JANET SEELY Director, Communications & Member Engagement International Association of Movers...


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JANET SEELY Director, Communications & Member Engagement International Association of Movers (IAM)

Why join the Social Café? Because it’s no

fun to be on the outside looking in…

• 1500+ IAM colleagues are there

• Including 312 IAM-YP members

• Reading blogs, joining discussions, sharing information

• Forming groups: IAM-YP, IAM Logistics Network, RPP and others - sharing & comparing experiences in their own community groups

Have a Username & Password? Go to www.IAMovers.org or anywhere you see the Social Café icon and click

Forgot your password? Retrieve it by going to www.IAMovers.org Click on Member Login Click Recover Password and follow prompts

Need a Username and Password?

Contact a POC for your company (listed in IAM Directory) and request to be added to the Social Café, or

Create an Individual Profile online at http://bit.ly/1pFlvoH (see URL and instructions on the ticket in your badge)


Individual Profile Form Looks Like This!

First 3 Thing To Do When You Reach the IAM Social Café:

1. Create a Social Café profile - Import your profile from LinkedIn or - Fill out the Social Café form

2. Create your list of contacts – send a request, just like adding friends on Facebook

3. Join the conversation. Reply to a discussion thread, start a discussion, comment on a blog

Questions? Email Membership@IAMovers.org and type “Social Café” in the subject line.

There’s an App! Download the IAM Social Cafe App from Google Play & Apple Stores! Search IAM Social Café


Thank You!

JanetSeely@IAMovers.org .
