    VP-CAA- VP-OZZ - British Guiana.

    VP-HAA- VP-HZZ British Honduras.

    VP-JAA- VP--JZZ - Jamaica.

    VP- KAA- VP- KZZ - Colonies and the Protectorat of Kenya.

    VP-MAA- VP-MZZ - Malta.

    VP-NAA- VP-NZZ - Protec torate of Nyasaland.

    VP- PAA- VP- PZZ - Islands under the rule of the Western Pacific High Commission.

    \' P- HAA- VP-RZZ - Northern Rhodesia .

    VP-SAA- VP-5ZZ Protectorate of Somol i1and.

    VP- TAA- \'P- TZZ - Trinidad and Tol;ago.

    VP-{ AA- VP-UZZ - Protectorate of gftnda ~

    VJ>- VAA- VP- \'ZZ - St. Vincent.

    VP- XAA- VP-XZZ - Colnnies and Protec torat,e ofOo.mbio..

    V}l-YAA_ VP_YZZ - Southern Rhodesia.

    VP- ZAA- \ 'P-ZZZ - Protectorate ZallziLlfu.

    VQ- BA.-\ - VQ- BZZ - Barb:.does. VQ-CAA- VQ- CZZ - Cyprus.


    VR-BAA- VR--BZZ - Bermuda.

    VR-GAA- VR-GZZ - Gibraltar.

    VR-HAA- VR-HZZ - H ong Kong.

    V~AA-VR-,JZZ - Jobore.

    VR-LAA- VR-LZZ - Colonies and Protectorate of Sierra l..eone.

    VR-NAA- VH- NZZ - Colonie. and


    Protectora.te of Nigeria, including British CameroonB.

    Federated .Malay States.

    VR-SA f\ - VR ZZ - Straits Settrlements.

    VR- TAA- VR- TZZ - Tanganyika.

    VR-UAA- VR-UZZ - State of Bnme (British North Borneo) .

    \11' -

    India .

    XA Mexico.


    XT - China..

    YT or YU - Yugoslo.v ia .

    YA -


    YJ -

    New Hebrides.

    YI -

    'Iraq .

    YL -


    YM -


    YS -


    YV -

    Venezuela .

    YR -

    RlUnanin .

    ZA -


    ZK - New Zealand.

    ZS - Union of South Afri(,8.

  • PART A




    THE YEAR 1937-38













    (Kin&"dom of Albanin- Mbretnia Shqiptare) TRANSPORT COMPANY

    Ala Littorla. ~L'hi8 It.nJian Company holds t he monopoly for nir transpol't and hos cont,inll('d t o d C'\"f' lop it s lin p~. The t'f>gular services in opera t,ion 1\1'1;' :_

    il1iaml- Til'ann-S('u Ulri.

    T iran Kurt," Tirallll--Valonn., T mlnf D evoll.

    F OI,,."/n- Ti r'(\flu.- Bri n(l iRi- RoOle, TirHnf SBlonicn.--A t h('",~.

    ARGENTINA (The Ar&entine Republic-Rep~blica Arg entina)

    ADMINISTRATION The controlling authority is the Directo rn te of Civil

    Aeronautics, directly responsible to t he Ministry of the Interior. The Director is Mr. Fro.ncisco Mendes Gonc;a.h-es: t he Secretnry is Mr. Alberto Arata; the Offices are at Calle Azcucnagu. No. 921, Buenos Aires. Proposals for (\ reparate Air l\Hnistry ore under consideration.

    FLYING CLUBS State aid for flying c1ubs (financia l and material, in the

    sha.pe of ai rcraft) i~ contingent on compliance with strit,t regulations, the principal of which are the obligat ion to maintain a sch ool for training pi lots, facilita te the trainin~ as ma.ny pi lots as possible. maintain stocks o f aircraft fuel and lubricants for machines in transit, a nd provide instruction in aeronautics. Aviation mnterinl is exempt from customs duty.

    The fo1lowing is a Jist. of the ex isting clubs. Those clubs marked wit,h an a,sle l'isk sl'e in r'el'eipt of lL (:ovel'n -ment subsidy. Aero Club Argentino , Cangallo 541 , Bue nos Ai res . Aero-

    drome : Ae rodromo "P residen te R ivadnvin." 1\loron. Prov o de Buenos Aires . Affilinte tl t o the FMeratlOrl A ironautiquc lntenwtionalt.

    Aero Club Bahia Blanca, Bahin B lanca.. Aero Club de Caiiada G6mez, P rovince o f Santa Fe.

    Aero Club Comodoro Rlvadavia, Comodoro Ri vndnvia , Province of Chubut.

    Aero Club C6rdoba, C61'doiJs. Aero Club Coronel Suarez, Coronel Suorez. Pro"' ince of

    Buenos Aires . Aero Club Corrlentes, Corrientes, Province of COl'I'ientes. Aero Club del Chaco, R esistencia . Aero Club Dolores, D oIOl'eS, Province of Bucnos Aires.

    Aero Club Jujuy, Jujuy, Province o f Jujuy , Aero Club La Plata, L a. Plata, Prov Lllce of Buenos Aires. Aero Club "Los Patos, H Viamonte 522, Buenos Aires.

    Aero Club Mar de la Plata, .Mar de 10. Plato.. Province of Buenos Aires.

    Aero Club Mendoza, Mendoza, Province of .Mendozu .. Aero Club Neuqu6n, Province of N euquen.

    Aero Club Pergamlno, Pergamino, Prov ince o f Buenos Aires.

    Aero Club PigUe, P igue, Province of Buenos Aires. Aero Club Posadas. Aerodrome : Posa.das. Province o f I:\",,-, . .c'.c' "".'-'--~+-_"':

    l\1isiones. " Aero Club Rio Cuarto. Aerodrome: R io Cuarto,

    Province of Cordo ba. . Aero Club Saenz Pena. Aerodrome : Presidencia R oque S{lenz

    P ena, Province of Chaco. Aero Club Santiago del Estero . Aerodrome: Hunico H onno,

    Province of Santiago del E s tero. Aero Club Tandil, Tnndil, Provin ce of .Bucnos Ail'es.

    Aero Club Tucuman, Aerodrome: Tucumun. Province o f Tucuman.

    Centro de Aviacion CiVil, R. . Saenz P ena. 825, Buenos Airc . Aerodrome: Castela.r, Province of Buenos Aires.

    Centro Unlversitarlo de Aviaci6n. Aerodrome: Aerodromo " Presiden te Rivadavia," Moron, ? rovince of Buenos Aires.

    Clraulo de Avlael6n. Aerodrome : l;'isherton, Province o f Snnl n Fe.

    GLIDING CLUBS Aero Club de Planeadores " Cruz del Eje," Cruz del Eje ,

    Province of Cordoba. Asoelaeion de Vuelo a Vela "Mendoza," Mendoza, Prov ince of

    Mend"' w, Aerorex, Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires , Clrculo pro Fomento AviacioD, CivIl y Milttar (Seccio n Vuelo s in

    Motor), Tucuman, Province of Tucuman. Club Andino de Planeadores, .Mendoza, Province of Mendoza.

    Club Argentino de Planeadores " Albatros," Av. La. P lata 2:~::;2 , Buenos Aires. Aerodrome : " Presidente Rivadavia," Moron.

    Club de Planeadores " Alas," Catamarca, Pro vi nce ofCo. to.malca.. Club de Planeadores "Alas de Hulnea," HlI inr'IL Hrnfll1 ('o.

    r"m' in('1"! fir COl'llu lm, stra'~ Tn'II'\\', Hi,. Nf'J,! l'o.

    I .

    Club de Planeadores . 'C6ndof," Comodol'o Ri .... adlwia., Pronne(' of Chubut.

    Club de Planeadores "Dean Funes, " Defln FllI1es . PI'O',.ince of CO I'deb(\. .

    Club de Planeadores de Coronda, COI'Ondi\. Province of ::;ant a Fi>. Club de Planeadores " Ensenada," Ensenan.n, Pro .... lnce of

    Buenos Ailcs . Club de Planeadores "Otto Ballod ," Gon;r.{llez Chaves, Pro\' lI1cP

    of Buenos A ires . Club de Planeadores ' ;Parana," Pantlui., I'ro"' incc o f Entl'(' Rlos . Club de Planeadores "Petrel," Trt'S . \ 1'IOY08. Pl'onnc(' of Bueno ..

    Aires. Club de Planeadores " Teodoro Fels ," Punla Alta , PI'o...' incc of

    Buenos Aires. Club de Vuelo Sin Motor Mal Abrigo, .:'11 0.1 AI>rIg-o. Prov ince o f

    Santn .Fe. Condor Pianeador Club, Cordoba, Provlllce o f COl'dohn. Haleon Planeador Club, Rosario. Provillce of Buenos A i l'(,~. Iearo Planeador ClUb, Tucuman, Province o f Tucunmn, PlaDeador Club Architas, Architns .

    PUBLICATIONS A ero. Monthly . Published at Calle Bartolome 1Ili trc No .

    2i4 8, Buenos Aires. $3,00 Argentine paper pesos per nnnum . F oreign 3.50 paper p esos.

    Alns. ) Tonfhly. Pll bli'l hr n nt CallI" Roli"'ur No. f);'i :l. Rllcnoq ....\ il'es. Sfi .UU pnp!'r pf'~"~ IH'r HIIIlIIIII. F U I 'cl,en $1'I .r.o pnp(' r

  • HISTORICAL (CIVIL AVIATION) (.la) ARC ENTIN A - l'U/llilluc,l.

    Regularity 98 ~o Accidents Xii Equipment :-3 Junkers Ju.52. 3 Latecoore 28 and 4 Lfll(..~oere 25.

    Syndloato Condor. OfficCii at. Culle Corrientes. Esquina 25 d Mayo, Buenos A.ires.

    \Veekly service lJct-ween ant,iago (Chi le). Bueno8 Aires, Brnzil', and Germany, in combination wi th the Deutsche Luft. Ransa A.C. Seaplanes of t h~ Syndicato Condor a lso convey passengers between Brazil and Argentina.

    Compania de Avlacl6n Pan-Americana Argentina. S.A. Argen-tJlle representutin-s of the Pan American }\I mays systelll . Onk-es a t A\'enida Presiclenlc Roque 8enz Pe11s,. No. 6 12, BuenOtl Aires.

    St~~:~ :~i~~Ta;:: B~~~~: l?r!=~C~n~O vf~tl~8~~~8C~:!~~~ America (Panair). weekly . and the o lher via the West C08.8t.

    ( P6n8~ra), t\\;ce weekly . Three times 8 week between Bueno.!! Aires and Santiago (Chile).

    Panair also operates a service from Buenos Aires to Lo. Paz (Bolhja ). with intermediate stops a t Cordoba, Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy. PRnagra operates a line from Buenos Aires to Asu ncion (Paraguay). wit h stop" at Concepcion, Concordia, Caaeros, Comentes and Foml088.

    Sociedad Argentina de Aeronavlgaclon. Operates air.taxi Men ices. In summer season operates an

    on -demand service from the Presidente R ividavia Airport, Buenos Aires. to Mar del P la ta at weekencla.

    Compagnie Air-France. Ofhces at Avenido. l'reitidente Roque Saenz Pella No. 540, Muenoa Aires. .

    Weekly mail sen-icc betw~n France and Buenos A.i~. taking 3k dayB. Weekly lOail flervice between Buenos An"eS and Santiago (Chile), taking I day.

    CIVIL AERODROMES Province oC Buenos Aires : IS DE ~lEMUKE. (Pres ldentc


    Province oC Santa Fe:-CA~AJ)A OE OOlU:::Z; I' WAS'I!'OI; SAS FRANCISCO.

    Province of Cordoba :- L.AB PLA\' A5 (Cortloha): HIO l'l.UtTO; GENERAL SOLFat .

    Province of Corrtentes :-.MONTE CASEROR nnd CO RJUENTES. Province of Tucuman :-Tt;~IE.sTE HE!'JA!ltlS '\IATI E!'o"ZO

    (TucumAn). Province of Santiago del Estero :- H cAlcO HO:-;DO. Province of Mendoza :- Los TAltARI.!'WOS. Rio Negro :--SA. ... A.sTmno OESTE. Chubut :- TRELEW ond KILchrETRo :\eE\-E (Comodoro

    Hi\t\ds'\'Ia). Santa CrUz. :-PI,;EkTO DV-St.:ADO. SAN Jl; U ..l.s, Iho CALLl:C;OS,

    SA.. ... TA CRUZ. Mislones:- POSADAS. Chaco:- RESISTENClA, SAESZ PE~A.

    BELCIUM (The KIna-dom of the BeIa-Iana- Royaume de Be1a-Ique)

    ADMINISTRATION L' A dminutration de f Aironautique, directed by M . J . Daumerie.

    Lieutenant-Colonel-Aviateur de Reserve. is charged with the mainte.n&nce And t'ncoura1Zement of Civil Aviation. It is responsible fo r the regulation and supervision of air navigation, 8.8 well 88 the agreements arri\'ed a t with foreign countries, notably the International Air Connntion; fo r aviation propag&nda ; the encouragement of the national aeronautical industry; fostering aeronautical science and aircraft con-struction ; dividing subsidies and controlling the management and operations of S .. o\ .B.E .N.A.

    The address of L' Adminiltration de f Aeronautique is 90, rue de Is Loi . Brussels.

    To assist it there are two services !-The Sennce de fa Nouigation Aeriennt:. directed by M. Crabbe,

    n;th Oftlces at 90, rue de la Loi, Brussels; the Se'rotce Tuhnlque de r Aironautique. directed by M. I'Ingenieur Florine, at Rhode St .. Genese, Brussels.

    In addition, the Comiti National de P ropagande Airona;uiqllt, with Offices at 90. rue de Ie Lot, Brussels. works in close collaboration with the abo\'e-mentioned controlling body.

    ASSOCIATIONS Aero Club Royal de Bel,Ique. F ounded, 1901. Office.,

    96, rue dc In Loi. Brussels. Affiliated to the PideralloPi Aeronaut ique lflkrnationa/e.

    Associated with this club are the following :-AerO-Club Royal d ' Anvers, 1. Chaussee de Malinc8, A.lltwerp. Aero-Club des Flandres, 16, Place d ' Armea. Cando AerO-Club du Kalanga, Elizabethville (Belgian Congo). Secllon Centrale de Vol . VoUe (Central Gliding Sect ion) whic h

    coordinates with the gliding clubs mentioned below :_ Section Gantoise de Vol sans Moteur, at Cando Cercle "Le MUan," at Ti.rlemonl,. Cercle " VUaln XlIII t" at Linkebeek (near Brussels). Cereie HVervlers-AvlaLlon, " a t ' en iers. Cercle Caroloreglen d' Aviation, at Cosseliea. Cercle Brugeols d' AvlaUon, at Brugea. Cercie of Hamur-PhUJppevUle, at Namur.

    Cerale " Scbeldemeeuw," ut. Ant\\erp. Cerale " Le Planeur," at Liege. Cercle Luvrler de Vol i Va ne, at Vcn'icrs.

    Federation des Clubs Belges d' AvlaUon de Tourlsme. Address : President, 23, rue Joseph n. at Bruaae.la. Office of the General Secretary : 18. A venue des Platanes. Li6ge.

    Association Nationale des Ceretes Untversltalres de Propagande A6ronaut lque (A~CUPA), 68, Avenue de la Chasse. Brussels.

    FUeralion de II Petite Aviation Beige, 7, rue Rouppe, Brussels. FLYING CLUBS AND TO URING CLUBS

    Anlwerp Aviatio n Club, "Clu!) Hou.se," An t werp Aerodrome (Deur ne-Sud).

    Club d' Aviateurs de Bruxelles, "Club House," Bnl8.'Jeis Aerodrome (Haren)_

    Cercle Ll~geols d' Aviation de Tourlsme, 22. Mle de I'Acadoznie , Liege.

    Section Gan tolse de Vol sans Moteur, Avenue Cyri lle Buysse, Rietdek. Gand.

    Limburg Aviation Club, 127, Chaussee de Maeitricht, Hasselt. Club Aeronautique Carolor~glen, Gosselies Aerodrome. Mons AVi ation Club, 62, Boulcvard Albert Elisabeth. lIons. Club National d'Avlallon, BrWi8els Aerodrome (Haren). Golden River Aviation Club, 166b. Chaussee de Gand. ourtrai .

    PUB LICATIONS w Co"quete de r Air. Founded in 1904. by the late- )1. Adhemsr

    de la Hault . Published monthl::, 13. m e de Brederode. Bruaaels .

    L' Echo du Allttt. Edited and owned by :\1. Smolders. Offices : ruc des Beggards, Antl'erp. Publiabed evfOry Wednesday.

    L' A uiatio'l JUU6trte. Directed by :\1. \\Ielmans. 183, rue Americaine, Bru.ssels. Pubhshed monthly.

    L' A ulation Beige. Directed by :\1. Alhe rt H elleman..s. 18. Place de la Va illance. Anderlccht. Bnlssels. Publls hcd ,\eekh.

    Luc, litooart. Direc ted by )1. ' ''an Cleroegorn. 187, .\\ enue Lippens, Knocke- ur-) Ier.

    .sabe"a.Retme. 145, me Royale, Brussels. PulJl isited monthl::. Bulletin if InJormatio'l dll Comite Satlorlal de Propagande

    Aironautique. eeretariat General: 90. rue de In Loi, Brussels. Published quarterly.


    RlIllctHl du ."lrrt',Cl' TerJmlque de l'A"rol!rwtlqu,.. A cientlfic plIhhctlllOn lb81H;,d h:y the Sl'n 1(,(> T('ChOlrl'lt~ d(')'Aeronllutlque-Hhocif'-St. Ut-nese (fWC nhuvc).

    TRANSPORT COM PANY Bclgmll lUI lranRport .M In the hauds of La So6.ete. Anonyme

    Bell/E d' J~rplolt(Jtwn de In XUVlfjflt!on ACTIEtHlC (S.I\ . B. I flo wli :- I .!! lIt,~:W mi l(>w ( l ,tI:lr"flfi l k ill.).

    Xumber of pfl.sscngel'S carried :-32,92 1. \Vcl~ht of goods carried :-.500 tons (.509,:!:!9 kg .1. Weight of ma ll carried :-:?Ofi, 5~ 1I1~. (!l:l.570 kll.).

    The fo llowing foreign companies also operate scr\' i(>f'~ to or t ltrollt:(h Bel~dum :-K. L. M. (Nf' I,herhulCls) operates daily serv iccs ( 1Il('llIdin~ Sundays)

    in Summer betwl:"f'n Arllste rdum- Hotterdnm- Ilmssels-PariR nnd Amsterdam- Hottcrdam- Haamstede- " ... Ius hing-Lc ZOllte. It. also ope rat ed I.wLween July 16 and August 29, 19:18. a week-cnd serv ice be tween Amst.erdam- Hotterdam-Brusscls-Le 1'ouquet.

    Deutsche Lufthansa (Germany) operates a night muil sen 1ice be l \\ cen C'ologn BMJ.88el Paris .

    North Eastern AIrways (Oreat Britl' in) opcrtlt cs t\ dtlily service in summer IJetween Lo ndon and Le Za lite. The fo llowing are the figurcs for air traffic &t the four Belgian

    State Aerodromes durmg IO:n :-f'nsscngers: 62.626 (:J5, 14 6 in tra.nai t). Freight fmd exccss baggage : 1.839,230.50 kg . (On,7!lO kg . in

    traruut) . )1l1.l1 and pOSU1.1 packages: 279.2 15 kg. ( 192.295 kg. in trlUlSit).

    OTH E R COMMERCIAL AVIATION COMPANIES Socl616 Anonyme BeIge d' Exploltation dt la Photograpble

    Aerlenne (S.A. B.E.P.A.). 54. Avenue H uart HaJlloir, a t Schn.crbeek . Brussels.

    Co mptolr d'Avlatio n el de Photographle Aerlenne (C.A.P.A) 35, Ruc Royale, BrllSKcle.

    CIVIL FLYING SCHOOLS Societe en nom coliectU Slimpe et Verton&en, Antwerp Aerodrome

    (Deurnesud). Ecole Natlon. le d ' Aviation. Direc tor : J. Guldentops. 35, rue

    Van Nerom, Evere (BMJsseIB) . Sohools at. Tervueren-Leefdael (ncar Bnl58els ), at. H asselt Aerodrome, at BMJ88CIs Aerodrome (Haren), and at. Gosselics Aerodrome.

    Ecole d ' Avlation d'Ostende. Director: H . Abeete. Ostende Aerodrome.

    Ecole G. Dassy, Brusscls Aerodrome (Haren). Ecole du Club d' Avlateurs de BrunHes, Bru8gels Aerodrome. Ecole de l'Antwerp Aviation Club, Deurne Aerodrome (Antwerp). Ecole du Certla Liegeo ls d' AvlaUon de Tourlsme, Biersc t .Awans

    Aerodrome. " Le Milan ," Tirl em ont Aerodrome, " Les AUes Ardennalses,oo Aerodrome de St. Hubert

    (Luxembourg). AERODROMES (STATE)

    )3IlU88EL8 (Haren) :-Civil Aerodrome, with OU8torn.s, wireleea, sheds, telephonee, lighthOUse, meteoroto~ical ilLations, hotel restaurant., POlJt omce (night Innding facJliticrt ). Tete-printer IWrviC'1! with Cologn(> , PariH. Rotterrln.m Ilnd London.

  • HISTORICAL (CIVIL AVIATIO N) (7,,) BELGt UM- coll ti,lltcd.

    The Air port of Steene (Ostende). '1\ I' phnlll' HIII I I('\P. ,.tlllt l' r .;;. , 1'\ t" e \\ jlh \ III \\ CI-p. {) 'l. t(' IU.I ittlll Lt' ZUlli f'. Fh III~ ~,' hnu l. Hhnd hl tHhll j! h N'I"UlI.

    OSTI':-;tn: (Sh'l' lw); . ('1\ II .\ (' rod ro ll1c, with ClI:;tmn q, \\ trclci5.q. 8h(>( ls. Ic lcpI IUIlf'I' , li!!htl\ou,.c , Il1e teul'u loj.! il'nl fll a t 1011 , ('nntee tl. ( NI !!hl Inndin!! fU(' lli lil" .c.) T('le,print pr !'- t' I'\I{,(, \ \l1h Blu .... "plA. :\ nhH' tp 1~ 1I c1 l..ol' ;/'ulIle. "'l ~ ill L! Spiluo l 01')1. . \ hcl'i ~.

    \ ~T\\'lqtt' ( Dcurtlt') :-t 'i\'l l \ {, I'OUI'Olill'. With (' us tOIllS, t{' l(' phone, lll.:hthunse , Illl' tt'OIu loll U.'u l !! l fl tHm. s lwd". ho le l , rt'IHnllrlllll.

    (~ I ~ l l l lunulng ffl f' llltlls.) T e l('phun., f~ I I{1 1(,lp ' III'lnl


    S.A. B.E.N.A. connection between Belgium aod the Congo ROULe :-Bruxellcs-Marsci llc- Oran-Colomb B6chnr-Hcggan

    -A~uelok - Gno - N1luney - Zmdcr _ Fort Lnmy - F ort Archnmbnu l t--&ngui- L lbengc.

    Ll~~~ld~ll~~q\1I1hf\tV illc - [na ngo - Bnnningv illc -Libenge - Bumha - StanlcyviJIc - E liSlLbethvillc.

    ThLS mtel .~olltl1lent.nl line U8CS SavolBl'Ilo.rchetti 5.73 And SalK'R-)larchctt.1 S.73 threeeng ined ncroplnnes. HC'sul l8 of opcmt.iOflS. 1937 !-

    Di!il~mce flown 351,76S miles (560,455 km,) PIlAscl~ers carried . . . . .. 702 WeIght. of goods carried :16. 130 Ih~ . (16,423 kg.) WE'II.!ht of nUlIl :11.768 Ib8. (l1i.34!) kg .)

    AERODROMES DOMnA (Pro\', L60poldv lllc) :-Civil Cu.stoms Aerodrome.

    Petrol, hnllgnr. rcpnlI"S RlI.llItl1r y service. ;\lATAol (Pro\", Lropoldvlllc-) :-Cinl Ae rodrome. TIlYSVlLLE ( Prov. Leopoldnlle) :--CI\' il Aerodrome.

    LEOl'OLD\,ILU~ :-Cinl CU'Iwmq Aerodrome. \ Vireleml, hangal'S. repair'S, mctcorologicul s tilLion, AArut-ary service. RA~"NING\'TI.LE (Prov. LCopo ld vrlle) ;-ClVd CllsLorrt.'l f\ crorl rome.

    Wl relcss. hangar, reprurs, petrol, salHtM~v service . L""ONOO ( P ro\'. Loopold\IIIl") :--CIV rl Aerodrome. Wireless,

    petrol. CUQL'J.IIAT\' ILLE ( Prov . ('oqUl lhntvJlle) : lvil Customs Aero

    drome. Hungnr, \\' 11'(' 1('88. replu rs, pctrol, meteorological fl latlOlJ, SlulILnry service.

    Bl'J)l:nu (Pro\'. Coqullhntville) - CiVi l ACrodr'OIIlC. LIR ENUE (Pro\. Coqurlhotvill c-) :-Ci\' 11 Custo ms Aerodrome .

    IIu.ognr, Wireless, petrol, repairs. samtory ser .... ice. RA SA..'-' KlSU (Prov. Coqudhntvllle) :- iV11 Aerodrome. Hnngnr,

    "J('C'less, repnlrs, petrol.

    LISALA ( Prov. Coqui lhatvi llc) :- Civ il Acrodrome. W ireless, petrol, saollary se rvice.

    S UM.DA (Prov. Coqu llhntviIJe) :-Ch 'il Aerodrome. Wireless . SMOKO (Prov. Stnnlcyvillc) :- Clvil Aerodrome. Wireless,

    petrol. STANLEYV[LLI~ :-Civil Cu.stoms AcrodrOIll.e. Hangar, wireless,

    repairs. sanitary service. EOLO BAl'otDlNOA ( Prov. Loopoldville) :-Civ iJ Aerodrome.

    Pet.rol. P ORT FJtA:'-CQUI (P rov. Luso.mbo) ;-Civi l Aerodro me. H a ngar.

    wireless. petrol, repairs. L UE DO (Prov. Lusnm bo) :-Civil Aerodrome. Hangnrs, petrol. L ULUABOUllO ( Prov. Lusa.mbo) :-Ch 'il Aerodrome. Hangar,

    petrol, repo.irs. L US AMDO :-Civ iJ Aerodrome. Hnngar. wireless, pe trol , repairs. L UI' UTA (Prov. LusiUnbo) :-Civil l\ crodrome. Petrol. K AM.lNA ( Prov. E lisnuethv ille) :- Civ il Ael'Odrome. J( ONOOLO (prov. EhSl\bcLhville) :-Clnl Aerodro me. \Vi t'(' l e~. K ABALO (Prov. Elisabcthville) :-Civ ll Aerodrome. Hnngnr. MANONO (Prov. Ehsn bcthvi llc) :-Civil Ae rodrome. LOWA (Prov. Stnnlcyvil1c) ;-Civ ll Aerodrome. Kn:ou (Prov. ('ostermnllsville) :- CI\'i l Ae rodronlc. l{AsoNoo (P ro\. Costcrmnnsvillf') :-Civi l Aerorl rome. KA;\tAT .... .NOA (Prov . EII811i>cthv ille) :-Civ il Aerodrome. KAsE~YI (Prov. Stnnleyville) :-Cin l Aerodrome. Sanitary

    service. US U.\ID UR.... (RIiROdt\Urundl ) :-Ci\'1i Aerodrome. anit.nry

    service. DUKAMA (Prov. Elisnoethv ill e) :-Civ il Aerodrome. Petrol. N'G ULE ( Pro\' . EhsnbeLlwllIc) :-Civil Aerodrome. Hangar.

    repairs, petrol. ELisAuICT nv'ILLE :-Civ il Customs Aerodrome. Hang ar. rf'p!1irs.

    pe trol, meteoro log ical Htlltion. snnltnry RC r\ice.

    BOLIVIA (The Bolivian Republic- Republica BoJivia'na)

    ADMINISTRATION CI\ Ii .-\.\ifltion in Boliv ia is uncler the Minis try of Defence. The I"ountry Iii at present RE' rved by in ternal a nd internalional

    111 )('1'1, wh ich ft\(' lhta t.c the lrnnsport of pn.sscng(,rB and freight, in (l.('('ordnn('t.' \nth t hI;' lntes t rcgulntioJl.!l dictate d hy the Gm'ern -ml'Ilt..

    Thp (' hlef a ir hne unites the towns of Cochnbamha U!ld SantA ern... The point of deporture of t he line, COcllfll)lunbu-, IS Rituut.cd O\'er 8.000 feet above sca leve l. A great pnrt. of tbe route crosses the ('halOS of mounta.il18 bctween Cochabnmbn Rod anln ('mz. Snnw C'ruz. on the other hand. lies at. nn nltitude

    of only 1.' ,10 ff'('f, \\ h('l"Paq La Pnz IS at I t .OOO f(.

    In order to overcome these diniculLics. the Governme nt and the Company have orgnni7.crl fi meteorological service and laid out numerolls in termed iary Innding p lnces. The ex isLing nir mail mtes li re moderate und nre not much h igher than the rules for trave lling by mu les over the SlLme route.

    TRANSPORT COMPANIES Lloyd Aereo Boliviano. Date o f IIlcorpomtioll : 19t5. Ol11ces :

    Cochnbolllbn . A new agreement 8 i~ned recently hetween t he Govc rlunent

    und th' Lloyd Aereo Boli viano (date of inC'o rporation: Sept.., 1925) IIlcorpomtcs III the u'rUlI se rv ice v urlous neighbouring liocs nlld , u lu.l('r spcl'ml condi t ion.'!. SUCl'(> . .'\polo. and flc \'e rnl

    The City or La Paz, which 15 12,000 It. up In the Andes.


    Cochaba mba Airport.

    dU;LIj('tS of I he Eas t . The total (h" IUIIC(' of 111(':;(.' 11n('

    La Pfu.- Onll"U-Co('hflholllliu :~SU k tiornctfC'S Z3G mil(>R La Pnz-.'31 Icre . iiOO :i I:! Cochahumha-SHlll tl Crill.; :WO :!-I:! CoC' ho.bl1mutl - T odoR SOlll tN-

    T 'lIlidad -1 ,")(1 2S0 Snnta Cruz- Hnhtln.'- I'ucrto

    Suarez 6:10 ", 05 Snnlu Cruz- \ ill /\ i\l onl t's-

    Yo(' ui bu GOO 374 La Paz- A polo 220 13i Trin idad - Santo. An o. -

    C uavn ramerin-Cncllue la. EspcrorlZll- Hlbcmltn.--

    1. 100 GS5 C"ohiJa

    Tota l -1 , 128 kl lomctres (2 . 380 m iles) These scr\iccs ore operul ed twice weekl.v. In poo l w ith Ihe Brnz.t1lun Sindicnto CO Il(ilJr, Ltdn., the

    Lioyd Aoreo Bo livu\ llo opera lcs fl"o lll Col"tunh/\ 10 CUYll,bo. a nd Sao Paulo, in I:ktlzil; t he Ul"IlZilia n compltny II I 111m ope l'u.li ng o\"er the l3u livut.rl 'o ll te fl" o lll Corumlm 10 La PU/., \ "18 SUl1to. Cnl Z, Coch aiJalll iJu. and Ol1lro .

    Machines in usc: unkCTN Ju.a:!. JlInk{' l~ JII .Hfi, Jllnkl"r"8 W .:J", and Sikorsky S .:JS.

    The Compuny rece ives n. subsidy of 12.500 Bolivianos per month ( 13.333 Boli\' innos = L at pnr) , The Government. holds m ore than 50% of t he shores of thc enterprise,

    All the equipme nt of t he wo rkshops, hangars. wireless, ev'. , is ve ry up-(o-do te.

    Lloyd A6rco Boliviano Confior. ' 1"I1l' Ll nyrJ , \ ":n'o Hutl \.lIInll ( 'OIl,tU!' hn ... 'II Ilpl'rllllllll I,aoo

    Illlll'''i (:I. I .iU k ilo l l\f'II"l"~). IUIII II.., I ", UIII'" fI.\ rlt.1tt LI\. PU/. Onlro, l'Of"linl)lulli)n nnd Knill,," ('1111. lu ('IIIIIIII/m UII!I !'inn I'a ulo, III 81"1l1. II . 'I'llIo.l hru- 1Il'.'~ I II) ,\t'rfu I nlltl IIllJdl'rn fill"-plf\I1f.''i, \\ h .. It (u(' ('nn~tul1lly 0\ trhnlll"d I\lu l kl'11t 111 I'l'rff'( t ('OnclltH'1I for qe ' V ICI". Pan American-Grace Airways I nc. (See LS _\ .)

    1.'011 ,,\ mefl l'anl:ru.c(' '\11\\ uys Inc. hm; two III1JJ urtnnl (lir Jmes rllnnlllg' week ly 10 ("Illte nnd Peru , I he fil"'Ht. nrnnlllll from L u. Puz to 'J'o.c IlU , IL dl8tiLlI!.!C of 10 Iluk's (:!iU klloTllPtrls). which IS flown in (\\0 hOUN. nnd Il lth u hrll iwh to LlInn . The second if! fro rn Ln P81 to ,\ n cll, \nth IJI"l\n('ll('~ on til(> Mme line a nd on the ItIle to SnnllRl-to, Clllle, Rnd (.0\ Cnt n dld \lith th(' Fttlera f lon .f crolllwtiql/(' /lltel"lInliollflle. I-I n:, j.!rnnteci ns Pai llto.l' C('rti fil'n t ('~, of whll'lI :!:I "l'r"(' , ..... lItd III I oar;.

    Sociedade Civil de S. P aulo . F Ollnd(>d: 10 1 i . Ollin',-I PUiflC'('tu St. Helena, Siio Pa.ulo. P rcs lt..k'nt: J oiio Hl hl' lrt) dl" Burros.

    Parana Aero Club . Recently fo rmed at emit lUll, ~tut(' of Pnrnnu. . O/liccs: Hotel Pn lac(', PnMmu. Ollkill.l in).!" Organi1.C'r : Seiior E ISl.' nbuch . Aerodrome, \\ lilt IlHllgn r , no aeroplanes.

    Aero Club de Natal. (Rio Grunde do Xorte.) Aero Clu b de RJo Grande do SuI. Aero Clu b 0 Silo P aulo. Offices: Su, Run X6\ier de Tol~do,

    Suo Paulo. PUB LICATION

    Aso" (Wings). F ounded : 1[122. }")uhlls hC'u t\\icc mont hl\". OfTicial orgon of t he Brnzl luln Nl\HtI und :"I li lttnr.y Air ::;PI\"iccs. Of1i("es Pndlhtl0 d os Jo'und08, Rio cit' Jnn('iro. Editor: Bento Ri be iro . T

  • (1011) HISTORICAL (C IVIL AV IA nON) BRAZI L -colltlllllt:li.

    OPERATING COM PANI ES Tht' dt'\p!opllu .. nt of odo t ion in Brnzil during the lust. few ~('nrs Ims Ileen mo.rl\/:d . This progress h tlS been due to the gTcnt. ('OI llI llt'rc iul po: NA U (5 krns. N ,W . of the tuwn ), n.nd JonnrILI.f>: (:1 killS. ?\, of the !'oWII). The (;o\crnmcnt hns two good grou nds, I\t the C AlIl.rO DOS :\F'F'ONSOS , \\here the School of )lilitary Av iation is estnbhshed, Dnd at G A I.EAO. in the GO\ ernncior l ti li\nd , where the Naval Fly ing School is s tat ioned .

    The a irports of the Compngnic .-\ir.Frul1ce find those o f the State llre the only ncrodrOllles fitted with equipment. for night -IUllrung_

    Meteo rologica l Service. T illS is well organi zed nod hAS rendered \'"IHnble he lp to t he 1'rnnsAtlnntic sen' iees ope rating to Hra:r'I l. 'I'he1'(' nrc stutiol1s scllLtt:'rcd nil ove r Bra.zi l, till of them under the Departmcnt of ) letcoroIOb'Y'

    OT HER PEOPLE 'S AIR MAILS _ A;;" old J linkers Floatplane or the C'ondor Syndicate , loading up a t Port Natal Brazil, wilh mails from Europe to go South to Rio and Buenos Aires.



    ADMINISTRATION . The , U.s.O. A ss is tnnt Dire(' toN\, H OIll(, Ci" il :\\in.lwll: :-\. H . \\tihmu

    and F:. W . Sho rt. Assis tOllt, Dircctor.':!. Ov~rsca~CJVi l r\ \' illiinn :-\\'. \\' . Burk('tt.

    U. B.E ., :\I.C. HIllI J .. J . W. llt' rbl' rl son. n .B.E. ~ell io l" Opcrul i(}n~ Oni C(,I~ :-c. B . CO!lIll~ llnd ;\1. Bnn ks,

    (acti ng). Address :-Th~ A ir 11.1 inis t q ' . D~plll'tment of Civ d A v iallUn.

    Ariel H ouse, St.Tano, '-'" .C.2.

    Civil Aviation Information Bu reau n e partmen t of Civi l ,"""iation, Ariel H ouse , St rund. (Temvle

    Bar 3653,) This J3u rea u is wi ll ing to supply IIlrvrlllfllion on nn)' IIUttler

    concerning Civ il Ad{\.tion. 1t 18 open rrom f) n ,lll. until S 1',111. 011 nil wC'ek(h,ys, The Air Registration Board

    !:3l'et.wnhltlll H ouse, LRlU'fLSl.C l' I'lul'c, :-;111111(1, LUlldo ll , \\',t', :! , CtU\il'lllllll : Si l' :'Inu rice D e nnv, 13 1. . C , B , I~, C IIl('f T (:l'IulI('ul OflicE'r: H . H o xbce Cox, Ph . D:. O.1.C" B,Sc ., 1" . H . .-\e.S,

    The Ai r Rcgistru t ion l3oRI'd WU-H fonned III Junf>, 10:17, t o take O\'er from the Ail' Minis try th' following dulies: -

    (a) 'fo examine designs and sUr\'ey ('o n.sf l'udion I,(.,fur'(> recommen ding the issue of ('E' l'li fifates rtf UlrwortluncNi ful' p r o t o type c,h il nircruft, ('Xl'Cpt those wf'ig hlllg OW'I' 10 ,OOU 11,5. 01' ('oO\'pying more 111IH1 10 p(,r8on~ . \\hil ' h 1\1'l' ('ons idered as ~ail' - liners uml CO llie undl.'1' t hl' jUl'isd lctio ll o f thl.! Ail' l'I i inlst l'Y,

    (b) To sUl'vey t he cons truction of nil Rllbf'cIUl'nt ('i\' lIl1luchinp:; bc fOl'c recommending fo r C. of A ,

    (c) T o sun-cy a ll (' Ivil nil'(, l'llft hcfo l'c l-ecollllllendmg I'en('\\ttl ofC. of A ,

    (d) T o nppl'ovc unt! ('ed ify LlS l'OIllJlE'ICIlt. constl'tlct.oI'S of ci\ il Ui l'l'rll ft nnd Illllrlllfuct.u l'crs o f mnl c t'in ls und component .. ,

    (e) To cxnmine perso lls employed LI1 the inspec t ion of [llI'( ' ruft und ot.her dutl's of ground ('ngin(,t~ "s.

    (1) T o nth' is' the Scwl'ctnry of Hlnt(' fJII mutters ddl>j.!fl.ti'd to thf' BOf\.rd,

    Besili('s fhe fOI't'go illl-:" the Hunl'd 1'1\11 :-(y) Hl'pnl't o n IUI'c'rnf't I'1Ur\"f'yH for ll"l(' I llfl' I' lllI~lion flf In '3111'(,1'8

    nnd uf h(, I's anr! (It) t'llU-Islf.r 1\111 1 1'('JrilitCI' 1' 1,,11 fl lI'C'Wft Illld 1'1I1)II ... h inftll' lIl r~IIOIl

    'hereon . The Bourd is ('OlllP08f'd of r('1"'f'"I of ~1 1 j:U! " -I Il'd

    l'OIl I t.~8 , 1 he flnnnl'mi I'CHOIII'('et; IUlei I'(>('onl of ('/lI(, H' IH'), of l~pp l J(" allt8 Rnd th' typE' of uJr(' I'llft to I)C 1I-,(> tl. . \ Syst (, 111 of j)lIlllrs hinJr uppil('u.tlUll.'; hll:; IW(,11 udopktl to ~I\ I' IUf 11111111 horillf'!'i, IWI'I)I I I 'OII1(> U\\IlC'r8, l'III.llt (It.>llltl'l ll lt>nls ullfl lUI' trull.,,;pIIII. f'O lnpIl IlIl':; Kil 0Jll10l'll lll lly 101 Illn.kJn~ I'Cjll'C':;4l'lItn/ lt llU; Ill' IHI ... IIIg-l)hjC


    WHERE WE GET OFF. Croydon Aerodrome, th e London Terminal Alrporl, whence our Imperln l Airway takes 0[1 lor the Continent. Pre'mll'nt : A. H. H. Ff'dd'll. M.n .E .. )I.I.A .E., M.S.A.E .

    :\1 1.)\('ch .E ., I,' H .. \f' .!'i . Post Pr("Rlcient : LI . E . Wunperu;. C.I3 .. C.B 8. , '1..\, )1.1 E. .E ., F.n .At".. . \ lcc Pre81(1('nt ~: D . H Pye. ( ',R . F .RS., 1\1.A., SeD ., !\I.l.McC'h.E . F.H .. \ c .S. ond (;rinith Brc\\l' r, li on . lo .... H.Ae.S. H an. Tren.!mrcr: ~h~j o r D . II. Kennl'lly. 0 H.E .. F . R.Ac.S. lIon. L ti)f(lrInn : )11'. J . E . H odgson. H on .F H.Ae.S. Secrelury: Captain J. Laurence Prlte hnrd, lion ..... R .Ae.S.

    Branches of tbe Royal Aeronautical Society Bristol, II . Y('nciBIi, Esq., 20. The Cresce nt , H enl('Ul.c,

    Bns tol Coventry. S . A I'O\\f'1I .JonC8, 1


    (CIVIL AVIATION) (13a) The Brltlsb GlidIng Assoolatlon. Offices, 11 9. PiccndJlly.

    London, \V.l. JlreBidcnt: The Lord Scmpill. A.ll',C., ]i',R.Ac.S. Chairman: Prof. D . A. Bnmt, M.A . Secret6ry : H. E . Perrin, C.B.E .

    The objec ts of the A88ociation arc to encourage and promote lhe sc ientific and sporting Mpcct.s of Motorless Flight.

    PUBLICATIONS rile AcroplaJle. Founded 1011. Published weekly, price 6d.,

    by Temple Press, Ltd., Roscbcry Avenue, E.C.1. Editoriul Office: 175. Piccadilly, London, "V. 1. Editor : C. O. Crey. Technical Editor: Thurston James. Transport Editor: F. D. Bradbrookc.

    (De"oted to the dcvelo!)ment of AviAtion in the Britmh Empire, tho welfare of the ~oynl Alr .Force nnd the encourage. ment of the Rritish Aircraft Industry. T he Internntionl11 Authorit.y on Aeronautics.)

    '1'lIs A1~r Annual of the British Empire. Price 21/.. Editor : Sqdn. Ldr. C. O. Burge. O.B.E .. ~ .R.Ee.S . R.A.F. (Reld.) . PublishlJd by Sir J 8t\8.C Pitman & Sons Ltd ., Parker Street. London. W.C.2.

    A ircraft ";'lqHlf!erl 71(j. Published monthly. price 2/.. Edit(u': Lieut..-Col. W . Lockwood Marsh. Omces: 2, Bloomsbury Place. London. W.C.1.

    .'l ir Revlcu'. (Offic ial O1agnzinc of the Air Lcn.gue of the British E mpire .) Published month ly, price 1/.. Editor : S. E. Vea le. Omce : l\tuxwcll H ouse. Arundel Stref't . W .C.2.

    The Alr8hip. Published ql1nrtcrly, price 6c1 by Will DuwfWn & Sons LW., 2i, Pilgrim Street. London. E.CA. Erlitcd hy Lord \'en tl'~r Rnd Capt. J . A. Sinclair.

    All th e World'li Aircraft. r ounded hy the late 1"rt'd T. Jane. Published annua.lly, pricc \:2 . :! 0, lIy Sampson Low, Marston

    &; Compnny. Ltd., 100. SOllthwnrk Street, London, S.E. l . EditRd by C. G. :1'Cy.

    rWork of rcferell


    HAMBLE.- AIR SERVICE TRAINING LTD.- An Avro 643 Cadet (160 h .p. C enet~Major ta ) n yin g over the workshops and quarters at H amble , near Southampton.

    Isle or W ight Flying Club, V 'n \1Ipo rl. S UnclO\lll , 1 ~ 1t, o r \\' i(! hl th ur lrt-. t nlllOr . \ ( KIl' II1 ~l'C r(' l n r) :\1J ",:; ,J. HI''1 I0l'

    K ent Fl ying Club, I 'h.>kt'~hollnll' .\ (' ro dro llU' , Cn llt C' rllllrj {,hwf I n , H I' lts . ( ' hif' f lns lrU(' lf)r : f nlinll1 Hlitl f)C' nhnm . London Trans po rt (Central O mni buses ) SpOTtS Association

    Fl ying Club, H)'Ox(,o uml' A{'wriro nJ(' , X Il / C' in,!;{. lI l' I'I ~ (J\ !NoIJt ' IS o f Spurts AIi~OP I R. tJ on u llly), (,hlf' f In 'itrllNor C, 8. I'l~nn ~" H an. fi f'{'re t a ry : A . E , Ke fford .

    Mailing Aero Club, \\,(, tnry H. (; \\ PIp:11I1l

    ) 1 I'lIIh" I'Rhq , u \illIAI,If' fo r S{'I \ III ).!' 0 1' I'(' tl l'f"cl olht ('NO or the Hoyni .\ lr Fon 'f' o r HI':;( IYPs. Cltl" lllt~ 11'-d \\ lI 'h lilt' follO\\ 1IlJ.t ( 11I1i... 1.(llItlll ll \11' I'o"k F1.\ Ill).! , ~ I nlhll~ ,\ l'ro. PHI't "l IIl Olltll , \(' 11'. H nmps llll'l' .\ I IU plllll\', l ' I ~IIlU1llh und I)U;t)' IPt . \ , ' 1'0 1111(\ I hI' \ut' klll lld \ t' I'I) ( Ni' \\' ZI'olnncl) , :o. 1t ' lIdJI' I'S \\ho>w SIAtions IIIUY \ury ('n n liSt' till,\' uf th(, l'It~.

    Set' l c tHI ,), : emil i' E . W . \\'oodrufT. H~ . (Held .) Scotti s h Fl ying Glub . I{ f> nr",-' \\ :\(' roc1rolllC', l'fli~ I{' ,. ~ c .. tlund .

    Chid I n~II" I {' tOl' , \ , \\' J'(' I1 . S('t' l'CllIl,) H. F :\ 11111'11 Shefne ld Aero Club , X('htcl' Tho rJlf' A,( t'lII h\HIIC'. 1lI 'lI l \\'UI k~{lJI ,

    ~Olt~ hlt, r IIlS1I1Ittl'H': Cupt. .. \ . B . l' . H ullum\. H('(' I1"tnl',) : Percy E . Smith

    Southend Fl yi ng Club . Soul hc nt! ..-\1 1'1'01'1, l')ollliU'nd IIII .Sea. (,hll:, f I ns tl'llt'lol' : E L Hlm\ . Sent'luI \.: I ~. Loul:-I

    South Coas t Fl yl"g Cl u b, Shurt' hlll1l , :-\111< ' ' " ( BIO!lklll1lll .. l:I'Wlp) Chu, r I II'itrudul lind ~f'{'I'(,lUly l '. L . Pll~hlt y. l:If)lIlld JU.'!I t l lll' lOr: J . 'I'IUI'IIII .


    South Stafls, Aero Club. Tin' At' rncl rornf', Ahh'ulg{' HI)url. "",,InrIlH la . Mnchines in liRe :-Hnndlty Page 42, Sh() r t. " J.;I1\pil'f''' II ,) Illg"

    bonbt, Short. "Seyll n,. " 0 ,1-1 . SO, Al'lOfltrollJ.{ \\' htt wort h ",\ tulnnto.," .'-\ ,,' ro 602, S ho rt 'Ca l('utla" flyin.u:.honta. .\rrns trong Whit,n or t h lunu Illnchinf'fl nrc o n onh'r.

    Associated and Subsidiary Companies. I lIIpprlnl ;\ ir\\L1.Yfl Ltd. is u,,8O(' iuted with thf' fo llo\\ tn l! cOlll)Jall ips:-

    IndlR.n Trans-Continental Airways Ltd . Rhodes ia and Nyasaland Airways Ltd . ( R.A.N ,A,). Wilson Airways Ltd. Qan13s Empire Airways Ltd. Eld ers Colonial Airways, Ltd . Tasman Empire Airways, Ltd . Railway Air Services Ltd . )n lu ld,tio ll , Tl'Il pcrinl l\ in\O-) 'J Ltrl. 1!Ho\(' forlwd thr'

    rollo\\ int; sulJRlrlHl ry ('ol lipuniPR :-I.A .L. ( Nlgeri. and Gold Coast) Ltd . I.A.L. (Far East) Ltd . I.A .L. (Continental) Ltd . I .A.L. (Africa) Ltd. Imperial Air ways ( Bermuda) Ltd, I mperial Airways (Atl a nti c) Ltd .

    All' Despatch Ltd ., Cl'oydon \ lI'port, SIlI"I"tll1l~t). Croydoll - Ll' 'l'Ollq1H't. Croydon B1"I ~hton Le 1'111I(!III' t. ( ' myt!l' ll - L 1TX,1111Iolll"J.!: Sllol'l' hnlfl- D l'tLU\1l1f'. CI'O,) II OI1- !Jvall\ 1111-.

    Isle or Man Air Services, Ltd ., 1 ... 1" (If ) lnl1 . \I1 (10It, I>l'I'hylul\L.-n. 1.1\ pq_)(Io l- llsl(' of i\11l1i !il lfu .. l (mud ('lIrrll'lI) )ltlllc-i ll'ritN- LI\ l' lpuul Hlad,pltol- l .. lr Id ) 11111 ('I\rlt~It' Lel'c1 .. Hrndford- L i\{' l pol1l-BIIl('k)luol l slp uf ) ll1n ) I U IIl'hl'~If'I'- LIH'rpo()!- I .. lt' oj ) lun-(.hl'il!o\\ L f'I'dH B uulford B1nl'kpoo l Is lf' til ) lun.

    J ersey Airways, Ltd ., I , )l lIiIR


    HIGH LATITU DE.-Mails and Passengers going a board a Highland Airways " Dragon " at Klrkwall , on Mai nland In the Orkneys . This Is not the farthest No rth of Bri tish ai r transpo rt, but the World' s ai rli ne network begins to th in out in

    these latitudes. Lundy & Atlantic Coast Air Lines, Ltd ., Bn.MH~lnp l f' Airport,

    X.Dl"\on. BarnJ:llnpiC' LUlldy Is lnnd

    North Eastern Airways, Ltd ., Croydon l\lrporl, Surrey. Croydon DonctLsl.t:'r - NC\H'o.stlc - Edmburgh - Perth -

    D\lndee-(1rnn~hy-l-l llll. H ull- L(,cds fBradford- D ollcustcl'- I-lull . );CWClL'Ille-Glu.sgow. Croydon-Knocke-Lf" ZOllte.

    Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle 01 Wight Aviation , Ltd ., The . \irporl , Portsrnonl h . Portemouth- HYf!t"- Uournell1oLlth.

    ~outhnmpton-Hyd(' . Portsmouth- Sandown.

    Railway Air Services, Ltd ., Airno.y Terminus, Victoria Station, S. \I' .1. Croydon-BlrlUingham-)Ianchest.cr-Liverpool- !sle of ~Ian - Belfllst--GJo.sgow (mnd ca rried) . Croydon - BIrmingham - Stoke (on demand) - Liverpool-

    Belfost (mati carried). Liverpool-Glasgow. Shorehum-Ryde--Bournemouth . :\lanchpster- LI\'("rpool- Blrmmghnm-Glouceswr!

    ChC'ltenham (on demand)- Bristol outl16mpton-Ryde-BrIghton

    Bristol-Cordiff- Exeter- Plymouth CordlfT-Bnstol-Southompton-Ryde.

    Scottish Airways, Ltd. (compnslIlg HIghland Alf\\t\ys, Ltd. and Xortlwrn AII'~d.y:; , Ltd.), Renfrew AIrport. N.B. Aherdccn- I/l vernc'ss- \\' ick- Klrkwall- Lerwlck UIIl..'Igow- Perth !mcrneAA-\VlCk Klrk\\1111-Len~ielc

    (mnd corriC'd bctween 1l1\crness und ]{irkwoll }. (Inl:ipm Hnrra-South VI!:>! Benhecllht-~orth Uldl. ( 1fl8,t:"(I\\ -Cnmp!J(,!to\\ n Lsluy. ( IMgo\\ - 18Ioy. ( 1u.'ip"()\\,- '1'lrl'l'.

    Southern Airways, Ltd ., Hamsgatc AirpOlt. Kent . nnmsgllk>-ll for! l.

    Western Airways, Ltd ., The Airport. \Vp~t()n'!H lper-) I I\rt' . CnrdifT- \Vpstonsupcr.1\! IlIc . Birmingh"m- \Veston-snp('r.l\JillC' .

    Wright ways, Ltd ., Croyd on Alrporl. Surrey. Croydon- Pnris. Croydon- Le Touqll('t,

    Irish Sea Airways (operllted Joinily l>y West Coast . ir Services, Ltd. (Lnd Acr Lmglls Teornntn ). Croydon- Bristo l (on demand}-Dublin . Ts le of MilO. (NoTE.-Allth(, above 8('I'V lces \\ ere opcm ting III August, 1938.)

    CHARTER COMPANIES IN GREAT BRITAIN The following is 8. list of the principal concerns which run

    prh'atc charter services, but it omits the clubs which a lso do such work , mainly wit.h small machines !-Air Commerce Ltd., R eston Airport, Midd lesex. Air Dispatch Ltd., Croydon Airport, Surrey. (Assoc iated with

    Commereiul Ai r Hire Ltd., Croydon.) Alrwork, Ltd., Heston Airport., .Middlescx. Bi rkett Air ServIce Ltd ., Heston Airport, Midd lesex. British Air Transport Ltd ., Hcdhi ll Aerodrome. Surrey. British-American Air Services Lid., H eston Airport. ).liddlesex. Olley Air Services Ltd ., Croydon AUl>ort, Snrrcy. Persona l Airways Ltd ., Croydon Ail1)ort, Surrey. Surrey Flying Services Ltd. , Croydon Airport, Surrey. Utility Airways, Ltd ., .Hooton. Chcl:I llII'('_ Wrigh tways Ltd. , Croydon .ALl'port, Surrey.

    AIR PHOTOGRAPHY AN D SURVEY COMPAN IES The follo\\ ing Rr(' the principal compunics engtlged ill nir

    survey and phol.oJ,!raphy \Iork :-H. Hemming & Partne rs Ltd . 2:? QlleC'n Anne's Cate. London ,

    S. W .1.

    A HOME PRODUCT.- Tbe New Belfast Airport at Sydenham, which is entirely reclaimed land. The surfnce Is excellent.


    H ESTON TODA Y.- Note the large new concrete apron , and the "Ellis Island of the Air " or Immigration Ornce, wh ich juts out past the front of the old "Social Focus," and cuts oft the view or tbe apron ,- so carefully arranged by Mess rs . Norma n a nd Muntz. The picture also shows how the Suburban Jungle is eating up the Relds and market gardens which

    used to spread eas tward [or miles towards Hounslow and Brentford, be rare the Great West Road was built.


    Aerial Photographic Com pany, Abbey H ouse, Victoria St reet, S.W.1.

    Aeronlms Limited, Bush H ouse, London, "V.C.2. Aero Pictorial Ltd., 136, Regent Street , London, W. I. The Air Survey Company Ltd" Hayes, Middlesex.

    Assoc iated J ndian company :-I NDI.AN AIR S U IWl!:Y AND Tn ..... NS1'O lt T LTD., Durn Dum,


    FLYING SCHOOLS Aberdeen Flying School, Dycc Aerodrome, Abcldeen. Agra Engineering Co. Ltd., L ittle H aldon, N r. Teignmouth, S.

    D e\on. Aircraft Exchange & Mart, Ltd., London Au' l'aI'k, Fe)tham,

    Midd lesex. Air Service Training, Ltd ., H amble, Hants . Alrwork School 01 Flyi ng, l\'1al1chesler and Belfast . Allenby, M. W., Wilmington Aerodrome, Nr. Polegate, U8S{'X. Bonnlksen, J . A., Leamington Air Park, WurwlCk. . Brooklands School of Flying, Ltd ., Brooklands , Weybn dge,

    Surrey. Clerva Autogiro Co., Ltd., London Air Park, Feltharn, )liddlesex . Birkett A1r Services, Ltd. , Luton Airport, Beds. Gravesend School of Flying, Gravesend, Kent . Kent Aircraft Services, Ltd., Bekesbourne, Nr. Can terbury, K en t. Lewlng'on, W. J ., Loughton Aerodrome, Abridge, Essex. MalUng Aviation, Ltd., West Mail ing, Kent. Marshall's School of Flying, Ltd., Fe ll Di t. ton Aerodrome,

    Cambridge. North British Aviation, Ltd., H oot.on Park Ael'odrome, Cheshire. Portsmouth , South sea & Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd., Portsmouth. South end Flying Services, Ltd., R ochford Aerodrome, Essex. Southern Aircraft, Ltd., Shoreham , Sussex. Surrey Flying Services, Ltd. , Airport. of London, Croydon, Surrey. Universal Aircraft Services, Ltd., \\fltney , Oxon. Wens, J . H. A., Wenvoc Aerodrome, CardifT. West Coast Air Services, Ltd., Ai l'port of London, Croydon,

    Surrey. Witney Aeronautical College, ' Vitney. Oxon. Yorkshire Air Services, Newton House Aerodl'ome, Londonderry,


    Air Service TrainIng Ltd., Hamble, Southampton. The Airspeed Aeronautical College, The Airport, Portsmouth. The College of Aeronautical Engineering, Cheisca, London, S.W.

    und at Brooklo.nds Aerodrome. Weybr idge, Surrey. P rovides a comprehen sive and pract.ica l trnining in the

    engineering side of ci\'il (win.ti?n . The minim.tll.n 8tulldard. of profiCiency for. the Colles.e D ip loma, the trll~Ulng for wl!lch ocoupies a period of not less t.hou 2! years, is that reqUired for the Air Ministry "A" and HC" Ground Engineers' Licences. An arrangement ex ists with certain leading firms in the

    nircraft indus t ry \\hereb.v se lected students ma.y 6cCJ uire further experience of oircraft and engines in curren t usc.

    The De HavIlland Aeronautical Technical School, H a t fi eld, H e rta . T his School is a ttached to the Dc H uvilifllld Aircmft Works

    and gives 0. thorough t rninintt' by ('ou rses l0.8ting up to four .\ears in every branch of Aeronautical Engmecring, includ ing design.

    The Wi tney Aeronautical College, Witney Aerodrome, Oxford. London Office: 6, Broad Street P lace, J


    EASTBOU RNE'S HOUSEWARMlNG .- The new building at Wil mington Aerodrome after being opened omclally on August 20, 1934.

    .\"LlO\"lol( g o\ ul . \Ir Fnrt" \\'rodrnuw. :! lIu l"" \\'. uf .\ nd u\!'r . Rnihl .IY . \Ild o\"(r (S. H.l. I! '1lIIc'!.

    \" o,n I'rI \III,' \, rndrlJlI1(' \If f.:t'r\Lt'I' Trnlllll1~ I"d . H \11"""'11"1::.1)"\\111 1'111111(' . \NolirOllll 3mlll'.'oj ~ . \\'. of Bllr llHlllplc.

    Rnilwny, \\"rllftVII (S.H. & U.W.). J ~ Illllc.'l. BnrmHnp\c (R .H. ~, U W.). 3 lillie" B~,'nE\ ll .... {Jill I'" H,hn\""", Xeol)u!ll! I'rl\ull' .\Nodronu.'.

    Optrul!,'! h y :-'\'otll'lh A I r\\lI~~ BF. LI ... oldmrrlt H nilnll~, ( 'h ri >l t( ,hllr(-h (S. H ,). :! IIlllc.~.

    HII 1111 ""11 ~\'I' 1.1',,11 ., Brudf"r.! HIII'o,,,1 {\\ 1I1!,.]lllfl hI 'lrlltll qml ('W.t(llll~ \Irport. a IIHIf' .,:-; l,y E.

    Ilr 111 . .. 1,,1 Hulll',ll. Brl'_''') /l; \ \ H I. I lI1ril'''. ]hu,,".! , .... "... !'llul i., \,nJ\ lr olllt'. 11111111''':-; I '~. h~ :-. "r \\'l\\ "nd!!~-.

    U",]I''', \\ ''''1 \\ . \ \'1 .. Iu( (s I ~.). I 11111. B Ill/t. ' olt!'" ]{ \ I \' rIJdrIJm, " ('!lr ('I1I!l'rlOIl. (),f"rd H11I)\"dl 1'11 101 11' \ '-rIH lr"',"'. () lI lIt 'd 11\ 1111' IU'lf'kl)lJrll ~\ (r"p l .. rtt' ,\

    \l otl}r ( 'I), Lid tl~ III1IM \ \ 1.1\ S . of 11 1111 HIUhlilY. Ilrou~iI (1. .. \ I. n .), ndJulnl1~~. .

    BHtJl 1.11 1'11\1.\1 H,ttplILIII' :-'(1111011 (l .dJ ui lllll /o: IIcrUdrVlIlI). 1'l t'\IlI I1 ~ 1l01lf'e il lJOuh l Ill' /0:1\ ,'II

    iSILoI'>;UII' "'-I I'rt llll.- \ ~I,,, l r"'IIt. r.~ 11111"01 R.I,; l\f I Itrtf"rd HIIt"\!I~, I h,al,OllrlU' ( i. \ I H I. 1 ""h,

    C"'U; UIl1' : Huy,Ii .\ ir Forel' Sl'npl (UlO 8 11\li"lI . il I1l1les S . l-:. by S . o f Soutlull npto n . o n t ile \ r est. sIde o r the c nt ron ce to S o n thnm p l o l1 W ut cr. HIII!WI\ \. Fowle , (R . H.), 3 m Iles.

    C,\\IIt1U DGE ( Fe n l" III on \ :- ' l ' rn ' ll te Aerud r om e. I i milcs Eo by ~ . of CI\lnbrid ~c . B rull,ny, Burnwell ( !. .:-J .E . H. .), 700 y nrds . .

    C"')ll'lIt:LTO\\ :S. !\ lntYfl'. :\ rJly ll .- l'n \'lIte LundL ng: G round. SCOt tl l!1r Air\l n,s L id 2 ~ lIu l(!s \\' . of Ctllllphc lto wn

    CA,Sn; ll.IJUn" (Bckesbourne) :-Publr l' .Aerod ro m e. 31 miles E .S .E. of Ca nterbury . Ha llwav. B ekesbournl (S. H.). I milo.

    (''''RDln' ( l'e'1I1l11l1l1l )l o~r). ) I umci pnl Cu~lOrn >! Ai rporl. :! 1111 1(>s E. C,,~~, .~~I:~:lrr, 1'~::'1:~1I ' ,~~~;~'~~'tl'l :!r ' ~:~~~ ~~\' i'~~~~ IfTh~'C: ~: I:J ~l\';; ;!I~:

    H UllwIIY. ( 'lI r il3lc ( I...)I.S. nlld L .N .E.H.) . :! milcs. ( ' I"fl V Bllt)'"I" II Hfl)1I1 .\I r Fllrte .;\('rolirmne. 5 111 11(,,-1 :\ . E . hy

    Eo of I-llrl tll llChul1i HIUh,IIY, ("I,,!I>.! Bro tll\' lc h (L." .S H ). ! mtle. (' ..... '11 ~; 1'UWS ( Isle o f .\1 11 11 ) . ~I'(, H OIl11 1d ",wl \Y. ('.-\1'.'0""':- HOyll1 '\I r Forel' 1.IIIUh ll/o: Uro untl . Uccllpie. 1 o llly durillg'

    ('C'rlfll l1 pcriod,. . -1 ! m iles \ V. of H o rllsl'lI. ( Yo r ks . ), Hailwu~ . J-I orll'len ( L.~. E . H .) , {i! rtll lf'_,\. C"'TT~: lIh. K . Hoynl Ai r Fori'" Aerou,n l1lf' . ~ lIu lo SS. K u f ClIttc ri('k

    vllln~c \l il t! li~ 1111]1'8 ::i.E. It y E. o f Hle lr lllo nd ( Yo rk",.). Rtlih'II.'. (' lIll1~T' Utlill " Seo I lo\l rlWl nO\l ( I I . (' lI tiltt II F F''I'O ... . Y ork.'l.: It .A. F . $\ I'rm lrOi lW. CO\' l .... lin ( \\' ilith'y A illwy) I'ub li,' .\l'roli rOlll t', 0" lieu lIy SIr \\r, U .

    .'nn"trOlIJ.: \\,illt"or t h .\ i rcrll f L I ... Hi. !! 1I111es ~ .S . 8 , o f Covelliry . H IIIIII/I), ('O\(' lI try (L . .\I .S. H .), 2i m rles).

    CO\\t ... I .() \\ l 'rl\lI l {,\ ~l'" JlI "II '-' :-; 1" li oll , 11\\ 11(',1 by 8.u ll l\ l ('r~ Ho(' LIt! . 011 ti ll' \\'('st. Bli nk 11 111 1 I 1111 10 S. of l!a u I!u'>u lh of tlte H.1\'cr -" cd iu ' l. l 'rt'\ I OII~ lI otlC{'\ ~ho llid be c i \'t' li . H>l lh\ (l.\', Co" es (S . R .) .

    ~ IUI If' , ('UIH, o; ( \\" ''1t), 1 0 \ V.: I'flll ll O Acroc1 rOll \ll. 1l \\ J1c d by f:;'\\IIlI ler)l Hou

    1..111. I mile R.S .\\' , of ('OWl'S. l'tl\ilwI\Y, ('owes (S. R .), 1 l ill if'. ( 'fI ''- . I!;;1 II , BUl k" It .. \ F . \ l rOtlr11011 18 . \ I("porl IO! 1It1le>! S . of ( ' lr nrll1g t: rml'i 11\ld ~ m ricli S. \\' . o f Croy. lo n . Hll.l l \\,u y . \ Vndd OIl (S.H.) J mi1l'. Ih;IlH ~ ..... I..: .. ,,('x It \ F .. \ (ro.i ro lll". Ih" I1"I . lhllk,.. l'rL\ut ., \ (,fl'>{]rh llw 1& l1ILk.~ X. \,'. of ])coll h ,UII .

    H'lIlnll:" , ])"111111111 (t: \\'. \{ '. I 1111 11'.

    OUR LAST BIT OF FRAN CE,- Thc New Airport in the Is land of J ersey.


    NOTTS ASSEMBLY .- The Flee t of the Nottlnghamshl re Flyi ng Club and privately-owned craft at To lle rt on. The club-house Is standard pa ttern devised by the ill-fated National Flyi ng Services.

    Dt; St",J IH) . Lt' ictI"l!r~hln:.; 1'1'1\ ute :\ ('rodrvlJle. DIUUY ; HO}'lll .A Ir Force Al.'rodrOll Ll'. !l~ I1ld ~1> S.S I~. of 1 .. lI lt'olu HUll

    21 lIulm; \\.S.W. of D lgiJy, HllLh\ n~, J)lg hy ( I . ~ . E.H). 3. IIIIJ l'~. D IS ItFO ItT II , \ orks , :-H . -\ F . Aorodrolll1C D OSlASTE-U :-I'uhhc :\l'rodrOIll~ . Ii Il\l l ('~ I~ uf D (IIICI\,'; \t:.'r , H Il,hl!I),

    D onCMt.t' r (L ,X . I!;. H .) . Ij IIl1lcs. CustOIJl~ on prior 1I0tlfh;utlo n . DOSIUIII STI. L:: ;-Ho~nl AII' FUIcl.l Ac rodro uJt-'. 11 Imle~ bS E. of

    Duufermlinc lind 2 miles I~ .~ . E . of l .. vukt!ltilmg ( 1 Aerodromc. ]) UX-I'ORO :-Hoynl Air I~oreo At'rodrOIllC. j~ 1I111t's S. of CtlILlhritigl'.

    H a ihn\y. \rhi ttlcsford (L.K .E. H .). 2 miles. E "STCII UIU'II :--H oYiLl AII' 1"OI, 'u AerOtlrome, 5 miles 8:1;;. lOf She()rnc~'l.

    hlo of S heppl'Y. Rlldway, Eastchurc h (S. H.), ndJo /lllUg ae rod rome. l ::AsT H FSU. ltTOX :-::5cc Scnrborough. EOlSBl1lH.l 1I ;-Seu TurnhuUliO IIml ) Inc.\i e rry . EI ... T HJ:;t: , H crt;o, I' .. I\I\I C .-h ' rodrolllt' . OwlLt'd hy AIIT rLJfl Exc'IHln~t

    &. )Itlrt , L td . !'.:\ ANTOS, Hogs,shlrt, :- H.A . F. L tiIlUI1lJ:l Groumi (St'j,su nnl ). E\lLniOIl

    I llililcs, R ur!wuy, X()I"(U-. 1 1111]0. EXE ... EU : - l 'ubllo.: , \ irporl , CI ISWIIlS fllCLl11 Lt'S /I\ uijlliJlo 0 11 plLOr

    lIot.ificlIIIO II. FAltSnO IlOUQ II :-Ho\1I1 Air Foreu Aerodromc :hlLllublc fiJI' C'1\' d

    uirc.rart. on ly Ul r enJ elller~cncy o r when spt:clII l pClrmiMIOII 11l\~ b~1L ouwincd, 21: miles :-;. of Aldcrshot. unu LnUllcdUltc ly \r . of F iLrtluorough . Hlllhl ay, Fll rnborough (S, H ,), I mile,

    :f WX!:iTOWE :- Ho)111 Au FOITO SCllplu.lLu StillIOn . I~ nlllc~ S. \\' . b) \,\'. o f }'OIlXSIOwC (Suffolk ), on Ihl! Elist s h oro or H UI\lll,h II llrbollf . HuilwllY, l"cJixstowo (docks) PlOr ( L.~ . g H .), 1l(IJ Olllllig,

    F t::I .... " "~ I . $(>0 H IIH\\ orlh, Jo't: l.'rwt; l.1. H .. \ , ,", _\l!rudru II JC. IU j 111111,.'>1 W ,~ W . uf TILt' l r'lrt!

    (X(lrfull;,) lind i /lu ll' S .:"'i \\' u f F e ll\\l'IJ. J{mhlfl.\, I.lI k.'nliCluli (I . ~ . E, H , ), "'~ II I ti l'''

    FI L'I'O .... ; , 101111 1'1' lllIll' /lild I{ .\ . 10' . \I I'odl,'ItLt' '" IIIIh'4 :\ 11.\ E, of B .... stoJ. B Ulhl ll\ , 1-'111\111. I ~ lillh". Fl~ S l""':I .r\, I JOIH

  • (20a) HISTORICAL (CIVIL AVIATION) BRITtSH Ertt PIR E-('O,lti,II/Ct/. II."wkl!l;lU; H O \ ' I\! . \Ir Ftlrco A{'nxlrollw 21 Illll~ N:": W of

    Folk(''1t.nnc. Hlu]wny . Folk~I~;;~:\, d~:"~~ :~~:'~ L];nAI.I!lI~III~I~\ I:~~~ '~I:n~~~:~ ~dLJ'!IIIl~~dltl~8 for Jlu' ''H'f n ' . S ulfolk H . \ F \ ('rorirumo 1I 0 l 1TII" I'All ... . ("11t'''I '' r B .\ F . A('rOtlrtl llU' 7. lillie"! H. by K of

    L I\'('q lUol llnd 7 lilliI''' Ii of Blrl." III!N\,1 PI1 :..; ij ld " of HL\or ~ l flr"t,y. n""", II:". II O,)Iolli ( I. \I:";H lind t: W .It) , It Inlle;!.

    11 011 " HI ' III " Ito~nl .\I r " 0'1' \I'rotiro llH'. :!i 111110'> S .S to::. o f Homfnrd ( E!t"ll'x ). Rmhm \, 1I0 rnclmrch (L .\I.S . H. ), I t IlHles.

    li n " ' All Hoy,.1 \I r l'-urf'1' \ (' rnrifOllU' r. 1Ill l(>ij X \V h)" S of N"ottill,!.rhnrn . Hmlwnv . lIueknllll {L ,:\I.S. K (\IIU L.:-J . (o~. R .), I m,le.

    Il tL1. (1I l,. lull) \lulIl.lpld t " ' ''IlflIH'I \Irpn rl Ii IUlh~ E . of I-Iull. H'III", " \ 11 .'(10 11 ( I., \" I '~ H.J . .! IIlde ,;

    IIt ' II .H'':'''T(I'' . " ll ls It \ F .\ "rodfOlIlH' , II' Tlll Il nnl~ ~('t' Xoull mlll JlI UJl J .. , l lt' . ' S \hmil' lplll \!'rud r.J ll1l'. j 11111" I ,; uf IIIH.rllc .... 'I . Hlllh\I\Y.

    I n\lrm ...... -. I II l1lt I" t.Il'1 ""I :-" '11 1'111 111' \" ,!.r lll"')! \rt (\ l r"'\' II II \11111 11' 1])11 1 \ , ru..l rurl1\' :! lulIl .... ~ E . of Ipl' \\ ICIt Hlllh\IIY

    1110;\\ 1111 ( i. , \" V H ). I ! IIIl h~. I ... , E IH' 'I ~ ... Nt'II Ho rlllld'i \tt\}. . 1 H~V.\ S t 't.' Sl. IIdlt'r

    I'~" 'LI \ Hoy til \Lr F o r ce . \ c rodro llll' 2i l1ull''' S S " . of l'urltJ\' (Surrey) aud I, IIIlie't l\" , ~ .W . of Cntt:! rhn1ll . Hluj"tly. Why te lc/lfo (~ R ." f IIl1lc.

    KI' TOIll: , \i)crdC'Cns lllr(' Prl\ l\t (' Acrourolllc , Opc rut cd by ScottISh .\Inn,, ".

    KJ.RK\\ ALL (Orkn" y ) :-Publtc Ln ndinA Gro und o n o utskirts of t own . LA.' U's t.Sf) . nf' flr 1',-' n 7I\1lN", Cornwl\U I'n\'fll e ~\('rodromf'

    Opt' r llt t'd 1)\' ('hnnnc i \Ir lo"errlc'f. I.tel LAIHOIITL. \\ ,I ts.: R .t\ .F . Ll1ncilllg Ground LE~I!'> (;TO S' I'n\"l\t c J\f'rOOrom c. 21 nu les l:i .R E . of LOI~mington

    (WlIrwlck .). Hallway . Lf'allllnttto n (L.M,S ,H Rlld G.W.il ,), 2f mill'S. LECOSFI EI .U. York~ B . \ 10' , ,\cfodrOIllI' .

    L~ t: ns Blt AI"ORJ) ( Y Cj\(JfJ Il J :\ll1l11f' IP61 \l' f,l( lrOIllf'. 7 11111('11 :.\ \\". o f Lt'"d "! Rill I (I 11u l('., ~ , X.I:, o( BrlldfUfd Hlllht ll)" . I l orilfurth ( 1. .:'\ .1 H ). ;1 lIul f'~ ( :-l ('~ ,,1"'0 Hhc rlmru -IIl . Ehnt'l.)

    LtE O S' TII). Stll.I: 'T : HO)"III .\Ir Fo rce Acrudro lll!! 11111 1 SCllpllllW SIIIII OIl II Inllf'!! S. E . o f SoutlulIlll'ton IIlId IIIlmeclml(ly N 'V. Ilf Lf'co n . lhe So lt'nl HIU!\\IIY, j,tj)on l:io l(111 (S H ). I lillie

    LHt t>"'.: ll "uLlio , \ l' roUrolllt'. 3 lluh"J W . of Ltu!('lIll'r. HI\I"\I~:-p;. 1~(.' l ees tcr , Lond on Hoad (L .M-S .) and LCle~ter, Central StatlOIl (L . ~ .E. lt .).

    L EH i;.,TEK ( Hntl.; blTe) I'rl\ lit o ~\crodrom{', 0 \\ ned h) :\lr , Lillil'luy E,'crard, /t1 .I' . it m,les X.N . E , of LOIfl'tj t e r , HIUiwI1Y, l{earaLy (L.:\I.S. H. ). 2 males.

    L E l'IlIAIUl HU)I\I Air I;'orl't.' .. \ e rodro ltw. 7 "lilt " HE 10, S of Duruhoc IUIII I nlll f"l'l :-oJ" . of ~t. ,Arllirl' \\ 1i ( F lrl"! luro). Itlld\\(IY, l R ut hun; (I . ~ E.H.). ~ 111110.

    L \'svO\\ 0.; HO) I ~I "\lr F orr .' L IUII I Ill~ Ground Ufc up it' .! o lily lillfin j: ct' rlulII pCfl od HU)' 1i1 . \ e ro Clu L nnu t hI' ~H (l of lhl' li n< t \\ o rk!! o f tiliurt Brof!.

    (.I ... TO:-; ,"'0 ' On.E. Yo rkR H ,A.F Ae rodrolill . 1..11"'1' 1 nfUtI'TO." ( F o rd ) B .\ I'- . \I'r()tlrl1llll' . !& lIul,-,. \\' IIy \' flf

    ~~I~I=~~~',n~~~, /tLt;:It:I'tt ~~~.~~( Ford IlIld 3 IIlIlI'~ S . uf .\r undel . LITT1.E~iTQ 't l'uL"!' Rtl\l ('- f!\\1U-ti 1. IIIIUIll Io': l:ro\ln,1 7 Inllc~ N o f

    Dun~(, lIl'~ Rnd .11 lllilCIi ~ . w. IIf O), lIIthUfr h . Ralh,"y , .Jl'ison r'ft.rlll (H H ,) , IlIlJOInlllg

    LI VI-:IlI'OO I. :-Pu bllc Seaphmo P ort.. wilh fncilities for Customs

    ~J'~~~I~:I~~ ~:l:o;fc~;; It'~~I\~:y~fl~:tv~~(':~;I; II~.:\tS~I\~):l 1 ,~~~e~h(J Ll~~'~~~~~ 1 (~~,::kr) 1:,ill~ ';'~~.' C:nl\~ ;J~~~~O~',',' N\' JIjZ,~~~ 07f Il'.I~~r ~i!~;~

    HUlh\ll)', (;nr.!ton (L. ~1 Sit.). , mil '" I .. uo.;o \ IsLA~D : Pfl VIII 0 1 ~lImllllp: llrOlllll1. Tl'rllHllal of reJCu lrir

    HcrV lec of I .. ullti y nlld t\lhlll tlC COI~'i18 ,\Ir LII)~;; 1 .. ld . The UHe of tho Itmdlllg grollnd b~' prlvlIl(! IU rCrllft. I ... I~t n il t llll t.'1 .imhjf!f't. to tho specific conJ'll"nt o f .Iho I'lIIl trn lllllg IIulhorlty , . J~UTOS. Bt.!dot,: I' lIhhr .\ crodrollll'. 1'11"1 .. ,, frow LIII UII , HllllwlIY,

    Lulon ( I .. , ~ F: H . ). 1~"';\II'''''E SIIUtJ OWIiNI I'II/)h . (',,""ornl'l Al.'rndroillc. 7 1I11I t,~ " . of

    Ji'olkc"lone anti J 100Ic S W . by :\. of 1 .. ) IIlIIIH' Hnilwny. W esl(!n IHIIlilcr (8 .H ). :? lIul l'''

    ;\I AIIlSl'O ... : Public , \ protifCllnt'. r, 1I1t1.~ \\" of \ lnid ... tonc. IJ Ilules S of W c-st :\ I !l1l1l\~ . Hlulwllv. ;\I Rlhu)!' (S. H . ). :! lIull'lI.

    :\IAS(' IIEST!';II Mlilltl"11'1I1 CUl'u;rn .. Alrporl . flllllll':! " ' . of .\ll\nrhclll lcr nnd :! mtlc!! W S W of Errlc,.. . Hn.lh\lIY. E Cl'lt1t (L ~I R B ,).:! IIlllclt . :\ IAS{' II t>~T~; 1l (HlI1g\\I\Y) : I'uhl w Aer()(lrOlll{', l\I As;JTOS - Hornl Air Iotl,.., AerodrOll1l' :llIlIh'I W .N .\\". of rtnlll"~lI to

    nlld J llllio W . of -'Innst on. Hllihn.y. :\hU~IILO \rost (S. H.). 3 miles. ;\ IAIlUA',. :\orfolk : BA'" Aerodrome.

    i\l AItTL~;SIl .UI IIt: ATII Hornl , \ Ir 10'01'('(' , \ I' rodrome. ~"'uIIIIIJ l tl for ('Inl Ilircraft o nly II} rCII1 crncrj.!cncy o r wlulI! special porlllissloll hIlS been obtnlllCd . !j 1I111es K of Ipllw lc h lind I 1I111t.' ~ S. '" of Mllrllc .. IHl IO . HlillwlIY. WOOflbml~o (L.~.K H . ), 3 miles.

    MII.ln .... " AI ,I . :{ufTollt HIlvII1 Air Fort'o Acrudrome. 2~ 11111('.'. of Sywf1I RII,lwny. Sortluunploll (L .:\I N H ,), 7 nu lcs

    XOIlTIl COATES FITTIEq ROjlll .t\l r Force LU lldlllg Ground . Occupied only dllrlllf.t eerlUIII pCrlod!J. 7j uliles S . E. by K of Grlln~Ly . on tho COIISt. RfUlwllY, Nonla Thor(,>lLy ( L . N . I~. n . ), 51- mil C!l.

    XOIiTItOI.T no)"ol ALr Fort'" Ac roilrornt'. 12,i lIIil(';i \\' . by N. o f [.(l/ldol1. :1 IIllles Jo:. Ily K' of UxbwlJ,!" mId 2 mi les \\' .N . ' '' . o f NortholL HllllwlIY, l\"ortlu,ll ( L.N .E H. ), 1 lillie.

    :'\OltTII WEALD :-HOYIiI .-\ Ir For('e . \ ('rodrulllo. 'l mi les \\'. b~' N. of ~~I;:\~"~.~~;~fI~i~~~) r:~IIU.'mles N. I~. hy K of Epping. Heilwuy .

    1"O rt\\ li lt ,-~IUlH r"lpl\ l ,\ ~rlldrolll(, . :! 1Il11''1 N E. by ~ of Sor\\L{'h. HOt!\\RY, Not\\lt' h (Thorpe) (L ~ . KH.) . :! 11111('8.

    X (.~~:~:o.;t ::;~~. N. ~1.18~u~T~~!ol~'r~~\ll~0I1~~;1I h~ n~:11N:)L~;II~~h :: ~1I ~ ~~;~T: 1~~I): .. 1Il11''I

    OBAS. i\ r~yll;! IHrc !- Hoya l ,\Ir Force Scnp!rlllo AItKlillII~ .\ nlI. Haillt ny. Obnu (L.M ,S.), IltlJOlnltl!! hllrbollr.

    011111 ,\\1 R .\ F . \ crolirOIIH' , III IIl1lc'I E S . ";. of BlioIlllj.! .. t oko IlI\fl It IIIlll'S ~ by W . of Odllulln H.uh\ll)". l'look (:{ H.. ). !j II l1les.

    O":t. IIA:\tI'TO!'> . Hoyul \Ir FOfl'1J At'rCitirOIll('. I I IIl1lcK N . ~ W . of Okl' lmllll'l On (I)('\ UIi ) . Hlllh\ llY. Okt" ltllLljltVIl {:-l H . I 2, Imll'"

    Oil> RAltUM : HOyll1 Air Forl'!! AcrodrolllO. :! lIules N . ltv E o f

    O'~:~~:I~~~:;~ : nIR~;::r' A~~II~~:;~~~ (~j~!:~l;n 240~~~~~~1. OCl'HI'I:'J u lIl)" dllrrnJ,! {"C'rllllll perIOd". 1711111011 E. by J (If 1 1''1\\ loh lind i 1II11e S K of Orfo rd, 011 the ('OlLil . HIIII"ny. Wll'khurn llllrkl'1 (LS Kit .). 9 IUIJC-8.

    PESRllOS . Cilrnnr\'o nsiliro H .. \ . F. A~rol l rome.

    MANCHESTER'S LATEST. The Balcony and Veranda or the Ringway Airport Building and Interested oCQupanlS at the opening. The Control Tower and Hangar are beyond .


    Renrrew Aerodrome. Note how tbe Clubhouse has been built ont o the mnln shed.

    PEllSllOlt E (Thr,wkmo rt oll). \\\)rccstl'rs lur ... , I'n vllto ~\ l'flldro"ll'. :J miles N. of l'crshore. HUllwilY. j'crshore (U.W.H. ), 2 lOdes.

    l'ER'I'U : Public ) hllllC' ll'ul .\l'rotlrom r>. .q 1111 10.:; 1\ . E. uf P erth . Rn.ilwuy, JlorLh (L.M.S . R.),

    PETR.lUW ltOUO H Hoyul J\ lf F'or('c Aer od rollle. I ~ 10111'1'1 N . N .\\". of l) L~~~~~~~~o(~!~oo~on~~';;?, ~f~,~~~~~,~~~~, ~~~,~~~ ( JX~p~~~~ ' )' :J? '::::i!

    N.K. I-:;. of Ply mouth HOU 2 miles E . by S. of 'l'nrncrlo ll F olio t . Huilwny, Ply mo Llt.h (C. W. It .). 4 milcs.

    PORT ELLE!', Isle of Jslny :-J:'rl\'I\tf> Lnndlllg Ground. A regulu.r stop on tho st"r\'icc of Northern ond Scottish Airways Ltd. PORTS~1 0U" LI :-:'o luiUc lpn! CUl:l t lJlIl i4 Airpor t. 21 ulliea N . . of

    Portsmouth . III N .E . COrlll' r of )Jortscll L!lnnd . RlUlwuy . Fmtton (S .R .), 3 mlieR

    PIlJ!:STWI CK. Avrslllr(' :-Pri n lt

  • (220) HrSTORICAL (CIVIL AVIATI ON) E RlTlSH EM PI R-conlitlllcd.

    SHOREHA!'Il- whlch had nn aerod rome in 1909, Is now the Brighton, Ho ve an d Worthing Mu nicipa l Airport, with the latest thing in buildings. The skeleton at the reast is rep resen ted by the notorious Bungalow Town in the

    background. :-iF.\! "IJ H nylll .\Ir Forcl' \('rodr(llll(' . .i. 11111(',; \\.'\ \\'. of Chester

    nnd I nllll' /::i.S.\\", llf Shot\\lfk HlId\\(l.)'. WL,lsh HOlld Hnl t. (L.~.E.H.). ndJollllng

    Su III Jlt.:lI'. !'il\lop B.A.!". \ ('rodrollll' ~ellr Shr,,\\~bury ~II~:::I~:'~;I. ~hl,;~~~~::'rn('~~~~~~~~~ 1~1~\)l(l~~ It.\' II~i~III'~I~":\ \~;~;;,~[~~!~o~~~~' :~l~

    of (S H l CI"I'lrlf' tralllS froUl '\'t>l!lllllJ.,; 1')11I11!lU, :1 Hili,,;.!; H OI' fl. () 11l11i'~: nlld lirlj,!hlon ("'lIlral, i !Illl~ ...

    ROUTII Chlt''d'Y, (;101'1.: H . \ . F . Aerudrolll('. KeRr ClrI'll('elitt- r . SOS~lllt~I~::~tl)1711l ~11~:nHlr\ln!~~~I~IIII~jy '\~;P'''~f ;L:/I:,II~~I . S I~I:I~~~lfl~:~

    SWtllhllllj.! (S. H .), IIllh-. SOUTIIA~Il"t"O' ( lIulI,blC'): Public AO'rodrolllC', ollm-u b\' .'\Ir SenICc.

    Trlllllinj.( LuI. .Ij !nIles S E. of SOlllhaJilptOn nnd A illl]!"' ~ . \r. by ~. of Hfunb]\ N \\' 1.\, S. of

    'I"'ll!lIlllIHlIlt (D"\I'I\) Ilod :1 rntl,, ~ \\' of I)lIwh~" . H~uhlny 'J f'l)!n1l1t>1I1 1. (e:. \\ It ). :I !JIII,,"I. {\ IIIIJI'''1 E. hy:-' of TunILIII.'.

    'Hl," JlI1I , 'Iurk.t 1>,.,,,1 .1)1, Hhroplliliru !-t o,",,1 Air (o'"n',' FI\lIIJ.: ' l'nU!\IIIj.! :-;1'11001 HUlh\II\. 'J\ 1"II IltJl (G \\' H ,), 1 lJull, -

    TIH)It'.HH HIli III , \It I'" ... ,, \trmJrOllH'. :Ij 1l111e" H \\ . or ;\ "dtllt'~. hl,roLigh ' \Ilrl,~.) IIlIti IJ IIId~ ~ by I~ IIf'I'horlltl lw.OII.'I't.'f'.!I. HUlhlllY, "1Iu,"Hd,y.ouTI.'i (I.,S.J.;.H.). I ! 1I111l'/i .

    TIlIt;e 1,,1 ':--1). St'otillml 1'1"I\ 1\l0.\ l'rnei'')lLLf' (JWUl'ei by 111(' I hlkt-' of ArJ.!yll lIml WlPei by ;(,ol1l .. h ~\' I"\\!~\~.

    TOI.I.t:nTo:-- :-Sct' SUUlll j:.! / lliln . TltA:--E!>.,. p IIlClIll'r r}), En"L I ,olilinn I'n\IIII' . \ crodrIJl n('. ::! Ilitle ..

    E . of T run(,lII . OJlu\Lhll~ ;ocr\'l('o 10 ElllnllLu/-! 11. T U I LXIlO ... "t; '-Hoya l ~\ It Fore(' . \ rrudrOllll'. ii~ mil .. s \\'. of Edilllltl rj.! h

    lind t 11111(' S. of Turn hOIl8C. Ha t!wny, TUfliholl.!lo (I~.X.Kn.), adsolllll1g.

    Ul'A\'OS - Ho)'n l Air ,",ort'.' .\ I' Imlrnrne I.)~ 1I111,~.; S. of Sull",hll r;. nlld q IUlles K of L:PIWOIL HIIIl\\lI), I ',',,:-;cy (G. \\' . I\ .), 1I Ilul1'5

    I.:ll'n 11 .: \ Fonll : H OYIII .\ If Fo rce .\ I' IOliro".: Hoyn l .\lrF'orco : \ {r ouro llll'. 1 lIIJ\t'~ S b y I::. of

    LIllCol 1l and f lIu l!.'! E . Z\.E. of \\'nrlJln~ton. Hn,hltIY, \\' I\ddmglclII (LS. I!:. H .), 2 m llt.'li. \""'~'\ lIud 111

    Irlill.'S \\' . ~ \\' . of O'l;ford . Hll lh\ll) , \\' lll lIJ\; (( : \\' H .) , :!ILIII" ... \\'1"IT1:.1I1'"r, HO~'ol \ Ir I~un'(' \ I'r\/l lrmn('. :!l 111111.'.'; :-;.:o'. I '~ IIf

    :-;11I1I'lInl (Sur lllllll1'4) lind ~ 11111,' :.: "T. "f \\' I11t'I'IrIj.!, HI'lllIu\ S!llInford ( L.~ . KH) , 3 tn,1e'4 , .'

    \\()lVF ltIIUIl"ros. :-illlfT.;. I '\lbllt' \"\"ulirOI11C. \\',lUIH'(lItf), LI\I)('''I i',,!Jlll' . \ " IlIdllILI'C. IO ~ IIII!.'; ~ '" E. IIi

    )lllIw ll e~t{'r IlIli l :11 IIl1ks "\ ur \\"lim"!.I\\". Hlllhlln . BrulIlhnlt (1..)1 S !-t ,), :1 lIIitt'~ \\ ()O I)S~OIu). l)ur".'1 H .A "'. \ ('rl)ilrOI11(. \\'('IH');"TE lt l'ul.11I' . \ prndrIlLlIl \\'O RK'iU I' (:-. .. III,r 'i'lillrpc). ;\OIII11) .. dll\lJlslurf1 I 'n\!ltc .-\erodrOIlIl'

    :1 II Hles \\" of \\'orksop . HIIII\\,IIY, Work'l